Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:10:44 No. 17200152 Report Quoted By:
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
Hey yusuf do you have a lvl 1 shiny durant?
Patrick 0705-2833-8508
I'm able to clone anything you guys need. I don't have much of my own, just 3IV Timid Shiny Jap Latias and 6IV Jolly Movie 14 Victini.
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:18:26 No. 17200292 Report what i have shiny rotom 6iv modest shiny eevee 5iv bold shiny amaura 5iv modest shiny froakie 6iv timid shiny trevenant 5iv careful harvest shiny lugia 6iv modest shiny genesect 6iv hasty shiny shaymin 6iv timid shiny mew jap victini 6iv jolly want any legend i don't have offers
>>17200288 i'll let you clone my shiny darkrai for the victini
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Welp, I'm heading to bed to nurse this headache.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:24:49 No. 17200416 Report Quoted By:
>>17200380 hope you feel better soon Scarlet :)
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
I have following pokemons that people can clone for them self in exchange for one of their own cloned mon: Bank stuff: -Shiny 6IV Calm Prankster Whimsicott -Shiny 5IV (3IV+2x30IV's because of some HP) Bold Articuno -Shiny 5IV Jolly Landorus (KOR) -Shiny 6IV Timid Thundurus (JPN) -Shiny 6IV Naughty Latias (JPN) -Shiny 6IV Hasty Genesect (JPN) -Non shiny 6IV Jolly Terrakion (JPN) Kalos native stuff: -Shiny 5IV Jolly Sneasel w/ Fake out, Ice punch breed moves -Shiny 5IV (3IV+2x~30IV becouse of HP Ice) Timid Charizard w/ Charizardite Y -Shiny 5IV (4IV+0Spe) Brave Marowak w/ Thick club Kalos non shiny X-exclusive competitive mega pokemons all 5IV: -Adamant Tyranitar w/ Tyranitare -Adamant Scizor w/ Scizorite -Timid Manectric w/ Manectite I'm looking for following cloned stuff: -Y-exclusive mega pokemons with the megastone -5/6IV competitive bank legendaries such as Cresselia, Latias, Latios, Heatran. -any IV'd uber legendaries, kyurem, darkrai etc. the mons that you can't even use in battle spot -Charizardite X because I gave my own away -5IV shiny kalos native competitive pokemons And I can't clone unfortunately, I can only let people clone my pokemons. Looking forward :]
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
>>17200380 G'night
>>17198449 After lunch, cloned Thundurus on the first try.
Magic rice and beans, nigga. Coming online, trade me whenever.
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
[Need] 6IV Shiny Lilligant. 6IV Shiny Articuno. Male 6IV Typhlosion. Male 6IV Arcanine. Male 6IV Pangoro. [Have] 1x Shiny 6IV Genesect. 1x Shiny 6IV Ditto. 1x 6IV Terrakion. 1x 6IV Victini. 1x 1IV Victini. X&Y Legendaries.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:26:43 No. 17200466 Report >>17200421 does your shiny charizard have a nickname?
Patrick 0705-2833-8508
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:28:15 No. 17200499 Report >>17200421 is that a movie genesect?
i am also interested in sneasel
>>17200292 Mad 4167-4592-9402
My list Meloetta 6IV English Shiny Timid Charizard holding Mega Stone Y Shiny Aeigslash 4IV Brave Shiny Adamant Azumaril 5IV's Shiny 5IV Adamant Metagross Shiny 5IV Calm Prankster Whimscott Shiny 5IV Jolly Sneasel 6IV Jap Ditto Shiny 6IV Rayquaza Shiny 6IV Latias Want Female shiny Buneary 5-6IV the moves Switcharoo, Ice punch, encore, and low kick. My most want ;__; Shiny Electrike 5-6IV's Unburden Shiny swirlix 5/6IV's Male Snivy 5-6IV Shiny knowing Glare and Dragon Tail. Shiny Eevee 6/5IV's Timid or Bold mostly knowing wish. No legendaires unless a good offer and please English names only.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:30:26 No. 17200555 Report >>17200496 hmm I might get back to you later then Im currently helping Yusuf atm
went to eat lol anybody done with my things yet?
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17200421 While I can't do it at the moment, sometime either tonight or tomorrow Id like to clone the Shiny Latias for a 6IV Timid Shiny Dialga, if that would be fine.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:31:27 No. 17200581 Report Hey Yusuf I got 2 for you so far the last one is being stubborn lmao
>>17200573 thanks for returning it. why'd you disappear for so long?Q
>>17200581 ohh haha ^^ thanks a lot dude
any news with drew?
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
>>17200499 Can you clone? You had some nice pokes that I would like to have a clone off.
And that Genesect is in Cherish ball or whatever that red ball is and I don't really know if its movie Genesect..
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>17199123 Just finished my current project and got everything traded away.
About to start cloning what you wanted.
Andre 4957-3877-4572 (Frogadier, Gyarados, Panpour)
Andre 4957-3877-4572 (Frogadier, Gyarados, Panpour) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:33:53 No. 17200642 Report Quoted By:
I know this is gonna sound stupid, but can anyone clone me a perfect iv ( or 6iv not sure what it's properly called ) Ditto ? I apologize if that sounds like a big thing to ask. Looking to start breeding for a team, and I've been searching for days on friend Safaris with no luck with a 6iv ditto
btw alf you here? little brothers playing on it `-_-. i don't have multiple that i own lol i hog his....will get yours done before i do anything else :)
>>17200587 went to take a break, i was frusterated with the cloning. popped in mario kart for a bit. lost my game cartridge for X and y. then i found it.
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
>>17200288 How about a Jirachi for a Victini? I can clone my own as well so it'd just be a straight trade.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:34:28 No. 17200652 Report >>17200613 Drew? I don't think I now him or do I? o.o
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
>>17200555 Alright, I'll be here for pretty long I believe.
>>17200613 Hey Yusuf I added you if you want to clone that Sneasel.
>>17200652 lol hes cloning my mol tress :)
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17200624 That's great to hear that. I have already added you and just simply waiting for you finish cloning them.
Patrick 0705-2833-8508
>>17200561 Thanks, did you want any clones of Darkrai back?
>>17200673 yup! but i first wanna finish whats on my plate already :)
>>17200647 ahhh all good man all good!
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:37:25 No. 17200721 Report >>17200620 does it have extreme speed?
and yes i can clone
you have a couple of things i want
what of my stuff do you want?
Quoted By:
>>17200451 I have a 5IV Cyndaquil, and I'm interested in Genesect.
I just got my 2nd 3DS (gave the other one to my sister) and I'm ready to clone.
I have multiple shinies I could trade, and if anyone could trade me a genesect or a darkrai to clone I'd greatly appreciate it.
Quoted By:
>>17200703 Cool, cool. I was worried like, "oh shit, this guy is gonna hate me 'cause he will think i ran off with his shaymin"
>>17200506 What's the nature of your Meloetta?
Patrick 0705-2833-8508
>>17200649 Victini for Jirachi sounds wonderful.
>>17200710 Sure thing.
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
Quoted By:
>pure trust Oh man I just have a japanese Rayquaza and a shiny Bisharp. I would like them back, but in exchange for a 5/6IV ditto or another banklegendary
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:40:01 No. 17200777 Report Quoted By:
>>17200678 oooooh umm I don't think I've seen him... o.O
Mad 4167-4592-9402
I have a Shiny Deoxys and a Shiny Mew for someone to clone if they could give me a cloned Shaymin and/or Victini?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Fyre 5000-3362-9173 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
I'm looking for: Normal:Rayquaza, Heatran, Cresselia, Shaymin, Thundurus, Landorus, Genesect Shiny: Articuno, Zapdos, Mewtwo, Regice, Registeel, Regirock, Groudon, Jirachi(I've heard rumor Sh. Jirachi is a no-no now), Mesprit, Uxie, Azelf, Dialga, Palkia, Regigigas, Manaphy, Virizion, Cobalion, Terrakion Everything else that is feasible I should have. So yeah.
Trieze (5472-7405-2341)
>>17200421 I don't have much to offer. I have a Charizard X stone. I am looking for some good Gen 1 5 IV pokemon. Timid Magic Gaurd Abra, Modest Rain Dish Squirtle, could you help me out?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17200791 Is the mew ENG?
Quoted By:
LOOKING FOR: Deoxys, Genesect, Darkrai HAVE: Shiny Charmeleon, 6IV Piplup and 6IV Totodile with egg moves.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17200797 cool thanks ^^ whenever your ready with zap
alf you here bud? ive got your 2 pokemon waiting for you
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
>>17200721 No Extremespeed unfortunately, but imo that's not even what it needs, currently it has U-turn, Ice beam, Thunderbolt and Flamethrower, slap him a scarf and hes ready to go! That's what I'm gonna do at least.
And if you want to clone my Genesect and Sneasel, I would like to have your Rotom (If it's Kalos native) and Amaura.
James 2208 5065 9778
Fuck it i cant sleep -.-" - I don't clone. But will lend it if you want to clone it. I just want an extra copy of them. lol
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
>>17200770 Awesome! I'm ready whenever you are!
