Alright all you Waifu wanters! Today we do the thing you love, give away Meloetta. We have Engrish 6IV ones and Moon rune beauties! I unfortunately have a list already but Team R is helping today, so prepare to get a Idolu Waifu master race Pokemon.
Marc 0688-5992-2533
Jack 0130-2309-6618
>>17273461 would love to get on a list, keep getting passed over in past threads
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:23:04 No. 17273505 Report Quoted By:
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
Quoted By:
>>17273461 whoo! I am still on the list from last time?
Richard 1091-8282-5543
Serena; 4313-0483-1006
Quoted By:
i would like one
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
List for today- Luis (2793-0578-9180) Conperani 1392-5502-0541 Mayberi 3969 4540 2081 McNasty 1005-8704-2288 Jeric 0946-3159-6516 Zavi 4184-1860-5505 LiveD 2449-5262-5370 Woe 4098 2912 6219 Vic 2981-6463-5880 Jake 5241 20277765
Quoted By:
I would like one opera waifu, i can give you a 6iv ditto or some 5iv pokes for it
John 0302-0289-4565
Quoted By:
I'd like one, please!
Quoted By:
>>17273461 May I have one please?
Quoted By:
id like one wat kinda info do we leave here to get one?
0344 9276 6527
Quoted By:
can I get in on some waifu love?
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107
Quoted By:
>>17273461 Would love one, whenever you get time OP.
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17273461 Forgot to mention we love donations, we are all trying to build our perfect teams, and your donations really help with that.
Jul - 4682 8563 0270
Quoted By:
how do i get one
Ink 4656-6653-9942
Quoted By:
>>17273461 May I have one, please?
Quoted By:
>>17273671 I will breed a 6 iv love ball ralts, I gave you a 4 iv one yesterday, but I recently got a 6 iv ditto, so telepathy 6 iv lve ball ralts interest you guys?
nick 2766-8877-4960
Quoted By:
I would like one
Le Ruse Bird [5026 4925 9279]
Quoted By:
I'll take one.
Quoted By:
>>17273671 Sure, what kibd of pokes would you like me to give you?
Nox: FC: 1478-4411-6879
Quoted By:
I'd love one, will throw in a random 5IV pokemon + item with it. Would love an english one!
elmer 5000-2674-3492
Quoted By:
>>17273461 Hey I have some modest aura sphere squirtles with 4 IVs.
I would love a 6IV meloetta.
Quoted By:
>>17273584 i would like one
0344 9276 6527
Quoted By:
>>17273671 I'll give you a 6IV Ditto for an Engrish Meloetta, just give me a minute to clone it.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17273671 cool, I'm on the list. I have
>prankster bold cottonees with g whistle, memento, encore, switcheroo >sassy yamask with 0 spe IV and toxic spikes, memento, nasty plot >jolly HA dratini (low stock) with iron tail, d dance, aqua jet, extremespeed I'd be happy to give those (all 4iv) plus my last female elekid (5iv) in a luxury ball with cross chop and the elemental punches to all you guys who've been doing this
ZeroX 0920-0599-8623
Rene 2337-3915-3083 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Rene 2337-3915-3083 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Piloswine) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:31:57 No. 17273775 Report Quoted By:
I'd love to get on the list please! I might even help cloning in 6 days when my other 3ds arrives
Gregg 4012-3664-2271 Marowak/Diggerby/Phanpy Anonymous Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:32:05 No. 17273788 Report Quoted By:
>>17273461 Please add to List. I have 4-5 IV Pokes for trade with HA/Egg moves
GucciRog300 (2638 - 0912 - 8381)
Quoted By:
>>17273461 i really want one
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17273596 Red October reporting in.
Quoted By:
>>17273461 I'd like to be added to the queue whenever possible, please. Thank you for sharing the Meloetta love!
T-Terror 0662-4390-0749
F.C. 4468-0973-0797 IGN: Ashley Anonymous Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:33:09 No. 17273814 Report Quoted By:
I would love one OP, I'll throw in a random 5IV one as well
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill)
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:33:35 No. 17273826 Report I want one too please
Rene 2337-3915-3083 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Rene 2337-3915-3083 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Piloswine) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:33:47 No. 17273833 Report Quoted By:
>>17273461 OP, which pokemon would you like in return?
I can give switcheroo 5IVs klefki
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:34:01 No. 17273843 Report Quoted By:
Wouldn't mind being in the list.
1736-1496-3647 (IGN:Calem)
Quoted By:
gonna try this again. Could I get put on a list for one of these please? If not I'll understand.
Sylvi 1306-6232-9085
>>17273461 i would love an english one! i can give a shiny furfrou in return, i have two anyway
RegaIia 0602-6813-5353
I'd love to be on a list for one, even if I'm not you're doing god's work anons
IGN Cameron 3926-5787-3382
Quoted By:
Please put me on the list!
Luis (2793-0578-9180)
>>17273461 Sorry to ask for too much.. but could I get one of each? :/
ZeroX 0920-0599-8623
Quoted By:
>>17273671 i'll donate some 5IV mons. Not sure what you need have but I have(ready) Growlithe, Houndour, Feebas, and Venipede.
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17273928 We do not have the time to give them both, sorry.
Emilia 3024-6152-3870
0602 7308 3606
Quoted By:
i would like one if you are still giving
1736-1496-3647 (IGN:Calem)
Quoted By:
>>17273461 guess i should probably reply to OP
Matt T. 5472-7910-9684 Cinccino, Teddiursa, Eevee
Matt T. 5472-7910-9684 Cinccino, Teddiursa, Eevee Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:38:14 No. 17273973 Report Quoted By:
>>17273461 Would love to get in on this.
T-Terror 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
sorry for 2nd post can i get in list i have some random 2-3 iv mawiles 2 of which have pokerus
JayViDoll 3840-6873-3284
>>17273946 I have a shiny sneasel I can trade?
Lavi 1118-0357-5263 (Chansey and crappy friends)
Lavi 1118-0357-5263 (Chansey and crappy friends) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:39:31 No. 17274002 Report Quoted By:
>>17273671 I hope I get mine today,
I have togetics, karrablasts, mareeps and a magnezone to donate
Quoted By:
which version is she being giving out to?
>>17273946 Well fuck you too.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17273461 I'd love one in moonrunes.
Le Ruse Bird [5026 4925 9279]
In terms of donating shit, I've got something not very valuable: a 5IV Natu with Early Bird
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17274006 well if you don't want any...
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:41:56 No. 17274070 Report Quoted By:
Can I have an English one?
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17273998 That'd be appreciated very much, But we can't give two to one person right now, there's a lot of people that want them. Donations are always appreciated.
>>17274050 Donations are always nice.
Ryan 3024-6556-9193
Quoted By:
>>17273461 i would love to have one! i can give shiny dragalge or phiones.
RegaIia 0602-6813-5353
Quoted By:
>>17273886 Guess I should have mentioned that I'd like an english one, but all in I'd just be happy to have one in general
>>17273801 What exactly are you guts looking, for?
