scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Good morning! None shiny: Jirachi Meloette Keldeo Victini Uxie Azelf Mesprit Shaymin Genesect Suicune Entei Raikou Darkrai Arceus Phione Heatran Terrakion Shiny: Rayquaza Lugia Giratina Mew Regigigas Latias Thunderus Arceus Deoxys Suicune Raikou Shaymin Genesect Dialga I can't clone but may lend them out for cloning if you have collat. I would appreciate an extra copy or other banklegend in return
Desu 0318-7166-6602
NEED: Shiny Cydaquil Want: Shiny Smeargle (or a good IVed Smeargle with Spore and Shell Smash on it) Have: Meloetta, Shiny Shaymin, Shiny Entei, Jirachi, Celebi, Arceus, Shiny Rayquaza, Mespirt, Keldeo, Phione, Zekrom, Victini, Heatran Shiny Normal pokes: Geninja, Charizard, Rotom, Sylveon, Scraggy, Larvesta. I have a shiny level one Espurr, Sheildon, and Gligar. Can Clone.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17263253 I'll let you clone my cyndaquil for a shiny sylveon if you can wait half an hour.
>>17263253 stats on sheildon?
How long would it take to get a shiny back after trading it to one of you to clone?
Nunzio - 4399 0104 9182
>>17263219 Still have to clone your groudon!
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Posting my list again. Other Josh. I'l clone it really quick. And let you know.
Sean 2019-9865-7643
Anyone want a 0IV Shiny Latias?
Dakishi 1521-3857-4729 !RWwEbHEhig
Cannot Clone. Would appreciate duplicate back as well as original, need more trading chips.
6IV JP Shiny Cresselia
6IV Movie14 Victini w/V-Create *with Dennis
5IV Shiny Timid Female Eevee, missing att iv. *with Dennis
6IV Shiny Shaymin
6IV Shiny JP Ditto
5IV Shiny Vaporeon HA
3IV Shiny lv 100 Greninja Protean in dive ball
Unknown IV JP Terrakion
>>17263353 could i have a clone of tyrunt?
>>17263355 me if its free/
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17263345 Ah, I was starting to get afraid you'd gone. Just let me know when you're done
Cameron 4441 - 9495 - 0685
Any tips on how to clone? My friend gave me his 3ds for a few days to clone but I'm fairly inconsistent with it. I successfully cloned 10 times in a row, but now I can't get it at all :(
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>17263355 I mean for cloning
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17263353 4IV Timid Shiny Charmander (ENG)
4IV Modest Shiny Rotom (ENG)
5IV Bold Shiny Eevee (ENG)
5IV Modest Shiny Mareep (ENG)
5IV Timid Shiny Zorua (ENG)
5IV Timid Shiny Ralts (ENG)
5IV Adamant Shiny Beldum (ENG)
5Iv Adamant Shiny Riolu (ENG)
5IV Timid Delphox (ENG)
5IV Timid Shiny Greninja (ENG)
5IV Adamant Shiny Doublade (ENG)
5IV Modest Shiny Ampharos (ENG)
5IV Calm Shiny Togekiss (ENG)
6IV Modest Shiny Ninetails (ITA)
6IV Modest Shiny Goomy (ENG)
6IV Sassy Shiny Umbreon (JAP)
Anything interests you here?
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17263277 Thank you! And I will get to cloning the Sylveon, want a nickname? He is currently named Incubus.
>>17263310 Knows Protect, and it has IVs. Its not nickname-able, I forgot to save the original.
>>17263321 Luck based, really. Sometimes its the first try, others its half an hour for one.
Desu 0318-7166-6602
Quoted By:
>>17263310 >>17263374 Above average IVs, HP max.
>>17263367 I usually get it at about 4.5 seconds, but sometimes I switch it up and can get it at 3.5.
Miller 0962-9810-4432
I have a bunch of 6th gen shinies, and I'd be willing to let people clone them if I can have cloned events in return. They are: insta'd adamant unburden halucha mm'd modest dry skin heliolisk fs quirky Compound eyes polar vivillon fs bold dedenne mm'd adamant aegislash Anybody interested?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17263374 If you could name him back to sylveon that'd be great. Just let me know when you're done and I'll send cyndaquil your way to clone.
Nunzio - 4399 0104 9182
Quoted By:
>>17263367 That's how it goes, unfortunately
Desu 0318-7166-6602
Quoted By:
>>17263395 Will do! Thank you so much!
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 10:28:09 No. 17263413 Report This is what I have Shinny JPN 6IV Ditto Shiny Mew Shiny Genesect with U turn JPN Jirachi with Serene Grace
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17263372 Hey dude, do you have clones of those mons/willing to let me clone it? I have arceus's and dittos and darkrai as collateral-
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Okay, Bump time :D (4th today) updated :P Looking for: MANAPHY 5/6IV Timid What I Have: EPIC SHINY 6Iv JOLLY GARCHOMP ARCEUS eng SHINY Mew 6IV Celebi 3IV (hp,satk,sdef) pokebank one Suicune Bold Max IVs for HP Fire Keldeo Max IVs for HP Ghost Ditto SHINY 5IV JAP Timid Phione and some random shiny shitmons 5/6iv mons
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17263360 Yeah. Give me a second.
>>17263372 I wouldn't mind cloning the umbreon, if there's anything of mine that interests you.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>17263353 Don't worry! Take your time.
manuel 0559-6968-8723
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17263422 I have a bold manaphy 5 IVs if that interests you
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 10:31:50 No. 17263449 Report Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>17263368 So I take it no one want's to clone my 0IV Shiny Latias then?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17263454 I'm seriously tempted.
manuel 0559-6968-8723
>>17263449 if you give me a genesect i can lend you a victini so you can clone it, how about it?
Quoted By:
Hey, anyone has a spare legend bankmon so I can start cloning? I have some cloned Jap Xerneas I can give for it.
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 10:33:40 No. 17263468 Report >>17263454 I would mind having one, I can clone it if ya want
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Quoted By:
>>17263441 Damn, i need Timid only ;( Sorry m8
Sean 2019-9865-7643
Quoted By:
>>17263468 Really? Thought no one would want it but ok.
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 10:34:48 No. 17263475 Report >>17263461 though I appreciate the offer I got me a victiny early today
manuel 0559-6968-8723
>>17263475 Then how about a meloetta?
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 10:36:29 No. 17263490 Report Miller 0962-9810-4432
>>17263413 Anything off my list you'd wanna clone for a Jirachi/Genesect?
>>17263392 manuel 0559-6968-8723
>>17263490 so we have a deal?
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 10:38:34 No. 17263504 Report >>17263495 man that Shiny Aegislash is fancy.
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 10:39:43 No. 17263514 Report >>17263498 sounds good i added you already
Sean 2019-9865-7643
Quoted By:
>>17263514 So do you want ro clone my shitty Latias or...
Actias 5300-9493-0648
>>17263353 Could I have a clone of that eevee?
I have a 4iv shiny dratini for you to clone (if you can do so in the next few minutes) for multiples of that same eevee
manuel 0559-6968-8723
>>17263514 are you ready to clone meloetta?
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17263425 I actually like Cottonnee and tyrunt :)
>>17263420 i don't have spares of them lol.
Miller 0962-9810-4432
I'll warn you beforehand that it does not have great IVs (no 31s, I got it off the gts), but if you're in I'm in.
Miller 0962-9810-4432
Nunzio - 4399 0104 9182
>>17263395 Groudon is ready, let me clone rayquaza
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17263530 Could I clone a few of them?
Is there anything in particular you're looking for?
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 10:44:06 No. 17263553 Report >>17263527 Alight I am gonna clone it and return it. Standby
Einar - 5257-9738-5872
Anyone have a shiny/non shiny Jirachi they'd be willing to trade? I've got a Thundurus, Entei, Lugia and WINTER2013 Garchomp
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17263551 Do you have shinies?
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 10:45:22 No. 17263559 Report >>17263545 thats alright let me finish cloning meloetta first ok
manuel 0559-6968-8723
Quoted By:
>>17263553 i also have a shiny entei if you want to clone it for that mew
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17263530 Alright. I'll clone them before I come online.
>>17263524 I'd need a few minutes to clone the Eevee.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
some joker gave me these shinys as thanks for giving him a ditto...... Charizard, Amoongus, Qwilfish, Lickitung, Victreebel, Poliwrath, Lanturn, Scrafty, Zoroark, Swalot, Aegislash, Golem, Spheal, Stoutland, Growlith and Vivillon. even after i told him i dont need it what a nice guy :)
Miller 0962-9810-4432
Quoted By:
>>17263559 No problem. I'll add you now and wait for a trade request.
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 10:46:27 No. 17263572 Report >>17263556 I do and I kind of want that lugia
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17263547 Sure, but please don't dissapear again.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17263570 What pattern is vivillion?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17263570 wtf am i even gona do with this shit lmao ill go check them all out at kiloude
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17263557 I have 6IV manectric with mega stone, 5IV skarmory, and a coupe 6IV event legendary in shiny form
Sean 2019-9865-7643
Quoted By:
>>17263570 I can has Charizard?
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 - (IGN Richard)
Quoted By:
I'll try this again, despite ongoing lack of success. I need the 12 event legendaries to complete my pokedex, and figured this would be a good thread to find them in. I don't even need to keep them. I can offer a Kyurem or shiny Spinda to trade.
Einar - 5257-9738-5872
Nunzio - 4399 0104 9182
>>17263575 I'll clone it as fast as i can
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17263587 >6IV manectric with mega stone clone that for me plz
>>17263568 Okay! I'll just eat outside for a while. brb
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17263570 I have a mighty need to clone the Growlithe.
>>17263581 Were you the one that wanted a shiny Kyogre yesterday?
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17263603 Sylveon is done.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17263609 Yep, I want me a pink watergod.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17263609 much obliged buddy much just gona get this heatran clone for max
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17263615 I ended up with one a couple of hours ago.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17263611 Adding you now.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
After i clone Max's Heatran ill go check the stats on those shinnies. some are really high leveled
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17263624 Nice, what can I try and get you for it?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17263606 I already have one spare and ready to go. There's quite a few off your list I'd like to clone lol...
Charmander, beldum, riolu, greninja and doublade
I have spare arceus', darkrai, shiny 6iv dittos, D: anything you'd like?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
his stoutland shiny is called "Pal" and swalot is called "useless" LOL
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17263635 Mind letting my know what pattern that butterfly is? I have a polar
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17263646 Any sort of shiny I haven't gotten my hands on yet would be nice.
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Fri 10 Jan 2014 10:55:22 No. 17263664 Report >>17263653 I joined lol
>>17263646 Hey! Welcome back scarlet! Haven´t seen you in some time
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17263626 Thanks so much! My little brother will love it!
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17263646 no idea on the pattern looks cool but its called something retarded... "ermagurd"
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17263664 I was here yesterday but the place was a bit dead.
Actias 5300-9493-0648
Quoted By:
>>17263568 Okay, I've added you! Just let me know when you are ready
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17263665 No problem, just let me know when you're done with him.
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17263667 You have a Growlithe now.... That was on my want list, but I am passing out now.