Mad 4167-4592-9402
>>17200911 Anything you want on your list for your SHiny terrakion?
My list
Meloetta 6IV English
Shiny Timid Charizard holding Mega Stone Y
Shiny Aeigslash 4IV Brave
Shiny Adamant Azumaril 5IV's
Shiny 5IV Adamant Metagross
Shiny 5IV Calm Prankster Whimscott
Shiny 5IV Jolly Sneasel
6IV Jap Ditto
Shiny 6IV Rayquaza
Shiny 6IV Latias
Shiny 6IV Timid Thundurus
I can clone it and give it back as well.
Miles 3995 7355 8866
Quoted By:
>>17200911 I'd really like to clone that Genesect if you'd let me. I can give you my shiny Charmeleon in return.
Timid Gengar
6IV Jolly Ditto
4IV Ada egg move Dragonite
3IV Ada Totodile
4IV Ada HP Azumarill
5IV Jolly Sneasel
4IV Ada Larvitar
4IV Ada Blaziken
Modest Gardevoir
3IV Banette
3IV Ada CB Beldum
Mime Jr.
5IV Jolly MD Electivire
4IV Relaxed egg moves Ferrothorn
3IV Modest FF Litwick
6IV Ada pawniard
Nicknamed Vullaby (Eggburd) (OT)
4IV Ada GW Fletchling
4IV Jolly Tyrunt
Brave Aegislash
Nicknamed Sylveon (Marvel❤)
3IV Calm Gooey Goomy
Modest Hydration Goodra
Timid Frisk Noibat
6IV Timid Latios
6IV Timid Shaymin
6IV Timid Latias
Regigigas (Lv.1)
6IV Timid Darkrai
6IV Timid Arceus
6IV Timid Victini
Other Pokébank Legends
Other Shinies
Dex Fillers (pastebin v) I will trade one Pokébank Legend/Shiny from my collection for a MINIMUM of 10 Dex Pokés (trade/back) (689/718)
Patrick 0705-2833-8508
>>17200953 Whimsicott, metagross, my list v
>>17200964 Miles 3995 7355 8866
>>17200964 Shiny Relicanth for your Genesect?
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:50:04 No. 17200999 Report >>17200893 they are native
i would like latias and sneasel please
James 2208 5065 9778
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
hey dom do you mind sending me one vic :) some guy is pestering the fuck out of me
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17200890 Sorry, accidentally hit "B" and I'm an idiot.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:51:13 No. 17201026 Report Quoted By:
>>17200890 got em' bro lol
Mad 4167-4592-9402
Quoted By:
>>17200990 Sorry nothing interests me there.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 (Slugma, Growlithe, Fletchinder)
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 (Slugma, Growlithe, Fletchinder) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:51:36 No. 17201035 Report Quoted By:
>>17200292 That genesect for 6IV Arceus?
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
>>17200999 Excellent, so you give me Amaura and Rotom for Sneasel and Genesect to get cloned and you trade them back after they are cloned, is that right?
Mad 4167-4592-9402
>>17201016 Okay Shiny 6IV Latias. For the 6IV Shiny terrakion.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17201025 lol no issues thanks a bunch hope you had the time to get them for yourself!
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
Quoted By:
>>17200999 I mean Sneasel and Latias * and not Genesect.
>>17200994 Fishing shiny, no
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
>>17200974 Thanks a bunch!
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:56:35 No. 17201131 Report James 2208 5065 9778
>>17201070 Yes. Added. Just tell me if you're done cloning it
Miles 3995 7355 8866
>>17201113 It's on your pastebin.
Patrick 0705-2833-8508
>>17201118 You too, the Mewtwonite Y was a nice add on as well!
Quoted By:
>>17201167 Yes, but i want 10 dex entries for one legend, not one easy shiny for one legend
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 20:59:33 No. 17201208 Report >>17201068 give me a few min to finish something for someone and i'll get to work on your clones
Mad 4167-4592-9402
>>17201135 You want the terrakion cloned correct?
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17201236 Uh. Yea. Why not. Lol
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17201131 thanks my friend :) ill be idle fr a while
Mad 4167-4592-9402
Quoted By:
>>17201266 Kay just be patient.
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
>>17200964 Mesprit for Celebi?
>>17201321 Is there anything special about it, really just looking for the last of my dex entries
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
>>17201208 Okay just tell me when they are ready or just trade me, I add you now.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:06:01 No. 17201374 Report Quoted By:
>>17201296 no prob man ^^
I'll be seeing ya on a new thread im heading out... let me work on the shiny 6iv genesect later if you don't mind
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
Quoted By:
>>17201342 Unfortunately not, sorry.
I cant clone, I have a jap mew for straight trade a eng 6V darkrai and a jap shiny 6V darkrai that I'd want back (or a clone of) Need (for dex): Celebi Jirachi Deoxys Manaphy Shaymin Keldo Meloetta Arceus
Looking for legends I don't have (Besides Zygarde)
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
>>17201418 I can trade a Keldeo for that Mew if you'd like. Just need some time to clone it.
>>17201487 Jirachi for landorus?
Quoted By:
>>17201512 Deal, give me a minute to clone Landorus.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 (Slugma, Growlithe, Fletchinder)
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 (Slugma, Growlithe, Fletchinder) Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:13:13 No. 17201543 Report >>17201487 Genesect for 6IV Arceus?
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:13:28 No. 17201548 Report >>17201493 Sure thing, details added, adding your code
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17201487 If you can clone, I've got an
Entei from Italy,
ENG Lugia and Ho-oh,
Shiny/Normal Japanese Giratina,
All three of the lake Guardians,
Dialga and JPN Palkia,
JPN Heatran,
JPN/ENG Arceus,
JPN Kyurem,
JPN Zekrom,
All of the Swords of Justice,
JPN Cresselia,
>>17201543 Sure, I'll clone one after I'm done trading for the Jirachi.
Patrick 0705-2833-8508
Quoted By:
>>17201457 Thank you for the rotom.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17201487 Also, I'm gonna steal your awesome way of showing your list. Sick of typing out the thing all the time.
>>17201594 Lol, i keep a copied list, and just edit it, and change the pastebin link
>>17201603 IGN:Wade
FC: 0018-0256-2393
>>17201594 Give me a minute to clone these 2 pokemons then we can think of a deal?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17201622 I can't keep all these pastebin links ;-;
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 (Slugma, Growlithe, Fletchinder)
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 (Slugma, Growlithe, Fletchinder) Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:18:38 No. 17201660 Report >>17201576 ok I'll be around
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17201626 Sure, no problem.
Quoted By:
>>17201641 Make a pastebin with them.
>>17201641 I have one pastebin, for my dex, i just have my collection on my ipods notepad thing
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17201641 Just like what they say in /wfg/ "text lists are shit" lol
>>17201675 Got the Landorus, you online?
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
>>17200835 I have Modest Rain Dish Squirtle 5IV lol, I can do it for the X stone for sure if you want!?
>>17200576 That would be fine, I can do it as long as I happen to be here when you can do it!
Quoted By:
>>17201714 I accidentally went into my box, gonna have to resend that
Quoted By:
>>17201660 Gonna start cloning for the Genesect right now
Question: I know the vid says local but is it possible to do it over wi-fi, I'm sure i've seen some of you guys talk about cloning with each other before, but just want to confirm.
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:23:54 No. 17201758 Report Quoted By:
>>17200187 >>17200114 Thanks Yusuf, it feels great knowing I can trust this board, people like you, nito, andy and all of you have helped me a lot.
Mad 4167-4592-9402
>>17201676 I was trying to trade you back the terrakon guess you don't care? o.o
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:25:12 No. 17201780 Report >>17201757 It would be extremely difficult
James 2208 5065 9778
Quoted By:
>>17201763 Wut. Getting online now.
>>17201660 Got the Genesect!
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:28:49 No. 17201853 Report >>17201370 working on amaura now it's being stubborn
>>17200964 Hey I have 10 pokemon your looking for and I'm aiming on getting that 6iv latias timid
Brandon 2793 0769 7837
>>17201487 celebi for shiny latios? I'd have to clone it quick though Anonymous
>>17201780 is that due to trusting the other person or because of it being over the internet
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:29:47 No. 17201870 Report >>17201772 I REALLY want Zygarde to have an awesome comeback in Pokemon Z (I hope) like: Y´all niggas forgot about me? and has some sick power like if Yvetal has death and Xerneas has life he could have like the power that is not life or death (Like zombie or inmortality)
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17201870 hey man i had your shinnies ready for you :)
>>17201564 What are you interested in on my list?
I'm interested in the Lugia.
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
Quoted By:
>>17201548 Thank you so much!
Trieze (5472-7405-2341)
>>17201718 Hey Sami,
That will work thank you. Adding you now.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 (Slugma, Growlithe, Fletchinder)
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 (Slugma, Growlithe, Fletchinder) Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:34:00 No. 17201958 Report Quoted By:
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
>>17201853 Alright, no hurries! Also damn can't wait to test him out regardless on the 4x weaknesses...
