Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
First for Gyms are just gonna be all equalthough there should be some sort of distinction for people who actually got higher placements
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Sun 05 Jan 2014 00:14:00 No. 17140807 Report Quoted By:
second for dedenne
>>17140675 that's kinda what Q has done, basically.
>3 gym positions >4 elite gym positions >1 champion gym position it's equality among the top 8 without being too much just like one of my communist animes.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17140925 If that's how things are gonna work, then I think it might be a better idea to swap the numbers on regular gyms and elite gyms.
It would make more sense numerically and also make it easier to calculate for the finals.
First eliminations are regulars, second eliminations are elites, and whoever wins the final battle gets top gym, with the loser also being elite.
>>17141070 Well, I kinda agree, but Q's runnin' the show. Really, though, it's a cosmetic difference. Challengers will probably be able to take on leaders in any order. The rankings are mostly just for among us. Bragging rights and all that.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17141578 That's basically the only thing it'll be good for, yeah. The right to claim gym "order".
We'll probably post up an official order or something that challengers can choose to follow or not. The choice lies with them really.
>>17141692 >>17141578 >>17141070 >>17140925 There is no order, all gyms are equal, we decided this last thread. 8 Gyms, that's it.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Quoted By:
>>17141756 8 equal gyms in practice that you can challenge in any order you want, but with a cosmetic ranked order for bragging rights or whatever else you want to call it.
I think to strip the victors of the tournament of any sort of feeling of accomplishment by placing them on exactly the same standing as those who didn't come as far is a bit unfair to them.
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586 Sun 05 Jan 2014 00:56:31 No. 17141890 Report Quoted By:
I say no rankings.
Quoted By:
>>17141756 Well, sticky said the same thing, is all.
Really I think it doesn't matter much to me.
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Soundproof Bouffalant? They seem really rare and the GTS hasn't coughed one up for me since bank came out in Japan. I can offer some stuff. Like most of the leaders, I have boxes full of decent leftovers and no bank to store them.
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Sun 05 Jan 2014 01:10:59 No. 17142231 Report Hi Kate, if you see this please check your email I hope everybody will have good matches today, Good luck guys ~
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Sun 05 Jan 2014 01:15:41 No. 17142330 Report Reposting from the last thread...
You know I feel like I should write a story about these finals... Like start from this point where the finals just begin and start from there...
Only issue I have is, I want to portray everyone in their own way. So reply to this post of how you want me to portray you.
I already have an idea for Alex since he's a mysterious guy to begin with.
>>17142231 Can you contribute some info to help me convey you properly?
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Sun 05 Jan 2014 01:17:21 No. 17142366 Report Quoted By:
>>17142330 Disregard the Alex thing, I forgot that was on there and I already have you info.
I jsut copypasta'd it into the post...
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Sun 05 Jan 2014 01:18:30 No. 17142386 Report >>17142330 remu how is the writing
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Sun 05 Jan 2014 01:22:50 No. 17142476 Report >>17142386 Again I have to get everyones input before I start it.
I want some interesting interactions with everyone between battles and need all 18 members to be in it.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Sun 05 Jan 2014 01:24:42 No. 17142515 Report >>17142476 so far what inputs do you have
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Sun 05 Jan 2014 01:28:51 No. 17142612 Report Quoted By:
>>17142515 I have you
And Q
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Sun 05 Jan 2014 01:51:40 No. 17143213 Report Quoted By:
>>17142330 You're writing fan fiction about us? that's cute, but geez I don't know how to describe myself. I guess I'm an easy going fellow who likes to stay in the sidelines. I guess a lot of leaders are scared of the dragon type, but there's really nothing to fear at all. I like to think that i'm constantly made fun of by the Fairy leaders (because cute lil fairies slaying tuff dragons is sad but that's ok with me since
I consider dragons to be the cutest ) other than that, go ahead and write whatever you want about me, I don't mind
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 normal gym leader
Quoted By:
No one on Smogon has a Soundproof Bouffalant, that I can see. Really don't want to have to wade through Serebii Forums... Nobody has one, right?
ICON 4570 8254 9192 (tangela, swadloon, quilladen) !.5lBEu6KI6
ICON 4570 8254 9192 (tangela, swadloon, quilladen) !.5lBEu6KI6 Sun 05 Jan 2014 03:07:54 No. 17145019 Report When is the next tourney?
Quoted By:
>>17145019 This one's not even over yet.
You can do a tourney whenever you feel like, the only qualification is being able to get people to join.
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 normal gym leader
Quoted By:
>>17145019 No official dates are set; we ain't done with this one yet.
So far, the talk is that once this is done, this will become the one million times better version of showderp for /vp/. More or less.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Quoted By:
Kinda weird to think about how at the beginning the momentum for this seemed really slow (to me at least) but now we're at the point of possibly creating a new /vp/ tradition of sorts. None of this would've been possible without everyone throwing in their time and dedication.I swear I'm not trying to steal your job maester
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon)
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon) Sun 05 Jan 2014 04:53:41 No. 17146909 Report Hi everyone! Just posting here to let Heather know that I'll be available for most of today. In other news, breeding Yamasks is suffering.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Sun 05 Jan 2014 04:55:09 No. 17146934 Report >>17146909 I got lucky breeding them, only took me half a box to get the stats i wanted
Quoted By:
>tfw no gf to mono type battle with >tfw there is no way you test your mono team correctly
ICON 4570 8254 9192 (tangela, swadloon, quilladen) !.5lBEu6KI6
ICON 4570 8254 9192 (tangela, swadloon, quilladen) !.5lBEu6KI6 Sun 05 Jan 2014 05:33:19 No. 17147628 Report Does anybody want to do a 3v3 mono exhibition practice for fun?
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Quoted By:
>>17147628 I'm in transit right now, but I'll be free in about half an hour or so if you want to battle against some bugs.
I really doubt you'd want to wait that long though Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Sun 05 Jan 2014 06:18:15 No. 17148423 Report >>17142330 Would it be selfish/attention whoring to wonder if me and/or Derwin could fit in there somehow? Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Sun 05 Jan 2014 06:23:20 No. 17148511 Report >>17148423 I don't see why not. You're a big part of the thread so I could get you two in. Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Sun 05 Jan 2014 06:23:33 No. 17148518 Report Quoted By:
>>17146934 damn you, it took me a whole box of misdreavus to get the one I wanted.
Quoted By:
is 4chan kill?
Aninymouse 3540-0120-0225
Quoted By:
>>17149120 We're back!
Servers were down for quite a while...
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Sun 05 Jan 2014 20:25:24 No. 17151118 Report Quoted By:
page 4 bump nightingale are you around?
Quoted By:
3 more matches left to be played in Finals Round 1.
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 normal gym leader
Quoted By:
page 6 dang people c'mon let's finish finals round 1
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 normal gym leader
Quoted By:
>>17148511 >>17148423 I keep thinking Remu and Rena are the same person, sorry.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Goddamnit Aninymouse. Your reports on 4chan's status killed me.
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Sun 05 Jan 2014 22:25:06 No. 17154132 Report >>17148511 R-really? I'm flattered that I'm thought of that way.
>mfw I draw a blank on how to describe myself H-help? I need a starting point.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Sun 05 Jan 2014 22:46:35 No. 17154661 Report Quoted By:
>>17154132 Say what makes you... you?
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Sun 05 Jan 2014 22:47:24 No. 17154680 Report Quoted By:
Lets go fellow monobadasses, finish those damn battles! I'm tired of breeding my next team! Give me replays!
