barrett 2809-8899-5654
When did you want the Gastrodon, Josh?
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17307631 I guess when I give you the Groudon. Then I'll clone it and send it back.
barrett 2809-8899-5654
>>17307666 Alrighty. Did you have any spare Genesects chillin' around?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
Woops, sorry kitten. Didn't know that was you
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17307643 Interested in your HP Ice Electrike. I can give you Adamant Gale Wings 5IV Fletchling (shiny).
Since you can't clone, I can clone your Electrike and give one back to you.
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Quoted By:
looking to trade my houndoominite and char y for electricnite and char x
kitten 3282 2624 3326
>>17307643 Whatcha want for that shiny 6 IV suicune? I've got shiny 6 IV jirachi and a 3 IV shiny eevee
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17307694 Not right now. I'm going to be cloning some after this batch of requests.
>>17307236 I've got your boo boo keys to trade back.
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17307732 sure, you have any other shinies? as i already am gonna trade for a 6IV version of fletchling
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17307762 would like the shiny jirachi
barrett 2809-8899-5654
>>17307776 Cool, man. Mind if I stick around for one?
I also have a shiny Spinda if you'd like to clone it.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17307787 I have 6IV Adamant Tyranitar with Stealth Rock. I need to clone that if you're interested, though.
Trainer name Twiggles 0275 8846 7430
Quoted By:
Looking for a good cloner Have Mew 6 IV Shiny, Celebi, Genesect, 6IV Rayquaza, 6 IV Ditto (everyone has them though), Arceus, Entei, Looking for either someone to clone multiple copies of them, or someone to give me a bank legend (preferably Event legend for one of my Event pokemon) then clone my pokemon, and send me the original back.
kitten 3282 2624 3326
>>17307808 Shit why did I say shiny jirachi. It's regular. My bad
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17307812 Sounds good to me.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:20:19 No. 17307874 Report Quoted By:
>>17307776 im online and thx
send me a trade request
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17307846 sure i will take that
>>17307862 ah i see a regular one do you have any other shinies or the 6IV ditto so i can do giveaway
barrett 2809-8899-5654
>>17307873 Awesome. Genesect army ftw.
V 4441-8961-7772
Quoted By:
>>17307643 can you lend me aegislash or arceus?I'll clone you an extra
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17307886 Sure. Give me some time to clone.
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:23:40 No. 17307951 Report Is anyone cloning competitive pokes? I don't have much to offer apart from 5 iv marills with egg moves and a shiny 6 iv jap ditto, I'd pref to have the ditto cloned and given back if possible
kitten 3282 2624 3326
>>17307886 I've got a japanese 6 IV ditto. Not much for shinies though
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:25:08 No. 17307982 Report >>17307776 would you be interested in a shiny nidoran male
and the klefki didnt go through
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17307776 Hey Josh, ready to trade for my shiny Genesect?
>>17307808 shiny jirachi is not posssible sadly eventhough it was a legit thing
Andrew (IGN Jack Mihoff) 1736-1317-8739 (Fletchinder, Magmar, Pyroar)
Andrew (IGN Jack Mihoff) 1736-1317-8739 (Fletchinder, Magmar, Pyroar) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:29:43 No. 17308066 Report Quoted By:
Okay, where the fuck did Samus go. She is the only one I really trust on these threads because she was the first one I had dupe for me.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>17307946 Got the Tyranitar cloned. I've added you already so tell me when you're ready.
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17307970 if you can clone 2 of it for me i can let you clone the suicune
>>17308061 well who knows since illegal HA pokemon got thru too i am looking for those if anyone in this thread has them
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:31:01 No. 17308104 Report >>17307982 forgot to say its nicknamed rex
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Quoted By:
Someone can colone my melloeta?
Pete [0104-0499-3702]
Quoted By:
Got a Darkrai. Does anyone have an english name Jirachi?
V 4441-8961-7772
i got a bunch of 6 iv meloettas anyone wanna trade me 1 of there 6 iv legends?
kitten 3282 2624 3326
>>17308142 6 IV shiny genesect for 1?
>>17308095 Will do.
>>17308142 Need a Zekrom or Regirock?
Quoted By:
>>17308179 >6IV Whoops, nevermind. Those definitely aren't 6IV.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17308060 One second. I have all of the pokemon for you except Riolu cloned.
>>17307912 I've got the Groudon. working on getting it to the right cartridge.
>>17308104 Possibly, after this round of cloning.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17308095 Crap, forgot to remove the item I was cloning with it.
Whatever, it's yours.
V 4441-8961-7772
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Quoted By:
someone wants to trade a victini for my shiny growlithe?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:36:16 No. 17308227 Report Quoted By:
>>17308197 cool tell me when your done with everybody i have 4 hours on my hands
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu)
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:36:43 No. 17308233 Report >>17308142 Sadly, I don't have any 6iv legends at all, but I was wondering if you'd be interested in a shiny absol? It doesn't have good IVs though.
I've been looking for a meloetta for awhile.
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17308198 i can pass it back to you if you want it =s
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:37:18 No. 17308241 Report This is the list I've been posting around: I'm able to clone but I really suck at it, but main reason I'm here is because I just want event legendaries regardless of stats/shininess especially meloetta, genesect, and deoxys. Anyone interested at all?
barrett 2809-8899-5654
>>17308197 I have all night. I can wait until you finish your current requests.
Did you want the shiny Spinda to clone?
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>17308238 You can keep it. Electrike with HP Ice has been in my want list for a while anyways.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Amber are you lurking this thread? Did you manage to clone my darkrai? anyhow i have a 6iv arceus and a regular heatran. Does anyone have a darkrai and is interested in cloning any/both of those?
V 4441-8961-7772
>>17308233 yeah I'll add you
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17308197 Cool. You wanted the following shinies right? [Genesect, Shaymin, Deoxys, Regigigas]
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
kitten 3282 2624 3326
Quoted By:
>>17308282 Got those 2 dittos adding now
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17308325 I've finished cloning. You can send any 6 shitmon you have.
>>17308282 Holy shit, I got it on the first try. I have to finish trade with James before I get to you, though.
barrett 2809-8899-5654
Quoted By:
>>17308313 Hell yes. Only two more of those steelbugfags and I can unleash an army on Battle Spot
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17308312 Just the Genesect. and some shitmon.
kitten [swagmore] 3282 2624 3326
Trainer name Twiggles 0275 8846 7430
>>17308241 I have Genesect, do you have any legendaries for collateral? I would need it to be cloned with the original plus a clone coming back to me, or if you have a legendary I don't have, you'd give me the original back and I'd just keep whatever legendary you gave me.
Dux 4596 9799 8121 !uzFVIO.hJQ
I'm here James. Lemme finish this battle
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:46:13 No. 17308413 Report Quoted By:
>>17307951 Still looking for competitive pokes, no response in 6+ threads
I have a meloetta and shiny 5iv Swinub too
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17308282 Did you ever get a spare rotom, pichu or chansey?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17308428 which rotom?
i have spare pichu with me currently
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17308368 Really!? You sir are too kind.
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu)
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:47:57 No. 17308448 Report >>17308275 Thank you, so much.
Quoted By:
>>17308404 u still cloning muh deoxys and shaymin?
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:48:54 No. 17308463 Report >>17308396 I have all bank legendaries except the regi trio, heatran and cresselia on hand. Any you'd want? Took me a good 3 hours just to clone 4 dittos so I'll take a bit of time to clone.
