Alright since the last thread turned into a beg thread. Im going to make a new one, but I have one conditon. You must prove to me how much you like pokemon. I will olny give one to the people that prove that they actually love pokemon. I have a whole box.
Quoted By:
I like Pokemon very much!!!
Dith/IGN:Justin 3153-4347-6355(Psychic) (Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Dith/IGN:Justin 3153-4347-6355(Psychic) (Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:45:41 No. 17192212 Report Prove how exactly? I could trade you a shiny whismur
Charles 0447-6362-1370
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214 (Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim)
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214 (Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim) Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:46:42 No. 17192230 Report Quoted By:
>>17192187 I want to be the very best. Like no one ever was. That's why I want a ditto.
Boon (1719-3321-5753)[Chansey, Aipom, Kecleon safari]
Boon (1719-3321-5753)[Chansey, Aipom, Kecleon safari] Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:46:53 No. 17192231 Report Quoted By:
I got this certificate on December 30th. Hopefully it shows some kind of dedication.
Rovl 1118-0510-8584
Quoted By:
I've played pokemon since '98 nuff said
Quoted By:
I have a pikachu tattooed on my ass
Nor - 5155 4248 9130
Quoted By:
I have no real way of proving how much I love Pokemon, but I have played every main game that has ever come out and almost all the spinoffs. I fucking love Pokemon.
Quoted By:
>>17192187 I will breed a whole box of Treeckos and WT them, I will make a thread with results. Would that be enough?
Quoted By:
I fucked a pokemon once!
Chad 4811-7451-9718 [Nuzleaf, Sandile, Inkay]
Chad 4811-7451-9718 [Nuzleaf, Sandile, Inkay] Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:47:41 No. 17192249 Report Quoted By:
I like pokemon enough to ask a stranger on the internet for free ones I'd also become Masuda's man servant
Quoted By:
__________________________________ This is the official troll line Everyone above it has been trolled :^)
Dith/IGN:Justin 3153-4347-6355(Psychic) (Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Dith/IGN:Justin 3153-4347-6355(Psychic) (Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:47:51 No. 17192252 Report Quoted By:
>>17192224 Well by story I've been playing since the game series first came out.
Kyle 0662-3809-4298
I am prepared to do the masuda method for as long as it takes using one of your dittos to get my shiny phione. I can also offer you some cool stuff in return.
NeeNome - 2294-4165-7387
Quoted By:
Well, i started watching the show as a 4 year old when it got dubbed to my language and started playing the games at 6 years old, still going at it at 20 and that's plenty, don't really know how to prove it better!
Mika 1993-8115-6716 (Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak)
Mika 1993-8115-6716 (Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak) Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:48:14 No. 17192260 Report Quoted By:
>>17192187 What ? But in the other thread you said... Damn... I love Pokemon since Blue version on game boy, man... don't jew me !
Quoted By:
I love Pokemon enough to not allow a clonemon to enter my game. It's not what Pokemon should be about.
'R' 1736-1442-9169
Quoted By:
I competed during gen3 once in the national Pokémon 3v3 battle championship. Had to drive three solid hours, only to be oneshot by a Slaking with Hyper Beam. Good times.
Roflmuffin (IGN: Cpt. Crunch) 5129-1578-4166 (Ghost: Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk)
Roflmuffin (IGN: Cpt. Crunch) 5129-1578-4166 (Ghost: Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk) Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:48:42 No. 17192266 Report Quoted By:
Dith/IGN:Justin 3153-4347-6355(Psychic) (Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Dith/IGN:Justin 3153-4347-6355(Psychic) (Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:48:58 No. 17192270 Report Quoted By:
>>17192253 I'm prepared to do the same for a gardevoir, and charizard x.
Quoted By:
i took a shit so big it turned into a legendary pokemon
The Robert [0302-0043-2831]
Quoted By:
lol interesting prospect. Been playing since inception, loved the game, and only recently got into competitive (gen 5) I always prefer bros over the meta (though when i found out Garchomp was meta left me with a sour taste). Favorite pokemon in existance is joltik, and actively seek a GG over a win. I also spend all day breeding, sending all the eggs to WT as if they aint for me they are for someone. if this turns out a hoax W/E. But otherwise nothing bent out of shape.
