Not trying to be "that guy" who just asks for a bunch of shit and doesn't contribute but here's my list of stuff I need for the national dex now. The plus just means I need their evos too but, of course, I'll do that myself. I'm doing le wow right now so I might be a bit slow responding but if you need something there's no harm in asking.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Still giving out SR/Brave Bird/Curse/Whirlwind Skarmory, HA Piplup, HA Murkrow and Ice Punch/Fire Punch/Switchroo/Encore Buneary.
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
Quoted By:
I'll be checking this thread/GTS in case someone needs Tynamos as I'm currently breeding them.
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
>>17300628 I'll take one of those Skarmories if I may!
Disc is up.
IGN: Clover 4167-4520-7634
>>17300563 I've got a glameow throw up a disc.
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:07:31 No. 17300727 Report Probably asking for a bit too much, but is there any chance I can get a Volcarona(or a larvesta) with Pokerus?
>>17300628 I'll take that Buneary off of you, if that's ok.
Disc is up.
Quoted By:
>>17300682 I just started le wow again but when Im done here I will.
Thanks in advance.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17300563 I'm making dinner right now, but I can help you with that list after.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17300628 I'll take one of those Murkrow.
I'm going to start breeding Relaxed Unaware Woopers with Curse/Recover/Counter egg moves in Dive Balls. Would anyone want some?
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
>>17300798 I'll put another disc for a HA Murkrow, is it ok?
>>17300727 With wondertrade pokerus is so common it's not a problem at all, haha.
I need a break from the hoarde hunting because I'm going insane, let me make you one.
Also, for the new thread's sake I'm looking for: oshawott, tepig, mudkip and treecko.
I also want most of the bankmons since I only have a few.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17300820 Yeah.
>>17300790 I'd like to have one of these Woopers.
Quoted By:
>>17300628 I put a disc up for the Skarmory
thanks for the awesome trades, guys.
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
Quoted By:
>>17300770 That'd be great. I'll slap my FC on this post just so we can keep track of eachother.
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat)
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat) Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:15:05 No. 17300918 Report Quoted By:
>>17300628 I'll be putting up a Luvdisc for a HA Piplup and a Buneary!
Does anyone have any Golurk?
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
Quoted By:
>>17300790 I'd love to have one, let me just get the HA Murkrow first.
Ricky 0920-0942-8643 Poison [Gloom, Venomoth, ???]
Ricky 0920-0942-8643 Poison [Gloom, Venomoth, ???] Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:15:19 No. 17300929 Report Quoted By:
>>17300628 I would love one of those Skarmories too, im putting a luvdisc description Thanks Hika
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:15:40 No. 17300939 Report Quoted By:
>>17300837 Ah, this was me.
Infecting the larvesta as we speak.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:15:59 No. 17300947 Report >>17300563 Add me. I'll trade you the Treecko, Chikorita, Slakoth, Darumaka, Oshawatt, and Snivy. I have them most ready to boot, I just need to breed Snivy and Darmuka so I can have one.
>Let me know if you add me. Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17300876 Sure, when I start breeding them in a few minutes here I'll put one up for Murkrow. I have a 5 IV male so it shouldn't take long.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:17:00 No. 17300974 Report >>17300727 ?Okay, got your Larvesta. Put up the luvdisc, please
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat)
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat) Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:17:25 No. 17300988 Report >>17300837 I have a couple of spar Avalance Mudkips. I'll send on your way.
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
Quoted By:
>>17300876 Thank you for both of them.
Put up a disc. Looking for a Kricketot if possible. IGN is Cheryl. In return I'm breeding some female Moon Ball Misdreavus. Don't have very many so far, but if anyone wants one, toss up a disc.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:18:50 No. 17301019 Report >>17300563 I can get you a Meowth, put up a Luvdisc and let me know when it's up.
Or a bankmon I might not have would be nice.
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:19:04 No. 17301026 Report >>17300974 It's up, thanks.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:21:03 No. 17301058 Report Quoted By:
>>17300988 Cool, I'll put up a Luvdisc with description "/vp/"
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
>>17300947 I'll go ahead and add you.
You just want derps?
I don't have any space pokebanks bred yet. (I got all of them yesterday)
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:24:36 No. 17301134 Report Anonymous
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
Jose 5413-0351-4396 (Sigilyph, Drowzee, Xatu)
Jose 5413-0351-4396 (Sigilyph, Drowzee, Xatu) Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:26:28 No. 17301168 Report Quoted By:
Looking for a Ditto with a Perfect ivs in Defense. I don't have a ditto safari
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:26:31 No. 17301169 Report Quoted By:
>>17301154 You're giving a mew for a luvdisc? Shit, I'd love one...
>>17301019 Not that anon, but I'm going to put up a disc for a Meowth as well, you're awesome anon
Chocobo 5043-2401-2358
Quoted By:
>>17300628 Do you still have any HA Murkrow? If so, I'd like to grab one. Just put a disc up.
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
>>17301154 Did you seriously put "6V timid protean" in the description? Just how old are you?...
Just took care of two Misdreavus trades.
>>17300999 Thank ye, much appreciated.
I'll start breedin' some up to help out.
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:28:42 No. 17301227 Report Quoted By:
>>17301134 Yes! Thank you!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:28:59 No. 17301238 Report >>17301177 Sure, I'll send one right your way, but I don't see it yet.
Quoted By:
>>17301206 fixed, apparently i'm 12.
Quoted By:
>>17300999 >>17301207 Thanks, I'll start breeding to help out too.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Quoted By:
Anyone here has a Jolly HA Riolu? Gender and IVs doesn't matter.
