Giving away some HA Iron Fist Chimchars with fire punch and thunder punch, some of them have blaze. You can give me any pokemon nothing specific, have 2 boxes full.
Quoted By:
>>17309961 Could I female one with iron fist for a lovedisc?
eddie 1736-1678-8969
Quoted By:
i'd like one, im adding you now
Josh 3196-4385-5484 abra/espurr/duosion
Quoted By:
i'd love one OP.
Tyler (1263-7222-2307) Water(Quagsire, Octillery, Azumarril)
Tyler (1263-7222-2307) Water(Quagsire, Octillery, Azumarril) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:10:58 No. 17310139 Report Quoted By:
>>17309961 I'll take one, gotta say that'd be pretty awesome.
Quoted By:
Added you all.
Quoted By:
Open trade with me my IGN is Sarah.
{IGN} Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
{IGN} Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:15:00 No. 17310222 Report Quoted By:
>>17309961 awesome! added.
Josh 3196-4385-5484 abra/espurr/duosion
Quoted By:
thanks for the monkey, OP!
harry 3883 5745 3293
{IGN} Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
{IGN} Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:19:23 No. 17310321 Report Quoted By:
Tyler (1263-7222-2307) Water(Quagsire, Octillery, Azumarril)
Tyler (1263-7222-2307) Water(Quagsire, Octillery, Azumarril) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:21:24 No. 17310358 Report Quoted By:
Thanks OP, your pretty awesome.
>>17309961 I would love to have one, OP!
Matt 4313-0271-9426
Quoted By:
If any are available still, I'd love one.
Reply to this if I missed you.
Eric 1864-9299-5543
Quoted By:
>>17310372 Forgot FC. Facepalm
I have a box of marills, rotoms, and shinx if youre interested in any of those
harry 3883 5745 3293
Quoted By:
thank you op. it has good egg moves if you ever wanted to breed your own meditite.
Aryan 3110-4321-7848 (Poison: Venemoth, Cascoon, Muk)
Aryan 3110-4321-7848 (Poison: Venemoth, Cascoon, Muk) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:26:28 No. 17310444 Report Quoted By:
added, ill give you one of my breeding rejects, 4/5IV w/ good nature and possible egg moves
Nospimi99 (3797-6989-4912)
>>17309961 Hah I got 2 of them from you in Wonder Trade I think. Did you by any chance get some Beldums?
with a Modest Nature? I fucked that up and was super pissed 4725 8801 5051
Quoted By:
>>17309961 I'd love one
I don't have much though, I still haven't beaten it yet
Marcus : FC 5300-9046-3730 (Sandshrew-Marowwak-Diggersby)
Marcus : FC 5300-9046-3730 (Sandshrew-Marowwak-Diggersby) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:27:29 No. 17310468 Report Quoted By:
>>17310380 I''ll take one of those off your hands if you dont mind.
Thanks man!
Matt 4313-0271-9426
Quoted By:
>>17309961 Cheers, OP. Thanks a ton.
>>17310459 I don't use wonder trade sorry.
Jaden IGN: Serena 4313-0160-4878 (Sneasel, Snover, Cloyster)
Jaden IGN: Serena 4313-0160-4878 (Sneasel, Snover, Cloyster) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:29:00 No. 17310496 Report Quoted By:
Jigaboo 0216 2163 5432 (Larvesta, Pansear, Fletchinder)
Jigaboo 0216 2163 5432 (Larvesta, Pansear, Fletchinder) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:30:06 No. 17310519 Report I have 5-6 IV protean froakies... I'm trying to get all of the starters
Quoted By:
I put a luvdisc on the GTS with the comment "/vp/ Chimchar"
Eric 1864-9299-5543
Quoted By:
>>17309961 Thanks a lot OP for spreading that monkey love!
Jigaboo 0216 2163 5432 (Larvesta, Pansear, Fletchinder)
Jigaboo 0216 2163 5432 (Larvesta, Pansear, Fletchinder) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:32:44 No. 17310561 Report >>17310519 >>17309961 There is a female protean froakie with 5 IV on the GTS that says /vp/ chimchar
If I missed out reply to this and open trade with me in game.
Panda/Kiki 3566-2218-9005
I've been looking for one of those guys for a while! Hope I get one, adding you now OP! IGN is Kiki.
Aryan 3110-4321-7848 (Poison: Venemoth, Cascoon, Muk)
Aryan 3110-4321-7848 (Poison: Venemoth, Cascoon, Muk) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:34:14 No. 17310589 Report >>17310563 whats your ign?
PDP 4296-3255-7886 (Bibarel,Poliwhirls,Quagsire)
PDP 4296-3255-7886 (Bibarel,Poliwhirls,Quagsire) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:34:15 No. 17310590 Report Quoted By:
I would like one please :D
{IGN} Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
{IGN} Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:36:15 No. 17310627 Report >>17310519 oh man id love one. do you by chance need a bulbasaur or charmander?
4725 8801 5051
Quoted By:
>>17309961 Thanks! Sorry for the Pumpkaboo, she was a leftover from trying to MM a shiny
Give me a sec guys doing the GTS guys real quick
Nospimi99 (3797-6989-4912)
Quoted By:
>>17310479 Wow that's funny, in the 4 months the games been out I haven't gotten a single one, then the day you post this I get 2 identical to the ones you are giving away.
Quoted By:
>>17310561 Can't find yours add me IGN Sarah.
