Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Bumping my offer What i have: Suicune Bold max IVs for HP Fire Heatran Modest Keldeo Timid max IVs for HP Ghost SHINY Rotom-W 6IV Phione Bold Looking For: Shiny max IV Bank Legendaries(those i dont have) 6IV hasty/naive genesect WishBliss/chansey Bold 5/6IV Timid Manaphy 6IV hasty/naive Deoxys with fire punch 5/6IV Rotom Bold with pain split
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 18:57:12 No. 17221433 Report >>17221385 Hey Scarlet, what shiny pokemon do you have?
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 18:58:04 No. 17221450 Report Hey guise, I´m still looking to clone my Deoxys, it is level 100 and from the Sinnoh region, I need 2 clones, one for yourself and the original back, so if anybody wants to do it I´ll be here Oh, and good morning
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
[Want, with English names] 6IV Shiny Articuno. 6IV Male Typhlosion. 6IV Intimidate Male Arcanine. 6IV Mamdibuzz. 6IV Infiltrator Whimsicott. 6IV Regigigas. 6IV Keldeo. [Have] 1x Shiny 6IV Genesect. 1x Shiny 6IV Ditto. 1x 6IV Terrakion. 1x 6IV Victini. 1x 1IV Victini. X&Y Legendaries.
Quoted By:
LF 5-6 iv manaphy
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17221433 I have a box full, but honestly not many that I'm allowing to be cloned right now, sorry. I worked very hard for them and I would feel really bad if everyone suddenly got mine.
Do have a clonable cyndaquil though and maybe a male and female espurr.
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17221461 so, do you wanna trade fo that keldeo, Cerv?
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine)
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:01:00 No. 17221496 Report Im looking for someone to clone my only shiny pokemon but Im scared to lose it. I just want one or 2 copies. Its a honedge btw.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17221496 It's reasonably to ask for a collateral to make sure the cloner won't run off with your shiny.
Does anyone have a Darkrai lying around? I have a 6 shiny Jap Ditto I can spare.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:02:08 No. 17221513 Report >>17221478 Yeah I understand its cool... you know anyone with a shiny Axew by any chance or a Honedge?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17221496 Don't have either myself, but
>>17221513 Anonymous
>>17221510 Why wouldn't the cloner just clone his collateral?
1048 9245 4901
Quoted By:
>>17221541 At least he is getting something.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:04:37 No. 17221563 Report >>17221496 how's that Honedge of yours? what IV's does it have? o.o
>>17221410 I have a 6IV Shiny Deoxys, but it's Sassy
If you're willing to clone it, could I grab a cloned Suicune?
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17221461 I just cloned that typhlosion if you still want it
>>17221512 Would you take a Genesect?
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
>>17221484 I would, but if none of us can clone, i don't wanna loose my Genesect D:
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine)
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:06:31 No. 17221594 Report >>17221563 I was MM randomly and it hatched on my 6th egg. First time Ive ever gotten a shiny but only has 31 in atk.
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Quoted By:
>>17221589 Okay, GL mate :)
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
>>17221572 What do you want for it?
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
Paige, are you still here?
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Have: 5IV Shiny Impish Cottonee 5IV Shiny Timid Heliolisk 6IV Shiny Timid Darkrai 6IV Timid Arceus 6IV Adamant Event Entei 6IV Shiny Adamant Rayqauza 4IV Shiny Honedge named "Tampon" 4IV Shiny Trevenant named White Willow These guys are for clone. I just want the original back and maybe a copy of it back. Want (For now): 5/6 Terrakion (Adamant/Jolly) 6IV Shiny Event Genesect
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:07:41 No. 17221614 Report >>17221385 Hey OP (or anyone who's going to be making the new general)
I'm the owner of the steam cloning group and I have a request. Below our steam community link, can you put;
Please read the rules before adding an admin for admission.
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17221605 the genesect. If you can't clone, i can always give a copy back
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:08:25 No. 17221624 Report >>17221594 you said you want 2 clones right? I can help ya out if ya want ^^
>>17221607 1650-2624-2725
IGN is Jared
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
>>17221618 Sure. I need it back.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17221614 I will remember it and if I don't make the next thread myself, mention it to whoever does.
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine)
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:10:25 No. 17221655 Report >>17221624 Yes that would be great not sure how this works though. Maybe I should give her a megastone to clone that as well.
Quoted By:
I have a Shiny 6IV Sassy Deoxys, if anyone were willing to clone it, hit me up with offers. LF other bank legends
Question! How am I supposed to pass down egg moves if the daycare overwrites them while there? Do I need to level the pokemon to 100 so that it doesn't happen?
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17221646 ok, ill add you
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:11:28 No. 17221674 Report >>17221614 sure if I make one in the future i'll remember to add that
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
>>17221641 Alright, waiting for you
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:11:58 No. 17221690 Report Quoted By:
>>17221652 >>17221674 Thank you very much.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:13:18 No. 17221718 Report >>17221655 sounds good whatever you'd like
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:13:25 No. 17221722 Report Quoted By:
>>17221657 If you leave a pokemon in the daycare those moves will always pass down as long as the pokemon had them when you left it
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
My list: Azelf Mesprit Raikou Groudon Ho-Oh Victini Shaymin Terrakion Keldeo Genesect Shiny genesect Shiny lugia Shiny shaymin Shiny Raikou Shiny suicune Celebi Suicune Entei Shiny mew Shiny 6iv ditto Shiny Dialga Shiny rayquaza Shiny deoxys Shiny Latias Shiny regigigas Meloetta All can be borrowed for cloning, but in exchange I will ask for an extra copy or another legend.
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
>>17221660 Thanks. Let me know when it's cloned.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17221512 I do.
>>17221541 There's nothing stopping him, but it's better than nothing. I usually offer my ENG Meloetta 'cause I only have one and it took me a long time to find one.
Scarlet! If you're still here, here's my list. Sorry it took me so long!
What I have (Legendaries);
JPN Virizion
JPN Latios (Shiny/Normal)
JPN Dialga (Shiny)
JPN Latias (Shiny/Normal)
JPN Suicune (Shiny)
ENG Arceus (6IV)
ENG Mew (Shiny/6IVs)
ENG Meloetta
ENG Rayquaza (Shiny)
ENG Darkrai (Shiny/Normal)
ENG Deoxys (Shiny)
JPN Deoxys (Normal)
JPN Azelf (6IV)
JPN Moltres (Nicknamed in Japanese)
JPN Moltres (Shiny)
JPN Genesect (Shiny/May or may not be 6IV)
ENG Giratina (Shiny)
JPN Giratina
JPN Mew (Shiny/6IV)
FRE Xerneas
GER Kyogre
ITA Entei
ENG Mesprit
ENG Uxie
ENG Phione
ENG Mewtwo (Pokerus)
ENG Suicune
ENG Raikou (Shiny)
ENG Dialga (Nicknamed)
ENG Jirachi (6IVs)
ENG Yveltal
ENG Zygarde
ENG Keldeo
ENG Shaymin (Shiny/6IV/Pokerus)
ENG Victini (May or may not be 6IV)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:17:19 No. 17221758 Report Quoted By:
>>17221655 hold on to bananas as collateral lol
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine)
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:17:38 No. 17221764 Report >>17221718 hope everything goes well!
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
>>17221756 Drew are you willing to clone my Shiny 5IV Scizor Adamant Technician for a Meloetta?
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:19:04 No. 17221785 Report Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:19:05 No. 17221786 Report Quoted By:
>>17221764 i'll let you know as soon as I have both clones for you ^^
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17221774 Sorry, I can't clone right now. Second 3DS is unavailable.
>>17221792 Aw... okay. Thanks.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17221767 Ok, gimmie a moment.
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder)
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:21:39 No. 17221819 Report Weems (IGN: Aspiaan) 4398-9290-0043
>>17221756 Hye just letting you know I didn't run off with anything, just that this arceus is being a bitch to clone.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17221806 I--I'm sorry, I would if I could!
>>17221819 No problem! Just to be clear, you don't need the Latias back, right?
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
>>17221807 Sure, let me know when you are ready
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17221756 Let's see, I have these that are not on the list:
6iv terrakion(jpn)
shaymin(jpn) non'shiny
genesect(jpn) non'shiny
suicune(jpn) non'shiny nicknamed YOLO.....
Also have eng shiny lugia but I think you said you had that though I don't see it on the list
If there's anything you want to clone from that, let me know
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17221859 ho oh is nonshiny too, btw.
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder)
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:26:10 No. 17221873 Report >>17221837 nope it was just a trade, but if you have a spare Shaymin/ Jirachi gathering dust that would be great, I could offer a shiny dunsparce to be cloned for one of them
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17221859 And so is terrakion....
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Quoted By:
>>17221567 I'm sorry but sassy is very bad nature for me also i can't clone atm so i need really good offer ;(
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17221873 I can't clone right now, but I do have a spare Jirachi.
>>17221843 I have you added, but it didn't register.
>>17221859 Yeah, shit I guess I missed the ENG Shugia I had. But since they're all JPN, I can just dex swap them if you don't mind!