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Fri 10 Jan 2014 10:58:20 No. 17263691 Report >>17263667 Hermagurd patterns bjeh
>>17263673 Yeah, there has been a long time with no scammers, I even saw charles today but in another thread lol
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17263626 After I clone this for you I am going to take a break. The 3ds are not connecting as well as they did, mine keeps DCing every other trade.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17263690 LOL i dident see your want list...the ivs are nothing special though!
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17263692 That sucks, well feel free to take your time. I'll be here
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17263691 I saw brian in another thread a few days ago but managed to out him before he scammed.
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Quoted By:
>>17263722 Yeah I'm here, just waiting for you to start the trade.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
Can anybody cloan me a shiny protean frokie or Frogadier or geninja. Ivs
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17263727 ahh thats good :) sorry the shiny vivillion sucks because of the name :/
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17263745 Eh, I still love shiny vivillon. What colour are the wings? Maybe that can help me determine what pattern it is.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17263691 alf send me a t.r :)
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17263751 urm this would be a good time to mention im greeny?
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:08:13 No. 17263763 Report Quoted By:
>>17263754 I can´t see you online
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Looking for any cloned bank mon and shiny frokie protean please
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17263757 You are? Ooh the green one is probably garden pattern, that's nice.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17263764 what do you have to give in return?
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Einar - 5257-9738-5872
>>17263572 You still here?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17263771 still cloning your heatshit
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17263764 I can offer shiny latios , scizor, rayquzza gnarchomp shiny deoxys ect for cloning as long as I get them back or a copy of them
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17263771 sorry wont be too long :) hate when it refuses to clone
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:12:26 No. 17263794 Report >>17263772 yes sorry for the wait cloning is kind of taking longer lol
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17263778 man that pic made me laugh
>>17263778 :( have
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:13:19 No. 17263801 Report >>17263784 Sorry bro, I had it in the battle box, also could you use the arceus as collateral? I think I have a lifetime load of ziggies
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Einar - 5257-9738-5872
>>17263794 ah, okay, no problem
manuel 0559-6968-8723
>>17263794 hey can you clone my entei and send it back? that would be so cool from you
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17263801 lol if i use the arceus as colateral how am i going to clone the arceus for you we can just 1:1 tommorw? go sleep man
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17263800 Any chance you could just clone one for me since you already have what I'm offering , you have no idea how much I'd apreciste the help
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17263826 > i would but im very busy atm unless your planing on waiting for 2 hours. plus the greninja is called Avatar
Dakishi 1521-3857-4729 !RWwEbHEhig
Dennis hows victini comin along?
Tony 3050 7667 1375
Hello /vp/ I just beat E4 on both of my 3ds (one is australian and the other is imported from US) I was lucky and received a 6iv shiny ditto from revan couple days ago and after many hours of disappointing breeding, I would like to just try my hands on cloning. things I am looking to clone are battle maison ready mon 5iv shellsmash cloyster with sash 5iv multi scale outrage dragonite lumberry 5iv glyscor physcical wall set the only thing really i can offer is 6iv shiny ditto and the ability to clone for you
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:17:39 No. 17263844 Report Quoted By:
>>17263814 Well, I guess you´re right, I guess I REALLY need to sleep, it´s 4 a.m. here ;_; Also sorry if my confusion caused you any trouble
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:17:48 No. 17263847 Report >>17263813 no problem im in the process of doing that
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
ohh the ralts is Lena....i know this one....alf trade me back...i remmeber i never wanted this one back since cloning gen 1
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17263720 Managed to clone it, send me a trade when ready.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17263829 Idc what it's name is I just want to stop hatching I'm having no luck please anyone with a shiny frokie-greninja please help me out with a clone.and I can wait just add me and let me know
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17263848 ill still get you arceus regardless. Dom offered me this weeks ago and i said i never liked the name so he got me one hatched :).
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17263853 Thanks for Sylveon, enjoy Cyndaquil.
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:19:22 No. 17263862 Report >>17263848 Really? Why tho? Ok, I will trade back ;_; This sounds a bit mysterious...
manuel 0559-6968-8723
Quoted By:
>>17263847 haha you are the best :D
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17263862 dont worry man read the post. its just i never liked the name is all so dom got somebody to hatch me one and name it something else. ^^
>>17263858 Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:21:57 No. 17263880 Report >>17263812 you needed jirachi right?
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17263835 I sent you the eevee so you know that I haven't forgotten your I had to make a long trade that's why I took long and make some quick clone but your victini is the only thing on my list
Einar - 5257-9738-5872
>>17263880 yeah, is it shiny or not?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
Lf a shiny protean frokie have shinys and bank legends to offer as long as you send a clone back to me (I only have 1 3ds ) can't clone on my own.
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:23:48 No. 17263892 Report >>17263887 it is not but it is japanese
Miller 0962-9810-4432
>>17263880 Hey you still wanna clone my shiny aegislash?
Dakishi 1521-3857-4729 !RWwEbHEhig
Quoted By:
>>17263882 i gathered thats why you sent the eevee. Yeah it's cool with me, just makin sure yer still around
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:25:02 No. 17263898 Report >>17263893 yes i do what did you want in return
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Or if anybody has any extra clones of any legends to help me fill my national dex so I can get my shiny charm that would be great as well
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Einar - 5257-9738-5872
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17263902 if you want to fill dex ask for dex swaps
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:26:28 No. 17263919 Report >>17263872 >>17263906 Ok, thanks btw for your trouble.
Good night everyone
Alf out
>pic related >captcha: related sfuldlo Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:26:30 No. 17263920 Report Quoted By:
>>17263887 Alright cloning right now
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Quoted By:
Okay, Bump time :D (5th today) updated :P I'll bump every hour. Looking for: MANAPHY 5/6IV Timid What I Have: EPIC SHINY 6Iv JOLLY GARCHOMP ARCEUS eng SHINY Mew 6IV Celebi 3IV (hp,satk,sdef) pokebank one Suicune Bold Max IVs for HP Fire Keldeo Max IVs for HP Ghost Ditto SHINY 5IV JAP Timid Phione and some random shiny shitmons 5/6iv mons
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17263919 good night bro ^^
Quoted By:
>>17263898 Genesect would be awesome.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17263663 Sorry, completely forgot. I have these shinies clonable:
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>17263906 Thanks, just let me know when you are ready.
/vp/ I'm bored, can anybody show me something new?? p.s. no lake trio or regis pls. Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
What I can offer to be cloned Rayquza darkrai shiny latios shiny scizor shiny gnarchomp shiny deoxys as long as I get a copy of them sent back
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17263947 no worries will do :) thanks
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17263948 lmao....Mews...s.r dialga
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17263948 Aren't you interested in my Grachomp for your Manaphy? :)
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:33:35 No. 17263980 Report Quoted By:
>>17263937 Thanks, you too
>>17263969 Kelseir I remember you but I can't remeber exactly from where...but i know the only chomp i'm looking for is either a walmart or a corocoro one? :)
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
>>17263969 Is that Garchomp the Walmart one?
Quoted By:
anyone have a shiny furfrou they can clone for me? I have these that you can clone in return (all shiny and kalos) Milotic (M) Mawile (M) Vivillon - Polar (M) Pinsir (F) Dedenne (M) Metang
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17263991 if it is.....fuck him for not telling me earlier
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
I no longer believe :(lol
Nate (IGN X) 4012-3199-9116 (Ice Snorunt Sneasel Cloyster)
Nate (IGN X) 4012-3199-9116 (Ice Snorunt Sneasel Cloyster) Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:37:59 No. 17264021 Report Quoted By:
Despartely seeking a good iv Terrakion or a manaphy have: 3iv shiny Genesect Gensect Meloetta Darkrai 6IV Reshiram fully ev trained if you could clone what i give you and give me a copy back that would greatly appreciated.
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17263991 Nah. It's random 6IV shiny
>>17263987 Check your friend list
I'm the guy who is always online lol Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17264024 man i was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo on edge them.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Last try for the night , I'm looking for a cloned shiny protean frookie Frogadier or greninjq I have multiple shinnies we can clone as well as long as I get a copy back (solo 3ds)
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
Quoted By:
>>17264026 lol oh well we try at least right, I'm gonna go hit the hay good night man
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:40:34 No. 17264040 Report >>17263838 Shit negro. You want to clone me up some Enteis. I can send you the Entei and you clone three for me, and you can keep one for cloning. If you want any other Pokemon to clone let me know. Also, do you have any extra Tyranitar Megastone or MewTwo X stones? I need them both. Also, I don't know if you watched it or not but check this out it will help you clone: Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17264029 I have shiny protean greninjas. They're not particularly great in Nature or IV spread.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
I'm not dead, these fuckers don't want to clone.
>>17263945 Deerling would be nice.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
seren..(max) im ready lmao
Ty 3239-2776-7654
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17263647 Hm okay. Clone an extra for me!
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17264062 you want 2 shiny manectrics? Anything else?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17264029 >>17264047 Added you :)!!! Please add back
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>17264052 Thank you so much man, I have looking for a good Heatran for a while!
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17264084 no worries thanks too ^^
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:46:46 No. 17264091 Report >>17263893 ok finally sorry for the wait genesect was being a bitch and wouldn't clone
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17264072 I jus want one manectric :) clone an extra for me. The pokemons you will borrow
Cameron 4441 - 9495 - 0685
>>17264040 can I have one of those arceus'?
I can dupe so I can give yours back plus another if I have enough success
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17264047 Harley you still there ???
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17264094 Ohhh ok! I'll add you now
>>17264074 What can you give for that greninja?
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:49:36 No. 17264110 Report Quoted By:
>>17264095 Yeah sure. I actually wanted that Tony guy to clone me an Entei or an Arceus. I think I actually have him on my friends list, let me see if i can get him to clone me one or two and then I could just straight up give you it.
Tony 3050 7667 1375
>>17264040 ok added you
usually takes me 3 try to successfully clone tho if u dont mind waitin
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17264101 My bad. We are already friends ! Lol
Dakishi 1521-3857-4729 !RWwEbHEhig
Quoted By:
>>17264050 If you want some addition to your collection, i just got a female lv 100 timid 4iv Gengar if youre interested in cloning it
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:51:39 No. 17264118 Report Quoted By:
>>17263913 im ready to return the lugia
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17264114 Your not showing up online anymore :(??
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17264050 You're free to clone that deerling whenever you have the time, just send me a tr.
Miller 0962-9810-4432
Quoted By:
>>17264091 Its all good, I understand.
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:52:54 No. 17264127 Report >>17263253 details on scraggy?
IVs, nature, ability?
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:53:07 No. 17264131 Report Quoted By:
>>17264113 I don't mind at all. Do you think you could clone Arceus first, and then Entei. Because Cameron wanted an Arceus to "dupe" but I don't know how successful that shit is. So I'd rather just give him one. Just three clones of Arceus, and then Entei. Or instead of Entei you could clone something you want. Like if you wanted Lugia more than Entei you could do that first. I don't care. Also, have all the legendary birds if for some reason you wanted them too. Also, what's up with your X exclusive megastones? Do you have any Tyranitarite or MewTwo X stone cloned? I could use both.