I havr some 5iv pokes with egg moves that i would gladly trade for a waifu
>>17274053 You offer handouts. And yet you have the time to make all these threads? NIGGA you have plenty of time to make one of each.
Quoted By:
Pleaase and thankyou yes thankyou please. 0232-8448-3711
Pete [0104-0499-3702]
Quoted By:
>>17273461 I'd love an Enrish one. Please Ryuu sir.
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17274122 We aren't really looking for anything at all, although we do appreciate donations!
Shitmons are still accepted though.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17274109 I'm not sure how many people are doing the giveaway but you guys can share
>>17273770 amongst yourselves once we trade
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17274131 >My attitude toward yours. Hex Mania(0018-1650-1804)
Quoted By:
>>17273461 Still around for such a pleasant offer from such pleasant people.
Quoted By:
>>17274150 oh cool, well, could you trade me a meloetta i can donate you a 5iv prankster cottonee with egg moves or a 6iv ditto.
elmer 5000-2674-3492
Quoted By:
>>17274172 Hey Ryuu i also have a Jap Yveltal and some immunity gligars, as well as some bank starters.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17273461 Can I get one? I can donate a 5IV SR/Curse/Brave Bird/Whirlwind Skarmory
JayViDoll 3840-6873-3284
>>17274109 No I ment as in id love to trade for only one for my shiny sneasel. The person who replayed saying they want two wasn't me. Haha. But I just hit that reply. Sorry for that. But yeah, I'd love for ONE of your pokemon for my ONE shiny? Please? That's all I have that's of rarity. :/
>>17274172 > boojangled. I do have a point.
0344 9276 6527
Quoted By:
>>17274150 I'll give you a 6IV Ditto for an Engrish Meloetta
Ryan 3024-6556-9193
serious question. What is tradeable for a phione if they are wanted at all? got one randomly yesterday
Le Ruse Bird [5026 4925 9279]
>>17274109 In that case, I'm glad I can contribute to the cause. When might I be able to trade it for waifumon?
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17274243 Depends on IV's and the persons Jew level.
Pete [0104-0499-3702]
Quoted By:
>>17273461 I can donate a shiny Magikarp for an Engrish Meloetta.
T-Terror 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>17273461 i can offer mawile with sucker punch fire fang and the poke virusand hp atk def iv;s woudl love a moonrune one ty
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17274167 We share stuff we want, and the team right now, afaik, is
Me, Ryuu, Proto, Guts, and two other dudes.
>>17274224 Ooh. and you don't HAVE to give anything you don't want to, we like donations, but we take any shitmons, really. You don't have to give your sneas if you dont' want to.
>>17274259 I don't quite know yet, I'll ask the other guys. we'll need to fix some more first.
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17274233 Takes up to an hour to clone Jessie. Point invalid.
Digi IGN:Lucia 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras)
Digi IGN:Lucia 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:50:30 No. 17274301 Report Quoted By:
>>17273461 I'd like one please.
Madison 1521-4092-0743
Quoted By:
I'd be forever grateful if I were also put on that list.
Anthony 0576-4256-1215 Poison: (Garbodor, Kakuna and Muk)
Anthony 0576-4256-1215 Poison: (Garbodor, Kakuna and Muk) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:51:12 No. 17274327 Report Quoted By:
Grzesiek 1204-0010-3600 (Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine)
Grzesiek 1204-0010-3600 (Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:51:15 No. 17274328 Report Quoted By:
>>17273461 I'd love an Engrish one. Can donate shiny Pangoro
is meloetta given out from black/white or x/y?
>>17274131 This is the reason we can't have nice things. Anons go out of there way to do something nice and non contributing assholes feel like they're entitled to something. This is one of the main reasons I haven't taken the time to clone my 6IV dittos.
Le Ruse Bird [5026 4925 9279]
Daniel 4356-0037-9639
>>17274291 What's the process to get on the waiting list for one? I would like having one.
JayViDoll 3840-6873-3284
>>17274291 No it's fine. I'd love to trade my shiny for the meloetta. Who do I add or how does this work? :)
James: 3540-0306-0261
Quoted By:
>>17274260 Im still here nigger
Quoted By:
I'll give you an Yveltal, Xerneas, or some other 4-6iv pokemon for a Meloetta.
Luis (2793-0578-9180)
I have to ask, what's the difference between the Engrish 6IV ones, and the Moon rune ones?
Ryan 3024-6556-9193
Quoted By:
>>17274260 only a level 1 and is 2IV. idk if anyone needs it to fill their pokedex.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17273461 am i still in time??
Carlos 4699-6465-5430
I'll give a Yveltal for a Meloetta.
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17274354 Uh... Well, I guess you reply and get lucky.
this is my first time helping out with a thread like this, be nice >>17274362 Well, you can add me and I'll send you a trade when I can, I suppose.
>>17274395 >>17274400 I think you're both fine. hopefully.
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish)
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:54:13 No. 17274433 Report Quoted By:
>>17273461 I'm not on any lists, but I'd love one if there are any left. I don't have much to offer but a couple of 5IV's and my eternal love
Jonathon 3153-4573-2922
Quoted By:
I'd like to be added to this list if possible. I've never had one of these pokemon before.
>>17274340 I have one. Ide clone if I could.
>>17274294 Not like your doing anything else.
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
Luis, happy Idolu dance time, or in other words, Meloetta is ready for you.
Álex 1461-6315-2941
Jeff - 2793-0860-4177
Anthony 0576-4256-1215 Poison: (Garbodor, Kakuna and Muk)
Anthony 0576-4256-1215 Poison: (Garbodor, Kakuna and Muk) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:55:07 No. 17274464 Report Quoted By:
>>17273461 Will give Xerneas for Meloetta
IGN: Clover 4167-4520-7634
Quoted By:
I'd like one if there are any left? Either moon runes or engrish is fine, which ever you have more of. If you've run out that's fine too. Thanks for your time.
Luesol IGN: Carlos 5429-7967-6888
Quoted By:
I would love a 6IV Meloetta. Am I late to make it to the list? Who do I contact for this?
dex [3437-3042-0203]
>>17273500 please, i've been skipped over like 6 times now
offering shiny for meloetta
Quoted By:
>>17273461 CAN I have a Meloetta? I don't care what kind. I can offer 4-6 IV pokemon. Along with Yveltal or Xerneas.
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:56:10 No. 17274496 Report I'd love to have one, I can clone it and give some back out.
Daniel 4356-0037-9639
Quoted By:
>>17274423 Alright, I guess I will ask the OP. Thanks though.
>>17274442 Could I get on the list for one please? Also, what's the difference between English ones and "Moon runes" (Assuming they're Japanese)?
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17274478 Ok, I will get you man, adding to my today list.
Luis (2793-0578-9180)
Quoted By:
>>17274442 Yay! I've added you, and I'm online!
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17274436 IMO you shouldn't get one at all at this rate.
