Sup /vp/, Got some Porygons to giveaway. They have Donwnload or Trace IVs range from 3-5 IV. I would be grateful to have a decent mon in return but it's not mandatory. I also can breed a pentaperfect one in return for a Pentaperfect mon. But other than that, put your fc and ign and I'll get to you as soon as I can!
SATAN (Dave) [fighting, pancham,meinfoo, hariyama] 0791-1917-3197
SATAN (Dave) [fighting, pancham,meinfoo, hariyama] 0791-1917-3197 Sat 04 Jan 2014 02:41:24 No. 17118116 Report >>17117913 Never got one before, I would appreciate it!
4IV/5IV porygon for 4IV Frillish? I also have a bunch of different 4IV fletchling
Boss 5413-1066-9881
3780-9539-7684 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Bibarel)(IGN: Red Y)
3780-9539-7684 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Bibarel)(IGN: Red Y) Sat 04 Jan 2014 02:44:09 No. 17118162 Report >>17117913 would be cool to have one
if you want I can give you a 5IV female ralts with egg moves (disable destiny bond encore and memento) for a 5IV porygon
if you don't want that I'd still want a free one if you're willing
SATAN (Dave) [fighting, pancham,meinfoo, hariyama] 0791-1917-3197
SATAN (Dave) [fighting, pancham,meinfoo, hariyama] 0791-1917-3197 Sat 04 Jan 2014 02:45:25 No. 17118198 Report Quoted By:
>>17117913 added, friend :)
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17118162 Don't really want a ralts as they are so common on everything but I'll give you a Porygon
3780-9539-7684 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Bibarel)(IGN: Red Y)
3780-9539-7684 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Bibarel)(IGN: Red Y) Sat 04 Jan 2014 02:48:59 No. 17118271 Report Quoted By:
>>17118223 aight sounds good, added
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo Sat 04 Jan 2014 02:49:40 No. 17118284 Report Added OP, I got nothing to offer though, could I grab a free one of 4iV?
Quoted By:
>>17117913 ill trade you a 4iv mon for one
May I have one 5 IV pory? I can offer you 5 IV Impish Pumpkaboo with egg moves for it n.n
Boss 5413-1066-9881
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17118301 Sounds tempting...what gender? If male you got a deal and if not, I can offer you a Porygon for free!
Wickedsick 3668-7810-2412 [STEEL] Skarmory, Keys, Ferroseed
Wickedsick 3668-7810-2412 [STEEL] Skarmory, Keys, Ferroseed Sat 04 Jan 2014 02:52:02 No. 17118336 Report Got any Trace Porygons. I can give you a 5iv Bronzor
>>17117913 Pentaperfect for a pentaperfect honedge with low speed IVs? I also have one with 6ivs
Boss 5413-1066-9881
Quoted By:
>>17118336 Got plenty :) sure I'll take it
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo Sat 04 Jan 2014 02:53:17 No. 17118368 Report Quoted By:
>>17118306 Forgot to say that Download would be preferable
Berger 3454 - 1242 - 3532
>>17117913 I would like a 5 IV one. I can give you a pentaperfic Calmt Eevee with Wish and Yawn, or a 4IV Adamant Scyther, 4IV Bold Togepi, or 4IV Jolly Froakie.
Quoted By:
>>17118326 Male is fine :)
3780-9539-7684 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Bibarel)(IGN: Red Y)
3780-9539-7684 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Bibarel)(IGN: Red Y) Sat 04 Jan 2014 02:54:21 No. 17118391 Report Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17118372 Not to be picky, but penta for penta. I'll still give you one
Ace 4484 9474 0892
I have a perfect marill (with thick fat...)
Boss 5413-1066-9881
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17118416 Sorry but I'll only give you a 4 IV because getting an ability capsule is a pain
Berger 3454 - 1242 - 3532
>>17118405 So you want the 5 IV Eevee then? I have a Male 5 IV missing Attack or a female missing Speed, both Calm with Wish and Yawn. Those are the only 5 IVs I have for trade, but I'll gladly take a 3 or 4 IV Porygon and give you something else.
Ace 4484 9474 0892
Quoted By:
>>17118453 k download would be preferred.
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17118460 Ya I'm kind of saving the 5 IV for something special because breeding Porygon is such a pain. Sorry about that. I'll take any 4 IV you got
Berger 3454 - 1242 - 3532
>>17118486 Ok then. Scyther, Togepi, Froakie, or Eevee? I'd recommend taking the Togepi because breeding them is a bitch.
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo Sat 04 Jan 2014 03:02:55 No. 17118538 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Boss? I added you with my male 5 Pumpkaboo
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17118521 Togepi I'll take
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Sat 04 Jan 2014 03:04:10 No. 17118571 Report Quoted By:
>>17117913 Care for a penta abra for a penta porygon?
