[21 / 5 / ?]
Why is it that I keep swapping friendcodes with SJW feminazi tumblrfag cunts? All I want to do is hang out with some cool girls and its either a fag or some SJW dyke. When will they just kill themselves and leave me to my games.>b-but muh gender i-i-i-i-identity nice try we all know you arent really a grill you have a penis. you are a man. Who else agrees with me?
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>>17260798 Its about time someone noticed.
/vp/ is being taken over by tumbshit.
>>17260798 i r8 this thread a b8 out of 10
needs more usage of the word fag
>>17260855 fuck off you autistic cunt
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>>17260798 I used to like Questy until I heard he had a tumblr
>>17260798 But we're all men here, right guys?
Bradford 5300-9704-7098 Normal [Dunsparce, Minchino, Chansey]
Bradford 5300-9704-7098 Normal [Dunsparce, Minchino, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 07:35:58 No. 17260961 Report >>17260798 You interact with the people you add...? I usually add them, go on their safaris and that's that.
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>>17260938 That's the way it should be, though.
>>17260961 get the fuck out namefag
why dont you go the full autistic mile and put a trip on you fucking shithead
Itt a ten year old gets mad at what he doesn't understand. Give it a few years champ. You'll look back on yourself now and cringe
>>17261040 fuck off feminazi.
i dont thinkg you realise youre a minority here and nobody wants you.
>>17261076 You are only confirming how underage you are with this mentality. Maybe you should think about what is really making you mad here
>>17261094 Not OP but you really need to learn your place.
Oh i'm sorry is that rape? :)
>>17261101 ? ? ?
Learn my place? I'm a straight white male, my place is wherever I want to be.
>>17261134 Back to reddit you overprivileged piece of shit.
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>>17261185 I've never been to reddit and from the sounds of your btard attitude you just discovered 4Chan, so why don't you go back to reddit.
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>>17260889 thats the spirit
J Sal - 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
J Sal - 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Fri 10 Jan 2014 08:11:16 No. 17261539 Report >>17261014 Why shouldn't he have one if he want to trade/safaris?
>>17260961 How bout you add me?
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What's with all the shitposting? Isn't a little late right now for this?
Bradford 5300-9704-7098 Normal [Dunsparce, Minchino, Chansey]
Bradford 5300-9704-7098 Normal [Dunsparce, Minchino, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 08:35:08 No. 17261868 Report Quoted By:
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>>17260798 I'm male and always pick the female protag.
I also tend to play women in fighting games and other rpgs.
Just try to stop me. OP.