Hans 2681 - 0159 - 0338 [Dedenne, Pikachu, Galvantula]
Hans 2681 - 0159 - 0338 [Dedenne, Pikachu, Galvantula] Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:57:18 No. 17274522 Report >>17274442 Hello Ryuu, I'm sorry if I sound pushy but I was here in the thread you made 2 days ago.
I was on the list for that day but I never got my Meloetta.
Pic related for proof and link to the archive: JayViDoll 3840-6873-3284
>>17274423 Ok cool. Added you already James.
Sylvi 1306-6232-9085
Quoted By:
>>17273882 it's my birthday, so i'd love to get one today, but there are others who have probably been waiting longer so i don't mind waiting
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
Quoted By:
>>17273461 can i be on a list?
Sebastian [0447 - 6609 - 9663] Poison ( Kakuna, Swalot, Muk)
Sebastian [0447 - 6609 - 9663] Poison ( Kakuna, Swalot, Muk) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:58:56 No. 17274571 Report Quoted By:
Meloetta please!
Jeff | 1719-3179-3925
Quoted By:
>>17274423 Added you. I'll wait to see if I can get one
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:59:45 No. 17274601 Report >>17273461 >>17274496 may I be added to the list? i can give back clones
dex [3437-3042-0203]
Quoted By:
>>17274503 i have broken up with my girlfrend so that i may love you that much harder, ryuu
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17274522 Yeah, I have you on the previous list, I tried to give you one but you were offline.
Giordano 4699-6756-6570(Lillipup, Audino, smeargle)
Giordano 4699-6756-6570(Lillipup, Audino, smeargle) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:00:39 No. 17274622 Report Quoted By:
Can I please be put on the list OP?
diego 2766 9670 4652
Quoted By:
>>17273461 Oh yeah I catalog searched this all day today. Can I get on the list perhaps?
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17274541 Added you, just hold on a second.
>>17274588 gonna neeed a friendcode there son.
Luis (2793-0578-9180)
Quoted By:
Thanks! I'm sorry I couldn't give you a good donation, didn't have any bred Pokémon or anything of the sort.
>>17274669 I forgot to type it lol
Senpai: 1564-3068-7548 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb)
Senpai: 1564-3068-7548 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:04:03 No. 17274695 Report I'll take one!
Hans 2681 - 0159 - 0338 [Dedenne, Pikachu, Galvantula]
Hans 2681 - 0159 - 0338 [Dedenne, Pikachu, Galvantula] Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:05:00 No. 17274721 Report Quoted By:
>>17274607 Eh? That's odd, I was on pretty much the whole night...
Ok, well, what do I do now then?
James: 3540-0306-0261
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
So how do we know who's next to be traded? Will you guys say or will it be the order of that list Ryuu posted
>>17273584 Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:05:32 No. 17274733 Report Quoted By:
Id love a 6IV one mate
Quoted By:
Can I get a meloetta??
Wrath-FC-3024.6102.5563(flying)tropious,swanna,doduo Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:06:12 No. 17274747 Report Hey guys, just got off work! Ive been waiting on a meloetta since Wednesday! :) I'm here all night though so please don't forget about me!
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17274726 That's my list, and I do it in that order. Other Team members are randomly choosing.
>>17274503 > eat a bag of docks >>17274519 > IMO > suck a dick > your mom is in the background. 4699-6465-5430
Quoted By:
>>17274722 >>17274688 btw, my IGN is Carlos
0344 9276 6527
>>17274722 can you put me on the list?
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17274761 I'm not the one getting anally frustrated because I cant get a meloetta. If I wanted one I could just ask ryuu for one or I could clone my own.
Serena; 4313-0483-1006
I have 5IV White flower calm Flabebe and 5IV Moody female Snorunt with spikes both in premier balls can someone get me a Meloetta pls
JayViDoll 3840-6873-3284
Quoted By:
>>17274722 Thanks. Getting online.
Quoted By:
>>17274761 > dicks* Not docks.
Lavi 1118-0357-5263 (Chansey and crappy friends)
Lavi 1118-0357-5263 (Chansey and crappy friends) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:07:41 No. 17274788 Report >>17274669 may I add you as well?
I missed the giveaway before
Hex Mania(0018-1650-1804)
>>17274423 I'll go ahead and add you as well, no rush on my part though.
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17274788 >>17274774 I, uh, I don't run the list itself, ryuu does.
Quoted By:
>>17274781 > anally frustrated wut?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Quoted By:
Can I get on this list?~
Le Ruse Bird [5026 4925 9279]
Quoted By:
>>17274722 I'm getting on, hang on a sec.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
Quoted By:
>>17274755 can I be one a list?
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:09:44 No. 17274835 Report Quoted By:
>>17274722 thanks, added and online
Quoted By:
>>17274503 Can you add me?
ZeroX 0920-0599-8623
Quoted By:
Will donate anything from this list for a meloetta. Growlithe, Houndour, Feebas, and Venipede. all 5IV
Quoted By:
Could I get one OP? CAPTCHA: Feet dediaryp
Le Ruse Bird [5026 4925 9279]
Quoted By:
>>17274722 Oh I should probably mention my in-game name is
Joey Serena; 4313-0483-1006
>>17274785 I can also offer Sun Vivillons if you're into that
and Maison items
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:12:27 No. 17274892 Report >>17274722 thanks, i'll start cloning it right away
Wrath-FC-3024.6102.5563(flying)tropious,swanna,doduo Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:13:53 No. 17274926 Report Well at least I have time to make some dinner! :) Mac n cheese, chicken breast, and some kook aidddddd :). Ryuu is the man btw!
Jason 4038-6158-1084 [X] Seviper/Garbodor/???
Jason 4038-6158-1084 [X] Seviper/Garbodor/??? Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:14:15 No. 17274934 Report Quoted By:
I'd like one, if possible.
T-Terror 0662-4390-0749
3rd and last post may i have a meloetta don't mind if its en or jp can offer pokerus mawile w/ fire fang + sucker punch iv = hp/atk/def
Lavi 1118-0357-5263 (Chansey and crappy friends)
Lavi 1118-0357-5263 (Chansey and crappy friends) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:14:29 No. 17274942 Report Quoted By:
>>17274805 I thought you could trade me one
so I can be deleted from the (long) list, if that's ok for you of course.
>>17274892 Could I get one from you?
I have a Zekrom if you want it.
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17274940 Sorry, my list is full, can't help you today. Maybe another team member will though.
James: 3540-0306-0261
I'm sorry to all you guys that can't get yours right away, but we're REALLY busy, o-okay?
>>17274926 > kook aid. have fun contracting aids from gooks.
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish)
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:16:42 No. 17274984 Report Quoted By:
>>17274755 May I be added to the list? I'll be sure to trade you something nice, and I'll totally drawfag if that's your thing.
Oh God, You 1220-6859-6673
Quoted By:
I'd like one as well, any will do ^^
Carlos 4699-6465-5430
Le Ruse Bird [5026 4925 9279]
Quoted By:
You're doing God's work, James, Ryuu and co. Thanks a bunch.