Quoted By:
I have a shiny 5IV Thundurus, an assortment of non-viable shinies, the rest of the djinn, Meloetta and the musketeers. I'm after a 6IV Genesect and a 6IV Deoxys. I'm apathetic about shininess on them both. I'm only really willing to trade if somebody can clone and send things back for me.
kitten [swagmore] 3282 2624 3326
>>17308441 >>17308275 Thank you both for the trades. Enjoy them cloned nigs.
Trainer name Twiggles 0275 8846 7430
>>17308463 Do you have any extra on hand? If you're a slow cloner, I'd like to just give you the Genesect for you to clone once and give back to me.
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu)
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:51:09 No. 17308500 Report If anyones interested in trading something for a 6IV eevee with a bold nature (not HA sadly) just let me know. I only have one though.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17308463 I have a shiny ENG 6IV Deoxys you can try your hand at. Do you have any english legendaries?
Quoted By:
anybody got anything interesting?
V 4441-8961-7772
>>17308448 I'll trade you back your absol once i get an extra for myself i don't need anything in return
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17308493 well dont forget i need a clone of the suicune back as stated on my first post
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17308500 Sup, you want an Azelf?
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:53:06 No. 17308548 Report >>17308505 Nope every single one is JPN, sorry.
>>17308499 I'd really appreciate that if that's fine. Which legend do you want?
I'm curious how long does it take to clone 4 pokemon?
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu)
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:53:49 No. 17308562 Report Quoted By:
>>17308529 Thank you!! That really means a lot, I really liked it.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17308463 Do you need heatran?
>>17308266 IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
kitten [swagmore] 3282 2624 3326
Quoted By:
>>17308542 Shit missed that part. Cloning now.
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:55:07 No. 17308587 Report Hey, all. I have a 6IV Meloetta and 6IV Shiny Shaymin. I'm looking for either Keldeo or Victini (possibly both?). I trade you either Meloetta or Shaymin, you clone it, keep one of the clones, and send original back to me. You clone a Keldeo/Victini, keep the original, and send the clone to me. Sorry, I don't know how to explain that very well, but I hope you get the point! In the end, we should both have the Pokemon we started with. Thanks!
Dux 4596 9799 8121 !uzFVIO.hJQ
Quoted By:
Name just give me shit. Imma stop dupilacting today
Quoted By:
>>17308576 Do you think it could take 4 hours?
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>17308542 I'm ready to give the Electrike back to you.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17308446 I've got your pokemon.
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
Quoted By:
>>17308356 sure just trade me when you are done
Trainer name Twiggles 0275 8846 7430
>>17308548 >>17308548 I don't want to Jew you too much. I'd take uhhh Latias or Latios if you have it. IF you feel like throwing me two legendaries, that would be cool because I can't clone and I'm looking to complete my dex, but whatever works for you my man.
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu)
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:57:24 No. 17308639 Report Quoted By:
>>17308543 No thank you, I have one waiting to be transferred from another game.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17308625 Great. I'm online
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17308500 is it shiny? and what is its gender?
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu)
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu) Sun 12 Jan 2014 04:59:37 No. 17308689 Report >>17308666 No, its not shiny, and its male
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:00:06 No. 17308700 Report Repost my list Have shiny suicune shiny entei entei shiny latias 6IV (naughty) shiny genesect rayquaza latios virizion meloetta 6IV victini 6IV Shiny giratina Keldeo zekrom shiny shaymin 6IV ditto 6IV shiny klefki shiny eevee shiny zoroark LF anything I dont have listed above or you can borrow I only have one of each and cant clone, so i need a clone back.
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:00:10 No. 17308702 Report >>17308638 Yeah I've got the Lati's. I'll add you now.
Pic just for proof.
Trainer name Twiggles 0275 8846 7430
>>17308702 I trust you, you sound like me, just a guy trying to the Pokemon he wants
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu)
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:01:08 No. 17308729 Report Quoted By:
>>17308689 it also knows wish.
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:01:45 No. 17308740 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Would anyone be willing to clone me a Meloetta or Genesect (or any old legendary, for that matter) for another Bankmon? I have very little to offer besides a 3IV egg move Larvitar.
barrett 2809-8899-5654
>>17308313 Oh, and will you be able to clone me a copy of Gastrodon or toss the og back? It was my first X shiny.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:04:27 No. 17308787 Report Can anyone clone the shiny genesect from the movie event for me? The one with e speed, shift gears, and blaze kick? Cant Clone but I can offer a 6iv calm celebi and a 6iv ditto. All I ask is that i get an original and a copy backanyone help a bro out?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17308766 I'll send them both back.
barrett 2809-8899-5654
>>17308790 It's literally no rush. Whenever you have free time and are willing.
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus]
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus] Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:06:31 No. 17308833 Report >>17308700 Mind if I can barrow that shiny eevee? I can clone it and give it back plus a clone. I can let you hold on to a Latios for the time being.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17308641 Do I need to clone it and send it back?
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>17308441 The bold one.
anyways I have
6IV Azumarill, 5Iv Espur, 5IV scyther, 6IV inkay left.
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:07:43 No. 17308860 Report >>17308833 sure adding you rite now
just get ahold of me on here when your done
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus]
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus] Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:08:46 No. 17308888 Report Quoted By:
>>17308860 Added. Thanks, I will try and get it it back to you ASAP.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:09:48 No. 17308920 Report >>17308700 I have a Shiny Quaza, a SHiny Lugia, a Shiny Kyogre, and a Shiny Groudon. I can't clone, but if you can return the original plus either Suicine or Entei, I'd love to make a deal.
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17308848 bold one i will need to get it cloned
i am interested in inkay and espurr
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17308847 I'm tempted to say no on account of you being so generous. Whatever you feel like.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Quoted By:
>>17308932 Ahh okay. Want to do espurr for pichu right now? My Inkay will be returned to me soon.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17308933 I'll have it back to you momentarily.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:12:33 No. 17308987 Report Quoted By:
>>17308920 shoot i cant clone ite now but i can tommorow
add me and ill try to get ahold of you tomorow on cloning thread
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Boyboy 0731-6002-4387
Anybody have a perfect shiny Giratina for trade?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17308266 No one? ;_; and I meant to put ameer, not amber
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Max and Gray: I have the Mawile for you. Alls: I'm adding you now, and I'll be cloning the pokemon for you, and I'll let you know once I've got them. Jaime and Barrett: I'll get your pokemon back to you after I clone the ones for Alls.
max 1006-0208-7430
Quoted By:
>>17309035 alright cool, I added you
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17309035 Cool, going online now.
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:16:33 No. 17309076 Report >>17308728 Whoo! Record time. Trade incoming.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
Quoted By:
>>17309035 sure what did you want to clone cant rmb lol
Quoted By:
>>17308852 Can you clone? I have a shiny naive Thundurus that's only missing speed and an impish Meloetta.
I'm after one of those perfect Genesects you have.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17309076 Hey Dsler, I still have that Deoxys if you wanna clone it.
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:19:16 No. 17309137 Report >>17309117 Awesome, what would you need for it?
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:19:22 No. 17309141 Report Have>5 iv shiny swinub >6 iv shiny jap ditto >Meloetta >Shiny 4 iv Arcanine ev trained Looking for>Competitive pokes would prefer if I could get a copy of my pokes back
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17309035 >>17309068 Like others have asked, if you could open the trade when you're ready - I just counted and I actually have four Joshs in my friend list.
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17309141 is your swinub lvl 1?
Trainer name Twiggles 0275 8846 7430
Quoted By:
>>17309137 Thanks for the Lat Dsler, I figured I'd throw you a Misdreavus for your troubles, I hope you like it or breed it and get some other good bankmon.