Berger 3454 - 1242 - 3532
Quoted By:
>>17118560 Cool. I added you. I'm online in game.
Boss 5413-1066-9881
Sorry guys. Turns out I only had the one penta but I'll update when I breed another. Sorry again.
>>17118617 Okay. Did u want my 5iv or perfect honedge? Added u btw
Silas 3496-9722-0827
Do you have any porygon left? If so could I get one?
Eli 4167-4626-4643 (Nincada, Trapinch, Diggersby)
Eli 4167-4626-4643 (Nincada, Trapinch, Diggersby) Sat 04 Jan 2014 03:08:01 No. 17118648 Report Quoted By:
>>17117913 Interested in a 5 IV Tynamo for a 5 IV Porygon?
George: 1005-9627-6324
>>17117913 C-can I get one?
Porygon is actually my favorite poke of all time Ace 4484 9474 0892
>>17118617 Im ready to give the Marill for a 4IV downloader
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17118642 Sure I'll take it but only have 4 IVs to offer
>>17118667 The ivs and nature favorable? That's all I ask
Boss 5413-1066-9881
Boss 5413-1066-9881
Quoted By:
>>17118696 4 IVs and modest
George: 1005-9627-6324
Quoted By:
>>17118667 Oh, download btw
Silas 3496-9722-0827
Berger 3454 - 1242 - 3532
>>17118727 Did you ever add me? I haven't seen you online in game.
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17118782 Sorry too many requests I can't keep up.
Any specifics did you want?
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191 (Larvesta, Ponyta, Ninetails)
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191 (Larvesta, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sat 04 Jan 2014 03:14:44 No. 17118832 Report Got a 5IV Bagon with Dragon Dance, 5IV Klefki or a 5IV Zorua with Sucker Punch if I could have a Porygon
>>17118819 Thanks boss. 6ivs for your troubles. Enjoy that honedge and good luck!
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17118832 If the bagon has it's ha then ya if not, the klefki will do
Berger 3454 - 1242 - 3532
Quoted By:
>>17118819 I'll take a 4 IV Modest or Timid if you have different natures (don't care about gender). I'm giving a 4 IV Bold Togepi.
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17118849 You gave me the 6 IV one? I have to give it's not really worth the 4 IV one I gave you
Joe 2251 5107 1061
Quoted By:
Would be real grateful op. thanks!
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191 (Larvesta, Ponyta, Ninetails)
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191 (Larvesta, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sat 04 Jan 2014 03:18:03 No. 17118910 Report >>17118869 Been trying to find a HA Shelgon but no dice so I'll send a Klefki your way
>>17118902 I have almost 30 of them from the 400 I bred for my shiny sword. Its all your man
Boss 5413-1066-9881
Berger 3454 - 1242 - 3532
>>17118927 Do you want to trade another one? I can give you a Pentaperfect Calm Eevee with Wish and Yawn.
Boss 5413-1066-9881
If I missed anybody, please update me
Amelie 1779-1056-0653 [Pidgey, Hoothoot, Hawlucha]
Amelie 1779-1056-0653 [Pidgey, Hoothoot, Hawlucha] Sat 04 Jan 2014 03:22:00 No. 17118986 Report OP, I added you. I hope you get to me, I really want a Porygon.
Silas 3496-9722-0827
Quoted By:
>>17118978 I think you tried to trade me but I was off looking for my charger.
Sorry about that.
Boss 5413-1066-9881
Joe 2251 5107 1061
>>17118978 I don't have much, but I can give you what i've got. I have a shiny ponyta if you're interested in that for a porygon.
>>17118952 I'll find one, but i ain't gonna hijack this thread, so you'll be the only one. I will have a thread at some point though
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119018 I can't take that, that's too much. But I'll give you a free one instead
Noah Sigs. (Noah) 0173-1309-7824
Quoted By:
>>17118978 I'll be more than happy to get one.
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191 (Larvesta, Ponyta, Ninetails)
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191 (Larvesta, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sat 04 Jan 2014 03:24:35 No. 17119052 Report Quoted By:
>>17119040 Got the Klefki and added you. Ready whenever
Joe 2251 5107 1061
Quoted By:
>>17119040 Thanks a bunch, I appreciate it
Eli 4167-4626-4643 (Nincada, Trapinch, Diggersby)
Eli 4167-4626-4643 (Nincada, Trapinch, Diggersby) Sat 04 Jan 2014 03:25:08 No. 17119067 Report Quoted By:
>>17118978 Can I have one? I can give you a 5 IV Tynamo
Berger 3454 - 1242 - 3532
>>17119030 Alright. Add me an we can trade. Sorry OP, and thanks for the Porygon.
George: 1005-9627-6324
Quoted By:
>>17118978 You missed me, I don't have much since I stopped playing, but , I have an aerodactyl with seemingly good IV's, I can't really tell.