Quoted By:
>>17274964 Nice list of dicks to suck.
Chip - 0602-6264-7235
Quoted By:
Any chance I can get a Meloetta?
Arscis 2809-8695-8148 (Kirlia, Spritzee, Floette)
Arscis 2809-8695-8148 (Kirlia, Spritzee, Floette) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:18:42 No. 17275027 Report i'd love a meloetta
Hans 2681 - 0159 - 0338 [Dedenne, Pikachu, Galvantula]
Hans 2681 - 0159 - 0338 [Dedenne, Pikachu, Galvantula] Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:19:35 No. 17275043 Report >>17274964 Thank you VERY much for this!
I really wish I could have sent you something better though.
T-Terror 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>17274972 no worries its late here im in uk if not tonight/today maybe another time?
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
Quoted By:
>>17275043 No problem, sorry about not getting you 2 days ago.
Quoted By:
>>17275027 I bet you'd also love a chode in your mouth.
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:21:23 No. 17275087 Report >>17274955 cloning one for you now
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:21:24 No. 17275088 Report Quoted By:
Is there anyone who still has a slot on their list? I can offer a Happy Hour Smeargle, even though I know it's nothing special... I will be around for another 2-3 hours if there's someone who knows they could do it~
JayViDoll 3840-6873-3284
Quoted By:
>>17274972 Thank you!! Loving my new pokemon.
Álex 1461-6315-2941
Quoted By:
>>17275087 Could you clone one for me too?
Wrath-FC-3024.6102.5563(flying)tropious,swanna,doduo Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:22:18 No. 17275107 Report >>17274976 I meant Kool, Kool aids
Sylvi 1306-6232-9085
>>17275087 I'd love to get one from you too if possible, i can offer a shiny furfrou in return
diego 2766 9670 4652
Quoted By:
Ok who's dick do I have to suck to get one of these?
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:23:00 No. 17275123 Report >>17274955 it's finished, come get it
>>17275107 >feeding trolls Great, now they'll never leave
Daniel 4356-0037-9639
>>17275123 Could I get one from you please?
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17275114 I think your on our lists already Sylvi.
>>17275087 sorry for asking but can you get me one too? ive got some 5iv mons, i can give you. goomy, inkay, ferroseed
BEAR 1907=8510-5068 (Marowak, Phanpy, Diggersby)
BEAR 1907=8510-5068 (Marowak, Phanpy, Diggersby) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:24:05 No. 17275150 Report Quoted By:
yeah would love a Meloetta. I keep asking to get put on a list. & ive checked everyday but still to no evail. I just breed a 3 IV protean Keckleon if ya want that.
Wrath-FC-3024.6102.5563(flying)tropious,swanna,doduo Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:24:33 No. 17275156 Report Quoted By:
>>17275129 I'm attempting to feed myself lol. Haven't eaten all day!
Carlos 4699-6465-5430
Quoted By:
>>17275145 Can I be added to list? I will wait, and also understand if you can't add me.
IGN Andrew 0275-7869-9920
Quoted By:
>>17273461 can get one pl0x?
Quoted By:
>>17275123 Thank you!, I added you!
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:24:43 No. 17275162 Report Sylvi 1306-6232-9085
Quoted By:
>>17275145 oh sorry my bad
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867}
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867} Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:24:57 No. 17275166 Report >>17275123 Do you have one of the 6iv English ones? I'd love to have one. Will gladly toss you a 5iv Protean Froakie or 5iv Iron Fist Chimchar in exchange.
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill)
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:25:14 No. 17275169 Report Quoted By:
>>17273461 i can give a 5iv sassy larvitar with egg moves for a meloetta
Serena; 4313-0483-1006
>>17274887 And bank legendaries
Honestly i don't know what to offer anymore
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17275176 We're just swamped, man. Doesn't matter how much you offer us, sorry :c
>>17275145 Hi, do you remember me? I was in line like 2-4 days ago. Will I be able to get a Meloetta today?
I've added you, but I haven't your confirmation yet, btw.
T-Terror 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>17275162 may i get one please?
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:27:08 No. 17275204 Report >>17275135 >>17275166 you two are up next on my list give me a few minutes
Quoted By:
I'm fairly sure these threads just instantly appear with >200 posts
BrintMea 3625-9235-5283
Quoted By:
>>17275200 Forgot to put my Nick, lulz
Senpai: 1564-3068-7548 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb)
Senpai: 1564-3068-7548 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:28:02 No. 17275218 Report Quoted By:
>>17274695 Oh i guess i need to add this:
I have 5 IV Eevees w/ Egg moves, Yamask with Nasty Plot, 4-5 IV Honedges, Pumpkaboo & Phantump. I know it's not enough but i could give most of them for a Meloetta.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
Quoted By:
>>17275149 derp forgot info
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
Quoted By:
i really would like one of these <3 please help a bro 1435-4902-4801 ingame name Neon
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867}
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867} Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:28:28 No. 17275228 Report >>17275204 Sure thing. Thanks so much! Take your time. How is this being handled, like we put something on the GTS for you to search for or are we just adding you and waiting for a trade request?
Daniel 4356-0037-9639
>>17275204 Thank you man. I will be adding you now.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
Quoted By:
>>17275204 my brain farted a sec ago so i forgot FC and ign, but can i maybe have one?
Zac 3153 - 3854 - 7632 (Pancham, Machoke, Breloom)
Zac 3153 - 3854 - 7632 (Pancham, Machoke, Breloom) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:30:11 No. 17275256 Report I've got a 5IV Modest Empoleon that I trade for a Meloetta.
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish)
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:30:13 No. 17275257 Report Quoted By:
>>17275087 >>17274972 Still hoping to get one some time. I know you guys are busy, so I understand if it's not possible right away. Keep trying your hardest!
Serena; 4313-0483-1006
>>17275197 It's just that i always get ignored in these threads
;_; Oh well i'll just wait for my turn
Luur 0361-7428-4915 (Beartic, Snorunt, Lapras)
Luur 0361-7428-4915 (Beartic, Snorunt, Lapras) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:30:21 No. 17275263 Report Any chance I can slip in and get one? Might be able to clone a few in return, depends on how much free time I'll have this weekend
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:30:58 No. 17275276 Report >>17275228 the latter.
>>17275248 done, adding you now
Álex 1461-6315-2941
>>17275276 Y-You forgot about me.
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17275259 relax, you and
>>17274747 Is up next from me.
Protoguy (4570-8008-2568) Frogadier - crap - crap
Protoguy (4570-8008-2568) Frogadier - crap - crap Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:31:35 No. 17275287 Report >>17274926 >>17275107 >>17275176 >>17275259 You weren't ignored, the council works in the backround. Add me you folks
Quoted By:
>>17275256 3110-4114-2633 ad me plz (poison).
Quoted By:
>>17275263 Any chance you could
> slip into a coma?
