Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot)
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot) Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:31:58 No. 17269786 Report Does anyone have a unburden swirlix? or swirlix safari?
Hydoros 4355-9705-8892
Quoted By:
LF Rough skin jolly 5IVs Gible. Offering: -5IV Adamant moxie sandile (no egg moves) -6IV Hopip (no egg moves) -4IV Jolly HA Dratini -4IV Modest Rotoms (Outstanding potential so HP isn't bad) -Pursuit+SR Sassy larvitars (IVs are bad)
ToTT: What is your greatest pokemon memory?
Gustav (W:dead W2: dead) !!WOBK/3v0nGe
>>17269810 When I jewed a shiny from a newfag
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:34:26 No. 17269840 Report Quoted By:
ToTT: when i caught ur mum lmao
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 !Hd69CfYWfQ
Quoted By:
Who has Machop with egg moves? I can offer stuff.
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Quoted By:
Anyone is interested in a shiny Arcanine for a bank legendary?
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:38:32 No. 17269934 Report >>17269827 >Gustav back ToTT:
When this nigga gave me my team of Mystery Eggs, which single handedly got me into breeding. Erk 3609-1438-9794 (Wobbuffet, Duosion, Munna)
Erk 3609-1438-9794 (Wobbuffet, Duosion, Munna) Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:39:03 No. 17269947 Report
Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
Okay. I have something really weird to offer. So, somehow I got my hands on a Tyrantrum that was marked for being penta perfect, Adamant, with 3 fangs and D dance. So I EV trained it and leveled it up to level 100. While using him for breeding I noticed something was off. So I checked his IVs. He had HP and Sp Atk... So Now I have a level 100 Tyrantrum Ev Trained... TL;DR, I have a level 100 EV trained Tyrantrum and I don't know what to do with it.
Gustav (W:dead W2: dead) !!WOBK/3v0nGe
>>17269934 I'm not back, my university net is incompatible with trading, I'm just completely free until next term starts and I'm bored and I want to shitpost and ruse the newfags here
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
>>17269955 Release him into the wild to destroy everything
>>17269955 Keep it or regret it for the rest of your life or release it
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:41:23 No. 17270005 Report >>17269966 Well you're posting, that's what I meant by back.
Quoted By:
Anyone have an extra Rindo berry laying around they can send over?
Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
Quoted By:
>>17269947 Can I get a Timburr, pretty please?
>>17269967 >>17269979 >>17269988 N pls.
I was thinking of keeping it for that one time a passer by offers me a trade.
Gustav (W:dead W2: dead) !!WOBK/3v0nGe
>>17270005 Now I'm always posting in
the sweden thread on /int/ Griffin (Dragon: Gabite/Noibat/Sliggoo)(3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (Dragon: Gabite/Noibat/Sliggoo)(3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:43:36 No. 17270084 Report Quoted By:
Posting my list...>TOTT Hatching two Shinies in one day in consecutive batches back in Gen V.
>>17270061 Sweden master race Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:44:34 No. 17270113 Report >>17270061 Muslim detected
Gustav (W:dead W2: dead) !!WOBK/3v0nGe
>>17270107 Get over there >>17270113 Why aren't you tolerant?
Arnold 3609-1548-3177
What's my next breeding project guys? Was gonna do Zangoose but it won't stop fucking raining on route 8, so I''ll save it for later. A surprise sweeper maybe.
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot)
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot) Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:49:56 No. 17270248 Report >>17270113 >implying sandniggers know how the internet works >implying swedish sandniggers know english >implying sandniggers would ever visit 4chan Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
>>17270199 >A surprise sweeper maybe. Choice Scarf Krookodile with Moxie
Azami/S-Senpai... 1607-2819-4709 {1135 & 1121} [Smeargle Kecleon Aipom] !!n4t5xJxwiPQ
Azami/S-Senpai... 1607-2819-4709 {1135 & 1121} [Smeargle Kecleon Aipom] !!n4t5xJxwiPQ Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:50:25 No. 17270260 Report Quoted By:
TotT:When I get HA Cranidos Gibe offer
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:51:58 No. 17270295 Report >>17270199 >Surprise Sweeper Torkoal
>>17270150 >Why aren't you tolerant Not getting into it on this board
Richard 1263-7345-2051
>mfw I finally bred a modest rattled whismur >mfw its 6 IV
Arnold 3609-1548-3177
Quoted By:
>>17270258 >>17270295 And as if on cue it stops raining, maybe I'll do that later
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom)
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom) Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:52:48 No. 17270315 Report Reminder that I have more perfect 5IV Gastly with egg moves in Moon Balls than I know what to do with.
Gustav (W:dead W2: dead) !!WOBK/3v0nGe
Quoted By:
>>17270295 Disgusting racist white male cis-scum, get lost to /pol/
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:54:17 No. 17270357 Report I have an extra Aggronite I never knew I had, so I'm looking to trade it for a Heracronite since I foolishly traded mine away a long time ago.
Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
>>17270315 Do you have a female I can have?
I don't have much to offer other then an imperfect 5 IV Mudkip with Curse and Avalanche (Needs to be retaught)
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:55:18 No. 17270380 Report Quoted By:
>>17270357 Or a Charizardite X since not many people will want an Aggronite for their Heracronite since both come from the same game.
Barrett 2809-8899-5654
Does the Arcticuno I get postgame always have the same nature/IVs? It sure as hell seems that way right now.
Justice: 5172 0501 8138
>>17270315 Whoa there. That's still a thing? I thought I missed that. Can I grab a female one?
