I have two boxes of Meowth; There's about 38 with 5IV in different spots, and the rest are either 4IV or 3IV (rare). All of them are holding a berry, with those who are 5IV marked off. Egg moves are: Last Resort, Hypnosis, Assist, Charm (accidental, but that's ok) Put up some easy to get Pokemon on the GTS that's named /vp/ or have /vp/ in the comment asking for a Meowth, and post what you placed here! Reup the Pokemon if I missed you. I'll get to you when I can, and I'll end off WTing the rest in a few hours or something. Don't ask for anything specific please, thanks
Dude 5000 2933 2086 Normal: Lillipup Loudred Smeargle
Dude 5000 2933 2086 Normal: Lillipup Loudred Smeargle Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:15:56 No. 17302240 Report I'll post a shiny Luvdisc named /vp/. Can't wait for Meowth.
Meowth OP
Quoted By:
>>17302240 Don't put up shinies for this! Will get to you when I can
>>17302142 Put up a nice dratini OP
>>17302142 Put up a lotad named /vp/
Meowth OP
Quoted By:
>>17302336 >that comment Anyhoo, sent out
Meowth OP
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Oh, forgot to mention; all of them are Jolly, most are Technician and the rest are Pickup
But I don't WANT a Meowth I want a Mew. Hook me up nigga.
Will 3007 8551 7783
Quoted By:
>>17302142 i Put up a luvdisc
Moon 1864-9809-2996 [Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb]
Moon 1864-9809-2996 [Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb] Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:24:14 No. 17302437 Report Put up an Eevee!
Meowth OP
>>17302413 Go to cloning general :^)
Carver 0345-0630-9278
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>>17302142 I'll put up a /vp/ Luvdisc for one. Thanks in advance op!
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>>17302444 I'm kidding my nigga it's a good thing you're doing here, good things.
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat)
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat) Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:25:20 No. 17302463 Report Quoted By:
>>17302142 Putting a Luvdisc up for one!
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I put up a Gastly. Thanks OP!
Meowth OP
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>>17302437 Sorry, but can you put something up elsewhere that isn't flooded?
Working on sending to the rest
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put up a woobat OP, whenever you can get to it thanks.
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Throwing up a luvdisc, thanks OP
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Putting up a disc with /vp/ as name and in message.
put a luvdisc for one ! Can i also put a second one a little bit later if you still have some left for a friend ?
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Put up a Ralts
Meowth OP
>>17302615 Why not have them put one up? 8)
Also someone was being cheeky and still put up a shiny Luvdisc, don't do this again please
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
I put up a Tentacool holding a PP Up, OP. Ingame name is Adrien, and message on the GTS is *O*
Shiro 3007-8430-8818
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I'm throwing in an adorable Ralts with comments "<3 OP", OP, thanks!
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Thanks for the Meowth OP.
>>17302683 It's 1 am atm , he is asleep . If you think that's too greedy i'll breed it myself , don't worry . thanks a lot for the one i got atleast !
Meowth OP
>>17302778 I'd rather not have people try to grab two due to the berries they're holding, but good luck anyways I guess.
Meowth OP
>>17302705 Searched Tentacool and Tentacruel and I don't see shit, try again?
Shiro 3007-8430-8818
Quoted By:
>>17302811 Thanks a lot, OP. That ralts has 5 perfect ivs, hope it's useful!
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17302811 Thanks OP ! Only wanted one for Dex completion, but if I remember correctly, you can combo Fake Out with Last Resort for hilarious results, so Imma do just that.
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17302860 Aaaah wait, did it get snatched ? Aww.
Meowth OP
>>17302875 I've seen this a lot, I'm guessing you need to partner it with another Pokemon? I've tried to breed Fake Out onto it but no success
>>17302905 You probably got jipped due to PP Up, put up another one with no items and try again?
Hydex 2922-0330-7046 ivysaur tangula Maractus
Hydex 2922-0330-7046 ivysaur tangula Maractus Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:45:41 No. 17302936 Report Quoted By:
>>17302142 Putting up a Fletchling with random IVs
JayViDoll 3840-6873-3284
may I please have one? that's my favorite pokemon. id really appreciate it. :D
Quoted By:
Looks cool. I dropped off a Growlithe. Thanks bro.