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:35:18 No. 17201987 Report Quoted By:
>>17201863 The internet, the synchronization would be very, very difficult
>>17201916 >>17200644 >>17200890 Oh, sorry I was gone for a bit, I just saw your replies, thanks! I will get online in a bit
Quoted By:
>>17201859 Sure, give me a minute to clone the Latios.
>>17201854 What pokemon, just curious, ill start cloning
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17200964 I have for dex swapping
for your Latias 6iv timid as payment
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:38:24 No. 17202049 Report I cant clone, I have a eng keldo for straight trade a eng 6V darkrai and a jap shiny 6V darkrai that I'd want back (or a clone of) unless for another 6V Need (for dex): Celebi Jirachi Deoxys Manaphy Shaymin Meloetta Arceus
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
>>17201938 Okay I trade you soon, also the Squirtle has breed moves Fake out and Water spout (Good for doubles)
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17202039 Relicanth and tropius, anything to swap those with?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17201932 In order of importance;
Shiny Mew (only if ENG)
Shuicune (only if ENG)
Groudon (only if ENG)
Shiny Latios
Shiny Latias (only if ENG)
Also, how'd I do?
>>17202049 Keleo for jirachi?
Trieze (5472-7405-2341)
Quoted By:
>>17202049 Jirachi for the Keldeo?
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:42:15 No. 17202124 Report >>17202099 Yeah OK, adding you
On an unrelated note, does anyone have a passho berry?
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>17199123 You still here?
Finally for the Genesect, working on Terrakion now.
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17202078 If you don't need those 2 then I have Bastiodon and Claydol
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17201863 I suppose it could be done, because you only have to time turning off one of the 3DS'. The other one can be turned off whenever they see the black screen error. If one could coordinate with someone really reliably (like through Skype or something, preferably not here due to post limits), I don't think it would be impossible. Just marginally more difficult than cloning locally. It would however, take way more time due to making sure everyone's got their shit before trying the next attempt in the event of a failure.
>>17202096 I like how you organized them!
Sadly all the Pokemon you want in English I don't have, but the Regice & shiny Latios I can clone (Both are also JPN)
Quoted By:
>>17202135 Thanks, need as much as possible, 27 pokemon is just 2.7 legendaries away, an im ready for that charm
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17202130 I'm still here. Just watching youtube clips and waiting for you to finish cloning your Pokemon. They're such giving you a hard time in terms of cloning them.
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:45:55 No. 17202194 Report >>17201961 finally got it to work
going online
>>17202124 >same safari I love you, 2nd best steel safari, behind Excadrill > Klefki
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17202143 Alright. I can take either one. Do you mind cloning the Lugia? I don't need a copy back, just the "original" one I give you.
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
Alright guys I'm looking for: Manaphy Arceus Celebi I have everything else and can clone. However, I'd prefer straight trades since I'm pretty slow at cloning things as I don't want to be a hassle.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>17202184 Yeah.
Cloning takes forever, and it's annoying as hell IMO.
If you've ever done 4rth Gen RNG manipulation, think something like that.
Although whenever you fuck it up, there's no way to tell what went wrong.
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
**Updated** I have following pokemons that people can clone for them self in exchange for one of their own cloned mon: Bank stuff: -Shiny 6IV Calm Prankster Whimsicott -Shiny 5IV (3IV+2x30IV's because of some HP) Bold Articuno -Shiny 5IV Jolly Landorus (KOR) -Shiny 6IV Timid Thundurus (JPN) -Shiny 6IV Naughty Latias (JPN) -Shiny 6IV Hasty Genesect (JPN) -Non shiny 6IV Jolly Terrakion (JPN) Kalos native stuff: -Shiny 5IV Jolly Sneasel w/ Fake out, Ice punch breed moves -Shiny 5IV (3IV+2x~30IV becouse of HP Ice) Timid Charizard w/ Charizardite Y -Shiny 5IV (4IV+0Spe) Brave Marowak w/ Thick club Kalos non shiny X-exclusive competitive mega pokemons all 5IV: -Adamant Tyranitar w/ Tyranitare -Adamant Scizor w/ Scizorite -Timid Manectric w/ Manectite -Charizardite X I'm looking for following cloned stuff: -Y-exclusive mega pokemons with the megastone -5/6IV competitive bank legendaries such as Cresselia, Latias, Latios, Heatran. -any IV'd uber legendaries, kyurem, darkrai etc. the mons that you can't even use in battle spot -5IV shiny kalos native competitive pokemons -Good -Atk, +Anything nature Kalos native Articuno And I can't clone unfortunately, I can only let people clone my pokemons. Looking forward :]
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17202203 Are you online?
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:50:44 No. 17202318 Report Quoted By:
>>17202203 It's a good safari, I don't visit them anyone since almost everything is avaliable with 4V via gts but when I first learned what it was I was kinda annoyed I couldn't visit it.
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
Quoted By:
>>17202194 okay so I trade you the Latias and Sneasel and you clone them and trade them back to me right? If that's correct, just trade me whenever you are ready.
>>17202274 Wanna do a 2 for 2 trade?
Shiny Latios for Shiny Giratina & Regice for Lugia?
If you want, I can clone the Lugia & Giratina also for you.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17202280 Take a look at my list here, I've got the Arceus.
>>17202096 If you have anything I don't have in ENG, I'd be glad to make a trade.
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17202297 I have megastone ready on hand except for Mewtwo y
Quoted By:
>>17202308 No, i need to add and trade someone else first, since its only one pokemon
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
im going to sleep lol alf your shinnies
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
>>17202355 I have a Groudon and Regice in German and Spanish respectively, but they have the English names. If that's ok then I'll start cloning which one you'd like.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17202342 Alright, sounds great!
>>17202416 I can take the Regice. Is it ok if I give you my JPN Arceus? It's virtually identical to the ENG one except for its name.
Quoted By:
>>17202308 Im online waiting
Quoted By:
>>17202445 Awesome, just give me a minute to clone the Latios & Regice, I'll let you know when I'm done!
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17202376 championship 2012 flying pikachu english with a lightball x_x in a cherishball OTWORLD2012
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
Quoted By:
>>17202445 Yeah that's fantastic! I'll let you know when it's ready.
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Tue 07 Jan 2014 21:58:58 No. 17202488 Report I cant clone, I have a eng jirachi for straight trade a eng 6V darkrai and a jap shiny 6V darkrai that I'd want back (or a clone of)unless another 6V Need (for dex): Celebi Deoxys Manaphy Shaymin Meloetta Arceus
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17202475 >world famous Flychu I would kill for it, but I know you said you wouldn't trade it.
>>17202475 Wut... Do you have that? What would you want for it? If you cant ill clone it and trade it back
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17202283 God that sounds like suffering to me (the attempts at cloning I mean). Anyway hopefully more time you do it, the more it becomes easier for you.
>>17202488 If you just need those legends on your list for the dex, i can trade them and have you tade them back, i have all of the ones on your list
Brandon 2793 0769 7837
the celebi is ready Wade, I'm ready to trade when you are
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17202502 yep i have it sorry its not for trade!
>>17202533 Still trying to clone this Latios
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
>>17202445 Regice is ready. Got really lucky with that one, so ready whenever you are!
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Tue 07 Jan 2014 22:03:24 No. 17202581 Report >>17202531 That would be great, would only have to evolve what I've got boxed and pokedex would be completed
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
guys ima get to bed now. ill post my list once more before i head off....if you have anything i dont let me know......alf wheerever you are lol your horsea and sunkern are waiting in my box
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
Quoted By:
>>17202475 Does such things even exist in this world???