Quoted By:
I drawfag as an arrogant Shinx on Miiverse. What? That doesn't demonstrate how much I love Pokemon? Well I'm out.
Kyle 0662-3809-4298
>>17192253 I fucking hate begging, dammit.
Jeskä 3497 - 1029 - 6120 (Quilladin - Ivysaur - Pansage)
eye intReade Jeskä 3497 - 1029 - 6120 (Quilladin - Ivysaur - Pansage) Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:50:02 No. 17192289 Report Started with the anime Back in 19999 Getting pokeball tattoos
>>17192187 I love pokemon so much I would be willing to have sex with said pokemon.
Spam 1521-3740-4547
Quoted By:
Started playing yellow in elementary school, now im 25 and i tend not to go to my lectures to breed a shiny ralts(like today)
Mika 1993-8115-6716 (Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak)
Mika 1993-8115-6716 (Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak) Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:52:21 No. 17192321 Report Quoted By:
>>17192288 I couldn't agree more...
I feel like a whore...
IGN: Jaquelyn 3497-0686-1339 [Boldore, Corsola, Rhydon]
IGN: Jaquelyn 3497-0686-1339 [Boldore, Corsola, Rhydon] Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:52:22 No. 17192323 Report Quoted By:
I've been playing Pokemon games since 1998 with red and blue. I also feel bad whenever I end up putting my starter Pokemon in the PC for any reason. Not sure what else to tell you.
Quoted By:
Pokemon taught me how to read when I was 3, ever since then I've loved both books and pokemon and I have played every main pokemon game to completion. I once punched a kid in the face for calling pokemon gay and saying Yu-gi-Oh was better (Back during G/S/C), he had a black eye for 2
weeks.My favorite pokemon is scyther/scizor. I beat the elite 4 with a level 70 sycther only using fury cutter. May I please have a Ditto?
Charles 0447-6362-1370
Quoted By:
Okay guys nobody yet has really proven it yet, come on guys be a little more passionate, I dont want to give these to anybody
Quoted By:
He's just fucking with everyone. Ain't getting shit from this scammer
Jeskä 3497 - 1029 - 6120 (Quilladin - Ivysaur - Pansage)
Jeskä 3497 - 1029 - 6120 (Quilladin - Ivysaur - Pansage) Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:53:23 No. 17192336 Report Quoted By:
Josh 0302 0829 5671 [Shuppet | Phantump | Spiritomb]
Josh 0302 0829 5671 [Shuppet | Phantump | Spiritomb] Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:53:31 No. 17192337 Report Quoted By:
I gave all my Pokemon games to my youngest brother so he could share the joy I did when I was younger. Y was the first game I bought in a while, I'm glad I decided to give in to my inner child A good Ditto will let me use the Pokemon that I want and rebuild the teams from my earlier days! Anything I have in my party or boxes is yours if you want it.
Oh my god reading through this thread is so embarrassing I actually cringed.
Charles 0447-6362-1370
I'm just going to give all the 6IV Dittos to Reddit. Hope you all please understand. :^)
Charles 0447-6362-1370
Quoted By:
blease dake dito my dito is very good dito not scam dito
>>17192342 Point out some embarrassing posts so others don't have to read through the whole thread.
'R' 1736-1442-9169
Quoted By:
Pokémon gaming is alright. It's a nice half hobby, half pasttime activity for me for when I'm bored on vacation or whenever I have a spare half hour. Started playing with Pokémon Red in 1996 on my GameBoy. I still remember me getting the presents. I've started competitive playing since gen2, took a break during gen4 and skipped gen5. And now I'm back with my Pokémon Y, breeding some teams, meeting new people and battling with our little critters. That's how much I love Pokémon.