Nick 0173-1311-4079
I have every non-event bank legend, and Darkrai, to offer. Anyone offering a 6IV Ditto? I don't care if it's shiny or not but I'm assuming all the 6IV ones are Japanese and Shiny since because bank. Also looking for any bank event legend besides Darkrai.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:29:16 No. 17221920 Report Quoted By:
>>17221764 4 straight failed attempts lol im working on her though
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17221904 Sure! All of them, except the lugia? I'm collecting ENG ones too but you have all the ones I have.
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17221909 I have 5IV Shiny JapTimid ditto if interrested
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
Quoted By:
>>17221904 Is your IGN Drew too?
Wilde 1907-7963-2566
Quoted By:
Hey Ron Paul, sorry for the delay. I'm JUST gonna get back to cloning your Poké. Sorry again, I've been super busy moving into a new place. If you want the original and a clone back right now I can send it over, otherwise I'm gonna work hard to get my own clone and a few more to get the timing down.
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder)
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:31:42 No. 17221963 Report >>17221904 Ooh what would I have to do for the Jirachi?
Nick 0173-1311-4079
>>17221933 that works, what pokemon do you want?
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17221750 Finally got it.. took like 6 or 7 tries.
Looking for legends I don't have.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:34:43 No. 17222014 Report >>17221764 I got 1 now for the 2nd!
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder)
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:35:49 No. 17222033 Report Quoted By:
>>17222006 I have a Zygarde, will take any offer for it really
>>17222006 If you're willing to clone it, I have an Azelf
>>17222006 I have
ho oh
Shiny dialga
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17221963 Take a look at my semi-accurate list up here
>>17221756 and if you got anything in ENG that I don't have (I have Lugia, but it's not on the list cause I didn't remember to put it on there).>>17221921 I have the entries for Terrakion and Ho-oh already, but I could use the non-shiny versions of Gene and Shaymin, thank you! Anything you need?
>>17221834 No worries man. I can't even remember what's in that egg, sorry about taking so long, but there's not a whole lot of bait pokemon I have anymore after I started cloning and stuff.
>>17222006 i have coballion and cresselia
Kitty 3952-7082-7558
>>17221613 5IV Shiny Timid Heliolisk. I'd take this. I have a 6IV shiny adamant Terrakion.
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Quoted By:
>>17221980 Added. Trade me in game (Kelseir)
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
>>17222006 I have a JPN Shiny Kyurem.
>>17222042 Yeah I can clone it, is that all you want? A copy of Azelf back?
>>17222043 What do you want for that Dialga?
>>17222057 What do you want for that Cobalion?
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 (Slugma, Growlithe, Fletchinder)
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 (Slugma, Growlithe, Fletchinder) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:38:54 No. 17222088 Report >>17222006 6 IV Victini for Deoxys?
>>17222082 What do you want for it?
>>17222088 Sure, let me clone Deoxys right now.
>>17222084 Well, I wanted the original Azelf + one of your legendaries (a clone ofc) ;~;
>>17222056 Sorry, thought I'd do shaymin first and then give you your gene back.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>17221756 Is there a chance i could get a clone of your Meloetta?
I got a 6ivs careful jirachi with smogon set. I don't know if that's rare. Can you clone it btw? I only have one.
>>17222084 i'll let you clone it for celebi or jirachi
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 (Slugma, Growlithe, Fletchinder)
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 (Slugma, Growlithe, Fletchinder) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:40:43 No. 17222118 Report >>17222105 got to clone too
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17222060 Sure, I just need a copy back if you can clone.
>>17222112 Which legend do you want me to clone?
>>17222117 Pick one, I'll clone either one.
>>17222118 Take your time, obviously I got a lot of cloning to do lol.
Quoted By:
>>17222105 A Darkrai is what I've been looking for.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17222084 I'd like a copy of giratina but I'll be honest I can't clone so you'd have to clone dialga yourself, sorry.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17222113 It's okay! I just got weirded out cause that's the way I've done it before.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:43:46 No. 17222159 Report Quoted By:
>>17222006 I have a Phione. Been looking for Giratina for ages.
>>17222144 It's fine, I'm here to help not just for my own good.
I'll clone the Giratina & your Dialga for yoy.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17222147 Hehe, it's fine, I get it.
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine)
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:44:09 No. 17222170 Report 4210-3974-9177
Quoted By:
>>17222127 Darkrai please, take your time, doing work anyway
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17222164 Great, let me know when you're ready, I'll be here.
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
>>17221785 hey man, i would be able to clone your deoxys for you if you're still around
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17222197 Can you clone? Could you clone my 5ivs quiet shiny aegislash?
I'd like 2 clones back (If Possible)
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
>>17222247 sure, i can help you out. you'd want two clones back, plus the original right?
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:50:04 No. 17222303 Report >>17222170 the last one is being stubborn... @_@
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17222288 Yeah and clone one for yourself haha
Can you give me a good poke as collateral? I'll add you now.
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
[Want, with English names] 6IV Shiny Articuno. 6IV Intimidate Male Arcanine. 6IV Mamdibuzz. 6IV Infiltrator Whimsicott. 6IV Regigigas. 6IV Keldeo. [Have] Shiny 6IV Genesect. Shiny 6IV Lugia. Shiny 6IV Ditto. 6IV Terrakion. 6IV Victini. 1IV Victini. X&Y Legendaries.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17222345 What nature would you want the Mandibuzz? Might breed you one.
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
>>17222313 sure, just added you.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17222345 If you can clone. I can let you clone my 6ivs Mandibuzz.
Kitty 3952-7082-7558
>>17222121 Yes I can clone if you are patient. :3
And I just checked my Terrakion is 5IV is everything in Special Attack so he flawless :P
He's also English. I'm online waiting.
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder)
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder) Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:56:08 No. 17222413 Report Quoted By:
The following I have available for cloning, if I can get 2 copies back: English Meloetta 6IV English Shiny Mew 6IV English Latias English Suicune (Pokerus) English Rayquaza Shiny Lugia Shiny Cherish ball Mew Shiny 2IV Dunsparce Arceus 6IV Raikou 6IV Tornadus Also happy to trade the 6IV Raikou for Shaymin/ Jirachi
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
>>17222369 What would be a good nature for it?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17222389 Thanks a lot man! Good luck in the cloning thingy.
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
>>17222419 i'll get to work on your aegislash. and np, i'll keep you updated in this thread
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 19:58:26 No. 17222448 Report >>17222197 Yes, could you do it?
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17222395 Whelp, Josh got you covered on Mandibuzz.
>>17222400 I'm patient so don't about needing to hurry up or anything.
>>17222418 Impish/Careful. Bold&Calm works if you don't care about her attack
Kitty 3952-7082-7558
>>17222369 You could of mentioned it was nicknamed >.>
I'll go clone it now.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17222438 Take your time. Good luck.
Wade here, the people I'm trade with can you post your FC with the trade we're doing? Hard to stay organized on here. Just in case you also forgot I'm cloning: 2 Darkrais (for 2 different people) 1 Jirachi 1 Deoxys 1(or 2?) Giratina Reply with our trade so I can get this sorted out please.
Matt 0774-4253-9509 (Ponyta/Pyroar/Fletchinder)
Matt 0774-4253-9509 (Ponyta/Pyroar/Fletchinder) Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:00:40 No. 17222495 Report Quoted By:
Would anyone be willing to clone a hacked Ho-Oh? I'd like the original and a copy back if possible. It's Korean, Jolly, 5IV, level 100 and has its hidden ability.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17222459 Whoops, I keep forgetting about that. If you like, you can either give it back to me to un-nickname or give me a copy of it to remove said nickname.
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
>>17222448 i could, but not at the moment cause i'm using both DS's. sorry m8, if you still need help when i'm done though i can get you
Weems (IGN: Aspiaan) 4398-9290-0043
>>17222144 Hey scarlet, you have a shiny english lugia right? would you be willing to let me clone it?
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
>>17222453 Sure, I'll take an Impish one.
What do you want for it?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17222485 You're cloning yourself a copy of my shiny dialga, and I'm getting a giratina.
Quoted By:
>>17222485 jirachi for coballion
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 (Slugma, Growlithe, Fletchinder)
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 (Slugma, Growlithe, Fletchinder) Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:02:09 No. 17222526 Report Quoted By:
>>17222485 I already have you as a friend, and the Victini is ready
Kitty 3952-7082-7558
>>17222501 I'll give it back then clone it, just give it it's regular name please. :3
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17222514 Am I willing to let anyone clone it? No. You, sure!
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:04:06 No. 17222554 Report Quoted By:
>>17222512 Ok, just let me know when you´re ready, but I´ll need some collateral tho
Weems (IGN: Aspiaan) 4398-9290-0043
>>17222543 thanks a bunch! Would you like a shiny rotom in return?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17222599 I would, sure! I'll hop online.
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
Quoted By:
>>17222461 Hey john I'm finally back home and online. You have everything with you?
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17222520 >>17222537 Let me try to breed one first.
Sorry can't clone (only one 3DS). Might need to get something cloned first. Is the Genesect the Event one with Shift Gear and everything?