Quoted By:
Are there still some Woopers left? I'll put up a disc.
Phillip 0447-6304-7363 (Kecleon, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Phillip 0447-6304-7363 (Kecleon, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:32:19 No. 17301311 Report >>17300628 Put up a 5IV Mawile for ya. I'd love a Skarm please! Thanks Hika
>>17301238 just got it up there, thanks again
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:36:15 No. 17301402 Report >>17301338 Still don't see it, only see someone looking for a buneary...
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17301311 I'm not finding your Mawile, maybe someone took it?
Quoted By:
Please anons. I really need an unown.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Quoted By:
>>17301415 Nevermind just found it.
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
Quoted By:
Okay finished le wow and threw up a s disc as per
>>17300682 Adding
>>17300947 now
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:41:19 No. 17301528 Report Quoted By:
Just grabbed a shiny luvdisc for a Vivilion, huh!
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat)
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat) Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:43:00 No. 17301573 Report >>17301415 Did you see my Luvdisc Hika?
Walter White
Quoted By:
Looking for any Eevee breeding scraps. IGN: Jose
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:44:26 No. 17301604 Report >>17301071 I want whatever. Nothing too ass though. Adding you as soon as I'm done breeding Snivy.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17301573 Oops I didn't see it before, sent your Piplup now.
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
>>17301604 I guess a bunch of luvdisc is out of the question then? haha
I have plenty of leftover 4-5IV stuff. I'll try to avoid duplicates. West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat)
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat) Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:45:59 No. 17301643 Report Quoted By:
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:48:00 No. 17301691 Report God, I remember helping in the Luvdisc threads when they were first made. Glad to see people are still being generous. Anyways, I'm almost done with my dex, so, here's the list of the last mons I need. I'd appreciate any help I can get. I'm still handing what I can to those I see. I have a disc up right now for the Mankey
Quoted By:
>>17301402 Heh, I guess someone else took care of it, cause I got a meowth. Thanks random anon
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:50:38 No. 17301744 Report >>17301691 I can get you a Tiogepi, a Shinx and a Deerling.
Start putting up dem discs, unless you have something spare from
>>17300837 , then it would be appreciated~
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:52:43 No. 17301789 Report >>17301744 Is Rynn your IGN? Cuz I can trade the Mudkip and Treeckos right now. Actually just hatching the last of the Treeckos.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:54:52 No. 17301829 Report >>17301789 Yep, and I'd love a Treecko, the Mudkip I just got from
>>17300988 (thanks again!)
Let me know when you put up a Treecko, put /vp/ in the description and set it for Togepi.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17301637 Alright, I'm back. What do you still need from your list?
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:57:12 No. 17301872 Report >>17301829 Aight, he's up. I'll see if I have any spare bank-mons left. I spent 3 hours last night just going thru luvdiscs, sending what I could.
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
>>17301843 Everything. I'm thinking that glameow mgith have been sniped while i was in le wow.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sat 11 Jan 2014 23:58:07 No. 17301886 Report Just put up one requesting Munchlax. Thanks in advance /vp/!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:00:28 No. 17301928 Report >>17301872 Can't see it, did someone snatch it?
(got one for meowth though, so if you got your togepi I'm good)
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17301883 Abe is trading you some, right? Just trying to figure out what I have to breed.
>>17301886 Sent.
Quoted By:
can i have mudkip pls? in game name is thane. thanks
Ringo: 4656-5922-6231
Quoted By:
>>17300480 I sent out luvs for a treecko
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:01:58 No. 17301968 Report >>17301883 Do you still want that Meowth?
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
>>17301932 I havent seen any requests yet but in theory that will happen eventually.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:02:43 No. 17301988 Report >>17301928 It was sniped, sorry. Though, my Treeckos are Unburden. If you still want it, I still need Shinx and Deerling
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
>>17301968 Sure!
Do you just want me to throw a disc on the GTS for it?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:04:10 No. 17302011 Report >>17301988 Why not, sure, let's try with Shinx?
>>17301991 Yeah.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:06:08 No. 17302038 Report >>17302011 sure. lemme just take this Disc down. the message is for the dex. cant be arsed changing it
Its up now
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17301969 So minus the ones Abe is hopefully getting to you, you still need: Rattata, Stantler, Baltoy, Castform, Cherubi, Glameow, and Elgyem? (Can't do Manaphy, sorry)
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:07:51 No. 17302072 Report >>17302038 My fucking internet keeps disconnecting
Fuck you, wi-fi.
Is it gone already?
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:08:34 No. 17302086 Report Quoted By:
>>17302072 hes still there.
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
>>17301988 Closest thing I have is a sawsbuck
>>17302050 Yeeeep
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17302097 I'll start breeding, then.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:11:14 No. 17302144 Report >>17302097 That'd be great. I've no problem breeding down from what I get.
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
>>17302116 Do you think I have time to go and do some stuff?
I need to go get food and a friend but I don't want to keep you waiting around.
I know I hate it when I do a favor for someone and they make me wait forever so I don't do that to other people if i can avoid it >>17302144 Alright I'll put it up now.
Also, thanks for the meowth Rynn.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:14:11 No. 17302210 Report >>17302072 You get the treecko, cuz I got a Shinx.
>>17302097 Threw a disc up. thanks man
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:14:28 No. 17302215 Report Quoted By:
Jaxson 2337-4188-9108 (Serviper, Swalot, Muk)
Jaxson 2337-4188-9108 (Serviper, Swalot, Muk) Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:14:37 No. 17302217 Report >>17300480 I'm trying to get the legendary pokemon; Articuno, Zapdos, Ho-Oh, etc. I've got them on the other games but can't bring them over because of Nintendo.