BrintMea 3625-9235-5283
Quoted By:
>>17275222 BrintMea 3625-9235-5283
Protoguy (4570-8008-2568) Frogadier - crap - crap
Protoguy (4570-8008-2568) Frogadier - crap - crap Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:32:51 No. 17275321 Report Quoted By:
>>17275287 >>17275285 Correction, add him.
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867}
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867} Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:33:11 No. 17275329 Report Quoted By:
>>17275276 Awesome. You're added. Just waiting for it to confirm and I'll pop back in game and wait for your trade request. Do you have a preference as to Froakie or Chimchar? They're both about as perfect of a specimin as you can get without being 6iv.
Suvi 3625-9103-7936
Daniel 4356-0037-9639
Quoted By:
>>17275276 I'm online now. Just tell me or send the trade whenever.
Serena; 4313-0483-1006
>>17275285 Thanks what would you want in return?
Wrath-FC-3024.6102.5563(flying)tropious,swanna,doduo Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:34:35 No. 17275363 Report >>17275285 Yay! Added you :)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:34:44 No. 17275369 Report >>17275281 I'm only one person, current que for me is
I'm cloning as fast as i can
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17275351 >>17275363 Anything and everything accepted. coming up shortly.
Wrath-FC-3024.6102.5563(flying)tropious,swanna,doduo Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:35:44 No. 17275396 Report Quoted By:
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867}
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867} Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:35:51 No. 17275402 Report >>17275369 Just take your time and don't feel rushed. You're doing God's work brother.
Chip - 0602-6264-7235
Quoted By:
Any chance I can get one?
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
Kenneth, do you have skype?
Autismo 0404-6984-2307
>>17275378 could you add me to the list what about a shiny clauncher
If this is somehow still going may I have one?
Sylvi 1306-6232-9085
>>17275369 ok i've added you
Hex Mania(0018-1650-1804)
Quoted By:
You are all honestly far too nice for putting in so much effort in this. Really appreciate it.
{justin} IGN [Misty] FC 0490-5330-0449
i would love you forever if i could get one :)
Daniel 4356-0037-9639
Quoted By:
>>17275369 Thank you so much man. Sorry I didn't have something better to offer.
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
Dex, please accept the trade or you won't get one until later.
Conperani 1392-5502-0541
Quoted By:
>>17273584 based Ryuu. may I receive mine?
James: 3540-0306-0261
Any people been on the list for a long time here?
>>17275427 it is still going, yeah.
>>17275422 Adding you as well,'
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:39:34 No. 17275488 Report Anonymous
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17275488 Mine is Trobodude.
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill)
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:41:59 No. 17275539 Report >>17275471 i think i went unnoticed
>>17273826 0232 - 8448 - 3711 Shoey
>>17275471 I am and would love an english one.
T-Terror 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>17275369 Thanks kenneth added you take your time don't feel you have to rush :)
Hex Mania(0018-1650-1804)
>>17275471 I added you here:
>>17274798 Though it's still no rush honestly. IGN is Kelley if curious.
Wrath-FC-3024.6102.5563(flying)tropious,swanna,doduo Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:43:47 No. 17275591 Report Quoted By:
Conperani 1392-5502-0541
Quoted By:
>>17275512 RYUU! YOU ARE A GOD. Thank you. My waifu hath returned.
Lavi 1118-0357-5263 (Chansey and crappy friends)
Lavi 1118-0357-5263 (Chansey and crappy friends) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:44:54 No. 17275630 Report Quoted By:
>>17275471 here
I missed the giveaway before
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17275579 >>17275556 >>17275539 alright, gonna try to get some to you as well, I'm not promising anything though. s-sorry
Carlos 4699-6465-5430
>>17275632 can you add me to you list anon? i think i went under the radar
Hex Mania(0018-1650-1804)
>>17275632 Don't worry about. Even trying is a politeness in itself.
sinan 1289 9479 7806
Quoted By:
add me to the list pls will give a shiny for meloetta cause she is ma waifu
BrintMea 3625-9235-5283
Quoted By:
>>17275222 I'm sure you're tired of this question but... How am I in the line?
Serena; 4313-0483-1006
0232 - 8448 - 3711 Shoey
Quoted By:
>>17275556 No problem Im a bit late
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:46:51 No. 17275681 Report Oh hey, I found this thread again! I think I was on a list a couple of days ago but I might have missed my turn I'm still willing to offer my shiny Larvitar if that's okay
Trainer name Twiggles 0275 8846 7430
Quoted By:
I would like to be added to the list.
Protoguy (4570-8008-2568) Frogadier - crap - crap
Protoguy (4570-8008-2568) Frogadier - crap - crap Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:47:05 No. 17275690 Report >>17275369 Thanks for helping us out lol, just wanted to say a quick thank you as the guy trying to pump out as many as I can for everyone else to trade. >.>
diego 2766 9670 4652
I'm not on the list you say?
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17275681 I have you on my list still :)
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17275663 thank
>>17275690 , I just distribute and try to keep some order or something.
Tai Phanphy Gastrodon Nincada 3969 5423 4817
Tai Phanphy Gastrodon Nincada 3969 5423 4817 Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:48:40 No. 17275726 Report Quoted By:
>>17273461 Ryuu Senpai !
I can donate a 6 iv modest cyndaquil with egg moves !
Quoted By:
>>17273461 How does this work?
Conperani 1392-5502-0541
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17275702 wait so who's received theirs on your list so far?
James: 3540-0306-0261
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
Quoted By:
Hello? I'd really love to have a Meloetta
Serena; 4313-0483-1006
Oh God, You 1220-6859-6673 (GHOSTS Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim)
Oh God, You 1220-6859-6673 (GHOSTS Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:51:00 No. 17275778 Report I'd like to be on the list! Looking for anything in particular?
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17275778 I am looking for a Shiny Female Buneary like a hound dog, but anything is fine.
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:53:10 No. 17275843 Report >>17275402 you're up, added and getting online
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867}
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867} Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:53:59 No. 17275869 Report Quoted By:
>>17275843 You added me? Because it's still showing you as pending for me.
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish)
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:54:56 No. 17275894 Report Quoted By:
Bumping for a Meloetta again. Patiently waiting
Oh God, You 1220-6859-6673 (GHOSTS Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim)
Oh God, You 1220-6859-6673 (GHOSTS Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim) Fri 10 Jan 2014 23:55:09 No. 17275899 Report >>17275800 I would if Pokemon Box was open :( lol and how big is your list?
BrintMea 3625-9235-5283
How do I know who will give me a Meloetta? I've added Ryu a few days ago cause he was the OP but I don't know if I'm in the other's anon list.
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17275899 Over 10 people.
Quoted By:
>>17275800 So if I give you IV bred or egg move mons I get a waifu?
0232 - 8448 - 3711 Shoey
Quoted By:
>>17275632 No big deal if you cant
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17275907 Uh, well... you don't, I guess. you sorta get to know if you make the list, I think.
Chip - 0602-6264-7235
So I heard some cool kids were giving out Meloetta's in this thread. Any chance I can snag one?
{justin} IGN [Misty] FC 0490-5330-0449
Quoted By:
>>17275973 cool kids?? theses guys are gods!!!!