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:21:11 No. 17309178 Report >>17309141 What's the moveset, EVs, and nature of that shiny Arcanine?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17309137 Do you have spare legendaries? A mew would be cool, but any legendary really
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:22:24 No. 17309202 Report >>17309182 I'd honestly be willing to part with any non-event I have, which is anything but the regi trio, cresselia, heatran, and latias.
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:23:40 No. 17309227 Report Quoted By:
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17309202 Cool. Just offer me anything when we're trading.
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:24:20 No. 17309243 Report >>17309166 Yep
It's oblivious but has stealth rock, curse and icicle crash though
>>17309178 HP, ATK, Sp.Def, Speed
Looks like it is trained in Atk Speed and HP
>Extreme speed >Close combat >Flare blitz >Wild charge Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:25:20 No. 17309259 Report >>17309241 K I've got you added, ready whenever.
max 1006-0208-7430
Quoted By:
>>17309035 sweet thanks man. and in a premier ball. stoked on that
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17309259 what's your in game name?
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:27:29 No. 17309301 Report Gray 0275-7121-2048
Quoted By:
>>17309035 Thanks so much for the Mawile, let me know when you've finished cloning the Espurr.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17309301 you might have to invite me. I don't see you
kitten [swagmore] 3282 2624 3326
Quoted By:
Anyone got a mew? Competitive preferred but looking for any.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Can't clone. Have 6iv arceus and non genned heatran, looking for darkrai and other bank legends
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:29:13 No. 17309339 Report >>17309320 Have you added me? I haven't gotten a confirmation on my friends list.
max 1006-0208-7430
>>17309035 if you don't mind could I get a copy of the shiny suicune back? if not its cool and thanks for the mawile
>>17309329 Do you need a jirachi?
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17309015 Whacha got to offer? I could clone one perhaps
>>17309141 Leme clone that meloetta i got a goodie for you
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17309329 6iv arceus for 6iv victini?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17309346 I'll get it back to you. I have a few more pokemon I have to clone first.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17309352 >>17309372 Can you guys clone? If yes, for sure I'll trade
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17309392 Yeah. Im assumin you want a copy back?
Boyboy 0731-6002-4387
>>17309329 6IV Darkrai for 6IV Arceus?
max 1006-0208-7430
>>17309378 yea no rush, ill be on for a while. thanks a lot man.
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:33:30 No. 17309414 Report >>17309354 I'll add you in a minute, would appreciate it back if at all possible
>>17309353 The shiny skarmory, is that competitive by any chance?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17309399 Yes please. I'll add you in a moment, and tyia
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17309339 Rootin for ya on that cloning. Good luck
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17309403 Sure I'll trade you the arceus after Steve clones it back. Can you clone?
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus]
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus] Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:35:52 No. 17309456 Report >>17308860 Alright I am ready to trade back your Eevees.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:36:36 No. 17309472 Report Quoted By:
>>17308787 bump?
also have some shones if any of you are intersted
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>17307584 Can you guys help me get a Jirachi and an Arceus. If you saw the post with lugia. I got scammed by some fucker on gamefags. I would very much appreciate it.
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:37:54 No. 17309487 Report Quoted By:
>>17309442 I can only hope it goes as fast as that genesect
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17309414 not really it doesnt have stealth rock if you want competitive poke i have
all shiny
HP fire magnemite
HP ice magnemite
6IV pinsir
5IV beldum
Boyboy 0731-6002-4387
>>17309451 I can't. I'm not at my friend's house currently.
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu)
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:38:32 No. 17309500 Report >>17309456 Would it be possible for me to get one of those eevees too? I've been looking for one, I have a 6IV eevee male no HA with a bold nature, or 5iv mareeps.
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
Quoted By:
>>17309495 HP ice rotom i mean
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17309498 I'll add you and I'll send you a tr in a future thread if you don't have an arceus by then
Boyboy 0731-6002-4387
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearo
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearo Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:41:49 No. 17309550 Report Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu)
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:42:29 No. 17309559 Report Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:42:35 No. 17309560 Report >>17309495 HP ice magnemite sounds good, I'm still learning the basics of a team, but magnezone would be a good special sweeper I'm guessing?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearo
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearo Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:43:19 No. 17309571 Report >>17309559 That sucks i cant either
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:44:17 No. 17309591 Report >>17309451 I think I'm on fire. I got deoxys done for you.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:45:06 No. 17309607 Report >>17309571 Repost my list
shiny suicune
shiny entei
shiny latias 6IV (naughty)
shiny genesect
meloetta 6IV
victini 6IV
Shiny giratina
shiny shaymin 6IV
ditto 6IV
shiny klefki
shiny eevee
shiny zoroark
LF anything I dont have listed above
or you can borrow
I only have one of each and cant clone, so i need a clone back.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17309591 Another person I presume? I'd take it if it wasn't lol
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:46:23 No. 17309636 Report Quoted By:
>>17309610 yeah I saw the J and I guess I'm retarded.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17307643 Your HP Fire Magnemite also caught my attention. Would you be interested in shiny 5IV Female HA Espurr with 30HP?
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:46:26 No. 17309638 Report >>17309607 I NEED KELDEO
I'll give you arceus, shiny shaymin, can clone
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17309591 Damn you're one of the quicker cloners I've met. You were selling yourself short
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
Steve I got you added
Legends 4IV Bold Cresselia HP Fire I think? (JAP) 4IV Timid Shiny Heatran HP Grass (JAP) 4IV Timid Keldeo HP Ghost (ENG) 6IV Naive Meloetta (ENG) 6IV Timid Meloetta (ENG) 6IV Hasty Shiny Genesect (ENG) 6IV Timid Shiny Darkrai (ENG) 6IV Impish Shiny Giratina (ENG) 6IV Timid Arceus (ENG) 6IV Timid Shiny Shaymin (ENG) 6IV Modest Jirachi (ENG) 6IV Jolly Victini (ENG) 6IV Jolly Shiny Terrakion (ENG) 6IV Jolly Shiny Virizion (ENG) 6IV Timid Shiny Latios (JAP) 6IV Timid Shiny Latias (JAP) 6IV Modest Celebi (ENG) 6IV Timid Deoxy-S (ENG) Non-legends 0IV Relaxed Shiny Kecleon (ENG) 3IV Jolly Shiny Heracross (ENG) 3IV Hardy Shiny Farfetch'd (ENG) 4IV Timid Shiny Charmander (ENG) 4IV Modest Shiny Rotom (ENG) 5IV Bold Shiny Eevee (ENG) 5IV Modest Shiny Mareep (ENG) 5IV Timid Shiny Zorua (ENG) 5IV Timid Shiny Ralts (ENG) 5IV Adamant Shiny Beldum (ENG) 5IV Timid Delphox (ENG) 5IV Adamant Shiny Doublade (ENG) 5IV Impish Shiny Cottonee (ENG) 5IV Adamant Shiny Tyrunt (ENG) 5IV Modest Shiny Ampharos (ENG) 5IV Modest Shiny Manectric (ENG) 5IV Calm Shiny Togekiss (ENG) 5IV Modest Shiny Venusaur (ENG) 5IV Modest Shiny Piplup (ENG) 5IV Adamant Shiny Pawniard (ENG) 5IV Bold Shiny Slowpoke (ENG) 5IV Bold Shiny Porygon2 (ENG) 6IV Jolly Shiny Bagon (ENG) 6IV Modest Shiny Milotic (ENG) 6IV Adamant Shiny Elekid (ENG) 6IV Modest Shiny Deino (ENG) 6IV Impish Shiny Klefki (ENG) 6IV Adamant Shiny Gallade (KOR) 6IV Modest Shiny Ninetails (ITA) 6IV Modest Shiny Goomy (ENG) i don't clone.