Brandon 2793 0769 7837
Quoted By:
>>17202564 okay that's fine Blaximus 0447 5628 9084 (Onix, Nosepass, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447 5628 9084 (Onix, Nosepass, Rhydon) Tue 07 Jan 2014 22:04:36 No. 17202606 Report I can clone shit if anyone wants. Im pretty much just looking for a 6iv Japanese ditto. I don't have anything really other than XY legends and mega stones.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17202575 Alright, let me add you.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Alot of the 'Shiny non 6IVs' pokemon do NOT have 0IVS. they may have anything between 0-4 :) ive just not listed or marked them so i can differentiate between full 6IV shinys and non 6IV Shinys :). -Azelf -Mesprit -Uxie -Phione -Manaphy -Zapdos -Articuno -Latios -Latias -Entei -Raikou -Suicune -Lugia -Ho-oh -Regirock -Regice -Dialga -Moltress -Regigigas -Tornadus -Registeel -Rayquazza -Giratina Origin forme -Terrakion -Cobalion -Virizion -Kyurem -Reshiram -Zekrom -Deoxys-Adamant Speed forme -Thunderus-T form -Landorus-T form -Heatran -Palkia -Ziggiez (zygarde a shit) -Xerneas -Yveltal -Kyogre -Mewtwo -Celebi -Jirachi -Victini lvl 15 Kor -Cresselia -Mew Event Cherish ball -Arceus Event Cherish ball With Special moves -Genesect Event Cherish ball -Meloetta LV 38 Event Cherish ball -Keldeo 4IV timid Event Cherish ball SMR2012 -6IV Terrakion Jolly -6IV Regirock Careful -6IV Reshiram Brave -6IV Zekrom Jolly -6IV Palkia modest -6IV Lugia Multiscale Timid -6IV Rayquazza Timid -6IV Heatran Adamant -6IV Arceus Timid -6IV Groudon Adamant -6IV Azelf Adamant -6IV Suicune Modest -6IV virizion -6IV Uxie -6IV Landorus -6IV Tornadus -6IV Latias ( buddy sorted me out eventually) -6IV entei -6IV raikou -5IV Raikou -6IV mchina Arceus event in cherish Ball ( thanks james) -5IV kyurem -5IV raikou -5IV zapdos-5IV Shiny Ralts Timid ( Ayumi) -5IV Meloetta Timid -5IV Shaymin Movie11 Cherish ball Seed Flare -6IV Celebi Event Cherish ball OT: Gamstp -6IV Celebi Event Cherish ball OT: WIN2011 -6IV Victini M14 Vcreate Jolly Cherish ball -6IV Victini M14 Vcreate Timid Cherish ball -6IV Darkrai 2012May Event Cherish ball -6IV Jirachi Wish Cherish ball Gamestop Event
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
-Shiny registeel quiet -Shiny palkia modest -Shiny Deoxys modest -Shiny Giratina Timid -Shiny Landorus Hasty -Shiny Kyurem Adamant -Shiny Virizion Naive -Shiny Suicune Brave -Shiny Groudon Lax -Shiny Kyogre Bold -Shiny Thunderus Quirky -Shiny Darkrai event Cherish ball -Shiny Ho-oh Adamant -Shiny Cresselia Lonely -Shiny Heatran 4IV Timid -Shiny Tornadus Timid -Shiny Articuno Bold -Shiny regice careful -Shiny Dialga lax -Shiny Latios Timid ( 4IV 2 30 hp fire) -Shiny Latias Timid ( 4IV 2 30 HP?) -Shiny Genesect Movie Cherish ball -Shiny Raikou Event Gamestp Cherish ball -Shiny Mew Event Cherish ball -5IV Shiny Cobalion Jolly Eng -5IV Shiny Dialga Careful Cherish ball Sum2013 -6IV shiny palkia timid ( seems OP) -6IV Shiny E.s suicune event relaxed -6IV Shiny kyurem timid -6IV Shiny kyurem modest -6IV Shiny groudon adamant -6IV Shiny latios timid ( friend got me instead ) -6IV Shiny articuno Timid -6IV Shiny zapdos sereious -6Iv Shiny mew hardy -6IV Shiny Tornadus Calm Eng -6IV Shiny moltres lax -6IV Shiny Articuno Timid -6IV Shiny Moltres Adamant -6IV Shiny Kyogre Timid -6IV Shiny Latios Naive -6IV Shiny Latias Naughty -6IV Shiny Thunderus Tiimid -6IV Shiny Heatran Adamant -6IV Shiny Regirock Adamant -6IV Shiny Regice Calm -6IV Shiny Registeel Naive -6IV Shiny Rayquazza Adamant -6IV Shiny Terrakion Adamant -6IV Shiny Uxie Adamant -6IV Shiny Azelf Serious -6IV Shiny Mesprit Timid -6IV Shiny Ho-oh Adamant -6IV Shiny Lugia Mulriscale Timid -6IV Shiny Cresselia Timid -6IV Shiny Regiggigas Adamant -6IV Shiny Mew Timid -6IV Shiny Deoxys Sassy -6IV Shiny Shaymin Timid -6IV Shiny Dialga Timid -6IV Shiny Giratina Brave -6IV Shiny Heatran Adamant -6IV Shiny landorus Adamant -6IV Shiny Darkrai Timid Lv 50 English -6IV Shiny Suicune Modest
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17202589 Night Yusuf, see ya tomorrow!
>>17202606 I can let you clone some of my stuff if you want while my 2nd 3DS is unavailable.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
-6IV Shiny Mewtwo Modest JPN -6IV Shiny Mewtwo Timid JPN -6IV Shiny Mewtwo Adamant ENG -6IV Shiny Extreme Speed Entei Event Cherish ball Adamant -6IV Shiny Extreme Speed Raikou Event Cherish ball Rash -6IV Shiny Extreme Speed Genesect Movie Cherish ball Hasty -6IV Shiny Event Giratina SUM2013 Impish -6IV Event Meloetta Cherish Ball English Timid SPR 2013 -6IV Shiny manaphy lvl 1 -6IV Event Keldeo in resolute form. Perfect IVS across in cherish ball -EVENT Pikachu World Championship 2012 Cherish Ball lvl 50 holding light ball with FLY OTWORLD12 HA
>>17202581 Do you have anything for collateral, i trust you, but just handing legends is a bit risky
red - 3411-1589-3215
>>17202632 good sir, is there any way i could clone your english darkrai? id give you well.. anything.. i have arceus and mew and shit and a bunch of shinies
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17202575 I'm on, but I don't see you. Is your IGN Psycosis?
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Tue 07 Jan 2014 22:09:01 No. 17202692 Report >>17202667 I can put up a 6V darkrai
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17202681 pokemon trainer red....i already have those :( and im about to head to bed!
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
Quoted By:
Lvl 88 shiny Eelektrik Adamant 5IV Max EV (max Att 1/2 Def, SpDef) x/31/31/31/31/31 Kalos Born OT: Daniel (me ;D #swaqq) Would Love this cloned
>>17202613 do either of your 6iv celebis have giga drain? also what natures are they?
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
>>17202684 Thanks so much! Sorry for the name confusion, just I saw a few Serena's here before and didn't want to get mixed up.
>>17202692 That rai @_@ is there anything youd want for it, id need to clone it first, but id trade anything i have
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17202681 I'll let you do it if you have any ENG bank legends that I don't have. Would you rather show me your list, or see mine?
>>17202720 No problem! I thought that was you anyway, 'cause I'd never seen that profile pic before.
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
Quoted By:
>>17202613 It's too much Yusuf too much for everyone to see this Power and too much for one man to have this power how have you not been destroy by this power
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
Anybody got a 5/6IV Timid or Modest Keldeo that I can clone? I'm also looking for Jirachi, Celebi, the Lake Trio, and the Kami Trio, all with playable IVs and Natures. I can clone 6IV Naive Meloettas with Relic Song to offer in return for these, as well as 6IV Pokemon (Marill, Malamar, and Medicham). I can also clone Any Megastones outside of the Mewtwo ones and Charizardite Y, or most Maison items.
red - 3411-1589-3215
>>17202745 no english bank legends unfortunately. do you have any shinies you want? / ill clone you an extra?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17202719 GMESTOP celebi knows nasty plot/leaf storm/recover/wish MODEST
WIN2011 celebi knows giga drain/phsycic/recover/dazzling gleam CALM
Quoted By:
Yusuf Im so interesting in Latios timid, Landorus and Kyurem 6IVs, I have 2 DS for cloning if you want it back after i cloned.
Quoted By:
I have a shiny deoxys if anyone wants to clone it, looking for a cloned shaymin in return
>>17202789 I'm in desperate need of the win2011 one that is calm.. can we talk on skype or something incase this 404's? we could also talk on pokemon showdown
4313 1453 1645 Aserty
Quoted By:
Forgot my name and FC lol
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17202788 Normal/bank mon shinies or bank-legend shinies?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
sorry guys im really going sleep ^^ im so tired ;_: have soemthing i dont have and its good? well fucking say something then lol! but seriously im tired as anything. that flying pikachu really made my day though.
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Tue 07 Jan 2014 22:16:16 No. 17202839 Report >>17202589 >>17202789 Good night bro! Also sorry, I had to go, so if you´re still here please reply, if not good night
>>17202835 yusuf, i have 6iv timid englihs mew and shiny 5iv lando T, please dont go :) i need that celebi
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17202811 i dont really know if youd have something i wouldent have .-. unless you have that event golurk or hydregeon............................
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Tue 07 Jan 2014 22:17:39 No. 17202871 Report red - 3411-1589-3215
>>17202833 kalos born shinies. and a mew that im sure you have
Quoted By:
>>17202835 yusuf how can i find you in the future if you leave?
i really need that celebi :) ill make it worth your while!
Dies ANYONE have an exeggcute safari? Dont have it in my dex yet
>>17202858 yusuf how can i find you in the future? can you give me your skype or something? im sure we can work something out, i have alot of trade stuff
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17202848 i have a 6V lando t shiny and that same mew brudaa ^^
>>17202632 >>17202871 lets tradeee!!!!! lol before i sleep
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17202848 >english Mew pls
check this list
clone anything
pls give Mew
>>17202877 Shiny Charmander? I'll lend you ENG Darkrai for that.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17202898 Exeggcute is found in Route 12 and Azure Bay
Quoted By:
>>17202906 yusuf i dont want to lose you in the future, can you please add my FC? 0232 8335 7303
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Tue 07 Jan 2014 22:20:24 No. 17202926 Report Quoted By:
>>17202739 Thanks a lot, the pink pokeball on arceus made me laugh. I've got 2 6V darkrai, an Eng one and the jap shiny one, now that I don't need them for collateral or trade bait would trade to you for a clone of that shaymin, it was nice.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17202899 im here wasting my time alot or you can email me at
[email protected] :). im nott toooo interested in non legends though just a heads up! ^^
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Tue 07 Jan 2014 22:20:52 No. 17202940 Report Quoted By:
>>17202906 Ok, let me get online bro
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
>>17202898 Hey man are you just dex swaps? I have a live dex going so I can swap anything you need for a Celebi. What ones are you still missing?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
im willing to trade if its event things and special things in cherish balls ^^ im getting nobunagas Shiny rayquazza tommorow :). email me or find me here.