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:57:15 No. 17270417 Report Quoted By:
>>17270296 Congrattleations
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
>>17270394 Are you the dive ball guy? I was curious how that was going
Lizerd 3DS: Dallan 5343-8030-3718
Quoted By:
I think the season is effecting what I've been breeding. That is, nothing but Ice types, and Pokemon who hate fire types.
Barrett 2809-8899-5654
>>17270435 I am catching it in a dive ball, but I've never posted it here... that's odd.
Does anyone know, though? 4 times in a row with jolly 4IVs
Azami/S-Senpai... 1607-2819-4709 {1135 & 1121} [Smeargle Kecleon Aipom] !!n4t5xJxwiPQ
Azami/S-Senpai... 1607-2819-4709 {1135 & 1121} [Smeargle Kecleon Aipom] !!n4t5xJxwiPQ Fri 10 Jan 2014 19:59:36 No. 17270469 Report Should I breed Levannies or more Crawdauntor something ELSE
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 !Hd69CfYWfQ
Fuck, whatever. Posting list.
dawny 0146 9834 4218
Quoted By:
>>17270453 Of course not, you can soft reset for it.
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot)
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:02:15 No. 17270522 Report Looking for Minccino and Swirlix with Hidden ability i dont have much to offer, expect some 3-4 IV'd mons i got from wonder trade
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
>>17270471 My female noibat is frisk and I want infiltrator but literally 3 batches of babies have all been frisk.
Is there anyway I can give you a perfect 5 IV noibat (its male) for a female infiltrator one like 4 IVish?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>17270248 You wanna run that one by me again?
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:04:25 No. 17270561 Report Quoted By:
plasmahand 4382 2437 7539
Quoted By:
im looking for a gliscor to complete my pokedex, i can trade 4iv deino, aron and solosis, also 2/3iv pancham/dratini
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot)
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:05:37 No. 17270588 Report >>17270557 no, i dont want to get my head cut off
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom)
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:06:24 No. 17270606 Report >>17270376 Please reteach the egg moves because I'm pretty sure I'll forget about it otherwise and you can have one.
>>17270395 Sure, just send me one of those generic useful items. PP Up, evo stone, Heart Scale, something like that.
>>17270522 I have a 4IV Adamant Unburden Swirlix with Belly Drum but it's male, do you want it?
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
>>17270471 Do you have 5ivs on hand for Snorlax, Roselia, or Murkrow? I have a 5iv Guts Heracross
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 !Hd69CfYWfQ
>>17270534 Uh, fine I guess, but I don't want that Noibat.
>>17270622 No, I don't. Do you have a 4 iv female?
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot)
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:08:58 No. 17270661 Report >>17270606 yes please.
but i dont have much to offer
;_; what do you want/need
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>17270588 What you do want to do is watch what you say.
Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
>>17270606 Sounds like a good deal. Just let me get the heart scales to reteach him the moves. Adding you now, and I`ll offer the trade when I`m ready.
What`s your IGN?
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom)
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:11:13 No. 17270707 Report >>17270661 One of those items mentioned in above will do if you have any.
>>17270679 It's NM2.
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
Quoted By:
>>17270660 No sorry my 4IVs are all Moxie
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
Quoted By:
>>17270588 You're still subliminally being racist with that comment. Just stop.
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot)
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:13:54 No. 17270751 Report Quoted By:
>>17270678 I have some good IV'd mons that i have gotten from wonder trade, and pretty much the only thing i've bred is protean kecleon with magic coat and Kangaskhan
some stuff i have to offer:
Feebas (0ivs)
4iv litwick
4iv ghastly
and i have a lot of lvl1 ive gotten from wondertrade, i havent checked them yet, but if you want to roll the dice~
Justice: 5172 0501 8138
>>17270606 Would a Rare Candy attached to a 4IV Larvesta suffice?
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
Guess i'll post my list since I haven't yet
Milotic Bold Marvel Scale EV: 252HP/252/Def Item: Assault Vest Rest Sleep Talk Scald What other move? Or Recover Scald Dragon Pulse Hypnomiss
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot)
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:15:58 No. 17270795 Report >>17270707 i have shitton of heart scales, i can give you one for every IV if you so want
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
Quoted By:
>>17270785 Dragon Tail for the Sleep Talk set.
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 !Hd69CfYWfQ
>>17270785 >assault vest >resttalk Good luck with that.
Dragon Tail on the first set, and replace Dragon Pulse with Ice Beam on the second.
Judeanon !!WOBK/3v0nGe
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom)
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:17:02 No. 17270814 Report >>17270766 Definitely.
>>17270795 One will suffice, thanks.
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot)
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:17:57 No. 17270834 Report Quoted By:
>>17270814 you're my hero, ive been searching for one for days. will add you now
>>17270808 What item should I try then? Lum Berry? Leftovers?
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
Quoted By:
>>17270776 I have 4 IV Whismur and Meowth if you want Normal types, I'd really like a Hoothoot
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
Quoted By:
>>17270809 I was looking for mine all last night but can't seem to find it. I must have deleted it when I changed computers ;_;
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 !Hd69CfYWfQ
>>17270847 Leftovers.
>>17270776 Did you want that Noibat or what
Justice: 5172 0501 8138
Quoted By:
>>17270814 Alrighty! Just give me a few minutes. Just hatched a new batch of Larvesta and need to check their IV's. Also the Larvesta come in Ultra Balls. I'll try and throw a female your way if I have one. Thank you again!