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119073 You can do whatever you want, I don't own /vp/
Silas 3496-9722-0827
Quoted By:
Thanks for the porygon, man.
George: 1005-9627-6324
Quoted By:
>>17119093 Thanks for the Porygon, I don't know much bout IV's but I saw high numbers so I assumed it was good
OP, I'd love a 5IV with Trace nicknamed SYSTEM ERROR (in caps). I can trade you a 5IV Modest Gooey Goomy.
>>17119073 Adding in a few.
Do you want the 6 iv I have kicking around
somewhere or a penta perfect with low speed IVs? I also have ones without full HP ivs and speed ivs
Joe 2251 5107 1061
Patiently waiting. I've got a good IVd adamant beldum if that's worth your while.
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119234 Sorry don't have any pentas to trade...but I could do the same for a 4 IV one?
Berger 3454 - 1242 - 3532
>>17119248 I'll take the 5 IV low speed. Would you prefer a 5 IV Male missing Att or a 5 IV female missing Speed? Both are Calm without hidden ability.
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong)
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong) Sat 04 Jan 2014 03:37:13 No. 17119295 Report >>17117913 still have one?
>>17119267 Eh, I really want the 5IV because it's genderless and I don't have any 6IV dittos to work with.
How long do you think it'd take me to get to 5IV by breeding a 4IV Porygon with the standard 2IV safari Ditto?
I've got some 4iv things to trade for one.
>>17119288 Minus attack please. Adding now. Want me to nickname it?
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119260 Sure! Although there's not really a line
>>17119295 Got a few left and I'm making a fresh batch
Joe 2251 5107 1061
Quoted By:
>>17119329 Great. Already added you
Berger 3454 - 1242 - 3532
>>17119320 Nah it's fine. You want a nickname?
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119303 Sure what chu got
Boss 5413-1066-9881
Berger 3454 - 1242 - 3532
>>17119362 Shit internet. Try again?
>>17119390 I've got a 4iv Honedge, a 4iv Blaze Charmander, or a 4iv Aron. Your choice. :)
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat] {259}
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat] {259} Sat 04 Jan 2014 03:45:41 No. 17119448 Report >>17119405 Damn. Yeah, figures. Well, if you just so happen to get a 5IV in this batch, I'll happily take it.
Otherwise I'll take the 4IV.
Also, sorry, for some reason my name didn't post before.
>>17119423 You're a saint. Enjoy!
Berger 3454 - 1242 - 3532
Quoted By:
>>17119461 Thanks you too!
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119448 Sorry about that...I'm making a brand new batch. Maybe there's one in them I guess
Joe 2251 5107 1061
Quoted By:
>>17119486 Thanks, I appreciate it a lot.
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191 (Larvesta, Ponyta, Ninetails)
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191 (Larvesta, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sat 04 Jan 2014 03:49:23 No. 17119525 Report >>17119486 I'd be willing to trade the 5IV Klefki for a 3 or 4 IV one. Doesn't have to be 5
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119525 I thought I got you already.
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119443 The Aron is fine and thanks for the O Power :)
Scythe (IGN: Keith) 1676-4772-4929
>>17117913 Aww yeah, been waiting for a porygon givaway! Porygon is my favorite poke!
Could I trade you a 6IV Braixen for a 5IV Porygon?
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191 (Larvesta, Ponyta, Ninetails)
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191 (Larvesta, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sat 04 Jan 2014 03:53:20 No. 17119642 Report Quoted By:
>>17119592 It's TubbyHobo. Just let me know when you're ready
IGN: Jaqueline 3497-0686-1339 [Boldore, Corsola, Rhydon]
IGN: Jaqueline 3497-0686-1339 [Boldore, Corsola, Rhydon] Sat 04 Jan 2014 03:55:39 No. 17119691 Report Do you have any 4 or 5 iv Porygons left? I've got a few 4iv Jolly Larvitars if you want one.
Quoted By:
>>17119615 Thanks a ton. :) Porygon was my best friend's favorite pokemon back in the day, before he passed away. It means a lot. :)
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119635 I'm sorry but I don't have any pentas atm
>>17117913 Omg op may I please have one!? You would make my day so very much :)
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119448 You are so lucky! I got one on my 2nd Porygon! SYSTEM ERROR RIGHT?
Nondell 4983-5420-9227
>>17119705 Can I get a Trace Porygon with the best IVs you have left (spatk&spe at the least) for a penta cyndaquil?
What are you natures?
Scythe (IGN: Keith) 1676-4772-4929
Quoted By:
>>17119705 I could trade you something else for a 4 or 3 IV one, or if you wanted the Braixen I can wait for you to breed a 5IV one, it's up to you.
