Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig)
Nobody Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:04:46 No. 17334405 Report Quoted By:
>>17334393 >I did the sign up. Where am I in the List? It’s not automatic and it puts you on a spreadsheet. Eventually we Copy/paste that on the doc. Check the Google Doc often as we update it a frequently as We can.
>How will I know when my group is called for? Keep the thread open and keep up, your group will be called and if you do not respond in a timely manner you will be skipped and have to ask to be put on the bottom of the list again.
>How long is the wait? That depends on how many cloners are active. Sometimes we’re fast, normally we’re slow. It may take many hours before we even get close. We will get to you as soon as we can.
>Can I be put on the sleeper list? We axed the Sleeper list because it was causing major problems with getting anything done.
>Can I help by being a Cloner? Put a picture of your two 3ds in the thread and we’ll get you started.
>Can I help if I can’t clone? Ask one of the people in the OP if we need help. We’re normally good on moderators but we’ll let you know if we need anything. Sometimes we need people to take over when one of us needs to sleep.
>I’m on the sleeper group. What now? Let us know your here and on that list and we’ll get to you with some priority.
>I have a question about the thread/list. Please ask questions by replying to a moderator, like Stephen, Jack, or Ahri. They should be the first person you go to for answers instead of a cloner. Cloners are busy cloning and trading with groups. Only bother cloners when it’s your turn to trade with one.
>My ditto wasn’t shiny. I wanted shiny. All dittos are jap 6iv, but a few breeds are not shiny. If you get a non-shiny and that is a big deal to you, ask on the thread and there is a small chance someone will swap with you.
I'm stayin up. No sleep til 200.
(Birthday Cloner) Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ
(Birthday Cloner) Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:07:07 No. 17334445 Report >>17334378 >>17334366 >>17334348 GIVE SOMETHING GOOD FOR THE FINAL HOUR OF MY BIRTHDAY, FRIENDS. I'LL ADD YOU ALL NOW.
Quoted By:
oh boy group 161 reporting in hype intensifies been waiting since yesterday
brett 3093-7656-7850
Quoted By:
>>17334393 group 197 reporting in
Sleep is for pussys Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) !lAV8d9z736
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) !lAV8d9z736 Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:07:46 No. 17334457 Report Quoted By:
[Jester] Juan 2793-1544-8962 !uZSRkf9Mko
Quoted By:
sign ups are closed sign ups are closed sign ups are closed sign ups are closed sign ups are closed SIGN UPS ARE CLOSED
Knox 0189 - 9293 - 8250
Quoted By:
group 152 on standby
Quoted By:
>>17334444 quads for your determination
Austin 2165 - 6226 - 3397 (Venomoth, Kakuna, Toxicroak)
Austin 2165 - 6226 - 3397 (Venomoth, Kakuna, Toxicroak) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:07:52 No. 17334461 Report Group 151 reporting.
Whisper 0146-9918-3671
Quoted By:
whisper of group 150 reporting in :)
Im in group 152 still driving will be in at around 10:45 PST posting From phone
Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig)
Nobody Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:08:23 No. 17334470 Report >>17334393 REMINDER THAT WE HAVE CLOSED THE SIGN UPS.
brett 3093-7656-7850
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) !lAV8d9z736
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) !lAV8d9z736 Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:08:47 No. 17334480 Report >>17334444 Nice quads.
If you feel like taking a nap, and can wake up on time, I can almost guarantee that it will be at least 6 hours.
Quoted By:
>>17334444 Nice quads. I'm in 200 as well, so I'll be staying up with you.
I for some reason, cannot edit the doc anymore. I have 12 ready to pass out, at the moment.
>>17334470 Do you know when they'll open again approximately?
Quoted By:
>>17334480 Nope, i'm going to the store and getting some sort of energy shit.
Jessica 1693-2064-6395
Quoted By:
Oh my god my group is soon. I've been waiting so long
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
>>17334485 I'll send you another invite to edit maybe that'll work, try reloading it again
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) !lAV8d9z736
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) !lAV8d9z736 Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:10:41 No. 17334513 Report Quoted By:
>>17334486 I would guess when we get to group 190, we will open it up for another 50 or so groups. So, in about 6-12 hours, I would guess?
how long is it going to take to get to the 190s you think? 7-8 hours?
Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig)
Nobody Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:10:43 No. 17334516 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>tfw yor group will probably come up early morning and you've got work tomorrow
Quoted By:
>>17334486 they said they'll decide at 190 if they will reopen or keep closed.
Yvis 0473 7792 0040 [Wobbuffet, Gothorita, Munna] !C6KAxeuZVA
Yvis 0473 7792 0040 [Wobbuffet, Gothorita, Munna] !C6KAxeuZVA Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:10:58 No. 17334521 Report >>17334485 HELLO FRIEND I MISSED YOU. THE DOC SOMETIMES GETS CLOGGED IF TOO MANY ANONS ARE ON IT BUT I HAVE ACCESS, WHAT DO YOU WANT DONE?
(Birthday Cloner) Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ
(Birthday Cloner) Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:11:06 No. 17334524 Report >>17334485 TO AVOID ANY CONFUSION THEN I AM CURRENTLY TENDING TO 148
Klov 4957-3319-9446 (psychic, abra,xatu,???)
Klov 4957-3319-9446 (psychic, abra,xatu,???) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:11:08 No. 17334526 Report >>17334393 I am in group 150
Did i miss it? 0.0
brett 3093-7656-7850
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) !lAV8d9z736
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (Pancham, Machoke,Tyrogue) !lAV8d9z736 Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:11:42 No. 17334542 Report >>17334514 Probably over 6 hours, but I cannot guarantee.
jesse 3652-1667-4020
>>17334461 Also 151. Anticipation is building.
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
Quoted By:
>>17334526 Nope not yet!
You're about 3 groups away!
Klov 4957-3319-9446 (psychic, abra,xatu,???)
Klov 4957-3319-9446 (psychic, abra,xatu,???) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:12:38 No. 17334562 Report Quoted By:
>>17334524 Oh kay xD
Sorry for asking that much dont wanna miss this x.x
Happy birthday BTW
Quoted By:
alright, Titus from 150, up and ready. Getting super hyped.
brett 3093-7656-7850
Quoted By:
>>17334524 happy birthday!!!
Quoted By:
>>17334534 >>17334542 Awesome thanks guys
I can't believe how nice people are to be doing this more others
RT 4038-6677-8162 [Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Spiritomb]
RT 4038-6677-8162 [Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Spiritomb] Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:13:42 No. 17334580 Report I'm from Group 172, I'm going to sleep and then straight to work when I wake up. I doubt I'll be around to receive when it's my turn. Is it possible to put me on a hold list until I'm back?
Jessica 1693-2064-6395
Just wondering, would a "rare" Vivillon pattern be an acceptable 'mon to give for services? Since I just restarted the game I don't have much in the way of rare.
Nick (Rin) 3239-3651-2537 [Octillery Gyarados Frogadier]
Nick (Rin) 3239-3651-2537 [Octillery Gyarados Frogadier] Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:14:13 No. 17334596 Report Quoted By:
>>17334445 Thanks a bunch and Happy Birthday! Enjoy the Elemental Punch and Switcheroo Bunerary.
(Birthday Cloner) Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ
(Birthday Cloner) Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:15:10 No. 17334611 Report Quoted By:
>>17334581 anything is okay, sometimes we get shitmons and other times we get something cool. It's whatever.
prieto 4554-0208-3366 (ign Luis)
>>17334548 151 here aswell! my body is so ducking ready...