Charles 0447-6362-1370
>>17192356 Thats not me guys
wavemaster 1762 3459 5308
Quoted By:
enough to max out my game hours & complete the pokedex
Mika 1993-8115-6716 (Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak)
Mika 1993-8115-6716 (Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak) Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:56:20 No. 17192380 Report >>17192356 YOU FUCKING FUCK
Quoted By:
trolled to the max good job everyone stroking ops ego
>>17192356 Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:56:43 No. 17192394 Report Quoted By:
Well, I played my first Pokemon game at age 10, and basically haven't stopped since. I own at least one (often more) game from Gen II up to Gen VI, and play them all regularly. I've been genuinely excited ever time I heard about a new generation of Pokemon games, and buy them as close to the release date as my finances allow. I don't own any games for my DS/3DS besides Pokemon titles. I still have VHS tapes of the first three Pokemon Movies, and DVDs of the next eight. I try to watch them every now and then, but you know how it is... Sitting on my desk are a Togepi figure, a Cyndaquil Figure and a Munna figure. I have a Mew Plushie sitting proudly on my bed. On my bookcase are a few boxes of Pokemon TCG, although I wouldn't be able to bring a legal deck to an event at the moment. Working to rectify that. I spend more time playing Pokemon online, or talking about it online, than I care to admit. I still enjoy doing so, even with all the jerks and people complaining about what's wrong with Pokemon. I'd say that I love Pokemon.
Charles 0447-6362-1370 !TJ9qoWuqvA
>>17192375 You aren't me either.
Fuck this I'm making a trip to stop this shit.
Charles 0447-6362-1370
Quoted By:
>>17192375 Thats not me either
Stop lying, this is very rude
keep this up and no one is getting any dittos
Quoted By:
>>17192366 The entire thread. It's obvious he's not going to give them out.
chilled sweet tits
>>17192380 Charles 0447-6362-1370 !fL.posIuas
>>17192395 Holy christ, you trolls are pushy
i'll have to counter-trip your trip
How I love Pokémon? Let me compute the ways. Growing up I kind of was a lonely child. One day I came home to my mother, and Blue, as well as her old Pocket was waiting for me. That was the day the fever hit. My mother also snagged Red for her, she liked it as much as me. This went on until Gen 3, where she moved, but I kept the trend. She always got the first, me the second and third. Anyway, one day on Red, my mother gave me a Scyther, one of my favorite mons, other being the Gastly line and Jolteon for Gen I. I kept him in my party until Yellow, then moved him over to Yellow, where I also made the mistake of trading Yellow Pika and evolving him out of curiosity. Anyway, then one day we ended up with G/S and I transfered over my beloved Scyther to Silver. I noticed something different. He was my first shiny. I'll never forget how happy I felt, knowing a bro ended up being a rare mon, and his dark green and red skin. To this day I make sure I have him again, in each one I play. And I do. I'll never forget him, my first shiny. And when Gen 3 hitg, I was disappointed that no transfers. But I still had my mother to play with, until she moved around the time Emerald came out.
Mika 1993-8115-6716 (Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak)
Mika 1993-8115-6716 (Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak) Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:59:20 No. 17192419 Report Quoted By:
>>17192405 Sorry.
I'm that kind of guy who never wins anything, I'm too sensitive to trolling :p
Charles 0447-6362-1370 !!0wWybHWWyML
>>17192413 please stop. You are not me, I am give away Ditto but only if u prove it ;)
Charles 0447-6362-1370
>>17192395 Now someone went and tripped up with my trip. Fuck.
R - IGN: Pelina {2529} (0602-7414-0233) !MaWIleD3E.
R - IGN: Pelina {2529} (0602-7414-0233) !MaWIleD3E. Tue 07 Jan 2014 08:59:39 No. 17192427 Report Quoted By:
Was away from the Pokemon scene for m'a while then came back with Y and went totally sleepless and bathshit insane just to get a little Mawaifu. Was also spreading the love to everyone for free during insta checking and distributed lots of shiny cute pokeladies.
dicks !XHBaifUFCA
Charles 0447-6362-1370
Wtf how do I even trip Who are these people
Charles 0447-6362-1370 !TJ9qoWuqvA
>>17192413 Fuck off troll.