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 22:22:47 No. 17202975 Report >>17202297 alright ready
offer me a trade
>>17202935 yusuf i can offer both of my 6iv mews AND my shiny rayquaza or 5iv shiny lando-T for the celebi. help a brother out :) also i emailed you
>>17202969 yusuf, i can give you nobunagas rayquaza now :)
red - 3411-1589-3215
>>17202912 sweet. awesome ill add ya
Wade here to update Brandon & Drew Still trying to clone this Latios, little fucker won't clone.
Could I get a Meloetta from someone please? I have: Darkrai, Genesect, Reshiram and Shiny Dialga. If you clone what I gave and give me it back that would be great
Be careful in here people. I let someone try to clone my pokemon ONCE. And on the first try they fucking morphed it into whatever shitmon they were cloning on to. That was the day I lost my Shiny 6IV Lugia.
>>17202969 anyone know if yusuf left? i really want that celebi
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17203016 Haha don't worry man, I'll be here for awhile.
Quoted By:
anyone else here have that win2011 calm celebi with giga drain? ill trade tons of stuff for it
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17202977 i have both mews in 6Vs hardy and timid x_x and 6V lando t shiny thats english. ill check my email after i get some sleep :)!
>>17202995 sounds like you have some interesting things i might not have?. email me i promise ill reply to you guys once i get some sleep! :)
>>17203038 dont worry im not going to lose or trade it just yet. its english too :)
Brandon 2793 0769 7837
>>17203023 I can clone you one quick for shiny dialga Anonymous
>>17203072 ok, i emailed :) although it might go to spam mail, see ya around
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17203092 see you dudes around ^^!
>>17203045 >>17203088 After one billion tries, got Latios cloned, tried my luck to see if I can get both of your Latios in a row, and bam. So Brandon come online so we can trade & Drew I'll start cloning Regice asap.
>>17203088 Thanks bro, not to sound like a dick but i'll need some collateral
Brandon 2793 0769 7837
>>17203144 what would you want for collateral? Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17203132 Don't worry about the Regice, I just got a copy from someone. Just send me something to hold onto and remind me of what I'm supposed to send you.
>>17203001 Added
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
>>17202975 I was EV training the Amaura, gonna test him out at the battle spot doubles. And thanks a lot for these nice shinies :]
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Tue 07 Jan 2014 22:34:10 No. 17203217 Report Quoted By:
>>17203117 Good night bro, thanks
Quoted By:
>>17203201 Sweet, and the Lugia & Giratina!
>>17203182 any other bank legendary, i trust you but it's just to give me peace of mind
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 22:34:49 No. 17203232 Report Quoted By:
>>17203210 np
and thank you
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17203033 That sucks man. Ask around, I'm sure someone here can clone one up for you. I myself have a Shiny ENG Lugia, but I'm not sure of its IVs and can't clone atm.
Brandon 2793 0769 7837
>>17203226 okay I'll clone meloetta first, then you trade me your shiny dialga to clone for the collateral, and when it's done I trade it back? how does a shiny event genesect sound? Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17203033 Edit: The Lugia has perfect IVs...
I think. I can't ever be 100% sure when I check with that purple-haired guy.
>>17203286 That sounds perfect thanks man
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17203033 2nd Edit:
I meant 2 Perfect IVs
Sorry for getting your hopes up!
If you're still in here, that is.
>>17203334 You want both back, correct?
Quoted By:
>Yes, the clones are usable Fix'd that for you. They may be usable. Gamefreak may not be able to tell you cheated to get them, but clearly you are violating the rules. It is illegal. It would be like me saying pirating through direct downloads on sites that don't keep logs was legal. Sure there is no chance of getting caught, but it's still illegal.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17203343 Yes, but I don't need them copied. Just one of each, so take your time.
Quoted By:
hey if any of you are from the group, my internet is shit again
Quoted By:
>>17203033 Good, you it was hacked anyways. You are acting like you lost something you worked for.
so no one else has a calm 6iv giga drain celebi? ill probably talk to yusuf tomorrow but i might as well try.. idk if i have anything he wants anyway
Quoted By:
Anyone have foreign 6 iv dittos? I offer kyurem for it:l I don't have much my best pokemon is a 5 iv timid hydreigon I use-.- but I'll offer him away too if I must:l please get back to me
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
Quoted By:
Alright I need Celebi and Manaphy. I have every other Pokemon in the dex (except Phione for obvious reasons) so I can trade or swap or clone anything for these two. Just heading in the shower right now and I'll see to any offers when I get out!
Quoted By:
>>17203391 i think hes the only one who has a 6IV celebi here
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
I'm looking for: Darkrai Shaymin Victini Manaphy Keldeo Meloetta Jirachi Celebi I can put up any other bankmon I have as collateral; I just want to clone them. I have all the others, this is all that's left.
>>17203391 He is fairly difficult to deal with sometimes if its something rare. He does give out many things for nothing in these threads if you explore them when they are not so lively anon. I think some guy made him laugh after somebody stole a pokemon from him and yusef gave him 2 6iv shiny pokemon for nothing or something the other night.
Got your Lugia & Giratina Drew! Come online when you're ready!
>>17203564 hm thanks for the advice lol. i think he has everything i want to offer him :/
red - 3411-1589-3215
Quoted By:
>>17203360 i have your darkrai back for trade
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 22:56:55 No. 17203626 Report >>17203546 i have a extra shaymin
are any competitive?
Brandon 2793 0769 7837
>>17203310 your meloetta is done so I'm ready to trade when you are man IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17203626 I haven't gone through all of them yet; I have a few 6IV's, but other than that, I'm unsure.
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Tue 07 Jan 2014 23:05:05 No. 17203754 Report Quoted By:
Has anyone seen nito?
Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
Quoted By:
Gold if you're here i have the extra klefki
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 23:08:21 No. 17203841 Report >>17203708 what are they if i may ask
Quoted By:
>>17203591 He is soon going to have every damn thing there even is anon lol.
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
Quoted By:
[Want] 6IV Shiny Lilligant. Snow Cloak 6IV Shiny Articuno. Male 6IV Typhlosion. Intimidate Male 6IV Arcanine. [Have] 1x Shiny 6IV Genesect. 1x Shiny 6IV Ditto. 1x 6IV Terrakion. 1x 6IV Victini. 1x 1IV Victini. X&Y Legendaries.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17203590 I'm sorry for making you wait so long, I didn't notice your post until now.
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
>>17203770 Alright, are you just wanting 10 for the Celebi? Don't suppose you have a Manaphy also cause then I'll grab another 10 for you.
Garsen, 0259 0401 5029, [Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails]
Garsen, 0259 0401 5029, [Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails] Tue 07 Jan 2014 23:12:46 No. 17203905 Report Quoted By:
Would anyone with a 6IV ditto be willing to clone it and trade for Yveltal or Rayquaza?
>>17203898 So you can get me all 17... You dont lnow how happy this makes me ;_;
>>17203770 do you have a calm 6iv giga drain celebi by chance?
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
>>17203911 Certainly can! Got them all lined up for you so just tell me when you're ready!
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Can someone help me clone my meloetta? I'm looking for a 6ivs genesect aswell.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17203841 Arceus, shiny Rayquaza, and I think something else, but I can't find it.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17204042 I can help with the Meloetta; not so much with Genesect.
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
Can clone for people, someone last night I was cloning a Deoxys for but I fell asleep sorry ;_; get back to me if you're around. Other than that open for trades and the like
>>17204089 do you have a calm giga drain celebi by chance? :D
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17204089 Can you clone my meloetta and latios for me?
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Tue 07 Jan 2014 23:22:22 No. 17204139 Report Quoted By:
>>17204042 >>17204088 So Josh will help Josh? lol
>>17204089 can you clone my shaymin and victini?
Quoted By:
>>17203948 No, sorry
>>17204021 Have the celebi, just finishing the manaphy
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17204088 Oh you can clone my meloetta? I'd like 2 clones (if possible) and don't forget to make a clone for yourself.
Will you give me a collateral poke?
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17204114 No sorry, my celebi is a shitty pokebank one with like a hasty nature and random IVs
>>17204119 >>17204150 I only just realised that picture didn't have gen 5 in it, the only gen 5 legends I'm looking for is Landorous, Thundurus and any of the musketeers, I'll clone pokemon for something I don't have
3668-8703-2650 Gustavo
What I want: Leftovers What I have: nothing. whats good yo
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 23:27:13 No. 17204248 Report >>17204065 ill take a rayquaza
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17204203 I got Arceus.
You don't have that right?
Do you have a genesect with 6ivs by chance?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17204201 So you want 3 back in total? I can do that; I'll give you one of my bankmon as collateral.