Corey - 4398 - 9950 - 0986
Have:>6IV Timid Victini >Cresselia >Latias >Shiny FS Swirlix (nn "Toffee") >Shiny FS Growlithe Want (in order of preference):>Shaymin >Manaphy >Keldeo >Meloetta >Genesect >Arceus >Darkrai >Deoxys >Celebi >Mew >Jirachi I can clone, and I'll also do TATB for dex entries for all except Celebi, Mew, and Jirachi!
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:54:07 No. 17264141 Report Quoted By:
>>17264095 I'm adding you now bro. Will give you the Arceus once Tony's done cloning it.
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:54:12 No. 17264142 Report Quoted By:
If you'd like to borrow something to clone all I ask is that you give me back 2 copies.
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17264114 Hey. I kinda have shitty connection right now. And riolu is gone. What will you borrow again?
Dakishi 1521-3857-4729 !RWwEbHEhig
>>17264140 stats on latias?
I can let you borrow my lv 100 shiny shaymin to clone if you pass me a copy of the latias.
I can't clone though orz
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:55:33 No. 17264150 Report >>17264140 I'll give you Arceus to clone and can I get a Victini and a Latias? Or just one, if so just Victini.
>>17264140 is the cresselia in english?
Corey - 4398 - 9950 - 0986
>>17264149 Timid, 31 in Speed, Japanese, Level 68. And that sounds awesome! Adding.
>>17264150 Sure thing, I'll add you! You can get both because I'm feeling good today.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17264145 >Charmander, beldum, riolu, greninja and doublade I'm looking for these, in that order lol
TY, was that Rayq spare? You can have it back if you need it.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17264114 Can you help me dex swap ?? Also can you clone my raquuza that was my only one I don't have 2 3ds's
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:58:51 No. 17264167 Report >>17263219 >Suicune >Entei >Raikou Maybe I could borrow these guys to clone?
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 11:59:01 No. 17264168 Report >>17264157 Yeahya. Also, could you give me the original Arceus back with a clone of itself? If not that's fine, but I'd like to get two back if possible. Added you.
Corey - 4398 - 9950 - 0986
Quoted By:
>>17264156 Yes. English, Level 100, 0IVs.
Dakishi 1521-3857-4729 !RWwEbHEhig
>>17264157 If you don't want to clone me an extra of shaymin, is cool dawg but yeah im down for a latias clone.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:00:08 No. 17264174 Report >>17264167 I have all three too, so if that dude says no let me know, I'll let you borrow it and clone one for you and two for me.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17264165 I'll clone it once I'm done cloning some of James's mons
Corey - 4398 - 9950 - 0986
>>17264168 Yeah, I can do that! It'll take a little longer, though.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:01:41 No. 17264186 Report >>17264179 No problem. Time is meaningless when you don't have shit to do.- Plato
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17264127 Superior, XX/31/XX/31/31/31, Jolly
It knows Ice Punch, Drain Punch, Zen Headbutt, and Dragon Dance. Its level 27 with Shed Skin
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17264162 It will be just charmander, beldum, greninja and doublade. Riolu is gone :)
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17264199 Okay, any idea if/when you'll get riolu back?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17264175 Ya that was my only one , if your willing to thatd be amazing . Sadly only have one 3ds but we can clone any of my other stuff if you need it, and any help filling my dex would be greatly apreciated
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:04:06 No. 17264213 Report >>17264174 If you don't mind actually, it seems like it's taking him a while to respond. If I could get from You that would be awesome.
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:04:16 No. 17264216 Report >>17264190 Cool I actually have a shiny Cyndaquil, want to trade?
also have a ton of other stuff FT:
shiny legendary list Also have
shiny 6IV Bagon
shiny 6IV Noivern
shiny 5IV Dragalge
shiny 5IV PorygonZ
shiny 5IV Piplup
shiny HP FIRE Venusaur
shiny 5IV Pawniard
shiny 3IV Rotom
shiny 5IV Feebas
shiny Cyndaquil (no IVs)
shiny 3IV Mr.Mime
shiny 2IV Sunkern
shiny 4IV Scolipede
shiny 4IV Manectric
shiny 2IV Dunsparce
shiny HP FIRE Froakie
plus a lot more
Corey - 4398 - 9950 - 0986
>>17264173 I can clone you an extra. It'll just take a bit longer! I'll add you after I clone Latias.
>>17264186 Heh. I'll clone Latias and Victini then add you.
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17264205 He's gone forever. lol
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:05:23 No. 17264225 Report >>17264213 Yeah bro. Add me, I'm online in the game. I'll add you right now. Also, when you're done with the Doges you can pick something else you want to clone. Also, if you have some type of collateral it'd be appreciated, but if you don't I don't mind. I'm a trusting motherfucker.
can somebody clone my 30/30/30/30/30/30 ditto?
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:06:08 No. 17264231 Report Quoted By:
>>17264190 oh also wanted to mention the shiny Cyndaquil I have is 5IV
31/31/31/31/x/31 Timid Blaze (no egg moves though)
SITH 0919-9882-3949 (spearow, tranquill, tropius)
SITH 0919-9882-3949 (spearow, tranquill, tropius) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:06:17 No. 17264232 Report >>17264167 >>17264174 hey, i was wondering, would someone possibly be able to clone me a suicune, raikou, arceus and lugia?
i don't have anything to offer unfortunately, maybe a 5IV phantump, it's all i have
is cloning between a 3dsxl and a regular 3ds possible?
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17264216 I got one already, sorry. But I might be interested in the Piplup. Whats it's ability and spread?
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:07:28 No. 17264241 Report >>17264238 Yes that's exactly how I clone
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17264220 Lol damn! No worry. I'll get online soon, just having lunch. On you want Manectric, and a spare copy of the 4 you're giving me?
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:07:42 No. 17264246 Report >>17264238 yes there is no difference
Quoted By:
>>17264241 >>17264246 sweet, thank you. guess I can clone as well then
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:08:42 No. 17264253 Report >>17264217 Alright coolin. I'm ready whenever.
>>17264227 You mean 6IV, that 30/30 looks long as fuck.
>>17264232 I'll give you a shiny Lugia right now. I have one extra and I'll give it to you straight up. Let me know if you add me. And I'll give you the others once I get clones done. The reason why I ask for extra clones is because whenever i see someone ask for something I'm very inclined to help them out. I'm the old Saint Nick of Pokemon.
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:09:01 No. 17264254 Report >>17264239 Piplup's not perfect though
31/31/31/x/31/31 Modest Torrent
also have 5IV Tepig 5IV Mudkip
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17264245 Just let me know when your done helping James out harly. Thank you so much
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:10:10 No. 17264260 Report >>17264213 Added you. Also, I see you have Pokemon X, do you have any extra Tyranitarite or MewTwo X stones?
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17264254 I'll take it. Are you able to nickname it? And if so, what is the gender?
SITH 0919-9882-3949 (spearow, tranquill, tropius)
SITH 0919-9882-3949 (spearow, tranquill, tropius) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:10:44 No. 17264264 Report Quoted By:
>>17264253 wow, thank you, so much, i'm adding you now
Anyone has a spare legendary bankmon? I have 2 3Ds and I want to start cloning.
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:11:00 No. 17264266 Report >>17264225 Yeah, I've got a few shinies for collateral.
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:11:03 No. 17264267 Report >>17264241 are you interested in a jirachi? I need a celebi
Miller 0962-9810-4432
Quoted By:
Thanks a lot nera. You're Awesome.
>>17264253 it has 30 in every stat for hidden power breeding
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:11:44 No. 17264272 Report Quoted By:
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:12:45 No. 17264277 Report Quoted By:
>>17264271 Isn't that the same as 6IV's?
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:12:53 No. 17264279 Report >>17264263 Awesome!
can't nickname it though, but it is male. I have one on hand, are you ready to trade now?
Oh it does have Agility as an egg move
James 2208 5065 9778
Harley i'm online now. Just invite me when you're ready.
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:13:46 No. 17264286 Report >>17264260 I can clone them with the doges if need be, do you have mowtwo Y and houndoomite for exchange?
>>17264265 Please, anyone? I have Yvetals and Xerneas only.
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17264279 Ahh, alright. And I can nickname the Scraggy if you like, its currently named Hoodie Ninja. After that, I will clone it.
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:14:15 No. 17264290 Report Quoted By:
>>17264267 oh already have Jirachi
if you're around tomorrow and you still haven't got one yet, remind me here, I might be able to get you a celebi for something else !
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17264241 andy lukes been looking for you forever :)
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:14:51 No. 17264299 Report >>17264286 Yes I do. I'll put it on the dogs. I know for a fact I have MewTwo Y, but let me check and see if I have Houndoomite.
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:15:24 No. 17264301 Report >>17264288 i can give you something for that yvatel
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:15:41 No. 17264302 Report >>17264289 Cool can you just give it the default nickname? Thanks! I'll add your FC now
>>17264291 Hey Yusuf!
I've been looking for Luke too! And Ren!!
I have stuff for both of them! haha
Also you should join us in the steam group ;-)
SITH 0919-9882-3949 (spearow, tranquill, tropius)
SITH 0919-9882-3949 (spearow, tranquill, tropius) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:15:57 No. 17264304 Report >>17264299 thank you so much :D
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
Harley I'm on when ever your ready and done with helping James.:) thank you once again man
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:18:16 No. 17264316 Report >>17264288 I'll give you Kyogre, but give me Xerneus as collateral. You clone one for you and two for me.
>>17264286 Wait a second. I have to put the items on the dogs. My bad man. I'll be a minute.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Quoted By:
>>17264283 Ok, I'll just trade you whatever is in my party and once I'm done cloning you can send them all back :) thanks dude
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:19:28 No. 17264322 Report >>17264314 ok sounds good ready to trade?
James 2208 5065 9778
Btw harley. You can take that shiny greninja. Just clone the other 3 for me :D
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17264302 i am hehe hey andy do you midn passing lukes things over to me? he always comes on asking if your here
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:22:47 No. 17264339 Report >>17264286 Alright, everything is in order. Ready to trade. Sorry I made you wait a minute.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:23:48 No. 17264344 Report >>17264339 I also sent leftovers on one of the dogs, could you clone that with him so when I get it back I have extra leftovers.
>>17264322 Thank you.
I will clone it later today and give you some copies if you want.
>>17264316 Yeah I can do that, but I can't clone right now, do you mind waiting some hours? I can give you more copies if you can do that for me.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17264328 Thanks dude :3
The duoblade has got me curious... Is evil lite duoblade better than Aegislash?
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:25:59 No. 17264361 Report >>17264344 As long as you dont mind me taking a set for myself.
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:26:16 No. 17264363 Report >>17264351 Actually keep it, my gift.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:26:25 No. 17264364 Report >>17264286 Alright west I'll be waiting.
Quoted By:
>>17264363 Oh okay, thank you very much then.
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:27:45 No. 17264376 Report >>17264334 I just checked my box and I think I have them loaned atm to a friend, but definitely I'll be around tomorrow to get everything to him, it was the regi trio shiny plus shiny regigigas right?
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:27:55 No. 17264377 Report Quoted By:
>>17264361 No yeah, yeah, of course. I'm just saying not to take leftovers off of Raikou. Also, can you swap out MewTwoY with X, and Houndoomite with Tyranitarite with my two copies of Suicune and Entei? Much appreciated.