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
>>17334580 We can hold it for an hour after it is called but no longer, sorry
hoii 2208-6227-5884
Quoted By:
>>17334445 thanks dude! ;D i really apreciate it, and happy birthday bro :D
>>17334512 >>17334516 >>17334521 Still not working, but there's nothing I need to edit at the moment.
>>17334524 Should I just start with 149 then? Are they even here?
Kamon 3866 9248 9470
Quoted By:
You guys are gods. What's the ETA on signup suspension?
Renza 4511-0944-9110
Quoted By:
>>17334445 Thanks a lot! Happy Birthday! I'm sorry about the terribly unfair trade.
Quoted By:
happy birthday Alexis!! giving is the best gift. ur awsome
Tim 3497 0788 9049
Zyxn(IGN:Seren) 1564-3028-5210 (Mawile Snubbull Floette)
Zyxn(IGN:Seren) 1564-3028-5210 (Mawile Snubbull Floette) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:17:08 No. 17334647 Report Jesus 2251-4982-9293
>>17334630 At least one person from 149 is here, myself.
prieto 4554-0208-3366 (ign Luis)
Quoted By:
>>17334624 my phone fucking autocorrected fucking with ducking...
Jessica 1693-2064-6395
Sky 3007-8495-5425
>>17334445 Posted in the other thread... but added! I do have a gift!
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
>>17334630 It seems they're all here, tell me when you're done and I'll remove it from the list for you since you can't edit
RT 4038-6677-8162 [Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Spiritomb]
RT 4038-6677-8162 [Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Spiritomb] Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:20:08 No. 17334698 Report Quoted By:
>>17334625 Understood.
I'll guess I'll figure out a way to be around, hopefully.
Quoted By:
Group 154 Z is here :D So close so close thank for the hard work guys !
DBG 2809-8939-5066 Flying: Spearow, Woobat, Rufflet.
DBG 2809-8939-5066 Flying: Spearow, Woobat, Rufflet. Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:20:55 No. 17334710 Report >>1733444 Want a shiny Gurdurr? I don't care about shinies, but since you're a cloner I guess you could clone it for one of your friends who loves Gurdurr.
I'm more of a Machamp Man.
prieto 4554-0208-3366 (ign Luis)
Quoted By:
also I hope a jolly 5 iv charmander is good enough for the cloner cuz that's the best I've got.
DBG 2809-8939-5066 Flying: Spearow, Woobat, Rufflet.
DBG 2809-8939-5066 Flying: Spearow, Woobat, Rufflet. Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:22:03 No. 17334726 Report Quoted By:
Suzanne 4725-7948-6526
Quoted By:
May I get a add?
Quoted By:
>>17334470 >>17334675 I'm Joseph, of group 189. Could you put me on the sleeping list? I'll be up in 6 hours, hopefully before my group is called. Also, I might be using my X version of the game and my IGN in that is Cecilia, could you update the sheet to reflect that? Sorry if I'm being a pain in the ass.
Sebastian [0447 - 6609 - 9663] Poison ( Kakuna, Swalot, Muk)
Sebastian [0447 - 6609 - 9663] Poison ( Kakuna, Swalot, Muk) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:23:29 No. 17334761 Report Quoted By:
150 reporting
Tony [4957-3305-4502]
Quoted By:
163 here. I just would like to request an eta since I have class in the morning. It's too close to sleep but too far to stay awake I feel. Sorry for being an idiot
Eddy 4382-2672-2837 (grass) Gloom - Ariados - Drapion
Eddy 4382-2672-2837 (grass) Gloom - Ariados - Drapion Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:26:02 No. 17334803 Report Quoted By:
omg omg omg wheres my group 153 bros at
Ben 3050 7907 4589
Quoted By:
I won't be available Monday until about 4 PM eastern. I'm in group 190.
Jessica 1693-2064-6395
Daloofus 1977-1528-1705 (Nosepass Onix Barbaracle)
Daloofus 1977-1528-1705 (Nosepass Onix Barbaracle) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:28:42 No. 17334849 Report Quoted By:
Probably too late and futile, but I was from group 137 and reported around 5pm EST that I was going to be gone. I checked the GoogleDoc and it wasn't reflected and was passed up. Is there any chance at all I can still get a Ditto?
Blaximus 0447 - 5628 - 9084 (Onix, Nosepass, Rhydon)
Cloner Blaximus 0447 - 5628 - 9084 (Onix, Nosepass, Rhydon) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:31:45 No. 17334907 Report >>17334675 149 is done.
I guess I'll get started on 150 if anyone is here.
Tim 3497 0788 9049
>>17334683 >>17334683 Thank you!
And a big thank you to all the organisers who made this possible!
Klov 4957-3319-9446 (psychic, abra,xatu,???)
Klov 4957-3319-9446 (psychic, abra,xatu,???) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:33:10 No. 17334940 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
I'm witnessing god's work being done
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
Quoted By:
>>17334907 Alright I've cleared it off now!
Blaximus 0447 - 5628 - 9084 (Onix, Nosepass, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447 - 5628 - 9084 (Onix, Nosepass, Rhydon) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:33:59 No. 17334960 Report >>17334922 No prob. Thanks for the Treecko!
>>17334808 What's wrong with game chat?
Whisper 0146-9918-3671
Titus 2921-9115-9250
Quoted By:
>>17334907 150 right here. adding you now
Sebastian [0447 - 6609 - 9663] Poison ( Kakuna, Swalot, Muk)
Sebastian [0447 - 6609 - 9663] Poison ( Kakuna, Swalot, Muk) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:36:22 No. 17335010 Report Quoted By:
>>17334907 150 here, adding you.
Jessica 1693-2064-6395
Quoted By:
>>17334960 Nothing, but I constantly forget that declining game chat cancels the trade. Sorry for the trouble!
And thank you so, so much for the Ditto!
Sky 3007-8495-5425
Quoted By:
>>17334661 And with that, 148 comes to a close. Hope you enjoyed your birthday and thank you so much! I hope you like Klefki! (If you don't just trade me again and I'll give you a shiny Braixen instead! It's really bad though!)
Quoted By:
Hey Burak from 145 here back from sleeping take me off the sleeper list pls and why the document link doesnt work?
Klov 4957-3319-9446 (psychic, abra,xatu,???)
Klov 4957-3319-9446 (psychic, abra,xatu,???) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:39:50 No. 17335068 Report Quoted By:
>>17334960 Thanks A LOT bro!
you guys are awesome ^^
Quoted By:
group 157 reporting in awake and online now
Sebastian [0447 - 6609 - 9663] Poison ( Kakuna, Swalot, Muk)
Sebastian [0447 - 6609 - 9663] Poison ( Kakuna, Swalot, Muk) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:42:56 No. 17335130 Report Quoted By:
Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb)
Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:44:05 No. 17335147 Report CALLING ALL PEOPLE FROM GROUP 151 Jazmine 1736-1190-5089 Austin 2165 - 6226 - 3397 Jesse 3652-1667-4020 Luis 455402083366 Get ready for some ditto magic!
Lu 2492-5528-6986 (Bug: Venomoth, Illumise, Combee)
Lu 2492-5528-6986 (Bug: Venomoth, Illumise, Combee) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:44:24 No. 17335151 Report Quoted By:
Lu from group 184 reporting. I'll be gone in about 10 minutes until about 3:30 PM US Mountain time tomorrow. Not sure if I'm gonna miss my group or not, so just making sure.