>>17222542 Alright, just tell me when you're ready.
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine)
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine) Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:08:33 No. 17222638 Report Kitty 3952-7082-7558
>>17222501 Okay shes cloned just take back the first one rename it please. And I'll trade back the cloned copy. :3
Quoted By:
Have a shiny Mew/Deoxys/Scizzor/Azelf (not shiny) Anyone wanna clone them, looking for other bank legends
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:09:37 No. 17222653 Report >>17222638 still trying man... :/
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
Quoted By:
>>17222461 Oh wait sorry I confused you for someone else. My bad.
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
>>17222621 I have a 1IV Genesect and a 6IV Shiny Genesct. None of them have Shift Gear, sorry.
And I can't clone either ;___;
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine)
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine) Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:11:37 No. 17222678 Report >>17222653 make sure you clone one for yourself also!
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17222599 I'm watching tv, so just post here when you're done, ok?
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:12:27 No. 17222689 Report Quoted By:
>>17222678 will do lol thanks ^^
Guts 1521 4229 3098
Fff. Got some of those 1IV Jap Melos that're floating around. Need a decent legendary to start cloning and trading to get this ball rolling. Any takers? Can clone and send back if necessary.
>>17222724 Azelf
Shiny Deoxys
Shiny Mew?
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:15:39 No. 17222743 Report >>17222678 got your 2 Honedge man ^^
Scarlet & Emilio got your Giratina & Deoxys ready. I'll be online in just a minute to send them over
>>17222485 Just seen this!
Shiny Kyurem person here, and it was a Darkrai.
FC: 2105-8649-0946 IGN is Ashley!
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17222642 Sorry about that, I misspelt Heliolisk wrong.
>>17222659 Looks like the Shiny Genesect is running the usual Choice Scarf set.
About the no cloning problem, the best I can offer is to find someone to help you clone it. Either that or trust me to find someone to clone your 6IV Shiny Genesect for you.
Guts 1521 4229 3098
>>17222739 Are deoxys or mew GTS-able? I mean I can anyway but I was planning on abusing GTS to get a decent stockpile of legends going.
Unless they're all really shit Kitty 3952-7082-7558
>>17222773 Tis fine enjoy your Terrakion~
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:19:43 No. 17222800 Report >>17222724 I´ve got a deoxys from Sinnoh, would you be interested?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17222756 Ok, I'll send you that dialga to clone then. Adding now.
>>17222779 Alas, no
Azelf is tho
>>17222769 Awesome, my DS is freaking out and wont connect online to let me add friends.
Give me a minute to fix it, I also have your Darkrai ready.
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
>>17222773 I'm honestly not sure about that ;__;
Guts 1521 4229 3098
>>17222800 Sure did you need a clone back or?
>>17222826 Of course. Have any others?
Quoted By:
>>17222828 No problem, take your time!
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:23:13 No. 17222879 Report I'd really love to get Giratina or Rayquaza. Does matter if it's shiny or not, although the higher the IVs, the better. I really only have 6IV Jap Ditto, and Event Jap Melo, but for those I'd want them back. Any takers?
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:24:06 No. 17222889 Report >>17222867 Actually, when you clone it, can I get the original back?
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine)
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine) Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:24:28 No. 17222895 Report Quoted By:
>>17222743 Alright wonderful!
Devin 1693-1328-1096 (Bibarel, Wartortle, Azumarill)
Devin 1693-1328-1096 (Bibarel, Wartortle, Azumarill) Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:24:53 No. 17222900 Report Quoted By:
Any tips or help on getting the timing down perfectly? I can get it every now and then, but it largely comes down to luck. I know 4.5 seconds seems like a good time, but I'm not sure beyond this. Should the 3DS go off at this point or should I start turning it off at this point? Any help?
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17222836 I understand how you feel. Well I guess your search for a 6IV Vulture continues then since I can't clone.
Guts 1521 4229 3098
>>17222889 Yeah. It'll take a bit 'cause I'm terribad with the timing but I can.
>>17222879 ffs I need that ditto. need anything else?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17222756 Could you message me here when you're done with dialga?
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17222796 Sorry about, forgot to say thanks for the Terrakion. Thanks a lot for the Shiny rock bull
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Weems (IGN: Aspiaan) 4398-9290-0043
>>17222825 hey I cloned it, ready to trade back! Thank you so much!
>>17222969 Got it on my first try! Come online when you're ready
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17223102 No problem, I'm here. Thanks for the rotom.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17223112 Lucky! I'll be ready after this trade with weems. Thanks for giratina.
Guts 1521 4229 3098
Ah well. Anyone else want one of these jap melos?
Quoted By:
>>17223155 Any time! Thanks for the Dialga!
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV {3732}
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV {3732} Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:43:59 No. 17223249 Report >>17223189 I would take you up on that offer but I don't have anything good because I can't clone and I haven't bothered collecting legendaries yet.
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:44:25 No. 17223266 Report >>17222959 Well, I have to go now, but I´ll be back
>>17223155 Hey scarlet, would you be interested in a 4 iv ralts in a love ball for free? That´s kind of my way of saying thanks for the Shaymin
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
>>17223051 making good time, cloned it twice now. working on the last one now m8
Guts 1521 4229 3098
>>17223249 What do you have?
>>17223266 I'll lurk around a bit. Added anyway in case I wander off.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17223286 Oh great! You're awesome :p
Kitty 3952-7082-7558
Quoted By:
Have 5IV Shiny ENG Jolly Terrakion. 4IV Brave Shiny Aegislash 5IV Jolly Smeargle 5IV Jolly Sneasel 5IV Adamant Azumaril with Aqua Jet/Belly Drum Shiny Timid Charizard HP Ice Holding MegaStone Y Heliolisk 5IV Timid 6IV ENG Meloetta Whimscott 5IV Calm Prankster 6IV Shiny Rayquaza 6IV Shiny Timid Thundururs 5IV Shiny Froakie Timid Protean Looking For... English only no Legendaires please. Most want Shiny Female 5/6IV Buneary Encore, Ice/Fire Punch and Switcheroo. Shiny Bold/Timid Eevee 5/6IV Shiny Male Electrike 5/6IV
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV {3732}
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV {3732} Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:49:59 No. 17223371 Report >>17223304 Like I said, can't clone and don't have any of the pokebank legendaries yet so my stuff is shit (also low box space). I can breed up a chimchar with iron fist and both of the elemental punch egg moves and most of the pokebank starters.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17223266 Sounds adorable, and I have a weakness for adorable things, I'd love one.
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
[Want, with English names] 6IV Infiltrator Whimsicott. 6IV Intimidate Male Arcanine. 6IV Shiny Articuno. 6IV Mamdibuzz. 6IV Regigigas. 6IV Keldeo. [Have] Shiny 6IV Genesect. Shiny 6IV Lugia. Shiny 6IV Ditto. 6IV Typhlosion. 6IV Terrakion. 6IV Victini. 1IV Victini. X&Y Legendaries.
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 20:53:15 No. 17223436 Report >>17223393 Ok, I´ll go out for a bit and then I will come back and give you your adorable ralts (Inb4 that´s my favorite pokemon along with meloetta)
I've already completed the nationaldex... except for the damn (non-Kalos) legendaries... So, any of you want to help?
Guts 1521 4229 3098
Quoted By:
>>17223371 argihusgnjk
'Kay. I'll work on cloning one just for the fuck of it. Toss me whatever.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17223436 Not my favourite(been a huge eevee fan ever since I got yellow as a kid), but it's in my top 10.
Javi / Cobos: 3566-1524-9617
Quoted By:
>>17223458 This is me, forgot name, if you anons can help I'd be really grateful. alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:01:09 No. 17223603 Report >>17223483 Oh, that gives me an idea
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
>>17223318 all done, whenever youre ready
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17223603 Yeah, I went so far as to order a custom shiny eevee plushie from america.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>17223615 I'm on! Send me a trade request whenever you want.
Quoted By:
I have adamant female Heracross with rock blast and Jolly Male Iron Fist Chimchar with T-punch & F-punch. Both 31/31/31/xx/31/31 If anyone is interested I'll take about any legend clone bar the ones I can catch in x/y or Black2 So a Latias would be pretty neato
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17223615 Thanks a lot Calvin!
Quoted By:
I have an Azelf if anyone wants to clone it, looking for Jirachi/Darkrai in return
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
>>17223739 no problem. if anyone else needs a cloned poke, holla
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:14:30 No. 17223828 Report >>17223761 Can you possibly clone my 6IV Jap Ditto?
Is there any 6IV Timid Shiny Protean Greninja by chance? I'd love to give an event shiny Genesect for one.
>>17223761 can you clone my victini?
Eithirn (4570-6911-8248) [Ice: Cloyster, Shit, Shit]
Eithirn (4570-6911-8248) [Ice: Cloyster, Shit, Shit] Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:18:38 No. 17223909 Report Anyone want to help me practice cloning quick? Just going to do it with shitmons, but if I get it right I'll clone you a shiny Swablu.
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
>>17223828 >>17223865 yes to both. did you guys just want one clone and the original?