Just because of this cunt I'm not going to give any Dittos.
Gomensai everyone.
Charles 0447-6362-1370 !fL.posIuas
>>17192423 >>17192425 stop trying to be me just because you're jealous of my dittos
clearly you don't love pokemon enough!
Charles 0447-6362-1370
Quoted By:
>>17192438 >>17192440 >>17192441 Fuck you guys! I'm the REAL Charles.
Spam 1521-3740-4547
Quoted By:
>>17192187 Not sure what story you wold like, everyone started playing in their childhood and the game made enough of an impression to keep them playing till today. I can't really say i love pokemon its more of an addiction. So give the dittos to everyone who you thing doesn't make up a story just to please your perversions.
Alex - 0791 - 2742 - 7903 (Ghost;Lampent,Pumpkaboo,???)
Alex - 0791 - 2742 - 7903 (Ghost;Lampent,Pumpkaboo,???) Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:01:50 No. 17192461 Report I'm sure the easiest way to prove if op has the dittos is photo proof
Mathias 2766-9266-0986 Grass {4095}
Quoted By:
I actually met my best friend trough pokemon, some dude attempted to write down all the pokemon up to gen3 on the desk. the person next to me noticed it and we connected over it since we both played the originals and were hardcore into pokemon. And he is still my best friend till now. Well I guess thats a reason why pokemon have a dear spot in my heart. so ditto?
Mika 1993-8115-6716 (Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak)
Mika 1993-8115-6716 (Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak) Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:02:59 No. 17192476 Report Quoted By:
>>17192461 Exactly. Pics or it wont happen
Charles 0447-6362-1370 !fL.posIuas
>>17192456 yeah, and that's me because i'm the real charles
>>17192461 sorry cant do that I have no camera on me atm
Charles 0447-6362-1370
>>17192416 Bullshit
1) Parents would never play this game
2) You can't get shinies in R/B/Y
Because of your lies I will release two dittos.
'R' 1736-1442-9169
>>17192485 Trade it to me and I'll see if it has 6 IVs. :3
IGN: Jaquelyn 3497-0686-1339 [Boldore, Corsola, Rhydon]
IGN: Jaquelyn 3497-0686-1339 [Boldore, Corsola, Rhydon] Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:04:27 No. 17192498 Report Quoted By:
Well, we seem to have fallen for some devious flim-flams. Good job, Charles. Back to breeding a Gastly in moon balls.
The Robert [0302-0043-2831]
>>17192485 3ds can screenshot
>>17192485 You mean you have none.
Mika 1993-8115-6716 (Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak)
Mika 1993-8115-6716 (Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak) Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:04:47 No. 17192505 Report Quoted By:
>>17192489 I think I fucking love this thread
Quoted By:
I'm laughing so goddamn hard at this thread.
Alex - 0791 - 2742 - 7903 (Ghost;Lampent,Pumpkaboo,???)
Alex - 0791 - 2742 - 7903 (Ghost;Lampent,Pumpkaboo,???) Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:05:53 No. 17192523 Report >>17192485 Well, over 30 people asked for once on the last thread, even more this one..
Reply to my comment if OPs given you a ditto?
Quoted By:
>>17192416 But anon, shinies don't exist in red/blue
>>17192187 >>17192187 new thread huh..
I'm about to give up since I just received a b& warning message..
i wonder if threads like this are considered spam?
anyways, I've played pokemon since redversion.
got yellow version for christmas soon afterwards..
my sister and I have played
diamond, pearl, heartgold, black, white 2, and xy.
were starting over in xy for a nuzlocke run.
I racked up over 200hrs breeding eevees for my competitive team since I refuse to battle with pokemon that arent my absolute favorite.
I have a ditto with 31iv in HP / imposter because its one of my favorite pokemon <3
'R' 1736-1442-9169
The Robert [0302-0043-2831]
Quoted By:
>>17192523 wether it was legit or not trolls be fed and there is alittle hope for any salvation now
Quoted By:
>itt:OP wants to give away Dittos, but said Dittos break out and copy OP taking the thread over Alternatively, this Charles fellow is asleep, and the Dittos are trying to make a jailbreak now but are too busy trolling each other to be successful.