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 normal gym leader
>>17153174 killed you as in made you laugh or as in you are a ghost now? wooooooooooooooooo
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>17155720 I died from terminal loss of sides.
~32 hours remaining. Let's hope that we don't have a huge disappearance.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Mon 06 Jan 2014 00:31:42 No. 17157304 Report >>17157039 What happens in the event that they don't show up?
Quoted By:
>>17157304 I get crowned Champ.
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 normal gym leader
Quoted By:
so many doge adds on 4chan now i kinda wasn't here when that was a thing so w/e
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 normal gym leader
bump of boredom Finished training a couple Smeargle. One of them has Moody, though. I've never trained a Moody Pokemon before, so I wanted to see what it would be like... Wow, it's definitely overpowered. I don't think I'll use it after all. My other Smeargle is a normal one, and I like it a lot more. I'll probably use it on my Singles/Rotation team. I might make a Doubles/Triples one later on, though.
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite)
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite) Mon 06 Jan 2014 01:50:44 No. 17159120 Report >>17157304 YOU YOU YOU CAN I ADD YOU PLEASE I NEED YOUR FRIEND SAFARI
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Mon 06 Jan 2014 01:52:46 No. 17159179 Report >>17159120 Uh, sure i guess
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
>>17159096 Moody Smeargle could always work with Baton Pass at least.
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite)
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite) Mon 06 Jan 2014 01:58:50 No. 17159348 Report Quoted By:
>>17159179 Thanks mike you da bomb
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 normal gym leader
Quoted By:
>>17159197 Yeah, that's kinda my point. With Moody Smeargle, I can just stall and disrupt the opponent and then baton pass a bajillion stat boosts to something scary. It's too easy, yes, but the stat drops and random nature of the whole thing... it could win you the whole game or do nothing important, but there's no skill in it. I want to beat my opponents fair and square.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:12:36 No. 17159758 Report Taking some time to train up some bankmons to improve my ghost team. Jellicent and Cofagrigus will work great in a TR team... Just have to change Mega Banette into a Sableye now since I'd feel I'd be better for the job it's supposed to do.
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
>>17159758 I hope Bank gets released in the US before the next tournament. I'd really like to get my collection of old Water types moved up, and I really don't want to breed replacements for some of my favorites. The only one I'd rebreed at all is Blastoise because of new egg moves that benefit its Mega
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:23:06 No. 17160043 Report Quoted By:
>>17159962 Well this is the first gen I've ever bred any pokemon, so all I'd really transfer is pokemon close to my heart....
But yeah. It's worth breeding squirtle this gen because of the egg moves.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:23:22 No. 17160050 Report >>17159962 I do too, I really love the regi's and i cant wait to import them over to try and figure out some new sets with all the new stuff at our disposal. And i really hope i'll be able to use them in the next tournament too, as i replayed ruby recently just to get a good set of them to bring over. I've just started breeding teams for each type.
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
>>17160050 The Regi trio are allowed with Flat Rules, so they'd be legal, same as the Bird trio, Beast trio, Lake trio, and the Muskateers (minus Keldeo)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:40:52 No. 17160507 Report >>17160413 Those are the same rules as the battle maison right? Because i'm pretty sure they don't ban Regigigas, which i think is a little silly, because even with a crappy ability, it is still a bit strong for that, i would think.
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
Quoted By:
>>17160507 Yeah, the Battle Maison uses Flat Rules so it's easy to see what is and isn't banned. Yes, Regigigas is allowed as well.
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
God, fuck breeding for gallades
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 06 Jan 2014 04:26:40 No. 17163039 Report >>17162936 Is it taking a while?
I'm training up my two pokemon I bred for.
Then I have to breed a sableye.
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
>>17163039 Took entirely too long for right gender/ivs
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
I kinda want to start breeding again but I have neither ideas nor the box space to do it... Also, for those of you who've done it, how much suffering is breeding a full set of Eeveelutions?
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 06 Jan 2014 05:27:56 No. 17164399 Report Quoted By:
>>17164016 I'm glad pretty much all ghost types are in the same egg group, so all I had to do was breed them with other High 5 IV pokes I had for the tourny.
>>17164231 For eevees... The ones with Hidden power will most likely be the worst.
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
Let's get some multi battles going even though I'm going to bed in the next hour Who wants in?
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 06 Jan 2014 06:10:48 No. 17165297 Report >>17164865 Sure I could do one.
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
>>17165297 Cool. Two more people then. Mono types?
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 06 Jan 2014 06:15:00 No. 17165392 Report >>17165360 Sure we can do that, I'm itching to use my new bred mons.
Tho I still need to get a sableye.
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
Quoted By:
>>17165392 Niiiice. I'll either bust out my updated steel team or try out my new fighting mons
ICON 4570 8254 9192 (tangela, swadloon, quilladen) !.5lBEu6KI6
ICON 4570 8254 9192 (tangela, swadloon, quilladen) !.5lBEu6KI6 Mon 06 Jan 2014 06:54:09 No. 17166247 Report Quoted By:
Does anybody want to do an exhibition match?
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
I'm up for some multi battles
ICON 4570 8254 9192 (tangela, swadloon, quilladen) !.5lBEu6KI6
ICON 4570 8254 9192 (tangela, swadloon, quilladen) !.5lBEu6KI6 Mon 06 Jan 2014 07:07:55 No. 17166522 Report >>17166410 Do you want to do a 1v1 for fun?
I want to practice my semi ready water team
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
ICON 4570 8254 9192 (tangela, swadloon, quilladen) !.5lBEu6KI6
ICON 4570 8254 9192 (tangela, swadloon, quilladen) !.5lBEu6KI6 Mon 06 Jan 2014 07:12:52 No. 17166634 Report >>17166560 Alright added 3v3
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
Quoted By:
>>17166634 Apparently we need to use Normal rules since your team isn't leveled properly. Flat rules only levels you down to 50, not up
ICON 4570 8254 9192 (tangela, swadloon, quilladen) !.5lBEu6KI6
ICON 4570 8254 9192 (tangela, swadloon, quilladen) !.5lBEu6KI6 Mon 06 Jan 2014 07:17:51 No. 17166735 Report >>17166560 Lolol my bad
Never played flat rules sorry
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
>>17166735 If I were you, would do a little research in the future if you plan on participating in any tournaments. I say this because it is clear that you lack knowledge of some Pokemon and their typing/abilities, and that is a dangerous position to be in. Gastrodon completely shut down your team because you didn't seem to know that her typing makes her immune to Electric attacks, and that her ability makes her immune to Water attacks AND buffs her SpAtk. You used Water and Electric attacks on her multiple times, giving me free turns and boosts, enough that she could have 3-0'd your whole team if I hadn't gotten cocky.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 07:55:34 No. 17167430 Report Quoted By:
nightingale pls respond to your email
ICON 4570 8254 9192 (tangela, swadloon, quilladen) !.5lBEu6KI6
ICON 4570 8254 9192 (tangela, swadloon, quilladen) !.5lBEu6KI6 Mon 06 Jan 2014 07:57:53 No. 17167475 Report >>17167103 I know
I am mostly practicing, My rotom only had water and electric moves and I haven't ever encountered one before. Plus my rotom was more of a filler pokemon. I knew you were going to win. I just wanted to try out what I had, practice with the protean Greninja and the politoed which are 5iv and Ev trained.