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:20:27 No. 17270896 Report Quoted By:
>>17269947 You still here? What are the chances I could get one of those Vullaby? I've got some 5 IV pokés I could send your way if you'd like, including a pentaperfect Adamant Intimidate Sucker Punch/Fire Fang Mawile
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
>>17270871 I do still want one.
i'll trade anything on there besides a hoothoot for it I only have one left and its being saved for someone until I breed more Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
Quoted By:
>>17270809 Remember being stoked on 3 perfect IVs
Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
NM2, I have your Mudkip. I offered you a trade but you didn't take it. Offer a trade when you're ready
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom)
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:22:58 No. 17270946 Report >>17270927 Whoops, I was hatching eggs and the Super Training screen was up.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Postin my crap- tell me what you want and what you can give me in exchange. I may need a moment to check to see what I have. LF other 4-5IV mons, possibly BP items. Also offering a Mewtwo, a Mewtwo X-Megastone, and a Xerneas.
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
Quoted By:
>>17270903 Scratch that just hatched a 5 IV infiltrator
Quoted By:
>>17270814 ready when you are
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>17270947 I'll take a Mudkip for a 5Iv Lapras with Freeze Dry.
If you have a Female with any IV's that would be better.
Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
Quoted By:
>>17270946 It's fine. Thanks for the Gastly. I have been meaning to breed him.
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
>>17270947 What would you like for a Tinted Lens Venonat?
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>17271029 What Ball are the Sandile in?
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
>>17270947 You still have male Scraggy and Venonat? I can give you Purrloin and Bulbasaur HA (ivs, egg moves, females)
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17270947 Darn, I like a bunch of things on your list. I like your sandile and scraggy. I have 4IV HA dratini with espeed + other egg moves and prankster cottonee with egg moves. I would like your males
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
Dylan 3523-2041-6855 (Normal: Eevee, Aipom, Loudred) Anonymous Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:30:55 No. 17271094 Report Quoted By:
>>17269786 I have the HA Swirlix you crave. :^) I've got nicknamable pentaperfects if you fancy.
What're you looking to trade for one?
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>17271086 As it should be.
Would you take a 5IV Lapras woth Freeze Dry for one, Female if possible?
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17271029 Could I get a modest, 4IV regenerator slowpoke? Female preferably, but I could do male as well. I have a 4IV male w/ tinted lens available.
>>17270983 Ooo.. lemme think about it if that's ok. I love lapras, but
dem egg steps Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
>>17271096 Sure I can do that
>>17271072 You wouldn't happen to see anything on my list that might interest you for a HA Female Bulbasaur would you?
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:33:31 No. 17271134 Report Quoted By:
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:37:02 No. 17271203 Report >>17271029 Do you have any female Totodiles and Cyndaquils with those Egg Moves? I don't care about the IVs. I can give you a Speed Boost Carvanha
in a Dream Ball and a Shadow Sneak Ralts
in a Heal Ball .
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17271073 I would -love- a female prankster cottonee. I don't think I have any male scraggy, but I could send over a male sandile. I'd have to check to see which abilities they have and all of that jazz.
>>17271072 I may need a moment to think about it if that's ok. All out of male scraggy at the moment, but I have plenty of venonat. I might be interested in purrloin
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:37:31 No. 17271221 Report If you want things for free and it's something I don't already have bred, let me know. I'll breed it for you but it might take me a little.
Max (3625 - 8889 - 7366) [Rock]
>>17271029 I like your Inkay, Larvitar, Cyndaquil, and Zubat.
Larvitar and Zubat take priority, and I'd also prefer 5IV's (I have 5IV's too).
I have the Aron and Ralts you need, both have 4 egg moves a pop. Can I add you? I can show you other stuff that you may not have on your list for the two you don't give me.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17271219 sorry for the early bump. The female scraggy is fine, just prefer moxie for both mons. I don't have any female dratini left if that's ok
Max (3625 - 8889 - 7366) [Rock]
>>17271221 Are those Net Ball Carvanah of the Speed Boost variety? I really want a female HA Carvanha in a Net Ball.
I don't have any Bank stuff yet, sadly, but I can breed you a Pokeball Mudkip someone on here gave me. Or a bunch of other stuff, much of what I breed has 4 egg moves and good IV's.
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>17271123 Wait, sorry, give me a sec.
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
>>17271096 >>17271117 Let me do these guys first
>>17271203 Yea I have those you're after
>>17271224 Then I'll see what I have for you
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
>>17271221 Can I have a Carvanha in Net Ball and a Cottonee please? I'm breading some pokémon now, but I have some Minun and Purrloin in Luxury ball (HA) and bulbasaurs (premier, HA too).
>>17271219 Oh, mines have 4 ivs (Purrloin have 5). Think about it, I really need a Scraggy :(
>>17271123 A Pinsir could be?
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17271221 Give me a moonball horsea :^)
Finally got a penta lumineon now to grind to Lv.66 Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
>>17271221 Do you have any storm drain finneons? I need one of them for a project im working on to pass the time until I get my fairy team started
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:42:57 No. 17271369 Report >>17271318 Alright, give me a minute to breed you a Carvanha, then I'll add and TR you.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17271318 >>17271298 Added.
>>17271275 Checking what I have in a sec
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
>>17271224 Ok I have 5 IVs of everything except Inkay, I'll do 5 IV for 5 IV
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
Quoted By:
>>17271374 I'm ready now, sorry about that.
Had to make sure it was Judge certified.
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>17271374 Thanks a bunch.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17271275 You're in luck! I have a 4IV scraggy w/ all mentioned egg moves available, and her ability is moxie. I can add you now if you'd like. I'll need to take care of some other trades first though. A female prankster cottonee, 4IVs w/ egg moves would be great
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17271500 cool. are we still down for dratini for your sandile?