I've put up a Luvdisc for Articuno. At this point I don't care if it's cloned. Honestly, that's probably the only way I'd get one from somebody.
Hopefully some generous person will help me out.
/vp/ has been cool to me and many others. I hope this isn't asking too much.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:15:03 No. 17302225 Report >>17302191 Welcome!
Ren, you're getting that deerling as a sawbuck, yes? 'Cause I also got one if you need it.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17302191 Sure. I'm not going anywhere for at least a few hours, so I can just set them aside.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:16:48 No. 17302263 Report >>17302217 Thanks for reminding me! I still need to catch my Articuno that's roaming.
>>17302225 I'm good now. Now I need to get to breeding all the evolved mons for their pre-forms. Should I post an updated list of what I need?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:17:24 No. 17302277 Report >>17302210 Yep, got it, thanks!
>>17302217 Articuno's are hard to get on GTS, but not THAT hard, so they're rarely cloned, as far as I can see.
You can try scamming if you're morally okay with that, I got my articuno for some shiny mon, I think it was a Floatzel.
IGN Andrew 0275-7869-9920
Quoted By:
I will forever be looking for Overcoat Shelmet...
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:18:26 No. 17302298 Report Quoted By:
>>17302263 I still haven't caught my Zapdos. Walking everywhere is such a pain, lol.
Sure, post it, I'll see what else can I get maybe.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:19:37 No. 17302317 Report Here's the updated Need 4 Dex list. Evolved forms are fine too.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:21:11 No. 17302353 Report Just put one up requesting a Mudkip. Female/good IVs preferred, but any will do. Thanks /vp/!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17302317 I'm about to breed a Cherubi, so I can grab an extra egg for you.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:24:34 No. 17302448 Report >>17302317 I can get you an Electabuzz.
Or you can add me because I have an Electabuzz safari, haha.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:24:38 No. 17302450 Report Quoted By:
>>17302378 That'd be fantastic! I'll switch my Luvdisc to Cherubi once you're ready. Have it sitting for Seel for now.
>>17302353 Mind if I add you for that safari, just temporarily? I'm in need of that Mankey of yours.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:25:44 No. 17302469 Report Quoted By:
>>17302448 I'll just add you. Less hassle, swapping discs for different mons as I go.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17302317 My Friend Safari has Phanpy, so if you want you can add me.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:28:18 No. 17302515 Report >>17300563 >>17301691 Are you the same person? Because I have Klink, Surskit, togepi, Mankey, Electabuzz(Elekid), and phanpy.
>>17300563 Hatching the eggs now. Let me know if you still need everything. Going to add when the eggs hatch.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:28:21 No. 17302517 Report Quoted By:
>>17302488 Thank you! This definitely helps me out!
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:29:50 No. 17302552 Report >>17302515 No, I always post with my name.
>>17301691 is me, though.
If you can spare them, the Klink and Surskit would be amazing.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17302515 The first dude,
>>17300563 , went to grab food. He'll hopefully be back soon.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:35:59 No. 17302703 Report >>17302589 Gives me more time to breed.
>>17302552 Alright, I'll just clone a klink and phanpy.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17302552 Cherubi is ready, so go ahead and put up a disc.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:36:59 No. 17302730 Report >tfw I'll never get mudkip >all my previous games were destroyed in a fire >decided to start over in gen VI >still remember how my first pokemon was mudkip >no one has one to give
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:38:01 No. 17302761 Report >>17302730 What's your IGN? I have a spare left.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:39:03 No. 17302787 Report >>17302704 Its up. IGN is Renton with message for the dex
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:40:58 No. 17302827 Report >>17302730 Also, mind if I add you for that safari? i need the mankey from it
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:42:48 No. 17302867 Report >>17302819 Thank you!
>>17302703 Thanks! Though, I don't need the Phanpy, getting it from Hika's safari
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:45:12 No. 17302924 Report Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:45:12 No. 17302925 Report Tried to get cherubi on my own but all people want for it is articuno/mew/etc. Absurd. So I put a luvdisc for a cherubi, if anyone has a spare that would be cool. Also, Ren, update the list when you can? I'll see what I can get from the FS for you.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:46:17 No. 17302950 Report Quoted By:
>>17302827 and sure, you can add me
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:46:47 No. 17302964 Report >>17302925 Sure. If you'd like,I'll breed the Cherubi for you. since we're registerred, I can just direct trade stuff to you
>>17302924 NP.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:48:03 No. 17302994 Report >>17302964 Could I have a Cherubi as well?
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:48:52 No. 17303019 Report >>17302994 Sure. Just give me time to breed them, and finish catching the stuff from safaris.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:50:24 No. 17303058 Report >>17302964 Cool, hold on though, I can get you a Gastrodon for that Shellos, and I'm looking into Slugma and Camerupt.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:50:33 No. 17303062 Report >>17303019 DUDE, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GAVE ME A 6 IV MUDKIP!
Jaxson 2337-4188-9108 (Serviper, Swalot, Muk)
Jaxson 2337-4188-9108 (Serviper, Swalot, Muk) Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:51:52 No. 17303088 Report Quoted By:
>>17302277 I don't think I could do that. As dumb as it sounds, my conscience would get the best of me.
I put up a shiny Froakie earlier, but no takers. I know nothing about IVs and all that stuff.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:52:00 No. 17303094 Report Quoted By:
>>17303058 Thanks.
>>17303062 Holy shit, I did? Fuck, he was just one from a trade awhile back, didn't need it. Well, merry late christmas!