I appreciate your input though
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 07:58:27 No. 17167490 Report Quoted By:
>>17167103 based gastrodon
>>17167475 if you're running greninja, i recommend giving it grass knot.
It's predictable ass hell sometimes (i've iced my share of frogs that thought using grass knot on a ludicolo was a good idea) but can really save your bacon against the likes of Gastrodon, Swampert, Quagsire, and Whiscash
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
Quoted By:
>>17167716 This.
The trick to Protean isn't spamming the same moves, either, because that's when you set yourself up for getting wrecked by priority attacks that are SE.
Mix it up a bit to throw off your opponent, learn how to predict switches. Greninja may be frail, but he can take resisted and neutral priority moves decently enough if needed, and if you did enough damage on the switch, you might even be able to KO your target after their priority fails to KO you.
Quoted By:
>>17167716 Ill try it out.
Gastrodon took me off guard for sure. I did good on his other pokemon which took me off guard because I know azu is pretty bulky, also my first time dealing with a Cloyster. I don't battle much.
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon)
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon) Mon 06 Jan 2014 08:55:43 No. 17168412 Report Quoted By:
Heather, still here? I just got home, sorry for taking so long.
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Mon 06 Jan 2014 10:03:34 No. 17169154 Report Still no sign of Kate it seems. I have a question for you gym leaders! Which pokemon in your monotype team would you consider to be your signature pokemon? Mine would be Goodra. He's cute, huggable, can tank any special hit, and keep you guessing thanks to it's amazing movepool. Easily my favorite pokemon this gen.
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
>>17169154 Gastrodon and Cloyster have been incredibly solid additions to my team, but I'd say Gastrodon has the edge for being shut down quite so easily.
I used to prefer Starmie and Kingdra, but man, Gastrodon and Cloyster have practically carried me this entire tournament. Things might be different if my opponents were different, but Gastrodon proves useful often even in non-monotype situations.
I wish I had Bank though; I love Raspberry (my current Gastrobuddy), but my old one, Blueberry, is more optimized.
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
Quoted By:
>>17169284 >Gastrodon has the edge for being shut down quite so easily NOT being shut down
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 06 Jan 2014 10:21:25 No. 17169323 Report Quoted By:
>>17169154 Golurk was my shit.
When trick room is up, anything it uses can take anything out pretty quickly.
>>17169154 Kate got mad the other day and left the WFG. I hope she comes back, she was cool. But you might not see her for her match.
She was trading away all her battle Pokes.
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon)
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon) Mon 06 Jan 2014 10:30:40 No. 17169402 Report >>17169154 I actually have two favorites in my team.
Froslass is one of my two favorite pokemon design-wise, the other being Volcarona. She's fast, throws around spikes and taunts, and can fire a decently powerful Ice Beam when needed.
Battle-wise, it would probably be Mamoswine. He's been slaying dragons
(sorry tuna, twinkle and other dragon trainers) since 2007, AND can take a few hits too.
ICON 4570 8254 9192 !.5lBEu6KI6
>>17169402 You have been mono battling since 2007?
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon)
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon) Mon 06 Jan 2014 10:38:10 No. 17169449 Report Quoted By:
>>17169430 Nah, I just meant that I often used Mamoswine since D/P and he's such a boss.
I actually only got into competitive in Gen 6. Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Mon 06 Jan 2014 11:44:26 No. 17170030 Report Quoted By:
>>17169154 Mine has to be Banette, i loved the thing since ruby and am so glad it was able to get a mega to make it even better. Though it may be a bit frail, it's become way stronger and also has prankster making it a valuable threat remover for anything i cant stop otherwise.
>>17169329 I can confirm she traded away half of her team for the tourney. It's highly unlikely she'd have them replaced by now, especially considering it seems like she got rid of all the items too.
NPC 1306-5606-5207
Quoted By:
>>17140587 SO I wasn't able to have a team in time for the Tourny, however now I do, and I want to battle someone. Would anyone want to do a 6v6 singles mono type battle just for fun? Most of the guys on my team are just ones that I really like, even if they kinda suck. Reply if you are interested.
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 normal gym leader
Quoted By:
ohayou gozaimasu~ kate don't quit now you came so far
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Mon 06 Jan 2014 12:59:03 No. 17170557 Report Hi guys! How's the tourney going?
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon)
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon) Mon 06 Jan 2014 13:04:38 No. 17170600 Report >>17170557 Currently waiting for Heather to go online.
The two of us are one of the three pairs left that haven't battled, but this is a bit of a headache to schedule.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Mon 06 Jan 2014 13:10:00 No. 17170645 Report Quoted By:
>>17170600 Remember that you have to FREEZE every opponent. Ice will prevail!
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Quoted By:
>>17170099 If Kate traded away half her team in an insane frenzy, please tell her to report the dropout to me.
The rest of you, if your opponents don't show, please fill out the form as usual to report the no-show.
Aninymouse 3540-0120-0225
Quoted By:
>>17169154 I suppose I have 3. So far, I've never done a match without at least one of Pyroar, Heliolisk, or Braviary. Hard to pick between the three, since they all work together, because they form the core of my team. If I had to pick one, just for autism's sake, I guess I'd go with Pyroar. Cripples opponents, fast, excellent defensive typing, immune to burn, nice special attack power. Even against Water teams, she has a great ammount of utility.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Quoted By:
>>17169154 Also Drapion is a completely untested pokemon that I kind of felt was a liability due to being wild-caught, that ended up being surprisingly effective and is now definitely a go-to for me because it destroys everything in its path..
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Mon 06 Jan 2014 13:36:18 No. 17170846 Report >>17169329 What happened??
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Mon 06 Jan 2014 14:28:48 No. 17171221 Report >>17170846 After a little investigation, i found this: Too bad, it's disappointing that someone would just give up like that. I guess its too late for the next electric type in line to jump in as a sub?
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Quoted By:
>>17171221 It's unfortunate that Kate would end up dropping out so late in the tourney, but I was skimming through the thread and I came across something else...
WFG League? With "gym leaders" and a Champion? Isn't that kind of... the same as what we're trying to make right now?
Anybody who
actually regularly visits /wfg/ wanna shed some light on this?
Txn 4339 - 2627 - 8716
Quoted By:
Morning everyone
>>17169154 Recently I've been testing and retesting my teams.
In terms of affection, Lilligant.
In terms of usefulness, Ferrothorn
In terms of reliability, Venusaur.
But for my NEW team, that I'm currently breeding up...Whimsicott.
This should be a surprise to precisely no one :P
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Mon 06 Jan 2014 16:25:13 No. 17172495 Report Quoted By:
kate, my pikas and i are dissapoint
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Mon 06 Jan 2014 16:31:42 No. 17172572 Report Quoted By:
>>17172384 i-is that you kanade
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17169154 Never really thought about that one yet, really. Right now it's kind of a tie-up between Galvantula, Scizor and Vivillon.
Galvantula's pretty unique and Joltik is the cutest little bugger around so I kinda like the entire line, but Scizor's also up for consideration by virtue of being Mega and also having saved my ass loads of times. Vivillon's also in the running, because though it's a risky move there have been times when it's pulled me out of some really sticky situations and even won entire battles just by itself. Satan butterfly's also in a Premier ball when everything else is in a regular Pokeball, so there's that too.
If I could, I'd want to trade it back to the guy I got it from so he could rename it to Lucifer or something Aninymouse 3540-0120-0225
>>17172788 I remember that guy who was giving out those. Talk about immature. Why not name your pokemon "Poopy" and "Vagina"? High-larious, that one.