Whisper 0146-9918-3671
prieto 4554-0208-3366 (ign Luis)
Quoted By:
Hey im active and back from sleeping can i get me ditto pls :)
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245
>>17332575 >Finally figured out exactly what causes this issue >Get a bunch of clones in 20 minutes. Fucking sweet.
Now serving
0189 - 9293 - 8250
Give me a minute to add everyone.
Sebastian [0447 - 6609 - 9663] Poison ( Kakuna, Swalot, Muk)
Sebastian [0447 - 6609 - 9663] Poison ( Kakuna, Swalot, Muk) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:45:48 No. 17335178 Report Quoted By:
Thanks a lot man, that's fucking awesome, sorry I didn't have something better to give out
Knox 0189 - 9293 - 8250
Austin 2165 - 6226 - 3397 (Venomoth, Kakuna, Toxicroak)
Austin 2165 - 6226 - 3397 (Venomoth, Kakuna, Toxicroak) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:46:39 No. 17335187 Report Quoted By:
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
>>17335171 Hi Artdeux! Nice to see you back!
Blaximus 0447 - 5628 - 9084 (Onix, Nosepass, Rhydon)
Blaximus 0447 - 5628 - 9084 (Onix, Nosepass, Rhydon) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:49:09 No. 17335226 Report Titus, Sebastian, and Klov are done. Waiting on, whisper 0146-9918-3671
Knox 0189 - 9293 - 8250
>>17335203 Ahri I am in the Sleeping List??
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
>>17335242 Whats your IGN?
Austin 2165 - 6226 - 3397 (Venomoth, Kakuna, Toxicroak)
Austin 2165 - 6226 - 3397 (Venomoth, Kakuna, Toxicroak) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:51:32 No. 17335269 Report Quoted By:
>>17335147 Thanks a lot!! Very much appreciated!
>>17335262 Burak, I was in Group 145 :)
jesse 3652-1667-4020
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245
>>17335203 Thanks. Was trying to clone yesterday but I didn't have any luck whatsoever, then today I realized why I was getting immediate error screens all the time and now it's a lot more successful.
>>17335240 No problem.
Blaximus 0447 - 5628 - 9084 (Onix, Nosepass, Rhydon)
Cloner Blaximus 0447 - 5628 - 9084 (Onix, Nosepass, Rhydon) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:53:04 No. 17335295 Report >>17335171 I've been having pretty good luck today. Managed to get 4 in a row with no failed attempts. Think it came out to around 7 in half an hour. I can't say I was doing anything differently than when I was having bad luck.
I'm also going to go by Rick now to avoid confusion with my in-game name.
Quoted By:
>>17335226 hey i added you
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:54:15 No. 17335319 Report >>17335290 what was the problem?
prieto 4554-0208-3366 (ign Luis)
>>17335147 sorry that's honestly the best I've got. but damn you guys are beautiful!!
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
>>17335274 Alright we do have you on our list, so I'm going to put you into the purple group and hopefully one of our cloners will be able to get you your ditto soon!
Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb)
Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:55:24 No. 17335338 Report Quoted By:
>>17335322 It's totally fine mate! Enjoy
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245
>>17335319 Initiating trade from the wrong 3DS. Guess I didn't watch that video as close as I should have.
Niyan 3668-8610-8801 !rXOvEZ2A16
Quoted By:
I'm in group 154, just got called out to a work thing and should be back in an hour or so.
Thanawat 4081-5761-7244
Quoted By:
Group 196 here, Can you change my status to unavailable until 5:20 PM PST 1/13 please? And is that an acceptable time frame or should i just sign up again later?
(Birthday Cloner) Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ
(Birthday Cloner) Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:56:44 No. 17335372 Report Quoted By:
>>17335274 I'll get you soon, buddy.
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:56:47 No. 17335373 Report >>17335339 does that really affect it? had no idea
which ds did it have to be again? Artdeux 3754-7620-1245
Quoted By:
>>17335373 It was effecting it for me. If I did it with the 3DS sending the ditto, it would error out almost 100% of the time. Then I realized I needed to do it with the receiving 3DS.
I don't think it's a global thing but it definitely effected me.
Yvis 0473 7792 0040 [Wobbuffet, Gothorita, Munna] !C6KAxeuZVA
Yvis 0473 7792 0040 [Wobbuffet, Gothorita, Munna] !C6KAxeuZVA Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:58:34 No. 17335399 Report Quoted By:
Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb)
Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb) Mon 13 Jan 2014 05:59:10 No. 17335408 Report ATTENTION GROUP 151 Jazmine 1736-1190-5089 If you are on, make yourself known within 10 minutes or I will have to begin cloning again for the people waiting! Please understand!
snotty / 1006 0343 0461
Quoted By:
>>17335373 the one with the mon you want to clone, right?
also 155 heaaaa~
Quoted By:
>>17335295 uhm i don't see you added >< im panicking
Spam 1521-3740-4547
Quoted By:
Group 158 here, just woke up scared i overslept
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245
>>17335171 The remainder of Group 152 has 15 more minutes to add me or respond before I move on.
Klik 4270-1894-6823
Rovl 1118-0510-8584
Spa 0104-0340-7272
Rick 0447 - 5628 - 9084 (Onix, Nosepass, Rhydon)
Cloner Rick 0447 - 5628 - 9084 (Onix, Nosepass, Rhydon) Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:03:14 No. 17335469 Report Need someone to edit the doc for me. In group 150, Titus, Sebastian, and Klov are done. Still waiting on whisper 0146-9918-3671, but I need to leave for a few hours.
Rick 0447 - 5628 - 9084 (Onix, Nosepass, Rhydon)
Rick 0447 - 5628 - 9084 (Onix, Nosepass, Rhydon) Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:05:24 No. 17335502 Report Quoted By:
>>17335469 >>17335469 Nevermind, group 150 is done.
Sara 5172-0944-8064
Quoted By:
Group 171 reporting out for school, will be back in ~5 hours
Celo [4511 - 0587 - 8782] (Togepi, Swirlix, Floette)
Celo [4511 - 0587 - 8782] (Togepi, Swirlix, Floette) Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:05:57 No. 17335508 Report Hi! I don't really know if I understood. I have to let my FC and IGN here and wait, right? If any cloner could help me, I would be very grateful! Thanks!
Thanawat 4081-5761-7244
>>17334521 Umm sorry to bother you Yvis, but could you edit my entry in the spreadsheet to my post a few spots above?
Klik - 4270-1894-6823 (Snover, Sneasel, Cloyster)
Klik - 4270-1894-6823 (Snover, Sneasel, Cloyster) Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:07:05 No. 17335527 Report Quoted By:
>>17335431 oh shit. Klik from 152 just woke up! adding
Froztera (2595-1333-3233)
Quoted By:
Group 194 Going to work, back in.. 5-6 hours? I think i'll be back before my group is called. Love ya guys.
Quoted By:
>>17335508 Read the thread, signups are close.
[Jester] Juan 2793-1544-8962 !uZSRkf9Mko
Quoted By:
>>17335517 we have no idea what your asking
Yvis 0473 7792 0040 [Wobbuffet, Gothorita, Munna] !C6KAxeuZVA
Yvis 0473 7792 0040 [Wobbuffet, Gothorita, Munna] !C6KAxeuZVA Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:12:43 No. 17335610 Report >>17335517 Could you please clarify?
