Izix 3797-7218-3175
Quoted By:
>have been fucking up cloning all day eugh
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
hey guuuuys. im offloading ALL my legendarys to the most trusted cloner here. mosuke. he is going to clone me 8 copies of each :)
What happened to the updated pastebin and the link to the Steam group?
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
Quoted By:
[Need] 6IV Shiny Lilligant 6IV Shiny Articuno 6IV Arcanine (male if possible) 6IV Pangoro (male if possible) [Have] Shiny 6IV Genesect. Shiny 6IV Ditto. 6IV Victini.
Is this the thread to beg for a Jap 6IV Ditto? I got shinies to trade for it.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
What I have (Legendaries); JPN Virizion JPN Arceus JPN Meloetta JPN Rayquaza JPN Darkrai JPN Deoxys JPN Azelf (6IV) JPN Moltres (Nicknamed "Find original"?) JPN Genesect (Shiny/May or may not be 6IV) JPN Latios JPN Giratina JPN Mew (Shiny/6IV) FRE Xerneas GER Kyogre ITA Entei ENG Mesprit ENG Uxie ENG Phione ENG Mewtwo (Pokerus) ENG Suicune ENG Raikou (Shiny) ENG Dialga (Nicknamed) ENG Jirachi ENG Yveltal ENG Zygarde ENG Keldeo ENG Shaymin (Shiny/6IV/Pokerus) ENG Victini (May or may not be 6IV) What I need (Legendaries); Anything I don't have. Willing to clone if I am available. Also, any ENG versions of legends I don't already have. Shinies would be neat-o, but they're not a priority.
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17159223 hope your trolling me about the mosuke>>17159227 Do you have cause I don't Ahri 0104-0357-7211
Quoted By:
>>17159280 Alec I have your Darkrai if you're still around
Quoted By:
Hey, will, im calling it quits. i cant seem to get a shiny, and im getting really frustrated. Sorry man.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17159280 lool what shinnies do you have. if so are they lvl 1
Mad 4167-4592-9402
Have recently cloned... Timid Shiny Charizard's holding charizardnite Y. Shiny 6IV Rayquaza. Ho-Oh with Regeneration. English 6IV Meloetta's. 6IV Jap Ditto's holding Destiny Knot. Also willing to help clone if needed. Looking For... Shiny female 5/6Iv Buneary with egg moves switcheroo and fake out. 5/6IV Shiny Gredninja with toxic spikes. Shiny Bold Wish 6/5IV Eevee. Shiny Latias 6IV. Shiny 5/6IV Extreme Speed Mulitiscale Dragonite. Shiny 5/6 IV Espurr.
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17159280 I have a jap ditto 6iv ready to be swap what shiny do you have?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17159305 lmao dennis he said " can i have all that to clone" i knwo you dont like shitposting but i couldent helpmyself LOL. btw the lando and ray are awaiting you ^^
Does anyone have any tips for cloning? I've been trying all day, and I can't get the timing right. I usually get the black screen and the error message immediately after I turn the other one off, but I don't think that's right.
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Mon 06 Jan 2014 01:59:27 No. 17159374 Report Have: 6IV shiny Aegislash 6IV shiny Malamar I'm pretty new to cloning, but you can have a clone for free after we manage to clone two.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 06 Jan 2014 01:59:30 No. 17159378 Report Quoted By:
Have: 6 IV Arceus 6 IV Shiny Latios 2 6 IV Shiny Shaymin Need: Latias Thundurus Tornadus I'm not a cloner these are straight trades don't bother replying asking me to clone or asking if you can borrow to clone.
>>17159318 5IV Timid Gasly with Perish Song and Disable bred in and a female Protean Froakie.
Yes they're level 1.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17159350 dennis always beats me.....and i have to watch in pain as the 60 seconds go down....
Luke 1848-2446-7331
>>17159280 >tfw you will never be given a 6IV dittos off a nice person Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17159363 watch this video and press do everything at the same time the dude does
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9kSExcuz-g Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17159328 Daniel, do you think I could clone the Ray? I have the others in ENG already, thank you though!
>>17159292 Is that list everything you have? I have a Registeel that I'd happily trade for an event legendary, in particular Meloetta.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17159391 dennis has one ready i dont ;_: and im doing something me broo. ask him hel clone it back for you so you lose nothing
Quoted By:
>>17159391 Forgot to mention the Froakie has 3 perfect IVs in SpAtk,SpDef,Spd
Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
>>17159374 What's the aegislash nature and isit named?
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17159400 Add me I'll give you one.
http://pastebin.com/SE5iMMbU I'm watching AGDQ 2014 though, so yeah. I'll try to get to you ASAP
Al 3282 2362 5943
>>17159292 Are you interested in a corean victini?
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:02:56 No. 17159478 Report >>17159437 Brave, and yeah. It's named Stormbringer, I can change it though, I'm the OT.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:03:20 No. 17159491 Report I'm Alive!!! Yusuf, you here?!
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17159457 Can I borrow the jirachi off you to clone? I'll give you 2 back.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17159418 If you give me a moment to clone the Meloetta, sure. Also, the list is just slightly out of date, I have a few more than listed like Latias/(os).
>>17159472 What's corean?
Luke 1848-2446-7331
>>17159350 Male 5IV Gastly with Perish Song and Disable
Female 3 IVProtean Froakie
They're level 1
Rae 5300-9915-2051 (Spheal - Bergmite - Cloyster)
Rae 5300-9915-2051 (Spheal - Bergmite - Cloyster) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:04:49 No. 17159536 Report Looking for:
Shiny Jirachi
Shiny Celebi
Shiny ZORUA (not the evolved one), don't give a shit about its nature or stats
Shiny Ponyta, same deal
Shiny Vulpix/Ninetails, same deal
Shiny Sentret/Furret, same deal
Shiny Virizion
Shiny Deerling/Sawsbuck
Shiny Mienfoo/Mienshao
Shiny from the Axew line
Pastebin here:
http://pastebin.com/fqGZQZeU , may have new ones not on there, I have a lot, ask away
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17159357 Just let me clone it, it will be a difficult adventure so wait for me I'll come back I promise
>>17159367 Alright then I'll have a look on this
>>17159374 Your new I can let you clone a rayquaza so make me just 1 extra and a malamar
Al 3282 2362 5943
>>17159503 Sorry, I'm not english
From Corea
Izix 3797-7218-3175
Rae 5300-9915-2051 (Spheal - Bergmite - Cloyster)
Rae 5300-9915-2051 (Spheal - Bergmite - Cloyster) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:05:51 No. 17159565 Report >>17159326 IV's on the charizard? I have the Espurr, Female with Infil pentaperf
Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
>>17159478 oh cool i can clone and give you back a copy with your original if you want. I need aegislash as name though
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17159503 Sure, I can wait. Let me know when it's cloned.
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a spare 6IV Ditto? Sorry for begging, but shit, ive done everything to get one...
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17159520 Alright then I'll take those just add me and show me your fc
Al 3282 2362 5943
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17159546 Dont worry i promise ill come back...hey want a greninja? its 9ivs i promise
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17159516 >mfw 2 lukes on my friends list whats your character look like
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
Have an extra 6IV darkrai for trade>>>inb4 I cant clone LF 6IV legendaries: Ho-oh regigigas all other regis ION Trio raiku groudon mew Palkia Manaphy Uxie Mesprit stuff I have up for cloning (id like a possible clone back so I want 2 back) JPN Azelf 6IV (Adamant) JPN Arceus 6IV JPN Dialga Shiny 6IV JPN Shiny Latias 6IV JPN Ditto 6IV JPN Kyurem 3IV JPN Event Shiny Genresect 2IV event moves ENG Darkrai 6IV ENG Jirachi 6IV ENG Shiny Rayquaza 6IV KOR Shiny Latios 5IV ??? Deoxys shiny 6IV Dull Legendaries: JPN Meloetta JPN Shaymin JPN Shiny giratina JPN HA Giratina Got most bank pokes I can competitively breed as well Just hmu would love some help Koi has my Deoxys Atm And waiting on charles for Vicinti and Entei
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:07:15 No. 17159605 Report >>17159536 I have shiny Virizion.
>>17159502 Do you have a list of shit that I can browse through first?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17159555 Oh I think in English it's spelled Korea. Sorry, but I'm only looking for ENG versions of the legends that I have already.
>>17159583 Alright, give me a few.
>>17159491 Hi Ren, been a while!
Rae 5300-9915-2051 (Spheal - Bergmite - Cloyster)
Rae 5300-9915-2051 (Spheal - Bergmite - Cloyster) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:07:46 No. 17159616 Report >>17159605 See anything you want from the bin?
Luke 1848-2446-7331
Quoted By:
>>17159595 I sent a trade.
Cameron 4441 - 9495 - 0685
>>17159426 I have a shiny mewtwo and a shiny trevenant I wouldn't mind having multiples of. :D
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:08:17 No. 17159635 Report >>17159607 Hey Drew! Sorry I wasn't here yesterday, too wore out, and needed sleep.
Kdo 1564-3518-3824 (drapion, gloom, garbador)
Kdo 1564-3518-3824 (drapion, gloom, garbador) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:08:53 No. 17159651 Report >>17159599 ill clone your deoxys for you, ign: Kevin
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17159635 Ha, no problem! I also wasn't here yesterday. Went to a cousin's house.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17159633 dont worry i have them both :) so ill clone them for you. ill show you mine in the trade box :)
Al 3282 2362 5943
>>17159599 Are you interested in a Korean Victini?
Luke 1848-2446-7331
Quoted By:
>>17159595 Thanks so much! That Eevee should be 5IVs as well.