Txn 4339 - 2627 - 8716
Any bug/steel leader interested in a Drill Run Karrablast? I have four males and one female, brave nature and hidden ability.
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
Quoted By:
>>17169154 Skarmory has been a massive bro this gen, and would be my MVP if it weren't for Mawile.
My updated steel crew would hands down be my shiny Aegislash named Excaliboo
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
>>17174106 I'd be down for that. I ain't off for another 4 hours though. If you're still kicking then, lemme know
Txn 4339 - 2627 - 8716
>>17174176 I'm going to add you in advance. My IGN is the same so just send me a trade invite when you see me online.
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
>>17174237 Aight. I got 5iv honedges and 4iv zubats with brave bird
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17173888 Don't think we're thinking about the same person, haha. It's actually unnamed, but I get real picky when it comes to naming consistency which is why the fact that half my team is unnamed really bothers me Txn 4339 - 2627 - 8716
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>>17174271 I'll take a Zubat then.
Aninymouse 3540-0120-0225
>>17174278 There was a guy on /vp/ giving out near-perfect scatterbugs named SATAN. Isn't that what you said you were using? You probably got one of his.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17174779 Oh no, back when I was in my Vivillon craze I actually kinda "commissioned" people to help with some pattern breeding. The one I'm using right now is one of the ones I got from some anons who helped out. I just like calling it Satan butterfly because you know... bringer of death and everything.
But yeah, if I had gotten one of his Scatterbugs, the all-caps name would've made me break something.
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
>>17174835 I see now. I just misunderstood. I think the level of evil and depravity the name brings to mind isn't especially appropriate to be all jockular about, but then that's me. It's like, I wouldn't name a Blastoise, "Adam Lansa," or whatever that sicko's name was. To me, it's like that.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 19:20:08 No. 17175334 Report Quoted By:
>>17169154 Hard to say for me, but mandibuzz, tyranitar, and sableye have been carrying my ass through this thing
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Mon 06 Jan 2014 19:22:35 No. 17175376 Report >>17171221 WUT?
I'm not sure that I've understood the situation. Why would she do that? Seems absurd.
>>17175376 she was in her days...
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
Quoted By:
>>17175409 ...Are you blaming PMS?
>>17169284 What are you running this gen, without Earth Power available to you? Was about to breed myself a Gastrobuddy but then I found that shit out.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Mon 06 Jan 2014 20:15:15 No. 17176388 Report Quoted By:
>>17175409 Come on, it can't be that.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Quoted By:
>>17175011 Yeah, I get what you mean. If anything I'd probably give it and my Volcarona who's also traded a Musketeers name, just to fit in with the rest of the crew. Shame I don't actually know much about it though.
>>17175376 She's a girl
Don't expect normal rational behavior just because she plays competitive pokemon
>>17177255 Can a crazy bitch be a crazy bitch without us blaming a whole gender, here?
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 21:00:20 No. 17177353 Report Quoted By:
>1 hour until my battle with nightingale
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite)
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite) Mon 06 Jan 2014 21:11:42 No. 17177582 Report i suppose it's too late to join?
Quoted By:
>>17177336 Nope
You're all the same to me
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17177582 Too late to join this tourney
Not too late to start preparing your anus for the upcoming League Challenge
Txn 4339 - 2627 - 8716
Guys, what could be a good set for Mega Absol, and which egg moves should I go for?I know I was out in Round 3, but I still want to make a good Dark team.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 21:25:13 No. 17177859 Report Quoted By:
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite)
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite) Mon 06 Jan 2014 21:28:09 No. 17177931 Report Quoted By:
>>17177799 >Those Dubs and Trips My anus will be prepared. Also when is this upcoming League Challenge?
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite)
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite) Mon 06 Jan 2014 21:32:02 No. 17178030 Report Quoted By:
>>17177799 Dammit when is the next tournament?
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
8.5 hours left. In light of Kate's possible abdication(She has not sent me a single email or report, and I kind of don't expect one), I am sending emails to other electric trainers to hopefully get someone on board in her stead.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 21:52:39 No. 17178517 Report IT'S HAPPENING
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>17178517 Did you get a chance to play Nightingale yet by any chance?
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 21:54:28 No. 17178582 Report Quoted By:
>>17178549 Just started it now!
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>17178042 Aaaaaand......Kieran is back in as Kate's replacement.
>>17142231 Tuna, I'm sending you an email. Please try to contact Kieran if at all possible. Thanks for being patient.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Quoted By:
>>17178517 Excite
I'm interested in seeing how Ice will deal with all the Dark-type heavy-hitters
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 22:10:41 No. 17178987 Report Quoted By:
>Tricking a scarf to a +4 bisharp You have to admit that was pretty dumb
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 22:14:27 No. 17179086 Report Quoted By:
I won 2-0 8VRG-WWWW-WWW4-CBNM APWW-WWWW-WWW4-CBNQ Really solid team, I was surprised you didn't try cloyster though since I don't have any electric or grass attackers
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 22:20:27 No. 17179271 Report Quoted By:
I think you tried to overplay a bit, predicting my taunts (and then overpredicting them; if you had tricked that scarf to sableye you would've won) and delaying mega evolving to potentially overwrite ttar's weather. I can see you were trying to trick that scarf to me so bisharp would be locked into SD but I figured that that was coming so I went to iron head
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
Quoted By:
>>17177823 Mega Absol is boss, I like the cut of your jib, sir.
Only ones I would consider would be PLAY ROUGH, and maybe Perish Song. Dark + Fairy is great coverage. Perish Song is fantastic for saving your butt from a set-up sweeper, but maybe you think you don't need it. Not sure I would use it or not. Playtesting would be the key. To hit Klefki, Mawile and Bisharp, you can run Fire Blast.
Txn 4339 - 2627 - 8716
Kyle, I know you are here. One of the eggs I have hatched. Sorry!
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
Quoted By:
>>17180091 Thanks boss. Looking forward to adding excavlier to my roster. Zubats in a luxury ball for crobat convenience
Txn 4339 - 2627 - 8716
>>17180091 I'm an idiot. I meant that, one of the eggs hatched when you asked me to trade.
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
>>17180312 Oh, haha. Its all good.
You working on a dark team?
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 06 Jan 2014 23:14:15 No. 17180543 Report Quoted By:
Why good afternoon everyone.
Txn 4339 - 2627 - 8716
Quoted By:
>>17180409 The team I used in this tournament was a last-minute stuff. So yes.
In the past days, I bred Scraggys with Quick Guard, Drain Punch, Ice Punch and Dragon Dance. And then I kept IV breeding a Haze/Play Rough Stunky.
Then it's Mega Absol, since I don't have access to Mega Tyranitar. But after that, I don't know what to put in my team.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
I may be able to give you guys an early treat and post the next round's pairings a few hours early while we're only waiting on Kieran and Tuna to play, since Swiss is so deterministic in the way people are paired. Gdocs is being a shit though, so give me a few.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
>>17181328 Im paired against dangle again?
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>17181399 Oops. Sorry, it was an error that has been corrected.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 23:50:53 No. 17181463 Report >Dark vs Fairy Well it was nice knowing you guys.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Mon 06 Jan 2014 23:51:31 No. 17181480 Report Quoted By:
>>17181328 Sweet, i just woke up from a loverly nap a few moments ago, time to kick ass
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>17181463 Hypothetically, you should still be near the top as long as you manage a 2-1, and even a 0-2 rout won't completely obliterate you.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Quoted By:
>>17181502 Er, a 1-2 loss won't obliterate you I mean.