Quoted By:
200 still here
>Staying up so late for your Ditto that Dusk Balls stop being worthwhile
Quoted By:
>>17334444 Enjoy the hallucinations
Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb)
Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb) Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:15:38 No. 17335650 Report Quoted By:
>>17335408 Sorry Jazmine, you have missed out!
Rose 0361-7024-6965
Quoted By:
Rose from group 154. I must go to school now. I will be back in couple of hours. Can i take my ditto later?
Falkeso 4570 7221 5813
Quoted By:
Falkeso from group 170 going to sleep, will be back in 6 hours! Thanks for everything!
Klik - 4270-1894-6823 (Snover, Sneasel, Cloyster)
Klik - 4270-1894-6823 (Snover, Sneasel, Cloyster) Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:16:58 No. 17335671 Report Quoted By:
>>17335431 Thank you very much! You guys are awesome!
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
Quoted By:
Staying up until 190. believe in me that believes in you.
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245
Quoted By:
>>17335431 With the exception of Rovl, Group 152 has been served. Rovl's note says he'd only be around until 4PM Pacific however, so that's not unexpected.
Back to cloning I go.
Yvis 0473 7792 0040 [Wobbuffet, Gothorita, Munna] !C6KAxeuZVA
Yvis 0473 7792 0040 [Wobbuffet, Gothorita, Munna] !C6KAxeuZVA Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:18:10 No. 17335691 Report >>17334444 >>17335624 PLS DON'T KILL YOURSELVES ITS JUST A DITTO.
IGN: Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320
>>17335691 JUST a ditto??!?!?
[Jester] Juan 2793-1544-8962 !uZSRkf9Mko
>>17335701 shes in charge dumbass hahaha
Thanawat 4081-5761-7244
Quoted By:
>>17335610 Sorry about that, i meant can you change me to unavailable/sleeping or whatever until 5:20 pm PST 1/13 if it isn't too much trouble? And I was wondering if that time frame is too long for you guys or not. Thank you
(Birthday Cloner) Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ
(Birthday Cloner) Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:21:05 No. 17335734 Report >>17335353 WHAT IS YOUR FRIENDCODE
>>17335715 >you in charge of not seeing the almost obvious sarcasm of that post. Group 169
Quoted By:
Scotty 5129-1473-3630 and TKmaster 0705-3225-9850 Group 169 will be back 7 AM CST keep up the good work guys, need to sleep for work
[Jester] Juan 2793-1544-8962 !uZSRkf9Mko
Quoted By:
>>17335747 and you my friend need to undersand hahaha's
Quoted By:
Group 195 going to bed. I'll probably wake up before it's my groups turn but if not I guess I'll have to wait until next time.
IGN: Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320
>>17335715 I know, I've been following this since group 80 :)
SITH 0919-9882-3949
Quoted By:
>>17334393 >>17334470 hey, i'm SITH from group 146, i was meant to be put on the sleeper group, i wasn't able to get on the internet until now
[Jester] Juan 2793-1544-8962 !uZSRkf9Mko
Quoted By:
>>17335769 just kidding around man just wait, the cloners are going down the list as far as they can
Quoted By:
where are we in the groups ?
Rovl 1118-0510-8584
Hello I am here. Just got back from driving as stated here:
>>17334468 Am Ready to receive.
Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb)
Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb) Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:30:29 No. 17335858 Report Quoted By:
>>17335848 Hey! I think we are 152/153
Scrub 2981-6309-2336
Quoted By:
Scrub from group 168 is still here! Thanks in advance :D
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine)
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine) Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:32:58 No. 17335894 Report Quoted By:
Group169 here going to sleep, will be up by 9am CST. Will try to check in throughout the night though.
SITH 0919-9882-3949
>>17335734 hey, i don't mean to be pushy or anything, but i was just wondering what i should do, i was on group 146 and i said i'd be away until now ish, my thing as changed in the doc but now i'm not there, what do i do?
Tony [4957-3305-4502]
Quoted By:
Can't sleep, group might arrive and I will miss it.
Ethan FC: (2723-9234-9741)
Quoted By:
Ethan ( Group 168 ) reporting. Will be in bed tonight so keep my ditto on hold. I will wake up and post in next thread probably around 9:50 AM ( US Central Time ) Thanks again for all your help and time.
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245
>>17335856 Add me. I'm the one who was taking care of group 152.
Dix 5300-8891-2421 {1050} (Sawk, Machoke & Hariyama)
Dix 5300-8891-2421 {1050} (Sawk, Machoke & Hariyama) Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:38:44 No. 17335956 Report Quoted By:
I'm in group 176, going to bed now and then work in the morning. I'll probably be back around 1600 Pacific time, please mark my slot if we get that far, thanks in advance.
(Birthday Cloner) Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ
(Birthday Cloner) Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:39:32 No. 17335969 Report >>17335913 I can handle you too.
SITH 0919-9882-3949
>>17335969 thank you so much, i'll add you now, i'll give you a 5IV phantump, my favouritepokemon :)
Rovl 1118-0510-8584
>>17335939 thanks man hope you like that shiny sandile
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245
Quoted By:
>>17335983 I do indeed! Thank you for your generosity, and good luck breeding.
Steven 1392-5340-0061
Quoted By:
Steven from group 174. Im going to go to sleep and I have school. I will be back for sure from 4 to 10pm PST
Quoted By:
which group are we on?
Jason 1220-6751-1110
Quoted By:
Jason from Group 165. I'm going to sleep right now but I'll be back around 7:30AM EST, and I'll report back before I step out for class between 9:30AM - 3:30PM. Thanks!!
(Birthday Cloner) Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ
(Birthday Cloner) Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:47:59 No. 17336061 Report >>17335980 Okay, add me now.
Quoted By:
dollottie and margaery reporting in from group 161; we're still here.
SITH 0919-9882-3949
Quoted By:
>>17336061 thank you so much, i hope you have had a great birthday, and i appreciate everything you have done for everyone here
Jake 1220-7691-3691
Group 170 here. I have school tomorrow so I have to go to sleep. I will be up at 6:00 EST but will have to leave by 7:30, so hopefully I'm lucky and It'll be my turn in that timeframe.
Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig)
is any Cloners still here ?
[Jester] Juan 2793-1544-8962 !uZSRkf9Mko
>>17336162 jake... from state farm... at 1 in the morning
[sorry couldnt resist]
ok gotcha
IGN: Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320
Quoted By:
>>17336183 You're all super cool <3
Jake 1220-7691-3691
Quoted By:
>>17336199 Haha I didn't even think of that
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb)
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb) Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:58:45 No. 17336229 Report >>17336190 Sure am, will be doing a mass giveaway soon hopefully!! Have hope!
brett 3093-7656-7850
do you need a hand cloning? by virtue of siblings I have access to multiple 3ds for the foreseeable future
IGN: Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320
Quoted By:
>>17336229 Hope springs eternal
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:00:57 No. 17336255 Report >>17336235 can you post a picture?
Tony [4957-3305-4502]
Quoted By:
>>17336183 I'm really sorry then. I just wanted a master race ditto. Even though it sounds sarcastic, I really do appreciate the work done, especially since you're all herding a pack of really lazy cats around. My friend looked at this and thought it was way too organized to be real and I would agree with him if not for the fact that this is happening.