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17159416 Yeah thats fine got something on my list you might be able to give me as well
Its fine if you dont and want to just clone ray for yourself but would be a big help
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17159606 I don't have a list typed out but I have
s deoxys, s mew, s ho-oh, s lugia, s giratina, s darkria, s lati@s, s suicune, s gensect, s shaymin, s rayquaza and keldeo that you can hang on to any of them while I clone if you want.
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:10:30 No. 17159695 Report >>17159546 I haven't tried cloning yet, but we can try cloning a malamar if you want. add me
Mad 4167-4592-9402
>>17159565 31 IV's in HP Defense and special defense.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:11:04 No. 17159709 Report Quoted By:
>>17159657 Yusuf! I'm back!
>>17159652 Cool. I was working on the last of my dex that I needed. Turns out, I have a lot of trading to do...
yusuf whati s your friend code
Ash/Lars 4983 4932 4945
>>17159588 You mind if i can borrow something as collateral? I know you're on the trust list but i have trust issues.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17159633 care to send me an email?
>>17159536 I have a shiny Ponyta
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17159677 No problem, have a list typed out?
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:11:45 No. 17159728 Report >>17159616 No, not really. Only thing that remotely interests me is Honedge and only if you're able to rename it.
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:11:45 No. 17159730 Report >>17159581 Okay, Imma go change the name to Aegislash,add me.
>>17159690 Anything in the way of normal shinies? If not, I'll just take the dubs. Adding you now, one moment please.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17159711 were not friends....were brothers.
Quoted By:
Anyone interested in a 4IV shiny Vulpix? Just need a Manaphy.
Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
Quoted By:
>>17159730 kk. Gimmie a min
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17159651 I clearly posted below~
sorry VVVVV
>>17159599 >>> Koi has my Deoxys Atm >>17159673 6IV? and what were you looking to borrow or for the darkrai?
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17159746 I've got a 5iv adamant marvel scale dratini and a 6iv levitate gastly both shiny.
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17159594 But That's over 9000 I can't have that 9iv greninja it's just to much to take from you
>>17159695 You do have 2 3ds right?
Cameron 4441 - 9495 - 0685
>>17159717 sure, if you're willing to share your email over le 4chans
Rae 5300-9915-2051 (Spheal - Bergmite - Cloyster)
Rae 5300-9915-2051 (Spheal - Bergmite - Cloyster) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:14:02 No. 17159808 Report >>17159708 Pass, got a 3IV one
>>17159728 Can't. I'd do multiple offers if you wanted but it's cool if you don't.
>>17159720 See anything in the bin you want?
>>17159747 no i mean your friend code for the 3ds
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17159806 thats fine its my second email lol!
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17159292 I have a GER Illumise (Shiny) and a JPN Cobalion. I can let you borrow whichever one you want for cloning for a cloned Meloetta.
Kdo 1564-3518-3824 (drapion, gloom, garbador)
Kdo 1564-3518-3824 (drapion, gloom, garbador) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:16:06 No. 17159853 Report >>17159800 Sorry about that, is it ok if I clone your jirachi?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17159801 Gastly, please! What's the gender, and can you rename it? If so, I'd like Marzipan as its name. FC is in the pastebin, I'm being a lazy fuck right now. I'd need Jirachi back after you clone it, of course.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17159831 The only one I MIGHT have that's 6IV is the Mew I've got. Shiny JPN, that cool?
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:16:37 No. 17159869 Report >>17159804 Oh, fuck me.
You can't do it online?
If not, then I can't clone them.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Posting my list. [H] On hand for Trade 6IV Shiny Banette 5IV Shiny Goomy 6IV Shiny Latios+Latias 6IV Shiny Shaymin 6IV Shiny Deoxys 6IV Shiny/Normal Darkrai 6Iv Jirachi 6IV Shiny Ho-oh/Lugia Deoxys Keldeo 6IV Victini Shiny Genesect [H] 1Only so you need to clone one for yourself Shiny Giratina Shiny6IV Heatran Shiny Cresselia Shiny Raikou/Entei Shiny/Normal mew Celebi Shiny 6IV Dialga Melotta, Manaphy Shiny Kyruem Shiny 5IV Mawile Shiny 6IV trev Shiny 6IVAbsol Shiny 5IV blaziken Shiny 5iv Noivern Shiny 5IV Scyther Shiny 5IV Amaura [W] Any other Shiny 5IV I Don't have 6IV event legends I dont have 6IV Shiny legendaries I dont have Slow to reply in a different game sorry.
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17159862 I can't rename this one but I have a 6iv shiny gengar that I can rename if you want but I would have to clone it first.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:17:36 No. 17159895 Report >>17159857 Yus, you're ignoring me...
Did you get my shinies from Dennis and Andy?
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17159712 What do you mean collateral? I have it ready on hand
>>17159857 I did lol Anonymous
>>17159893 Ah, alright - I'd prefer Gastly though.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:18:59 No. 17159933 Report >>17159808 Well the Trevenant and Goodra also interest me. I might be willing to do it if they don't have ugly moonrune names. And you are able to clone right? I only got one of these things.
Rae 5300-9915-2051 (Spheal - Bergmite - Cloyster)
Rae 5300-9915-2051 (Spheal - Bergmite - Cloyster) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:19:01 No. 17159935 Report >>17159877 Shiny 5IV Honedge for Mawile, if it's female? I'll throw in an extra Shiny 6IV Shaymin for you to trade off if you clone it, I can't clone easily atm.
Izix 3797-7218-3175
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
Quoted By:
>>17159868 That's Fine lol I just labled the countries for other people
so you clone 1 for yourself send me back original and a mew?
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak)
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:19:32 No. 17159948 Report >>17159834 Based Yusuf, do you still have spare Dittos? I couldn't clone my friend's for some reason, so I still really want one. :( The only thing interesting I have to clone is a shiny
Wingull .
Rae 5300-9915-2051 (Spheal - Bergmite - Cloyster)
Rae 5300-9915-2051 (Spheal - Bergmite - Cloyster) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:20:09 No. 17159960 Report >>17159933 Ah, sorry, I'd need to clone both of those pokes and then yours and I can't atm -- another time, perhaps, if you haven't traded it away.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17159895 hell ren...nope! 4chan had a spazz attack and was down for majority of the day at 6am!. andy has not been online yet since ren :( so i have yet the chance to speak to him. dennis is right here cloning a milloion things at once as usual :)
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17159869 If it was about cloning I can do it myself cause I have 2 3ds (one is mine and the other is my little bro)
>>17159868 >>17159895 Where the blazes where you people I have your mons ready to go. I better see your ass online and not offline
Zaventam your latias are ready
anyone got a victini, arces, or darkrai they can clone and give to me?
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17159853 Yeah sure can you clone me an extra as well then?
If not thats fine
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17159841 Sorry man, I'm mainly looking for ENG legends right now if I've already got them in my dex. I can try to clone you a copy anyway, but it'll depend on how easy Mel is to clone.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:21:21 No. 17159995 Report Quoted By:
>>17159960 It's part of my live dex it's not going anywhere.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17159948 yes but i must clone them :) dont mind giving you if you wait a short while ^^ i usualy hand them out till i have one left
Ash/Lars 4983 4932 4945
>>17159913 Like some random mon that you prize or something else of value. You dont have to do it but it will clam down my nerves a little. Oh and do you want any nicknames for the Gastly or Froakie?
Mad 4167-4592-9402
>>17159877 I have shiny 6IV Thundurus timid. Want that for the Latias?
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:22:28 No. 17160025 Report >>17159970 Sure, I'll trust you my most precious pokebros because why not. I'm online and I added ya.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17159970 S-sorry, I was at a cousins and my 3DS died...
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:22:43 No. 17160031 Report >>17159970 I was dead to the world. Needed to sleep, bad. Anyways, I'm here now. Want me to send the TR?
>>17159967 How'd it go down? Server overload, or what? And, I'm guessing Andy hasn't been in the thread today, has he?
Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
>>17159869 Juns Dennis is trust worthy and i know i always deliver their are people in the thread that can vouch for us, you will get your pokemon back
Quoted By:
>>17159979 forgot to mention i have a thundurus if anyone is willin to clone that for a darkrai, arceus, or victini. preferably a darkrai
Ash/Lars 4983 4932 4945
Quoted By:
>>17160013 >clam Meant calm
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak)
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:23:40 No. 17160057 Report >>17159998 Bretty noice. I'm ok with that. Do you know more or less how much time? I have to go to sleep soon because I have to travel tomorrow, so I don't know when I'm leaving... And thanks in advance! You are truly a bro.
Quoted By:
the second one was the original, zaventam and thx for the pokemon
If anyone was wondering you can clone pokemon if you initiate the trade from the 3ds that sends the legendary. It makes the black screen error come up as soon as you turn the 3ds off.
Kdo 1564-3518-3824 (drapion, gloom, garbador)
Kdo 1564-3518-3824 (drapion, gloom, garbador) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:24:20 No. 17160077 Report >>17159987 sure, i'll get you a copy, i added you
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:24:31 No. 17160084 Report Quoted By:
Yoooooo whats good ppl? ^^
>>17159998 I have a proposition for you. i have alot of shitmon that i dont care about, and i have alot of time on my hands. Maybe i can help you clone some stuff. (of course i want some of the pokes :3 mainly 6IV ditto though). what you say?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17160060 I've heard the opposite, and usually the instant black screen means you did it too early.
Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
>>17159973 Thanks Chase! i have other legendaries if you want we can do the same deal. just trade me any trash mon.
>>17159998 yusef do you have a darkrai by any chance?
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:25:55 No. 17160120 Report >>17160033 Thanks for the heads up!