>>17181463 Hope you packed Bisharp and Skuntank, dawg.
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
Quoted By:
>>17181455 >up against loser of rock/electric Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh
uhuhuhuh Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Mon 06 Jan 2014 23:56:32 No. 17181586 Report Uh, also, shouldn't the doc say Tuna and Kieran?
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>vs seba >bug vs fighting >both were decimated by Talonflame last round This is like living through a famine and having to kill your neighbour to eat him so you can keep living, knowing full well that he's probably thinking the exact same thing Maester why ;_;
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 23:58:58 No. 17181649 Report Quoted By:
>>17181578 I've got bisharp but skuntank is pretty awful
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Quoted By:
>>17181586 Thanks for pointing that out. Corrected.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Quoted By:
>>17181641 That is exactly how Swiss works, yes. It's the point of it.
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Tue 07 Jan 2014 00:36:09 No. 17182546 Report Quoted By:
>>17169154 Do you really have to ask?
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
Quoted By:
>>17181586 Will I face dragon, or will I face electric? Never fought either, really. Had a multi match with Twinkle, but...
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Tue 07 Jan 2014 00:44:17 No. 17182723 Report Quoted By:
>>17171221 Considering that she was still in this tourney it was a bit selfish to trade away her Pokemon like that, as there are people here depending on her to show up, apparently.
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 normal gym leader
Hi, Daniel. Hey, anybody want a Buneary? still breeding the things, have lots of good ones.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Tue 07 Jan 2014 01:17:30 No. 17183408 Report Quoted By:
>>17183395 i have some cottones too if anybody wants
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586 Tue 07 Jan 2014 01:58:47 No. 17184186 Report >Vs most OP mono type Time for my first loss in the tourney
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586 Tue 07 Jan 2014 02:10:17 No. 17184449 Report >>17184332 Talonflame isn't the problem. Mine outspeeds his since he's not invested in speed, so mine will be braver. It's the sheer diversity that flying has over every other type...
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
>>17184186 >Most OP type You're fighting yourself?
So after these 3 rounds of finals, we'll have the 8 gyms. Then they do a bracket to determine the winner, right?
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
Quoted By:
>>17184186 By the way, I've just emailed you.
When can you battle?
>>17184449 >he's not invested in speed How do you know?
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
>>17184724 Do I sense a reset bag coming?
>>17184857 You can't change anything once the tournament has begun.
>>17184724 It's pretty dangerous to not invest in speed when it comes to Talonflame. A lot of the time, Talonflame can survive to strike a second time with a sliver of health, and you risk that when you don't pull full investment into HP.
Quoted By:
>>17185019 *to not invest in HP, I meant
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
>>17184973 I know that. Some might try it, though. I'm not paranoid enough to do it or worry about people doing it to beat me, though.
Just... Stirring up shit needlessly out of boredom, sorry.
>>17184449 You made yours the Jolly 252 speed set?
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 03:17:12 No. 17185945 Report Heather, we meet again. You available tonight? Email me qurl.
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
>>17185272 Make me? Sounds like you ought to think about grinding my team into the ground.
Gah I'm sleepy w/e
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
>>17186738 Nah I don't drink... I just don't take good enough care of myself. Haven't been getting enough sleep. Plus sitting in front of the fireplace for hours kinda makes you sleepy anyway. Brain isn't exactly in high gear.
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
>>17175525 I run a Relaxed nature so that can use Earthquake. There's not much Gastrodon worries about outspeeding, but Earth Power is the better option anyway
Quoted By:
>>17187021 Ganon!
You and I have a date with destiny!
FC is in the email field.
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
Quoted By:
>>17186992 For instance I just EV trained and levelled to 50 a Lopunny that I forgot didn't have any offensive moves besides Jump Kick.
Why hello thar ghosties
D: Did you leave Ganon, come on, I was 3 minutes behind your post there come baaaack
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Tue 07 Jan 2014 04:22:59 No. 17187465 Report I really need to get the rest of the info from those I haven't asked to start that fic but... I need to remember who I haven't asked yet. Plus illness doesn't help my thinking patterns at all.
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
>>17187465 Ah get well soon remu, sleep is key
So as I'm heading to bed I see water world is on the tv. Some mad max looking dude just killed an entire ocean liner full of people to get back a little girl from some evil guy
>Mfw I thought it was a little boy Wow this really is as bad as I've heard it is.
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586 Tue 07 Jan 2014 04:52:28 No. 17188269 Report >>17184535 Fire is not OP bro, I already fought it, and it's pretty simple.
Flying has the ability to have every type in the game as a combination, so coverage is never a problem.
Anyways, I'm here now so we can battle.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Tue 07 Jan 2014 04:53:17 No. 17188287 Report >>17188142 Yeah if only I could sleep properly.
One of my biggest issues with being sick is that my nose is clogged and I use it as my main way of breathing.
So when I lay my nose is leteraly closed shut by it all and I have to breath from my mouth... I know this is gross sounding but eh it happens.
Then the pressure you feel on the roof of your mouth after that... my god it sucks. Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586 Tue 07 Jan 2014 05:02:20 No. 17188483 Report >>17185389 No. That's just dumb.
>>17184724 When you watch his battle videos, his Talonflame has 185 HP, which means he fully invested in it.
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
>>17188269 Alright, I'm ready in a minute.
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
>>17188287 I sympathize, remu. Growing up my allergies were severe so it was like that for me all the time.
Hot tea with lemon and honey, and musinex. Musinex is a gift from God.
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Tue 07 Jan 2014 05:16:36 No. 17188791 Report Quoted By:
>>17188719 I can do all that but the Musinex I don't have.
Plus I'm not much of a hot tea drinker...
I've been popping cough drops as well and sooner or later I'll take some Nightquil. Not sure how much it'll help but it's there.
Anyway anyone want to get involved in a multi battle?
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586 Tue 07 Jan 2014 05:40:08 No. 17189280 Report >>17188790 >>17188679 GG there was nothing I could do.
I didn't know you were allowed to run megas that took away your type. I thought it was only ones that gave you the type.
Also, sorry for taking so long to make moves. I was playing Mario 3D Worlds with my friends while we were doing our match.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Tue 07 Jan 2014 05:46:53 No. 17189372 Report >>17189280 Was he running Mega Gyarados?
I don't remember the rules of Megas too much but I think it's allowed?
I figured if anything flying types would use Mega Pinsir on their team.
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586 Tue 07 Jan 2014 05:50:50 No. 17189441 Report >>17189372 He was using Charizard X.
Make sure to submit a report!
>>17189372 And yes, if ANY of the types on a mega is valid for your team, you're allowed to use it.
This is kind of overwhelming when it comes to flying support, yes.
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
>>17187339 I'm posting from work. If you'll be around when I get home in ~3 hours, I'm game
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Tue 07 Jan 2014 05:56:49 No. 17189522 Report Quoted By:
>>17189495 What if it's just the base type and not the mega like
>>17189441 said?
Since Mega char x loses its flying type after Mega.
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
>>17189280 GGs!
>I didn't know you were allowed to run megas that took away your type. Yeah, I made very sure of that before deciding on my team. But on the first battle you started with Dragon Pulse so surely you knew I was Char X? Otherwise you'd have used your STAB Air Slash like in the 2nd battle.