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:50:23 No. 17271559 Report >>17271297 Yeah, but none bred. You should ask Ben I'm sure he's got some leftovers. If he doesn't I'll breed you one.
>>17271330 Only dive ball allowed.
You need Soak for some project? >>17271297 They do and I can give you one. If you can put a luvdisk or something on the gts with Leon in the description it will make this faster.
>>17271329 I don't have any Carvanha left, but I've got Cottonee. You should do what I asked Max to do as well. It's faster than removing and readding.
Let me know which pokemon you choose.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17271559 I'm hunting one for Brittany and I figured I'd breed one in it too.
The moonball chinchou I've been trying to breed for days. Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:53:21 No. 17271625 Report >>17271029 5IV jolly Riolu with bullet punch and crunch for the jolly moxie pinsir
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17271533 My sandiles are on my X version. I'll need to check.
>>17271487 Sorry about that. I keep getting a message saying "there is a pokemon in your party that cannot be traded" every time I show my mudkip
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
Quoted By:
>>17271372 Said you couldn't trade it?
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
>>17271329 Sorry I didn't say anything I had other trades but yea that's fine
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>17271638 Delete Wide Guard on the one you want to trade me.
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
>>17271625 Your're ok with 4IV??
Also thanks Liz Waffle and Max if I fucked anything up feel free to let me know
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17271638 I'll be online. Just send a tr when you're ready
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:57:31 No. 17271720 Report >>17271687 Yea i'm good unless you got 5IV by any chance.
Anybody have a foreign MALE Pokemon from the Mineral Egg group with the IV arrangement of 31/31/31/31/31/xx? I know this is a fairly specific request but it'll be a large help.
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
>>17271720 The only 5 IVs I have lack Moxie
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:59:01 No. 17271755 Report Quoted By:
>>17271731 I'll take the 4IV then
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17271652 Thank you! I've wanted a regenerator slowpoke for awhile now. :)
>>17271703 Going to do that now on my Y version. I'll be able to send you over the 4IV female moxie scraggy w/ egg moves for the cottonee if that's ok. I'll need a moment to switch games afterwards to check on the sandiles... Wish I had them on the same game, but I don't have the box space :/
>>17271670 I'll try to get to you as soon as I'm done trading w/ Jeric
Duni 3625-9510-1646 Poison
>>17271720 I hate to jump in this thread like a filthy homeless person and ask for things but I'm going to. Is there any chance you could add my friend code? I really need a ditto safari. If not thats cool just figured i would ask
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross]
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross] Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:01:46 No. 17271822 Report >>17270809 >I remember you from BW /wfg/ th-that list isn't still good is it?
>dem leftovers Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17271730 I might have a Klefki w/ that IV spread. I'll need a bit to check though. Need to take care of some people first
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:02:16 No. 17271828 Report >>17271559 The first quote was for
>>17271360 >>17271614 Oh yeah I remember that. God speed with the forgotten fishes, then.
Judeanon !!WOBK/3v0nGe
>>17271822 >not remembering me from late gen 4 WFG Die newfag
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
>>17271559 Well ok, I'll take a Cottonee please. Also, what do you want: Purrloin, Bulbasaur or Minun?
>>17271652 Added... I already have you.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:02:43 No. 17271838 Report >>17271792 I hate to say no but i'm gonna have to because I only have 3 friend slots left
Quetzal 0387 8784 3434
>>17271824 Sure, no problem. Thanks! Let me know when you're ready.
Duni 3625-9510-1646 Poison
Quoted By:
>>17271838 Bummer, Thanks for responding to me atleast :)
>>17271836 > not being around since the boards inception > trading general dat feel
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
>>17271329 >>17271369 I'm ready for you guys whenever if you're still around
Quetzal 0387 8784 3434
Quoted By:
>>17271824 Oh, and is it foreign?
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
Quoted By:
>>17271775 that's quite alright. I'll be lurking /vp/ later. Just send a trade request whenever and thanks for the scraggy! gonna pair him up with my toxicroak on my future rain team and see how that goes
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:05:02 No. 17271877 Report >>17271837 Minun. I think I need it for the pokédex.
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
Quoted By:
>>17271559 Then I put up one Luvdisc, right?
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
>>17271828 Alright no problem i'll check with him later on thank you though Leon
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17271845 Yup! Its a Japanese, lvl 1 5IV klefki, bold, no max IV in speed.
Jordy 1564-3222-8263 (Marowak, Trapinch, Gastrodon)
Jordy 1564-3222-8263 (Marowak, Trapinch, Gastrodon) Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:06:59 No. 17271919 Report Quoted By:
Anybody got a spare HA ralts they can part with? I recently let go of all my breeding leftovers so all I have to offer is that JPN 6IV Ditto.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17271828 Thanks "the two don't really seem to like each other much" I may bug you to hatch an egg for me eventually.
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:07:24 No. 17271928 Report Just hatched a shiny Ferroseed, pentaperfect.
Quetzal 0387 8784 3434
>>17271894 Sweet! Do you want anything specific for it? I will give you a pentaperfect pokemon for sure, though.
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross]
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross] Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:07:59 No. 17271940 Report Quoted By:
>>17271836 I've been here since /vp/ or /tr/ (whichever was first) began because they chased us out of /v/
I just didn't wifi here til BW
don't hate me Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:08:12 No. 17271942 Report >>17271861 Only got one Speed Boost girl in this batch and she only had 3IVs. Do you want her, or would you rather keep waiting?