>>17160106 I did it just then. Instant black means you turned off the 3ds who initiated the trade.
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17159326 shiny mew2 for your 6IV meloetta?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17159990 Sure. I would really appreciate it if you can try to clone Mel.
>>17160112 cool i may be on later
i have to take a shower
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160031 im really not sure :S i ended up falling asleep and woke up at 2pm my time realising no posts have been made since 6am. i was going to make a thread called "where the fuck did everybody go edition' but kept getting errors lol
Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
>>17160120 if you still have it for trade( if dennis doesn't have either one of them) i can clone the other.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17159970 I'm sorry for the Shaymin Dennis, but I can't remember what you gave me in return for the Kyurem (that is if you gave me anything at all). If you want a specific pokemon back that you gave me, just tell me and I'll trade you back.
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:28:59 No. 17160208 Report >>17160163 I've got the Aegislash free, added you.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:29:14 No. 17160215 Report Quoted By:
>>17160156 sup bro im back in action sort of... lol
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17160124 .....what?
>>17160146 Like I said, I'll try my best. For some mons it takes over an hour for a single copy.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160057 hmmm...im really not sure :( currently i have 5 dupes to do. maybe less than an hour
>>17160085 hey there im not really into handing my things out. give me 20 minutes to finish off some requests and then im asking if youd dupe shiny shaymin 6IVs for me and send me back 3.
>>17160116 yes i do rosa
>>17160227 could you clone me one when you're not too busy? i can offer a thundurus ;-; or shinies
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17160013 Yes name it Joker and all you have to do is check the iv on ditto so be close to the judge and lets do the trade their so you can check real quick if im lying or not
>>17160025 I send you the invite alright
>>17160025 What about aegislash any good iv on it?
>>17160026 >>17160031 Its all good man
>>17159941 Thanks so much Izix!
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160262 bleh dont need any of that :). dupe it for you when i get the chance. currently have an hours worth atm
Izix 3797-7218-3175
Quoted By:
>>17160270 Thanks for letting me clone.
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17160077 your IGN is kevin right?
>>17160135 hows entei and vicinti?
>>17160227 No problem man.
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak)
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:32:51 No. 17160297 Report Quoted By:
>>17160227 I can wait for this. :P Thanks!
Freddy 4227 1861 3128
Im willing to have my pokemon be cloned or can clone, so that you can know i can be trusted. I have Zapdos Yveltal Greninja Protean Cyndaquil Iron Fist Chimchar Avalanche Mudkip Arcanine Adamant Fire Blitz Zoroark 5IV Magikarp- Jolly-Swift Swim 5IV Frokie-Timid- Protean 4IV Ralts- Modest- Synchronize 3IV Riolu-Relaxed-Prankster 3IV Deino-Bashful-Hustle 3IV Noibat- Calm- Frisk 3IV Azurill-Serious-Huge Power 3IV Gible- Jolly-Egg move Outrage 3IV Shinx- Adamant-Intimidate 3IV Helioptile-Timid-Dry Skin Various Dratinis with IV’s just waiting to be checked Just need a Legendary so I can start cloning for myself and those on this board.
Quoted By:
>>17160274 ah okay. i know you're always busy so i don't want to pile too much on you..
>>17160227 dude add me stop scamming
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:33:42 No. 17160324 Report >>17160266 Si, 6IV in Aegislash, although I just checked and you can't nickname it back to aegislash. It's Stormbringer.
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17159583 >>17159607 Hopefully you haven't already cloned that Meloetta, as I got someone else to make the exact same trade. I apologize if I just wasted your time.
Quoted By:
>>17159536 I have a shiny vulpix on hand. I'd like to have a 6IV JP ditto.
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17159868 Still waiting on reply lulz~
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17160288 sorry i dont rly clone
anymore.im just looking for a 6IV meloetta until the bank comes out
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160315 scamming? what the fuck. lol dont you understand....i DONT want to trade with YOU. it was a joke
Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
>>17160208 ok starting now, i'll take a while.
Ash/Lars 4983 4932 4945
>>17160266 Alright send the trade whenever you're ready.
>>17160354 what the fuck is your prob? you said i could have a ditto if i clone 4 you but your not adding me you coward
Quoted By:
>>17160354 Almost forgot, heres my FC: 3926 5096 2452
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17160352 there was a thread earlier on where a guy had one and cloned alot. you can get them easily for nothing
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:36:44 No. 17160405 Report Quoted By:
>>17160374 I have free time to wait for my pokebro, I can drawfag anything meanwhile if anyone wants something.
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17160181 My records don't show anything of you owing anything to me
>>17160324 Alright then I will clone that one too and I have the rayquaza all ready for you to have but I will need to check their Iv first k
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17160343 I'm so sorry I was trying to do stuff. Yeah I can clone the Mew and the Ray, thank you so much!
Let me try to clone this Mel a couple more times for the guy that wants one.
>>17160328 It's alright, I can just give the copy I make to
>>17160137 Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160398 because your a scammer you greninshit! go fucking get one from the beg thread your blacklisted for reasons. are you a retard?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17160409 Oh thank God I thought I just accidentally Jew'd you out of a pokemon.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160293 ill add you and send shaymin over to you now in a minute :) i want 3 back please.
How the fuck do ya'll get shiny 6IV legiondarys?
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17160352 I was the one who helped you get the shiny mewtwo though :/
and you said youd help me out
>>>Might have wrong charles but you said shiny mewtwo Castle
>>17160454 sounds good to me. lemme go get my other 3ds and prep it.
>>17160430 i'm not a scammer for fuck sake it was a miss understanding from the shiny trade threads i gave everything back! just give me a ditto and ill leave stop being a douch before you look like a scammer yourself
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17160423 its cool just lemme know when bro i got time atm lulz~
Dakishi 1521-3857-4729
>>17159599 I can clone the ditto for you.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160487 sure thing take your time :)
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17160391 Didn't we agree in 2 for 1?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160491 entei victini? can help you out. vic is ready for nothing entei you can clone for yourself if you want to :)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:41:39 No. 17160528 Report >>17159223 okay yusuf, how about you clone me a shiny luvdisc first to gain trust. i have two shiny luvdisc. so could you? 1 cloned luvdisc?
>>17160496 Just in case, im going to clone some shitmons first. id hate to fuck up and destroy your pokemon.
Quoted By:
>>17160463 pokegen...
speaking of which. who bas a heatran?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160489 how could i look like a scammer by NOT giving a scammer a ditto. plz get educated
1693 1429 2660 carl
who can clone me my electivire shiny that is trusted?
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:43:14 No. 17160564 Report Quoted By:
>>17160526 oh by the way, ill add you first. one cloned luvdisc to gain trust.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160528 erm im confused...are you looking for something? that post to mosuke was just a joke btw lol.
>>17160531 dont worry about it even if you do. i can try trade for another :)
>>17160546 cuz you promised me one if i cloned for you you said i was the most trusted person here idiot read your words right
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17160526 I cant clone I just share my pokes to cloners lol
but the vic would help lots ^_^
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
Quoted By:
>>17160551 Raised hand I can
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160583 i never PROMISED you anything. lern2readplz?. are you just retarded? it was scarcasm we know your a douchebag! your on the BLACKLIST! what is wrong with you?
>>17160575 Yo Yusuf! Sorry to butt into your convo but is there any pokemon you need/want?
You've been such a damn helpful bro and pretty much the only reason I've been able to finish this darn pokedex. I'd just like to return the favor.
Nic 4527-8133-6836
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:46:13 No. 17160639 Report >>17160575 er i mean i want to clone my luvdisc
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17160494 Yes please~
thatd help alot
one min gonna add
1693 1429 2660 carl
Quoted By:
ive herd mouske is trustable thays why I came here
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160626 hey no worries who is this ^_^. erm....my pastebin looks like this so im not sure x_x
http://pastebin.com/BeKPir1J but thankyou for the offer :)
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17160467 dude i dont like cloning because cloning sucks. sorry but i only clone for extreme pokemon i want
>>17160551 can i get a clone or i could give collateral to clone
Dakishi 1521-3857-4729
Quoted By:
LF: Shiny 6IV Ditto to clone. Can make copy back for you so you get 2. If generous, save me the effort if you already have multiple dittos and let me just clone mine.
Freddy 4227 1861 3128
Quoted By:
>>17160305 Can some one please help me out then? So i can get the ball rolling...
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17160595 ill clone the Entei for you. you did help me and ill return the favor
Quoted By:
>>17159808 My Ponyta isn't a clone, sorry
>>17160618 yes you did in the old thread dont back track you fucking noob i wouldn't be on the blacklist if it wasn't for that dick who followed me in this threads i haven't made ONE trade in here cuz of them and i just want ONE to show im trusted so please give me a ditto i beg i beg i beg
>>17160660 alrighty man, im ready when you are. got my 3ds' ready for "cheating"
Dakishi 1521-3857-4729
>>17160644 kk cool. adding.
1693 1429 2660 carl
>>17160661 ive heard youre scammer
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:48:49 No. 17160694 Report Quoted By:
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
>>17160692 thats why i asked for a clone friend
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17159935 uhh I can't clone sorry, didnt mention that.
>>17160019 Sure I'd do that trade if you're still here.
Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17160689 ill give you a ditto to clone if u return 2
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160639 so you want your shiny luvdisc cloned? you dont have 2 d's and cant clone yourself? id love to help you out. id offer collateral but i'm scared that my collateral to offer will be lost since i don't know you :/ i can show you whatever you wanted to see in the trade window.