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill)
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:00:34 No. 17276025 Report Quoted By:
Oh God, You 1220-6859-6673 (GHOSTS Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim)
Oh God, You 1220-6859-6673 (GHOSTS Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:01:04 No. 17276036 Report Quoted By:
>>17275938 Roger that, let me know when I'm up ^^
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17274213 because I don't know if I'm on a list or not.
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867}
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867} Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:02:02 No. 17276051 Report Quoted By:
>>17275843 Thank you based Kenneth! I shall cherish her forever, or until I get tired of pokemon, which will probably be a very long time from now.
Hex Mania(0018-1650-1804)
Quoted By:
>>17275962 Thanks so very much.
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:03:01 No. 17276069 Report >>17275281 alex where you at? i got one for you, sorry i forgot about you. so many requests.
{justin} IGN [Misty] FC 0490-5330-0449
Quoted By:
>>17275456 just seeing if i made the list :)
Sabata 4682-9838-9692
Quoted By:
Is it too late to ask for one? Or maybe two?
Álex 1461-6315-2941
Quoted By:
>>17276069 Connecting right now.
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:04:06 No. 17276098 Report Quoted By:
>>17275702 Alright cool
I'll wait around till it's my turn again
Thank you!
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
Krysta, waifu is ready to be given to you.
T-Terror 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>17276069 im still here if he isnt :P
James: 3540-0306-0261
Alright, so, on my list right now is: "autismo" and "shoey". Tryna get you some.
BrintMea 3625-9235-5283
Quoted By:
Bumping to be remembered.
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:08:21 No. 17276207 Report Quoted By:
I would love to get placed on a list if at all possible. Thanks in advance!
Álex 1461-6315-2941
Quoted By:
>>17276069 Thanks, Kenneth, I have a safari with Golurk, I hope you like it.
Also, take these Emolga.
Quoted By:
very much intrested in a vocaloid waifu mon
0232 - 8448 - 3711 Shoey
>>17276116 Much appreciated.
Grzesiek 1204-0010-3600 (Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine)
Grzesiek 1204-0010-3600 (Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:11:07 No. 17276265 Report I really don't want to be forgotten, so bump
Autismo 0404-6984-2307
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:11:53 No. 17276285 Report >>17275452 you're up sylvi, and i haven't forgotten about t-terror
Quoted By:
>>17276265 I also wish not to be forgotten so bump
Quoted By:
is there an updated list?
Don't wanna be forgotten either...
Emilia 3024-6152-3870
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:13:59 No. 17276320 Report Quoted By:
>>17276100 Thank you very much!
T-Terror 0662-4390-0749
>>17276285 wooop wooop :) can a moonrune one be poss? don't worry if not english is fine too thanks very much
Sylvi 1306-6232-9085
Quoted By:
>>17276285 thank you very much :) enjoy the furfrou
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17276311 >>17276280 >>17276237 Are the last three I'll give out to forn ow, after that I'm fresh out. Might return later.
Carlos 4699-6465-5430
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
Quoted By:
>>17276285 do you have another one after that?
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:16:15 No. 17276362 Report >>17276323 don't have a moonrune one sorry
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17276359 Sorry man, I'll put you on my list for when I can give next. Protoguy has been producing most of these, by the way. I just try to destribute right now.
T-Terror 0662-4390-0749
>>17276362 Thats fine dont worry english is better than no meloetta at all :) thanks
Carlos 4699-6465-5430
0232 - 8448 - 3711 Shoey
BrintMea 3625-9235-5283
Quoted By:
Bump and praying to get one early
Quoted By:
>>17276392 Do I just ask to be on the list or do I offer something I bred?
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17276327 >>17276311 >>17276237 Alright, gave one to someone named "cheslock" in game, hope one of you were her cause otherwise a random person just got one.
>>17276280 also, autismo, your shit isn't working.
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:22:39 No. 17276502 Report Autismo 0404-6984-2307
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute)
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:24:06 No. 17276531 Report Ryuko-chan here, back from the depths of anime and eroge, with 6 Meloettas ready to trade for the first 6 people that reply to this post Go Team R! Also shiny or cool IV donations are apreciated, as always
James: 3540-0306-0261
>>17276405 Hey, add kenneth
>>17276502 He's got yours.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
T-Terror 0662-4390-0749
>>17276502 yay thanks man youisaac entsibk are awesome :)
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Grzesiek 1204-0010-3600 (Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine)
Grzesiek 1204-0010-3600 (Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:25:08 No. 17276559 Report Emilia 3024-6152-3870
diego 2766 9670 4652
Quoted By:
>>17276465 Dude thanks soooooooo much!!
T-Terror 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>17276549 woops typed captcha in meant to say thansk you are awesome xD typing in dark its past midnight here xD
Oh God, You 1220-6859-6673 (GHOSTS Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim)
Oh God, You 1220-6859-6673 (GHOSTS Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:26:02 No. 17276589 Report Oh God, You 1220-6859-6673 (GHOSTS Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim)
Oh God, You 1220-6859-6673 (GHOSTS Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:27:05 No. 17276615 Report Quoted By:
>>17276589 damn, so close...
Autismo 0404-6984-2307
Quoted By:
>>17276465 my waifu team is almost done thanks
Lavi 1118-0357-5263 (Chansey and crappy friends)
Lavi 1118-0357-5263 (Chansey and crappy friends) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:27:44 No. 17276632 Report Quoted By:
>>17276531 damn I'm so slow
diego 2766 9670 4652
Quoted By:
>>17276581 omg i just barely got it lol.
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute)
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:28:38 No. 17276654 Report >>17276547 Yes you can!
>>17276557 :3
>>17276559 Hey, you did
>>17276573 You
>>17276577 Of course
>>17276581 Yo!
Alright add me and will be adding all of you aswell
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
Quoted By:
>>17276654 thank you! added!
Quoted By:
>>17276654 I think I love you.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Grzesiek 1204-0010-3600 (Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine)
Grzesiek 1204-0010-3600 (Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:30:21 No. 17276709 Report Quoted By:
>>17276654 added and thanks man
nick 2766-8877-4960
Quoted By:
>>17276531 Judging by the reply count I guess I'm late. Oh well
diego 2766 9670 4652
T-Terror 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
Thank you kenneth :) gonna go sing songs with meloetta now xD
BrintMea 3625-9235-5283
Quoted By:
Bumping again.
Emilia 3024-6152-3870
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:32:29 No. 17276780 Report >>17276541 hang on man, i'm coming.
if anyones feeling kind, i'd gladly take one
James: 3540-0306-0261
Quoted By:
Alright, and I'm out for now. Proto has been doing like 80% of the cloning, and Kenneth has been helping a ton as well. I've really just been sending them out.
Carlos 4699-6465-5430
Chip - 0602-6264-7235
Quoted By:
Any more Meloettas?
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute)
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:36:12 No. 17276913 Report Quoted By:
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17276811 WOAH MAN... We don't do that here..