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17204258 I don't have one but I only have a shiny 3IV hasty one but not a 6IV one sorry ;_;
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17204260 Sounds great. I'll add you now.
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
Looking for someone to clone my shiny eelektross lvl93 5IV Adamant kalos born Hatched by me Previous moves (worth while) attached Thrash spark gastro acid coil
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17204248 Making one now, then adding.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Tue 07 Jan 2014 23:30:06 No. 17204312 Report >>17204088 Oh shit Josh, you're still going? Or did you pass out like me. I just got up and am glad to see I continue the pass time of asking you for shit. Do you by chance have any Old Gen legendaries you could give me three,or less, copies of? I don't really mind what type, I'd prefer if it was Gen 4 and older.
>Please Josh, I'm still technically Pokehomeless. brb eating dinner
>>17203673 You cloned my Dialga yet?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17204289 I'll add you in a second.
>>17204312 I fell asleep for a bit earlier. I could in a little bit. I'll be doing this tonight too.
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 23:32:20 No. 17204356 Report
Quoted By:
>>17204021 Done, getting it from my DL copy and ill get online
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
Quoted By:
>>17204356 Give me a min Im leveling it up at le wow a lil more
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Anyone up to do some cloning for me? I won't require anything, I'm just trying to get some copies of GTS-compatible legends so I can get some shit done.
My list is here
>>17202096 Brandon 2793 0769 7837
>>17204340 I'm working on it, sorry it's taking so long
Quoted By:
Bah Any tips on getting the timing right?
>>17204411 any chance we can complete the trade tomorrow?I really need to sleep or you can keep the diagla or not it's up to you
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17204289 I just added you.
>>17204356 I've got the rayquaza.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17204352 Can you clone my shaymin aswell? If it isn't much trouble.
I just need a clone of that one.
Brandon 2793 0769 7837
Quoted By:
>>17204444 sure I'll clone dialga tonight and I'll be in this thread at about 330 est IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17204473 Of course. An extra clone or just one back?
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17204403 I can clone your Areus for you?
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Tue 07 Jan 2014 23:40:00 No. 17204521 Report Quoted By:
Anyone got a Japanese Ditto with decent IVs that I can clone?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17204507 An extra clone would be nice. Thanks a lot!
can somebody Verify that the Shiny shaymins are 6IVs? or are they 3?
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 23:41:41 No. 17204552 Report Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17204512 I'd prefer a GTS-compatible one, but I can loan you the Arceus.
Are we added already?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>17204507 Can I have another legend as collateral poke?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17204525 Fuck me. Cancel that. I hit the wrong pokemon.
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17204537 I just took mine to the IV checker and my shiny shaymin is 6IV
>>17204559 Is heatran GTS compatible? I can trade you one and then give you back your Arceus
>>17204594 just wondering...saw somebody giving 3 out saying they were 3 Ivs but they most certainly are 6 last time i checked.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17204594 It is, but I can't clone right now. Did you not want it back?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17204552 Do you need a clone of this back?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17204586 Don't worry man lol
Good luck in the cloning thingy.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Tue 07 Jan 2014 23:45:50 No. 17204634 Report >>17204352 Coolio. You're a fucking lean mean cloning machine. I don't know about you but I'm in a vicious cycle of staying up late, and getting up late.
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Tue 07 Jan 2014 23:46:41 No. 17204649 Report >>17204625 nope we're good
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17204285 I can let you clone arceus anyway.
Can you make an extra clone for me? My arceus is the legit jap event with roar of time and some other moves haha
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17204604 There could be more than one shiny shaymin floating around so it could be 3IV but I think the most of us have 6IV ones
>>17204623 I have a spare one from a trade that never went through, I added you so send me a trade whenever
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17204655 Sure, I can clone him for you, I'm getting one from Drew but I'll clone yours as well!
Quoted By:
>>17204668 theres a hidden power water one with 5 IVs . trying to get it
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>17204721 We're friends already so I'll send you a trade request soon.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17204634 Same. I stay up until 8 or 9, then sleep until 5. It sucks.
>>17204649 Awesome. Thanks!
>>17204633 Shaymin is cloned. Working on Meloetta.
>>17204721 You need the Kami trio, right?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17204784 Shoah you're fast
For some reason, the coastal isnt showing up
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Psycosis 1418-7181-8148
Quoted By:
>>17204797 And thank you! My pokedex is complete as well!
Thanks everyone here, couldn't've done it without you! Finally completed my feat pokedex since Blue!
LF extremely rare things. Anybody floating in these threads on VP that own some extremely great things? If so how can i contact them
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:08:43 No. 17205085 Report Anyone need anything cloned? I pretty much have nothing but XY legendaries atm.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17205068 Name's Yusuf.
Wait for him to get back on tomorrow.
>>17205096 im waiting for yusuf to get back on too >.> im pulling an all nighter so i dont miss him
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17205085 Gimmie a minute or two, fighting the Elite 4.
I'll lend you a GTS-compatible mon in exchange for a second copy.
>>17205135 I wish he would trade me some stuff, but I can't blame him for being the way he is.
When you've got that much shit, not a lot is gonna make you part with it. Plus I'm fairly certain he thinks about the economy when choosing what he sends out.
>>17205096 is there anything he's looking for?
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:14:07 No. 17205186 Report Someone clone my naive lvl 100 meloetta for 3 or 4 times 31/x/31/x/1/x with pokerus and serene grace captcha: Jessee diesky
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17205170 ctrl+f "Yusuf" and I'm pretty sure you can find his list earlier in the thread.
Can anybody clone my shiny entei? It's holding charizardite y and I only need the original and 1 clone 5413-1066-9881
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Anybody got any of these I can clone? Keldeo Shaymin Mew Jirachi Celebi Kami Trio Musketeers Lake Trio
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
Quoted By:
I'm dealing with so many arceus it's confusing ;_;
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:16:59 No. 17205244 Report >>17205167 Cool thanks, just lemme know when you're done.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:18:50 No. 17205276 Report >>17204784 I'm playing Pokemon White at the moment, let me know when you want to trade m8. Whenever that would be. Thanks in advance.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17205236 I can loan you any of the musketeers or the lake trio in exchange for a copy back.
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede)
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:21:46 No. 17205329 Report >>17205186 I can clone it for you. I have two DS's at hand.
Would I be able to keep one of the clones?
>>17205192 how can somebody with everything be looking for something. He probably has that anons list 10 times over ready as wondertrade fodder for dat pokemiles lol.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17205337 You never know.
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17205337 He likes level 1 shinies
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17205284 Awesome. What are the natures and stuff on them like?
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:24:33 No. 17205384 Report Quoted By:
>>17205337 He wants to have a collection of level 1 shinies
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17205360 Can I have a clone of your 6ivs arceus? Lol
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:25:34 No. 17205407 Report >>17205329 okay, but ill hold on one of your legendaries to make sure. well you could keep one so what legendary pokemon ill get?
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17205399 Oh yeah sure, I was going to give you the 6IV one as well as your one back I'll trade you again hold up
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17205376 I wish I could check, but the only one I know off-hand is that the Azelf is 6IV. Currently battling the E4 again for some quick clothes money.
Quoted By:
>>17205218 Selfish self bump
>>17205360 Why would he trade what that anon wants for a shiny level one pokemon. He can get those from those autist breedfags for dittos. I herd he got that legit pikachu. How in the fucks name did he manage to even find that shit? does that shit even exist in english. i fucking want that. Its a pikachu from fucking worlds!
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:27:39 No. 17205461 Report >>17205218 I can clone it for you if you still need it.
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede)
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:27:57 No. 17205471 Report >>17205407 Let me find a legendary pokemon first
>>17205461 Please and thank you
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:28:50 No. 17205493 Report Quoted By:
>>17205471 okay, ill add you
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:29:15 No. 17205500 Report >>17205456 He has a lot of influence and he is a pretty cool guy, so he kind of has everything
:D Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17205444 Alright well, once you get a chance, please check for me, thanks. :)
Quoted By:
FT: Shiny Kyurem LF: Shiny Rayquaza 5-6IV Shiny Metagross
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:31:57 No. 17205561 Report IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede)
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:32:33 No. 17205576 Report >>17205521 Yo Alex, you still want to do that Meloetta trade from a couple of nights ago?
>>17205561 Sorry but could I get some collateral? Ik you're doing me a favor but I just want to make sure I'm not being scammed
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17205429 Just an update: the Meloetta is being a bitch to clone. I'm about to leave for a minute to go get my paycheck, but I'll continue after that.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17205576 Let me get on trying to clone that again. Classes started back up yesterday and I've been a little bogged down.
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede)
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:34:22 No. 17205629 Report >>17205607 If you could, that'd be awesome m8. Been anxious to get that trade going. Still want the Frillish and (what else?)
>>17205500 Yeyeyeyeye thats true. But i don't get these random guys who call him a jew because he says no to their shit as fuck leftovers. He cant go handing out everything he owns to anons. He hands out alot. I may not have many great pokemon but i see what he does man you know what i mean?. He even goes ahead with trades even if its something he does not want in return jut to get some legends out. I swear i bet half the trades he does nowadays he doesen't even fucking want the shit thats offered. He just does it for the sake of making a trade i swear. Hopefully i can get a ditto from him if i catch him tommorow. peace out hommies. FUCK pokewank.