>>17160690 adding you now :)
>>17160692 he is
Ash/Lars 4983 4932 4945
>>17160503 Oh shit you're right Dennis. So sorry. Send me the trade right now for your Froakie. Sorry man I've been multitasking and posting in different threads.
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:51:42 No. 17160767 Report Quoted By:
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17160718 hey Gold i owe you an apology. I didnt give you that 2nd deoxys because again i was being a fag and got tired of cloning. ill give you the deoxys and any pokemon from my list
I have:
Sh Rayquaza
Sh Mew
Sh Landorus
Sh 6IV Dialga
Sh 6IV Shaymin
Sh 6IV Darkrai
Sh 6IV Latios
Sh 6IV ditto
Sh 6IV Lugia
Sh 6IV Latias
Sh Giratina
Sh 6IV Deoxys
Sh Ho-oh
Sh Genesect
6IV Entei
6IV Darkrai
4IV Palkia
6IV Victini
6IV Azelf
6IV ditto
Sh Breloom
Sh Blastoise
Sh Poliwhirl
Sh Gengar
Sh Charizard
Sh Chespin
Sh Scraggy
Sh Mightyena
Sh Kingdra
Sh Mawile
Sh Hoppip
Sh Sceptile
Sh Hitmonchan
Sh Krabby
Sh 5IV Larvitar
Sh Ferroseed
Sh Herracross
Sh Skiddo
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
Quoted By:
>>17160737 ok my code is 0791 1404 4959 thanks!
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160785 you fucking worm hahahaaha
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:53:10 No. 17160812 Report >>17160743 2d's? i dont have a another game to clone.
0103-9691-7903 (Fletchinder, Pryroar, Growlithe)
0103-9691-7903 (Fletchinder, Pryroar, Growlithe) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:53:11 No. 17160813 Report Quoted By:
>>17160660 Ah sorry, I don't like to namefag unless I have to but it's me. Thanks to all your and Ren's help, I finished the entire pokedex yesterday!
If there's any mon you need, let me know and I'll try and get it for you guys.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17160689 Dude's probably got like a whole box full of fucking JPN 6IV Shiny Dittos, and he's not giving you one 'cause you're such a shitbag.
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17160691 so 2 coming back my way? :3
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17160766 I'm online right now
>>17160324 I wanted to use game chat since you were posting and it makes negotiation faster
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17160810 at least i admit my mistakes. why are you always so fucking condescending. Mind your own business friend because this is my life. I made mistakes but remember all this is fake. This game wont help me one day and ur going to not play this game away one day
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160690 sorry send me your fc bro
Dakishi 1521-3857-4729
>>17160832 yes if i dont kill myself during the process.
kinda wanted a shiny but this will do for breeding i guess.
cloning now.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160812 ive added you ill do it for you but ill send you a t.r when ready!
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak)
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:56:25 No. 17160894 Report Quoted By:
>>17160848 By the way, I'm still stalking the thread in the shadows. Tell me when you are free for le Ditto! I'll be breeding Eevees meanwhile.
>>17160848 np, its 3926 5096 2452
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
Sup /vp/ I've got a 6IV Timid Victini Latias Heatran Adamant 4IV Shiny Metagross Jolly Shiny Furfrou Looking for other Legendaries. I can't clone though so I'd prefer someone who could
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:57:11 No. 17160908 Report >>17160848 But someone said you're reliable? I cant find someone who's trustworthy. I lost 2 shinies because they're frauds.
Ash/Lars 4983 4932 4945
>>17160837 Alright finally. Thanks so much for the Ditto Dennis. Have fun with your new shinies.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17160785 oh? I have no more need for the deoxys or anything else. I'm too lazy to re-add but consider it apology accepted.
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 02:58:33 No. 17160938 Report Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
Ok Juns I'm finished log back in, also can you change on of the names back to Aegislash i'll trade you the named one i have, thanks.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17160908 which is why ive added you :) il be a few minutes though because im doing some trades. i have no issue in cloning your pokemon ^^
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17159841 Got that Mel for you, the Cobalion can do, but I'll have to do Mono's Ray first, if that's okay with you.
Quoted By:
>>17160847 Admitting you mistakes 2 days later after everyone is constantly on your ass.
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17160930 please Gold i have a pokemon that you will want. Shiny Mew2 and thank you. I truly am sorry it was a faggy thing to do
max (IGN:Thadkins 1478-4493-4234)
>>17160899 I'm interested in that Victini. Would you like a shiny 6 IV Rayquaza as a collateral?
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17160945 Hey did you ever see the list?
>>17159877 Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Mon 06 Jan 2014 03:01:13 No. 17161009 Report >>17160945 No, sorry, I just realized it's Instashit. I can't change it back :c
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17160862 aight cool ^_^
>>17160874 Just let me know if your still up to the vic I added~
>>17160685 >>> quoted for update purposes #YOLO~ Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17160895 thank you castle sorry for all the delays just trading jaika and will trade you therafter
>>17160938 dont worry ill have it back to you ^^ just bear with me
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
>>17160982 Uh. Alright, we can do that. You're gonna clone it and return the original?
Blackend fc 5043 1849 3286
Quoted By:
Egg move totodile for kee berry
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17161014 haha im cloning Entei now friend. If yusuf doenst clone victini (though I know he will) I would also clone that for you too
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17161014 yupp! let me just add you. after i send a shay to castle
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
Quoted By:
>>17160910 Your welcome and Thanks to have a nice day :)
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
Hello everyone! I'm up for cloning shit for someone. Also I have your Darkrai Alec
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17160953 Wow your quick! Sure I'll wait.
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 03:04:23 No. 17161083 Report >>17160874 oh by the way, if you have time, clone 5 shiny charizard for me and you could keep one if you want.
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17161060 I have:
Sh Rayquaza
Sh Mew
Sh Landorus
Sh 6IV Dialga
Sh 6IV Shaymin
Sh 6IV Darkrai
Sh 6IV Latios
Sh 6IV ditto
Sh 6IV Lugia
Sh 6IV Latias
Sh Giratina
Sh 6IV Deoxys
Sh Ho-oh
Sh Genesect
6IV Entei
6IV Darkrai
4IV Palkia
6IV Victini
6IV Azelf
6IV ditto
Sh Breloom
Sh Blastoise
Sh Poliwhirl
Sh Gengar
Sh Charizard
Sh Chespin
Sh Scraggy
Sh Mightyena
Sh Kingdra
Sh Mawile
Sh Hoppip
Sh Sceptile
Sh Hitmonchan
Sh Krabby
Sh 5IV Larvitar
Sh Ferroseed
Sh Herracross
Sh Skiddo
max (IGN:Thadkins 1478-4493-4234)
>>17161020 I'm Cloning it twice since I do want a copy for myself, as a clarification.
Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
>>17159877 Oh i didn't was busy cloning haha i want the scyther and cresselia but i need a min i'll offer trade when ready.
>>17161054 Alrighty. wish me luck :s
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Posting updated list (sorry) What I have (Legendaries); JPN Virizion JPN Arceus JPN Meloetta JPN Groudon JPN Kyurem JPN Azelf (6IV) JPN Moltres (Nicknamed "Find original"?) JPN Genesect (Shiny/6IV) JPN Latios JPN Latias JPN Giratina JPN Mew (Shiny/6IV) FRE Xerneas GER Kyogre ITA Entei ENG Mesprit ENG Uxie ENG Phione ENG Mewtwo (Pokerus) ENG Suicune ENG Raikou (Shiny) ENG Dialga (Nicknamed) ENG Jirachi ENG Yveltal ENG Zygarde ENG Keldeo ENG Darkrai ENG Shaymin (Shiny/6IV/Pokerus) ENG Victini (May or may not be 6IV) What I need (Legendaries); Anything I don't have. Willing to clone if I am available. Also, any ENG versions of legends I don't already have. Shinies would be neat-o, but they're not a priority.
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
>>17161089 Oh that makes sense. I've added you.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17161083 LOL x_x im sorry but thats abit to much to ask ;_; alot of people ask me to clone things
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17160977 Yes okay, but I don't want anything so just leave it.
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17161084 I would love to do your deoxys, I think I already have you added
Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
Quoted By:
>>17161009 w/e it's a coo name haha.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17161112 remmeber...turn off the ds which initially had the good mon :)
>>17161137 ..........................
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17161065 >Quick >Shit felt like it took forever Sure, haha ok.
I added you, but I don't see you online.
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 03:07:03 No. 17161153 Report Quoted By:
>>17161125 ill just have to wait for a while to make more room.
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
>>17161125 I have a shiny charizard you could clone for nothing or ill clone it for you
Nic 4527-8133-6836
http://pastebin.com/SE5iMMbU repost for cloners, delayed replies due to watching AGDQ
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17161046 Thnx bro btw dont let shit talk get you upset
It's the interwebz
btw youve helped me alot so im coo wit u
>>>>inb4 Im 21 know dem feelz doe >>17161054 Your so freakin TITS LEGIT
aight i'll wait patiently lol
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17161110 Gotcha. Can I get an extra copy of the scyther and just my original cresselia back for the shiny I wanted from you. I forgot which one it was though but I'm sure I wanted it.
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17161136 ok thanks. i hope i can help you one day friend
>>17161137 ok i just ask for the original and 1 clone back
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17161174 This TAS run is interesting.
Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
Quoted By:
>>17161110 fuck this was meant for
>>17160997 Cage(3067-5050-7038)
>>17161114 Ill trade you a shiny absol for a shiny mew? I can clone too
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17161192 np! Pretty much the usual arrangement
River 1762-4103-7368
>>17161015 Did you ever clone that ditto for my shiny goomy?
max (IGN:Thadkins 1478-4493-4234)
>>17161115 Letting you know that this will roughly take 20-45 minutes.