5343 7777 7946
Quoted By:
Well, can't prove anything, but I gave my girlfriend a shiny swablu for christmas this year (his name was Rudolph). Ditto is easily her favourite pokemon, and while we've both played pokemon since red and blue I'd definitely give her a perfect ditto if i got my hands on one, it would make a sweet valentines day gift, assuming i can keep it secret till then.
>>17192489 >2) You can't get shinies in R/B/Y Whuzza fuckin dumbass? You are! You are! Yes you are!
Quoted By:
>>17192529 2879-0902-2150
used to travel across modesto (northside)
on my scooter for 11 miles every saturday morning to trade/battle/do lunch with my pokemon friends in the 5th/6th grade
Quoted By:
it keeps happening
>>17192187 I love pokemon so much I still keep the VHS of when ashe almost let Pikachu live in the wild with other Pikachus and I don't have a VHS player.
Friendship ho!
Quoted By:
>>17192489 >1) Parents would never play this game Just like my mother never watched DB when she was living in Hawaii before I was born?
>>17192485 3DS has a camera you twat.
Charles 0447-6362-1370 !fL.posIuas
>>17192491 >>17192496 >>17192499 >>17192504 >>17192523 sorry guys, the reason i'm being so dodgy about this is that i'm actually charles
barkley please try to understand how difficult it is to even post from
space Anonymous
>>17192549 Whu..? Shinies didn't exist until Gen 2
Quoted By:
>>17192569 >>17192569 L0L!! omg i remember that!
I have a couple tapes myself
'R' 1736-1442-9169
>>17192578 >making a photo of your 3ds screen with the camera attached on the 3ds Anonymous
>>17192592 >You need two 3DS's to clone Anonymous
>>17192583 Read the story. It wasn't a shiny until transfered.
What made a pokemon shiny in Gen Ii depended on it's IVs, therefore he had a near perfect scyther in Blue, and when it moved, it became w shiny.
Learn how the game works before you open your mouth.
Quoted By:
>>17192416 >shiny in blue pics or bs
Charles Barkley 0447-6362-1370 !fL.posIuas
Charles Barkley 0447-6362-1370 !fL.posIuas Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:13:59 No. 17192622 Report >>17192606 But I didn't clone them myself, a japanese hacker friend of mine traded them to me
Quoted By:
People still thinking they're getting perfect dittos
>>17192416 >had a mother with a gb and played pokemon Dropped right there, obvious bullshitting.
The "D"
Charles 0447-6362-1370
I am the real Charles. Tell me the best subforum on Reddit and I will send you a Ditto!!
>>17192610 no, clearly said he had a shiny scyther in blue
shinies didn't exist in gen 1, and you can't catch scyther in blue.
Quoted By:
>>17192630 >>17192630 my mom and I used to always play the zelda series...
some moms have nothing much better to do than game while everyone is at school
Charles Barkley 0447-6362-1370 !fL.posIuas
Charles Barkley 0447-6362-1370 !fL.posIuas Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:17:00 No. 17192655 Report Quoted By:
>>17192639 come on man stop trying to copy me
whats the deal here I only ever sometimes browse reddit
J 4141-2901-3926 Dark : Pawniard - Crawdaunt - Inkay
J 4141-2901-3926 Dark : Pawniard - Crawdaunt - Inkay Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:17:05 No. 17192658 Report Quoted By:
I am the threadbreaker, my name, Charles.
I am the real Charles Pic related
'R' 1736-1442-9169
Quoted By:
>>17192579 10/10 would fall for again
Charles 0447-6362-1370
Quoted By:
>>17192660 He's lying! I'm the real Charles!
>>17192651 >no, clearly said he had a shiny scyther in blue >>17192416 >Anyway, then one day we ended up with G/S and I transfered over my beloved Scyther to Silver. I noticed something different. He was my first shiny. >and I transfered over my beloved Scyther to Silver >>17192651 >and you can't catch scyther in blue. >>17192416 >Anyway, one day on Red, my mother gave me a Scyther, Reading isn't your forte, is it anon?