I just really want a Porygon Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119762 Modest and the best I have are 4 IVs. I'm trading a penta to another guy sorry
I'll still trade for it
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong)
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong) Sat 04 Jan 2014 04:01:12 No. 17119808 Report >>17119759 you want me to send you hatching powers right?
Nondell 4983-5420-9227
Quoted By:
>>17119798 Alright, sure man.
IGN: Jesse (3652-1667-4020)
Quoted By:
>>17119705 OP still here? I have 4 IV Dratinis(HA) and Pawniards
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119808 Nah it's fine just finished the batch although I'll need in a few. Thank you tho
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119691 Do they have DD? If not it's fine I'll still trade
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat] {259}
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat] {259} Sat 04 Jan 2014 04:03:46 No. 17119867 Report >>17119759 YES YES YES!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you
Yep, I'd like his name to be SYSTEM ERROR.
Quoted By:
>>17119839 >>17119741 I forgot to mention that I don't mind whatever porygon stats it has. I just love porygon So no preference :) I added you so I'll wait :)
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191 (Larvesta, Ponyta, Ninetails)
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191 (Larvesta, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sat 04 Jan 2014 04:04:25 No. 17119879 Report >>17119839 Meant to ask OP. Are you doing direct trades or something else?
Nondell 4983-5420-9227
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119741 Ya sure IGN?
>>17119867 Got ya and it's for the goomy right?
IGN: Jaqueline 3497-0686-1339 [Boldore, Corsola, Rhydon]
IGN: Jaqueline 3497-0686-1339 [Boldore, Corsola, Rhydon] Sat 04 Jan 2014 04:06:12 No. 17119912 Report Quoted By:
>>17119864 They have Dragon Dance, Iron Head, Pursuit, and Sneaky Pebbles.
Boss 5413-1066-9881
Quoted By:
>>17119879 Sorry Been busy adding people don't worry I'll get you and ya direct
TrueLight 2552-2054-3220
Quoted By:
I don't care about the IVs, the best things I have to offer are an army of 2-4 iv phantumps. I can see about finding one of my best ones for you if you want.
Sharktopus 3239 3516 3729
Quoted By:
I'd really appreciate a Porygon. Been wanting to raise a Porygon 2, myself.
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat] {259}
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat] {259} Sat 04 Jan 2014 04:08:17 No. 17119956 Report >>17119907 Yup. 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Modest Gooey male. Want a nickname?
>>17119907 My name on the game is jayvidoll. What's ign? Sorry. :/
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119963 Are you asking me what's my ign or what ign is? IGN is In Game Name
IGN: Jaqueline 3497-0686-1339 [Boldore, Corsola, Rhydon]
IGN: Jaqueline 3497-0686-1339 [Boldore, Corsola, Rhydon] Sat 04 Jan 2014 04:13:41 No. 17120066 Report Quoted By:
Thank you very much! Enjoy your Larvitar.
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191 (Larvesta, Ponyta, Ninetails)
TubbyHobo 4699-6226-7191 (Larvesta, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sat 04 Jan 2014 04:13:46 No. 17120068 Report >>17120029 Thanks Boss and sorry for the trouble.
Quoted By:
>>17120029 Haha. I kinda figured it was in game name. Thank you. :) yeah. Mine is jayvidoll. I'm online so when you have time Ill be ready.
Boss 5413-1066-9881
Quoted By:
>>17120068 It was actually my fault also Get Fkt
Quoted By:
>>17120029 Thank you op!!!!!
Boss 5413-1066-9881
>>17119956 Still here? I don't see you ign?
Quoted By:
>>17120260 I think it messed up op. I was trading happiny
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat] {259}
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat] {259} Sat 04 Jan 2014 04:24:28 No. 17120307 Report Quoted By:
>>17120260 Sorry. I'm online now.
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong)
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong) Sat 04 Jan 2014 04:26:02 No. 17120332 Report Quoted By:
>>17120260 I got some feebas and a few other bankmon for the porygon
Quoted By:
>>17120260 Ok now I got it. Thank you!!!
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat] {259}
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat] {259} Sat 04 Jan 2014 04:27:25 No. 17120371 Report Quoted By:
>>17120260 Woo! Thanks, Boss! Enjoy the Goomy!
>>17117913 Would like a 5v one if possible, i can give you a 5v shinx in return.
FaZe Leeb (3110-5124-0696)
Quoted By:
>>17120392 Almost forgot my fc and name
Nathan - 0688 - 5723 - 8264
Quoted By:
Yo, I'd love a Porygon. a 3 IV would be nice to get me started on breeding.
Boss 5413-1066-9881
Quoted By:
Sorry everyone no more Porygons. But I'll be giving out some Impish Mukips, Timid Cyndaquils, Bold/Modest Feebas, and Adamant Totodiles. Good night.