Quoted By:
I don't suppose anyone would be willing to trade me a 'perfect' 5IV shiny Froakie (Protean - 31/xx/31/31/31/31)? Or possibly a 31/31/xx/31/31/31 spread. I can offer a few Pokemon, such as a 6IV Dratini or Shroomish, numerous 5IV Pokemon or a few (non-competitive) shinies.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Quoted By:
Sitting on some spares from my 31/00/31/xx/31/00 Sassy Duskull breeding. Anyone interested?
>>17271928 Congrats man, nice!!!
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
>>17271877 Added. I'm a bit confused, I should put a Luvdisc in the GTS like Max?
>>17271861 Thanks :)!
Gustav !!WOBK/3v0nGe
Quoted By:
>>17271858 Back then I was just lurking and didn't have the games, I also found pic related which made me remember the good times
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17271938 Do you have a list or an image of what you have? I can't think of anything specific that I want/need. :x
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
>>17271964 That had Moxie right? Thanks btw I've been tryin to breed one from the friend Safari but nothing was happening
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:11:52 No. 17272024 Report >>17271964 That works.
>>17271891 No problem, let me know.
>>17271924 It's no issue for me. Just send a TR when you need it.
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>17272003 Damn, just delete everything off of them and I'll try to relearn them after the trade.
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
Quoted By:
>>17271942 you're Dani right?
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:14:36 No. 17272130 Report >>17271977 Puriizu get online.
Quoted By:
>>17270471 Are you still here?
Do you want to come online for a moment? Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
>>17272007 Yeah, no worries.
>>17272024 And you send me the Cottonee right? Cause I can give you the Minun instead. In that case, tell me If you want a male or female (all my females are only 3 ivs). Tell me what is more easy for you.
Quetzal 0387 8784 3434
>>17272003 Just made this in like 2 minutes of the top of my head, haha. Forgot to make one of these a while ago.
http://pastebin.com/M1Vetyc5 Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
>>17272130 Thanks a whole lot man
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17272166 A timid gastly would be great- even better if it was female, but I could do a male as well. I'll add you now.
>>17272094 Deletin'
Nyan 5129-1120-2530
Just got a foreign male Honedge through Wondertrade so I want to try MMing it. Looking for a 4-5IV Honedge that's anything but French and I can offer anything from my list.
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:18:18 No. 17272215 Report >>17272164 Yeah. I don't really need the minun so it's up to you, just put something and let me know.
If you're still confused about it I'll just add you and trade normally.
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:18:40 No. 17272223 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have a level 45+ Honchkrow they wouldn't mind trading me for a minute so I can pass over Foul Play to my Vullaby? I'll give you a shiny as collateral while I'm doing it.
Quetzal 0387 8784 3434
>>17272211 That'll do! I have like 2 boxes filled with them while MMing.
Azami/S-Senpai... 1607-2819-4709 {1135 & 1121} [Smeargle Kecleon Aipom] !!n4t5xJxwiPQ
Azami/S-Senpai... 1607-2819-4709 {1135 & 1121} [Smeargle Kecleon Aipom] !!n4t5xJxwiPQ Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:20:17 No. 17272258 Report Quoted By:
I am going to breed Funbro next.
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb]
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb] Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:20:57 No. 17272267 Report 'Sup Wuffy Gee? Any news on Nimble/the ME Tourney? Last I heard he was gonna give out the eggs today.Or has daddy abandoned his unwanted children again?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Making another call, I am stocking up on 31/00/31/xx/31/00 Sassy Duskull. Any interest?
Manifest (Y) 0576-4933-0293 [Vullaby, Sandile, Inkay]
Manifest (Y) 0576-4933-0293 [Vullaby, Sandile, Inkay] Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:22:24 No. 17272299 Report >>17272267 N-no, daddy would never leave us...
a-amirite? ;-; Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
Quoted By:
>>17272215 Ok. I'll put one Minun for Cottonee, and a message like "here Leon!" so you can know who I'm. Sorry for the confusion.
>>17272211 You still want the Purrloin?
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>17272211 It let me remember the moves, so I don't know why you couldn't trade them.
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:24:27 No. 17272340 Report >>17272184 No problem, thank you!
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>17272341 Someone actually wants one, yay!
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:26:02 No. 17272366 Report Quoted By:
>>17272299 Yeah, I'm mainly lurking thread waiting for Nimble today.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17272249 O bby- so ready for that gastly. I've got your Klefki ready. Are you Khaled in-game?
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17272354 Any egg moves?
Is it in a luxury ball? Quetzal 0387 8784 3434
>>17272367 Yup, I think you might've cancelled that trade for the reason that my IGN is different. Sorry for the confusion.
dijasu 3368-1455-1206 [Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon]
dijasu 3368-1455-1206 [Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon] Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:27:39 No. 17272395 Report Quoted By:
>>17270471 can I have a pawniard for something that might interest you in my offers?
http://pastebin.com/3NQWkgEv Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>17272375 Pain split.
No, I started with one I got on WT and it was in a Pokeball. Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17272326 That was weird. Glad it was able to remember its moves though. Thanks for the trade!
>>17272382 Its ok. :)
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
>>17272215 Someone trade me the Minun, so I'm going to put other.
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:28:55 No. 17272421 Report >>17272410 That's me. I just traded it to you.
Quetzal 0387 8784 3434
>>17272400 Again, thanks for the Klefki! Hopefully the Gastly proves useful for you.
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
Quoted By:
>>17272421 Yeah thanks! :)
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17272398 Ill take a male if possible. Thanks in advance.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>17272442 4 or 5 IV?
Whatcha sellin? Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb]
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb] Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:31:36 No. 17272468 Report >>17272299 O-of c-course not! The c-cigarrette store's just s-so f-far away... H-he'll come back s-some day.
