Played almost completely blind, didn't know any 6th gen Pokémon except for the legends, starters and a handful of miscellaneous Pokémon revealed at near to XY's announcement. I did know fairies and megas existed though. Also had a rule of only 6th gen Pokémon.
Chespin looked like the biggest bro, didn't disappoint.
Female, was surprised when it evolved and didn't have a mane, but suspected a gender difference. Female is my favourite.
Right, so. Initially I was going to use Flabébé as my fairy, but I saw Spritzee and figured Flabébé would probably evolve into a part grass type (already had Chespin) so decided to use cute-as-fuck Spritzee instead. Boxed as soon as I figured out how to evolve her.
Because I wanted to see what the mega was like goddamn. My favourite gen 1 srtarter is Bulbasaur, but I already had Chespin, so. Eventually dropped for...
Yeah I used the badass legend, sue me.
Needed a surfer and SCOURED that ice cave because I just KNEW there had to be a 6th gen Pokémon in there somewhere, took me ages to discover Bergmite but I caught it instantly. Wasn't great in the story but I EV trained one post-game and he became an instant bro.
Soon as I saw Phantump I HAD to catch it. Ghost is my favourite type and this fucker looked awesome. EV trained one after too and he is fast becoming my favourite Pokémon.
All-in-all, I missed out on some cool Pokémon I would have liked to use, but I'm not disappointed. Not knowing what the opponents were gonna use, or what the next evo looked like was so great. And I can train all my favourites post-game. Good times.