Boyboy 0731-6002-4387
Quoted By:
>>17309607 What are the IVs and nature on giratina?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17309638 Sup, I have a Keldeo. You said you can clone?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:48:32 No. 17309677 Report >>17309638 ill take you up on the arceus offer
just clone it and give back original
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17309560 said it wrongly its a HP fire magnemite HP ice was rotom. yes magnezone would be pretty good
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:49:32 No. 17309704 Report >>17309667 YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS
>>17309677 I'll add both, whoever hits me up for a trade first gets arcee
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17309637 5IV+30hp? if so sure
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi Clefairy Mawile)
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi Clefairy Mawile) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:51:25 No. 17309748 Report Would anybody here mind trading me one of those 6IV dittos that have been floating around? I have a shiny thundurus I can give for it, but it only has one IV if that's okay.
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:51:38 No. 17309753 Report >>17309696 All good, HP fire magnemite is still fine by me
V 4441-8961-7772
>>17309559 went 2 eat after many failed attempts first try after i finished eating i cloned your absol lel
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>17309715 Yup. I've tested it out by giving it rare candies and entering to iv calc.
max 1006-0208-7430
>>17309704 could you by chance clone an extra keldeo from that guy? i have a shiny articuno i could trade you for it (and maybe get a clone of that articuno, only have one) if you're interested
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu)
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:53:18 No. 17309788 Report Quoted By:
>>17309754 Yayy, thankyou!!
I know it takes awhile, so it really means a lot.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17309704 waiting for you <3
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus]
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus] Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:54:59 No. 17309820 Report >>17309748 I can trade you one.
Sean 2019-9865-7643
Quoted By:
>>17309478 Can someone please help me out here?
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:55:23 No. 17309828 Report I'm starting my list, it's super small so bear with me. Shiny: 6iv Latios 5iv Aegislash Non Shiny: 6iv JPN Ditto 5iv Adamant/Huge Power Marill with Bellydrum, Aqua jet 5iv Jolly/Sand Veil Gible with Outrage, Iron Head 5iv Modest/Gooey Goomy And I can clone if I need to.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:55:48 No. 17309833 Report >>17309704 wat an adrenaline rush
i seen you on passersby
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi Clefairy Mawile)
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi Clefairy Mawile) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:55:51 No. 17309834 Report Quoted By:
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17309658 6iv shiny bagon
Whacha want
Boyboy 0731-6002-4387
>>17309658 Hidden Power Ice Shiny Thundurus for Your Giratina?
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:56:40 No. 17309855 Report >>17309833 my internet is derping hard
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17309753 i cant clone so you wanna trade your swinub for that?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Lol steve I accepted that passerby request in jest. Thnx for victini!
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:57:12 No. 17309867 Report I'm not interested in a cloned pokemon but I do want a spare houndoomite if anyone has one/can clone one for me.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17309677 Sonofabitch beat me too it lol
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:58:43 No. 17309887 Report >>17309869 I have another arceus if you can offer anything else
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:58:44 No. 17309888 Report Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>17309862 I have the Espurr ready if you want to trade.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17309715 I've cloned everything but the Umbreon and the Slurpuff so far; I wanted to clone your ES Shiny Genesect, your Shelder, and your Larvesta.
>>17309405 >>17309164 >>17309083 >>17308813 I'll start cloning your pokemon I'm sending back after I finish Alls' pokemon.
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 05:59:18 No. 17309895 Report Quoted By:
Guess here's my updated list: I can clone, if I don't have to that'd be great though. If I take too long if I do clone, just stay in contact with me. As far as events go I'd prefer non-shiny and don't care too much about it being competitive, assuming I'm not cloning.
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17309866 Yayaya as repayment tho ur gonna wait a lil for me to clone this bad boy
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:00:18 No. 17309914 Report >>17309855 thx wen your done cloning tell me ill be here
Josh 1203-9930-1868
Quoted By:
>>17309828 You wanna trade a clone of azelf for a clone of that ditto?
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:01:33 No. 17309937 Report >>17309781 maybe I can clone you a keldy, let me see how smooth cloning goes, but I would just clone keldeo
>>17309828 What would you want for Aegislash and Gible legend-wise?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17309900 Not a problem at all. Thanks for doing this
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17309888 give me a moment gonna add you
max 1006-0208-7430
>>17309937 yea that would be fine. i dont care much about the articuno anyway
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17309887 Latios, Meloetta, Deoxys, Shaymin, Regigigas, Jirachi?
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17309414 How about i try and make you a copy back, so youll have two?
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:03:08 No. 17309969 Report >>17309658 I might try to convince you for that heracross.
level 100 murkrow for it?
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:04:33 No. 17309998 Report Quoted By:
>>17309967 Sounds good to me?
I'm just looking badly for competitive pokes and shit, but if you are happy to give me back two that is fine as well, someone else might want it
barrett 2809-8899-5654
>>17309891 Oh snap. Clone me that ES Genesect too. Would love you forever.
Steve 2208 5682 1883
Quoted By:
>>17309658 Shiny bagon man ill make you a clone back
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:05:50 No. 17310022 Report Quoted By:
>>17309969 also I'll bump this:
>>17309867 IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:06:09 No. 17310027 Report >>17309962 if youre willing to part with any of those that's ok
-mostly to avoid the drag of cloning anything-
>>17309956 ok
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17309951 Cloned your Magnemite in first try as well. It's like your Pokemon are willing to be cloned or something.
Anyways, I'm online now, send me a trade request when you want.
barrett 2809-8899-5654
>>17310023 Haha I'll take as many as I can get. Need an army for personal reasons.
>>17309852 I don't clone so i dont have a spare
>>17309850 clone bagon for me
>>17309969 as long as it's shiny
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:08:54 No. 17310089 Report Quoted By:
>>17310080 fug
i'll throw in my shiny whiscash with it.
Sean 2019-9865-7643
Quoted By:
Can someone clone me a Jirachi and an Arceus. I got scammed today and lost those two.
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>>17310080 You got it bro. Thanks a bunch. Ill give you collateral
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:10:24 No. 17310123 Report >>17309938 What do you have? I'm ultimately after the shiny 6iv Genesect and 6iv Victini, I know I'm nowhere near that so I'm open to stuff that will help me get there lol
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17310027 Oh. The only spare I have is a Zekrom. Dunno if you want it
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17309948 Be ready to trade in 2 mins i gots ur arceus
Boyboy 0731-6002-4387
>>17310080 Dang man, that sucks.
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:11:48 No. 17310155 Report >>17310130 sure, I have like 6 arceus, np
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17310023 Wouldn't mind getting in on this deal
>>17310123 I have both. Does the aegislash have 0 in speed?
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:12:25 No. 17310168 Report Quoted By:
>>17310034 Hey Jay, can you do something for me?
Steve 2208 5682 1883
Quoted By:
>>17310080 Friend code man?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17310155 cool. I'll be online
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17310162 I got you.
>>17310099 I have the pokemon you asked for.
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:14:05 No. 17310199 Report Quoted By:
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:14:08 No. 17310203 Report >>17309914 keldeo done, please connect
>>17310123 I do have both legends.
Are either of them EV trained? Does Aegis have 0 in speed iv?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17310143 thank you so much!