I'm sorry in advance of what I offer will be not very wanted, but I really do want to thank you all for doing this. Now I feel like small time if I'm worried about being awake for school tomorrow.
brett 3093-7656-7850
>>17336255 not at this precise moment but i can one i find an ipod/camera
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:03:21 No. 17336293 Report >>17336277 That'd be fine, we just need a picture to verify you actually have two and that you own both games
Xavier - 2208-4869-0540
Quoted By:
Group 166 here, going to sleep and then work, I'll be back in 20 hours
Rovl 1118-0510-8584
Quoted By:
Organizers need a big Thank you for this. Awesome idea and if i could help clone I would
Can these cloners fucking hurry up? FFS
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
Quoted By:
Thank you based mods What group are we on?
>>17336467 Someone sounds pretty entitled
Quoted By:
Greg from group 168 I believe. Going to sleep and probably won't be back before 6:30pm tomorrow. I probably won't be able to get on any time before then so just assume I'm not here if you guys call my group before then.
>>17336467 relax man they are working hard !
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
Quoted By:
>>17336467 babby needs to start school soon :/ he can't wait to show off his "totally legit" jap ditto to make his friends jealous during homeroom
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:17:23 No. 17336511 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
Thank you guys for your hard work! You're the best.
Quoted By:
>>17336537 >>17336511 >>17336496 don't take the fun out of watching those people pretend/actually get mad
Ocean 5043-3032-0804
>tfw the list got stuck on 131 for a few hours and work caused you to miss your opportunity for a ditto Anyways, even though I didn't manage to get in on this I want to extend a thank you to anyone and everyone who made this possible, you all are pretty cool dudes
Tony (4957-3305-4502)
Quoted By:
I request to be put on the sleep list please. Unforseen circumstances. Will be here around 10am eastern, in 8 hours.
Quoted By:
I made it before the cutoff! Group 199! I couldn't check the doc before because of mobile. Kind of late on this, but happy birthday, Alexis! That's actually my middle name
Beans electric fc 2466-2655-4305 pikachu,emolga and zebstrika Anonymous Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:22:55 No. 17336607 Report Looking to help clone dittos for the cause. Let me know if you can donate one of these dittos so I could get started. Thanks.
brett 3093-7656-7850
Quoted By:
>>17336594 disregard that i was trying to post from a tablet
snotty / 1006 0343 0461
Quoted By:
What group are we up to 8D
Ocean 5043-3032-0804
Quoted By:
>>17336585 Also I should point out that I did specify that I was going to be at work well before my group was called. Am I still unable to get a ditto?
Noire 0946 3624 2667
Oh no what should i give them?, what kind of pokemon or item? i don't have any shinys damn.
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb)
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:25:53 No. 17336661 Report Quoted By:
>>17336640 Amything that isn't awful would be appreciated!
Quoted By:
>>17336476 I don't like it when people use the word 'entitled' in this sense. It implies that they are right in feeling that they deserve something. Taken literally, entitled means: 'qualified by right' so calling somebody entitled means you agree with them. You could argue to end poverty, because poor people are entitled to food.
Perhaps a better phrase is that somebody has a false sense of entitlement.
I've felt this way for a while. I'm glad that 4chan and the news moved on from it as a buzzword because I was worried it would be the new 'ironic'.
But yeah, that guy's a knob who needs to shut his whore mouth.
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:28:01 No. 17336687 Report ATTENTION: IF YOU ARE NOT HERE WHEN YOUR GROUP IS CALLED THEN YOU DO NOT GET A DITTO. WE NO LONGER HAVE A SLEEPERS LIST. If you miss being called, then you will have to sign up again. We are no longer holding dittos for anyone. If you are not here when your group is called then you will not get one. There is no longer a sleepers list. This makes it fair for the people who are here and waiting.
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
>>17336687 My body is absolutely ready
>group 190 >probably 6-7 more hours >fear of being skipped keeping me from sleeping let's do this
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:30:20 No. 17336722 Report >>17336714 just set an alarm, man
>>17336687 understandable but still kind of shitty..
Quoted By:
>>17336687 Well, that certainly makes things more interesting. Unfortunate for those with work, though.
Phiphler 3540-0619-6256
Quoted By:
>>17336687 Can someone remove me from group 159?
Im already in group 158, and I don't want to take up uneccessary space!
Quoted By:
>>17336687 moar ppl go sleep pls
Adolf 2466-2614-3648 Girafarg, Espurr, Munna
Adolf 2466-2614-3648 Girafarg, Espurr, Munna Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:30:58 No. 17336738 Report Quoted By:
>>17336687 Looks very fair to me.
Eddy 4382-2672-2837 (grass) Gloom - Ariados - Drapion
Eddy 4382-2672-2837 (grass) Gloom - Ariados - Drapion Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:31:02 No. 17336739 Report Quoted By:
>>17336714 >tfw group 153 Take as long as you guys want! Beggars can't be choosers :D
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
Quoted By:
>>17336722 Sleeping through it is still a realistic possibility, I don't play with fire.
>>17336607 How come to X's? Why not X and Y?
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:32:01 No. 17336758 Report >>17336723 >>17336728 we're giving these away for free, guys. Cloning is difficult and it can get really confusing when we're holding spots for over 50 people with promises of them being online at very different times of the day.
please understand Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17336714 >More than 30 groups >6-7 hours Good luck m80
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb)
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:32:55 No. 17336774 Report RIGHTO PEASANTS IT IS TIME FOR GROUP 153 Leevi 5000-2728-2995 Bagutte 4468-1070-4257 Quimet 4038-6572-1716 Eddy 4382-2672-2837 NO SLEEPERS. If you miss out, that is that, so be quick!
Ill help some of the cloners here.I have a full box of 6 IV Dittos to give away. ill go by the orders of the replies.
Beans electric fc 2466-2655-4305 pikachu,emolga and zebstrika
Beans electric fc 2466-2655-4305 pikachu,emolga and zebstrika Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:33:35 No. 17336787 Report Quoted By:
>>17336754 i have two other roommates one with x and the other with y, i just grabbed the one that had x
Ocean 5043-3032-0804
>>17336687 So where do I sign up again?
Eddy 4382-2672-2837 (grass) Gloom - Ariados - Drapion
Eddy 4382-2672-2837 (grass) Gloom - Ariados - Drapion Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:33:41 No. 17336790 Report Quoted By:
>>17336774 awaiting orders, sir.
Quoted By:
>>17336758 I see what you did there Anonymous
about how long til group 175? Wanna know if I can go to sleep
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:34:23 No. 17336805 Report Quoted By:
>>17336788 sign ups are closed right now
IGN: Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320
Quoted By:
>>17336788 Signup is currently closed cause of a huge backlog. I'd say wait a day or two and see if it's back up
Quoted By:
>>17336758 i said it was understandable.
Beans electric fc 2466-2655-4305 pikachu,emolga and zebstrika
Beans electric fc 2466-2655-4305 pikachu,emolga and zebstrika Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:34:38 No. 17336809 Report Quoted By:
>>17336782 I could help with cloning also. Let me know. I'll trade.
>>17336774 Here and ready!