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:55:55 No. 17303169 Report >>17302867 Bro add me. I just added you. I'm about to go to bed, so add me and I'll give you klink.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:57:22 No. 17303197 Report Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:58:49 No. 17303235 Report >>17303197 What's your in game name.
William (Bergmite, Snover, Piloswine) 1375-7210-0492
William (Bergmite, Snover, Piloswine) 1375-7210-0492 Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:58:53 No. 17303237 Report Quoted By:
Put up a disc for a Sableye Need a prankster one, everything else doesn't matter Recover would be nice
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:01:21 No. 17303295 Report >>17303235 >>17303197 Just accepted the trade didn't look at the name. Is this you? Will accept luv disk.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:02:02 No. 17303314 Report Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:02:44 No. 17303342 Report >>17303314 Alright sorry. Three passerbys were spamming me to trade.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:03:42 No. 17303364 Report >>17303342 I know the feeling. Luckily, they handed me some great shit for some Damp Mudkips.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:14:13 No. 17303597 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have a fletchling with gale wings? I just put a Luvdisc up.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:14:37 No. 17303607 Report Aight, I've got the Cherubi's ready. Peter, Rynn, you two still here?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:16:46 No. 17303658 Report >>17303364 All right, got you a gastrodon and a camerupt. Don't have a slugma fs though, must've been deleted by me or the owner.
Start the trade, when you're ready, please, though my net might be wonky.
I'd appreciate the Cherubi and some other bankmon I might not have maybe, if you have some spares.
Anyone have a female frillish in a dive ball?
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby)
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby) Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:20:24 No. 17303752 Report Quoted By:
>>17303711 Seconding this request
Quoted By:
Any cloners? I need a Thundurus. I'll put a disc up anyways...
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:26:20 No. 17303878 Report Quoted By:
>put up a lovedisc asking for a fletchling with flame body >get one with big pecks why.jpg
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:26:57 No. 17303895 Report >>17303658 Just got to looking, I've got a slugma safari already registered. so, yeah. I should probably look through all of the safaris I have.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:27:57 No. 17303912 Report >>17303607 Thanks~ I already had a Yamask but a spare is always cool!
Also, I just realised I DO have a Slugma fs, well, a magcargo one, I didn't realise because it's in Rock Type, not in Fire type. I'll try to catch you one.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:28:57 No. 17303936 Report Quoted By:
>>17303912 Noneed. Just got a slugma from a fire safari. Thanks anyway
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:29:19 No. 17303942 Report Does anyone have a female fletchling with gale wings? I put one up on the GTS, but some faggot gave me one with big pecks.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:30:48 No. 17303966 Report Quoted By:
>>17303895 Ah, disregard
>>17303912 then, haha.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:35:07 No. 17304058 Report >>17303942 I only have a male one, I think.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:37:30 No. 17304130 Report Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:38:35 No. 17304161 Report Quoted By:
>>17304130 No idea, nothing special probably.
>>17303942 I have one, female lvl 31 gale wings, IV's are attack, defense, special defence and speed
Looking for a treeko and/or oshawatt. But but something else wouldnt matter
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:53:45 No. 17304508 Report Quoted By:
>>17304299 nvm got one. You can give that one to someone else who needs one
Actualists 3454-1070-4518
Quoted By:
anyone got a spare Meloetta?
Quoted By:
Anyone have a HA shellos they want to give away ?
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
Shura and Abe, I have returned.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17304618 Add me. I'd rather not do all of this through the GTS.
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
putting up luvdisc for pokemon I need to complete dex Any help would be appreciated ; u : Kabutops Pineco Donphan wurmple numel shinx luxio cherrim Lumineon Electivire Porygon-z pidove blitzel swadloon Darmantian cinccino klang beheeyam
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 02:03:47 No. 17304745 Report >>17304721 I have a Luxio.
Disc up and I'll send it your way.
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
Quoted By:
>>17304662 Added and online. Whenever you're ready.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Okay, I'm back from breeding! I got 4-5 IV Unaware Relaxed Woopers with Curse/Recover/Counter egg moves. They are all in dive balls. I also have a 5 IV male Water Absorb.
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
>>17304745 Ok and thnx
its up now~
Neon 3024-5733-3183 (Pancham, Meditite, Breloom)
Neon 3024-5733-3183 (Pancham, Meditite, Breloom) Sun 12 Jan 2014 02:08:02 No. 17304859 Report Quoted By:
>>17304761 Disc up for Unaware, thanks.
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 02:08:19 No. 17304874 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
Anyone willing to give a treeko or oshawatt?
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17304761 Waiting you to put up a Wooper for my Murkrow, do you want a male or a female?
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
>>17304761 My disc is up waiting for one of those! Female if possible.
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
Quoted By:
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17304892 Female preferably. You?
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
>>17304662 Neat, I had exactly the number of pokemon I needed. I was worried I'd be short and have to start dumping spiritombs.
Thanks for all the help my list is now:
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17305012 Abe might have gone to sleep. If he has, I'll breed the rest of them for you (minus Manaphy).
>>17304761 Could I get a female? I'll put a disc up in a moment.
Guys, anyone know what pokemon are not required for the completion of national? Google is useless.
Ashley FC:3050-8685-2036
>>17305012 Hey man, I have a chikorita, chimchar, and snivy if you want
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Quoted By:
>>17305081 All event legendaries.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 02:17:45 No. 17305100 Report >>17305081 event legendaries, so I'm guessing celebi, mew, maybe darkrai and arceus?
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
>>17305063 That'd be pretty cool. I'm going down the list right now and seeing what I can pull from the GTS and I've already gotten chikorita and treecko so I don't need those anymore.