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17264355 I like doublade. muh double bloody tampons
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:29:41 No. 17264389 Report Quoted By:
>>17264304 No problem man. Enjoy that beast ass Lugia.
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:29:52 No. 17264392 Report >>17264364 I'll keep you posted. fair warning though, im kinda slow with this process, so it'll take a while
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:30:42 No. 17264398 Report Quoted By:
>>17264351 What time will you be on later? I'm planning on going out tonight, but I'm not sure what time. Let me know what time and I'll try to be on this board.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:31:43 No. 17264401 Report >>17264392 I don't mind. Take your time. There's no time constraint Anon.
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Bump it UP! (6th today) updated :P I'll bump every hour. Looking for: MANAPHY 5/6IV Timid What I Have: EPIC SHINY 6Iv JOLLY GARCHOMP ARCEUS eng SHINY Mew 6IV Celebi 3IV (hp,satk,sdef) pokebank one Suicune Bold Max IVs for HP Fire Keldeo Max IVs for HP Ghost Ditto SHINY 5IV JAP Timid Phione and some random shiny shitmons 5/6iv mons
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17264379 Lol. It'll take me a while to get all this cloned, so I'll trade req you when I next see you online?
James 2208 5065 9778
Quoted By:
>>17264408 >EPIC SHINY 6Iv JOLLY GARCHOMP I dun have your manaphy. but Kelseir pls
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17264414 Can I get my rawuzza back Harley?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17264376 yeah i think that was it :) ill tell him you were on and will get it to him tommorow ^^
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:34:11 No. 17264426 Report Quoted By:
>>17264401 >>17264217 Let me know whenever you want to trade. I'm playing White at the moment so I just need to pop in Pokemon Y.
>>17264217 Corey do you mind if I put a megastone on Arceus for you to clone? I want to have extra copies of Charizardite X.
Corey - 4398 - 9950 - 0986
>>17264253 >>17264149 This Latias is taking forever to clone. Sorry for the wait.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:35:22 No. 17264435 Report Quoted By:
>>17264427 Do not mind. I'm battling this bitch ass nigga N at the moment, and I'm listening to the radio. Thank God for 4chanX. Makes lurking threads much easier. Will be here playing White. Take your time.
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:36:09 No. 17264442 Report Quoted By:
>>17264423 awesome, thanks Yusuf!
yeah I should be getting those legends back tomorrow too
James 2208 5065 9778
Quoted By:
>>17264414 I'll be here 3 hours more
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:37:20 No. 17264454 Report >>17264289 hey Desu
Added your FC and online now!
Desu 0318-7166-6602
Quoted By:
>>17264454 Still cloning, the 3ds are acting up again. Will send a trade when ready.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Whoever I was cloning pokemon for, They finally cloned. Coming online now.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17264414 Ok Harley I trust you , please trade it back when you can. I just don't want to loose part of my team but I trust you :) haha I'm just attached to certain pokemon
Dakishi 1521-3857-4729 !RWwEbHEhig
Urchin 4742-6261-6033
Quoted By:
Is anyone interested in an Articuno in a masterball? I'm looking for bank legendaries, don't care if they're cloned.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17264522 Which was I giving you?
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17264454 Online now, sorry for the wait. Do I need to clone your Piplup?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:47:02 No. 17264529 Report I have Mew Darkrai Arceus Celebi Genesect Meloetta Raikou Shaymin And shiny Magneton, shiny summer deerling. Those are for trade if you can clone and send them back. I still need all the rest of the bank legends.
Dakishi 1521-3857-4729 !RWwEbHEhig
>>17264526 Tyrunt if memory serves
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:48:03 No. 17264541 Report >>17264529 And a 6IV ditto, I keep forgetting to list it
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17264511 Still remember this josh?
>>17263530 scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17264526 Just incase you didn't see it, feel free to send me a tr when you want to clone that shiny deerling.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17264529 could you help me out with a mew? IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17264550 I've got those for you.
>>17264551 Fuuu. I forgot Kyogre. I'll send you a request once I've gotten it.
Those Tyrunt just didn't want to fucking clone.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17264517 I've already cloned your ray once, how many did you want?
I want to participate in this but I can't clone and all I have is a single 6iv Japanese ditto, a Terrakion and Therian forme Tornadus with the wrong natures and no IVs....
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17264567 What would you take for a mew and 6iv ditto? I don't have a way to clone myself :(
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
Yuuuhuuuuuu all~ I'm looking for: Manaphy. (LOL It's the only I haven't got, IV doesn't matter) I have: 6IV Arceus 6IV Shiny Dialga (w/ Stealth Rock) Darkrai Cresselia Meloetta Deoxys 6IV Victini 6IV Shiny Shaymin 6IV Shiny Mew Shiny Cobalion Shiny Kyurem Genesect Keldeo (HP Ghost) Celebi 6IV Jirachi I also have other ordinary bank legends if you want. :P Mons I want only for dex swap, i'll return it straight to you: non shiny Latios non shiny Mew non shiny Shaymin I can clone by myself, thanks all~
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:55:15 No. 17264584 Report Quoted By:
>>17264563 >>17264578 I would but I can't clone it myself.
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17264567 okay. you want to trade now? or later when you're not busy anymore
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:56:38 No. 17264590 Report >>17264528 nope, no clone needed, it's yours!
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17264582 Could you please clone me a mew and a ditto ? Sadly I only have a shiny latios but if you could help me out I'd apreciate it a lot
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17264567 Take your time.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17264587 I've got one more poke to clone. I'll let you know once I'm done.
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17264590 Thanks a ton! Enjoy the Scraggy!
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Fri 10 Jan 2014 12:58:49 No. 17264609 Report Quoted By:
>>17264582 are cresselia or genesect english?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17264571 2 so I could have 1 and then something to barter with ? If not I'd be happy just to get him back
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17264591 Sure, just add me~ Do you have normal Latios instead a shiny one?
>>17264617 Nope, both are JPN.
>>17264582 I have a non shiny latios with terrible IVs and I'm looking for a 6IV Jirachi. Can we make a deal?
>>17264631 i'll trade you manaphy for jirachi. i also have a non shiny mew you can borrow if you want the dex entry
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17264571 I'm on whenever your ready Harley
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17264651 One sec, just gotta retrieve your ray from my 2nd DS
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17264631 Added you Atlanta for the mew and ditto
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17264655 Okey dokey I'm on :)
Dakishi 1521-3857-4729 !RWwEbHEhig
Quoted By:
im out for the night later clonegen corey if you're on tomorrow or w/e im still keen on the lati trade
murasaki 5327-1083-0662
Quoted By:
>>17264423 Hi Yusuf are you still interested in the shiny Larvesta? You said you'd clone me a Heatran
Liam 4785-5649-6136(meditite, sawk, breloom)
Liam 4785-5649-6136(meditite, sawk, breloom) Fri 10 Jan 2014 13:10:06 No. 17264698 Report Quoted By:
>>17264573 Balls, I'm just gonna have to keep trying the GTS for some decent IV or shiny bank legends...
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
Anon please put your name and FC so that I can recognize which one of you is you. @.@
>>17264645 Umm, I only have 1 spare jirachi atm and I only want that latios for dex entry, so, maybe next time anon.
>>17264647 Alright!
>>17264679 Ok. Wait a minute. Now trading~
>>17264732 >Umm, I only have 1 spare jirachi atm and I only want that latios for dex entry, so, maybe next time anon. Oh, sorry. My bad, then. You said you could clone so I thought it would be no problem.
>>17264732 if you still have me added, my ign is chuy
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17264732 Atlanta I'm on , just add me and let me know when your ready , and thank you
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17264757 If you willing waiting until I finished cloning Ty's,then it's a deal. ;)
>>17264763 Ok!
>>17264773 Whats your IGN?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17264791 Sure thing Atlanta just add me :)
>>17264791 >If you willing waiting until I finished cloning Ty's,then it's a deal. ;) I can wait. I'll be breeding, just send me a message replying to this post when you're finished!
Player-01 1907-8965-2693
>>17264582 Could I borrow that keldeo I have these available for a clone exchange.
lando 5v jolly
thundur 5v jolly
suicune 6v bold
heatran max for hp grass timid
kyogre adamant:/
aegislash quiet v5
milotic bold v5 (no def)
excadrill adamant v5
Quoted By:
Has this happened to anyone else? I was just tearing my hair out trying to clone a Raikou and using a Pancham as bait. 2 hours and the Pancham just won't fucking die, so I decided to try cloning with another pokemon as bait and sure enough I got it the first try. Anything similar happen to ya'll?
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 13:24:53 No. 17264828 Report >>17264401 I'm done with entei, I still have the other 2 to go. but i can give him back now if you want
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17264791 Sorry about the confusion , yay I'm so happy your cleaning them , I'm on atm so let me know when you are ready Atlanta
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 13:26:04 No. 17264838 Report >>17264828 Is it cool if I get them all back at once? I'm playing White at the moment. If that's cool with you, I'd rather wait for everything.
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17264837 Are you Jess? I cant find Ty on my friends name. If not, just ask me for trade, I'm online too. XD
>>17264763 Thanks chuy!
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17264837 Cloning , god damn you auto correct lol
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
It's time ro bump :) (7th today) updated :P I'll bump every hour. Looking for: MANAPHY 5/6IV Timid What I Have: EPIC SHINY 6Iv JOLLY GARCHOMP ARCEUS eng SHINY Mew 6IV Celebi 3IV (hp,satk,sdef) pokebank one Suicune Bold Max IVs for HP Fire Keldeo Max IVs for HP Ghost Ditto SHINY 5IV JAP Timid Phione and some random shiny shitmons 5/6iv mons
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17264847 if you really had the event garchomp id trade you
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 13:27:53 No. 17264854 Report Quoted By:
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17264594 I have Kyogre for you.
>>17264587 I have your pokes.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17264858 what do you want for collat? or is it okay for me to just give you shitmons? XD
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Fri 10 Jan 2014 13:30:10 No. 17264870 Report >>17264823 >lando 5v jolly >thundur 5v jolly Do you mind letting me borrow those? I'm a
beginner cloner myself. I'll give them back to you when I am finished.