Reply to this if I missed you. Make sure you get on the internet.IGN Sarah open trade whenever. Those who put theirs up on GTS add me.
Quoted By:
>>17309961 Put up a nice Dratini with the comment /vp/ Thanks
Quoted By:
>>17310662 Any way I can put up a Luvdisc for one of your Chimchars? Preferably with Iron Fist, if you still have any.
{IGN} Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
{IGN} Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:47:01 No. 17310833 Report >>17310755 awesome ill just give you both then if you give me a 5 iv froakie. i already added you
>>17310797 Just added you. My ing: Spencer
FC: 3368 1920 4010
Would you like a jolly extreme speed HA dratini?
Panda/Kiki 3566-2218-9005
Quoted By:
>>17310797 I accidentally took up luvdisc down for a minute on the GTS. It still says "/vp/ Chimchar". Thanks!
{IGN} Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
{IGN} Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sun 12 Jan 2014 06:49:18 No. 17310875 Report Quoted By:
>>17310833 oh sorry man we confused each other with other people, i already got one of your glorious chimchars
Quoted By:
>>17310840 Would really like an iron fist ;)
If i missed you reply to this.
Nolan 2363-5798-3538
Quoted By:
>>17311133 Dratini guy here some japanese guy sniped it I added you
Cipher 3265 6432 9399
Quoted By:
>>17309961 Luvdisc named vp for an iron fist one please.
Quoted By:
>>17309961 Could I please get an Iron fist chimchar OP?
Nolan 2363-5798-3538
Quoted By:
may I get one?
1220 7691 3691
Quoted By:
>>17311257 whoops. my friend code is 1220 7691 3691
Aryan 3110-4321-7848 (Poison: Venemoth, Cascoon, Muk)
Aryan 3110-4321-7848 (Poison: Venemoth, Cascoon, Muk) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:12:23 No. 17311306 Report Quoted By:
>>17311133 Thank you heaps OP <3
I would be so FREAKING HAPPY
Open trade with me. IGN Sarah.
Isaac 0533 - 4650 - 6031
Quoted By:
>>17309961 Could I have an iron first chimchar PLEASE OP
1220 7691 3691
>>17311351 >1220 7691 3691
Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>17311363 Did you add my FC, and connect to the internet?
Isaac 0533 - 4650 - 6031
Quoted By:
>>17309961 Oh my god thank you so much OP. I bow to you
If you were missed reply to this please.
thank you op you're such an wonderful person
Klov 4957-3319-9446 (psychic, abra,xatu,???)
Klov 4957-3319-9446 (psychic, abra,xatu,???) Sun 12 Jan 2014 07:25:04 No. 17311546 Report Quoted By:
>>17309961 i'd really like one ^^
Quoted By:
i would like one
Lily 1865-0255-6997
Quoted By:
may i get one??
Quoted By:
Add my FC and get on the internet and open trade with me. IGN Sarah.
>>17311512 Do you have an extra Piplup I could have?
Quoted By:
I put up a luvdisc Thanks in advance, babe <3
Storm - 1822 0137 3674
>>17311702 I can breed you one.
Quoted By:
>>17311800 That would be awesome.
If you were missed reply to this.
Lily 1865-0255-6997
Quoted By:
>>17311899 my internet went out so i wasnt online... my online now though. Would like to have one if there are any left
Lily 1865-0255-6997
Quoted By:
Going to head to bed all will continue this tomorrow.
Storm - 1822 0137 3674
Quoted By:
>>17312073 No problem.
You didn't have to give me another chimchar though. I guess I can breed some to help out anyone else in need if you're running low
JKaps: 4699-6105-7173 (Pidgey, Swanna, Hawlucha)
JKaps: 4699-6105-7173 (Pidgey, Swanna, Hawlucha) Sun 12 Jan 2014 08:09:21 No. 17312255 Report Quoted By:
>>17309961 Any of these bad boys still available?
Thread is open once again and still have a full box of HA Chimchars and some with blaze.
Devon 2938 6545 7147
>>17317978 Could I get an iron fist, if any left?
Kurrat 5386-8601-6282 (Flying Farfetch'd/Tranquill/Hawlucha)
Kurrat 5386-8601-6282 (Flying Farfetch'd/Tranquill/Hawlucha) Sun 12 Jan 2014 17:11:30 No. 17318078 Report >>17317978 Would I be able to grab one of these
Devon 2938 6545 7147
Quoted By:
>>17318036 Thanks! Enjoy the porygon.
>>17318078 Yeah plenty to still go around.
Kurrat 5386-8601-6282 (Flying Farfetch'd/Tranquill/Hawlucha)
Kurrat 5386-8601-6282 (Flying Farfetch'd/Tranquill/Hawlucha) Sun 12 Jan 2014 17:15:42 No. 17318156 Report Quoted By:
>>17318117 Thank you so much :)
Quoted By:
After all these chimps are gone I will be breeding and giving away some Piplups.
Shin 1907-9558-1561
I hope im not too late.. I'd like one if you don't mind OP luv ya <3
Quoted By:
Moved them around and have only 9 more HA Chimchars left. The rest are blaze.
Shin 1907-9558-1561
Quoted By:
>>17318322 Thanks!
Man, I love what GF did with chimchar's sprite
>>17318705 Yep in the middle of a battle.
Quoted By:
>>17318752 Awesome! Well I'll add you thanks in advance if you can.
Quoted By:
thanks a ton dude