[24 / 2 / ?]
So I just got a Shiny Bisharp lvl 64 named "DoUHaveSKYPE" I mean it was for a shiny wobbuffet but I checked the IVS and it has one in speed. It knows swords dance, Iron Head, Iron defense, night slash. Now this is basically a piece of shit and I don't want it. I'll take almost any other shiny ( non fished ) for it
I've been trying to get one for a long time, but the nickname really fucks it. GF should let people change it even when you aren't the OT
I'll give you a shiny aipom for it
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>>17251191 I agree completely haha I was like fuck it looked so cool Anonymous
>>17251196 >trading a good shiny for a shitty designed shiny Anonymous
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I've got a shiny Bisharp but minus a shitty nickname. Feels good.
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>>17251196 I'll take it what's your FC? Mine is 3282 3108 4328 add me Anonymous
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>>17251096 i'll give a shiny loudred
(Tomoe) [4141] [1843] [3122]
>>17251289 >Quiet natured monkey with IV's in Speed and Sp. def >good Adding you now OP
Alex - 0791 - 2742 - 7903 (Ghost;Lampent,Pumpkaboo,???)
Alex - 0791 - 2742 - 7903 (Ghost;Lampent,Pumpkaboo,???) Fri 10 Jan 2014 00:47:07 No. 17251414 Report Quoted By:
Shiny tentacruel for trade as we're on a shiny related topic
>>17251393 >gen 5 pokemon >better (Tomoe) [4141] [1843] [3122]
>>17251393 Its relaxed, still just as bad
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How bout a Bibarel?
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>>17251445 eh I like ambipom so it's ok haha Anonymous
>>17251421 besides staraptor, luxray, maybe lopunny/froslass and garchomp every other gen 4 mon looks like shit
>>17251568 >edgy edgy waifu waifu edgy kill yourself
Well might as well make this a shiny trade thread now anyway. So I have Charizard Kingdra Spirtomb Greninja Typhlosion Pyroar Pangoro Dusknoir Breloom Dustox Camerupt Aggron Qwillfish Exploud Volbeat Pelipper Poliwrath Gyarados Cacturne Crobat Aipom and Azumarill. Not really looking for anything in specific kinda open to offers
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>>17251597 well tell me what gen 4 mon look good in your opinion
and how is staraptor edgy? i understand demonic shiny dog and mr scythe hands but not him
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>>17251597 >all five of those not being waifu You should reconsider
>>17251627 i have 2 shiny beldums, one has 5 IVs and the other has 2 iVs in speed and attack, i can trade you the one with 2 IVs for azumarill, deal?
Nash 4184-2850-4234 (Snubbull, Clefairy, Swirlix)
Nash 4184-2850-4234 (Snubbull, Clefairy, Swirlix) Fri 10 Jan 2014 01:03:41 No. 17251762 Report >>17251627 What nature does that Azumarill have?
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>>17251699 I have a shiny metagross with 4 IVS on Black 2 just waiting for pokebank to come out so no thank you Anonymous
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>>17251762 quiet 3 ivs in attack defense and Sp defense