I only have copies of a 6 IV (Japanese) Latios and a 6 IV (Korean) Entei at the moment.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 13:31:31 No. 17264877 Report Quoted By:
Quoting myself in case anyone needs one of them
>>17264529 >>17264541 James 2208 5065 9778
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Quoted By:
>>17264852 >If Well, I'm looking for that manaphy only for 3 days. I'm gona give up, ever :D I just jeed to wait a bit more
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Non legendary Shinnies -Shiny Espur male -Shiny Trapinch -Shiny Alomomola -Shiny Noibat -Shiny Throh -Shiny Espur female -Shiny magikarp -Shiny Rotom -Shiny Feroseed 3IV s.r -Shiny Furfrou 4IV jolly -Shiny talonflame galewings 5IV -Shiny Eevee 5IV timid (missing attack) -Shiny Ralts female 5IV timid (missing attack) -Shiny Zorua 5IV Timid ( missing attack w egg moves) -Shiny Skarmory 5IV impish (missing sp.atk w egg moves) -Shiny Mawile 6IV female adamant (w egg moves) -Shiny Female Ralts 3IVs modest -Shiny Honedge 3IVs sassy -Shiny Charmander 4IVs timid solar power W d.d outrage d.p -Shiny Cotonee 5IVs impish prankster (missing atack) w stitcheroo -Shiny Tyrunt 5IVs with egg moves adamant missing SP.ATC 3 elemental fangs+tackle -Shiny Petilil - Competitive Still checking Specifics -Shiny Bulbasaur - Competitive still checking specifics -Shiny Trevenent 5Ivs wilo wisp sub curse let me know if you want to borrow i just want another shiny in return or an extra copy
Scarlet 0087–3713–0545
James 2208 5065 9778
Thanks Josh. That Umbreon's yours now. I don't like moon runes.
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
Quoted By:
>>17264858 @.@ aaaaaaah, so you want to trade 6IV Ditto? I haven't clone that one, lol. I think you want to trade ditto to me, so that I can clone it and then return it to you. XD Wait a minute. I'll clone it right away.
Player-01 1907-8965-2693
>>17264870 Sure lend me that entei and we can make a clone for ourselves and give the originals back. Also which one do you want?
>>17264823 damn, that thundurus isn't shiny it was in the wrong place in my box.
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
If you check my list again, I don't put Ditto there. XD
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17264867 Are you going to clone and trade back my latios? And also did you have that ditto?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
Atl you there m8:)?
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17264917 Sure, I can clone it and then trade it back to you, if you want it. ;)
Yup, just wait for it being cloned. :-bd
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17264905 Shit. Thanks man.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17264927 Not my ditto lol you said you had some Some 6iv shiny dittos , and ya I'd love latios back I can't clone.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17264888 Bro, is that trevenant harvest ability ?
murasaki 5327-1083-0662
>>17264888 Are you still interested in the shiny Larvesta? you said you'd trade for your Heatran :<
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17264847 Adding shiny 6IV Rotom to my list
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Fri 10 Jan 2014 13:48:31 No. 17264979 Report >>17264910 I want to start with the Landorus first. I will add you now.
Weems (IGN: Aspiaan) 4398-9290-0043
>>17264948 Hey Scarlet are you here? I have that Manaphy for you!
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17264912 Oh snap must have miss read haha that's more then alright. Were you able to clone my latios yet?
James 2208 5065 9778
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17265047 Yeah, I'm here, still trying cloning your latios. @.@
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17265027 Oh dude, I got your stuff ready to send back :) you gonna be online?
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17265027 nah, not yet. Rotom was last one
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17264943 lmao i have no idea x_x
Desu 0318-7166-6602
Alright my niggas, been fun but I have to get some sleep before heading to my parent's house. Enjoyed all the cloning, but from here on I will not be able to do it. Stay chilly, free willies.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17265056 Okey doke I'm on whenever you are ready
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17265058 oh yes i checked hal it is the "harvest" thingy
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
murasaki 5327-1083-0662
Quoted By:
>>17265086 ok i guess the answer is "no" ^^
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Quoted By:
>>17265086 Any chance I could trade/clone it?
I recently got shiny luxray (Atk, SpAtk,SpDef,Speed IVs) and I have shiny Tyranitar with IVs in HP and SpDef. And got trophy shinys of vanillite, gligar, haxorus.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17264980 Thanks a lot! let me know whenever you're done with dialga.
Weems (IGN: Aspiaan) 4398-9290-0043
I'm looking for a keldeo, I'm able to dupe it for you if you want. Also able to dupe other mons but only ones I'm interested in because I'm bad at duping
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:05:11 No. 17265140 Report Quoted By:
>>17264910 I got the Landorus cloned. I'll try to get the second copy before going back online to give it back to you.
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:05:42 No. 17265148 Report >>17264838 Just as an update in that case, I've finished with suicune and am moving on to raikou
Player-01 1907-8965-2693
>>17264888 You rejected my offers for 5IV Ralts couple times yesterday. Can I at least borrow it and clone one for you and myself? I can offer shiny 6IV timid Darkrai as collateral if you don't trust me.
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17265058 Yes invite me when you see me online. How many trades are we doing again?
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:06:45 No. 17265158 Report >>17265148 Alright. I'm still here chilling.
anyone willing to clone my pinsir for me?
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17265151 Woops, forgot my info.
James 2208 5065 9778
Quoted By:
>>17265063 Uhh what? :o but i have my rotom here.
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17265132 Don't you have manaphy? :)
>>17265160 Sure, what's your fc?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17265056 I think latios hates us haha your a saint
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17265161 I cloned your Grenigga yesterday, and couldn't find you again to trade it back.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17265154 Six? If you have anything spare/leftover you don't particularly want, I'll take anything haha
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17265172 oh good morning Kelseir
well morning for me anyway.
are you going to be a round for a little bit?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17264857 Thanks for kyogra, and enjoy that deerling.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17265179 You can keep it. I wanted a straight trade for it as I can clone for myself.
>>17265176 My details ^^^^^
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17265190 Anytime. And thanks for the shiny.
>>17265193 Ah. I wasn't sure, so I figured I'd check.
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17265178 LOL I still haven't been able to clone it. Wait for iiit. This mawile refused to become Latios. XD
>>17265195 forgot to mention I won't be home from college for another 3 hours, if you're still around by then
Éowyn - 0962-9914-9110
Quoted By:
>>17264888 Would you trade that Cotonee for a 5IV Modest Shiny Larvesta? Also, any offers from anyone for a 5IV Modest Shiny Larvesta?
James 2208 5065 9778
Quoted By:
>>17265184 Josh got the last pokemon i dont like. The umbreon. Tomorrow i'll get back with my updated list.
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17265178 I got it. @.@
Hahaha, still want the ditto?
Quoted By:
>>17265217 It's 12:45am here, so probably not :/
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:14:19 No. 17265235 Report Dumping the list again Mew (shiny) Darkrai Arceus Celebi Genesect (shiny) Meloetta Raikou Shaymin 6IV ditto shiny Magneton shiny summer deerling I won't list each individual stats but some bank legends have 6IV's and if you want to know more details about a particular pokemon just ask me. You can borrow it for one I still don't have or give me an extra copy in return.
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17265189 Idk what mean "to be round for a little bit" but if I'm thinking correct, yes I'll be online for a fre hours more :P
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:14:51 No. 17265242 Report >>17265149 There we go. I got it now. I'll give this back to you now. The Thundurus is next...
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17265208 Do you have a spare arceus , that's what I saw on your list with 6ivs, and damn you mawile haha
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17265236 I was wondering if you wouldnt mind lending me something else off your list to clone
I of course will provide you with a duplicate of it
I have a few hours before work so im sure I can get something done with that time
i know im not going to be able to get back to sleep thats for sure haha
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17265227 Ditto arceus idc haha I thought you didn't have ditto:) !!!! Yay and what ever is easier for you. And I'm glad you got latios down :) now we both get em:)
>>17265235 Can I dupe that shiny mew? I have a level 100 suicune with English name
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:17:33 No. 17265268 Report Quoted By:
>>17265260 Sure, man. I'll add you
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17265243 I have arceus, If that's what you want, I can trade it right away.
I do prefer this arceus, so that I don't have to clone ditto. :P
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17265254 No problem mate, but i need a good collateral since I can't clone. :)
Prease Understandu :D
Ty 3239-2776-7654
To be honest I'd love the ditto or arceus , I'm stoked for latios's return:)!
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17265277 Okey doke arceus and latios it is :) thank you so much!! I'm on now:)
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
sorry guys i was busy x_x you can take whatever
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17265276 of course my good man.
id like to do a shiny genesect if you have it
is that an event mon or gened? idk
Liam 4785-5649-6136(meditite, sawk, breloom)
Liam 4785-5649-6136(meditite, sawk, breloom) Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:22:32 No. 17265307 Report Quoted By:
Still no luck on the GTS...anybody want to clone some of my pokemon? Got: 6IV Japanese Ditto Shiny Umbreon Shiny Volcarona Shiny Charizard Shiny Sceptile Shitty Japanese Terrakion(no good ivs or nature) Shitty Korean Therian Tornadus(no ivs or nature)
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17265301 I have 6iv event shiny gene
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:22:44 No. 17265310 Report >>17265260 And if is not too much trouble can you get me a a copy of that Mew when you send him back?
Having only one of each really cripples my trading potential, but I'll understand if you can't do it
5284-1408-8845 (x/y)
Quoted By:
Can anyone please clone me a Heatran?
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17265309 bueeno
ill send you a trade now
thanks m8
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17265275 Thank you so much Atlanta! You and Harley have made my day! Both are legit and nice honest people. Thank you once again Atlanta and Harley !!!!
>>17265310 Sure, ill do it now. Do you reckon I could grab that genesect as well to dupe after?
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
Quoted By:
>>17265347 no problem, glad I could help :>
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:31:41 No. 17265398 Report Quoted By:
>>17265365 Sure and if you don't have other bank legend I don't have here you can just send 2 Genesects back later
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17264803 I got the jirachi, are you still there?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
dom are you here?
1048 9245 4901
>>17265473 Yes, I am. I'm going to add you now.
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17265329 first clone done.
returning your original, and ill make you a second now
btw what other event mon do you have?
you got a list?
i can be your cloning whore for a little bit if you dont mind.
and ill keep my eye out for a manaphy for you West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:43:38 No. 17265509 Report >>17265158 At long last, it's finally over, your doges are ready to come home with their newfound twins.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:44:10 No. 17265512 Report Quoted By:
>>17265509 Good, good. I'm going online now.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:46:45 No. 17265536 Report If anyone needs I can lend these except for Mew and Genesect
>>17265235 Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17265491 I'm online, just ask me for trade. :)
1048 9245 4901
>>17265552 Done. BTW you can keep the Latios if you want.
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17265563 Alright. Thanks! btw, you're giving me this lucky egg?
1048 9245 4901
>>17265574 Yes. I didn't think a single latios was worth the Jirachi.
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17265501 Well best on I have is Shiny Timid Latios with max IVs for HP Fire, my celebi is meh, arceus has shitty stats, Keldeo is timid with hp ghost ivs but no icy wind o.O, shiny rotom has shitty nature, suicune is good Bold with max IVs for hp fire, I also have my epic shiny jolly6IV garchomp and 5IV Modest Yveltal nameable (those SRs) Thats all i actually have
Samus 2423-3774-2418
i forget how to alchemy, is scatterbug equivalent exchange for genesect? am i going to lose my arm if i keep doing this?
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17265578 XD Ok then. Thanks for the trade!
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:52:30 No. 17265588 Report Quoted By:
>>17265583 I'll seal you to a suit of armor, it'll be ok, we'll have an adventure XD
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17265581 epic shiny 6iv garchomp is epic.
id love to clone that next actually
and are the latios and celebi event mons?
regardless, they look interesting to me as well
1048 9245 4901
>>17265587 I'm the one that should be thanking you. It's even a Modest one, I was looking for a Jirachi I could Sub CM with. Thank you very much!