Pete [0104-0499-3702]
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:47:15 No. 17302978 Report Still doing this TC? If so I'll put up a Froakie for one.
Meowth OP
Quoted By:
>>17302940 Maybe if you see the OP, sure.
I think I'm all caught up besides Tentacool & Eevee fuckery
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
Quoted By:
>>17302932 As a giveaway doer myself, I know that happens, yeah. But wow, a bankmon (with Pokérus) for a Tentacool ? I guess that person actully wanted to help, but who freaking goes searching tentacools on the GTS ?
Anyway, trying again with an Altaria, same message of *O*
Meowth OP
>>17302963 Looks like someone juked you here too. Put something simple up and try again please
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
Quoted By:
>>17303031 It's awesome, thanks !
I put up a male Litleo named /vp/ and the comment is "for op"
I don't have national dex but I put up a spoink. thanks in advance
JayViDoll 3840-6873-3284
Quoted By:
I put up a Pikachu named /vp 4 meowth please and thank you
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>>17303086 Just got it, thanks a bundle man!
Meowth OP
Quoted By:
>>17303087 That's fine, I'm all squared away in that regard. Good luck with your dex!
Eevee person and Darumaka person are the oddballs out I think. I have about 19 5IV Meowths left. The ones that aren't 5IV have a berry that should balance everything out I think.
Osama 4441-9476-6004 (Seviper Venemoth Toxicroak)
Osama 4441-9476-6004 (Seviper Venemoth Toxicroak) Sun 12 Jan 2014 00:59:38 No. 17303259 Report >>17302142 I put up a luvdisc
Quoted By:
You rock OP!!!
Meowth OP
>>17303259 I'm guessing you were sniped too? I don't see this.
Meowth OP
Quoted By:
>>17303325 Nevermind, there you are
1993-8230-7212 Papes here Putting up a Spearow named /vp/, id really appreciate a meowth man. if possible id really love to have a nickname on it too, any name is fine
Meowth OP
>>17303732 Don't see it yet, just waiting.
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>>17303832 Put a Ledyba op says /vp/ in the description
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Put up a scatterbug, thanks OP
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
>>17302142 I'll throw up a Feebas for you OP
Meowth OP
>>17304282 Throw up something simple/something you can manage to be let go. My 'Dex is 718/718 so I don't really need much.
Will try to get to you ASAP so you don't get juked like the ones who offered up other Bankmons
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
Quoted By:
>>17304332 It's leftovers so I don't really mind
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I've placed a zubat up. Thank you OP!
Quoted By:
I put up a flabebe named /vp/, thanks op!
Meowth OP
>>17302437 >>17302963 >>17302978 >>17303732 >>17304282 Just a reminder - I haven't seen these up, so I dunno if you all are still interested or another person initiated a trade. I'm only gonna be around for a bit longer, so please come claim soon!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 01:56:15 No. 17304562 Report >>17304538 My Forakie is still up.
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
>>17304538 Well my Feebas is up.
Lvl 1 female
Pokemon want is Meowth
Description is /vp/
Meowth OP
>>17304562 >>17304576 Like I said, I don't see any of these, so someone else might've traded. Please reup to the GTS (especially for Froakie)
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
>>17304644 Took down and re-uploaded.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 02:04:00 No. 17304749 Report Meowth OP
Quoted By:
>>17304715 >>17304749 Well.
I've disconnected and reconnected a few times to the internet in general and I don't really see shit here for these two Pokemon. I was able to trade successfully with the majority of other players here without reconnecting to the GTS, so I dunno what's up here.
Try with another (easier/shitmon) Pokemon, please?
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17304332 Yo man i wanna have a whole team rocket set so thanks for hookin me up.
I put up a minccino
Moon 1864-9809-2996 [Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb]
Moon 1864-9809-2996 [Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb] Sun 12 Jan 2014 02:09:46 No. 17304913 Report >>17304538 Ah, sorry, I had to do something else.
Would you like a Scyther or a Larvesta more?
Meowth OP
>>17304913 Don't care, send whatever shitmon please
>>17304910 See, now I had no problems sending something to you. Dumb GTS shit, I tells ya
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
Moon 1864-9809-2996 [Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb]
Moon 1864-9809-2996 [Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb] Sun 12 Jan 2014 02:14:35 No. 17305033 Report >>17304943 Alright, put up a Scyther with /vp/ in the description!