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17161207 Just waiting on Duke's run and looking forward to how awkward it gets :^)
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17161183 lel im online send me req
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17161174 i could use a kyogre and groudon. I understand if ur not trusting me its fine
>>17161183 thx what other pokemon you have from older gens?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17161216 So you want me to clone the Absol or...? Sorry, I'm really slow on the uptake and I've got a bit of a headache, which isn't helping. I'm down, but you'll have to explain it to me like I'm an idiot.
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17161232 Should be funny. I'm quite interested in watching the IWBTG speedrun as well that should be fun.
By the way can I borrow your celebi to clone?
Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
>>17161231 Alright. Just keep me posted.
Just to make sure, this is my Rayquaza to keep, right? Like after you have your copy of Victini I get this copy of Rayquayza?
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
just letting yusef know i'm still here
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17161183 I finished the Meloetta. I'm not sure how to check the IV's on the Mew, but I'll trade it for the Ray so you can figure it out if you want,
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 03:13:06 No. 17161286 Report Quoted By:
Someone clone me my shiny minccino?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17161229 nope not yet sorry ive been bombarded with requests. and i dont like holding peoples things for too long. i think 2 other people have asked for a ditto in this thread. i can get them if you have patience please. and im not looking for your goomy btw , its free
>>17161250 ill trade you the shiny for your 6 iv mew. If you want i can clone your mew and give it back.
max (IGN:Thadkins 1478-4493-4234)
>>17161259 No, that's a Collateral, I want that back.
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17161245 bank mon reg or legendaries?
I have most bank mon regular
and some with ha like carvahna
>>17159599 >>17161237 Im on as well
Idk your Ign
but im ready for trade ~
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17161294 Ok yeah. I don't need another copy, so if you could clone a copy for yourself (however many you want) and send the one back, that'll be fine. Thank you!
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17161304 ign yusuf :) ive put a shoutout that says im LF you
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
>>17161296 Oh. That's fine. After this do you think you can clone me one of these Rayquayzas? I feel like I'm getting nothing out of this deal.
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17161254 I just hope that /srg/'s donation towards the Wind Waker HD file goes through ;_;
>un reptil And sure RE: Celebi, hop on whenever
>>17161245 Didn't you say earlier in the thread you were tired of cloning?
Quoted By:
4IV shiny Noibat for a Manaphy? What does a guy have to do to get a Manaphy?
Quoted By:
>>17161317 okay it will save you the trouble of re-cloning it. Add me and lets trade.
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17161324 some faggot will probably outdonate it last second
max (IGN:Thadkins 1478-4493-4234)
>>17161323 You are getting two victini's.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17161152 thanks a bunch!
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 - (IGN Richard)
If someone could trade me an event mon, that would be amazing. Want: Mew, Jirachi, Deoxys, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect. I can give you a Kyurem in return if you'd like
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
>>17161364 Oh. I'm retarded. Alright. I'm still a little new to this. I'll let you back to your work then.
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17161356 >egg oh please no, I have like 6 more boxes to hatch
>this M64 TAS good shit
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
Hey Ive been lurking for a shiny electabuzz lately. Also I really need to finish my dex. LF: Mankey Aipom Natu Girafarig Wurmple Seedot Slakoth Baltoy Tropius Duskull Spheal
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17161374 Can you clone? I've got like, all of thos, but just one copy of each.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17161304 did i give it to the right daniel ?
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Quoted By:
>>17161255 I forgot, is your list somewhere in here.
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 03:19:50 No. 17161425 Report Quoted By:
Who wants a shiny mincinno if its cloned by someone? Any bank legendaries or shiny pokemons
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 - (IGN Richard)
Quoted By:
>>17161399 unfortunately i can't sorry
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17161392 I had 6 boxes of eggs left over from instacheck that I'm just slowly cloning over.
>the guy with the mic on the left of the couch who keeps stretching his neck up I feel awkward just watching this.
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17161304 i just want bank mon regulars
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17161281 aight i can check IVs myself just send over a trade when your ready
plus itll be a dex entry if its just a reg mew and good fodder
so being clear thats Ray coming back and a new mew fo me?
>>17161318 aight i dint see you cause i didnt refresh
but then I saw u n passerbys
>>> inb4 that was very creeper status lulz
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
if ive said yes to giving you a ditto tell me now please
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17161437 I need the Mew back, but I can clone you a Ray. I don't need a clone for the Mew though, so if you want to clone a copy for yourself that's fine.
Anyone has 6IV JP Ditto? I have a Shiny JP Giratina. Please. I just want to MM for a porygon.
>>17161473 I added you for the shiny mew, but your probably busy cloning right? Ill still trade you that absol. (waits patiently)
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17161496 wat lvl is giratina
Quoted By:
>>17161509 It's already level 100 when I got it from GTS.
>>17161471 Shit man, its not working. But i still have the pokemon. lemme give you it back. sorry :c
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
Again i re-iterate if i have accepted to do a shiny ditto for you please tell me. I have to know now so i know how many to do.
max (IGN:Thadkins 1478-4493-4234)
>>17161389 One down, One more to go.
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17161429 >SMW TAS 10/10
Uh what will be the exchange for Celebi anyways?
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17161224 hey just keep me posted
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17161503 Fucking God I'm a shit.
Daniel is cloning it first 'cause he asked for it a while back. I forgot until now. I'm so so sorry. Is there anything else on my list you want/need? Pick one, it's yours.
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17161436 k
I got cherubi
Ha carvahna
>>17161473 I cant clone so it'll just be a dex entry for me so thats fine
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak)
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak) Mon 06 Jan 2014 03:27:47 No. 17161558 Report >>17161471 Hey. Here's your reply:
>>17159998 I've added you. :D
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17161529 buddy you can cry as long as youd like! ae you getting black screen error?
Flay 4313 1151 9887 (Pancham,meinfoo,hariyana)
Flay 4313 1151 9887 (Pancham,meinfoo,hariyana) Mon 06 Jan 2014 03:27:58 No. 17161562 Report have a shiny jap Giratina lvl 100 toclone for any event legendary
Quoted By:
>>17161545 Kaizer 3007-8134-8925. Thanks mate!
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17161543 A second one if you want. I could clone my shiny 6iv dragonite instead if you would like.
>pong speedrun Jerm 0018-1330-6839
Quoted By:
>>17161542 Sweet. You're doing god's work, son.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17161558 one....there must be more.
>>17161560 yes. that and "Trainer disconnected" but whenever i go back its either nothing happened or the trade went through.
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17161556 Can u make eggs of:
Rae 5300-9915-2051 (Spheal - Bergmite - Cloyster)
Rae 5300-9915-2051 (Spheal - Bergmite - Cloyster) Mon 06 Jan 2014 03:29:46 No. 17161601 Report Quoted By:
>team full of cloned battle-ready monsters >ready to fuck someone up >no opponents can be found scaredy-cats
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17161572 Clone the 5V Dratini if you've got that still!
Mario Pong is one thing I've never think of seeing that franchise go to, its actually really amazing hearing about the specifics
Quoted By:
>>17161593 i'm waiting on a darkrai not a ditto, but an extra ditto for a friend would be nice too.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17161594 1) initiate trade from ds that has the shitmon
2) accept from ds that has good mon
= no black screen
as soon as blue screen appears...stopwatch to 4.3-4.5 seconds....turn of first ds....wait 3 seconds turn of second d.s
Flay 4313 1151 9887 (Pancham,meinfoo,hariyana)
Flay 4313 1151 9887 (Pancham,meinfoo,hariyana) Mon 06 Jan 2014 03:30:47 No. 17161614 Report Quoted By:
>>17161562 with griseous orb
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17161605 shiny*
Also, guessing its not nicknameable as well?
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17161605 Alright just starting now. Took some time out to eat lunch and watch that speedrun.
Mad 4167-4592-9402
>>17160718 I'm here now. Sorry I had to step out. I added you and am online.
Quoted By:
>>17161613 ok, ill try that
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
1x deoxys 1x darkrai 1x ditto sorry rosa id love to but right now im backed up with somebody on email
Izix 3797-7218-3175
Quoted By:
>>17161624 Unfortunately no it isn't nicknameable either.
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17161593 I'll take one if its an offer lol XD
too make some and give out
I never asked for one though ~
>>17161596 Any thing to offer though i mean I'm fine doing it I needed to anyways~
Quoted By:
>>17161551 no tis fine. I once failed cloning over and over for 2 hours. It can be exhausting.
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Mon 06 Jan 2014 03:35:31 No. 17161719 Report >>17161645 whats your email?
Quoted By:
>>17161545 Thanks a lot, man!
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17161688 sorry haha its for the anons that asked. i bet one of them comes back saying i said id give them one where is it....i can feel it
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17161688 shiny deoxys and shiny genesect?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17161719 yusufedros@gmail.com
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17161634 Added trade whenever.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
1 darkrai 1 ditto AGAIN calling out if i promised you a ditto please dont complain if you were not watching the thread and come back 5 hours later asking where is it. let me know now
Mad 4167-4592-9402
Quoted By:
>>17161883 Alright shiny 6iv thundurus for the shiny 6IV latias.
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak)
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak) Mon 06 Jan 2014 03:43:51 No. 17161930 Report Quoted By:
>>17161885 My body is ready. Tell me when you add me, so I can trade you!
Mad 4167-4592-9402
>>17161883 Could of mentioned it wasn't timid :/
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17160077 Update on Jirachi? >>17160862 Update on Ditto?>>17161726 Lmao its cool>>17161731 Thats fine Are they IVd?And itd be a moment bro lemme get a box ready for you
>>17153438 whenever you on. Ever clone deoxys? Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17161688 Did you want a copy of the Ray? Sorry, I'm really stupid today.