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:19:57 No. 17223931 Report >>17223916 I'd really like two clones, plus the original. One is fine, though.
>>17223916 yes one extra only
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
>>17223943 alright i'll get you out the way first
>>17223931 i can do two plus the original, it'll just be a little bit longer
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
So, apparantly I'm a jew and duping people out of their shinies because I accepted someone's offer of a copied shiny spearow in exchange for letting them copy my ditto.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:22:20 No. 17223975 Report >>17223964 No problem, I've added you, just post here when you are ready for me. Can I get some collateral? :D
IGN Viktor 0430-8478-1304
Quoted By:
I really need a foreign 6 IV Ditto. Do anyone have them? I can just offer some 5IV Cyndaquil, Totodile, Marill, Ralts, Magikarp, 4IV Heracross and Turtwig.
>>17223964 sure thing. added you already
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder)
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder) Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:23:25 No. 17223997 Report Quoted By:
Anyone here interested in an English Latios? I'd like to have it cloned and receive two copies, or have it cloned, receive one copy and an English Latias
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>17223839 I have a 6 IV shiny Hasty Froakie with HP Fire if you are interested in that, note I cannot clone but am willing to do a normal trade.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17223967 Was the Spearow any good?
Quoted By:
Hey guys I'm new to the general, but hopefully today I'll be getting a second 3ds and start duping. I have one back legendary to start with, and I'm very excited to get started. Just wanted to know, are people willing to let me borrow other legendaries to dupe and return? Obviously I'd offer my legendary as collateral or shit just give in return for the privilege to dupe. Nice to meet you all, and I'll come back once I got a box full to share.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17224015 I have no idea, still being cloned. I don't even need it or anything but it was offered, and I like spearow.
Guts 1521 4229 3098
Quoted By:
I actually really need one of those jap 6IV dittos too. Can toss up one of the event jap melos floating around.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17224063 And you're being called a jew because you're letting someone clone your Ditto?
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
>>17223975 >>17223995 i'll post periodically and update you both
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:31:12 No. 17224125 Report >>17224112 Alright, man. Just atleast keep letting me know you didn't run off with him! :P
>>17224112 yeah, no problem
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17224094 and getting a shiny spearow in return.
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
Man these threads move fast Have 6IV Shiny Dialga JAP Reshiram JAP Zekrom JAP Kyurem JAP 6IV Virizion JAP Giratina JAP Lugia ENG Ho-oh JAP Latios KOR Groudon JAP Heatran JAP 6IV Victini ENG 4IV HP Ghost Keldeo ENG 6IV Darkrai 6IV Shiny Shaymin 2IV Shiny Genesect Shiny Mew 6IV Timid Shiny HA Lugia Want Manaphy Jirachi Arceus 6IV Zekrom Deoxys 6IV Entei, Preferrably the ESpeed event.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:34:06 No. 17224184 Report >>17224151 Can I convince you to be a bro and slide me one of those Giratinas? Can't blame me for trying:P
Eric 1650 1682 5916
>>17224013 Is it Protean? If so I'd love to just trade them.
Frayne 1048-9293-0965
Quoted By:
>>17223839 I have a 5IV (perfect spread) Timid Protean Greninja, its nicknamed.
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Quoted By:
>>17224186 It is, adding now.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17224094 and the spearow is also cloned.
Max 1590-4731-2795
Quoted By:
Looking for Shiny 6IV Suicune and 6IV Reshiram, Have all legendaries (mostly are shiny 6IV).
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17224184 Sure, as long as you dont mind waiting a while, I prefer to do most of my cloning all at once.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:36:45 No. 17224229 Report >>17224221 I don't mind at all. I'll add you after this Resturant Le Wow
DLN - 4742-5781-1849 [Larvesta, Ponyta, Braixen]
DLN - 4742-5781-1849 [Larvesta, Ponyta, Braixen] Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:37:14 No. 17224236 Report >>17221725 I can make you another copy of your Ditto if you'd like
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17224131 >>17224202 Don't know why that would make you a jew. It's was already a clone to begin with and he/she is getting a [shiny 6IV] Ditto for it. It's not like he lost anything
yet 2423-3339-7005
>>17224247 i'll let you clone my arceus for a keldeo
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17224236 I have no problem with that if you have any collat and can wait a few minutes since it's currently with someone else.
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
>>17224129 top lel m8, your victinis took me literally no time at all and are ready.
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17224259 Sure! Just give me a bit, Ill get to adding people and starting to clone shortly.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17224251 I don't know, some people expect free shit I suppose. This guy seriously thinks the cloners should just clone a bunch and give everything out for free.
I give out stuff when I can but if I gave everything away without ever wanting something back I wouldn't have anything.
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17224151 I have a manaphy would let me get my hands on that virizion 6iv jap?
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>17224186 If you want to check the IVs you will need to use a calculator, the exact spread is 31/31/30/30/31/30, that is what gives it HP Fire.
Quoted By:
>>17224288 alright, TR whenever you're ready
Eric 1650 1682 5916
>>17224301 Thanks a ton man, can't wait to get this bad boy ready.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:42:19 No. 17224334 Report Making clones of Japan ditto, rayquaza, victini,heatran, phione, shiny genesect. All I really ask for ditto is that you allow me to clone a shinyMon. Also have a shiny sligoo and hoppip if you're interested
dude 1161 0219 4854 (ROCK) Barbaracle, Dwebble. Corsola
dude 1161 0219 4854 (ROCK) Barbaracle, Dwebble. Corsola Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:42:24 No. 17224338 Report Quoted By:
anyone possibly have a 5-6IV ditto? Friend just got one off somebody, so now he's breeding some badass perfect iv pokemon. And he wont even let me use it lmao. I feel like im missing out on making some badass pokemon. I dont have much to trade for one, but i have a few pokemon i can trade. Like a perfect IV feebus. I would really appreciate it.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:42:43 No. 17224349 Report >>17224289 Could I maybe also jew a Lugia out of you? If not, I totally understand.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17223909 >help me practice cloning What?
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Quoted By:
>>17224322 It is a great late game sweeper, outruns everything that it relevant and usually is able to hit for SE damage.
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder)
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder) Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:43:41 No. 17224370 Report >>17224351 Drew I have an English Latios if you're interested in cloning it
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17224300 Certainly!
Ill just need to get to cloning it, a Keldeo, and a Giratina. :)
Quoted By:
Looking for Shiny Imposter Ditto with at least perfect HP. I can offer a 5IV Adamant Binacle, 5 IV Timid Fennekin, 5 IV Impish Phantump, or 5 IV Jolly Smeargle.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17224370 Sorry, man. I'd take you up on your offer, but I don't have my second 3DS atm. My usual hours are during the evening (Murrikan Time) or the early morning.
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17224349 Nah sorry bro, most Im willing to do is the Giratina.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:45:46 No. 17224422 Report Quoted By:
>>17224412 Can't hurt to ask, thanks anyway:)
I added you btw.
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
Quoted By:
>>17224383 Alright then tell me when your ready k to do a straight up trade.
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder)
b-baka 5472 7886 1698 Fire (Larvesta, Magmar, Fletchinder) Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:46:36 No. 17224444 Report >>17224407 Damn, I'll catch you another time then, I'm in the UK and it's 21:46 here.
Nunzio - 4399 0104 9182
Quoted By:
@CMeca aka MK: I'm still cloning your genesect!
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17224236 Got it back, let me know.
Guts 1521 4229 3098
>>17221725 Out of that lot I could use Groudon, victini, shaymin, genesect, lugia, 6iv ditto and even the melo if it's english.
Which out of the bunch are available at the moment?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17224444 Quints desu~!
Haha, alright man, I'll lurk for awhile and if I get my shit back I'll let you know!
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:49:02 No. 17224489 Report >>17221725 Interested in a heatran?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17224458 The only one I have a spare of is shiny genesect. All except for english melo are available for cloning though.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17224489 I might be, what would you like to clone?
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:52:53 No. 17224555 Report >>17224534 I'd give you a phione and heat ran to Cline a shiny shaymin. If that's possible?
DLN - 4742-5781-1849 [Larvesta, Ponyta, Braixen]
DLN - 4742-5781-1849 [Larvesta, Ponyta, Braixen] Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:54:06 No. 17224570 Report >>17224452 Sorry, I just realized that I have to eat dinner now. I'm getting use to a new school schedule. Thank you for offering :)
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17224555 Sure, I'm fine with that. Heatran first and then phione when you're done? Go ahead and add me. I can also put an ability capsule or masterball on it if you'd like to clone that, as long as I get the one back since they're my only ones.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17224570 No problem, come find me any time.
Guts 1521 4229 3098
>>17224490 Ah, I didn't mean to say it like for trade. Unless you just had to have a jap melo 'cause that's all I have right now. I meant for cloning and making the extra for you.
wouldn't mind starting on ditto or shayminz.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 21:58:50 No. 17224632 Report >>17224587 Which would you prefer me to clone? Capsule or ball? Also if there's a certain amount you'd like me to clone I can try?