>>17305091 Mind if I just throw a luvdisc up for chimchar and snivy? I already have one with pokerus up for a chimchar.
>>17305100 Are manaphy and phione also considered event pokemon? GTS isn't giving me any results with them, so I'm guessing so.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17305152 Manaphy is, not sure about Phione.
Quoted By:
>>17305180 aight, thanks for the help, m8
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17304903 Can't seem to find you.
>>17304941 Wooper's up!
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
Quoted By:
>>17305139 I just got snivy so I don't need that one.
>>17305180 Oh I've had that backward the whole time...
Now I feel stupid because I've been asking for a legendary on accident this whole time.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
Alright, after my trip to the GTS I only need Slakoth+ Chimchar+ Phione (assuming phione is needed for th edex) Darumaka+ Almoooost thereeeee
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Quoted By:
>>17305319 I can breed you a Phione.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17305319 Can breed all of them, just give me a bit.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17305319 Just hatched the Phione, put up your disc.
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
Quoted By:
>>17305238 Someone else sent me a regular one it seems. I'll put up a disc now
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
>>17305527 Got it up.
Had to take down the one I had up for the chimchar but I guess that wasn't happening anyway.. Anonymous
Quoted By:
Luvdisc for Entei if anyone is generious enough, thanks :) put up on GTS just now named VP
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
Quoted By:
>>17305706 and received. Thank you.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17305659 I'm hatching the other three now. I'll probably just send you a trade.
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
Quoted By:
>>17305736 Alrighty, I'll be waiting patiently.
ERIKA 0344-9289-1339
can someone hook me up with a tranquill? If it's easier I have them in my friend safari so you could catch one like that, pidove works too but a level 30 safari one would be perfect. If anyone has either, let me know which is easier and I'll put up a /vp/ disc. Thanks!
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Alright, sent everyone their Woopers so far and I've got plenty more. I'll be around for a while so if you want one then quote me saying you put up a luvdisc. It's the only way I'll see your post. Also if you preer a certain gender lemme know.
Sieah 1719-3185-3638
Quoted By:
And with that I now have to plow through le wow about 50 times. Thank you guys so much for the help.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
Anybody here have a Cacnea or Cacturne?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17305928 I've got an extra Tranquill, put up the disc.
ERIKA 0344-9289-1339
>>17306056 Sweet thanks! disc up!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Hrodger 1950-8378-7762 (Hoothoot Doduo Rufflet)
Hrodger 1950-8378-7762 (Hoothoot Doduo Rufflet) Sun 12 Jan 2014 03:03:51 No. 17306221 Report Quoted By:
does anyone here have a female protean froakie in a luxury ball?
I'd really like a totodile for a luvdisc
ERIKA 0344-9289-1339
Quoted By:
great, thanks!
Quoted By:
Anyone have a female Yamask in a luxury ball? Bit of a stretch I know
Klov 4957-3319-9446 (psychic, abra,xatu,???)
Klov 4957-3319-9446 (psychic, abra,xatu,???) Sun 12 Jan 2014 03:15:50 No. 17306463 Report Quoted By:
>>17300480 I'd really like a venasaur with venasaurite
a bold vaporeon and a good iv gligar
>>17305091 Dunno if too late, but can I have a snivy and chikorita?
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???) Anonymous Sun 12 Jan 2014 03:20:06 No. 17306537 Report >>17306505 is me, fixed name.
William (Bergmite, Snover, Piloswine) 1375-7210-0492
William (Bergmite, Snover, Piloswine) 1375-7210-0492 Sun 12 Jan 2014 03:30:06 No. 17306741 Report Put up a disc for a Yamask, If you could it would be great
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17306226 I'll breed one for you, but I need your IGN.
>>17306505 >>17306537 Have to breed them, but sure.
>>17306741 I'll breed you one.
After these request, I think I'll be heading off, at least for a bit. I've been up nearly 24 hours now.
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???)
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???) Sun 12 Jan 2014 03:40:14 No. 17306953 Report >>17306818 Wait, do I have to have seen them before having them in the "what do you want for this pokemon" thing in the GTS?
Orlando 2406-5342-4991 IGN Jerome (gloom, venomoth, toxicroak)
Orlando 2406-5342-4991 IGN Jerome (gloom, venomoth, toxicroak) Sun 12 Jan 2014 03:40:45 No. 17306968 Report Anyone have an Unown and a Phione? I only need them for their dex entries and people are asking for ridiculous things on the GTS.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17306953 No, if you scroll down past the letters, there's a "What Pokemon?" Option where you can type it in. Just spell it correctly.
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???)
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???) Sun 12 Jan 2014 03:44:44 No. 17307048 Report >>17306982 Shit, thanks bud. Look for a Fletching named "/VP/BIRD" and i will want a snivy.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17306968 I can give you both, just put up a disc.
Nelo: 0774-4272-8190
>>17307051 Could I have a Unown too, fellow /vp/oreon?
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Orlando 2406-5342-4991 IGN Jerome (gloom, venomoth, toxicroak)
Orlando 2406-5342-4991 IGN Jerome (gloom, venomoth, toxicroak) Sun 12 Jan 2014 03:50:53 No. 17307168 Report >>17307051 oh shoot, thanks man!
Nelo: 0774-4272-8190
>>17307137 Disc is up, the message says "Hika, here!" and it's named "/vp/". Thank you in advance!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17307048 Sent. Put something up for the Chikorita.
>>17306226 Still need a name, anon.
>>17306741 Yours will be along shortly if someone hasn't already gotten to it.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17307188 Sent!