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:53:51 No. 17265602 Report >>17265509 Thank you for your services sir. Cloning looks tedious as all hell, so I appreciate the clones.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:54:56 No. 17265619 Report Quoted By:
>>17264427 You still around? Just asking to know.
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:55:31 No. 17265625 Report >>17265602 it is, but considering that I wasn't active when pokebank came up back in december, I don't have much, it's my only way to get stuff.
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17265598 Celebi is one you get from pokebank as a reward and Latios Isn't event mon
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:56:51 No. 17265638 Report Now I have those and Suicune, plus an extra Mew for direct trade
>>17265235 Thanks, Cam
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:57:13 No. 17265646 Report >>17265625 Hey if you're up for it you can clone my Arceus or some other legeneds. Take your pick. I hope you're listening to the radio or watching tv or something. Because I've been listening to the O&A show and time has flown by. Also, I think NIntendo will ban cloning before they even think about releasing Pokebank.
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17265626 ah ok
well ill might want to do the Latios then next, since ill be getting the same celebi once FUCKING BANK OPENS AGAIN ... gahd
much predicated btw
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17265601 No prob, youre welcome! :)
>>17265536 can I borrow your shaymin? I don't need to clone it, just for the dex entry, I'll return it straight away. :D Thanks.
Player-01 1907-8965-2693
>>17265242 done, waitn' online
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 14:59:05 No. 17265675 Report >>17265646 Maybe in a bit, I'm hoping to jump on a different one first though. Speaking of which,
>>17265638 Do you mind if i get a copy of your mew?
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17265659 Prease Understandu.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:00:46 No. 17265705 Report >>17265646 I don't know if they can at this point, some are already out there, same with hacked mons. And any kid could trade his pokemon for one of those.
It's their fault for letting it slide
>>17265672 Sure. Do you have any bankmon to spare?
>>17265675 No prob, you can even trade it directly for something else. I have 2 now
Samus 2423-3774-2418
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:02:44 No. 17265740 Report Quoted By:
>>17265705 As of the past half decade Nintendo has gone full retard. I wouldn't be surprised if they made a horrible decision. I'm just waiting for Nintendo to fail and became a game maker like Sega. Then maybe they'll take their products seriously and stop dicking around.
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17265705 I got Darkrai, Deoxys, and Genesect. All are with random IV and nature though.
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:03:10 No. 17265747 Report >>17265705 I have a 6iv jirachi you could add to your list for it, I have to clone it first though so if you're interested let me know
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:03:22 No. 17265753 Report >>17265674 It's taking a bit of time. Your Thundurus doesn't seem to like being cloned....
>captcha salvation onortag Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:03:45 No. 17265758 Report Quoted By:
>>17265675 Alright cool. If you want to clone any of these legends,
>>17264174 , let me know. I'll be playing White in the mean time.
Murasaki 5327-1083-0662
Any kind person around here, who could clone and trade me a Heatran? I can offer shiny Melotic and shiny Larvesta (4IV missinf Atk)
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17265735 Wakatta if you want any choice items or megastones i can give them to the pokes you clone
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:05:03 No. 17265772 Report >>17265743 I would love a Deoxys. Can we do a random wonder trade so you enter mu acquaintances list? Something like luvdisc for luvdisc?
Otherwise I'll have to start axing FC. Let me know how you prefer
>>17265747 That would be great, I'll wait for the Jirachi
Player-01 1907-8965-2693
>>17265753 every time, it won't work until you say it isn't working
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17265772 :o I don't know you can choose your partner in WT. Ok, thats cool for me. I'll get ready for WT.
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17265770 oo
I actually need a razor claw and a razor fang for weavile and gliscor respectively.
I havent dexed them yet, and it will save me the BP
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:08:09 No. 17265804 Report >>17265777 jackpot trips confirms it >>17265759 Do you have a Heatran already? I have time to help.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:08:39 No. 17265810 Report Quoted By:
>>17265794 Well you can't exactly choose, but I don't think there's many people out there wanting to do that odd trade of luv for luv. I'll check for your disc
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17265802 i can send you my gliscor but i need him back ;d
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:09:40 No. 17265827 Report >>17265794 My bad, I said wonder trade I meant GTS. Put a disc for a disc
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
Anybody with Oblivias shaymin? from pokemon ranger wifi event ^^?
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17265823 that works too.
and if you meant choice items as in choice band or choice scarf, either one of those would be cool too. havent bought mine yet
btw still working on gene#2, things are not going so well second time around.
ill let you know when i gets it
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17265827 Ummm, do you get acquaintance list if you're trading thru GTS? @.@
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17265855 No problem, i have a time :)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:12:55 No. 17265872 Report >>17265859 Yes, at least that's what happened on the other times I did it. I put a luvdisc with for Atlanta on the description
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:13:29 No. 17265883 Report >>17265827 that jirachi is ready when you are man.
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:15:01 No. 17265906 Report >>17265883 Ok would you mind doing this GTS stuff?
Put a disc and I'll trade you. Can be a luvdisc for luvdisc or any poke of your choice.
I really need to clean my friends list
Murasaki 5327-1083-0662
>>17265804 sadly no. I'm looking for a Heatran
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17265910 sorry did you ask me for a heatran?
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:16:16 No. 17265930 Report >>17265906 np disc for disc works message will be 'jirachi bro'
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17265869 oh, spoke too soon.
gene 2 is ready for you.
trade me a shitmon next, and i can give you a meloetta to hold onto on the second trade.
id love to get the garchomp next :)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:17:04 No. 17265939 Report >>17265930 Ok I'll get to your disc
Murasaki 5327-1083-0662
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17265872 Whoa, it really shows in acquaintance list. XD I'ts new for me.
I'm ready for trade Ace.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17265947 sorry about that :) were you offering me something for it? which do you want exactly?
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17265934 let me give him an item
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
[Have] Shiny 6IV English Shaymin [Want] More Bank Legendaries to clone for a bigger collection
Samus 2423-3774-2418
Murasaki 5327-1083-0662
>>17265961 4IV shiny Larvesta (missong Atk)
I requested the shiny 6 IV one, but I'll take what I get, in case the other ones are easier to clone lol
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
>>17265939 Whoa, I haven't got unown! Thanks for the trade! XD
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:21:26 No. 17265995 Report >>17265939 let me know once you do
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17265977 Im interested in a shaymin, I have an extra jap meloetta if thats okay
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
>>17265996 That will work! Adding now
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17266001 okay, is it event?
and does it have gracidea flower with it?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:22:53 No. 17266017 Report Quoted By:
>>17265959 It's a great way to circumvent that awful limit cap.
>>17265994 And I closed too son and missed the thanks gift.
>>17265995 Ok I'm ready for it now
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:23:27 No. 17266024 Report Quoted By:
>>17266001 if you have any mpre shaymins, I'll give you a shiny genesect for one.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17265991 heatran Jolly
6IV heatran adamant
6IV Shiny heatran HP grass timid ( 2-30)
6IV Shiny Heatran Adamant
6IV Shiny heatran Timid HP ice rocks (2-30)
6IV Shiny heatran Timid
thats what ive got. but i already have a 5v shiny larva bug bro :(
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17266046 ah damn
im sure ill come across a flower at some point
adding you back now
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
Good night all, going to sleep now~ Thanks for today, /vp/ :D
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17266054 erm what are you looking for? what flower?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:28:34 No. 17266077 Report >>17265994 I got a lot of those for deerlings in the early bank crisis days
>>17266066 Night
Okay cloners, I've watched two different cloning videos and I'm curious. Do I count down to 4.5 after the screen goes black or when the blue screen comes up? I've got the blue screen to work a few times but is the black screen method easier?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:29:39 No. 17266090 Report Quoted By:
>>17266054 Talk with a girl in the Snowbelle city pokemon center. She will give you the flower
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
Quoted By:
Ummm, Ty, why're you offering me kirlia?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17266033 Anything I can offer you for that trev?
I asked earlier in the thread, but I have shiny luxray and haxorus, and now I have beldum/Charmander shiny lv1
Murasaki 5327-1083-0662
>>17266033 We had a deal 2 days ago, but you were very busy I guess. Will you take my shiny Milotic instead? I really need that Heatran, preferable the 6IV with HP grass
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17266066 Night Atlanta :) let's dex swap when your free :)??
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:31:31 No. 17266116 Report And dumping the list once more Mew (shiny) Darkrai Arceus Celebi Genesect (shiny, but currently being cloned) Meloetta Raikou Shaymin 6IV ditto shiny Magneton shiny summer deerling Suicune Deoxys Jirachi You can borrow it for one I still don't have or give me an extra copy in return
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17266073 from what I understand, Shaymin requires a gracidea flower to change into sky form
unless its an in game location like the moss rock or whatever, i figured I required ahold item on him to change, ala megastones
sorry if any of that sounds retarded, I never had a shaymin before. I actually havent played with mons since gen2 Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17266080 nope as soon as blue screen appears you count is easier. Just practice and youl get them 1/3 times or 1/2 times. bear in mind sometimes one will be a pain and take a while.
source:one of the people that started the threads
>>17266095 i really cant rememeber x_x i just got a 6v shiny feebas this morning :(
>>17266094 is the charmander nicknamed lol?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17266124 Nope, no nickname, from English country too so no country marking on it. 4IVs timid or modest I think.
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
Quoted By:
>>17266102 XD Ok!
>>17266077 Hoo nice~ Night!
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17266118 snowbelle :) pokemon centre buddy. and your good to go ^^ . shaymin will revert if you box him
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17266136 oh i was just wondering because i sent a 4 v timid HA shiny called ryu around before ehehe :) just clone me any shiny back and you can borrow it ofc. erm do you have a riolu? i dont know what you borrowed from james ^^
Murasaki 5327-1083-0662
>>17266124 ok too bad, but good news is that I don't have to wait hopefully anymore. I wish you a good day and happy cloning
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17266155 He said he lost riolu. :( I really want a riolu lol
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:36:11 No. 17266177 Report >>17266116 Now I have those and an extra Genesect for direct trade. Thanks again, Cam
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17266124 Wow, that feebas sounds nice!
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17266164 sorry dude you can borrow one of the adamant 6vs if you want to clone it for nothing. but their not too ideal :/
Samus 2423-3774-2418
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
>>17266124 I'd love to get that 6IV Shiny Feebas, would you like a Shiny JPN Mew, 6IV Ditto, or Shiny 6IV Shaymin?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17266180 it is ^^ my cousins borrowing it to clone for her friends or something atm :) she said im weird because its girly and i like it :S milotics always been badass so i dunno what shes talking about lol ^^btw sorry the vivilion is ruined. your welcome to take it though?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Murasaki 5327-1083-0662
Quoted By:
>>17266186 I'm not able to clone, but thanks
Samus 2423-3774-2418
Quoted By:
Kelsier, first garchomp is done, sending you trade now
Samus 2423-3774-2418
Quoted By:
>>17266238 holy hell.
you sure do.