And if that Air Slash would've flinched me, you would have easily won the 2nd battle. Also on the last move of the battle, I just did the calc... it was a 87.5% chance for me to KO you... if it didn't you would have won there as well.
Good games!
>>17189462 You have the wrong form linked for submitting results on Finals round 2. I sent you an email though.
>>17189521 Oh goddamnit. That's 3am for me. I have to get up at like 7 to go to work. Is it going to be like this all week for you?
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586 Tue 07 Jan 2014 05:58:55 No. 17189564 Report >>17189495 Flying is a broken type.
I used to run a Flying type Gym on some forums back in the days of 4th gen, and I was the only leader who never lost a match.
>>17189521 >>17189541 I set my alarm for 3 hours from now. I'll try to be conscious and play.
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Tue 07 Jan 2014 06:30:15 No. 17190072 Report Quoted By:
>>17178651 Yup emailed him, Kieran if you're around, let's do this
Alex (Fire Gym)
>>17189533 I just figured it was X. Since everything on your team had a resist to fire, I gave up before the match started. It was like fighting the Dragon gym lol. Also, flying only has two Pokemon who have it as their primary type, everything is just another type with flying tacked on.
Also, without Heatran, there is no viable fire type that offers any note worthy resistances.
GG anyways.
Kieran 4468 0964 1713
>>17178651 Nice to be back everyone. I hope everything has been going well.
Kind of feels dirty being here, but I'll try my best to defend.
>>17190727 I've been away for a bit!
Hows the Tournament been holding up?
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
>>17189564 >Flying is a broken type. Come on now, don't do that.
I put a lot of time into planning and building my team, and I've put a LOT of time into strategizing before each battle, especially against you, and I feel I've made some very good decisions in my battles. There have been plenty of times in my battles where a different Flying user would've been outplayed.
I even 2-0'd both the other Flying finalists.
And to be honest, the reason I chose Flying was because I already had 2 Flying Pokes I wanted for my team bred and trained, and had 2 more available in breeding stock from prior breeds that I just had to tweak the sets on a bit during re-breeding/training, so it was the quickest type for me to get a team together for.
With people bringing Minimize Chandelures, and Talonflames/Speedboost Blazikens and such, I don't regret putting powerful Pokes on my team. Anyone could have chose whichever type and whichever Pokes they wanted, we all started on even ground.
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 07:35:08 No. 17191000 Report >>17190862 Hey Twinkle, I'm in third place, paired with Heather. It's going pretty great.
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
>>17190715 >Also, without Heatran, there is no viable fire type that offers any note worthy resistances. You were the only one between us that had any supereffective moves available in our battles.
And your Rotom-H could have really done work against me if you hadn't switched to it letting it get OHKO.
In my strategizing, every possible scenario I ran had you win until I found out my Charizard could take a Dragon Pulse from your Charizard, even if I was X and it was supereffective. Charizard is what gave me the slight edge I needed to eke out my victories against you. Both our battles came down to the last Pokemon for both of us and were very close. And as I mentioned earlier, there were a couple RNG cases that could have given you the win but just happened to land in my favor.
Alex (Fire Gym)
>>17190867 Flying doesn't have any unique Pokes to use. It just has the most powerful ones from each type. It OU the type
>Dragonight >Talonflame >Gyrados >Togekiss >Salamence >Zapdos >Gliscor I'm not mad that you used it, like I said, I used it too for a 4th gen Gym because I knew I could win easily. I just want you to admit that it is the most OP type.
>>17191000 Oh wow!
Yay for you!
I'm glad I managed to get back in time for the finals!
Do you have a shot at the prize?
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
>>17189738 Unfortunately, this week it is. Normally it wouldn't, but my car was broken into over the weekend so I'm running around trying to get my lock fixed, a new battery, plus still have other appointments to keep. You said we have until Friday night though, right? Worst case scenario, I can play Friday afternoon, well before the deadline
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 07:44:05 No. 17191164 Report >>17191090 Seems so. Though from the sounds of things, I'll have a hard time fighting the Flying leader for that spot. :P
>>17191028 Did you guys post battle vids? I wanna see this shit. I've been waiting for this match to happen since I saw the round 1 pairings.
Quoted By:
>>17191164 Pfft flying aint got shit on fairies
Go Thunder go!
Alex (Fire Gym)
>>17191164 I could post them, but it's not that exciting. I was playing Mario 3D Worlds while the battle was going on, so there wasn't many plays being made.
Also, if you have a WiiU and friends to play that game with, buy it! It's an absolute blast, until everyone starts killing each other by accidentally throwing them off the edge
>>17191267 I second this!
I got it for Christmas along with bravely default and both games are really really good
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
>>17191028 You could have beaten me, you just got outplayed. And there are other types that have the advantage over Flying.
In Round 2, a Normal won its match against a Flying, and a Water won a battle as well. In Round 3, Rock knocked a Flying user out of the tourney. Every other Flying type user lost to another type at some point, except Matthew, who I 2-0'd.
Read this:
>>17191008 mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Tue 07 Jan 2014 07:52:39 No. 17191334 Report Great game Kieran, I did not expect the HP ice from Manectric. Breeding specific HP powers on anything is a nightmare just goes to show how much effort you put in your team. I wish you the best for your upcoming matches. Looks like it's you and me Aniny, let's have a good fight
>>17191334 Tuna!
How are you and your dragons holding up?
Alex (Fire Gym)
>>17191299 I played the demo for Braver Defaul, and I must say, it was pretty cool! I didn't know it was out already. Do you live in the States?
>>17191303 Charizard X is pretty good Poke, good thing it's a flying type. Oh, wait...
Bro, calm down, it's over. I was never in this tourney to win it, I just wanna be a leader.
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 07:56:23 No. 17191407 Report Oh so I was out at the bar earlier and it's sort of a gamer themed bar but for some reason they had a martini called the Fairy Fountain and I felt it was a totally appropriate drink to get. It was so delicious and sweet I had two of them. Also at this bar they have starter pokemon themed shots(just the gen 1 starters) and they're amazing.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17191407 Where was this bar and what's it called? Twinkle
>>17191407 I really like cocktails but they're so expensive where I live. Fuck paying $10 for one drink
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:00:23 No. 17191477 Report >>17191346 They're doing good I suppose, I had the type advantage in my first round so I believe that gave me the edge. Against neutral and the dreaded fairy/ice types, it's all fair game.
I expect pic related to happen if I face against you Thunder
I'm not entirely sure what's going on in the bottom 2 frames, but cute Twinkle
>>17191477 God I hate Azumarill, I lose every single match if they have that blue fucker on their team
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
>>17191400 >Charizard X is pretty good Poke, good thing it's a flying type. Oh, wait... >Bro, calm down >Being this much of a poor sport Come on man, I was being respectful and plainly stating facts. Being this much of a spoil-sport is not what this tourney is about. Grow up a bit, or just stop posting.
This is the last post I'm making on this subject.
I look forward to battling the rest of you in upcoming matches.
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:12:22 No. 17191673 Report >>17191458 E-
EXP Bar, in Vancouver, BC. >>17191459 $5.50 Martini Pokemondays is a thing at this bar. It's a classy place.
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:15:13 No. 17191727 Report >>17191477 DEAR GOD. That's what it's like, actually.
Gaze upon the face of doom Alex (Fire Gym)
>>17191519 You're right, I'm sorry.
