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[26 / 7 / ?]

No.17155056 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Don't care about Pokemon X/Y
>Never plan on buying it
>Roommate gives it to me for Christmas because he wants to play with me
>Start playing it because free game
>Immediately hate all of the horribly obnoxious characters clearly pandering to 7 year olds
>Still hold out some hope, anxious to find out what kind of team I can build
>Holy shit all of these wild pokemon are awful
>Boy, a Pidgey? Haven't already trained a hundred of these
>Oh gosh, a Caterpie, how can I refuse?
>New pokemon are fucking retarded
>Ugly as sin dog-looking pokemon
>Horribly designed bug-thing that carries around a flower bigger than itself
>Boring, plain fire-type lion cub with eyes the size of dinner plates
>End up using a Farfetch'd and a Dunsparce for shits and giggles
>Only level 15 and already don't want to continue

I mean, I knew pokemon was getting bad, but holy shit. Black/White 2 were really slick and well made, I admit. But this is just painful. The 3D models are pointless since all the pokemon have like two attack animations for fucking everything.

I cringe knowing some of you bought both on day 1.