>>17161885 please man i'll do anything for a ditto PLEASE
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17161962 i thought somebody other than me said they were giving you it
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17161954 yeah if you have time ^_^ Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17161949 6IV deoxys
>>17161224 I believe that Ahri stole me deoxys because I havent seen him in a while. Are you lurking?
Quoted By:
>>17161988 Heres an update. i tried it with a ponyta and it worked. im going for the shay now :D
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17162040 I'm here!
I have one of them it's just being a bitch for the seccond copy sorry ;_;
>>17162040 Im sorry charles. Btw i saw you on a different thread and you wanted to trade for my absol. Are you still interested?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Cloning ditto. will make 2 extra copies incase somebody does come and complain eventhough they left. If i said yes post, not taking additional requests atm for it. Castle dont stress with the shaymin. take as long as you need youl get the hang of it :). it should work eventually with the method i gave you.
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17162091 o haha i didnt see you for a while. I was just throwing it out there thx for response
>>17162097 yea wat did you want?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
rosa. darkrai awaits
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17161992 Got your Rays, bro. Sending request.
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17162040 dats fine then Give me a while on them for you
>>17162110 Alrighty, i think i got a hold of it. Hey, save some of that Ditto for me! (nacho libre reference lol)
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17161626 Cheers, enjoy!
>/srg/ guys trying to send Duke a Shrek costume fantastic
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17162184 ok ill be lurking
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17162190 literally why is this guy in a bunny suit
>>17162125 still got your meoletta or keldeo?
River 1762-4103-7368
>>17162110 I'll still like that ditto Yusuf i got all night
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17162208 some nuthugger wanting attention, that's my guess
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17162186 ill send you one to clone yourself later :). currently lf rosa on pss.
Izix 3797-7218-3175
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17162220 yea i got keldeo
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17162225 okay cool atm going to clone then. just want to ship this darkrai off
>>17162190 Nic do you have the 6IV extreme speed movie genesect yet in shiny?
>>17162242 sounds good to me
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
Quoted By:
>>17162200 Thnx very much ^_^
>>17162260 okay ill add you.
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17162264 I don't, but the Genesect I do have is pretty cool!
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17162275 Still need that Mew? I added you. Sorry for being a shit.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
what the hell. received 10 pss trade invites in one row. wtf do they want. rosa come online lol these people r pissing me off
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17162249 It'd be more amusing if he'd go and do Bugs Bunny things ala dressing up like a girl (still in the Bugs outfit) and try to kiss some people there
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17162320 nothing funny is going to happen at agdq
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17162297 then ill give you your upgrade. i cloned it for you yesterday
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17162338 Hey, on the plus side, Siglemic isn't there this time around
>>17162347 You sure? I'll swap the other with you then; thanks so much! Which Pokemon did you need to grab again? I don't have certain ones anymore as an FYI
Quoted By:
Anyone have a 6iv Shiny Suicune?
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17162423 and theres no naegleria there to choke his way through any speedruns
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
>>17162293 ok b online soon
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17162423 no no dont worry about it ^^ just send me a trade request....heh my pastebin is missing about 30 mon i havent listed yet still need to.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
rosa. il be offline cloning ditto tell me when your back.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Quoted By:
>>17161947 I actually had no idea sorry. I have way too many shinies 6IVS that I've never used competively.
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Mon 06 Jan 2014 04:08:13 No. 17162546 Report Quoted By:
Luke or Ren still around?? I got some of your things! Ren I need to return Zangoose!!
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
>>17161542 You still around? Just wondering. I know cloning can take a while.
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17162451 To be fair, there were some nice parts with Naeg involved, compared to Mr. No Fun Allowed
>>17162488 Once more, thank you very much. Get back to me with what you needed, if I even have it at all at this point haha
max (IGN:Thadkins 1478-4493-4234)
JERM, YOUR VICTINI'S ARE READY!! Damn, that took one hour on the last one.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17162569 LOL no problemo for you !. iof theres anything else your reallly searching for...tell me i can try get it. found the 6v shiny zappperdoes today :). dident think anybody had him
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17162569 Naegleria's "speedrun" of shadof of the colossus was suicide worthy.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17162610 just wen i hit offline lol ill clone the first ditto and get online
Quoted By:
Thanks for the trade charles!
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17162603 Dang man, congrats on that one! I saw a shiny Zapdos on the GTS a few days ago but didn't have the thing that the person wanted at the time (not an event mon)
>>17162609 Time to live in the now
>happening Izix 3797-7218-3175
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
Quoted By:
>>17162594 You're so great. Thanks for the clone man.
max (IGN:Thadkins 1478-4493-4234)
>>17162568 Damn, sorry it took so long, getting bad succession (20 times in a row) on turning it off.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17162665 ^^ the best thing ive had yet though is a Shiny 6IV manaphy lvl 1 english :)
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17162716 How much hustling did you have to do to get that?
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
Quoted By:
>>17162702 Lol it's no problem. Got my 3rd Life Orb thanks to you too now. Lol.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17162765 the most fucked up amount of hustling you can think off lol! dealing for that thing was a nightmare. but i feel pretty darn proud he traded me in the end ^^ im getting 5:1 offers on it so i removed it from my pastebin. i can send it to you for you to check out in the trade screen later if youd want!
Nito: 4828-5117-2047 SV: {4093} [Panpour, Gyarados, Azumarill]
Nito: 4828-5117-2047 SV: {4093} [Panpour, Gyarados, Azumarill] Mon 06 Jan 2014 04:20:57 No. 17162891 Report isn't it about time for some new Bread? complete with the steam group, and updated pastebin, please.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17162891 wanna join steam group...nito make me an account lel
Nito: 4828-5117-2047 SV: {4093} [Panpour, Gyarados, Azumarill]
Nito: 4828-5117-2047 SV: {4093} [Panpour, Gyarados, Azumarill] Mon 06 Jan 2014 04:22:56 No. 17162935 Report Quoted By:
>>17162913 you have to make your own account dummy. lol but you're welcome in, as soon as you lrn2 computer
>>17162837 >>17162716 >>17162665 >Happy he got shiny 6IV legendaries >the fact that they are genned >the fact that he wont clone and give them to anyone >the fact that yusuf is a hoarding fag Nito: 4828-5117-2047 SV: {4093} [Panpour, Gyarados, Azumarill]
Nito: 4828-5117-2047 SV: {4093} [Panpour, Gyarados, Azumarill] Mon 06 Jan 2014 04:24:08 No. 17162966 Report >>17162946 >being this new Kazuuru
Quoted By:
>>17162966 >>17162974 >the fact you are both yusuf's butt buddies Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
2X ditto done Darkrai ready yusuf isssssssss done....then i read my email "could you clone me 5 shiny charizard? Thank you and you could keep one shiny charizard cloning it for me.
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak)
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak) Mon 06 Jan 2014 04:27:52 No. 17163074 Report Quoted By:
>>17162837 >the fact that that pokemon will be worthless when bank comes out because it is genned Anonymous
>>17163083 guessing you never got a ditto when they were being handed out? get rekt son like i rekt your mom.
>>17163117 >the fact that I have more powerful and better pokemon than you Nic 4527-8133-6836
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17162946 Yang is a jew. There is nothign you can do about it. It's obvious he came here from gamefaqs or reddit but either way nothing you can say will change peoples minds about him.
>>17163132 the fact that you think that means your strong. your as loose as your moms pussy. git good
Izix 3797-7218-3175
Quoted By:
>>17163149 >yang ment yusuf lel
>>17163164 >the fact that you waste your life collecting pokemon that can be genned in seconds Judah 4871-4409-5789
>>17163012 You still looking for a 5IV Shiny female Ralts?
Nic 4527-8133-6836
Quoted By:
>>17163206 >Playing Pokemon Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
>>17162091 AHRI!!!!
Where are my deoxys? Are you lurking? It has been a long while.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
rosa when your online let me know
River 1762-4103-7368
>>17163012 Can we trade now?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17163258 im waiting on rosa to come online to get her deoxys :/
River 1762-4103-7368
>>17163283 Cool Tell me when your ready
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17163283 darkrai i meant.
but ditto is ready for you and the other....just waiting
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17162200 ready when you are what was i getting
gene and deoxys?
sorry for the wait btw
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17163307 i guess ill just trade you both first then
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17163321 yea and np.
Can you add this friend code? the other ds is in my room
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Quoted By:
Looking for a Manaphy with decent Ivs
[H] This list to bump, the goomy and the shiny latias is gone.
>>17159877 River 1762-4103-7368
Quoted By:
>>17163353 Ready when you are
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17163356 aight added
just waiting
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17163402 ok
>>17163353 just throwing this out there so you can know. Ahri may have just scammed my deoxys
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17163420 im not sure...i traded with him perfectly fine yesterday. we can just wait until he returns? he did say he was having trouble with it
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak)
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak) Mon 06 Jan 2014 04:44:04 No. 17163455 Report >>17163353 For some reason I accepted your trade offer and nothing happened. I guess I had to check the 3DS friend list first. Trade me again when you can.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17163455 yeah that happens because river was trying to trade at the same time
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17163236 Judah any updates on my mons?
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
>>17163420 I traded a bunch with him yesterday and he was always legit with me. Just give him time.
River 1762-4103-7368
Quoted By:
>>17163462 Thank you very much
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17163446 im just saying for a lookout. it has been close to like an hour. he hasnt posted in a while either
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak)
Pico-chan 1461-7565-7285 (Seviper, Swalot, Toxicroak) Mon 06 Jan 2014 04:46:01 No. 17163502 Report Quoted By:
>>17163462 So based. Thank you sir!