Eithirn (4570-6911-8248) [Ice: Cloyster, Shit, Shit]
Eithirn (4570-6911-8248) [Ice: Cloyster, Shit, Shit] Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:01:07 No. 17224665 Report >>17224351 I've never cloned before and I will more than likely fuck it up if I don't try it a few times first.
Éowyn - 0962-9914-9110
I have some 5iv Modest Shiny Larvestas, and I'd like to trade them for others 5 iv Shinies. Any offers?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17224625 I'm actually heading to bed in a bit but if you come find me tomorrow you can do both.
>>17224632 I don't need either so just go ahead and clone that shaymin. I'll be waiting because I'll go to bed when you're done.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:03:38 No. 17224704 Report >>17224599 Alright, let me Cline one copy and after that I'll send back and make more copies for you.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17224704 I don't need any copies for myself, but thanks for the offer. Just go ahead and clone it for yourself.
Guts 1521 4229 3098
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:09:07 No. 17224801 Report >>17224719 Alright, give me a moment. Sorry of I take a while. The timing sucks. Also don't want to keep you up since your want to sleep.
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
>>17224125 you're ditto is taking the longest time, just cloned the first one
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17224801 Don't worry, I'm turning the computer off at some point but will keep the ds on, so just send a trade request.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17224665 How are we supposed to help you though?
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:10:07 No. 17224821 Report >>17224808 Thanks for the update man. Sorry about him being a pain.
Believe in the heart of the cards.
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite)
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:10:08 No. 17224822 Report >>17224679 A 5iv Modest shiny rotom?
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:10:28 No. 17224827 Report Quoted By:
Eithirn (4570-6911-8248) [Ice: Cloyster, Shit, Shit]
Eithirn (4570-6911-8248) [Ice: Cloyster, Shit, Shit] Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:12:25 No. 17224865 Report >>17224818 I just need someone who is willing to add me and let me test and see if I can time the cloning right.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Quoted By:
>>17224665 Interested in a shiny 6IV Adamant Banette?
Quoted By:
>>17224151 >6IV Timid Shiny HA Lugia Dream world Pokemon cant be shiny, good job GF.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17224679 Interested in a 6IV shiny adamant Banette?
>>17224665 Ignore what I just posted oops.
>>17224865 Mate you have to have two 3ds' or else its nigh impossible to get the timing right and I don't think it works over anything other than local wifi at that.
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
Finished cloning everything, give me a bit to add everyone
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite)
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:17:48 No. 17224978 Report >>17224914 Im interested in that bannette. Can offer the 5iv shiny modest rotom or a shiny fs krabby or shiny fs fraxure
Eithirn (4570-6911-8248) [Ice: Cloyster, Shit, Shit]
Eithirn (4570-6911-8248) [Ice: Cloyster, Shit, Shit] Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:18:11 No. 17224990 Report >>17224915 Shit. Didn't know that.
I'll just have to wait and take my friends DS when I can.
0275 8846 7430
Quoted By:
I have a Japanese level 97 Yveltal. I'm willing to give it for cloning if I give it back, and I wouldn't ask for anything, but I would accept any legendary copies you have, I don't care about battling, just the dex.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17224151 I gave a 6IV Event Entei. What nature is the Dialga and does it have SR on it?
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17224997 Timid, no SR unfortunately
Quoted By:
>>17224990 I hope its a 3ds or 2ds your friend has
Éowyn - 0962-9914-9110
>>17224962 i had you added already
ign is chuy
you were going to clone my coballion for jirachi
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17225033 Alright then how about Ho-oh if it has HA and 5IV or Keldeo.
I also meant that I have a Event Entei for you to clone,just I guess you knew that already.
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17225082 I dont recall that, I have you written down as Keldeo for Arceus
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17224978 Only had one extra sorry. Already have a rotom.
>>17225115 yeah, sorry was thinking of another anon
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:25:33 No. 17225149 Report >>17225115 Hopefully that pokemon was somehow useful to you. Thanks, dude!
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17225109 Ah :P. Pretty sure its just a normal Ho-oh
Éowyn - 0962-9914-9110
>>17225071 Is it stuck with that name? lol
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:27:29 No. 17225204 Report >>17225130 Hey! your back ready for your pokes man?
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite)
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:27:59 No. 17225219 Report >>17225199 Yeah thats why i dont want it lol
Éowyn - 0962-9914-9110
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17225149 It was!
>>17225131 Its cool, Ill send a clone back after I get the Manaphy from Dennis
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17225180 Damn, whelp I guess Keldeo will be my target Pokemon then.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Éowyn - 0962-9914-9110
>>17225219 I'm sorry, I'd prefer to have an unnamed Rotom
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:30:05 No. 17225272 Report >>17225237 I have a bunch of bank mons and a Meloetta you can clone, if you need more!
I'm always looking for Lugia/Rayquaza :P
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17225180 I'm still here just tell me when your ready to trade and I'll get online k
0275 8846 7430
Quoted By:
Anyone need a Yveltal for cloning? I have every bank starter for cloning too. You don't need to give me anything back, I just want more legendary mon in circulation for people like me who want to collect them but can't. If you do want to give me an extra mon, I'll take any legendary or shiny.
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite)
0061-0468-9986 Guardian (riolu,sawk,meditite) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:31:08 No. 17225298 Report Quoted By:
>>17225253 I understand. I think im just going to WT it
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17225272 I may want to Clone the Meloetta for a Lugia
>>17225240 Understandably so, gimme a bit to clone more
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17225204 Didn't need 2 Chimchars but thanks for them!
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
Kitty 3952-7082-7558
Have 5IV Shiny ENG Jolly Terrakion. 4IV Brave Shiny Aegislash 5IV Jolly Smeargle 5IV Jolly Sneasel 5IV Adamant Azumaril with Aqua Jet/Belly Drum Shiny Timid Charizard HP Ice Holding MegaStone Y Heliolisk 5IV Timid 6IV ENG Meloetta Whimscott 5IV Calm Prankster 6IV Shiny Rayquaza 6IV Shiny Timid Thundururs 5IV Shiny Froakie Timid Protean Looking For... English only no Legendaires please. Most want Shiny Female 5/6IV Buneary Encore, Ice/Fire Punch and Switcheroo. Shiny Bold/Timid Eevee 5/6IV Shiny Male Electrike 5/6IV Shiny female Ralts 5/6IV
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:34:22 No. 17225394 Report Quoted By:
>>17225349 Just let me know on here, I'd love to do that.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:35:17 No. 17225421 Report Quoted By:
>>17225391 lol no prob man ^^
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17225393 Is your Heliolisk shiny by anychance?
Kitty 3952-7082-7558
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:37:19 No. 17225470 Report >>17225272 You looking for a shiny or non shiny rayquaza?
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17225349 Coo, I'll wait until you get done.
>>17225437 Yes, that's probably the same one I gave her.
Kitty 3952-7082-7558
>>17225472 It is I am able to clone more. :$
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:38:10 No. 17225493 Report >>17225470 I'd really prefer Shiny, but non-shiny works for me:)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:39:18 No. 17225521 Report >>17225437 Hey Gold, what was your shiny list again? o.o
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:39:43 No. 17225532 Report >>17225493 Well, I've got a non-shiny of you're interested. I really want a meloetta
Hey anons, I have a question, when the little indicator light on the right of the 3ds (the one that flashes red when battery is low, not wifi indicator) blinks orange, does this mean that the mon you have on the gts has been traded? Just ignore me if I'm being a little shit and I should know this already.
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
>>17224821 finally done, getting online now
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:41:22 No. 17225570 Report >>17225532 Can you clone?
>>17225545 Thanks!
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:41:25 No. 17225572 Report >>17225533 I have no clue.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17225484 Yes you can. I mean I could say "No you can't trade that Pokemon". but really I can't really stop you for doing such. Beside I let Zav trade off my Shiny Cottonee so I guess it's only fair if you can do the same.
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
Quoted By:
>>17225277 Waiting to trade ya bro
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:42:29 No. 17225606 Report Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17225521 I'll repost in a sec
>>17225457 I have a 5IV Bold eevee without attack, if your timid heliosk doesn't have attack either!
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:43:20 No. 17225622 Report >>17225606 If you can clone her, and give me back one, plus the Rayquaza, I'd be more than happy to. I'll want some collateral, though.
No offense!
Kitty 3952-7082-7558
>>17225592 Daaaaw, If you need something cloned feel free to let me know. I can help out~ :3
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:45:09 No. 17225663 Report >>17225622 Of course, hope you don't mind waiting though, it takes me a while sometimes.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:45:17 No. 17225667 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>17225572 I am just breeding and putting stuff up on the gts to fill out my dex and about the last 3 times I have seen it flash, I go check the gts and it has been traded, mind you I have recently checked before the light started blinking each time.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:45:36 No. 17225675 Report >>17225663 Sure, adding you in just a minute.
Kitty 3952-7082-7558
>>17225621 Does it know wish and it's shiny? o:
And the gender?
And yes everything but attack for the shiny lizard.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:47:21 No. 17225710 Report >>17225545 Thanks again, Calvin!
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17225682 5IV Shiny male Bold and Anticipate
Wish Yawn stored power eggmoves.