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:35:07 No. 17205646 Report >>17205596 Sure. I mean, I obviously have already cloned anything of mine that would be worth trading, but I could give you a Xerneas holding a mega stone or something if that would make you feel more comfortable.
Quoted By:
>>17205630 im leaving my friend code yeah. see if he can add me or summat: 2878 9805 0091. inabit lads
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17205597 Don't worry. When you're done with all the cloning just send me a TR.
I'll be on most of the day
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:38:25 No. 17205733 Report Quoted By:
>>17205629 thank you :) and remind if its finish
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17205629 I think it was a Mudkip or something similar.
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
***Updated*** I have following pokemons that people can clone for them self in exchange for one of their own cloned mon: Bank stuff: -Shiny 6IV Calm Prankster Whimsicott -Shiny 5IV (3IV+2x30IV's because of some HP) Bold Articuno -Shiny 5IV Jolly Landorus (KOR) -Shiny 6IV Timid Thundurus (JPN) -Shiny 6IV Naughty Latias (JPN) -Shiny 6IV Hasty Genesect (JPN) -Non shiny 6IV Jolly Terrakion (JPN) Kalos native stuff: -Shiny 5IV Jolly Sneasel w/ Fake out, Ice punch breed moves -Shiny 5IV (3IV+2x~30IV becouse of HP Ice) Timid Charizard w/ Charizardite Y -Shiny 5IV (4IV+0Spe) Brave Marowak w/ Thick club -Shiny 5IV Aurorus -Shiny 6IV Modest Rotom Kalos non shiny X-exclusive competitive mega pokemons all 5IV: -Adamant Tyranitar w/ Tyranitare -Adamant Scizor w/ Scizorite -Timid Manectric w/ Manectite -Charizardite X I'm looking for following cloned stuff: -Y-exclusive mega pokemons with the megastone -5/6IV competitive bank legendaries such as Cresselia, Latias, Latios, Heatran. -any IV'd uber legendaries, kyurem, darkrai etc. the mons that you can't even use in battle spot -5IV shiny kalos native competitive pokemons -Good -Atk, +Anything nature Kalos native Articuno -Dragon scale and help to evolve my Seadra And I can't clone unfortunately, I can only let people clone my pokemons. Currently looking for that Dragon scale mostly to evolve my Seadra, I gave my own Dragon scale away and I can't get new one.
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede)
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:40:19 No. 17205780 Report >>17205754 I remember. It was the JPN 4IV Totodile and 4IV Frillish.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17205771 I'd love to get a chance to clone the Whimsicott, Thundurus, Landorus, Genesect, and Terrakion.
I can clone 6IV Naive Meloetta and a 5IV Shiny Volcarona.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17205780 I knew it was a starter of some sort.
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:45:49 No. 17205913 Report Quoted By:
>>17205673 Okay cool. I'll let you know when I'm done. Shouldn't take too long.
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue)
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:46:46 No. 17205933 Report Have: 6IV Ditto 6IV Shiny Dialga Shiny Rayquaza (poor IVs, one 31, IIRC) And pic related I can clone. I'd rather trade clone for clone than try to mess with cloning yours and mine. Looking for: Bank legendaries not in my list. Competitive mons I don't have already there.
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:47:39 No. 17205952 Report >>17205780 these are my checked legendaries. Some of them are dex swap/data only.
>>17205933 Shiny Kyurem for the rayquaza? it's like my favorite pokemon behind Shiny Metagross.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Guise, this has nothing to do with cloning at all, but if someone could use the exp/prize money O-Power on me, I'd really appreciate it!
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:48:51 No. 17205985 Report >>17205933 Shiit, I want that ditto, but I'm afraid I don't have much to offer other than clones of XY legendaries.
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
>>17205841 Do you have anything else besides those two? I can give one per one pokemon I get to get cloned so, for those two I can let you clone two of them.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17205952 Can I clone a Shaymin?
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17205970 ^_^ lol yw :3
>>> in unrelated news got my hand on heatwave litwick <3 swaqq
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:51:16 No. 17206045 Report Quoted By:
>>17205952 i have keldeo's dex only, i dont have 3 genies, black and white legendaries, kyurem, 3 musketeers.
anybody looking for shiny greninja or 6iv shiny noiver? need ditto
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17206029 Thanks to you and the others who helped me out!
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue)
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:52:16 No. 17206073 Report >>17205960 Sounds good. Attempting to clone it now.
>>17206052 Nature on that noiver?
>>17206056 give me ditto? 6ive shiny greninja
Quoted By:
>>17206073 Awesome :D
You're making my day here.
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:53:29 No. 17206098 Report >>17206015 sure, clone 4 of it and you could keep one. hold your legendary first
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17205994 I have some non-shiny 6IV Pokes (Medicham, Malamar, and Marill), with Medicham and Marill both possessing egg moves (Drain Punch, and BellyJet+Superpower), that I can clone.
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17205771 I have the item your looking for except mewtwo y would you be willing to let me clone that Thundurus and Articuno?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17206091 Sorry man, traded mine away a while ago.
>>17206073 timid. i can clone for you 2
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17206098 So you would want 3 back, then?
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue)
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:55:06 No. 17206141 Report >>17206121 If you'll clone yours, I have a couple extra dittos for trade fodder I can send one your way.
>>17206141 okay cool. do you want greninja shint 6vs?
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:55:52 No. 17206158 Report >>17206132 yeah, ill add you first
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17206158 Ok, give me a sec to ask my roommate for his DS, lol.
Quoted By:
>>17206158 i can clone you 6 of them. offer shiny greninja
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:57:31 No. 17206198 Report Quoted By:
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17205841 Are you interested in cloning arceus?
I'm interested in a clone of your meloetta.
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue)
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 00:58:42 No. 17206219 Report >>17206155 Not interested in a greninja, just that noivern.
ant shiny greninja 6vs i clone for u 2
>>17206219 okay shint noivern!. have any bank legnds i can clone for you 3
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
>>17206100 Anything else? I already have Malamar and Marill and I don't need Medicham, it's just so bad mega, at least for doubles which is what I play.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17206210 What're the Arceus' stats like?
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue)
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:01:45 No. 17206291 Report >>17205960 Rayquaza is ready. Need your info.
>>17206257 Not really. Just my cloned 6IV ditto for your Noivern, right?
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
Quoted By:
>>17206111 which items u got? And I don't even want metwonite Y.
>>17206291 yes noiverrn for shint 6v ditto. will make you many back
Will 3007 8551 7783
>>17206311 scammer, on blacklist dont do it
>>17206291 Go to the top of the the pastebin and read
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue)
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:03:41 No. 17206332 Report Quoted By:
>>17206311 It's not a shiny 6IV ditto, it's a regular color 6IV ditto. Not interested in clones back, just direct trade of cloned 'mon for cloned 'mon.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17206288 6ivs English.
What do you think?
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17206264 Not really, no. I've traded a lot of stuff away in bulk trades.
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede)
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:04:17 No. 17206349 Report Jesus Fucking Christ cloning is a pain in the ass
Quoted By:
>>17206325 i just want ditto i promise i just want a ditto :'(
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue)
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:04:57 No. 17206366 Report Quoted By:
>>17206328 Well, then. Scratching all that, then.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17206337 Just curious on its nature? Because the IVs are obviously good.
>>17205985 Sorry for being that guy but Is it ready yet?
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:05:50 No. 17206397 Report Quoted By:
>>17206349 I agree.
I'm having terrible luck at the moment. >_>
Quoted By:
>>17206349 i clone legend for u
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17206367 It's Timid.
Can you make an extra clone for me?
I'd just like 2 arceus back and a clone of your meloetta. (If possible)
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue)
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:08:48 No. 17206466 Report Quoted By:
>>17205985 Do you have anything that's competitive in OU?
Quoted By:
>>17206291 2680-9740-3131
ign alex
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:09:18 No. 17206477 Report >>17206386 Sorry, not yet. I'm having pretty bad luck. D:
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
Is Keith still online? I knew cloning can take awhile and he just started doing it yesterday, but I'm kinda worried about him. Maybe the frustration of constant failures is getting to him.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17206431 I'll at least try to give back 2 Arceus, and I'll try to get as many Meloettas as possible.
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:10:56 No. 17206522 Report what i have kalos shiny rotom 6iv modest shiny eevee 5iv bold shiny amaura 5iv modest shiny froakie 6iv timid shiny trevenant 5iv careful harvest shiny sneasel 5iv jolly shiny charizard 5iv timid solar power bank legends shiny rayquaza 6iv adamant shiny latias 6iv naughty shiny lugia 6iv modest shiny genesect 6iv hasty shiny shaymin 6iv timid shiny mew jpn victini 6iv jolly want keldeo,extreme speed genesect any legend i don't have offers
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17206488 I just want 1 meloetta lol
So do we have a deal? Can you give me a collateral poke while you clone arceus?
Quoted By:
so whos da besss person to tlk to fr sum free sht
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17206431 I'll get the Arceus clones and I'll try to get a bunch f Metloettas out.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17206527 Sure. Let me finish this Meloettas.
Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
Quoted By:
>>17206349 My thumbs are blistered from pressing the power button
>>17206291 I actually have to go eat dinner real quick but I'll be back.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17206579 I'll add you then.
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue)
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:14:38 No. 17206622 Report Zaventem 5343-9368-2234
Quoted By:
>>17206522 i have a Keldeo 31/xx/31/31/xx/31 but only 1 if you can clone i'll like 1 back if you're interested.
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue)
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:24:26 No. 17206866 Report Quoted By:
>>17206622 And I'm off to dinner. I'll contact you when I get back.
>>17206477 Is it ready yet?
Os (munna, sigilyph, xatu) 4484-8984-3280
Os (munna, sigilyph, xatu) 4484-8984-3280 Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:33:24 No. 17207103 Report Anonymous
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede)
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:36:10 No. 17207175 Report What the flying fuck? I got two cloned back to back but now I can't get the timing right. Goddamit.
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:38:44 No. 17207239 Report >>17207175 is my meloetta okay?
Quoted By:
>>17207175 I know the feeling man.
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede)
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:40:27 No. 17207283 Report Quoted By:
>>17207239 Yeah, it's fine. I have 3 so far.
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:41:59 No. 17207322 Report >>17207069 Sorry, still going on it. >_>
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Cloning doesn't want to work for me tonight. :/
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:45:00 No. 17207398 Report Quoted By:
can anyone clone me a genesect? dont have legendaries but have various 4iv mons for trade also have shiny seviper and shiny snorunt if anyone is interested
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:45:09 No. 17207402 Report IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17205697 I've got them done, I'll just be a minute.
>>17207322 Did you manage to clone at all? I'm not mad just wondering
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:46:31 No. 17207433 Report Quoted By:
>>17207103 i like your chespin
want any of mine?
>>17206522 Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17207402 I always seem to just get it randomly, and whenever I try to do it, it doesn't happen.
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede)
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:49:12 No. 17207482 Report >>17207448 ONE FUCKING MISSISSIPPI
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17206522 Could I clone your victini?
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17207482 One Meloetta done...
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:58:46 No. 17207709 Report Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:00:45 No. 17207752 Report Quoted By:
>>17207429 Yeah, I just finished. Sorry that took so long, I usually don't have this bad of luck.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:01:55 No. 17207779 Report >>17207709 is your shiny genesect the one from the movie event?
could I get a clone of one?
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:03:14 No. 17207801 Report >>17207779 no it's not
i'm looking for that one
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17207709 Would you like anything specific in return?
>>17205276 What legends do you want specifically?
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17207801 Can I trade a Meloetta for a clone of that Shaymin?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17206601 I have your Meloettas and Shaymin.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
LF Andy, are you out there?
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:07:05 No. 17207894 Report >>17207814 Do you by Chance have Entei, Suicune, or Thundercat? Anyone of those is cool as shit, or RayQuaza or Kyogre. Would love all of them, but I don't know if you're up to that. Trying to get two or three copies of them too so I could trade for different legendaries. Thanks in advance again, I though you forgot about my ass. Just let me know when you want to trade because I'm playing Pokemon White right now.
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:08:13 No. 17207920 Report Quoted By:
>>17207482 is my meloettas done?
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede)
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:08:34 No. 17207924 Report >>17207239 Got them done. Ready to trade?
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:09:21 No. 17207948 Report >>17207429 Still here buddy?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17207894 I left for a bit. I'm back now, though. I have all of the dogs, Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza.
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:09:49 No. 17207963 Report Quoted By:
>>17207948 Yes you got 'em?
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:10:13 No. 17207976 Report >>17207801 aw well could i get a clone of that genesect?
I have 4iv mons
and shiny seviper and a shiny snorunt if you want.
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:10:31 No. 17207984 Report >>17207814 do you want a copy back?
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:11:31 No. 17208003 Report >>17207964 I sure do. Sorry it took so long.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17207984 Nah. I have a couple. I'll have your Victini back in a second. Do you want an extra?
>>17208003 Did you make a copy for yourslef?
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447-5628-9084 (Rock: Nosepass, Onix, Rhydon) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:13:01 No. 17208033 Report >>17208019 Yeah, funny part is that I successfully cloned it twice in a row. The first one just took forever for some reason.
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:13:02 No. 17208034 Report Quoted By:
>>17208007 no ill just take mine back
and thanks for deoxys
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:13:28 No. 17208051 Report Quoted By:
>>17207952 Fucking bad ass. Do you think I could get three, or two, copies of each? If not then jut the doges?
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:15:53 No. 17208095 Report >>17207976 i'll make one in a min for you
you can just give me a derp
Quoted By:
>>17208033 Ok that's good I'll send a request onced I'm finished with Le wow
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:16:46 No. 17208108 Report Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:16:53 No. 17208109 Report >>17208095 alright thnx man.
ill add ya and be online in a bit
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Finally got two Meloetta clones, both with Amulet Coins. Looking to trade them off for other 6IV good Nature Bankmon, preferably Legends (Keldeo, Jirachi, Shaymin, and Victini in that order of priority, lol).
Quoted By:
>>17208033 I'm on let's trade
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:23:10 No. 17208232 Report >>17208129 i'll get you a shaymin for one
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17208232 :D
Yes please. That's the 6IV Timid, right?
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:24:59 No. 17208273 Report >>17208232 yes i'll have to clone it
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:25:24 No. 17208289 Report Shiny list 4IV Timid Froakie nicknamed Hayabusa HP Dragon... funny right? 6IV Timid Ralts nicknamed Lena 4IV Adamant Scizor nicknamed Bananas 6IV Modest Ninetales 5IV Bold Vulpix 1 or 2 IV Naughty Dragonite anyone got some regular shiny pokes?
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17208273 Alright, thanks a lot!
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede)
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:25:56 No. 17208304 Report Quoted By:
Anyone want to do a straight up trade? I can offer a 5IV Shiny Latios. I'm looking for a competitive Genesect with 5IVs
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17208289 I have Feroseed, Chespin, Chimchar, and Cyndaquil.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17208289 I have a Sliggoo, Wingull and Clamperl.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:28:10 No. 17208357 Report >>17208327 do you know the IV's on the Cyndaquil?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17208357 I can check in a second.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:29:20 No. 17208383 Report >>17208341 how's that Sliggoo of yours? is it a girls?
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:30:23 No. 17208402 Report Quoted By:
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17208383 Female, Modest, Gooey. IVs in HP and Def.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:31:46 No. 17208422 Report someone should make a thread ASAP lol
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:32:55 No. 17208449 Report >>17208409 mind making a clone? also do any of mine interest you?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17208422 I just checked it. Attack and Speed.
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede)
IGN: Paige 4425-1666-4999 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:33:57 No. 17208475 Report Quoted By:
>>17208108 Btw, Jaika, I wanted to point out that your Meloetta are perfect, not 2 IV.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17208449 Ninetales and Ralts are nice. I actually already have a clone, lol, if you want to add me.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:34:57 No. 17208498 Report >>17208455 would you be able to clone one for me? also do any of mine interest you?
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17208498 I actually already cloned one, if you want it.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17208498 I can. Ralts or Scizor, perhaps?
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:39:18 No. 17208601 Report >>17208484 Ninetales for Sliggoo sound good? also Ralts for Clampearl? if that sounds good to gimme a bit of time hopefully I can clone before this thread goes 404
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:43:00 No. 17208668 Report >>17208580 your pick man which of the 2 you like most lol
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17208601 Sounds awesome to me.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17208668 Ralts would be nice.
>>17208129 ivs on meloetta if you still have it
Quoted By:
[NEED] Suicune Bold 31/x/31/31/31/x Azelf Jolly 31/31/31/x/x/31 Cresselia Bold 31/x/31/31/31/x [HAVE/ For Trade] Kyurem 6IVS(31/31/31/31/31/31)
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17208668 I have the Cyndaquil.
>>17208273 And your Victini back.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17208707 Any updates in the cloning? I'm back haha
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17208865 I've got them all done.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:53:48 No. 17208911 Report Quoted By:
I just set up new thread though im not to sure how to link it...
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 02:54:56 No. 17208939 Report >>17208913 lol I just made one
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17208939 Well this is awkward.
I'll delete mine.
>>17208934 i have a jolly 6iv victini
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17208939 Just link it like a normal post. Copy the post number and put two >> in front of it in a post.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17208984 Does it have V-Create?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>17208889 Thanks a lot man!
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17209032 I'm still interested in your meloetta. Will you clone my arceus?
I already added you.
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 03:01:46 No. 17209122 Report Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17209112 I'll be keeping 1 Meloetta, so just give me a little bit.
>>17209086 Sounds good!
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17209197 alright, adding you
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Dom, you got that thread?
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue)
persephone 1907-8724-1272 Fighting(pancham, mienfoo, tyrogue) Wed 08 Jan 2014 03:10:30 No. 17209329 Report Quoted By:
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Wed 08 Jan 2014 03:10:32 No. 17209331 Report Quoted By:
>>17209122 thx for the poke!