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17310186 cant rmb what i ask for and what you want for it lol
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:16:11 No. 17310248 Report >>17310211 The Aegishlash doesn't have 0 in speed, unfortunately. The Aegislash is already EV trained, the gible is clean, however. I can reset the Aegislash if you want it though.
Vanmoire 1161 0219 4854
>>17310211 I just breeded a honedge with 5IV max excluding speed. Whats the point in having speed be a flat 0?
James 2208 5065 9778
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:17:17 No. 17310267 Report Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:18:19 No. 17310289 Report Quoted By:
>>17310255 You want Aegislash to go last on every turn because of his stance changing drops his defenses. King's Shield on the next turn always goes first, thus he's protected.
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:19:06 No. 17310309 Report Quoted By:
>>17310256 registered for that heracross.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17310227 You asked for Umbreon, Slurpuff, Ninetales, and Gengar, and Feebas.
I asked for the ES Shiny Genesect, Shellder, and Larvesta. And the Chansey, if you don't mind. I'll clone them and send them back.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17310150 I got my arceus back from steve already so just shoot me a tr whenever I'm online to clone it
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
Quoted By:
>>17310313 ah i see trading you now
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17310227 Sorry about the decline. I'm pulling the feebas from the other game.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:21:17 No. 17310352 Report Quoted By:
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Steve 2208 5682 1883
Quoted By:
>>17310256 Alright ill add you up in a minute jus trading over some other clones.
My IGN is wuts pokemon
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:21:29 No. 17310361 Report Quoted By:
Re-requesting, if someone can clone their houndoomite for me that'd be neat.
Boyboy 0731-6002-4387
>>17310329 I'll probably be able to clone it on tuesday night.
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:21:39 No. 17310367 Report >>17309828 I've got a shiny 6IV Timid Shaymin.
What do you think of making a clone of it (giving original back to me), and making a clone of 6IV Latios in exchange for the Shaymin clone?
I have Meloetta, too.
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17309888 err your swinub was 4IV only D;
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17310362 Cool. I'll be getting my ssd then coincidentally lol.
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
Quoted By:
>>17308920 If you're still around I'd clone the Rayquaza and Lugia, I have an Entei to give you as well.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:23:16 No. 17310404 Report >>17310367 That sounds like a plan. I have some extra Latios already made, so I can trade that to you immediately while I work on cloning the Shaymin. Adding you now
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:24:25 No. 17310413 Report >>17310384 Oh shit
My mistake
My friend gave it to me and said it was 5 ivs
So sorry
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:24:35 No. 17310414 Report >>17310404 Wonderful! Adding you same.
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
Quoted By:
>>17310413 ah i see well its ok,no problem
and reposting my list can lend the legendary for cloning for original + 1 back or original + 1 from you back
Boyboy 0731-6002-4387
>>17310394 ssd? Pardon my ignorance
>>17310248 Depends on what its EV trained in. But I can trade you anyway, since you need legends. Still hunting for that 0 speed though.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Hi, everyone Have: A lot of shiny Legends LF: shiny Cobalion shiny Zapdos shiny Mewtwo Manaphy 5-6V Celebi 6V ENG Jirachi Draco Meteor and/or ENG Good IVs non-legend shinies Got some lvl1 shinies: Zubat (Jolly, Infiltrator, egg moves, 5V) Piplup (Timid, Torrent, 5V) *non-Kalos Nidoran male (Modest, Hustle, 5V) *non-Kalos Klefki (Bold, Prankster, 3V) Darumaka (Jolly, Hustle, 4V) Togepi (Bold, Serene Grace, 2V) Shuckle (Careful, Sturdy, 1V) Cottonee (Timid, Prankster, no egg moves, 6V) *non-Kalos
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:27:55 No. 17310477 Report >>17310256 So shiny whiscash + lv100 murkrow for that herra or.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17310446 Solid state drive for my desktop. Makes everything saved on it load so much faster like the operating system....or games
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
>>17310470 Do you have Rayquaza or Lugia?
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:29:31 No. 17310509 Report >>17310470 I have a 6V eng celebi
can you clone?
James 2208 5065 9778
Just tell me when your done cloning Steve.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Posting my list for clone lending. ENG 6IV Arceus JPN 6IV Arceus ENG 6IV Meloetta ENG 6IV Shaymin (shiny) ENG 6IV Deoxys (shiny) ENG 4IV Keldeo ENG 6IV Jirachi ENG Tornadus ENG Cobalion JPN Regigigas (shiny) KOR Reshiram JPN Zekrom JPN Kyurem JPN Giratina JPN 5IV Latios (shiny) ENG*nicknamed Espurr (shiny) ENG 5IV Riolu (shiny)
Quoted By:
Anyone got an HP fire Froakie?
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>17310508 Yes, I have shiny Rayquaza and shiny Lugia. I can't clone.
>>17310509 Sorry, I can't clone
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17310520 >>17310413 Ok ill clone you guys each a copy so you can have your original back for my collateral, then ill work on making you the extra copy i promised you.
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17310477 What iv an ability?
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu)
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:32:54 No. 17310564 Report Quoted By:
>>17310538 I wish I could clone, I want that Jirachi
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
>>17310546 I can, and would love to clone those two.
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17310313 can you repost your list too
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:34:17 No. 17310591 Report >>17310546 ah would you happen to have the movie event
shiny genesect? wiht e speed and shift gears?
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:34:20 No. 17310593 Report >>17309956 ok, keldeo ready, I'll add you and connect
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:34:44 No. 17310600 Report >>17310414 Cloned. Trading it back to you now
Quoted By:
>>17310538 I wouldn't mind the Deoxys if all you want is an extra copy back + original.
max 1006-0208-7430
Quoted By:
>>17310593 alright going on now
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>17310567 Do you have something that I want?
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:35:06 No. 17310610 Report >>17310538 Can I clone your Jirachi?
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:35:41 No. 17310619 Report >>17310600 Thanks! Enjoy that Shaymin!
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17310579 I'll get these cloned and back to you as soon as I can.
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
>>17310608 I don't have anything on your list, if that's what you're asking.
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:36:20 No. 17310631 Report >>17310555 Just the original is fine, unless you have any spare competitive clones
And I thought the vicitini was what you mentioned in this post?
>>17309354 Or are you wanting the vicitini back?
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>17310591 i have the e.s shift gears tehcno blast hidden power 6v shiny gen
max 1006-0208-7430
Quoted By:
>>17310593 thanks a lot man
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:37:50 No. 17310659 Report Quoted By:
>>17310619 Thanks, enjoy that Latios :)
>>17310450 It looks like maxed HP, Atk, and 8 Def.
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu)
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:37:55 No. 17310664 Report >>17310610 Would you e able to clone one for me as well? I can offer a 6IV eevee, or a 5IV one with HA. or 5IV mareep?
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:38:22 No. 17310671 Report >>17310635 Well I have an extra celebi I could trade you for the Genesect, if you have any extras.
>>17310644 Anything I can give you for one?
Have 6iv ditto and the Celebi for clone bait.
Can throw 4-5iv mons with BP items
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:38:36 No. 17310672 Report >>17310559 whiscash is 1IV, oblivious, rash
murkrow is 2IV, insomnia, hardy
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17310610 You most certainly can. What are you offering? And also, if possible, could you help out Catharyn? I'd love too myself but I can't clone
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>17310628 I see...
I'm LF those specific pokemon, don't need extra copies of mine.
>>17310671 erm i dunno i thought your trading it with luke? can trade you celebi for a copy
whats the specs on celebi?