Well if you're not interested I have a 6IV Shiny banette as well as a 5IV Modest male Espur thats also shiny.
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
Quoted By:
>>17225710 glad i could help
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:48:59 No. 17225753 Report Quoted By:
>>17225675 Hang on, still cloning rayquaza. Soz
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:49:04 No. 17225757 Report Quoted By:
>>17225663 Sent the request, Fluxxy. Trade request me whenever, and I'll hand her over.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17225626 I'll remember that and good luck on your trade with Gold.
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17225710 When you get the Meloetta back Ill trade the shiny Lugia for her. In the meantime Im going to clone a keldeo and arceus
Kitty 3952-7082-7558
>>17225735 Can you nickname that Eevee? :O
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:50:44 No. 17225796 Report Quoted By:
>>17225764 Alright, man. I'll give her to you after Fluxxy gives her back for a Lugia and her back, yeah?
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:51:24 No. 17225809 Report Guys, has anybody seen Scarlet, Nito or Yusuf?
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:52:54 No. 17225842 Report >>17225809 Scarlet went off not too long ago.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:53:31 No. 17225854 Report By the way, a friend of mine is searching for a Stealth Rock Aerodactyl, if anyone has one, I'd love you long time. I could breed alot of the bankmons to trade.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
5IV Shiny List for Dom and whoever else is interested [H] Shiny 6IV Impish Bulletproof chespin 6IV Adamant Banette w/ Destiny Bond/ConfsR 6IV Modest Magician Fenekin 6IV Impish Trevenant 6IV Adamant Azumarill w/Superpower/AquaJet 6IV Adamant Contrary Inkay 6IV Jolly Absol 5IV Tyrantrum, eevee, blaziken, froakie, noivern, chandelure, ralts, rotom, gliscor, scyther, goomy, scraggy, cottenee, espurr, mawile. Got Lazy. 3Iv Iron Fist Chimchar. Only interested in pentaperfect shiny normal pokes. And I can't clone so I can only do lends for an extra copy sorry.
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
Quoted By:
>>17225392 I'm on I thought you were going to take long and is Brad your ingame name?
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:56:55 No. 17225962 Report >>17225809 hmmm I'm thinking they're around as anonymous lol
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 22:57:22 No. 17225975 Report Quoted By:
>>17225842 Damn, seems like I´m late, thanks for telling me
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17225924 I must ask what gender is that Fennekin?
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:00:42 No. 17226042 Report >>17225854 Oak-ay, so you want meloetta back with a spare copy, right?
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:01:42 No. 17226069 Report >>17226042 Well, I just wanted her back after you cloned her, but I'll take a spare if you're willing and it goes quick enough.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:03:25 No. 17226120 Report >>17226069 Well, if you want I'll send back once I clone and make more copies for ya later, if you'd like?
Kitty 3952-7082-7558
>>17225960 I'll take it just let me add you.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:04:30 No. 17226148 Report >>17226120 I'd love that, man. My friend has been trying to trade me for it, and I'd love to give him a gift:)
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:04:46 No. 17226155 Report Quoted By:
>>17225962 lol, that´s actually a good idea...
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
I tried to take a two hour nap and slept all day. Shieeet.
>>17225924 Could I clone your Goomy? If you're looking for pentaperfect shinies, I have a Mareep.
Osama 4441-9476-6004 (Seviper Venemoth Toxicroak)
Osama 4441-9476-6004 (Seviper Venemoth Toxicroak) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:05:49 No. 17226183 Report Quoted By:
>>17223429 Would you be interested in a 6IV Darkrai for your 6IV Victini?
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:06:07 No. 17226194 Report >>17226148 At the moment, I can return your melloetta, done cloning. I'll make you an extra copy in about an hour or so, need to go eat dinner.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:06:56 No. 17226209 Report Quoted By:
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:10:34 No. 17226300 Report >>17225924 hmm what ability does your Banette have?
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:10:50 No. 17226307 Report Quoted By:
>>17225764 Ready whenever you are, man.
If you have one of those Arceus' spare as weeeeell...
Osama 4441-9476-6004 (Seviper Venemoth Toxicroak)
Osama 4441-9476-6004 (Seviper Venemoth Toxicroak) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:12:56 No. 17226371 Report Does anyone have a 6IV Victini, Deoxys, of Genesect they'd be willing to trade for a 6IV Darkrai?
Osama 4441-9476-6004 (Seviper Venemoth Toxicroak)
Osama 4441-9476-6004 (Seviper Venemoth Toxicroak) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:13:58 No. 17226405 Report Quoted By:
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17226371 I have an extra Victini.
Osama 4441-9476-6004 (Seviper Venemoth Toxicroak)
Osama 4441-9476-6004 (Seviper Venemoth Toxicroak) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:15:42 No. 17226455 Report Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:16:28 No. 17226468 Report Quoted By:
>>17225393 Hey Kitty, would you mind cloning a Charizard for me? :3
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:16:52 No. 17226479 Report Someone cloned me 3 or 4 my lvl 100 jirachi? Still have more legendaries to get. Unrelated, is unown include to complete the dex?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17225393 Could I clone your shiny Froakie? I'd be willing to give up a shiny 6IV Ralts.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:19:14 No. 17226532 Report Quoted By:
>>17226479 Unown is needed to complete, I believe.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17226121 Thanks.
>>17226158 Sure thing. I have you added already right.
>>17226300 Frisk.
Desu 0318-7166-6602
Cloning pokes! I am willing to help anyone, but would prefer these: Arceus, 6IV Meloetta, Smeargle with Spore and Shell Smash (or just shiny), Shiny Chimchar, Keldeo, Mew (non shiny), Shiny Rayquaza and Heatran. I have Shiny Shaymin, Meloetta, Mesprit, Celebi, Shiny Entei, Shiny Greninja, Shiny Espurr.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17226583 I believe so. One minute; I'm cloning the Mareep.
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:23:31 No. 17226631 Report >>17226588 could you help me cloned my jirachi 3 or 4?
Osama 4441-9476-6004 (Seviper Venemoth Toxicroak)
Osama 4441-9476-6004 (Seviper Venemoth Toxicroak) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:23:36 No. 17226633 Report >>17226472 Alright, Adding
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17226631 Sure, give me a second to clone a Meloetta.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:24:54 No. 17226665 Report Quoted By:
>>17226583 oh ok thanks for letting me know
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17226627 Does the mareep have Agility?
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:25:54 No. 17226693 Report Quoted By:
>>17226662 okay, ill add you first
>>17226588 i'll let you clone my 6iv naive meloetta for celebi
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17226662 Can you clone me a Meloetta? I already have one but I can't clone. I can give you a 6IV female Ralts for it.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17226730 Ahh that's okay.
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17226738 Sure, after the Jirachi. So might be a bit.
1048 9245 4901
>>17226823 Ok! Thanks! I'll add you in the meantime.
0275 8846 7430
Quoted By:
>>17226588 I don't have access to cloning or any bank legends because this is the first Pokemon game since gen 2. I can offer you a Yveltal to clone. You don't have to give me anything in return if you don't want to, you just seem like a nice guy who will give it to someone who wants it.
Jesse 3668 - 8564 - 1377
Got some very specific requests here, and I don't care for anything aside from these specific requests. Female 5/6 IV Eevee with HA in Dream Ball Female 5/6 IV Phantump / Trevenant in Premier Ball Female 5/6 IV Feebas / Milotic in Heal Ball Female 5/6 IV Magikarp / Gyarados in Dive Ball Female 5/6 IV Turtwig / Grotle / Torterra Natures are irrelevant, only the listed qualities are necessary. I have but only one thing I can offer- Shiny 6 IV JAP Ditto
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:35:01 No. 17226924 Report >>17226823 are you online?
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17226710 Awesome! Give me a sec to get to the jirachi and Meloettas, then I will clone up a Celebi for you.
>>17226924 One second.
Quoted By:
>>17226948 sure thing, sounds good
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17226633 Do you want me to clone this and send it back?
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:39:16 No. 17227028 Report Quoted By:
>>17225764 Did I lose ya, Brad, or are you caught up in cloning?
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17226924 Meloetta is collateral, when I am done I will trade you. Might take a while, so please be patient.
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
Good morning everyone! Here is my list, I have all bank legends that aren't on it, I can clone as well
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17226792 I'll have it back to you as soon as I can.
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:41:48 No. 17227089 Report >>17226948 thank and remind me if its finished :)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:43:49 No. 17227149 Report >>17227066 Can I convince you to clone me a Celebi as well and you can clone my Rayquaza? It's not shiny, unfortunately.
>>17227067 What legends are competitively viable? 5/6IV appropriate nature etc? Because I've got a 6V Jolly Terrakion already cloned I can trade over.
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:48:05 No. 17227262 Report >>17226921 >Female 5/6 IV Turtwig / Grotle / Torterra With or without the HA?
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:48:40 No. 17227276 Report >>17226921 I have a female 5 iv magikarp
in an ultra ball What do you think?
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17227229 The 6IV pokemon z(or highest spread for HP) I have are:
Shiny Darkrai
Shiny SHaymin
Shiny Dialga
Shiny Regigigas
Shiny Lugia
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17226921 I have a female Feebas in a Heal Ball, I breed one for you. Just got to finish these damn Cherbui eggs.
