The fact people here know their shit.
/vp/oreons consider the finer points of EV's and IV's to be basic knowledge, need not be explained metagame strategies (whether or not they fall within Smogon parameters), and are aware of the important people as persons, whether Nintendo/GameFreak employees or notable fans in the community. They're on the ball in regards to Japanese announcements and know where to stream them or find Corocoro scans which they'll then translate before they're even on Serebii.
The people here are crude, elitist and exclusive, and it (in addition to other factors) renders the place an absolute shithole, but at least it's a shithole where I can talk to fellow fans who know what they're talking about.
That being said, if I found a hidden community that offered all that minus the autism, poképhilia and Plebbit infiltration, I'd pack my bags and never look back. /vp/ is heaps better than other Pokémon communities, but on an absolute level it's still shit. There are a lot more things about this place I dislike rather than like, but I just can't leave, because there's no better place.