I've been excited about this tourney for way too long. Can't wait to train those horrible 'mons. Also now's as good a time as any to let you casual's know that I got 2 shiny's while completing my 'dex.
Pidgey and Spinda.
For some reason all my shiny's have always been females.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>17272429 Thank you as well. The gastly will be incredibly useful for me. I've been wanting to breed them! Hope you get some good shinies!
Smug 4012-4532-5666 [Azumarill, Quagsire, Bibarel]
Smug 4012-4532-5666 [Azumarill, Quagsire, Bibarel] Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:34:37 No. 17272522 Report Quoted By:
>>17272340 Hey dude, could you help me out? I could really use a speed boost Carvanha.
Can offer plenty of other leftovers. HA Murkrow, Zangoose, Gligar, Riolu. I have too many to list, name something and I'll see if I've got it.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>17272535 I understood none of that. Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17272547 31/x/31/x/31/0
The fancy pokeballs floating around Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>17272574 W-wut.
I'm pretty sure I have one already for ye'. Have any leftovers mayhaps?
Quoted By:
>>17272468 Last time he did something egg related he was here around 19-20 4chan time, looks like you'll be up late tonight :^)
Looking for Dragonite with multiscale. I have a lot of pokemon shit like Diggersby with huge power, Talonflame with Gale wing whatever you need.
Quoted By:
>>17272605 >Give me a pseudo-legendary for Route 1 shitmons Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17272588 What do you want ill check if I have any on hand.
Leon git online
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>17272670 Any odd-breeds? Something that isn't too common?
Or something that isn't seen here often?
5300 9012 1441
Quoted By:
>>17271029 I have a Timid Porygon for one of your Dratini
Quoted By:
Looking for someone with a non English game to trade a solid breeding pair of HA stealth rock, recover, mirror coat lileep to. In exchange I just want a good leftover so as to be MMing while breeding these things into infinity as I have been doing
>>17272733 No but I have everything I need to breed you one if you want.
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:48:05 No. 17272790 Report >>17272767 I think that was a joke from Gen 5, someone wouldn't stop begging for a psycho cut pawniard.
Quoted By:
>>17272681 No I have the gen 3 fossil's though.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
Devon 1822-0431-9520 (Boldore, Corsola, & Barbaracle)
Devon 1822-0431-9520 (Boldore, Corsola, & Barbaracle) Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:49:59 No. 17272820 Report looking for: missing unown (L, M, N, P, V, W) jungle vivillon (last one i need!) bankmon i have for trade: raticate, meowth, koffing, porygon, stantler, vigoroth, feebas, baltoy, castform, kricketot, misdreavus, buneary, cherubi, elgyem 5iv gastly, mareep, togepi
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>17272809 I would love one.
Give me a moment, though. Gotta go somewhere, i'll be back.
Quoted By:
>>17272790 Figured as much but doesn't mean I can't give it to him.
Exabytez !EXABytzGzI
Quoted By:
>Watch a SS speedrun >Come back >No new thread wow
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17272825 Cool beans no rush
Thnx Leon
Smug 4012-4532-5666 [Azumarill, Quagsire, Bibarel]
Smug 4012-4532-5666 [Azumarill, Quagsire, Bibarel] Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:55:21 No. 17272932 Report Text lists a shit but I don't have access to an image editor. Looking for: - Speed Boost Carvanha. Preferably decent IVs. - Any hard to obtain Hidden Ability pokemon, e.g. from bank transfers and horde battles. Offering: - Immunity Impish Gligars - Harvest Bold Tropius - Assorted Bold Eevees with Wish - Prankster Impish Murkrows - Toxic Boost Adamant Zangoose with Night Slash - Assorted Modest Porygons - Assorted Timid Riolus with Vacuum Wave - Assorted Jolly Omanytes - Assorted Jolly Binacles - Assorted Adamant Drillburs - Flash Fire Jolly Ponytas - Assorted Timid Meowstics - Iron Fist Jolly Chimchars - Scrappy Careful Miltanks with Curse Again, apologies for the wall of text.
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Fri 10 Jan 2014 21:57:25 No. 17272967 Report >>17272852 No problem. I didn't realize how nicely the moon ball fit Chinchou. Thanks for the girl.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17272967 Crap I mixed up the volt absorb with the illuminate but it's cool. Spread the love ill eventually bug you to hatch another.
sorry it has 0 sp.attack Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
>>17273023 Ben do you happen to have storm drain dive ball finneons?
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17273042 Yes I have an extra pentaperfect male you can have you can have. If not I have a couple 4IV females.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
>>17273073 I'd love a female if possible I really appreciate it would you want anything?
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17273152 Nope, send me something to release.
Kyle |1048 - 9233 - 2741|
Quoted By:
>>17269947 Could I have one of those free penta Timburrs nicknamed Thodron?
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
>>17273174 Thanks so much bro
TO 2466-2684-7428 (Poison - Kakuna, Venomoth, Whilipede) Anonymous Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:17:53 No. 17273386 Report Quoted By:
I have 4-5 IV Sassy Tympoles (some are female with Water Absorb), 4 IV Timid Deinos, 4 IV Serious Bellsprouts, 4 IV Jolly Durants, a Perfect 5 IV Jolly Durant, a Perfect 5 IV Adamant Beldum, and a Shiny Mightyena (not sure of stats, found in Friend Safari)
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
Quoted By:
>>17273281 Np, I actually bred them just to pass egg moves. Enjoy bro.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:22:36 No. 17273487 Report Looking for any bankmons, regardless of IVs. Have plenty of Timid 5 IV Cyndaquils with Nature Power and Extrasensory. Also have things in pic attached.