Quoted By:
>>17336800 I'd guess about 24-36 hours
Quoted By:
Group 154: i'm ready Z
Noire 0946 3624 2667
Glen 2852 7802 6717
>>17336714 I'm right here with you man
[Jester] Juan 2793-1544-8962 !uZSRkf9Mko
Quoted By:
>>17336782 hey put your email in the email sec so we can add you to the doc.
i know your trying to be nice but if you do it this way it will just get us unorganized
Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig)
Nobody Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:37:52 No. 17336859 Report Quoted By:
>>17336607 Add me. I'll send you a seed ditto, but I need it back when you start cloning so don’t run off with it. Also keep me posted if you have trouble cloning so I know thats whats up.
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
>>17336856 Are we going to make it?
Azura 4484-9296-7289
>>17336782 Are you offering to give to anyone waiting or just people that can also clone? If anyone I will add you! Either way thanks for helping so awesome
>>17336758 i wasn't being sarcastic. i thought a sleepers list was a bad idea from the start but that's just my opinion. :D thanks so much for all the hard work!
Quoted By:
>>17336870 hes a troll. dont.
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:39:32 No. 17336889 Report Quoted By:
>>17336878 oh haha, my bad
Glen 2852 7802 6717
>>17336869 Fuck yeah dude
Where are you from?
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
Glen 2852 7802 6717
>>17336909 NY
Same time zone though! What're you doing to stay awake?
Quoted By:
>not knowing who charles is Oh god.
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
>>17336901 >>17336920 Playing SNES,but you up for a battle while we wait?
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb)
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:43:28 No. 17336950 Report >>17336812 >>17336774 ATTENTION:
Eddy 4382-2672-2837 (grass) Gloom - Ariados - Drapion
Eddy 4382-2672-2837 (grass) Gloom - Ariados - Drapion Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:44:15 No. 17336958 Report >>17336950 Thank ya very much billy! Hope this modest 5 iv deino is useful to you!
Glen 2852 7802 6717
Quoted By:
>>17336929 Sure dude adding now
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb)
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:44:50 No. 17336966 Report Quoted By:
>>17336958 Thanks mate, much appreciated, enjoy your Ditto!
Pinkkie 1006-0385-3206
Quoted By:
Group 197 reporting! Its 1.46 am here.. should I probably just go to sleep?
Quoted By:
>>17336782 >Return I'm up for a trade! I'll give you a Monsoon Vivillon in return!
Brandon 2707-1611-4642
Quoted By:
>>17336782 Help me out please!
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb)
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:50:36 No. 17337040 Report Group 153 is done, anyone who missed out, sorry, but people are waiting... ANYWAY, it is time for group 154 Zeta32 1719-3915-3436 Nick 0705-3251-5338 Rose 0361-7024-6965 Niyan 3668-8610-8801 Reply to this and I shall add you
Leevi (5000-2728-2995)
>>17336950 Thanks so much man. Hope that cyndaquil can be of some use. You're doing a great job.
Niyan 3668-8610-8801 !rXOvEZ2A16
>>17337040 Added you, much love.
>>17337040 zeta32 i'm here
Brandon 2707-1611-4642
Quoted By:
>>17336782 >Code not valid (Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb)
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:55:50 No. 17337118 Report >>17337052 All done! Enjoy the ditto
IGN: Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320
Quoted By:
>>17337118 I'm guessing you're gonna be doing 156 as welll? I'll add you to save time.
Niyan 3668-8610-8801 !rXOvEZ2A16
Quoted By:
>>17337040 Thanks! You rock!
Kaze [Flying - Fletchling] - 2809 7990 9804
Kaze [Flying - Fletchling] - 2809 7990 9804 Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:57:27 No. 17337150 Report I want one of thsoe Dittos... Can somebody help? I got plenty of 5-4 IV pokemon in exchange
snotty / 1006 0343 0461
snotty-chan from 155 is hereee~
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 07:58:31 No. 17337158 Report Anonymous
>>17337155 ooh snotty you been a bad girl
i'm gonna tell all the other gaiafags where you come at night
snotty / 1006 0343 0461
>>17337171 LMFAO WHO IS THIS
{IGN} Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
{IGN} Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:00:05 No. 17337177 Report >>17334393 i already got one but i was wondering if i would be able to sign up to get one for my friend? he isnt aware of 4chan or anything else like it where he would be able to get one.
Kaze [Flying - Fletchling] - 2809 7990 9804
Kaze [Flying - Fletchling] - 2809 7990 9804 Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:00:25 No. 17337183 Report >>17337158 I already did but sign ups are closed.. maybe someone got a spare one?
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:00:44 No. 17337185 Report Anonymous
Phiphler 3540-0619-6256
>>17337183 Wait until signups open up again. Try in 12 hours again, or just keep checking these threads as they come up.
>>17337183 just wait for sign ups to open again, like the rest of us...
IGN: Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320
>>17337183 Wait for the signup to open in a few days
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb)
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 Ghost (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Spiritomb) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:01:55 No. 17337203 Report Quoted By:
>>17337176 you wouldn't recognize me, i lurk to much for that. but i certainly recognize you. :)
Kyle 2466-2908-5716 (Helioptile, Luxio, Dedenne)
Kyle 2466-2908-5716 (Helioptile, Luxio, Dedenne) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:02:41 No. 17337213 Report Hi, I'm on group 162 but have to go to school, will be back in about 8 hours.
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:03:22 No. 17337220 Report >>17337213 we're no longer taking sleepers, if youre not here when you're called then you dont get a ditto
Glen 2852 7802 6717
>>17336929 Give me a minute to find my unburden treecko?
Kaze [Flying - Fletchling] - 2809 7990 9804
Kaze [Flying - Fletchling] - 2809 7990 9804 Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:04:36 No. 17337235 Report >>17337185 I'll just probably wait for someone else to make one since I'm completely clueless about what you did with the google groups and I don't want to make a whole other thread for a Ditto. Not that I don't want to, but I feel guilty lol
{IGN} Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
{IGN} Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:05:08 No. 17337242 Report Quoted By:
>>17337185 alright thanks anyways and thanks again for the one i got earlier
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
>>17337230 It's cool I already have a perfect unburden Sceptile
IGN: Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320
>>17337220 Hey Jessie, are you an active cloner right now? Just wondering who's active
Kyle 2466-2908-5716 (Helioptile, Luxio, Dedenne)
Kyle 2466-2908-5716 (Helioptile, Luxio, Dedenne) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:05:21 No. 17337245 Report Quoted By:
Glen 2852 7802 6717
>>17337243 shit nigger that's why i'm waiting on this ditto
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:05:56 No. 17337251 Report >>17337235 What do you mean what we did with google groups?
>>17337244 yup, 2/4 right now! I think alexis is semi active as well
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
Quoted By:
>>17337247 Pray harder to RNGesus
snotty / 1006 0343 0461
Quoted By:
>>17337204 I thought you were titties at first
Kaze [Flying - Fletchling] - 2809 7990 9804
Kaze [Flying - Fletchling] - 2809 7990 9804 Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:07:01 No. 17337263 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320
Quoted By:
>>17337251 Cool, cool. I'm on 156, so i'll add you in the event that you end up being my trader for the day :)
>>17336774 >>17336950 Baguette here sorry I'm late D:
Kaze [Flying - Fletchling] - 2809 7990 9804
Kaze [Flying - Fletchling] - 2809 7990 9804 Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:09:46 No. 17337293 Report Quoted By:
>>17337251 My bad, it was Google Drive.
Quoted By:
>>17337286 I missed out by ten minutes, that sucks
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
>>17337286 Since you're only 10 minutes late I'll put you onto the excuse list and I'll see if someone can get around to giving you your ditto if you don't mind waiting until there's a no show
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
Question: can you delegate your ditto to somebody in the same group as you ex: you are absent when you're group is called but someone in your group isn't. Can they receive their and your ditto to give to you at a time when you're online?
Quoted By:
>>17337371 Yeah I can do that, thanks man, its appreciated
0301-9904-9670 (pika,electrode, galvantula)
0301-9904-9670 (pika,electrode, galvantula) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:20:52 No. 17337415 Report Quoted By:
this will officially be the longest thing I've ever waited for that wasn't coming in the mail, but it's it's cool cause I can do other things while I wait. I really appreciate the hard work everyone is putting into this, so it is my honor to stay up late with you guys
Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig)
Nobody Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:21:30 No. 17337422 Report >>17336607 If your still here let me know. I need to know our seed ditto is still safe.
Kaze [Flying - Fletchling] - 2809 7990 9804
Kaze [Flying - Fletchling] - 2809 7990 9804 Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:21:54 No. 17337430 Report >>17337371 Mind putting me into that list too? I know I'm annoying but I'm really looking forward for one of these Dittos...
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
CLONER Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:22:35 No. 17337438 Report >>17337430 you were never on the list in the first place, how is that fair to others?
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
Quoted By:
>>17337430 Sorry get rekt kid.
i probably didn't need to be peeing in these bottles for the last 8 hours...
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
>>17337430 I tried to look for you in the list...
All I can say is wait until submissions are open again and try again
>>17337444 You did it because you liked it not because you were waiting, you don't need to lie to use anon.
Kaze [Flying - Fletchling] - 2809 7990 9804
Kaze [Flying - Fletchling] - 2809 7990 9804 Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:24:25 No. 17337455 Report Quoted By:
>>17337438 It's not, I know. I'm sorry.
Had to try.
Quoted By:
>>17337444 I have a sink 2 feet away from my computer and it's fucking amazing
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:28:23 No. 17337481 Report OKAY GROUP 155 IM READY FOR YOU SNOTTY 1006 0343 0461 Harvey 3582 9154 1860 let me know that you're here
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
4038-6572-1716 Quimet
Group 153 here. Just woke up. DAMN, 1 freaking hour late.
snotty / 1006 0343 0461
Quoted By:
4038-6572-1716 Quimet
Fortunately I said I was going to sleep. Dunno if that makes me enter into sleeping list or I have to join again. Organizer, what must I do? Join again? Thanks for the help (damn, if I had waken up just one our sooner ;_;)
brett 3093-7656-7850
4038-6572-1716 Quimet
Quoted By:
>>17337523 ''We have reached 200 groups. We are temporarily closing signups until we get some of this backlog is done. We apologize for any inconvenience.''
Oh, man ;_;
Quoted By:
>>17337523 can't join again and sleep list no longer exists
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
>>17337493 Umm probably not. If you know them personally maybe? You'd have to organise it with them and when they turn up show a screen shot thats its okay to give your ditto to them
>>17337502 >>17337523 Things a pretty slow, I'll ask all the cloners that are currently awake and see if any of them will clone for you, if none wants to you'll have to wait til sign ups are back up
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
>>17337550 Alright thanks, Glen if you're reading this I trust you to accept my Ditto in the event of my absence.
4038-6572-1716 Quimet
Quoted By:
>>17337550 Ok, thank you a lot.
I'll wait 1 hour, then I have to go to university to make some stuff and I would be back in 4 hours (now is 9.40 UTC+1, so I calculate I'm leaving at 10.20 UTC+1 and I would be back about 12.00-12.30 UTC+1).
brett 3093-7656-7850
>>17337538 can i volunteer myself as a cloner
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:38:54 No. 17337590 Report >>17337481 Harvey if you don't respond in 10 more minutes we're moving on
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
>>17337538 Trying to find you a ditto asap!
Duncan 2724-0254-6593
Quoted By:
lybriinth has been resting their cursor on me for awhile now. it feels good.
Drhahn Aka Beans electric fc 2466-2655-4305 pikachu,emolga and zebstrika
Drhahn Aka Beans electric fc 2466-2655-4305 pikachu,emolga and zebstrika Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:39:29 No. 17337596 Report >>17337422 It is safe and I cloned a few. Do you need it back now or should I keep cloning?
Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig)
Nobody Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:39:45 No. 17337600 Report >>17337586 we're trying to find someone to get you a seed. I think someone ran off with mine right now.
Adolf 2466-2614-3648 Girafarg, Espurr, Munna
Adolf 2466-2614-3648 Girafarg, Espurr, Munna Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:39:47 No. 17337601 Report By the way Ahri, do you have a guide detailing how to clone? I have 2 3DS but 1 game. I can ask a friend for his copy if this is easy to do.
snotty / 1006 0343 0461
brett 3093-7656-7850
Duncan 2724-0254-6593
Quoted By:
>>17337596 clone a 5 and do a group :D :D :D
How long will this giveaway last?
IGN: Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320
Quoted By:
>>17337601 It's in the bottom of te google docs. You need 2 games
Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig)
Nobody Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:40:54 No. 17337614 Report Quoted By:
>>17337596 Yeah we got more people who need to get set up.
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:40:58 No. 17337617 Report Quoted By:
Glen 2852 7802 6717
>>17337570 shit can i do that?
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
>>17337601 This video covers the basics Just a note its not as easy as the video looks and you're likely to fail many times
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
Musica -4699-6295-6399 !YdzJayapNM
Quoted By:
158 standing by.
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
>>17337610 I'm pretty much okay with running this indefinitely as long as we have a steady stream of volunteers to help clone!
IGN: Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320
Quoted By:
156 standing by IM SO FUCKING READY
Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig)
Nobody Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:44:36 No. 17337660 Report >>17337634 >>17337570 We can make a note of it in the list. But if we do then its between you two to sort it out afterwards.
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
Quoted By:
>>17337660 I would like the record to show that I am not a bastard.
>>17337642 Yeah i'll do that
I'm not always going to be playing my game so you can email me when you're awake again if they didn't already get to us
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:46:11 No. 17337677 Report ALRIGHT GROUP 156 IM READY FOR YOU Niall 3351-4039-3051 Ask 3737-9563-2286 Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320 Mason 3454-0002-8526 RESPOND TO THIS POST IF YOU WANT YOUR DITTO
>>17337671 Alright I put my email in the field
Quoted By:
>>17337652 Okay, thanks. I was hoping I would be able to sign up tomorrow afternoon, because of school. (Please let there be space to sign up!)
Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig)
Nobody Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:47:09 No. 17337691 Report >>17337596 >>17337586 All right brett just sent me a trade request. It a seed ditto so I need it back. Also we need both you guys email so you can edit the list.
Glen 2852 7802 6717
>>17337682 I had a hearty chuckle at that
Adolf 2466-2614-3648 Girafarg, Espurr, Munna
Adolf 2466-2614-3648 Girafarg, Espurr, Munna Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:48:13 No. 17337706 Report >>17337636 Looks easy enough. Once I get my Ditto, I will clone it by myself and help you guys in what you need.
(Cloner) Drhahn Aka Beans electric fc 2466-2655-4305 pikachu,emolga and zebstrika
(Cloner) Drhahn Aka Beans electric fc 2466-2655-4305 pikachu,emolga and zebstrika Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:48:56 No. 17337712 Report Quoted By:
brewing a batch of perfect dittos for my fellow anons.