>>17227344 Oh, your list says you don't have a Terrakion..
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17227375 Oh my list is pokemon I want rather than ones I have, I can still clone you a Terrakion since I'm currently not doing anything
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Jesse 3668 - 8564 - 1377
>>17227262 Oh hey, you're the one that traded me the Larvesta earlier =]
Either ability on the Turtwig would be just fine. Its the IVs and and the female gender that matter.
>>17227276 Sorry man (my least favourite ball).
0275 8846 7430
Quoted By:
>>17227067 I'll give you a Yveltal to clone if you want it. You don't have to give me anything in return.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Jesse 3668 - 8564 - 1377
>>17227354 Fantastic. Add me, I'll add you, and while you're dealing with the Cherubis, I'll make a Ditto for you.
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada Wed 08 Jan 2014 23:56:47 No. 17227480 Report >>17227405 I've got a Terrakion you can clone
>>17227422 Yeah just give me a sec to hatch some eggs
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17227480 I already have a Terrakion, I guess my picture didn't save when I updated it
>>17227441 Hey Josh could I borrow your Uxie?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17227504 Yeah. I'm cloning my a pokemon for a friend, but I'll be online right after.
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17227532 Thanks man no rush
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:00:16 No. 17227561 Report Quoted By:
Brad, I'm gonna go make some food. If you get back and read this, just trade me. I'll have my DS with
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
Sorry about the delay, had to eat and Pokegod took forever to clone :L
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17227458 Already have a 6IV Ditto, in fact I'm using it right now to breed this Cherubis
Anyway I'll add you for now and see if I can breed you a good female Feebas or something.
Jesse 3668 - 8564 - 1377
>>17227621 Ah, okay. What would you like then? I don't have any Bank legends or other bank pokes.
I only got Kalos legends, and two shines I caught in the wild. Spearow and Foongus.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:09:55 No. 17227780 Report >>17227570 I got the request, but it timed out.
Just to clear it up, you're going to return a melo to me as well as lugia, yeah?
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
Quoted By:
Sorry for the internet hiccups Also Dennis if your still here Im ready to trade :b
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17227713 Ah just give me a shitmon and we be cool.
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17227780 I can send back a cloned Meloetta, thats fine
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:12:12 No. 17227836 Report Quoted By:
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17227803 I have the Keldeo if you still want it
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17227882 I still want it. Let me me get one and we can do this.
Jesse 3668 - 8564 - 1377
>>17227803 Wow, thanks a lot man! I'll be online waiting for your trade request when you're ready.
>>17224334 what are the IVs on the jap ditto?
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17227914 Sorry my net is fucking awful right now for some reason
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:25:16 No. 17228133 Report >>17227918 Hey I have the turtwig whenever you're ready.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17228069 I know how that feel. Sometimes my conection drops for no good reason when using Wifi in Pokemon.
wavemaster 1762 3459 5308
Quoted By:
Any 6IV jap dittos out there? I'm able to clone if needed. I don't got any bank legends for collateral but I'll offer my 6IV magic bounce espeon as collateral.
Jesse 3668 - 8564 - 1377
>>17228133 Awesome, you wanted the 6 IV JAP Ditto? I know you already have them, but I don't have anything else to offer,
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17228138 Sorry about that again, do you need a clone back?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17227560 I'm good whenever you're ready.
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:28:31 No. 17228195 Report >>17228177 Sure I'll take it
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17228178 Yes, I need a clone back.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Sorry for asking for charity, but does anyone have a Ditto lvl 1-10? Evidently there's either a high demand for the fuckers or people find it funny to post legendaries up in the GTS for them. Either way, I'd like to grab one. Can offer a JPN Shiny Genesect or something if you feel that you really need one.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:31:09 No. 17228253 Report >>17228218 The high demand is due to the inability to catch them in this gen at that level, meaning they would HAVE to be hacked, and a hacked ditto would be 6IV.
>>17228178 Did you ever decide on giving me an Arceaus as well as my Melo back? :PPPPPP
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17228199 Alright, Was just making sure :)
wavemaster 1762 3459 5308
Quoted By:
>>17228177 would you happen to have anymore?
manuel 0559-6968-8723
>>17227560 hey Ahri i was wondering if you have that meloetta ready?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17228253 Ahh, I see. I thought it was just a prank that people thought was funny or something.
Desu 0318-7166-6602
Quoted By:
>>17227089 Sorry for the wait, finally done.
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
>>17228253 Youll be getting a Meloetta clone back. I dont remember the Arceus at all :b
Itll be a while for the clones though, my DS needs to charge for a bit
Jesse 3668 - 8564 - 1377
>>17228195 Thanks a lot for another awesome trade. Hidden Ability is a plus. Maybe I'll consider a more tanky build with Shell Armor now.
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:34:56 No. 17228322 Report >>17227066 how's my jrachi?
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:35:00 No. 17228323 Report Quoted By:
>>17228303 No sweat. You shouldn't remember the Arceus, I'm just trying to pull a fast one, lololol.
As per usual
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:35:52 No. 17228343 Report >>17228310 No problem
Now to rid of all these fucking Turtwigs Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:36:40 No. 17228368 Report (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17228256 Cool, just tell me when my copy is ready for pick-up.
>>17226921 Just want to say that I'm still breeding Feebas right now. Haven't got a 5/6 IV one yet but it should be real soon.
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17228322 Just finished, toss me a trade.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:38:33 No. 17228410 Report >>17228343 Mind getting rid of one on me?
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:38:40 No. 17228416 Report >>17228390 im in the restaurant 4 a while can you wait?
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17228303 Hey I'm back so tell me when your getting online and ready to trade me
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:39:34 No. 17228432 Report >>17228410 Fluxxy, do you need pokebanks? I can help you with most of the breedables. List me a few, and I'll help you out.
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17228416 Yeah, not a problem.
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:40:43 No. 17228457 Report Quoted By:
>>17228410 Sure, just toss me whatever
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
>>17228260 Yup I do! Let me add you and get online
Jesse 3668 - 8564 - 1377
>>17228343 Haha Dat gender ratio. I appreciate it.
>>17228379 Awesome, thanks for the update.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:41:57 No. 17228484 Report >>17228432 Well, I do actually. Really want a chikorita, treeko, pretty much any grass starter. Btw, your Meloetta is ready
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:42:59 No. 17228506 Report >>17228484 Alright, I'll breed you a few grass starters. Could I get a Celebi from you when I finish?
1048 9245 4901
Quoted By:
>>17228390 Did you manage to clone the Meloetta I asked?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
I can clone if anyone needs it; I'll be keeping up with the thread as much as I can, but I'm trying to fill out my dex right now, too.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:43:33 No. 17228524 Report >>17228506 I don't have a celebi, sorry
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17228469 Done, 31/xx/31/31/31/31, Modest with Oblivious. Come and get it.
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
Quoted By:
>>17228426 We seem to have the worst sense of timing :b. Ill be on a bit later after I can finish the Meloetta and Entei clones IE when My DS is a bit more charged.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:44:49 No. 17228558 Report Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:46:02 No. 17228590 Report >>17228558 Alright, give me time to clone it
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:46:05 No. 17228592 Report Quoted By:
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17226877 Adding and trading, then I will be adding
>>17226710 Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:46:33 No. 17228606 Report Quoted By:
>>17228484 I've got some Unburden Treeckos
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:46:54 No. 17228613 Report Quoted By:
>>17228590 It'll take me a bit to breed these. Do you want eggs, or pokemon?
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:48:20 No. 17228645 Report >>17228484 I could breed you some, I have now some 5 iv bulbasaur and the others have regular iv´s, could I get a Meloetta for some of them?
1048 9245 4901
Quoted By:
>>17228605 Okay, I'm online now.
>>17228368 are you still wanting a shiny for one?
Jesse 3668 - 8564 - 1377
Quoted By:
>>17228530 Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a shiny Froakie that I could clone?
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17227149 Sure, might take a bit though.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:51:37 No. 17228717 Report Alright guys, I've got. Victini Heatran Phione Rayquaza Meloette Shiny Jap ditto 6th Shiny Genesect Shiny Shaymin Will give a ditto for allowing me to clone a shinymon
Calvin 2337 4596 6084
Quoted By:
does anyone have a 5IV Shiny Timid Protean Froakie they'd be willing to let me clone? I just MM'd a shiny froakie, but no protean ): willing to clone a shiny aegislash, 6iv victini, or 6iv shiny jap ditto for one
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:52:39 No. 17228741 Report Quoted By:
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:53:35 No. 17228759 Report >>17228717 I've got two of four eggs. I'm assuming you have Chespin, yeah?