Dante 3523-2191-4175 (Ponyta, Pyroar, ?Fletchinder?)
Dante 3523-2191-4175 (Ponyta, Pyroar, ?Fletchinder?) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:23:03 No. 17273502 Report Quoted By:
>>17270947 What about a marvel scale dratini and a 3IV protean female froakie for a mudkip and an abra?
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom)
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:23:48 No. 17273525 Report What sacrifices do I have to make in order to hatch a shiny Gastly? The last 37 hours of playtime on Y have been just me biking around with Gastly eggs.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:24:58 No. 17273574 Report >>17273525 It would help if you got a shiny charm by completing your National Dex. Other than that, all you can do is keep going. Good luck.
>>17273487 what bankmons are you looking for?
Gerard 1736-1551-9701
Quoted By:
Anyone need an Azelf? Looking for Raikou or any other bank legendary
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>17272852 Alright, sorry about that, i'm back. And I got yer Duskull.
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom)
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:30:16 No. 17273733 Report Quoted By:
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:30:17 No. 17273734 Report >>17273574 And this should go without saying, but make sure that one of the parents is foreign. And not just foreign to your country, make sure it also has a foreign language tag.
>>17273591 Everything I'm missing is in the picture attached.
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
>>17273487 What ball is your marill in?
Josh 1203-9930-1868
>>17273487 I`ve got some spare bankmons. Can`t guarantee iv`s at all but I`ve got spares of totodile, frillish, porygon, baltoy, treecko,feebas, turtwig, misdreavus and yamask
You need any of them?
If so how many?
So then, I have a Meloetta and a couple of my friends want one too. Can anyone clone her a few times? You can feel free to keep a clone for youself.
Quoted By:
Maybe a long shot, but I'm looking for a female Larvitar in a Friend ball?
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:36:21 No. 17273914 Report >>17273487 I can give you a Buneary with egg moves for one of those Growlithe.
What ball is it in? Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>17273862 This is WFT, not cloning general.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:36:38 No. 17273931 Report Quoted By:
>>17272820 I have Jungle Vivllon. I'm interested in Raticate, Koffing, Stantler, Vigoroth, Baltoy, Kricketot, Buneary and Elgyem.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
Quoted By:
>>17273663 Cool add me 4355-9876-8611 just give me a few minutes
>>17272967 Leon Git online again I have better eggs.
>>17273487 >Chickorita background >Doesn't have Chikorita Anonymous
>>17273929 Oh yeah, forgot there's a separate general for that.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Quoted By:
>>17273975 WFG, not WFT.
No sweat, just figured if you're gonna be cloning you'd get replies there.
dawny 0146 9834 4218
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:40:51 No. 17274041 Report >>17273829 Pokeball, unfortunately. I could probably manage to put it in a better ball if you want, but that depends on what you're offering.
>>17273849 I'd love to get a Baltoy and Yamask!
>>17273914 Pokeball, unfortunately. I really need to get up to speed with the balltism. It's kinda fun.
>>17273945 Haven't bred Chikorita yet, as I'm working on other projects. Is that a problem?
So I just hatched a 5iv shiny forrent froakie in my 19th box, what should I do?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>17274027 Typo, I meant WFG.
Jesus, I typed WFT again.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
Leon keep the first one, ill need the second one. Jasper give me a minute
dawny 0146 9834 4218
Quoted By:
>>17274051 I saw, I was just slow...
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>17274043 Enjoy it or give it to me, clearly.
plasmahand 4382 2437 7539
>>17273734 hey man can i get a gliscor? i just need one to complete my pokedex, but if you have 4iv one i can trade 4 iv deino, aron or solosis
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:43:12 No. 17274110 Report >>17274041 I'd take a male, then. I'm heading out to dinner soon but I'll be in this thread/the next thread to trade if you're still around.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:43:13 No. 17274112 Report Quoted By:
>>17274043 Keep going.
And give the Torrent one to me, please. Anonymous
>>17274041 >Haven't bred Chikorita yet, as I'm working on other projects. Is that a problem? No I'm the same, I'm just to lazy to bred whatever eggmoves it needs
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:43:29 No. 17274119 Report >>17274064 You are going to trade me another?
Quoted By:
>>17269782 Ravi's a faggot/10
Josh 1203-9930-1868
>>17274041 Could I get a a tyrunt and a larvitar?
A friend of mine who`s here is `requesting` a female tyrunt but he can suck a lemon if you don`t have any female spares.
Are the iv`s any good? If they are I might want to nickname them but if they`re not I`ll probably just use them for breeding
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
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>>17274119 Yes the first one is yours sorry for the confusion.
Jasper pls stahp ill TR u when ready
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:46:45 No. 17274203 Report >>17274110 Cool, sounds good.
>>17274104 I don't have any Gliscor up for trade, sorry.
>>17274118 I figured that I'd have bred all of the starters by now, but Cyndaquil is being the biggest bitch ever. I've produced half a box of pentaperfect males and even one shiny and I still can't get a single damn penta female. I have this thing where I won't stop a breeding project until I have 2 penta parents to make breeding easier in the future.
>>17274174 Err, for which Pokemon?
Josh 1203-9930-1868
>>17274203 Tyrunt/larvitar for yamask/baltoy?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:50:32 No. 17274303 Report >>17274240 I actually just got a Yamask off of the GTS. So I'd only be looking for Baltoy.
> dawny you have a french game right?
Josh 1203-9930-1868
>>17274303 Ah
Could I get a tyrunt for the baltoy? Friend wants to breed a good one.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17274119 Thanks again bro, is it ok to release your skitty?
