Doing the Masuda Method for a shiny Nidoking, with good ivs to use it on my team. I've filled 5 boxes twice already. Only sign was a female Nidoran with Hustle. Denying to quit.
>>17126150 Don't quit. Nidoking is awesome.
>>17126150 > 5 boxes I'm on my 20th box of gligars, man.
>>17126164 Thanks, I'm terrified by the idea of only getting female shiny ones. Makes me tremble.
>>17126167 I've made 10, basically, but yeah that's a lot more; hang in there bro.
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>>17126218 Shitty english, sorry.
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>>17126218 I've gone to far to give up... and thanks for the words of encouragement, good luck in your hunt as well.
I found a shiny Nidoran(m) in a horde after about 7 minutes of sweet scenting. probably has shit IVs, but still
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sat 04 Jan 2014 09:54:28 No. 17126280 Report Shit, you guys are going at it too easy. I'm at 2500 Froakie eggs, and not a single shiny. Do you know how many 6IVs I've thrown to WT?
>>17126266 As long as it has HA, would train.
>>17126280 Shit bro, now that's alot. Must be hard to get rid of them.
Still filling boxes with Nidorans, keep up bros.
>>17126280 I'm on my 5th mm'd shiny, all of them so far have their desired nature/ivs/abilities, I've unleashed a horde into wt... yet all I've ever gotten has been shit.
>>17126351 I still have one more to go after this so that my competitive party is completely shiny.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sat 04 Jan 2014 10:02:08 No. 17126379 Report >>17126332 I run them all thru the checker real fast, after I hatch all 5 boxes in a row. Anything 5 or higher, I WT. 4 or lower is released. You wont recieve and trash mons thru WT from OT: Renton
>>17126366 >>17126351 How many eggs does it usually take you? I'm about 200 eggs in with a shiny charm and nothing yet.
I also tried to MM a charmander once and gave up after 150 eggs.
>>17126379 You're a good man, although you are using a destiny knot to guarantee 5iv's right?
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>>17126351 >>17126366 Really? I'm on my 4th MM'd shiny, it's for my mono Poison Team. I already have Crobat, Ariados and Drapion.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sat 04 Jan 2014 10:05:24 No. 17126423 Report >>17126391 Charm w/ MM puts the odds about 1:1000. So, it can take a long while.
>>17126407 I am now. The original pair was 2 5IV parents. But, I got my hands on a 6IV ditto a few days ago.
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>>17126391 With odds like these it's practically random but...
>Scyther in 18 eggs >Growlithe in 96 eggs >Azumarill in 2 eggs >Salamence in 300 eggs >Gligar is still going, 20th box currently
>>17126423 Glad to hear it, I found out about how to guarantee ivs after I hatched my growlithe... it has 2ivs and a sassy nature but it was my first shiny and my favorite pokemon so I still use him, I corrected my mistake before i started with the rest though
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sat 04 Jan 2014 10:13:37 No. 17126521 Report >>17126502 I've almost got my Shiny Charm, so, if you'd like, I can work on a growlithe for you afterwards. I just need a break from this fucking frog.
>>17126521 Oh no, I'm quite happy with this one, thank you though.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sat 04 Jan 2014 10:18:20 No. 17126577 Report >>17126564 Aight. GL with that Nidoking. May your luck be better than mine is.
>>17126577 I'm not the guy with the nidoking, but I'll pretend that was aimed at my gligar hunt also and you too, hopefully your shiny will be in the next batch of eggs!
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sat 04 Jan 2014 10:22:16 No. 17126619 Report >>17126600 lol, sorry. its 2am here, and I'm so fucking out of it. but, yeah. Gl with that Gligar. Definitely not looking forward to getting walled by that fucker agian
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>>17126619 I've never used one so I'm hoping those walls are as good as I hear, also go to bed that's where I'm headed... goodluck everyone.
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>>17126600 >>17126619 I'm the one on the Nidoking hunt, but all I'm happy for is because I saw encouraging words here to keep the quest. Very much luck to both.
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>>17126600 didn't even call my dubs...
Dave-Kun (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Dave-Kun (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 04 Jan 2014 12:54:16 No. 17127852 Report Quoted By:
I bred around 1000 Ralts' trying to get a shiny didn't get one gave up, started breeding krabbys third egg got an adamant sheer force shiny, and was at a loss for words its a shame shiny kingler is like grey blue colour