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:39:42 No. 17310690 Report >>17310664 Sure if he lets me clone it
>>17310673 I can offer some shinies if you'd like those, or a 6IV jap ditto
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:40:16 No. 17310702 Report >>17310624 > Hey Josh, do you think I could get a spare Dialga from you? Or Giratina? I can offer you a 4 iv ralts in a love ball with a life orb, however I would like a copy back of the life orb if you can
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17310631 Yeah id appreciate the victini back, i was gonna make you a meloetta copy but i could give you a 4-5 iv poke if youd like
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>17310671 I can't clone and don't have any extra copies...
Guts 1521-4229-3098
>>17310600 Cool, I'm up for that. Add me and pop a trade when you're ready.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:40:47 No. 17310713 Report >>17310688 well depends which trade goes thru.
The Celebi is calm and 6iv. Can you clone btw?
Also does the genesect have blaze kick?
Quoted By:
>>17310688 can trade you a copy of gen for celebi is what i meant sorry im really tired
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu)
Catharyn 2809 9082 9004 ELECTRIC (Galvantula, emogla, pikachu) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:41:17 No. 17310720 Report >>17310690 Thank you!! Which one would you like? The 6IV eevee is male, with bold nature.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17310690 Shinies are good. Which ones do you have?
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:41:58 No. 17310729 Report >>17310704 Fair enough, I was just really looking for competitive pokes, was hoping the "goodie" was the poke, but it's all good, I'm not a shit bloke so I'm happy to give it back
>>17310713 sorry those are the 4 moves it has. techno/shift gears/e.s hidden power 6v shiny. i can clone
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
Quoted By:
>>17310677 Thats strange. I mean, you're in a cloning thread. Thanks anyways though.
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:43:17 No. 17310761 Report >>17310725 None of them are really competitively viable except for the polar vivillon but: Dedenne, Mawile, Metang, Vivillon (polar and modern), Gothorita, Klefki, Charmeleon, Pinsir, Honedge, Ralts, Eevee, Milotic and Furfrou
Guts 1521-4229-3098
>>17310538 May I clone the deoxys?
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17310624 Gliscor - LVL 50 Poison Heal Impish (with Toxic Orb)
Tyrunt - Strong Jaw Adamant (3 Fangs)
Cottonee - Prankster Impish M
Ralts - Trace Timid F *Nicknamed (with Gardevoirite)
Greninja - LVL 50 Protean Hasty M
Deino - LVL 17 Hustle Modest M
i am interested in these too see what else from my list you interested in Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:45:42 No. 17310802 Report >>17310736 Can you check if you can heartscale blaze kick?
>>17310708 Are you trading your legendaries or only offering stuff for cloning?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17310761 Would love an eevee. I'll add you and send me the invite
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17310761 what are the IV on your vivillon?
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:46:26 No. 17310820 Report >>17310803 The eevee is a male, is that alright still?
>>17310812 The polar one or both?
>>17310802 event moves cant be relearnt im afriad :/. sorry. maybe somebody else can help you out.
Josh 1203-9930-1868
Quoted By:
I just started cloning and I was wondering if anyone had a spare deoxys they could give or lend me. I have azelf/mespirit as trade or collateral
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17310702 Yeah. I've got to clone some stuff to give back to other people first, though. So it may take a bit. And I don't need the Life Orb.
>>17310792 I'll start on those after I get all these pokemon back to their original owners (including yours), get Alf's pokemon done, and get dinner.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:49:29 No. 17310879 Report >>17310838 ;-; ah I really needed that move on it
If you can clone you can clone the Celebi if you want. Would just want the original and an extra copy back if your interested. Have any other legendaries?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17310765 You may. What are you offering?
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:49:44 No. 17310888 Report Quoted By:
>>17310856 Alright adding now
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>17310802 Offering for cloning.
I need those pokemon that I'm LF and the my "original" back.
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:51:09 No. 17310922 Report >>17310538 Hey again Jaime
I realize this is a tall order, but could I possibly clone your Arceus, Meloetta, Keldeo. and/or Jirachi? I assume you'd want legends for them again so I'd see what I can do, or if you give me a significant amount of time I can just try to clone extras.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:51:56 No. 17310934 Report >>17310895 QQ well if anyone can clone an extra genesect I'd be down to trade you for my Celebi.
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:52:13 No. 17310940 Report >>17310709 Sorry I missed your message. Which trade was this for?
>>17310887 6iv shiny groudon
>>17310879 yeah i have everything :). what are you looking for?
After about 100 boxes of hatching Ralts I have given up would anyone be willing to clone me a shiny female Gard, ralts or Kirlia? would greatly appreciate and would be willing to trade anything from my rather limited collection of mons.
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:53:19 No. 17310965 Report Quoted By:
>>17310877 Ok, thank you very much generous sir!
Quoted By:
>>17310956 >100 boxes Someone get this guy his waifu to commend his suffering.
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:54:51 No. 17310999 Report Quoted By:
>>17310720 Not really into competitive so you can just send me whatever honestly
>>17310921 The polar one has 2 perfect IVs in HP and Speed, it's timid with friend guard (unfortunately)
would have to check the modern one but I dont think its any good
>>17310940 Victini and Shiny Genesect for gible and aegislash. But actualy, if it's cool with you I'd like to substitute aegislash for latios. Hard to find those with good ivs for me.
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:55:54 No. 17311018 Report Quoted By:
>>17310887 Going to start cloning now. I'll let you know once i've finished one to send back!
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
>>17310934 You want to trade your Celebi for a Genesect? If so I'm your trainer.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:56:48 No. 17311031 Report >>17310267 Update my list
shiny suicune
shiny entei
shiny latias 6IV (naughty)
shiny genesect
meloetta 6IV
victini 6IV
Shiny giratina
shiny shaymin 6IV
ditto 6IV
shiny klefki
shiny eevee
shiny zoroark
shiny nidoran male
LF anything I dont have listed above
or you can borrow
I only have one of each and cant clone, so i need a clone back.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:57:12 No. 17311033 Report >>17310955 have a pastebin or anything?
Possibly Heatran or Latias with good Ivs and natures
>>17311021 My Hero! does the Genesect have all of his event moves?
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:57:22 No. 17311038 Report >>17311009 Okay, I can do that, what's your FC and IGN?
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
>>17311031 Can I clone your Rayquaza?
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17310729 Alright ill make ya another clone m8
>>17310520 I got your original trade me in 2 mins. Ill start workin on your extra copy now
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:58:31 No. 17311055 Report Quoted By:
>>17311009 Also, just to be clear, the Gible is not shiny
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:59:15 No. 17311066 Report >>17311042 I can't clone, but is it okay if you can clone for me Chase's Keldeo? I can let you clone a Shiny Latios, Shiny Shaymin, or Meloetta in exchange.
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
>>17311033 His moves are Techno Blast, Magnet Bomb, Tri Attack and Signal beam. I'm not sure what his event moves, so if those are them yes.
Guts 1521-4229-3098
Quoted By:
>>17311038 Ah, keeps not putting it up since I deleted a post earlier. My mistake.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:59:40 No. 17311077 Report >>17311042 sure as long as you give me 2 back
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:59:47 No. 17311083 Report Quoted By:
>>17310256 see
>>17310672 are we dealio or not.
Guts 1521-4229-3098
>>17311056 Yes. I forgot to fix it. My mistake.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17310922 We'll I lent my Jirachi to another cloner but the Arceus, Meloetta, and Keldeo are fine. I trust you, just clone extras and I'll return whatever pokes you give me as collateral
>>17311033 6V shiny heatran adamant ( dumb)
6V Heatran adamant ( dumb again)
6V Shiny heatran timid
6V flawless Shiny timid heatran HP grass
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:01:41 No. 17311121 Report >>17311070 Nah it's not :(
It's the japanese event one with e speed, blaze kick, and shift gears.