Pete [0104-0499-3702]
>>17303031 dang I fell asleep. I'll try again.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 02:14:57 No. 17305045 Report Luvdisc is up.
Meowth OP
>>17305029 Well now it just sounds like I'm doing you the favour here, jeez.
>>17305033 >>17305045 Sent with no problems, cheers
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 02:18:41 No. 17305119 Report Quoted By:
>>17305087 Thanks tC, odd how the other pkmn didn't work though.
Punpun 2895-8175-6971
I uploaded a Minccino, OP. Would very much like one of those Meowths. IGN: Casca
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
>>17305087 I have a bunch of leftover Feebas that don't show up on the GTS I guess.
I wasn't rude or anything.
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
Meowth OP
First box done, 7 5IV Meowths left, the rest are mainly 4IV, could be one with 3IV so please go check at Kiloude
>>17305123 >>17305127 Sent with no problems
>>17305150 Yeah, its the GTS being a big shitter right now I suppose.
>>17305035 Try something else please, due to the above issue
Punpun 2895-8175-6971
Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17305230 Putting up a Growlithe with /vp/ in the comment box.
Pete [0104-0499-3702]
>>17305230 Just put a Smeargle Up.
DBG 2809-8939-5066 Flying: Spearow, Woobat, Rufflet
DBG 2809-8939-5066 Flying: Spearow, Woobat, Rufflet Sun 12 Jan 2014 02:31:08 No. 17305422 Report >>17305230 Can I get a 5 IV one, OP? I'll put up a Yamask with VP on the description. Name is Diego. It has egg moves.
Butler !!vQF061dDoa/
>>17305230 Could I get one of those 5IV Meowth if you have any left? I put up a Spoink with /vp/ in the description.
Meowth OP
Five 5IV Meowths left from the final box, the rest are 4IV and possibly below (go check if you get one!) Since this is nearly done and I have other shit to do in like a half hour, might as well try to move these forward:
The 5IV Meowths had Lansat Berries, the non 5IV ones have Starfs.
No I'm not going out of list order/taking back a Meowth/Lansat for the Starf ones.
>>17305379 >>17305375 Sent with no problems
>>17305422 >>17305454 From the OP
>Don't ask for anything specific please, thanks Otherwise I don't care what shitmon you send, just as long as I can see it in the GTS we're fine
Just put a tauros named /vp. Thanks, based OP.
Meowth OP
>>17305422 >>17305454 >>17305537 BTW, sent with no problems.
Two 5IV Meowths left! If you get an unmarked one, check in Kiloude please!
DBG 2809-8939-5066 Flying: Spearow, Woobat, Rufflet
DBG 2809-8939-5066 Flying: Spearow, Woobat, Rufflet Sun 12 Jan 2014 02:39:58 No. 17305614 Report >>17305501 yeah sorry for not reading the OP. I just saw "Only 7 Meowths left" and had to reply ASAP.
Thanks a lot for the Meowth.
Meowth OP
Quoted By:
>>17305610 If you get an unmarked one after these*
>>17305614 Only seven of those specific ones left at the time, but yeah.
Quoted By:
>>17305610 Thanks a lot, man.
Nidoran (female) on the GTS with /vp/ on the comment
Butler !!vQF061dDoa/
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>>17305610 Thanks much! Sorry I missed the notice about requests.
Meowth OP
Quoted By:
>>17305668 Sent with no problems
One 5IV Meowth left, the rest (22) are ones with Starfs. I'm done with this giveaway in about 15 minutes.
Quoted By:
>>17305501 OP delivers, thanks
Is there a trick to make this easy as pie?
Meowth OP
Quoted By:
>>17305772 You breed Pokemon until you get something you like
Meowth OP
Quoted By:
Gonna Wonder Trade the rest out, thanks again for all the interest, and enjoy!
Sean (Wobbufett,Abra,Duosion) 1306-6805-9850
Sean (Wobbufett,Abra,Duosion) 1306-6805-9850 Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:15:56 No. 17309058 Report Quoted By:
put up an oshawott
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>>17302142 Put up a male Mawile, Op