>>17228709 Can I get some collateral? And I'll be adding you in a moment.
kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:53:40 No. 17228763 Report Quoted By:
Shiny landorus Shiny entei Shiny Ho-OH Shiny flawless jap ditto Mew Shiny mew Meloetta Shiny genesect Shiny honedge 4 ivs offers? I can clone
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:53:40 No. 17228764 Report >>17228717 Still want the turtwig? Also have a Shiny Entei you could clone
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:53:50 No. 17228768 Report Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Hi all! Here's my list; ENG Mesprit JPN Azelf 6IV ENG Uxie ENG Mew Shiny ENG Mewtwo ENG Raikou Shiny ENG Suicune ITA Entei JPN Latios Shiny JPN Latias Shiny JPN Palkia ENG Dialga Nicknamed "Diaeity" ENG Giratina Shiny JPN Cresselia ENG Darkrai Shiny ENG Lugia Shiny ENG Ho-oh Nicknamed "HO-OH" JPN Groudon Nicknamed "Red" in Moon GER Kyogre ENG Rayquaza Shiny ENG Deoxys Shiny JPN Reshiram JPN Zekrom ENG Terrakion Shiny JPN Virizion JPN Cobalion ENG Keldeo ENG Heatran JPN Heatran JPN Deoxys ENG Victini ENG Shaymin Shiny/6IV JPN Genesect Shiny JPN Genesect Shiny Nicknamed "Genesect" in English JPN Latias Nicknamed "Kinako" in Moon JPN Latios ENG Jirachi JPN Giratina ENG Darkrai ENG Articuno JPN Moltres Shiny Nicknamed "Fire" in Moon JPN Moltres Nicknamed "Niramitsukeru" in Moon JPN Mew Shiny ENG Latias SPA Regice ENG Meloetta FRE Darkrai Shiny JPN Suicune Shiny Nicknamed "Geibarori" in Moon JPN Dialga Shiny JPN Kyurem ENG Phione ENG Terrakion JPN Giratina Shiny Nicknamed "Hiroshi" in Moon JPN Celebi ENG Regigigas I can give any of them out to clone and I can clone myself, just ask.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:54:54 No. 17228791 Report >>17228764 Yeah, anything you'd like in return?
Quoted By:
>>17228768 i have a shiny mareep and greninja which would you like?
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:55:06 No. 17228800 Report Quoted By:
Someone clone me 3 lvl 63 raikou to get 2 legendary dogs?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17228775 Should also have mentioned, I'm looking for any legendary I don't have, plus all the ones in JPN I'd like to exchange for one in English.
Desu 0318-7166-6602
1048 9245 4901
>>17228775 Drew, can you clone me a Meloetta? I have a 6IV naive one.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:56:26 No. 17228836 Report >>17228775 Can I clone a shiny mew and darkrai?
manuel 0559-6968-8723
>>17228467 Thank you so much :D! you are the best
Jesse 3668 - 8564 - 1377
Quoted By:
>>17228768 Hey, I'll let you clone one of my shinys for a Ditto. I'll want a clone of my shiny back of course.
I have Spearow and Foongus. Caught them both in X this last week.
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:56:45 No. 17228844 Report >>17228791 Do you have an extra Heatran?
Ahri 0104-0357-7211
Quoted By:
>>17228842 Anytime, thank you for being patient with me
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17228836 ENG or JPN Mew?
Normal or Shiny Darkrai?
If Shiny Darkrai, ENG or FRE?
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:58:05 No. 17228876 Report Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:59:10 No. 17228901 Report >>17228869 Both shiny and Eng, please?
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:59:30 No. 17228910 Report >>17228876 Got all your eggs. Send a request when you are ready to trade the Heatran and Melo for them:)
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Thu 09 Jan 2014 00:59:44 No. 17228914 Report Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:00:39 No. 17228930 Report >>17228876 Okay, added you
Brad (4227-0919-2439) !4alek39UIE
Quoted By:
>>17228426 Alright Ill be hopping on shortly to get the Manaphy, then Ill get to cloning.
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17228775 Could I clone your Rayquaza and Meloetta? Do you know the IVs on the Meloetta?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17228901 Okay, let me add you. Would you mind cloning a copy for me? Or if you have something I don't have, I'd be happy with a trade!
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:02:06 No. 17228976 Report >>17228910 Can we do it tomorrow? I've got meloetta ready just send me any random mon
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:03:03 No. 17228991 Report Quoted By:
>>17228976 Sure I can take the Heatran tomorrow. I'll request you now
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>17228969 Currently trying to check the IVs of my entire list, I'll do Mel next. I'll lend them to you, just let me add you.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:04:07 No. 17229015 Report alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:04:21 No. 17229025 Report Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:04:56 No. 17229041 Report >>17228930 Added, but don't see your ign
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17229015 You wanted a Celebi right?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17228831 I suppose, let me lend out some stuff first, then I'll get it done for ya!
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:07:13 No. 17229083 Report >>17228605 Desu, could i still ask you to clone another legendary?
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:07:17 No. 17229084 Report Quoted By:
>>17228930 You still gonna let me clone that shiny entei?
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:07:22 No. 17229085 Report >>17229041 Thanks, do you want to clone the Entei?
1048 9245 4901
Quoted By:
>>17229062 Thank you mate.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:08:09 No. 17229105 Report >>17229061 I did want a Celebi, I'll let you clone either my Meloetta or my Rayquaza for it.
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17229083 Sure, after I get done these two clones.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:09:05 No. 17229133 Report >>17229085 You want the original back plus an extra clone, right?
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17229105 What are the IVs on your Melo? And either way, I will just clone you one.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:10:21 No. 17229163 Report >>17229150 I have no idea, give a moment, I'll check em.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:10:22 No. 17229166 Report Quoted By:
>>17229062 Alright, I can clone extra copy of shiny mew/darkrai. Adding
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada
Ann 4828-5102-6788 Diggersby,Wooper,Nincada Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:10:44 No. 17229174 Report Quoted By:
>>17229133 It'd be appreciated
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
I've got all of the legendaries, plus these shinies: 2IV Gible 2IV Cyndaquil 3IV Chimchar 3IV Ferroseed 4IV Chespin 5IV Goomy 5IV Aegislash 6IV Ralts 6IV Fennekin Looking for other level 1 shinies; can clone anything for them and can clone for others.
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:11:51 No. 17229193 Report >>17229133 >>17229025 At least reply please man...
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle)
Jaika 3110-4819-2158 (rock: corsola/nosepass/barbaracle) Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:11:58 No. 17229199 Report >>17229111 Okay, i need 4 raikou to get 2 get 2 legendary dogs and an unown
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:12:35 No. 17229211 Report >>17229193 Sorry, I actually forgot what you wanted.
Desu 0318-7166-6602
Quoted By:
>>17229199 Alright. I will trade you when I am ready, I have to get Sol his Celebi and clone the pokes Drew is lending me.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17229150 Both pokes are 6IV by the way. Just checked 'em!
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:15:10 No. 17229259 Report >>17229211 I wanted a meloetta, I can give you any grass starter you want (except snivy because I´m waiting for pokebank to get my original bro back) and also, as a plus I have some 5 iv bulbasaurs, 1 with HA so if you would like the offer please reply deal would be (any starters you want, can be more than 2) and you would give me a meloetta, what do you think?
Quoted By:
so no new thread?
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:16:24 No. 17229287 Report >>17229259 I have those eggs for her already...
Desu 0318-7166-6602
Quoted By:
>>17229258 Oh god, thank you!
>>17229163 I will give you my extra Celebi then.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:17:04 No. 17229305 Report >>17229259 Don't worry about snivy, already have. How about you wait till tomorrow? Busy cloning. I'll give you meloette tomorrow for any random shitmon for having you wait patiently
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:18:09 No. 17229329 Report >>17229287 oooo, sorry, that was kind of rude from me, if you want I can give you a ralts in a love ball as my way to say I´m sorry
>>17229305 Ok, that would be more than perfect! Thank you very much
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle]
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464 [Normal: Loudred, Aipom, Smeargle] Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:20:53 No. 17229384 Report >>17229287 >her I have a weewee
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:21:07 No. 17229385 Report Can anyone help a brother out? I've been dying to get a Shiny Rayquaza. Can let you clone: Rayquaza Articuno Moltres Zygarde/Yveltal/Xerneas Shiny Lugia Phionie Celebi Meloetta 6IV Shiny Jap Ditto
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
Got about an hour before I go to bed. My (short) list: 6V Hasty shiny Genesect 6V Jolly Terrakion 6V Timid shiny Shaymin 6V Adamant shiny Regigigas 6V Timid shiny Thundurus 5V Timid Kalos Native Shiny Hp ice Charizard Will trade for other cloned mons not on my list. Viable mons preferred, ie correct nature + 5/6 IV Not cloning your pokes, just trading my cloned mons for your mons. feel free to call me a Jew
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:22:40 No. 17229417 Report Quoted By:
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:22:44 No. 17229419 Report Quoted By:
>>17229384 the name fluxxy is very feminine, sorry
>>17229329 It's cool bro, I just didnt want you to do a ton of breeding and be late to the breeding party, you know
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17229385 Can clone you a Shiny Rayquaza.
kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore Thu 09 Jan 2014 01:33:00 No. 17229629 Report Quoted By:
>>17229185 I have a 4iv gligar
5 iv shinx
4 iv honedge
or a non kalos flawless zorua?
anybof these for chimchar or cyndaquill?