Quoted By:
this is too much ha!
>>17192639 Anonymous
>>17192682 A pokemon can't just magicly become shiny.
Quoted By:
>>17192696 Jesus fucking christ... Just... Wow...
Charles 0447-6362-1370
I'm Charles, he's Charles...we're all Charles.
'R' 1736-1442-9169
>>17192682 Then how did his scyther become 'shiny'?
That's why it's bullshit.
Charles 0447-6362-1370
The Robert [0302-0043-2831]
Quoted By:
>>17192731 oddly if OP was adding anyone at all we'd know at this point
'R' 1736-1442-9169
Quoted By:
>>17192729 Not sure if trolling, but ecause you're such a stuck up little bitch, here's a copy pasta from the link I sent in the post above:
>Generation II > >In Generation II, Shininess is determined by the IVs of a Pokémon. If a Pokémon's Speed, Defense, and Special IVs are all 10, and its Attack IV is 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 or 15, it will be Shiny. This determination allowed for compatibility with Generation I, as if a Shiny Pokémon is traded back, then traded forward, it would retain its Shininess. This makes Shiny Pokémon above average in terms of IVs, but only slightly. >Due to the HP IV being determined by the other four IVs, a Shiny Pokémon's HP IV can only be 0 or 8. Anonymous
>>17192729 So that set off your bullshit meter, not the fact that his mother had red and played with him, even up to gen 3?
Aryeh : 3110-4308-6710
Quoted By:
Im sure this will lead to nothing, but for the minuscule chance of getting one of these ditto's, I must try. I like to wonder trade untold amounts of bred bank mons in hopes of making the other players day, and it would be nice if they had good ivs... It doesn't matter who the real Charles is, as long as I at least get a chance of getting 1 of these ditto from someone. If not, then I will continue to wait until the bank gets released to better my WT projects. Here's to hoping, with low odds!
>>17192767 No, that sounds like bullshit too. His whole story does.
Quoted By:
>>17192622 See now, either you're not Charles or you're lying somewhere, because in previous threads Charles has specifically said he will clone Dittos for people.
I'm willing to bet Charles can't clone, based on the fact that he's never given anything out to anyone.
Quoted By:
Have any of you traded a gen I pokémon to a gen II game and it became shiny? A friend of mine did it, his Charizard became black in Silver
>>17192779 First he says he had blue. then he says he had red and got a scyther. then it's he owns blue.
Quoted By:
>>17192779 >>17192796 Not to mention him catching a scyther in blue.
Quoted By:
we love you Kevin!
Charles Barkley 0447-6362-1370 !fL.posIuas
Charles Barkley 0447-6362-1370 !fL.posIuas Tue 07 Jan 2014 09:33:48 No. 17192822 Report all right niggers, real talk for a second here you're stupid as hell for actually taking the bait he's done this so many fucking times already, and you fuckers keep eating it up just please guys, stop being the most gullible board and have some common sense, or at the very least stop falling for threads this fucker makes and/or any similar threads barkley out, have a slamtastic evening
'R' 1736-1442-9169
Quoted By:
>>17192822 but but, free dittoes
You're breaking my heart Charles.
Quoted By:
>>17192290 You, and everyone else on this board.
Quoted By:
>>17192853 Sayaka is best girl. You can get a ditto
'R' 1736-1442-9169
Quoted By:
>>17192853 >You're breaking my balls Hans. Why did I read this wrong.
(Chrisu) 5000-3016-5150
Quoted By:
I’m looking for a shiny female Fennekin, does anyone have one for trade? If so I could trade a 6IV Shiny Ditto or a shiny Mew.
Pestkop 4227 - 0773 - 7329 (Audino, lillipup, Ditto)
Pestkop 4227 - 0773 - 7329 (Audino, lillipup, Ditto) Tue 07 Jan 2014 10:08:45 No. 17193115 Report Quoted By:
I love pokémon, more than i love your mom OP