IGN: Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320
Quoted By:
I dont have much to give you in return, but I'll do the best I can :)
4038-6572-1716 Quimet
Quoted By:
Crossing fingers ;_; Being the situation between Glef and Keifer, if by luck I'm told I can receive the Ditto but by missluck I had already had to leave to university, can I ask that Ditto to be saved?
Glen 2852 7802 6717
Quoted By:
>>17337705 Is that really your email? I just sent a test email (that was seriously mine i claimed it as a throwaway email)
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
To Bagutte and Quimet, Alexis will be getting you your dittos as soon as she's done cloning them, hopefully it doesn't take too long and you should give her something nice back cause it's her birthday and she didn't need to help ya'll~
>>17337706 Once you get your 2nd game take a picture of them both running and we'll rush you to the front of the line so you can help out!
>>17337691 email is in field
IGN: Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320
Quoted By:
>>17337677 I've added you, btw.
>>17337739 ill get to cloning now!
Sorry to ask but will there be another thread tomorrow or in a few days?
4038-6572-1716 Quimet
Quoted By:
>>17337729 Oh, thanks you. And happy birthday, Alexis!
I'm going to search the nicest Pokemon I have. Unfortunately I haven't too much stuff. I think I had a shiny with good IVs. Searching it.
IGN: Weeedlord 5000-3008-6320
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:56:12 No. 17337804 Report Quoted By:
My friend ralikz in group 161 or 162 will be back in 3-4 hours, put him in sleeping list if he dont come. Ty
Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig)
Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:57:46 No. 17337817 Report >>17337755 you can edit the doc now. Ask in the chat there and we can bring you up to speed and add you to the skype SECRET CLUB ROOM.
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
>>17337777 We're hoping there will be, many of the cloners have stuff to do during the week, hence why we closed submissions at the moment. If things move at a some-what decent pace we'll continue the threads during the week, otherwise we'll try next weekend
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:57:59 No. 17337820 Report Quoted By:
>>17337810 Sleeping list no longer exists, please see
>>17336687 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17337810 >tfw sleeping doesn't exist anymore
Quoted By:
>>17337810 Sleep list doesn't exist anymore. Either you're here or you have to re-sign up when its open again.
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 08:59:27 No. 17337832 Report Quoted By:
>>17337677 guys please respond. if you don't reply in the next 10 minutes we're moving on.
Nicolai 0275-7061-6328
Group 157 here awaiting with great anticipation!
it's 1AM where I am and I'm group 195 Anyone got a predication for when I should set my alarm for?
Duncan 2724-0254-6593
4038-6572-1716 Quimet
Alexis aggregated to my FC list and ready to receive the Ditto. I'm searching right now the best thing I have, I found I have a japanese Tyranitar with 3 31 IVs.
>>17337842 We got through 25 groups in about 6 hours
I don't want to make any promises, but I'd say you have about 8 hours or so depending on whether people fall asleep or not
Do you guys think we'll reach Group 167 by 6:45 AM? I'm starting to get a bit worried.
>>17337880 >tfw when i will probably be in my winter break class when it's my turn to get ditto Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 09:05:36 No. 17337909 Report >>17337851 Has alexis added you yet?
Quoted By:
>>17337899 Oh, yeah, Eastern Standard Time 6:45, in other words about 2 hours and 39 minutes
>>17337900 >tfw when I don't have winter break class but its 4 AM and i'm only 5 groups ahead of you 4038-6572-1716 Quimet
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 09:07:51 No. 17337935 Report >>17337925 I'll give you one then (we're not sure where alexis is). add me
Quoted By:
>>17337819 Thank you for the response and for doing these cloning threads. I do hope I make it in time to sigh up for the next one.
4038-6572-1716 Quimet
Quoted By:
>>17337935 Thank you! Adding you right now.
Jason, (1289-9258-3733) (Group 160) (GMT)
Jason, (1289-9258-3733) (Group 160) (GMT) Mon 13 Jan 2014 09:08:44 No. 17337945 Report I'm back. Good to see that the give-away is running smoothly. I think it's great that you are all so generous. It's 9:08am (GMT) and I am off to 6th Form (College). I won't be back on until around 4pm (GMT). I hope this is alright with you all. :)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 09:09:40 No. 17337953 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17337924 haha dude get some sleep its gonna be a while before they hit 190s
4038-6572-1716 Quimet
Quoted By:
Connected to internet and the game and ready for the action!
>>17337924 What is your ign?
Luc 5300-8305-5953
4038-6572-1716 Quimet
And Ditto get. Thanks a lot Jessie! I hope you like the Tyranitar (sorry I hadn't anything better ;_;)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 09:12:58 No. 17337988 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17337980 It's still glen, but i was browsing other boards and didn't want my friendcode to be in the name field
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 09:14:05 No. 17337997 Report Quoted By:
>>17337987 I appreciate it a lot, I needed the dex entry!
Quoted By:
I'm going to bed, hopefully I don't get skipped. Stay cute everyone.
Luc 5300-8305-5953
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 09:15:51 No. 17338019 Report >>17338012 full sentences would be nice?
4038-6572-1716 Quimet
Quoted By:
In some days if I'm lucky and exams don't annoy me, I'll create my own project for 4chan now that I have the Ditto. The Bulbasaur farm! (Now, I need to find a way to clone the Venusarites and it's a go).
Luc 5300-8305-5953
>>17338019 You just said to reply to that post anyway, could I get a ditto please?
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
>>17338032 Would you like to be on the bad list because if you keep talkin' you'l be headed that way
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 09:18:05 No. 17338051 Report Quoted By:
>>17338032 If it was your groups turn, yes. I don't see you on that list? Please read the OP.
>>17337817 right ive cloned one
when do you want the seed back?
Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig)
Nobody Stephen 4785-4935-3668 (Abra, espuur, Girafarig) Mon 13 Jan 2014 09:18:56 No. 17338060 Report Quoted By:
Ahri (Organiser)3110-4777-5340
Quoted By:
162 Hannah reporting in! (no name cos on phone) Fucking hell I had to go to bed, saved old thread on phone, wake up and first thing I see is we're on the 150s and no more sleeper list HOLY SHIT I WAS CLOSE TO MISSING MY GROUP Love you dedicated and based cloners and organisers. You are all saints tbh
Mark (group 183) 0301-9904-9670 (pika,electrode, galvantula)
Mark (group 183) 0301-9904-9670 (pika,electrode, galvantula) Mon 13 Jan 2014 09:19:33 No. 17338071 Report Quoted By:
only 26 more groups to go, I feel like this guy right here.
Quoted By:
>>17338032 don't be a nigger
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 13 Jan 2014 09:25:19 No. 17338138 Report Quoted By:
Jason, (1289-9258-3733) (Group 160) (GMT)
Jason, (1289-9258-3733) (Group 160) (GMT) Mon 13 Jan 2014 09:27:22 No. 17338157 Report Quoted By:
>>17337953 Ah... :/
Well, my education is more important than a Ditto. Shame I couldn't get one this time around, but I guess I can always sign up again when sign-ups are open. ><
Niall 3351-4039-3051
Quoted By:
>>17337677 I know I've probably missed it, but I may as well try, so I'm adding you now.
Many thanks on the offchance you're still in this thread.