>dat sudden Master Ball You are indeed a god.
>>17163314 i dont see you online :(
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17163494 just wait it out is all i can say. i had no problems with him yesterday. maybe hes struggling to do it
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
>>17163473 ok maybe im just tweaking. I just havent seen him post in a while
Mad 4167-4592-9402
Have recently cloned... Timid Shiny Charizard's holding charizardnite Y. Shiny 6IV Rayquaza. Ho-Oh with Regeneration. English 6IV Meloetta's. 6IV Jap Ditto's holding AbilityCapsule Shiny 4Iv Brave Aeigislash. Shiny 5IV Adamant Belly Drum/Aqua Jet AzumarilAlso willing to help clone if needed. Looking For... Shiny female 5/6Iv Buneary with egg moves switcheroo and fake out. 5/6IV Shiny Gredninja or Froakie. Shiny Bold Wish 6/5IV Eevee. Shiny 5/6IV Extreme Speed Mulitiscale Dragonite. Shiny 5/6 IV Espurr.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17163521 ahh nuts. i must have accidently deleted you when i randomly deleting people let me add you again
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
>>17163525 ok ill keep you updated
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17163521 just let me get your fc again!
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17163494 Likewise for me with these 2
>>17160862 Has my 6IV ditto>>17160077 Has my 6IV Jirachikinda upsetting with no update I understand it takes time but 2 hrs about now
and no response
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17163527 i would love that meloetta, rayquaza, and aeigislash. all for a shiny mewtwo?
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
Quoted By:
If anyone wants to clone my Timid 6IV Victini, I'm looking for pretty much most legendaries. If you have a Jirachi I'll love you but I'm open to pretty much everything.
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
>>17163599 yea thats what im saying. I always keep ppl updated
Judah 4871-4409-5789
>>17163466 Nothing yet. My gf has been using her 3DS to play Fire Emblem, so i probably won't be cloning till tomorrow. -_-
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Quoted By:
>>17163682 Sure. I'll find you tomorrow at night then. I got a bunch of other interesting mons like a 6iv chespin with bullet proof.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
that reminds me...hey castle you around bud?
Quoted By:
Thanks a bunch yusef!
Mad 4167-4592-9402
>>17163630 Sure while you are at it you can take big, floppy, hairy, shiny bidoof.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
castle please dont be the second person to run off with my 6v s shaymin today..
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17163805 yw lol like i said sorry for the amount of time they should be good or decent IVs as well idk
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17162603 Yoo hook me up with the 6v shiny zapdos i can offer 6iv jap ditto it couldnt hurt
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
>>17163832 ok cool. im gonna finish my dex then im breeding 6IV of every pokemon lol
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17163876 have. done trading tonight. im tired. waiting for my mon to return from somebody cloning it.
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17163912 Yeah i know you have it lol i just really wanna make a clone absurdly badly a 6iv shiny zapdos thats my dream right there.
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
Kalel 3909-8564-9764
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17163946 sorry. still waiting for something to return to me and ill be heading to bed soon :/
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17163971 Oh i see. What about tomorrow then? If anything i can give a 5 iv shiny eevee or 5 iv shiny tyrunt but id have to clone it..
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
hey castle its been nearly 2 hours and i wanna head to bed soon. you can try with it tommorow if youd like
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17164002 sure thing try find me tommorow and il see if we can make a trade. right now i just wanto get my mon and get to bed. thanks for understanding!
Steve 2208 5682 1883
Quoted By:
>>17164036 You want me to clone one of my mons for you tonight for tomorrow or am i a charity case?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
hey castle whats going on?. if youve deleted the shaymin by mistake just let me know so i can trade for another before i sleep. No steve thats okay. i dont wanto give you any promises incase i dont meet them
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17164103 Oh youve already got my hopes up for that zapdos if you back out on me now i will crumble to pieces
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
Quoted By:
>>17162891 Hey Nito Did Kdo ever get your mew back from Kdo?
Trying to determine if he's a scammer
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17164139 lol i told you ill see if we can make a trade. i just got it today and your the first person asking for it with things i already have steve. im more concerned as to wether or not ive been screwed over twice in one day
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17164170 Lol im the first to ask because i recgonize its greatness ;) and im sorry people ripped u off we can go jump them ima drug dealer
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17164207 lmao thank you for that information steve. it should be useful in court after were convicted of the murder of an internet pokeman theif
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
>>17164247 LMFAO.
Told you Charles. Ahri don't scam.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17164247 man i got happy....thought you were castle
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17164244 Youre assuming ill get caught. You might but that depends on how fast you can run
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17164271 lol i can run fast too steve. so perhaps we shall be okay! im hoping hes not run off with it. twice with the same poke in one day lol
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17164262 It took me five hours to clone two shiny fucking Deoxys. I took breaks for both lunch and dinner during this time ;_;
>>17164267 Sorry Yusuf
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17164292 no worries...i have faith in castle......eventhough this is his first time cloning ;_;
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
If anyone still awake has a: Genesect Jirachi Landorus Terrakion or Virizion with a decent nature/IVs, I have a 6IV Timid Victini that you can keep, or 5IV Shiny Latias Heatran Shiny Adamant Metagross Shiny Jolly Furfrou
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
Quoted By:
>>17164317 Oh shit. The bottom ones you can clone and return the original.
Steve 2208 5682 1883
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17164306 What did he take from you?
I'm still fairly new to cloning and shiny 6IV Event legendaries still take me a very long time to clone correctly. I hope it's not something you needed back
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17164363 can i interest you in a movie 14 jolly victini with 6ivs for making me laugh. free of charge ofc?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17164317 DAT LATIAS.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17164370 been about 2 and a half hours. i let him clone my 6v s.shaymin. lol it seems it could very well be the second time ive been screwed over
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17163959 hey can u post another pic of ur pokemon? I just wanna see the pokemon. Imma clone more of my pokemon for you too
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 06 Jan 2014 05:29:50 No. 17164438 Report Anyone want to clone me a 6 IV shiny Ditto? Need one for a bud who got scammed, I can post my list if you need. Also looking for a Tornadus.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
castle if youve deleted it im telling you its fine. i already did. just let me know so i can get another one and get to bed
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17164386 Haha hey sounds awesome man thanks a bunch. Ill still do anything for that Zapdos too. I got connections. You want a private stripper? Maybe i make a few calls.
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
Quoted By:
>>17164386 I made this for you
>>> Pic Relevant >>> Pic is actually the point of this shitty post #Swaqq
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17164422 Well that shaymin is notorious for being difficult to clone... I'll give cloning mine a go and see if I can get you a replacement
>>17164429 Hey you get online so I can trade your deoxys!
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17164438 Yo i got you man show me your list you speak of
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17164448 lmao x_x no thanks steve im good with the partner i have :). anyways ill add your f.c now and maybe tommorow we can see if we can strike a deal with zapper. i have a non shiny 5IV one i could throw your way free of charge if you dont end up having anything i need.
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17164247 >>17164262 >>17164292 Ahri I never doubted (slightly because of no update). I was just saying it as a safety precaution. You took a while and didnt update me. I didnt know what to think. I was never accusing, I was just waiting and putting it out to yusuf JIC
>>17164438 I have one, what do you have? I can clone btw Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17164498 No worries man, I would of been slightly worried too if I was you, sorry for not updating I just believed it wouldn't take me all day to clone 3 pokemon
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
>>17164472 >>17164493 Yusuf, Ahri definately delivered perfectly no need for alarm lol
Max the Jew 1590-4731-2795
Offering: 6IV Groudon 6IV DItto 6IV Jirachi Shiny Suicune Shiny Mew Shiny Slowking Shiny Helioptile Shiny Raikou Shiny Genesect Shiny 6IV Latias Shiny 5IV Latios Shiny 6IV Shaymin Shiny 5IV Blaziken Shiny 5IV Kangaskhan Shiny 6IV Rayquaza Shiny 6IV Arceus Shiny 6IV Lugia Looking for Flawless or shiny Latias Mewtwo Manaphy Darkrai Ho-oh Celebi Mew Zekrom Kuyrem Kyogre Reshiram
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
>>17164522 its all good. Once Yusuf said that you were good I wasnt extremely worried but when it got later I got a little worried but thanks a ton man
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17164493 Yeah im determined to impress you so youll give me the 6iv shiny zoopderz. I will "woo" you.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17164472 hey man dont do that just yet!. thankyou though :). i guess il just have to see what happens here :(. somebody else offered to clone it in exhange for a 6v shiny lat timid and 6v latias timid since i said i was busy for the trade....he cloned it and sent it around to his buddies lmao. but he gave it back in the end WITHOUT the latis i wanted from him....that was probably more fucked up than just taking it.
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 06 Jan 2014 05:37:22 No. 17164584 Report >>17164484 Bleh I need to copy this thing down for future use.
Shiny Mew
Shiny Raikou
Shiny Suicune
Shiny Ho-Oh
Shiny 6 IV Latios
Shiny Rayquaza
6 IV Jirachi
Shiny 6 IV Dialga
Shiny 6 IV Regigigas
Shiny 6 IV Shaymin
6 IV Arceus
6 IV Victini
Shiny Virizion
Shiny Kyurem
Shiny Genesect
I've got every legendary but Tornadus but I've only listed the 6 IV or shiny ones here
>>17164511 Have one what? Ditto or Tornadus.
Kalel 3909-8564-9764
>>17164429 Ok. Just a minute.
Oh, I finally managed to get Landorus in my own usual way. :P
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17164559 llmfao you are sereously making me crack me up man. ill give you the other one pokemon i have thats spare :) im online and have added you
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17164542 Can I get a 6IV jirachi -_-
Ive been jewed I'm pretty sure
Anyways I have a 6IV darkrai for trade right now
Max the Jew 1590-4731-2795
>>17164584 Is the arceus legit or shiny?
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17164566 i have a non-shiny and shiny shaymin i could clone for you
Max the Jew 1590-4731-2795
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17164584 I actually only have a 6iv jap ditto no shiny. Still interested? If so i wouldnt mind a shiny mew
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 06 Jan 2014 05:39:48 No. 17164638 Report >>17164604 Shiny no
Legit fuck if I know
It's not for trade anyways unless you're able to clone me a copy back since it's part of my live dex.
Max the Jew 1590-4731-2795
>>17164638 Yea, I can clone it, what's the ball and the OT?
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17164584 i really need that regigigas, virizion, and celebi
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17164608 its okay charles thanks for the offer! im saying no to both you and ahri because theres a chance he might back back and a buddy of mine will have a spare ready :). thanks for the offer though. just bummed it could be twice today and anons complain i dont give my things out to clone.
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17164566 That is pretty fucked up, honestly it's no real big deal since I'm currently not cloning anything or anyone and usually I try to give away at least one cloned pokemon a day so I'll go to work on it now
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17164630 waiting on you we traded already earlier
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
>>17164664 yea lol. It sucks that some1 would scam you when you actually help about all of /vp/ and you clone all day. I truly respect you with all the cloning threads and ur kindness
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 06 Jan 2014 05:42:55 No. 17164699 Report >>17164631 Are you able to clone, if not sorry not interested, I've only got one of the mew currently.
>>17164655 Heal ball and OT is moonrunes I can't read.
>>17164662 For what purpose?
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
Quoted By:
>>17164584 If you don't have it, I've got a 6IV ditto I can let you clone for a Jirachi, as long as I can have my original back.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17164667 thanks man :) but honestly theres no need to!. a friend is online and will most likely have a spare since he like having alot of things.
>>17164662 the other poke i had is a 5IV (30 in other ) shiny landorus-T :)
Max the Jew 1590-4731-2795
>>17164673 Online.
>>17164699 Yea, it's hacked.
Steve 2208 5682 1883
Quoted By:
>>17164699 Yeah i can clone....if it takes me too long ill just give it back to be honest.
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17164590 cool thanks. also once i clone the pokemon I need Ill post a picture and you can pick 8 of my pokemon (ill clone them for ya) :). You have rly helped a bro out and im grateful you have trusted me for a long time.
Kalel 3909-8564-9764
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17164726 haha id help you with that legit arc your looking for if i had the time but atm im getting off to bed. seems like you dont really like the non legit things
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
>>17164699 i just need the pokemon for dex entries lol. If you could just dex swap me that would be cool. i dont rly care for legendaries
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
Quoted By:
>>17164713 Alright but if your friend doesn't pull through you know where to find me
Kalel 3909-8564-9764
Max the Jew 1590-4731-2795
>>17164758 I dont like the illegal shiny events.
Steve 2208 5682 1883
Quoted By:
>>17164713 Thanks a bunch brotha, even though i never even heard of that other legendary you gave me but it looks op as hell lol.
I woulde given you one of my shinys but i gotta clone em first. Let me know what youre interested in that i got ill cook one up for ya
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
hey castle your not online on the pss? could you please just post leting me know whats happened?. like i said if you messed up and cloned over it thats fine im not fussed i can send you another to try again tommorow when i get one. but if youve left with it thats pretty retarded because of my offer to you :/ can u jus t let me know. yeah i like legends in cherishballs with english legit ots. the arc i have is the MCHINA pokemon movie 12 one yes steve it is OP as fuck lol have fun wrecking people ^^
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
Quoted By:
>>17164785 Lmao Thnx for my jirachi back XD
Im so grateful for real~
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17164699 Hey you want that ditto? Yusef put me in a good mood its on the house man though i could really use a shiny mew
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17164567 Well, I've got a spare Genesect. I'll still take it if it's fine with you.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17164875 ill get one for you tommorow :)
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
dennis if your around you can take that v-create rayquazza you wanted from me. i dont need it cloned back since id like to find one in english :)
Kalel 3909-8564-9764
Quoted By:
>>17164735 Thank you!!
For sure I'll choose the event legendaries. :P
The only ones I really can't get by myself.
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17164773 If you could trade me several pokemon at once tonight that would be perfect. It is gonna be like -25 degrees outside tomorrow so Im not going outside tomorrow and im staying up all night.
I need:
I could offer (for now):
Shiny Landorus
6IV ditto
Shiny Deoxys
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
somebody who knows how it should be should make a new thread since this might be deleted while whoevers still awak is trading. .
Kalel 3909-8564-9764
Quoted By:
>>17164735 Oh, and you're welcome, for sure I would trust you, why not? :)
Max the Jew 1590-4731-2795
Quoted By:
>>17164964 Can't you just copy/paste?
Quoted By:
>>17164956 would you trade a deoxys for my virizion
Kalel 3909-8564-9764
>>17164956 For sure, no problem.
But these 3 are between the 8 that I can pick from you? If yes, I will pick just the Deoxys. :P
Quoted By:
>>17164584 I can clone you that Jirachi and I have a jap 6 iv shiny ditto in return. Which nature is your Victini btw?
Max the Jew 1590-4731-2795
Offering: 6IV Groudon 6IV DItto 6IV Jirachi 6IV Darkrai Shiny Suicune Shiny Mew Shiny Slowking Shiny Helioptile Shiny Raikou Shiny Genesect Shiny 6IV Latias Shiny 5IV Latios Shiny 6IV Shaymin Shiny 5IV Blaziken Shiny 5IV Kangaskhan Shiny 6IV Rayquaza Shiny 6IV Arceus Shiny 6IV Lugia Looking for Flawless or shiny Latias Mewtwo Manaphy Ho-oh Celebi Mew Zekrom Kuyrem Kyogre Reshiram
Steve 2208 5682 1883
Quoted By:
>>17164888 Aww yur so sweet but the way to win a girls heart is the zappy ;) ahaha
>>17165110 i have a shiny latias can i get that arceus off of ya
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17165084 no these are just incentives if you allow me to clone those 8 tonight. Then you can pick 8 tomorrow after i clone urs
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
well i might as well post a list of what i bartered to get in the past 24h. 6IV shiny palkia timid ( seems OP) 6IV Shiny E.s suicune event relaxed 6IV Shiny kyurem timid 6IV Shiny kyurem modest 6IV Shiny groudon adamant 6IV Shiny latios timid ( friend got me instead ) 6IV Shiny articuno Timid 6IV Shiny zapdos sereious 6Iv Shiny mew hardy 6IV Shiny moltres lax 6IV Shiny manaphy Shiny registeel 6IV virizion 6IV Latias ( buddy sorted me out eventually) 6IV entei 6IV raikou 6IV mchina arceus ( thanks james) 5IV kyurem 5IV raikou 5IV zapdos tornadus moltres oh god i scrolled down and hes still not back after 3 hours. sigh.
Max the Jew 1590-4731-2795
>>17165145 Is it naughty nature?
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 06 Jan 2014 06:06:42 No. 17165204 Report Quoted By:
>>17164875 Sorry I was in the kitchen. Yeah I'll take the Ditto, you can clone my mew if you want.
>>17165185 Yep it has naughty nature
Max the Jew 1590-4731-2795
>>17165177 Oh man, I need that kyurem. Can you trade?
>>17165110 Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Max the Jew 1590-4731-2795
>>17165208 I have that one, and I hate it,
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17165211 sorry not right now max. still waiting to get my poke back and wanna get to bed. besides....i....have everything on your list sorry :(.
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17165227 >None of the updated info Delete that one you made and remake with the info from the OP here:
http://archive.foolz.us/vp/thread/17137898/ Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17165084 also if i could get latios and latias cuz i dont have non-shiny
>>17165177 probalby ironic but i started a new thread
Max the Jew 1590-4731-2795
>>17165245 All the better reason to help me out, so I can carry on your legacy in the future threads while you retire in the void of the pokebank.
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
>>17165281 then you can make it lol my bad. how can i delete it?
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>17165281 Oh also, the title isn't even correct.
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Quoted By:
>>17165310 fixed lol my bad
Kalel 3909-8564-9764
>>17165146 Can I change 2 of the 3 as bonus for tomorrow if you already have all the event legendaries? They are 10. (without Celebi because I will receive one anyway and without Deoxys that you can give me today)
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
Kalel 3909-8564-9764
>>17165146 And do I have to add you with this new code? I have already added, actually.
Nic 4527-8133-6836
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17165345 ok i only have shiny deoxys cloned right now but after i clone those poke that i wanted i can clone 8 of mine taht you want
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17165286 Interested in a shiny 6IV Ho-oh for your shiny Arceus?
Max the Jew 1590-4731-2795
Kalel 3909-8564-9764
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17165395 lol sorry bout the first one. i deleted it and fixed it
>>17165385 dont add new code cuz i have both DSs by me
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Kalel 3909-8564-9764
>>17165403 I was asking 10 instead of 8, but just if you have all the event legendaries, and if it's not asking too much.
Kalel 3909-8564-9764
Charles 5300-8985-9190 !SUssQF79v2
>>17165509 yea ill give 10 then cuz u helped me so much
Kalel 3909-8564-9764
Quoted By:
>>17165575 Yay!! Thanks!
Luv ya. :x
Ethan 0920-0957-2899
Quoted By:
Anybody need anything cloned?