BrintMea 3625-9235-5283
Quoted By:
Bumping and asking... I have Ryuu-sama in my list, who more should I register? Kenneth-nii?
Serena 3840-6186-4805 (Seviper, Ariados, Muk)
Serena 3840-6186-4805 (Seviper, Ariados, Muk) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:40:59 No. 17277093 Report >>17276993 Can I have one pls? just add me to the list and tell me by email when my time comes :D
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17277093 I had you in mind for a suprise time already.
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:43:09 No. 17277145 Report Hika 0087-2542-8020
Serena 3840-6186-4805 (Seviper, Ariados, Muk)
Serena 3840-6186-4805 (Seviper, Ariados, Muk) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:44:37 No. 17277185 Report >>17277123 you had me?? but...this is the first time we talk lol, sorry I'm confused :/
Carlos 4699-6465-5430
Quoted By:
>>17277145 Thank you very much!
Luur 0361-7428-4915 (Beartic, Snorunt, Lapras)
Luur 0361-7428-4915 (Beartic, Snorunt, Lapras) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:44:49 No. 17277191 Report Quoted By:
Still holding out for one, may be able to clone some extras for later. Depends on my situation Don't have much to offer in return though. Got a Jap Groudon, an assortment of bank mons, and a few random 4/5IV mons
dex [3437-3042-0203]
melric 3754-8040-3566
Quoted By:
can i have one ?
Emilia 3024-6152-3870
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:47:49 No. 17277287 Report Quoted By:
I'm going on lunch, i'll be back in a few hours.
{justin} IGN [Misty] FC 0490-5330-0449
Quoted By:
aww where is my Moloetta :'(
GucciRog300 (2638 - 0912 - 8381)
>>17276327 i really dont want to be forgetten either
BrintMea 3625-9235-5283
GucciRog300 (2638 - 0912 - 8381)
Quoted By:
>>17276531 can I have one? i posted fairly early and got completely ignored
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
Quoted By:
>>17277185 You have been popping in and out of the threads.
dex [3437-3042-0203]
>>17277196 wait are you izumi yumi? it said you were a passerby!
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
Grzesiek 1204-0010-3600 (Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine)
Grzesiek 1204-0010-3600 (Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:52:23 No. 17277395 Report thank you Ryuko!
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
dex [3437-3042-0203]
Quoted By:
>>17277376 im so sorry..i thought you were a random shmuck,
but thank you soooooooooooo much
Ryuu (2449-5506-5320)
>>17277408 You are next, but after I do a small trade with the clone general.
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute)
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:54:08 No. 17277449 Report >>17277147 No problemo, we all want our waifus
>>17277249 De nada, im spanish too :3
>>17276724 Whats your ingame name? you are the only one missing
sinan 1289 9479 7806
Quoted By:
>>17273461 i want a meloetta how long will it take to get one (or to get on a list)
iam not trying to rush you or anything like that i just wanna know it cause i will go to sleep pretty soon
diego 2766 9670 4652
>>17277449 Lily is the character name
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
Quoted By:
>>17277434 cool. I have
>>17273770 for you guys when we trade
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute)
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:57:54 No. 17277552 Report >>17277475 Well you didnt add me
BrintMea 3625-9235-5283
Quoted By:
Bump,waiting and also...
>>17277449 Entre españoles hay que ayudarse, clóname un Meloetta plsipli que llevo en cola un par de días, juu
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute)
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute) Sat 11 Jan 2014 00:58:58 No. 17277584 Report Quoted By:
>>17277524 : D no problem, Team R tries to help errybody
>>17277395 Its all about the Melos
diego 2766 9670 4652 (Lily)
>>17277552 Weird, I registered it earlier, I just did though right now
Chip - 0602-6264-7235
Quoted By:
Waitn' for a meloetta to become available
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute)
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute) Sat 11 Jan 2014 01:04:23 No. 17277710 Report >>17277607 i pressed B the first time, give me whatever lol im sorry it was an accident
diego 2766 9670 4652 (Lily)
Quoted By:
>>17277710 Lol I wish I could offer something ok but the only thing I have is a 4 iv ralts that im going to use for breeding that someone gave to me
Madison Fighting: 1521-4092-0743 (Mankey, Throh, Hariyama)
Madison Fighting: 1521-4092-0743 (Mankey, Throh, Hariyama) Sat 11 Jan 2014 01:10:17 No. 17277838 Report Quoted By:
BrintMea 3625-9235-5283
Going to sleep (it's 2:11 here). Hope you remember me tomorrow. It will be my day 4 T_T see you, vp
diego 2766 9670 4652 (Lily)
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute)
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute) Sat 11 Jan 2014 01:14:56 No. 17277941 Report >>17277897 Oooh nice Serena, saving that
>>17277884 Hey, tienes skype?
BrintMea 3625-9235-5283
Quoted By:
>>17277941 Me has pillado en mi último refresh, ya me iba. Sí, busca "Zhotyx/BrintMea" en Skype y si ves un Umbreon y un Espeon soy yo. Pero ahora me voy a dormir, tradeamos o lo que sea otro día, plis.
blue 1091-7917-2643
Is there still any left? I got a 3-4iv shiny mawile for trade
>>17273584 Just got back home.
I hope im not too late ;_;
>>17278124 My IGN is Serena btw.
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin Sat 11 Jan 2014 01:31:34 No. 17278338 Report Quoted By:
>>17277941 Just crawled outta bed to find new thread reaching 100 over replies. Got any left?
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17278068 >>17278192 I'll try and get to you 2.
Quoted By:
>>17278347 I'm at the bottom of the today list.
I'll try to stay awake as long as I can.
(Pacific time US and Canada)
So tired.
Chip - 0602-6264-7235
I'll give a brave porygon named "dongle" to whoever can provide me with a meloetta.
blue 1091-7917-2643
Quoted By:
>>17278347 i got time
ill try and check the thread every now and then, i got time
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
Quoted By:
alright i'll be lurking
nick 2766-8877-4960
Quoted By:
Been here for three hours. You still have some right?
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin Sat 11 Jan 2014 01:38:47 No. 17278522 Report Quoted By:
Chip - 0602-6264-7235
Quoted By:
>>17278408 I should also mention that Dongle only knows recover, making it pretty much unstoppable.
Emilia 3024-6152-3870
Quoted By:
>>17277449 me pillaste, gracias de nuevo por Meloetta.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
Quoted By:
>>17278347 will i be able to get one?
melric 3754-8040-3566
Quoted By:
>>17278347 could i also get one ?
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
Ryuu are you still giving them out today? If so, am I coming up?
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17278769 yeah, just doing a few side things first.
Gotwald {215} 4098-3752-2918 (Pachirisu/Electabuzz/Galvantula)
Gotwald {215} 4098-3752-2918 (Pachirisu/Electabuzz/Galvantula) Sat 11 Jan 2014 01:59:14 No. 17278991 Report >>17278799 How many did you manage to give out today?
Just curious.
Will FC: 0447-6156-6184
Quoted By:
If you're still giving away Meloetta's, I'd love one.
