>>17341426grab a Destiny Knot at the Cyllage City hotel from the maid upstairs. This item will ensure 5 of 6 IVs from any of the parents are passed down to the child. You might also want a good nature on your pokemon. To pass down a nature, grab an Everstone and give it to the parent that has the desired nature. It will ensure the nature is passed down. Give the Destiny Knot to the other parent so that 5 IVs from any of the parents are passed down. In your case, the baby riolu should have some IVs from one parent, some from the other and one that isn't passed down. Hopefully it will have some perfect IVs from the ditto. When you get an offspring that has more perfect IVs than one of the parents you should always replace the parent with it so that the IVs overlap and have more chance to be passed down. To check the IVs of your pokemon, go to Kiloude City's pokemon center. The guy at the left near the entrance to the clothes changing room will tell you if and what perfect IVs your pokemon has.