>>17307168 Is your IGN also Orlando?
Nelo: 0774-4272-8190
Quoted By:
>>17307256 Thank you very much! Sorry I don't have anything to give in return, but if you need something, just say and I'll look for it!
Orlando 2406-5342-4991 IGN Jerome (gloom, venomoth, toxicroak)
Orlando 2406-5342-4991 IGN Jerome (gloom, venomoth, toxicroak) Sun 12 Jan 2014 03:56:44 No. 17307292 Report >>17307256 ign is Jerome, 3ds is orlando
luvdisk description is /vp/!
Quoted By:
I put a Luvdisc up for Tepig, as he's the only fire starter I'm missing
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 03:58:09 No. 17307334 Report Quoted By:
Anyone got a slakoth? Just put up a disc.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???)
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???) Sun 12 Jan 2014 03:59:21 No. 17307369 Report >>17307217 Putting up a Zigzagoon named "/Smogy/"
Orlando 2406-5342-4991 IGN Jerome (gloom, venomoth, toxicroak)
Orlando 2406-5342-4991 IGN Jerome (gloom, venomoth, toxicroak) Sun 12 Jan 2014 03:59:56 No. 17307383 Report >>17307343 Thank you so much!
Do I re-up the unown and ask for a phione?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17307369 Sent.
Yamask is also sent.
Last call for Totodile anon.
ERIKA 0344-9289-1339
Can somebody hook me up with something in the seismitoad
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17307383 You can have the Unown or put it for the Phione if you want.
ERIKA 0344-9289-1339
>>17307439 seismitoad line*
Quoted By:
anybody has got any duped shiny to throw away? else i need a Magmortar,yanmask,gliscor and lopunny anybody?
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???)
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:04:24 No. 17307501 Report Anyone have: Cyndiquil Piplup Please, if you do, let's see if we can set up a trade.
Orlando 2406-5342-4991 IGN Jerome (gloom, venomoth, toxicroak)
Orlando 2406-5342-4991 IGN Jerome (gloom, venomoth, toxicroak) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:04:59 No. 17307522 Report Quoted By:
>>17307455 I guess somebody snagged the unown already lol it's all good, somebody ended up giving me a phione for it.
Much thanks either way, you are a gentle(wo?)man and a scholar.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17307501 I still have some HA Piplup left.
Xavier 2208-4869-0540 (Fight: Meditite, Pancham, Tyrogue)
Xavier 2208-4869-0540 (Fight: Meditite, Pancham, Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:06:52 No. 17307551 Report >>17307501 What nature would you like?
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???)
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:07:35 No. 17307571 Report >>17307551 >>17307547 I don't care what stats at this point, I just need one.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17307571 Ok, just put up a disc and I'll send you one.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17307418 Alright, I'm gonna go pass out. I'll be back at some point. Night guys.
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???)
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:09:56 No. 17307620 Report >>17307602 A what, Cyndaquil or Piplup?
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Xavier 2208-4869-0540 (Fight: Meditite, Pancham, Tyrogue)
Xavier 2208-4869-0540 (Fight: Meditite, Pancham, Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:10:29 No. 17307633 Report >>17307571 alright, give me 2 minutes, and I'll have you a Cyndaquil with random IVs and Blaze
ERIKA 0344-9289-1339
Quoted By:
>>17307439 >>17307468 nevermind, I got it!
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???)
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:11:36 No. 17307664 Report >>17307630 Ok I put up a weedle named /vp/bug for pip
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???)
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:15:17 No. 17307760 Report Quoted By:
>>17307633 utting up a Fletchling named Rob.
Xavier 2208-4869-0540 (Fight: Meditite, Pancham, Tyrogue)
Xavier 2208-4869-0540 (Fight: Meditite, Pancham, Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:15:33 No. 17307769 Report >>17307664 Cyndaquil just hatched, would you like a nickname?
2208 5098 6729 (Illumise, Combee, Heracross) Anonymous Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:17:50 No. 17307820 Report Quoted By:
>>17307501 I have both. What do you have?
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???)
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:18:26 No. 17307834 Report >>17307769 Is it male or female?
If male name it Epic the third (it's a long story
If female name it Epicette
(My friend had a bro-tier Typhlosion, idc if I seem ridden with autism.)
Xavier 2208-4869-0540 (Fight: Meditite, Pancham, Tyrogue)
Xavier 2208-4869-0540 (Fight: Meditite, Pancham, Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:21:31 No. 17307898 Report Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???)
Luke IGN: Lucy 5215-0917-5545 (Masquerain, Pinsir, ???) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:22:09 No. 17307923 Report Quoted By:
>>17307898 Thanks. I'm going to bed now, thank you everyone for the starters.
Quoted By:
Anyone have any murkrow?
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:27:37 No. 17308026 Report Once again, any slakoths? I put up my disc.
Heroine 1805-3224-2414 Doduo, Swanna, Rufflet
Heroine 1805-3224-2414 Doduo, Swanna, Rufflet Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:31:11 No. 17308108 Report >>17308026 Same situation, if I get one I 'd like to get you one too. Side note, mind adding my code? I want a Tyrouge pretty badly.
Ringo: 4656-5922-6231
Quoted By:
>>17300480 hey how about a piplup ehhhh
William (Bergmite, Snover, Piloswine) 1375-7210-0492
William (Bergmite, Snover, Piloswine) 1375-7210-0492 Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:44:54 No. 17308391 Report Anyone got a prankster sableye Putting a disc up for one
ERIKA 0344-9289-1339
Quoted By:
>>17308391 I just put up a disc for swadloon, gonna breed some stuff to fill out some other requests while I wait, please help me out guys
ERIKA 0344-9289-1339
>>17308897 did you get these two? I was just breeding a couple.