I'm being a real bad sport about this. I sold myself short, and in term put little effort into our match, and for that I apologize.
Much like Kate, I'm dropping out. You guys can call Shadowman as my sub if you'd like. I'm done guys, I had fun. Hope you win the tourney Frisbee, and good luck to the rest of you.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17191673 Fucking KNEW it. Been there a couple of times with friends, they have some pretty nice eats too. If you're into meeting up with creepy internet strangers I've been looking for an excuse to go check it out again. Maybe try that Fairy Fountain out. Twinkle
Quoted By:
>>17191673 Oh man... If only I didn't live in the middle of nowhere ;_;
Quoted By:
>>17191727 Looks to me like Azumarill came to play with the Dragons, but decided to "Play Rough". Then he Aqua Jetted over to Mawile, but Mawile was like chill the fuck out, bro (because he can take an Aqua Jet?).
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17191762 I don't think there's any real need for you to have to drop out.
I think I have a pretty good idea what you're feeling right now, it definitely sucks to lose after you've been consistently winning all the previous matches. I was definitely pretty salty about our match and I thought that type disadvantage or not I'd be able to pull through with a just a little bit of luck, just like I did with my general matches.
It stings, but I think what's important to keep in mind is that just because you lost once it doesn't mean you're done for. There's still another round left before the top eight leaders have to duke it out, and there is definitely a way to climb up even after a loss.
Also if you just quit now, personally I'd be quite pissed off, seeing as how that would basically mean you stole what might've been my win and dumped it into the trash.
Stick around, man.
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
>>17191762 Your humility is refreshing and I respect it.
I agree with all of what Nanaca said here:
>>17191895 . Don't drop out. You've got a great team and have been battling excellently. You've also contributed some great ideas to the threads. I, and surely the others, would appreciate and prefer you to stick it out to the end, and stick around.
>that would basically mean you stole what might've been my win and dumped it into the trash. If I were Nanaca, I'd be extremely salty if you dropped out after handing me my only loss of the tourney.
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:34:35 No. 17192048 Report >>17191764 Oh my god, you're kidding me, THREE Vancouver based people are in this tournament? This is too much. You know what, I'm down. How about next Monday? You can meet the Steel leader as well. We kind of have a thing now where we go there and just hang out. >mfw right now Alex (Fire Gym)
>>17191895 Nah man, I'm out.
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:35:58 No. 17192076 Report >>17191762 Don't drop out dude. What Kate did was ridiculous and I personally would hate to see one of the best battlers in this tournament drop out before I could ever get a shot at him.
Quoted By:
>>17192076 >tfw shitty battler ;_; Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:38:01 No. 17192111 Report Quoted By:
>>17192030 If I were Nanaca, I'd be more salty than Kenny.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:38:25 No. 17192114 Report Quoted By:
>>17192053 Alex I will lose any respect I have with you if you drop out now.
Hell I know kate and her dropping out was lamost expected because go knows she'll ever battle. Even when she was in a multi battle group with me and some others.
Besides you could be like me and be already knocked out before the finals even start.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17192048 I'd be totally down if I wasn't already going to E-Exit with some buddies that same day.
Depending on how late you guys go and when we finish I might be able to pop in and check things out.
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:43:05 No. 17192178 Report >>17192137 Generally we hang around from 6-7 until maybe 10ish? If you'll be free in the evening you could come then.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:43:20 No. 17192181 Report >>17192048 >>17192137 The one time I wish I could join you guys...
Too bad I live in California... Oh well I heard it's going to be 75F/24C tomorrow here. Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:44:20 No. 17192197 Report >>17192181 it's like -1C outside, which normally is no problem but damn you for your great weather Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:46:34 No. 17192226 Report >>17192197 For night time right now it's 7C here. It's been really warm/hot here for winter time. Not as hot as something like 40C like in the summer but still warm. Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:46:41 No. 17192229 Report Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17192178 Awesome, I think we'll probably be done by around 7:30 or so so chances are that I'll be able to get there by around 8.
The bank account's running a bit light but hey, money was meant to be spent, right? Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:53:50 No. 17192343 Report >>17191492 I know this feel
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586 Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:56:20 No. 17192381 Report >Leave for a couple of hours >See all of this What the fuck is going on here?
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Quoted By:
>>17192381 >tfw it finally hits you I think I'm just gonna go sleep now
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:58:02 No. 17192409 Report >>17192226 That sounds nice! I'm used to -20ish in the prairie provinces during winter.
>>17192229 b-but
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:00:49 No. 17192447 Report >>17192343 Hey heather I don't think I asked you about this yet, but I'm writing a fic about the finals of the tourny and I wanted to portray the top 18 in the way they describe themselves.
So by any chance can I get you to think about it and describe yourself like personality, interests and such and I could put it in my fic...?
>>17192409 Well I can't enjoy it to the fullest since illness is still here and I have to wait it out.
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:02:58 No. 17192474 Report >>17192447 I guess you could portray Alex as having a fiery personality?
:) Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:05:26 No. 17192515 Report >>17192474 I've already got alex to describe himself so I got it covered.... Nice pun tho.
I already made a pun about him working in a bakery and his rotom-H.
Quoted By:
>>17191153 It's 3am and I'll be on for a little while, anyways. Please let me know if you are here, Ganon.
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
Q-MeisterMaesterWhatever, if you're online, I am prepared for battle.
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
>>17192381 I had a feeling that wasn't you.
Name was different.
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:08:41 No. 17192558 Report Quoted By:
>>17192338 Sounds great. Maybe we could
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586 Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:08:50 No. 17192561 Report >>17192474 >>17192515 Guys, that wasn't me...
This happened to me once in WFG...I should really make a trip code so it doesn't happen again...
Quoted By:
>>17192537 I've already added your FC. My FC is in the email field. Let's get this over with.
>>17192561 This is a huge relief!
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:11:09 No. 17192596 Report >>17192561 Don't mind me I was just stupid not to notice.
But didn't you talk to me the other day about the fic thing?
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773 !!HEnlG/b3A9n
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773 !!HEnlG/b3A9n Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:11:45 No. 17192603 Report >>17192561 That sounds like a pretty good idea, actually.
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586 !kIvjkVnuJQ
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586 !kIvjkVnuJQ Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:17:40 No. 17192663 Report >>17192547 Although I still believe that flying is the strongest type in a mono tournament, I would never, by any means, try to discredit your win on that point. You had a solid team, and definitely deserved your win.
>>17192596 I told you I was a baker, as well as a couple of other things, but that was it.
>>17192603 I think I did it
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:19:30 No. 17192678 Report Quoted By:
>>17192603 >>17192663 Why do you think I have a trip that's coded with a password?
Also Alex I know that's what you gave me, that's why I'm playing off of that.
Quoted By:
>>17192603 Good games.
I was completely outclassed by your team. I will record this stuff after work tomorrow. Back to sleep now.
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773 !!HEnlG/b3A9n
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773 !!HEnlG/b3A9n Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:31:13 No. 17192802 Report Q, what the hell spread are you running on that Venusaur that you speed tied my Cloyster??? That took me so completely by surprise that I misclicked Shell Smash. Vids to watch: 8HLW-WWWW-WWW4-CQWY GDPW-WWWW-WWW4-CQWL
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773 !!HEnlG/b3A9n
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773 !!HEnlG/b3A9n Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:34:28 No. 17192834 Report Also, the tourney doc's link for Round 2 reporting takes me to Round 1's pairings. I'd like to report the match as well, just for redundancy purposes.