...can we be friends?
and would you let me clone your wonderful mons? Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17266172 ahh just take it and send it back when your done ^^
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17266269 I'll be online soon, just levelling up some mons in le wow.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17266180 btw ive got like some upgrades to your 2 espurs :) i got a 5V shiny in both male and female. i can clone you a pair later if you'd want them ^^
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17266292 just hold onto it until i'm back :) you can throw me any shiny back too if you want when you return it ^^
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
Quoted By:
>>17266238 How about you just give me a clone of that feebas. <3
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17266229 The vivillon isn't ruined just because of a crappy name. Also milotic is awesome, nothing girly about liking it.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Anyone have a shiny male fennkin or or a genesect I can offer a rayquzza in return
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17266349 Friend code name is Ty 3239-2776-7654 . In game name is jess
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17266339 are you sure? it says "ERMAGURD" lmao il hand it over to you :) il try find you a better one without a silly name lol i think it ruins it ;_;. were there any other shinnies from that 16 i rceived to day that you wanted :)?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:54:56 No. 17266408 Report >>17266383 I can get you a genesect for that quaza
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17266389 No, I'm good. Most of my shinies are just eyecandy anyway. I have a team of 6 that I actually use and the rest are for amie and such so the name doesn't bother me.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17266408 Purple or red ? And hell yes add me :)
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17266339 Charizard, Amoongus, Qwilfish, Lickitung, Victreebel, Poliwrath, Lanturn, Scrafty, Zoroark, Swalot, Aegislash, Golem, Spheal, Stoutland, Growlith and Vivillon.
^^ i think josh wanted to clone the growlithe though so il have to pass it to him first if he dident get one yet.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:56:31 No. 17266426 Report >>17266408 Red. But my friend list is full, so here is what I will do. I'll put a luvdisc on GTS with your name on the description. Then we trade disc for dis and become acquaintances .
I could add you, but it would take more time
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 15:57:36 No. 17266433 Report Quoted By:
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17266420 anybody on my friends list that wants ONE of these lol? before somebody says theyl have em need to clone back or whatever.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Ok I'll be looking for the luvdisc key me know when it's posted
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17266437 Could I have zoroark and growlithe lol
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Quoted By:
>>17266453 My bad lol, you said One, I got excited at the thought of free shinys. Zoroark if possible
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Quoted By:
>>17266453 lol you can take zoroak :) but i think a buddy wanted to first clone the you can take the growl but could you clone it back please :)
Samus 2423-3774-2418
Quoted By:
>>17266437 hey Yusuf, you have a fantastic collection!
is there any way I can borrow some of your mons to clone?
i have to head to work soon, so not today, but I'd love to join your friends list!
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17266437 Thanks, that is the garden pattern.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:02:41 No. 17266490 Report Quoted By:
>>17266420 They are all shiny and for grabs or only to clone?
I would love a Aegislash or Zoroark, but I'm not on your friends list
>>17266449 I posted it now
Murasaki 5327-1083-0662
Quoted By:
>>17266420 Could I get Swalot? But I've no idea if I'm still in your friend list. It's been one week since our trade
Samus 2423-3774-2418
and Kelsier, your second shiny garchomp is ready for you. you can keep the extra choice scarf too. Thanks for letting me borrow it! :D
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17266512 No problem mate :)
So next one is Latios? :D
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
Thank you ace!! I hate to ask but do you have any spare stuff that could help me fill my dex
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:07:07 No. 17266530 Report >>17266449 Sorry for cancelling that dex swap request.
I'm always ending those trades abruptly.
We can do it later, just tell me the ones you need
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17266516 im rather short on time actually, got to head to work.
i would like to borrow it, but I am unsure if there will be enough time to send you a duplicate.
i could give you one at a later time though if you need one
i really should just quit my job and commit to being a pokemon master, lol Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
I need most bank legends if you have any spares , or if not I'll trade them right back I'm just trying to get closer to that sweet sweet shiny charm:)
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
Quoted By:
[Have] Shiny JPN Mew Shiny 6IV Shaymin Shiny JPN 6IV Ditto [Want] Bank Legendaries Any Shinies
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17266548 Just clone it once and send me original one.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17266530 Ty 3239-2776-7654
01/10/14(Fri)11:09 No.17266552
I need most bank legends if you have any spares , or if not I'll trade them right back I'm just trying to get closer to that sweet sweet shiny charm:)
Sry about the repost
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:11:31 No. 17266572 Report >>17266566 Ok, those are the ones I have
>>17266116 Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17266558 much appreciated!
ill let you know when your original is done
thanks man.
and of course, if i find a 6iv manaphy, ill come lookin for ya
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:13:02 No. 17266587 Report Quoted By:
>>17266572 But I only have one copy ATM, so I'll need them all back
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17266574 Awesome, thanks. But I have to ask you for one thing, could you help me with evolving my Porygon? I just trade it to you and you trade back
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:15:06 No. 17266615 Report >>17266566 Oh, and if it's only for the shiny charm you don't really need any event legend
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17266574 Could I have a 6iv ditto ? And meloera to keep?
Samus 2423-3774-2418
Quoted By:
>>17266608 yeah man, just send it over when i get your latios back to you
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:16:37 No. 17266637 Report Quoted By:
>>17266620 Wich ones you still need from that list?
>>17266116 Samus 2423-3774-2418
Quoted By:
>>17266608 yeah man, just send it over when i get your latios back to you.
>>17266620 sorry im short on time, got work soon.
i do have just one extra meloetta though.
anything you can trade for it?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17266615 I'm ocd about event mons lol you may not need it for the dex but I like to have a complete dex. But IDE love to have a 6ivditto and meloeta if your able to swing that :)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:20:30 No. 17266688 Report Quoted By:
>>17266674 I have those, but only one of each
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Meloetta Shaymin 6IV ditto Suicune Could you get a clone of 6iv ditto and meloeta to keep?
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17266723 I can get you a melloeta for the suicune if thats cool
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
i just cant type these capchas...ive failed it over a dozen times in a row. am i blind or something?thrtylyz nthctuz wtf is this fuck shit i cant type the capchas man :( oh my word, what the fuck is this even? wtf i typed it rright! what is this shit man ..ahgain nigga please i think ive randomly delted you from my friends list hal when making space...ill add you again because i cant seem to find you online :) oh ngga this is not worth it why the fuck is always failing. what the shit\ anybody else seeing this black and white shit? im about to throw the laptop fuck it i give up try number 28 30
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:25:26 No. 17266748 Report Quoted By:
>>17266723 I'm tried Suicune, but it wouldn't let me because it had HMs or something. But it already had it when the previous guy sent it to me, so I don't understand.
Can you send me that shiny deoxys for dex?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17266734 I don't have a sucuine I thought you did haha,
Samus 2423-3774-2418
Quoted By:
>>17266759 oh
some confusion going on, but you have anything you can trade for meloetta?
i only recently started cloning, so there are quite a few bank legendaries i have yet to get
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:27:48 No. 17266772 Report >>17266734 I can get you a Suicune after we are done with the dex trading. But I'll need him back. What else you have?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17266759 sure thing can you send over meloeta ? and ditto ?:)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:29:53 No. 17266790 Report >>17266775 I can send you the Meloetta, but ditto would be useless because I'll need him back and you probably have one on the dex already
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17266738 Lol you alright?
Anyone had experience using a shiny zoroark? Does illusion show shiny forms of mons that it is hiding as? Or does it just turn into shiny zoroark once illusion wears off-
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17266772 lol i sadly dont have time to clone any more today.
once im done with kelsiers latios i gotta get my ass out to work.
but i would love to work with you at a later time if you wanna exchange friend codes :)
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:30:47 No. 17266805 Report Quoted By:
>>17266738 4chan pass is on sale. Should get on that nigga.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:31:21 No. 17266810 Report >>17266799 Sure. Add me now and you'll ad you as soon as I clean my FC list a little.
>>17266775 That competes it.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17266790 I just need a clone of the6iv ditto for breeding , are you able to hook me up ?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
>>17266792 lol i just cant type the capchas corrctly. mine have now become black and white ink blobs :( and its really hard to see what it says
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17266810 sweet.
and so far my list includes
6IV Shiny Greninja
6IV Victini EVENT
6IV shiny Jap Ditto
6IV shiny Jap mew
6IV shiny Shaymin
6iv shiny garchomp
and soon to be 5iv shiny latios.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:34:58 No. 17266858 Report >>17266816 I think someone ITT can probably do it for one of those nice shiny pokemons you have.
You could list all the good ones you have and someone will trade you and give you a clone back
>>17266842 I still need a lot of those
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17266858 nice.
then we shall reconnect later.
i will be on the thread later tonight after hopefully, depending on plans
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:37:48 No. 17266896 Report >>17266822 You're not the only one who's mad. Moot's pissed he can't choose what captchas are used, they're all randomly selected by google. Sometime you have to type a word, other times a Rorschach.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17266858 If you cloan me a 6 iv ditto you can clone my shiny scizor ?
Samus 2423-3774-2418
and Kelsier, your shiny latios is finally cloned. thank you so very much for letting me borrow him! so you can send over your porygon first, and ill send you the evolved one back for my meloetta, deal?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17266896 >other times a Rorschach I lol'd
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17266914 OFC! Thank you very much, If you want anything from me I'll be here tomorrow
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 16:41:45 No. 17266952 Report >>17266886 Ok, that will give me time to clean the FC list and add you
>>17266897 Unfortunately I can't clone. But there's a lot of people ITT that can are willing to help. If you list what you have bank legends, shiny pokes, pokes with great IV's I'm sure someone will offer you the ones you need.
That's how I got the ones I have now
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17266915 Trainer vs captcha
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
Quoted By:
[Have] Shiny JPN Mew Shiny 6IV Shaymin Shiny JPN 6IV Ditto Ability Capsule Leftovers Master Ball Charizard X Stone [Want] Bank Legendaries Any Shinies
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17266952 Thank you for helping me with the dex ace! And thank you for the advice:).
Samus 2423-3774-2418
>>17266946 btw i replaced tackle and sharpen with zap cannon and magic coat for you.
i wasnt sure if you wanted defense curl, so ll let you get that back from move re learner if you need.
thanks again for everything!
>>17266952 sounds good man, talk to you later.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17266968 Haha. Did you say you needed a 6iv ditto?
I got spare if you have anything else up for trade
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Quoted By:
>>17267000 Haha, its ok. GL in your work
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Quoted By:
Hey Yusuf, I have trev and growly back for return. Do you have a shiny spiritomb in your collection?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17267004 U can you clone ? If so I can offer you a shiny scizor as long as I get it back ? I
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17267049 I already have one actually ;/ sorry
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17267099 What else would you want for it? could you possibly clone me one ? Or something since you have acouple ?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17267157 And we already are friends on pokemon so it's be super quick :)!!
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Opa bumping style (8th today) :] Added few pokes Looking for: MANAPHY 5/6IV Timid What I Have: Genesect SHINY (english name) 6IVs HASTY gear shift/extremespeed EPIC SHINY 6Iv JOLLY GARCHOMP SHINY Rotom 6IV ARCEUS eng SHINY Mew 6IV Celebi 3IV (hp,satk,sdef) pokebank one Suicune Bold Max IVs for HP Fire Keldeo Max IVs for HP Ghost Ditto SHINY 5IV JAP Timid Phione and some random shiny shitmons 5/6iv mons
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Guys. Wtf is up with this egg name?.