If you can clone i dont mind lending it to you.
Would just want the original plus a copy
James 2208 5065 9778
>>17311047 Just tell me when your done :) take your time
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:02:43 No. 17311135 Report >>17311114 Awesome! I'll try to get these done asap but it is getting late. My contact info is in my pastebin from earlier.
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
Quoted By:
>>17311077 Thats exceptibru. I'll add you now.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17311099 Then sure. I'll add you now
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:04:09 No. 17311152 Report Quoted By:
>>17311042 im online send me a tr
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:04:09 No. 17311153 Report >>17311115 The last heatran sounds good.
Name and FC?
Also could i get something to hold on too as
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
>>17311066 You want to trade me a Keldeo to clone for you, and a Shaymin to clone for myself. So you'll end up with two Keldeo and one Shaymin?
>>17311153 is your celebi the Win2011? or the 10aniv one though :)?
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>17311070 >>17311121 Let's make a deal, mine Genesect have Blaze Kick. I trade it o Chris for this Genesct without the move, you clone it then trade me back. Then Chris trade a copy to Kazuma for the Celebi. Chris clone it then give me a copy. Agree?
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:05:57 No. 17311184 Report Quoted By:
>>17311143 Hey, I'm finished cloning. will send you a trade request in 5
Quoted By:
>>17311174 luke still with your crazy dealings lol. so complicated yet so efficient
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:06:26 No. 17311195 Report >>17311174 I'm down if everyone's okay with it.
>>17311172 10aniv one
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Arkhlin 1306-5698-8004 (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:06:28 No. 17311196 Report >>17311099 You are the best, thank you so much!
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:07:11 No. 17311216 Report Quoted By:
>>17311170 Since I can't clone, I want you to clone a Keldeo for me, then trade you over a Shiny Shaymin/Meloetta/Shiny Latios for you to make a clone of (that you keep and I get original) so that in the end, I have the original mon and a cloned Keldeo, and you should have a clone of Shaymin/Meloetta/orLatios
Guts 1521-4229-3098
Quoted By:
>>17311196 You're welcome.
>>17311195 cool then i want that :)
0302 0000 2704 IGN: Yusuf
ill clone heatran first
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:08:17 No. 17311234 Report >>17311170 ok ill let you have a rayquaza a shaymin and a keldeo( anto doesnt have keldeo) you send me 2 clone of rayquaza 1 shaymin and 1 keldeo
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:09:47 No. 17311259 Report >>17311229 Cool thnx, so your going to clone my celebi too right? One for yourself, and two for me?
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17311229 my celebi has the classic ribbon btw
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17311135 If it's all the same to you. I'll be in the next cloning thread in the
morning.It 's getting late here too and I'm just waiting on some pokes of mine
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:10:43 No. 17311277 Report Quoted By:
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:11:10 No. 17311283 Report >>17311262 I would really like it if I could get started tonight if that's okay.
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:12:02 No. 17311299 Report >>17311262 im online and waiting
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:12:26 No. 17311307 Report Quoted By:
Steve 2208 5682 1883
>>17311130 Alright mate im ready
>>17311259 lol huh? urm ill clone you your original back certainly but an extra one lol? thought its just a standard clone trade with heatran and your original back :)
>>17311261 theres a calm one going around without a ribbon which is trash. somebody hooked me up with a real 6v flawless hp ice one thats timid ^^
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17310069 Hey barrett, guess who has a shiny 6IV Groudon for that friend of yours?
barrett 2809-8899-5654
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17311262 If you're getting off soon, I'll go ahead and clone the ES genesect and trade you.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:14:26 No. 17311344 Report >>17311312 well it's cool if not. Ya thats fine with me.
>>17311344 heatran's done already ill come online ^^ i don't mind its just i have a lot of cloning to do and don't want to hold onto your celebi too long trying to clone two back if its your only one.
James 2208 5065 9778
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
>>17311234 Alright, some of the confusion has been lifted. I'll send you a trade request once I have the Rayquaza cloned.
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:16:13 No. 17311377 Report >>17311297 Yeah I just started today however, and my pastebin is . Nothing listed has been cloned. As far as what I'd be interested in doing is any event that I listed in that pastebin,
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:16:37 No. 17311383 Report Quoted By:
Guts 1521-4229-3098
>>17311143 Did you need any clones back? Or clone + original?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17311283 Know what? Sure! Like I said, I'll be in the next cloning general in the morning
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:17:39 No. 17311409 Report Quoted By:
>>17311370 Ya I understand. Just saw most ppl ask for ther
og and an extra. Ill get on.
>>17311174 So is this happenign?
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>17311370 Hey "anon" yusuf, since you will clone the Kazuma's Celebi could you trade it for a clone of one of my lvl1 shinies?
>>17310470 Anonymous
>>17311297 id say the best thing i have now atm by far is Adamant 6IV movie 14 Bolt Strike victini
barrett 2809-8899-5654
>>17311326 He's going to die. It's literally his favorite Pokemon, and I gave him a regular one that Josh cloned me.
Gonna make his day.
Whoopie 5241-3287-7507 Ground [Nincada - Trapinch - Diggersby]
Whoopie 5241-3287-7507 Ground [Nincada - Trapinch - Diggersby] Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:19:00 No. 17311433 Report >>17310470 Hi Luke! Wanna trade your Shiny Cottonee for Shiny Cobalion? :>
>>17311419 sure :) i want that piplup lol ^^
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:19:12 No. 17311435 Report >>17311376 clone 2 keldeos if you can so i can send one to anto and save you the trouble anto add me
James 2208 5065 9778
Quoted By:
>>17311310 Invite me now. I'm online
Max 1006-0208-7430
Quoted By:
>>17311340 Hey man I'm going to bed now, if you have that suicune cloned at some point maybe we can trade tomorrow. But thanks again
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:20:06 No. 17311454 Report >>17311419 So am I not getting the Genesect? ;-;
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Luke 3497-0218-4596
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:20:27 No. 17311464 Report >>17311435 Alright, thanks so much! I have to trade you a Shaymin, right?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:21:11 No. 17311474 Report >>17311464 i have a shaymin
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17311384 If you can get me a clone I'd love you 4eva
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:21:25 No. 17311478 Report Quoted By:
>>17311457 Thanks a ton, I'm gonna get started now. I'll try to be here tomorrow morning but if not I'll be around most of the time. Contact me if you need to.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>17311434 Fine, it's JPN btw, but the name will change to english after it evolves.
>>17311454 This is with Chris...
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:22:24 No. 17311498 Report >>17311474 Hm? So it's a 'free' Keldeo?
Are you sure you don't need me to trade you anything?
Atlanta 5241-3287-7507
Quoted By:
>>17311460 Ah, unfortunately no atm. :(
Well then. XD
>>17311454 lol i think you still are dude let me go read lukes hypothesis again
>>17311492 LOL huh? how does that work :S
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17311428 I hope it does. Ready and willing to trade it to you anytime.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:23:27 No. 17311513 Report >>17311498 ya for free
i cant clone anyway to get one from ya
barrett 2809-8899-5654
Quoted By:
>>17311507 I'm online and waiting. Wanna send a tr?
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17311420 O-o interesting haha i tot you would say the surf/flychu
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:24:01 No. 17311527 Report Quoted By:
>>17311513 Oh, alright.