>>17274080 You can send a TR now
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>17274406 Will do, sorry~
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:54:54 No. 17274455 Report >>17274406 Yep and it's no problem.
dawny 0146 9834 4218
>>17274317 Yeah but I will not breed your Lileep because I have my own waiting in gen V and it will not end in a filthy pokéball!
I can look for a compatible male though.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:58:16 No. 17274547 Report Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17274438 It's cool, enjoy thnx again
>>17274455 *released*
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
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>>17274567 Thank you, I will!
You too~
>>17274512 thanks for giving me a chuckle yo that was awesome. and you are too kind once again. You gotta give me a breeding task and go all picky with the ball and egg moves etc so I can do something to repay all your kindnesses.
Josh 1203-9930-1868
Smug 4012-4532-5666 [Azumarill, Quagsire, Bibarel]
Smug 4012-4532-5666 [Azumarill, Quagsire, Bibarel] Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:04:45 No. 17274714 Report Quoted By:
Nobody has a speed boost carvanha?
Nature, IVs and gender are unimportant to me. Will offer anything in
>>17272932 dawny 0146 9834 4218
>>17274610 I haven't been kind yet! Do you want me check for a male? Physical, Special, mixed, 0 speed?
If you think you can do a 31/31/00/31/31/31 Counter Charmander I didn't go through with that project, the only other thing I flunked was that 30/31/30/31/31/31 Raichu, settled for 28 HP.
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:09:35 No. 17274827 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone happen to have foreign male Onix or a male Pokemon from the mineral group that is 31/31/31/?/31/0 ? Will trade for a 6IV ditto.
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Anyone have a Rindo berry? ;__;
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:14:15 No. 17274933 Report >>17274203 Okay, added you now. Send a TR when you're ready. Do you prefer male or female Buneary? I've only got pokeball ones for now.
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Does anyone have a Naive Xerneas lying around, preferably with x/31/x/31/x/31 in a Poke Ball or any fitting ball? I'm willing to trade my JPN Serious Xerneas with x/31/31/31/x/x holding a Rare Candy PLUS an HA Chimchar with Elemental Punches and Treecko with Egg Moves, both wit h Heart Scales.
>>17274753 well you have been kind and generous many times in the past. I am looking for a male with zero speed and since it's storm drain lileep spatk is the key non defensive stat. lemme take a look at what I got to see what I can do for ya.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:17:50 No. 17275009 Report Quoted By:
>>17274643 Hopping online now.
>>17274933 A female would be nice. Thanks.
dawny 0146 9834 4218
>>17274943 Only thing I have is this ENG Clawitzer with Shemh OT, I cannot help you anyway...
have shiny 5iv goodra open to almost any offer trying to build a team of all shiny monsters <3
>>17275030 no worries. If ya happen to reconsider popping out a baby lileep just let me know. I should be able to do the charmander I just have to check through my ditto to find the one with proper 0 stat. I didn't bother to mark non speed ivs. In hindsight that was not smart
dawny 0146 9834 4218
>>17275144 If you start working on it tell me, I have the egg moves.
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:29:02 No. 17275238 Report >>17274567 Ben do you have any male jellicents with recover?
Apparently I deleted all my males...
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>>17275191 I'm checking my ditto now and if I have one I'm gonna do one more batch of lileep then start work. I need a break from these things
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17275238 You can borrow my penta male
I released all mine for box space too Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:34:22 No. 17275355 Report >>17275334 Alright, that would be nice. Thanks!
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17275355 No problem bro
Whatcha breeding? Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:39:15 No. 17275476 Report >>17275457 Jellicent in dive. My female doesn't have Recover.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>17275476 It learns it leveling up Anonymous
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>>17275136 Is it HA? I've got a 4IV shiny Mawile, though I doubt you'd take it.
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:42:02 No. 17275543 Report >>17275504 __________Oh. Well then I'll just trade it back. This is what I get for not checking shit.
Thanks a lot anyway!
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:42:14 No. 17275548 Report Hi WFG! I was breeding some Cottones to get a shiny one and... in the process i got 60 flawless 5IVs (some 5IV have 0 atk) All of them are Bold and have 3 Egg Moves:> Memento > Switcheroo > Encore I have a lot of them in Male and Female AND ALL have Prankster as Ability. But... I'm only looking for two, really, really, specific things:> Absol Naughty Male 6IV with Play Rough. > Chespin Female 5IV with Spikes and Synthesis I want to hear good offers too :)
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
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>>17275543 It's cool bro at least it saves you from a ride.
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>>17275548 6iv adamant absol
>>17275191 got a zero defense guy! I can chain the egg move but if you have it already then that would be dope?
>>17275637 hatched a 31/0/31/31/31/0 lileep last night with
suction cups Lynn !/uwiBGc286
Long time no see, faggots
dawny 0146 9834 4218
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
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>>17275716 Have you checked to see if you can breed a Qwilfish with SD yet?
You'd need to use a gen 3 tutored one to even test it, though.
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>>17275674 Nice! and lucky you. I keep getting one iv off. have a bunch of 31/31/31/31/31/x males but cant seem to nail the zero speed down as well as the rest ivs
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anyone have a foreign male pokemon that can breed with a female feebas with 5 iv? Willing to trade with 5 iv kangaskhan,dratini,feltchling,froakie,gastly
Slickback 5472-7486-7033
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Looking for a Avalugg w/ Sturdy 5IV
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Hey guys. I don't have much, but this is what I have to offer/need. Any advice towards lists in general as well while I'm at it?