Quoted By:
>>17267245 is EGG in other lenguage
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Would anybody please clone me a 6 Iv jap ditto? I can let you clone something if I have it
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:03:10 No. 17267344 Report >>17267212 OH MY GOD
I need celebi and keldeo for completing my autism dex, will you be willing to trade them for 2 6IV arceus?
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
>>17267212 Question, would you be willing to trade the Archeus or Genesect for my..
6IV Ditto
6IV Shaymin?
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:04:10 No. 17267361 Report Quoted By:
>>17267212 I also have 6IV shiny ditto
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
Quoted By:
>>17267212 >>17267345 Woops forgot to mention the shaymin and ditto are shiny.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
>>17267344 Actually I can trade Celebi for your Arceus but I'd like to keep my Keldeo
>>17267345 I can trade you my arceus fo that shamyin
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
>>17267381 got anything to offer on a 6ivshiny ditto?
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:06:19 No. 17267395 Report >>17267387 COOL, YES, THANKYOU
adding now
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:08:37 No. 17267425 Report And I'm back, fucking nintendo with their backwards limits. I feel bad deleting people from the friend list. Could only delete one person this time. Anyways here is the list: Mew (shiny) Darkrai Arceus Celebi Genesect (shiny, but currently being cloned) Meloetta Raikou Shaymin 6IV ditto shiny Magneton shiny summer deerling Suicune Deoxys Jirachi You can borrow it for one I still don't have or give me an extra copy in return. Rayquaza
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17267394 Can you clone? If so I have shinys and some bank legends as long as I get them back . I can't clone is only have 1 3ds but I can lend one if I get it or the clone back
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:09:45 No. 17267437 Report Quoted By:
>>17267425 Ignore that currently being cloned part, that's just the result of lazy copy pasting on my part
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:12:39 No. 17267490 Report And I'm back, fucking nintendo with their backwards limits. I feel bad deleting people from the friend list. Could only delete one person this time. Anyways here is the list: Mew (shiny) Darkrai Arceus Celebi Genesect (shiny) Meloetta Raikou Shaymin 6IV ditto shiny Magneton shiny summer deerling Suicune Deoxys Jirachi Rayquaza You can borrow it for one I still don't have or give me an extra copy in return.
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:15:16 No. 17267531 Report Quoted By:
does anyone have keldeo clones? I'm willing to part with arceus, shiny genesect or shiny 6IV ditto for one
Ty 3239-2776-7654
I'm looking 4 a cloned 6 Iv jap ditto I can not clone but if you can clone I'll trade one of these as long as I get it back Darkrai Shiny greninja Shiny gnarchomp Shiny latios Shiny scizor Arceus Rayquzza Shiny genesect
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17267490 Hey ace what do you want for that ditto ? I'm not having any luck :(
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:20:07 No. 17267597 Report >>17267567 I'm sorry, man. Those thinks usually take some time, I can't really part with that ditto. I would if I had a clone here. Hopefully someone will help you soon
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:21:48 No. 17267629 Report >>17267567 I have one clone I could part with, what are you offering?
[please take into account I'm not cloning anyuthing at the time, a friend borrowed my second 3ds]
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17267597 I understand , sorry if I'm bothering you, but You , Harley and Marcus I trust lol I can't tell you the crap trades I've gotten before . So I just tend to ask you three beca
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
Quoted By:
I'm making a list of all my shinies/legendaries, what should I add next to eaach mon so everyone who looks at it gets the stats. I currently have them set up like.. -6IV Shiny Deino (Modest) (Hustle) -2IV Shiny Ralts (Modest) (Synchronize) (Male) Anything else I should add? I have (SPA/English Name) next to one as well. I just want to make the list look good.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17267629 If you can't clone I don't really have anything to offer because I only have 1 3ds
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:25:04 No. 17267678 Report >>17267597 *things
On an unrelated note, there's this one guy challenging me and trying to trade since yesterday. I accepted once, but he didn't have anything I wanted or accepted any of my offers.
I don't know what the fuck he wants
>>17267645 No problem, man. It doesn't bother me at all, I hope you can find one
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17267629 Add me tho , since it's an extra maybe we can come to some kind of deal?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17267678 Ugh that happens to me a lot haha but idc I generally destroy most people in triple battles so it's only a minor in convince to kick the hell out of them haha then I save the video of me destroying them and lol :) keep them as trophies
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:30:06 No. 17267746 Report >>17267692 actually, if you any of the following items I could give you the ditto with any shitmang:
-mewtwonite x
-ability capsule
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:34:53 No. 17267814 Report >>17267739 I'm mostly trading, first breeding bank exclusives to people, now on these threads, evolving some pokes with bad stats for dex entry.
That doesn't give me a lot of spare time to train, so I'm not sure I could even do that. I guess that's why they are so persistent, that 0 link battles win next to 622 trades on the profile sounds like an really easy win.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:35:45 No. 17267840 Report >>17267746 I have Mewtwonite X and Tyranitarite. Can you clone? I could give you it with some legends and clone them and then you can keep the legends and the stones.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17267746 Sadly I have y but I'll give you extra megas and legendarys for trade and gts fodder ??
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:38:02 No. 17267885 Report >>17267814 Well I do both and I'm at 400+ hours, I'm kind of obsessive
>tfw I'm actually planning to get every unown regardless of pokebank's release >>17267840 not currently cloning, a friend borrowed my second 3ds
>>17267846 sure, I'll connect
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17267814 I love battling , meta game is my shit that's why I need a 6 iv ditto. If I ever get one ill breed you a battle box team to stomp ppl with . It's the least I can do for you
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17267885 Alex you still there ? I added you a while ago but haven't received a request , hit me up
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:43:21 No. 17267978 Report Quoted By:
>>17267948 yes, but my internet is being an ass
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:44:18 No. 17267992 Report Quoted By:
>>17267885 I'm really autistic with the dex completion too. Wish I could get all the unowns, but barely anyone trades unown for unown on GTS and they usually have the same 3 or 4 unown
>>17267909 That sounds great. If anyone is up for it they could clone my ditto along with other pokemon of their choice so I could trade you one.
I'll be here for a long time, so I'll try and ask about that ditto to cloners later.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Alright, I have 3 x 6IV Timid Arceus 3 x 6IV Timid shiny Jap Ditto (imposter too) 1 x 6IV Timid Darkrai (English named) 1 x 6IV Modest M-Manectric And a Shiny Rayquaza with nothing else to boast about except that it's shiny. Looking for any shiny competitive mons
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:45:43 No. 17268020 Report Quoted By:
>>17267885 >pokebank's relase >implying that they're actually going to release it. Those fucking gooks aren't going to release shit.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:46:21 No. 17268029 Report >>17267993 Can you clone the traded pokemon? He (
>>17267537 ) is looking for a ditto
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17268018 I gotta be honest that Riolu and Deino are crying out to me lol. Do you want anything else off my list for them two?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17268029 I got one ace :) ! Thank you Alex
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
>>17268066 The Arceus and Darkrai both sound great.
Gotta give me a few mins to clone though.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17268084 Sure thing, I'll add you now :)
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
None shiny: Jirachi Meloette Keldeo Victini Uxie Azelf Mesprit Shaymin Genesect Suicune Entei Raikou Darkrai Arceus Phione Heatran Terrakion manaphy Shiny: Rayquaza Lugia Giratina Mew Regigigas Latias Thunderus Arceus Deoxys Suicune Raikou Shaymin Genesect Dialga I can't clone but may lend them out for cloning if you have collat. I would appreciate an extra copy or other banklegend in return
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:51:56 No. 17268115 Report Quoted By:
>>17268070 That's great, man. I said you would eventually get one.
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:53:08 No. 17268134 Report Quoted By:
>>17268070 yw bro, happy meta'ing
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17268092 Ugh it's limber lol ace Harley lol if you want to trade a cloned 6iv shinny ditto with transform for a 6iv shinny ditto with limber ? And if that isn't an option would that 200 bp thing work
Ty 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
Thank you Alex :)
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
Quoted By:
>>17268092 I sometimes get on a bad streak of not getting them to clone so give me max 20 minutes. lol
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 17:55:37 No. 17268169 Report Quoted By:
And a little bit of self promotion. If you need one and can clone it just ask
>>17267490 Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17268140 You have ability capsule?
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17268187 I don't never farmed the 200 up for it , pve is to easy I get bored in the battle mansion haha
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17268213 I wasn't sure what you were asking in your last post. I didn't think the ability mattered cause it's just for breeding lol
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032)
Quoted By:
Kelseir (1435 4222 9032) Looking for 6IV Timid Manaphy Offering Genesect Shiny 6IV Hasty gear shift/extremespeed (eng name) Garchomp Shiny Jolly 6IV Suicune Bold Max IVs for HP Fire Shaymin Shiny Timid 6IVs(eng) Mew Shiny Hardy 6IVs Arceus Shiny Timid 6INs Rotom Shiny Jolly 6IVs
Nito: 4828-5117-2047 SV: {4093} [Panpour, Gyarados, Azumarill] !SxXkhO7.1U
Nito: 4828-5117-2047 SV: {4093} [Panpour, Gyarados, Azumarill] !SxXkhO7.1U Fri 10 Jan 2014 18:03:57 No. 17268282 Report Good morning everyone.
I've updated my list, I'm only giving these out to be cloned at the moment, but if someones in dire need of something i have, i'll gladly clone it.
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17268234 Haha it's just an added bonus with it I suppose more of a novelty :) . Ill farm for the 200 bp I I can buy more then one, am I able to buy more then one ?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17268283 Ability capsule won't work on ditto. It only lets you switch between normal abilities, not hidden. And it's one time use only so make sure you get it cloned by someone lol
Ty 3239-2776-7654
>>17268317 Ok haha well then I'm not even going to screw with that now haha I have my dream breeder finally:)
Thank you to Harley , ace , Alex and Marcus :)! Have a good day I'm going to catch a bit of sleep .
Ace add me when you get some room on your friends list:)
Alex same thing :)
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
>>17268092 1 down 1 to go, btw do you have life orb or choice scarf you wanna trade for ability capsule? while we're doing this
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 18:14:07 No. 17268414 Report Quoted By:
>>17268282 I can't really clone, and I don't want to be a bother so let me know if you can't do it.
But could I get a Manaphy or Latias or a Heatran?
I'm constantly on those threads, so I can get them to other people that could clone them later. Here is what I have
>>17267490 , but I only have one of each.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
Soo, is anybody making a new thread or what? We're past bump limit
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17268399 I have spare life orbs. You want me to attach one? Ability capsule would really help me cause I've got a crappy suction cup shiny inkay lol.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 10 Jan 2014 18:15:54 No. 17268433 Report Quoted By:
>>17268372 Ok, will do. I saved your FC for when I finish cleaning it
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
>>17268430 Okay I'm ready to trade! I'll slap an ability capsule on deino.
I'm online waiting. Send me a trade when you're ready.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17268436 You legend. Coming on now
Mark (2895-7779-8431)
>>17268448 Thanks so much man.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Quoted By:
>>17268483 Oh my word, riolu knows vacuum wave?! <33 cheers buddy