Heroine 1805-3224-2414 Doduo, Swanna, Rufflet
Heroine 1805-3224-2414 Doduo, Swanna, Rufflet Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:15:38 No. 17309050 Report >>17308990 I got one and about to breed now.
>>17309026 er. Nevermind.
ERIKA 0344-9289-1339
>>17309026 >>17309050 welp. still looking for swadloon at any rate.
Quoted By:
All I've ever wanted was a decent IV'd ditto. I love you VP.
Heroine 1805-3224-2414 Doduo, Swanna, Rufflet
Heroine 1805-3224-2414 Doduo, Swanna, Rufflet Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:21:45 No. 17309191 Report >>17309126 Thank you kindly, best of luck to you.
>>17308026 You don't need a Slakoth now or did you get one too?
Quoted By:
>>17309191 He got one too.
>>17309126 Give me a minute on the Swadloon.
>>17309126 Do you mind if it's actually a Sewaddle?
ERIKA 0344-9289-1339
Quoted By:
>>17309299 that works even better
let me switch out the disc for a sewaddle
ERIKA 0344-9289-1339
>>17309299 actually nevermind, I went to change it out and someone traded me one. I really appreciate it anon, do you need anything bred for your dex?
Quoted By:
>>17309379 No worries, glad you got it. I don't need anything, but I appreciate the offer.
Andreu 0044 3894 9540
Quoted By:
looking for contrary snivy
Cipher 3265 6432 9399
put up a disc. I need a larvesta, mudkip, and a gale wings fletchling please. thanks.
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops)
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:53:36 No. 17309794 Report >>17300628 Wondering if I can get that Skarmory, putting up a 5IV Bold Rotom.
Daloofus 1977-1528-1705 (Nosepass Onix Barbaracle)
Daloofus 1977-1528-1705 (Nosepass Onix Barbaracle) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:02:27 No. 17309957 Report Quoted By:
I put up a japanese Disc hoping for one of them 6IV dittos being cloned. A Giratina for the one that proves it was them.
Cipher 3265 6432 9399
>>17309816 thank you for the mudkip
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17309794 I'm not finding it, maybe someone already traded it?
Ringo: 4656-5922-6231
>>17309816 put a a disc would like a piplup
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17310004 Welcome. After Larvesta, ask for Fletchinder, it's quicker for me to get than Fletchling.
>>17310053 Not sure why you're replying to me, but sure.
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops)
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:11:15 No. 17310145 Report >>17310043 Yeah, someone got mine. Gonna put up a 4IV one this time.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Quoted By:
>>17310145 Sent, thanks for the Rotom!
Mike (5472 7866 3107)
Quoted By:
I've got about 3 boxes of charmanders if anyone is interested. One of them has pokerus (;
Kerpa 3437-3303-4704
Could anyone give me a Snivy? I'll put up a disc for it! Thanks in advance
Kerpa 3437-3303-4704
>>17310620 Thanks a lot, anon!
Cipher 3265 6432 9399
>>17310653 Welcome.
>>17310757 You're still asking for Fletchling.
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Tepig? I put a disc up for one
ty 3153-3918-0143
Quoted By:
politoad with drizzle please
Cipher 3265 6432 9399
Quoted By:
>>17310807 dang sorry about that. fixed.
>>17300480 Does anyone have a Litwick or Slugma with Heat Wave?
Kira (ICE SAF 3926-5051-1108)
Quoted By:
Put a Luvdisc named /vp/ requesting for Giratina I'm a hopeless person... Also, I wanted bank legendaries for National pokedex, if anyone is willing to help me, I'll be eternally grateful (scheme is: I send 'mon u send legendary, I send back, u send another... Yep.)
Quoted By:
>>17311102 If you find one tell me!
Hey guys im looking to get all the starters that I dont have yet. As of now those are: Chikorita Treecko Chimchar Piplup and all three Gen 5 starters If anyone could help me narrow down this list, I'd be really thankful. I'll put up discs for each one, all with the tags "/vp/ thanks". I'll put the first one up according to who is the first person offering. thanks in advance.
Hey everyone, I don't have any pokebank mons available but I do have 29 of these: 31/31/31/x/31/31 bulletproof Chespin with Impish nature. They're in normal pokeballs Send in luvdisc and ask for chespin, name it VP or something
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17311781 If you're still here, I can provide Oshawott, Chikorita and Piplup.
>>17311959 I'll take one.
>>17312058 Awesome, going in that order works. Thanks!
>>17311959 Awesome, thank you. Putting up a disc now.
IGN:: Flash
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17311959 I'll take one! Putting up a 31/31/31/31/31/0 female Wooper if that's okay.
>>17312058 >>17312120 sent, might've been in premier ball (forgot the earliest were in those)
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17312109 Give me a moment. Randomly disconnected from the internet and it won't reconnect.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17312197 Meant to put x for the speed, sorry. Unless it is 0. Then I did.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
So...anyone got a Drain Punch Shroomish yet?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17312211 Weird, I'm still online and haven't run into a problem. Sorry if came from my end for some reason.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17312238 Chikorita delivered and I've disconnected again for some reason..
Neon 3024-5733-3183 (Pancham, Meditite, Breloom)
Neon 3024-5733-3183 (Pancham, Meditite, Breloom) Sun 12 Jan 2014 08:12:00 No. 17312285 Report >>17311959 No discs left, but i put up a 5IV Feebass.