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:48:14 No. 17192956 Report Quoted By:
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:49:17 No. 17192961 Report >>17192603 >has had one this whole time >awwww yeeeee Also, in regards to Twinkle being terrified of Azumarill.
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:50:18 No. 17192968 Report Quoted By:
>>17192961 I fucked that up.
>>17192834 Reports are fixed.
Also Venusaur naturally outspeeds Cloyster. Did you have any investment? Because I didn't.
Aninymouse, Kyle, recheck the pairings. Tuna and Kieran have finished their match. Aninymouse, you'll be facing off against Tuna. Kyle, you will be facing off against Kieran.
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
>>17191334 Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~
I should be able to battle tonight. I'll send you an email. Please email me back if you have a time zone that's way off from mine so know what to do.
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
Quoted By:
>>17194306 Aye-aye, Cap'n.
Wow, so much drama while I slept. Glad to see you didn't actually drop out, Alex. Never even had a chance to battle you yet
;_; mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Tue 07 Jan 2014 14:18:06 No. 17195026 Report Quoted By:
>>17194988 I'm here Aniny, hold on lemme get on
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Tue 07 Jan 2014 14:22:18 No. 17195084 Report >>17194988 fyi I sent you an email first
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
Quoted By:
>>17195084 I might not have gotten it because all emails not on my contact list go straight to SPAM. My blackberry can't go to the SPAM folder so I can check it when I get home.
Looking forward to our match :)
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Quoted By:
Seba, if you're here unfortunately I probably won't be able to battle today, but if you can let me know when you're free tomorrow then I'll try to work something out.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Tue 07 Jan 2014 17:53:07 No. 17197693 Report Quoted By:
Dangle, you hanging around here? I'm ready if you are, hopefully your internet will behave.
Aniny mobile 3540-0120-0225
Mato and I will be battling tomorrow on my lunch break, if all goes well. 12 hours apart, wow. Makes it tough for both of us, I'm sure. You know... The whole reason I picked Normal-type, really, was because I latched onto the idea of Norman, from Hoenn. He was your father. He was incredibly strong, he helped everybody out, but at the end of the day, you could go hang out with dear old Dad. I so admired that aspect of Gen III... It's criminal that he's been the one and only father figure in the entire franchise. My life's a wreck, and it's my fault. I've made a lot of mistakes... Got into debt, got lazy, isolated myself from others, etc. But at the center of my misery and pain is a man: my own father. It takes two to tango, and I'd be willing to take half the blame, but our relationship is dysfunctional... In my own twisted way, being a Normal-type Gym Leader was my way of coping with a pain so great that it overwhelms me. If I make it into the top 8 (and to be honest, I think I will), I don't know where life will take me... But my hope and prayer for you all (and myself) in 2014 is that fathers and their kids could learn to love and support one another again. The world would be a better place.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Tue 07 Jan 2014 18:45:52 No. 17198580 Report Quoted By:
>>17198494 Jesus, that is some heavy stuff for a pokemon tournament, but hopefully all goes well for you after this all finishes. I think you are right too about finishing in the top 8, you have a really solid team that covers its weaknesses well. It's funny though, because when we were battling i thought it was a lot like battling Norman, except instead of using a gimmicky one shot wonder slaking, you had a much better team.
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
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>>17198494 I know that feel. I blocked my dad out completely and spent a couple years working on bettering myself (I had a dangerously short temper and distrustful of everyone) but now I'm a lot calmer and let things slide and be as is.
Evan [Former Dragon leader] 5370-0785-3954
Evan [Former Dragon leader] 5370-0785-3954 Tue 07 Jan 2014 19:33:02 No. 17199464 Report so have you guys decided on what the rules will be for challenging the gyms once 8 leaders have been decided? what pokemon will be useable and what rules if any for team building ect. i can't wait to challenge you guys.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
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>>17198494 That gets me pretty hard in the feels, man. Father-son relationships are something That really hit home with me though probably nowhere near as bad as you probably have it.
If I don't make it into top eight I'll definitely be cheering for you.
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
>>17194209 I have maximum investment with a Jolly nature. Venusaur's base speed is only 10 higher than Cloyster, so max investment is more than enough to outspeed, hence my confusion
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
>>17199464 I don't believe we have rules locked in yet, but I think this is what we've been discussing:
A challenger can use any Pokes, moves, items they want, as long as Flat Rules doesn't prohibit them.
We haven't decided how much/if they can switch up their teams between matches, but I'm for the notion that once they've begun their challenge, they shouldn't be allowed to switch anything- they should have to beat all 8 gyms with the same team. If they'd like to switch up their team, they need to re-beat any gyms they've already beaten, so that all 8 gyms are defeated with their one un-changed team.
I think allowing switching will make it a bit too easy to beat monotype teams with a team of no restrictions.
If you're the first to beat all 8 gyms, you're crowned our Champ.
Any subsequent challengers to beat all 8 gyms can challenge the Champ to overthrow him.
>>17200884 Was sun up? Could have had Chlorophyll.
Evan [Former Dragon leader] 5370-0785-3954
Evan [Former Dragon leader] 5370-0785-3954 Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:13:22 No. 17201547 Report >>17201473 so there will be 8 gyms and a champ but what about a elite four?
someone make a new thread, we're at page 8
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
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>>17201547 Too many battle will discourage challengers.
I personally hope challengers are allowed 1 sub each fight
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17201473 I'm actually less than enthusiastic about allowing any sort of legendary Pokemon, as a lot of them are strong to the point of limiting teambuilding creativity, but I think this was one of the aspects that was still kind of up in the air.
>>17201547 An Elite Four was voted against because it would make the challenge longer than some people would find comfortable.
Personally I'm all for an E4 but I think that if people start mentioning that they wish the challenge was a bit longer, we could always just find new people or shuffle ranks upwards to fill in the position. Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
>>17201473 Very first turn of the match. He won the speed tie. I know it was a speed tie because two turns later, I outsped him. I ran a calc on it, and the only way Venusaur speed ties Jolly 252 Cloyster is if it is running +Speed and ~180 or so EVs (don't have exact number, posting from phone), or neutral with ~240. But now he says he's not invested at all, and I assume that means nature, too. No idea what happened.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17201727 If nobody else is gonna do it I'll post then.
Give me two minutes.
Evan [Former Dragon leader] 5370-0785-3954
Evan [Former Dragon leader] 5370-0785-3954 Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:30:13 No. 17201888 Report Quoted By:
>>17201746 >I'm actually less than enthusiastic about allowing any sort of legendary Pokemon, as a lot of them are strong to the point of limiting teambuilding creativity, but I think this was one of the aspects that was still kind of up in the air. why not allow one legend per team, that way the challenger isn't completely op but still has the opition to make use of a mon that would otherwise rot in the box.
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
>>17201781 That's nuts, man. I can't think of anything that would cause that to happen.
>>17201746 >maybe no legendaries Hmm. That might be a good idea as well. I suppose we'd need to look at a list of which exactly are all the legendaries that aren't prohibited by Flat Rules.
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
>17201995 >17201995 >17201995 NEW THREAD
Kyle/Nips(Real Steel) (1977-1205-0529)
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
Quoted By:
>>17192802 >>17201967 >>17201781 Hey man, I just watched the vids. There was no speed tie, you used Shell Smash before he used Sleep Powder. You probably got confused because he Mega Evolved before you Shell Smashed, but that's not outspeeding you, the evolution just happens before any moves go.
Both were great battles, btw.