Thank you very much, then!
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17311340 I'll still be on for like an hour, I don't wanna rush you
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>17311504 Piplup (moonrunes name) > evolution > Prinplup (english name)
Quoted By:
>>17311518 nope this by far beats them LOL ^^!
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17311377 what legendary you have?
>>17311419 you have a spare zubat clone?
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:26:12 No. 17311563 Report >>17311492 ah alright, well I hope he responds.
>>17311504 its cuz since it evolved in an Eng region it gets the Eng name.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>17311545 No, it was never been cloned.
>>17311563 i had no idea things like that even happen :S...will a 5v shiny feebas with a french langauge tab dissapear when it evolves too?
barrett 2809-8899-5654
>>17311529 Seriously, I love you.
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
For anyone trying to do anything with me, currently I am working on cloning Rayquaza, and then Keldeo, and then Shaymin. Then Genesect and Celebi, I think. It also depends on how long any of the above take.
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:27:50 No. 17311605 Report >>17311545 My stock is really dwindled but I've got anything that isnt:
gen 3
or event
and none of them are anything to write home about.
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:27:51 No. 17311606 Report >>17311513 Are you online? I added you and confirmed you on my friend list, but I don't see you in PSS.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:28:07 No. 17311610 Report >>17311591 The tab will still be there that it's french but the
name will be Milotic, not the french name
>>17311610 ahh well that sucks :( i hate mons with langauge tabs that arent japanese. anyways thanks for the celebi :) come online
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:29:16 No. 17311630 Report >>17311606 na im not online i gotta wait for chris to give rayquazas then clone keldeo and shaymin
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon
ANTO 4785-4837-3310 Chansey, Teddiursa, Kecleon Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:30:34 No. 17311651 Report Quoted By:
>>17311630 Oh shit. So sorry about that. I accidentally posted that right when Chris posted his info.
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:30:35 No. 17311652 Report >>17311604 Can you do 2 keldeos and trade me one for something from me? (little list, but a good one I think)
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
>>17311605 i see do you have any legendary that i dont have?
abit too lazy to find out what i am missing only know i am missing latios/tias
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:30:55 No. 17311658 Report >>17311628 wow that was quick. ill get on.
btw the heatran is only 4IV is it the right heatran?
>>17311658 been here since day one lol
yeah its 4-31 2-30 or else it would not have hidden power grass :). you cant have 6IV 31 hidden power grass
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
>>17311652 Whats your list?
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:33:13 No. 17311698 Report >>17311654 yeah I've got landorus, latios, reshiram, and tornadus that you don't have. I'm already cloning things jaime gave me so It'd take a while to get to things I want from you if that's okay.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:33:13 No. 17311699 Report >>17311683 Oh ya i'm dumb, forgot about that.
Thnx for the heatran!
Quoted By:
>>17311699 no problem dude thanks for the celebi ! ^^
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17311599 Just wanted to spread the love is all
Alls | 1349-5947-1980 | {2447}
Quoted By:
>>17311698 sure, i can wait
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:36:33 No. 17311744 Report >>17311694 Heh, I have a lot, but the ones that aren´t being cloned and are worth something
Shiny ralts with 6 iv´s
Deoxys jpn
Shiny gyarados 1 iv
I will need the original back after you make a copy for yourself tho
Ran 2766-9142-1656
Quoted By:
reposting with code. Looking for shiny female Ralts, Kirlia, or Gard. will trade anything from my collection. Shiny male Gard, Tyrunt, or mawile. or Y,X.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17311340 You're da best man!
luke do you still need me to clone a celebi for you? ill just borrow the piplup later or something
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:37:56 No. 17311770 Report what's good ppl? ^^
Luke 3497-0218-4596
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
>>17311744 I'd do it for the Deoxys. Wish me luck with the Rayquaza, then we have to hope Keldeo goes well too.
>>17311770 you tell me ^^.
>>17311795 sure thing! kaz's one is really good. its from 2006
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:43:08 No. 17311861 Report Quoted By:
>>17311825 not a whole lot got some coffee XD
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>17311825 Are you interested in another shiny? Still need a shiny Cobalion and you have one, right?
Quoted By:
10Aniv 2006 charizard/blastoise/vene 10Aniv 2006 moltres/zap/artic looking for these, don't care about IVs/ribbon just the OT and iD since neither will have a ribbon from being so old
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:44:35 No. 17311887 Report >>17311802 Very well then, can you make the clone and the original back thing please?
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
>>17311872 5vs shiny english. can throw it your way after i get some tea or hot chocolate lol, nah im good with the shinnies :). ill borrow piplup some other time. come online for celebi ^^
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17311770 Yoooo.
>>17311744 I've got 4 more pokemon to clone, then I'm gonna take a break long enough to get food. Then I'll get the pokes for you. Sorry it's taken me so long; I've been cloning for a couple of hours straight, and I'm finally getting to the end of my list.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:47:54 No. 17311930 Report >>17311905 got Celebi? o.O
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17311908 Still here, I appreciate your efforts. Let me know when you've got my Espurr cloned.
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:49:05 No. 17311945 Report Quoted By:
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17311936 I'm actually cloning it now.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>17311905 Fine, some passersby challenged me just now...
>>17311956 accept those???
>>17311930 Yep 2006 10th anivversary 6IVs no ribbon but its not supposed to have one ^^ ill send it your way after i clone a coballion for luke
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:52:29 No. 17312022 Report >>17311908 It´s ok, but what do you think of this... I really need to go to sleep in an hour, and you need a well earned break, what if you gave me your steam account so in 8-9 hours I could contact you? Also, do you want anything from my list as a gift?
Quoted By:
afk gonna get some breakfast its 8AM
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>17312016 It's fun, wreck entire teams with my Mawile.
Hey, what dou you want for a shiny Cobalion clone?
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
Shiny sentret is goal, if someone has it, step forward!
Quoted By:
>>17312072 nothing LOL means less cloning for me x_x
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:56:47 No. 17312089 Report Quoted By:
>>17311903 Ok, just tell me when you´re ready...
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
>>17312074 Or if someone has a Shiny 5IV/6IV Ralts female.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:57:53 No. 17312107 Report >>17312072 Not to be too pushy but any updates on the deal?
It's late here and would like to know if it's still
going to happen
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle)
Dom 2750-1116-2168 (Pupitar, Nosepass, Shuckle) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:59:40 No. 17312130 Report Quoted By:
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17312022 Sounds good to me. skorge07x is my name on there, if I remember correctly.
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
Quoted By:
>>17311630 Got the Rayquaza done, I'll be online in a second to send you a trade request.
>>17312101 i do but its nicknamed is that okay
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 08:03:45 No. 17312179 Report Quoted By:
>>17311604 update on progress
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 08:04:50 No. 17312195 Report >>17311604 sorry did at same time
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Dsler, if you're still here I'm going to bed. Maybe I'll see ya in the next thread. Happy cloning!
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Sun 12 Jan 2014 08:08:32 No. 17312246 Report Quoted By:
>>17312201 see ya! just now got the first meloetta done so i've got a bit to do.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>17312107 If it depends on me, yeah.
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
>>17312195 It's no problem. Haha. You wanted the original Keldeo and a clone back right? And just the original Shaymin? Correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a long day.
17312270 17312270 17312270 17312270 New thread
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 12 Jan 2014 08:14:56 No. 17312315 Report Quoted By:
>>17312278 yeah wat did you trade me first
watever it was did you want it bac
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320)
Quoted By:
>>17312162 What is its nickname?