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
>>17278799 will you post in this thread when you're ready?
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17278991 Over 10 in all I believe.
{justin} IGN [Misty] FC 0490-5330-0449
hey still waiting on moloetta will pay 10$ paypal for one
Gotwald {215} 4098-3752-2918 (Pachirisu/Electabuzz/Galvantula)
Gotwald {215} 4098-3752-2918 (Pachirisu/Electabuzz/Galvantula) Sat 11 Jan 2014 02:31:42 No. 17279768 Report Quoted By:
>>17279628 That's a lot of love, you know.
May your based spirit have a spot in whichever kind of paradising place waits us after death.
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute)
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute) Sat 11 Jan 2014 02:38:04 No. 17279914 Report >>17278991 i gave 6, as always
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17279628 still lurking before this gets pruned. I added ya
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Sat 11 Jan 2014 02:39:34 No. 17279946 Report >>17278991 6 as well, now that i'm back from lunch i'll start working on more batches, prob give them out tonight
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17279939 Just added you.
{justin} IGN [Misty] FC 0490-5330-0449
blue 1091-7917-2643
Quoted By:
>>17279948 whats your ign?
so i can know when we gonna trade
Gotwald {215} 4098-3752-2918 (Pachirisu/Electabuzz/Galvantula)
Gotwald {215} 4098-3752-2918 (Pachirisu/Electabuzz/Galvantula) Sat 11 Jan 2014 02:40:59 No. 17279980 Report >>17279914 Always?
Been keeping up that ratio in the past days?
>>17279946 Oh hey, new cloner. You guys have fun over here. I won't be able to talk and shit, gotta wake up early tomorrow.
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17279948 So probably around 20 then all together.
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
Quoted By:
>>17279948 Who initiates trade?
Chip - 0602-6264-7235
Quoted By:
>>17279982 I've added you in the hopes of getting a meloetta
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17279948 cool gonna be online in just a moment
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute)
Ryuko 3067-5057-1668(Shuppet, Dusclops, Pumpkacute) Sat 11 Jan 2014 02:43:29 No. 17280031 Report >>17279980 i always prpare 6 melos and give them to the fastest ppl
Gotwald {215} 4098-3752-2918 (Pachirisu/Electabuzz/Galvantula)
Gotwald {215} 4098-3752-2918 (Pachirisu/Electabuzz/Galvantula) Sat 11 Jan 2014 02:45:00 No. 17280063 Report Quoted By:
>>17280031 Last time was only 4...
I got gud i guess. Vic -2981-6463-5880
Quoted By:
>>17280031 >>17279982 still lurking, Anon sama.
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17280023 Earlier list persone was online so I got them first, you are next.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
Quoted By:
>>17280090 sorry I jumped the gun
>>17280031 >>17279982 >>17279946 Which one of you three should I add if I want a meloetta?
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17280120 We are all done for today. I add a few special donation offers in after the list is full though.
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin Sat 11 Jan 2014 02:49:46 No. 17280174 Report >requesting meloetta ever since first thread. >gets ignored at the speed of light You know, i wouldn't even be that irritated if you responded to my posts.
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17280174 I had you and tried to trade you twice but you were offline both times.
{justin} IGN [Misty] FC 0490-5330-0449
Quoted By:
>>17280149 if you email me paypal address i will send 10 through asap :)
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17280202 do you still want me to trade you those 4 I mentioned earlier?
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
>>17280202 Am I still due for tonight?
{justin} IGN [Misty] FC 0490-5330-0449
>>17280149 on jsy.b1992@live. Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17280228 One is fine really.
>>17280234 After Jeric, please be online.
Vic -2981-6463-5880
>>17280202 Was on today's list.
Couldnt be online because work.
I hope I get to be on tomorrow's list.
Gotwald {215} 4098-3752-2918 (Pachirisu/Electabuzz/Galvantula)
Gotwald {215} 4098-3752-2918 (Pachirisu/Electabuzz/Galvantula) Sat 11 Jan 2014 02:53:54 No. 17280274 Report Quoted By:
>>17280241 Do confirm e-mails by making up a 5 character "password" and checking ryuu IGN with a poke with the same name before.
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
>>17280250 I will. Is there an ETA?
{justin} IGN [Misty] FC 0490-5330-0449
Quoted By:
>>17280149 jay.b1992@live. not jsy was a typo
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin Sat 11 Jan 2014 02:55:07 No. 17280306 Report >>17280202 are you still online? i added your FC but i don't see you accepting it.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
Quoted By:
>>17280250 any preference for espeed dratini, prankster cottonee with switcheroo, yamask with toxic spikes and nasty plot, female elekid with elemental punches and cross chop?
Richard 1091-8282-5543
Quoted By:
>>17280149 I'll try again next thread
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17280255 You are on todays
>>17280276 No, I can never tell how long it will take to clone.
>>17280306 Don't have a Meloetta at the moment.
Vic -2981-6463-5880
Quoted By:
>>17280319 I added you.
Although I'm not sure if I have to add anyone else.
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin Sat 11 Jan 2014 02:57:54 No. 17280364 Report >>17280319 at the very least just add me just so i can see you online or something. It would make next time easier
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17280364 Do you have Pokebank?
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin Sat 11 Jan 2014 03:01:01 No. 17280438 Report >>17280398 No, but i do have some pokebank legendaries on hand. Lugia, Cresselia etc.
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17280438 Just saw the Jap Pokemon, so thought you might.
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin Sat 11 Jan 2014 03:07:41 No. 17280559 Report >>17280496 Technically i do have the bank, but...
>Didn't download pokemon transporter due to lag >Lost my DS some time ago Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin Sat 11 Jan 2014 03:16:36 No. 17280754 Report >>17280636 I do have another 3ds though. I'd be happy to help you with cloning
nick 2766-8877-4960
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
Quoted By:
>>17280754 Well if you have skype.
blue 1091-7917-2643
Does cloning take all that long? I was gonna try with a friend's 3ds
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika)
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) Sat 11 Jan 2014 03:33:21 No. 17281163 Report Quoted By:
>>17281057 it's kinda random, sometimes i pump out 6 in a row some days it takes forever
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin Sat 11 Jan 2014 03:37:46 No. 17281303 Report >>17281057 Dunno bout the other guys but i fail quite often. 3/4 of the time?
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17281303 Do you have da Skype mah nigga?
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin Sat 11 Jan 2014 03:42:45 No. 17281440 Report Quoted By:
>>17281362 Installing now, dunno if my laptop's mic will work properly though, damn things almost 6 years old
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
Quoted By:
>>17281181 Thank you based Ryuu
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin Sat 11 Jan 2014 03:49:05 No. 17281626 Report >>17281362 Alright, i got it up... What do i do now?
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17281626 What is your skype name?
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin
Gundam 2750-1927-0348 (Phanphy, Camerupt, Palpitoad) IGN: Temjin Sat 11 Jan 2014 03:56:48 No. 17281798 Report Quoted By: