GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc named VP up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, whatever.
Friendly reminder that free legendary mons are unlikely. We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins.
Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive. IGNs are also very helpful, if you want people to actually find your disc on the GTS.
Old Thread:
Satsu 4141-3259-7533
>>17343194 would someone trade me a manaphy?
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Just threw a disc up for a totodile. Thanks in advance!
So, with all the cloning that's been going on, is there any chance whatsoever of getting an English Meloetta from one of these things?
>>17343213 No, it cant be traded on the gts, and no-one is just going to give away an event legend before pokebank
Still looking for a Extremespeed Dratini Help me out /vp/
Jonny - 3325 1741 2786
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Putting up my Luvdisc now for a Kabuto. Thanks to whoever helps me out with this.
Satsu 4141-3259-7533
>>17343233 oh ok. i just need a fucking legendary to start trading for my dex...
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17343268 Try an in game legendary with a nice item or berry for one of the non event Bank mons. It sounds like that's been working.
>>17343245 I'll breed you one. IGN?
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Anyone here has a Jolly HA Riolu?
Gender and IVs doesn't matter.
>>17343245 I still have some left, put up a disc and I`ll send it.
>>17343245 Breeding one right now. IGN?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
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Does anyone need an O power?
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>>17343315 I'm breeding riolus right now. I'll keep my eye out for you.
Cecilia 3995 6670 2929
Hey guys i have Swinubs Freezedry/avalanche/icicle crash/stealth rocks Skarmory BB/whirlwind/srocks/curse bouffoulant tynamos Tyrogues vaccumewave/bulletpunch/machpunch all free to a good home for luvdiscs (have my ing in the description) I am looking for 1 stealth rocks lilleep
>>17343376 Going to put a disc up for one of those Tyrogues. Sorry the Lileep I gave you didn't have SR. :(
>>17343309 >>17343315 >>17343316 There is already a Luvdic in the GTS female lvl 15
Message is "ESpeed PLS"
IGN Serena
Thanks in advance
Quoted By:
>>17343376 I'd like a swinub!
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17343406 Got an error just as I tried to send you, but it looks like you're already covered.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17343376 >tynamos Disc up!
>>17343450 I love you
>>17343465 Already got one, however thanks
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
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Thanks for the Tynamo m8.
>>17343497 Well anyway, got a few 4-5 IV Extremespeed Dratinis to spare now, some with HA if anyone wants.
serena 4639-8976-9932
Quoted By:
>>17343376 id love a tyrogue
>>17343376 I'd love a skarmory. IGN is Casca.
I can offer you HA Extremespeed Dratini instead of Luvdisc if you want.
Cecilia 3995 6670 2929
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>>17343578 just give me luv disc's it's cool
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
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>>17343540 I would like one if possible.
Disc up
Still looking for a totodile. He's my favourite starter.
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Does anyone have an Excadrill? I've looked on GTS for one, but everyone wants a legendary.
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784]
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784] Mon 13 Jan 2014 18:50:03 No. 17343711 Report Any HA Totodile or Snivy?
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>>17343376 I'll take a Tyrogue, thanks!
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>>17343711 Not available yet.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Looks like someone sent me a normal Dratini, oh well.
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Need a cottonee... Halp /vp/
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>>17343745 Thank you so much!!
Cecilia 3995 6670 2929
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>>17343396 it's alright guy. Apparently they are a bit hard to come by.
Nnr 0318-6601-5811 SV: 3648
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>>17343376 i would like skarmory! ludvisc on GTS, ING Nnr. Thanks!
Casca 1590 4799 4779
>>17343730 Yeah, I can't connect to the internet on my 3DS anymore for some reason. I'll get back to you when I've fixed it. In the meantime, feel free to add me so we can do a direct trade later.
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
serena 4639-8976-9932
Quoted By:
>>17343376 thank you for tyrogue
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 13 Jan 2014 18:57:09 No. 17343809 Report Quoted By:
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>>17343793 IGN Flash, doing now. I don't care about gender.
Cecilia 3995 6670 2929
>>17343793 I want a german on please! Male if possible!
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>>17343793 I'd love one, a female if possible. Putting up a disc now.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross]
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross] Mon 13 Jan 2014 18:59:05 No. 17343832 Report Quoted By:
>>17343793 putting up now!
Catman (Delibird, Bergmite, Cloyster) 2895-7412-3014
Catman (Delibird, Bergmite, Cloyster) 2895-7412-3014 Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:00:45 No. 17343856 Report Quoted By:
>>17343793 i desire me one of those Males with Espeed. putting it up now.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
serena 4639-8976-9932
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if akan is in the thread, change scizor to scyther and ill send you one with a metal coat
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784]
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784] Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:01:17 No. 17343867 Report Quoted By:
>>17343793 Want some, disc up.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:03:43 No. 17343897 Report Giving away a ton of bulbasaurs from breeding left overs. some have HA some don't all around 3-5IV you know the drill put up a luvdisc and ask for a bulbasaur with /vp/ in the description
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross]
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross] Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:04:37 No. 17343920 Report >>17343859 I have many. What ability do you want?
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17343817 If you still have Swinubs, I'd love one. Going to fish and put up a Luvdisc in a moment.
Akino: 3050 - 7763 -5151 (Bibarel, Wortortle, Frogadier)
Akino: 3050 - 7763 -5151 (Bibarel, Wortortle, Frogadier) Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:06:01 No. 17343942 Report Quoted By:
>>17343793 Putting luvdisc up now for female.
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>>17343793 I'd love a female, putting up a disc now!
Cecilia 3995 6670 2929
>>17343929 let me know when it's up
>>17343194 Okay, Shura, I caught a Nidoran w/ Hustle. It's male. Is that the gender you wanted?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
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>>17343981 That one sounds good m8.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17343957 Male is awesome, thanks. Do you want me to put up a disc, or do you want something bred?
>>17343999 Disc, but give me a few minutes to breed it.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Okay, I've started breeding the Staryus. Most are 5IVs but they have them in odd places since the Ditto I have has 6IVs. If you need to you can always breed your own. Anyway they're Timid with Natural Cure as the ability.
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17343950 The Luvdisc is up.
I suppose I'll try this one more time, since I have an absurd number of the dumb little things now. Anyone interested in Bunearys? All random 5IVs, Jolly and in Love Balls with egg moves.
Jay 0259 0292 0944
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>>17343793 Just put one up! I'll take a male :D
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17344007 Sure, thanks dude.
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>>17344020 Forgot to mention all with Klutz.
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>>17344024 It's the least I could do.
Cecilia 3995 6670 2929
>>17344016 Oh shoot i think i gave the wrong swinub. let me know if i need to make a switcheroo
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>>17344008 I'll take one, putting up a disc now.
Cecilia 3995 6670 2929
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>>17344008 Hey lime ill take one
>>17343897 Putting one up now, thanks. IGN is Flash.
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:15:53 No. 17344107 Report >>17344020 I'd like a Female one if possible :3 (dat loveball)
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17343981 So, can we add each other, my GTS spot is being used.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:17:35 No. 17344139 Report >>17344096 there ya go. I forgot to mention they have gigadrain
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross]
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross] Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:17:36 No. 17344140 Report Gray
>>17344107 You're the one offering Dratinis, right?
Put up a female Dratini for a Buneary with my name in the description, that way we can help each other.
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
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>>17344057 The moves are as you said. Not totally sure why it is Hasty (not Jolly because Freeze Dry maybe ?), but it's still awesome. Thanks a lot !
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Dratini!
>>17344140 added
>>17344024 Nidoran is ready.
>>17344139 Awesome, thank you!
>>17344008 Gonna put a disc up in a second. IGN is Flash, thanks.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17344157 Sent the disc, appreciate it, dude.
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784]
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784] Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:20:43 No. 17344185 Report >>17344020 I´d like a female please, disc is up. IGN is Lucia.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:21:10 No. 17344195 Report Quoted By:
Jake if you are in here. I see you deposited a luvdisc. I can't trade it to it to you since they are all level 1 also change gender to any. I have a female for you as well.
>>17344182 Sent it. Enjoy. :)
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Krabby!
>>17344107 Sent.
If I put up a Luvdisc, is there any way I could get a female Dratini?
>>17344185 Also sent.
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:25:10 No. 17344261 Report >>17344145 I cant seem to find it.... you sure its still there?
>>17344261 I think he was asking you to put one up for his Buneary.
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:26:44 No. 17344302 Report >>17344257 Of course... just request a female one ;)
Quoted By:
Looking for chimchar, threw a disc up.
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:27:49 No. 17344319 Report Quoted By:
>>17344293 Ahh ok, now I get it xD. I'm a little dumb rite now.
So how do we proceed bro??
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17344198 Got him, thanks for braving the hordes for me.
Might be taking a break to breed some Impish Speed Boost Venipede, I'll be back with some if people want them.
Before I go, anyone want a female Love Ball Ralts? I've got one left.
And a Male with 5IVs missing Attack Gray
>>17344302 Thanks, putting a Luvdisc up now.
Also to the guy who sent me a Staryu a bit ago, thank you so much!
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:29:45 No. 17344355 Report >>17344332 OK bro, everything went well. Just traded you a female one. And thx for the buneary ;)
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>>17344355 No problem, and thank you for the Dratini.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17344020 Can I have one please?
Im trying to build a Cute Team.
I put a disc.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17344332 No problem.
Also guys this is the last call for the Woopers before they're dumped on WT. They're all in dive balls, have Unaware, and have the egg moves Curse, Recover, and Counter. I also have some 5IV males with wrong abilities that would be perfect for other breeding projects in the same egg group.
>>17344329 If you're still around, I'd love that Love Ball female Ralts. Putting up a disc.
>>17344387 Of course.
>>17344389 I'll snatch a Wooper from you, if you don't mind.
Discing. IGN is Flash again.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17344424 Sent.
Be back in a bit, guys.
>>17344460 Fantastic, thanks.
>>17344387 And sent.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17344427 Sent! Enjoy. Hope you don't mind that it's female.
>>17344389 I'll take a female, if you don't mind. Putting up a disc.
Quoted By:
>>17344494 Don't mind at all. Thank you!
I know everyone has these by now, but I still have 4 4IV Female Protean Froakies, and 3 4IV Jolly Scrappy Kangaskans if anyone is interested.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
So, any suggestions on making a team based on pic related? Got Gardevoir, Lilligant, and Buneary so far.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:44:28 No. 17344589 Report Still have a lot of bulbasaurs some with HA most of them with gigadrain. just drop a luvdisc with /vp/ in the description.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17344498 There ya go. She was my last 5IV female and I was using her to breed. But I had her remember Curse, Recover, and Counter for you. Enjoy.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:45:39 No. 17344609 Report >>17344589 Damn it forgot my pic
Casca 1590 4799 4779
>>17343798 >>17343827 So, I'm guesing you don't need that Dratini anymore.
>>17344556 I don't have a Protean Froakie. I'd love to get my hands on one.
>>17344592 Oh wow, you didn't have to waste that many Heart Scales on me - thanks so much.
>>17344589 I feel like I'm asking too much from these threads, but if I could get a HA female that would be fantastic. Putting up a disc now.
>>17344621 Put up a disc, I'll trade you.
>>17344556 I would like one, luvdisc is up
>>17344568 mawile
>>17344629 >I would like one, luvdisc is up Which one, I offered Froakies and Kangas.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 19:49:21 No. 17344656 Report >>17344628 sent just got to the move deleter and learn gigadrain since it got deleted by the retards at the daycare.
Quoted By:
>>17344589 I'll take one, friend! The Luvdisc is up.
3239-2799-7424 (Yami)
Unown, preferably a "Y" but any one is good.
Casca 1590 4799 4779
>>17344628 Thanks, bro.
I wouldn't mind a Kanga either but don't have any more luvdisc. Would you accept a HA Extremespeed Dratini instead?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17344629 >Mawile Yes, good point.
Quoted By:
>>17344656 Thanks, it's really appreciated.
>>17344621 >>17344629 And sent.
>>17344670 Is an "I" okay?
>>17344686 I actually just got a Dratini from these threads, but yes that is just fine. Put my name in the description, I'll get to you in just a second.
Quoted By:
>>17344609 Disc up, IGN: gally
Zenith 3625-9080-9555
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I would like a female super-sized pumpkaboo with frisk; I've been trying to find one for ages and it's just not working for me. I know it's kind of a specific request, but I"d appreciate anybody's help. IVs and nature don't matter. The Luvdisc is up.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17344746 I'm still checking in, I'm just breeding Venipede right now. Why?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17344914 Was going to ask you if you could breed me a Petilil with your ditto, but only if you're free.
Well, I have a few HA Nidoran now, if anyone else wants one.
Does anyone have any Castforms, Tympoles or Elgyms I could have or would I be wasting my time?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17344628 I have five pokemon with pickup that are level 100 so I have about 80 heartscales. It's no biggie.
Quoted By:
>>17344964 Yep, start posting those discs.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 20:07:32 No. 17345012 Report I have about 7 HA bulbasaurs with random perfect IVs if anyone wants them. Just put up a luvdisc!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17344947 Let me just hatch a Speed Boost one with Toxic Spikes and Spikes. I'll have to switch out the parents then anyway, so I can breed a Petilil real quick.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17344953 Putting up a disc for one now, thanks.
>>17344953 i would love one, i could finally finish my nidoking
disk is up
does anyone want an arceus? i have an extra one
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17345048 >>17345049 what do you have to trade for? i wanted to put the fucker into the gts but can't because event pokemon i guess
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>>17345048 >>17345120 Oh, I don't want it. I just thought it was a very cool offer.
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17345034 Let me one up you.
I can't Luvdisc trade it over the GTS, but I do have a spare 6IV English Meloetta I'll give to whoever responds to this post first. I only have one and can't clone, so I can't give out any others. If I could get breeding leftovers that would be cool, but not required.
I have a regular bank legend I'll offer after this trade, but only if you don't have any and need one to break into chain trading them on the GTS for Pokedex purposes.
Jonny - 3325 1741 2786
>>17345135 Oh god I'd love a Meloetta.
>>17345120 Shiny Giratina.
[198] Bambii 3754-8101-2687
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17345145 Alright, adding you now.
I suppose I can't convince anyone to part with a 6iv ditto?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17345165 If I can clone I might. I'll look into it since I have two 3DSs.
Jonny - 3325 1741 2786
>>17345154 Wonderful, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>17345183 I would love you forever! I've been trying to get one for weeks so I could start breeding finally.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN= Niels
>>17345146 awesome id like that, FC?
>>17345135 i have the same meloetta a think
>>17345202 1392 4435 7772
Already added.
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17345186 Enjoy the Meloetta.
Not quite as impressive, but how does a regular Victini sound? First to respond gets it, but only if you don't already have an event legendary. One more regular bank legend after this.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN= Niels
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17345246 >first >Flash Sold, but you can't trade Victini over the GTS so I'll need your FC.
Quoted By:
>>17345268 3480-3985-9494
Thanks man, you're awesome. :) Adding you now.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN= Niels
>>17345226 awesome, thanks man. im gonna try cloning for a bit, if it works i might have some stuff to give away
Quoted By:
>>17345268 Is there anything you need/want?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17345303 We can practice together! Ha ha! It'd be great if I could clone Assault Vests and the such. Battle Maison is truly dreadful.
Mr. Pokemon !D0842i3RdA
>>17345012 I just put up a Luvdisc.
If you're still giving them away.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 20:29:54 No. 17345375 Report Quoted By:
>>17345358 yep still have 7 of them left.
Quoted By:
looking for turtwig. Just put a disc up now.
Quoted By:
I've got a shitload of 4-5 IV Gible. All of them have Outrage. I need people to take them off my hands. Just put up a Luvdisc If I'm lucky, one of them will hold a Heart Scale , and you'll have your gible.
Gray 0275-7121-2048
FINAL ROUND (for now) Shiny English Entei, first reply gets it.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
[198] Bambii 3754-8101-2687
Gray 0275-7121-2048
Quoted By:
>>17345422 Sold, adding you now.
Okay, time to leave for a bit. Last call for HA Nidoran.
>>17344964 Did you ever post any discs? Let me know what you're doing.
>>17345033 Still need your IGN.
>>17345410 Was there nothing you wanted?
>>17345013 Shura, if you don't mind, I'm going to put up a disc now for whenever you're done with the Venipede breeding. Thank you.
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17345445 >Was there nothing you wanted? Breeding leftovers, I completed my Pokedex and collected individual copies of all the bank legends some time ago. All without Pokebank or the ability to clone, I might add.
Anyone interested in 4IV Adamant Meditite with Ice Punch and Bullet Punch? I have about seven of them, just put up a fish.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17345445 I'll take a HA Nidoran.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17345445 Sure.
>>17345057 Got you're Petilil. Disc or trade?
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17345478 I'll take one, give me a minute to put up a Luvdisc.
>>17345422 Opening a trade with you, my IGN is Gray. You are "Neeka", yes?
>>17345473 I think the best thing I have lying around is a 5 IV Harvest Phantump, Careful nature. Want it? If not, a 4 IV Tyrunt w/ Ice, Thunder, Fire fang, and DD. Or a Totodile w/ DD, ice punch, aqua jet. Or Storm Drain Lileep w/ curse, recover, mirror coat.
Some of those have been going around the threads before, so I hope you can find something.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17345534 Yup
>>17345533 Disc, but give me a sec pls.
Mr.Kinkie 2638-0478-1013
Quoted By:
>>17343793 yo you still around and have any of those dratini?
Quoted By:
>>17345546 Also several 5 IV Huge Power Adamant BellyJet Marill, but I figured everyone had those by now.
>>17345546 are those US tyrunts?
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17345546 A storm drain Lileep would be pretty cool.
>>17345551 I was hoping to do a direct trade with you, if I told you to put up a Luvdisc for the Entei I might get mixed up and give it to the wrong person.
>>17345478 Put up a disc, thanks in advance.
>>17345530 Can you switch it to male in the request please?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17345605 Sorry I wasn't sure which one it was and it wouldn't let me not choose a gender.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 20:43:34 No. 17345623 Report Quoted By:
>>17345601 I'll take it if he doesn't show up hahaha.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17345601 I added you, but youre greyed out.
Quoted By:
any dratini? doesn't have to be special
>>17345596 Yes.
>>17345601 Okay, I'll send it over.
>>17345620 No worries. :) Females are harder to come by with the hatching rate.
Quoted By:
Hello, does someone have a HA lileep with curse ? The guy that was yesterday did not show up again
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
Yay! I'll come back next week with a batch of shiny Enteis for you guys. Hopefully this Entei helps me get the other Legendaries.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN= Niels
Quoted By:
>>17345319 haha cool, are you having any luck? as im typing the screen went black after the trade for the first time in 15 attemps
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17345626 There we go, enjoy the Entei.
>>17345636 Thanks for the Lileep, really appreciated.
Manaphy, anyone?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Sorry for taking so long Shura, Disc is up. Thanks again.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 20:51:29 No. 17345745 Report Quoted By:
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17345736 And I typo'd. Wonderful.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17345736 >To slow lulz. Apparently not.
Sold, adding you now.
Quoted By:
>>17345749 Typos make your claim invalid. I'm so sorry.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17345730 Sent.
5IV Impish Speed Boost Venipede with Spikes and Toxic Spikes is in the Daycare with my 6IV Ditto. Expect some babies soon, everyone.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17345753 Wow, I can't believe I actually got it. I usually have slow reflexes. Adding you.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 20:54:52 No. 17345797 Report >>17345778 Hey lime you have any 5IV Staryu's left over? I was busy giving away bulbasaurs
Armin - 3883 4885 0239 (braixen, larvesta, ponyta)
Armin - 3883 4885 0239 (braixen, larvesta, ponyta) Mon 13 Jan 2014 20:55:11 No. 17345802 Report Quoted By:
>tfw you're on mobile and can't reply quick enough
Nobody else wants Meditite? Also does anybody have Chikorita? I never see it in these threads.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17345797 I'm still breeding them so yes. I actually just got two with 5IVs in everything but Attack so that's nice.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 20:57:13 No. 17345839 Report Quoted By:
>>17345775 aww yeah son. Just deposited my luvdisc
>>17345811 Put a Meditite up and ask for Chikorita and I'll get you. Currently have a disc up waiting for something else right now.
>>17345811 I would like a meditite please, placing a luvdisc
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 20:58:37 No. 17345862 Report >>17345835 thanks man, putting up a luvdisc with lime in the description
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17345862 If someone gives me a proper set for Phione I can breed 5IV Phiones for everyone. Also I'll be practicing cloning so that means I can probably give everyone a Manaphy as well.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17345887 >>17345862 Didn't mean to quote you, sorry!
Chocobo 5043-2401-2358
>>17345811 I'll take a Medititie. Putting a dics up.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 21:01:39 No. 17345927 Report Quoted By:
>>17345915 haha no worries
>>17345840 Thanks a bunch!
>>17345847 Omar, my friend! Enjoy your Meditite.
Quoted By:
>>17345942 Welcome! I'm assuming (hoping) you're Joseph.
Quoted By:
>>17345887 >Also I'll be practicing cloning so that means I can probably give everyone a Manaphy as well That would be awesome.
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17345778 Enjoy the Manaphy.
Another 6IV English Meloetta
New rule - it goes to the first person to respond that I have not already given a legendary.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 21:05:02 No. 17345997 Report Anonymous
>>17345942 Thanks mate ! i have some modest deinos and HA nidoran , all with 3-4 ivs .Anyone ?
Gray 0275-7121-2048
Quoted By:
>>17345997 Sold, adding you now.
Chocobo 5043-2401-2358
>>17346001 I'll gladly take a HA Nidoran.
Quoted By:
>>17345998 damn, didn't even get trips for your troubles did ya
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17345985 Son of a bitch, haha I really wanted a Meloetta. Oh well Entei is nice too.
Can you guys perhaps clone the Meloetta?
I know, selfish as fuck, but I want her for my team.
>>17344568 Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 21:11:10 No. 17346109 Report >>17346062 trade ya for entei lol
>>17346037 Enjoy, just sent 2 nidorans
>>17345917 I think someone may have sniped it, I can't find your fish.
>>17346001 I'll gladly take a Deino.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Does anyone have a skrelp with acid armor o HA lileep ?
>>17346131 Put up a disc for lileep.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17346109 Im online right now, if youre serious about it.
Quoted By:
>>17345811 Enjoy the deino friend !
Chocobo 5043-2401-2358
Quoted By:
>>17346110 Okay, thanks!
>>17346127 I'll put up another one.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Asking for HA Chimchar, Jolly would be appreciated. IGN is Rob
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 21:20:19 No. 17346275 Report Quoted By:
>>17346227 you're welcome bro!
>>17346170 You wouldn't happen to have any spares, would you?
>>17346261 I got you covered man.
Gray 0275-7121-2048
POTENTIALLY FINAL ROUND (I LIED) 6IV English Shiny Palkia Same rule, only reply if I haven't given you a legendary yet. First gets it.
Quoted By:
>>17346295 Awesome, thanks bro
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17346313 Yes, you.
But who are you, better reply quickly.
Quoted By:
>>17346302 You're the worst. Stop playing with our emotions.
>>17346295 Give me a few minutes. I need to breed more.
>>17346325 IGN Narcissa
5429 7879 3887
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17346353 Alright, adding you now.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
So, um, any chance you guys have a grimer, voltorb and rattata lying around? Just need the data for me and my friend.
>>17346363 I only really have shitmons, is that okay?
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17346353 >>17346401 Sorry, it has HM moves on it.
Give me a minute to delete them, then I'll open up a trade with you.
And yes, shitmons are fine.
Chocobo 5043-2401-2358
Quoted By:
Does anyone happen to have an extra Deino with Earth Power?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17346295 Okay, Lileep is ready.
Gray 0275-7121-2048
>>17346477 No problem.
That actually was the last round amigos, give me a day or so to dig up some more good stuff.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17346524 Yo Gray, any chance you have
>>17346469 or
>>17346375 ?
>>17346570 I have all four of those, yes. If you don't care about IVs and are willing to wait a while, I can breed them all.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17346614 That would be awesome, and shit stats are fine, just want them for my friend.
Hey. I'm looking for different Vivillon patterns. I've only got Marine, Modern, Garden and Elegant. I'm also looking for Stealth Rock Skarmory if anyone has one lying around. I can breed any bankmon, deerling and some HA starters for any of you.
>>17346643 Is a Cleffa fine?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Alright, so I've bred a few batches of Venipede. All are Impish, and have Spikes and Toxic Spikes. They all have at least 4IVs. I have 4 males with Speed Boost and 2 females. And another 7 of various genders with Swarm and Poison Point. Reply with your IGN and which you'd prefer.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 21:46:01 No. 17346742 Report >>17346670 sup bro I got a Stealth Rock Skarmory. I am looking for some decent IV Charmander with Solar Power
>>17346507 Did you send it out yet? I didn't get it, so maybe you gave it to someone else?
Anyway, I took down the Lucdisc and put it back up in case you're still around.
>>17346730 I'll take a Speed Boost, a female if they're in a cool ball or a male if they aren't. Putting up a disc now.
>>17346711 I should be done pretty soon, most of them I already had laying around. I'll open a trade with you then, that's probably faster than GTS trading.
>>17346742 I'm going to put up a Luvdisc if you don't mind. I can get you a Solar Power Charmander, it'll just take a little while.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 21:49:23 No. 17346814 Report >>17346730 I'll take either luvdisc is already in GTS
>>17346760 Haven't even checked. I was waiting for you to post that you put something up with your IGN.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17346670 I can get you Forest Vivillon, do you want it in a specific ball or with a specific gender?
>>17346730 Going to put up a disc, I'll take a male Speed Boost one.
>>17346730 What kind of ball are they in, if you don't mind me asking?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17346793 Thank you so much!
>>17346821 Oh man, thanks. Any ball would be fine although I guess a Pokéball would look the best.
Chocobo 5043-2401-2358
>>17346730 I'll take a Speed Boost if you have any left, but if not, then either of the other abilities is fine. Putting a disc up.
Also, why Impish nature, if you don't mind me asking?
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 21:54:35 No. 17346931 Report Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17346793 Sent.
>>17346814 Don't see you. Check that it's still up.
>>17346823 Just a Pokeball, unfortunately.
>>17346821 Sent.
>>17346906 It's meant to be a bulky Baton Passer. The Spikes and Toxic Spikes are just there in case you want to run them.
Kieran 4468 0964 1713
looking for Stealth Rock Skarmory. Just threw a VP up. Thanks if you can.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 21:57:19 No. 17346976 Report >>17346948 just sent it up again got a venepede from some random person
Chocobo 5043-2401-2358
>>17346948 Huh. Never thought of using it that way. I'll have to try it out.
Thanks for the Venipede!
Cecilia 3995 6670 2929
Quoted By:
>>17346957 i'll chuck one you way
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
Okay, I'm gonna run up to the Five Below store but I'm going to start Prankster Volbeat next. I'm intending on these guys to be baton passers because dat Tail Glow so I'm making them Bold nature.
>>17346817 Well, it's up, IGN Joseph.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17346887 Just got it, put up your disc.
>>17346948 Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>17347029 Hah, did you know I was the one breeding them? It would explain the hatching powers you were sending my way.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Gray, I hope you win the lottery and then you get sexual pleasure from your celebrity of choice. Thanks!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17346976 Sent.
>>17346993 Sword Dance
Baton Pass
Some Attack (so it isn't Taunt bait)
works pretty well, but like I said, some people like to use Spikes or Toxic Spikes, so I bred them on.
>>17347070 Thanks, I'll let you know when that all happens.
Quoted By:
>>17347107 also
>>17347100 Thanks for the Venipede.
Chocobo 5043-2401-2358
Quoted By:
>>17347100 Ah, I see. I'll try it out now.
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
Does anyone have togepis!
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 22:07:43 No. 17347161 Report >>17347117 I already put up the luvdisc for the Charmander when you get it. Thanks bro!
Noire 0946 3624 2667
Aww man i missed the scolipide... well i can give a Scyther with Counter-attack, defog, Baton pass, roost. Nature: adamant Ability: Technician
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17347164 I've still got 1 male and 1 female with Speed Boost, if you want one.
>>17347129 Are you looking for bred ones, or regular ones? I can catch one if that's all you need.
Noire 0946 3624 2667
>>17347183 Yes please but what shall i give you?.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17347226 A Scyther would be cool, but a disc is fine too.
Noire 0946 3624 2667
>>17347206 Oh if you can catch one that'll be cool.
>>17347287 Put up a Luvdisc with my name in the comments, I'd trade you.
>>17347164 I'll take the male if you still have it!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Noire 0946 3624 2667
>>17347346 alright it's male.
Quoted By:
Anyone have a spare HA Porygon?
Quoted By:
>>17347501 That actually was not me, but I'm glad you still got what you wanted.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17347501 They're actually Venipede, so you're gonna have to re upload that disc.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN= Niels
Quoted By:
anyone looking for a virizion? if possible id like to trade it for one of the dogs
Noire 0946 3624 2667
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17347617 It's all good. Sent.
Heading to grab dinner with a friend. I'll be back later, but if necessary, someone please make a new thread. We're probably close to bump limit.
>>17347161 I can't find it. Can you resend your disc?
Noire 0946 3624 2667
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 22:33:43 No. 17347780 Report >>17347745 yeah man going to put it up. I just got a Blaza Charmander
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Mon 13 Jan 2014 22:40:08 No. 17347930 Report Quoted By:
>>17347831 thanks man got it!
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Noire 0946 3624 2667
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Noire 0946 3624 2667
>>17348134 But tell me what mon you need so i can help you.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17348183 Weeeeeell, aren't you nice, I was actually looking for a Seel.
Noire 0946 3624 2667
>>17348209 With the hidden ability?, IVs?, nature?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17348268 No no, just the pokemon, nothing special.
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
Quoted By:
Noire 0946 3624 2667
>>17348300 Right put up a Luvdisc in the gts with my name and wait a few sec
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17348409 Up, its not named vp though.
Noire 0946 3624 2667
>>17348439 Male or female?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17348480 Doesn't matter, unless you're talking about the luvdisc, male.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
Can anyone here with legendaries "show" them to me?
Noire 0946 3624 2667
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Cecilia 3995 6670 2929
I'm still here my offers are above
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17348618 You got any swinubs?
Cecilia 3995 6670 2929
>>17348651 yep give me a mo
>>17348618 Any way I can swipe a Swinub and a Skarmory from you, or is that asking too much?
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
>>17348671 Can I get a Tyrogue please? Female if possible
Cecilia 3995 6670 2929
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Cecilia 3995 6670 2929
>>17348765 All tyrouges are always male.
>>17348774 Alright, I'll put up a disc for the Swinub first.
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
>>17348797 Didn't know that. I have no Luvdisc, so I'll put a Wooper up instead. Is it ok?
Quoted By:
Bump limit reached. Thread is falling.
Cecilia 3995 6670 2929
>>17348814 sure not a problem
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
Quoted By:
>>17348873 It's up, thank you in advance.
Cecilia 3995 6670 2929
Quoted By:
>>17348800 Alright, disc is up.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257