>>17312259 the trade went through, so I think we're good. Putting up the last one now.
>>17312285 someone snatched it
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Neon 3024-5733-3183 (Pancham, Meditite, Breloom)
Neon 3024-5733-3183 (Pancham, Meditite, Breloom) Sun 12 Jan 2014 08:16:07 No. 17312328 Report >>17312309 Just checked, it's still up.
Quoted By:
>>17312259 Alright! Thanks so much for the trades.
>>17312328 IGN Neon?
and looking for disc?
Neon 3024-5733-3183 (Pancham, Meditite, Breloom)
Neon 3024-5733-3183 (Pancham, Meditite, Breloom) Sun 12 Jan 2014 08:38:50 No. 17312584 Report >>17312389 >>17312433 I'll post it again, but I don't see why it isn't showing up.
>>17312584 Still a negative, I deposited one for Feebas with "/VP/ Neon" description
Neon 3024-5733-3183 (Pancham, Meditite, Breloom)
Neon 3024-5733-3183 (Pancham, Meditite, Breloom) Sun 12 Jan 2014 09:00:32 No. 17312875 Report Quoted By:
>>17312732 I was responding to
>>17311959 saying I will put up a 5 IV Feebas because I didn't have a disc left, sorry if that was unclear.
Any one have an extra totodile with that Hidden ability? Please! Putting up disc with /vp/ my name is Freddy
Quoted By:
Guys, anybody with a shiny eevee? really need one!
Quoted By:
>>17312936 If people did it wouldn't be allowed to be traded on GTS or online.
Nick (ニック)4227-0691-2370 Crawdaunt, Sableye, Nuzleaf
Nick (ニック)4227-0691-2370 Crawdaunt, Sableye, Nuzleaf Sun 12 Jan 2014 10:13:37 No. 17313566 Report Is anybody still in this thread? If not, going to start a new one to give out 5v piplups.
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 10:16:36 No. 17313594 Report >>17313566 I'll take one. I'll up a disc in a bit.
Nick (ニック)4227-0691-2370 Crawdaunt, Sableye, Nuzleaf
Nick (ニック)4227-0691-2370 Crawdaunt, Sableye, Nuzleaf Sun 12 Jan 2014 10:18:17 No. 17313611 Report >>17313594 Cool. I have about 15 I think. Not all are missing the ideal IV, but since you're first I'll give you the one missing attack. They're all modest.
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 10:19:56 No. 17313635 Report >>17313611 Oh cool.
Upped disc, thanks.
Also, if anyone has any of the starters, I'd appreciate them.
No need for HA, unless there's an extra Contrary Snivy floating around.
Nick (ニック)4227-0691-2370 Crawdaunt, Sableye, Nuzleaf
Nick (ニック)4227-0691-2370 Crawdaunt, Sableye, Nuzleaf Sun 12 Jan 2014 10:21:29 No. 17313654 Report Quoted By:
Nick (ニック)4227-0691-2370 Crawdaunt, Sableye, Nuzleaf
Nick (ニック)4227-0691-2370 Crawdaunt, Sableye, Nuzleaf Sun 12 Jan 2014 10:22:35 No. 17313669 Report And if anyone else wants a 5V modest piplup, up something and let me know.
>>17313669 Deposited a 5IV Chespin with Bulletproof
Nick (ニック)4227-0691-2370 Crawdaunt, Sableye, Nuzleaf
Nick (ニック)4227-0691-2370 Crawdaunt, Sableye, Nuzleaf Sun 12 Jan 2014 10:30:41 No. 17313735 Report Quoted By:
Stuart 5300-9472-3272 (Boldore, Onix, Binacle)
Stuart 5300-9472-3272 (Boldore, Onix, Binacle) Sun 12 Jan 2014 10:34:05 No. 17313760 Report >>17313566 >>17313669 Put up a ralts with /vp/ in the desc.
Nick (ニック)4227-0691-2370 Crawdaunt, Sableye, Nuzleaf
Nick (ニック)4227-0691-2370 Crawdaunt, Sableye, Nuzleaf Sun 12 Jan 2014 10:38:12 No. 17313802 Report >>17313760 Did someone already trade it to you? Because I can't seem to find it.
Stuart 5300-9472-3272 (Boldore, Onix, Binacle)
Stuart 5300-9472-3272 (Boldore, Onix, Binacle) Sun 12 Jan 2014 10:40:02 No. 17313817 Report >>17313802 Yeah, I'll another up in a sec.
Nick (ニック)4227-0691-2370 Crawdaunt, Sableye, Nuzleaf
Nick (ニック)4227-0691-2370 Crawdaunt, Sableye, Nuzleaf Sun 12 Jan 2014 10:41:51 No. 17313836 Report >>17313817 There we go. Sent.
Stuart 5300-9472-3272 (Boldore, Onix, Binacle)
Stuart 5300-9472-3272 (Boldore, Onix, Binacle) Sun 12 Jan 2014 10:44:41 No. 17313860 Report Quoted By:
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
Quoted By:
In case someone is interested I am breeding Quiet/Brave Tynamos.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sun 12 Jan 2014 13:00:00 No. 17315087 Report Thread still alive? I'm hunting Unown, Baltoy, Castform, Kricketot, Glameow, Finneon, Darumaka, Frillish, Elgyem/Beheeyem, Bouffalant. I have the rest of the bankmon (in ther prevo forms mostly) to offer, some with good IV's (most I have to breed quickly).
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17315087 I'm awake again, so if you're still around, I can help you with those.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17315847 >Past bump limit. >No new thread. Everyone just leaves. G-guys.
New thread: