Here lies Instacheck, 2 months old. Instacheck is dead, though many still have eggs that have been checked and can be traded to be shinies. Not to mention, there's the social aspect many of us have enjoyed over the previous threads.
>Where do I find people to hatch my eggs? REGISTER FIRST: /vp/: Smogon/NB : Leddit: GameFAQs: >I-is there anything else I should know? - List your Name as your In game name
- When adding your SV to your name field, please put it in curly brackets like this {5000}. This is so that ctrl-Fs for [5000] (the format Instacheck outputs lists in) or 5000 (the string appearing in someone's friend code) will only look for people in the thread with the right SV to hatch your egg.
- If you have a big list of eggs that you want people to match, PLEASE put it in a pastebin!
- Let your hatcher know if you want a nickname, or no nickname, safety reasons
- Make sure your hatcher is aware if it is a gift or you expect it back, though it may be easier to label the ones you want in your post, so they know beforehand
- Label the ones you want back / are holding
- If it hatches as not shiny, press L+R+Select
Use the Instacheck HandHolding
Joey 1564-2569-1144
my list: going to hatch them in a few days but im really hoping someone could hatch these for me
Larvitar (M) - Jolly, Guts, 31\31\31\31\30\31 [1382]
Larvitar (M) - Jolly, Guts, 7\31\31\31\31\31 [2661]
Larvitar (F) - Jolly, Guts, 31\31\27\31\31\31 [2942]
Larvitar (M) - Jolly, Guts, 31\31\31\28\31\31 [2168]
Larvitar (M) - Jolly, Guts, 31\31\31\31\10\31 [997]
Larvitar (M) - Jolly, Guts, 31\31\13\31\30\31 [2375]
Larvitar (F) - Jolly, Guts, 31\31\31\31\31\2 [3202]
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086} (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086} (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Tue 14 Jan 2014 04:30:56 No. 17356022 Report Instacheck threads still exist? Whoa. Anyway, I'm 2086 for ctrl+f reasons.
Joey 1564-2569-1144
>>17356022 thought id try one last time before i close up shop.
my SV's are
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
>>17356086 Could I have some 4IV female Larvitar for breeding purposes?
Joey 1564-2569-1144
>>17356123 you can have the 5iv mother of the bunch. add me
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
Joey Jo-Jo Jr. Shabadoo (Dash): 1289-9166-7781 SV {1547}
Joey Jo-Jo Jr. Shabadoo (Dash): 1289-9166-7781 SV {1547} Tue 14 Jan 2014 04:40:24 No. 17356256 Report Quoted By:
Can't believe this is still wheezing and spattering along. I've got the folllowing: 18. Goomy (M) - Modest, Hydration, 31\4\31\31\31\14 [4012] 19. Goomy (F) - Modest, Gooey, 31\12\27\31\31\31 [2684] 20. Goomy (M) - Modest, Gooey, 31\4\31\6\31\31 [1139] 21. Goomy (F) - Modest, Hydration, 31\4\11\31\31\31 [195] 22. Goomy (F) - Modest, Gooey, 31\12\31\31\12\31 [2426] 24. Goomy (M) - Modest, Gooey, 31\4\31\31\27\31 [3014] 25. Goomy (F) - Modest, Hydration, 31\4\31\27\31\31 [2170] 26. Goomy (F) - Modest, Hydration, 31\4\31\0\31\31 [1576] 28. Goomy (M) - Modest, Sap Sipper, 31\4\31\31\31\6 [1175] 29. Goomy (M) - Modest, Sap Sipper, 31\4\31\31\31\3 [2520] 30. Goomy (F) - Modest, Sap Sipper, 31\4\30\31\31\31 [819] 33. Goomy (M) - Modest, Gooey, 17\12\31\31\31\31 [1739] I'm also looking for [1180], [3538], [3909], and [3225].
Shinies are worthless and retarded. You're all complete faggots for going this extra mile just for some special colors.
>>17356287 Do you want a shiny? I'll give you one of mine, because it sounds like you don't have any of your own :C
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
>>17356171 Thanks a bunch.
Good luck finding someone to match those SVs
Joey 1564-2569-1144
>>17356368 thanks. btw do you battle or are active much. dont mean to sound like a douche but my list is almost full and i dont keep inactive ppl on.
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
Quoted By:
>>17356401 You should probably delete me. I don't do a lot of battles or go online a whole lot.
Quoted By:
SV: 1075 1 Eevee (M) - Adamant, Run Away, 23\10\3\20\31\25 [4034] 2 Eevee (M) - Bashful, Run Away, 28\21\30\5\5\25 [hatched] 3 Eevee (F) - Rash, Run Away, 23\30\3\13\22\25 [555] 4 Eevee (F) - Mild, Run Away, 7\11\30\0\12\2 [3313] 5 Eevee (M) - Lax, Adaptability, 23\10\11\10\28\7 [3287] 6 Eevee (M) - Brave, Run Away, 7\4\2\23\12\25 [2970] 7 Eevee (M) - Timid, Run Away, 7\30\18\5\12\15 [1372] 8 Eevee (M) - Relaxed, Run Away, 4\30\30\26\18\18 [2706] 9 Eevee (M) - Timid, Run Away, 24\13\21\5\12\25 [803] 10 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 27\25\30\5\17\26 [1683] 11 Eevee (F) - Rash, Run Away, 22\19\11\31\22\25 [hatched] 12 Eevee (M) - Naughty, Run Away, 31\30\11\22\12\30 [131] 13 Eevee (M) - Naughty, Run Away, 6\26\11\5\22\26 [776] 14 Eevee (M) - Bold, Run Away, 7\30\19\26\14\19 [304] 15 Eevee (M) - Bold, Adaptability, 7\27\11\9\12\6 [512] 16 Eevee (M) - Docile, Run Away, 6\31\11\18\22\26 [2645] 17 Eevee (M) - Hasty, Run Away, 24\21\30\21\12\26 [2523] 18 Eevee (M) - Relaxed, Run Away, 23\8\31\5\13\26 [971] 19 Eevee (M) - Quiet, Run Away, 13\10\12\26\22\3 [161] 20 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 16\30\30\8\22\24 [235] 21 Eevee (F) - Adamant, Run Away, 31\31\30\26\22\26 [745] 22 Eevee (F) - Rash, Run Away, 0\30\9\5\3\26 [859] 23 Eevee (M) - Brave, Run Away, 25\30\23\7\12\26 [132] 24 Eevee (M) - Naive, Run Away, 7\12\11\5\23\13 [3968] 25 Eevee (M) - Careful, Run Away, 1\30\11\26\17\25 [3476] 26 Eevee (M) - Naive, Run Away, 14\12\30\5\4\26 [2294] 27 Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 10\6\11\26\12\30 [899] 28 Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 3\10\11\25\11\26 [2775] 29 Eevee (M) - Lonely, Run Away, 7\29\11\5\17\25 [hatched] 30 Eevee (F) - Hasty, Run Away, 7\10\30\19\28\25 [2367]
>>17356348 I've had plenty. If I ever happen to come across one I just trade it some other autist for something actually valuable to me.
Nito: 4828-5117-2047 [Panpour, Gyarados, Azumarill] !SxXkhO7.1U
Nito: 4828-5117-2047 [Panpour, Gyarados, Azumarill] !SxXkhO7.1U Tue 14 Jan 2014 04:54:54 No. 17356561 Report >>17356445 and shinies are clearly valuable to us. what's your point?
>>17356561 I suppose he somehow disagrees with the notion of an imagined economy based on a shared set of values and demand.
I wonder how he feels about global capitalism
Davos 5000-2780-4958
I have a box full of eggs that no one was claiming here last month, so I posted it on leddit in the hopes that they will take the bastards off my hands. God they are taking up too much space
Quoted By:
>>17356976 Don't get me wrong though, although it provides me with Pokémon and cheap, accessible books, I'm by no means a supporter of capitalism.
Phillip 0447-6304-7363 (Kecleon, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Phillip 0447-6304-7363 (Kecleon, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Tue 14 Jan 2014 06:17:45 No. 17358468 Report Quoted By:
>>17356348 I-I would like a s-shiny.
Quoted By:
>Just got my Hexaperfect hatched THANK GOD I DIDN'T LOSE FAITH
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Someone PLEASE tell me someone will fix the VP SV list. Pleease. I am fucking tired of dealing with reddit.
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Tue 14 Jan 2014 12:22:12 No. 17362515 Report >hunting for 3238, 3034, 3749, and 955 relentlessly >Everyone who has them is either inactive or only wants to be contacted by facebook, email, skype, or twitch tv of all things >No responses..... 955 and 3238 are killing me the most....their a goomy and amaura that'll never see the light of day outside those eggshells at this rate.....but I've gotten a ton of other things hatched so.....I'll keep hoping I find someone.
Quoted By:
Tough crowd today....
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Tue 14 Jan 2014 18:56:03 No. 17366689 Report So here is my list of Gastly + Amaura + Beldum + Scraggy eggs.
> ( HH )
>>17362515 I could give you one of my hatched Amaura.
Maile 1633-4166-6070
>>17366689 >Amaura (M) - Modest, Refrigerate, 19\31\31\31\31\29 [1466] a friend of mine got that SV, can I maybe get it for her? or would you like it back?
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Tue 14 Jan 2014 19:10:14 No. 17366947 Report >>17366906 You can have it. I have added you already.
Maile 1633-4166-6070
>>17366947 Thanks, comming on now
Quoted By:
So since instacheck is dead, what exactly do you guys do in these threads?
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Tue 14 Jan 2014 19:14:12 No. 17367016 Report >>17366966 Let me know if she hatches it into a shiny.
How is your progress on the Swirlix?
Nito: 4828-5117-2047 [Panpour, Gyarados, Azumarill] !SxXkhO7.1U
Nito: 4828-5117-2047 [Panpour, Gyarados, Azumarill] !SxXkhO7.1U Tue 14 Jan 2014 19:19:09 No. 17367091 Report >>17362515 why don't you stop being a sperg lord, and contact them anyways?
Maile 1633-4166-6070
Quoted By:
>>17367016 It hatched shiny,thank you!
Swirlix goes fine, only in box 2, almost 3.
>>17362515 >hunting for 3238, 3034, 3749, and 955 relentlessly What are these numbers exactly? Ive never been in one of these threads
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Tue 14 Jan 2014 19:36:34 No. 17367313 Report Quoted By:
>>1736716 When Instacheck was alive, these numbers represented a shiny value. They are looking for the person who owns a game that matches these shiny values.
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Tue 14 Jan 2014 19:37:02 No. 17367323 Report >>17366689 Dude. I can give you one Cottonee Bold 31/0/31/31/31/31 with Memento, Switcheroo and Encore for this
> Amaura (M) - Modest, Refrigerate, 31\13\31\31\31\31 [54] Or this
> Amaura (M) - Modest, Refrigerate, 31\0\31\31\31\31 [1849] Ez 5257 9189 8705
>>17366689 >Scraggy (M) - Jolly, Shed Skin, 31\14\31\0\31\31 [1005] I can hatch that one for you.
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Tue 14 Jan 2014 19:41:43 No. 17367392 Report >>17366689 That'd be awesome but....I planned to use the thing and this particular egg is..
Amaura (M) - Modest, Refrigerate, 31\14\31\31\31\31 [3238]
I just can't get a 3238 to respond for the life of me....unless I can get a hold of a similar spreaded one to replace it, this is what I've got to work with. I'm a battler first and a cosmetics guy shiny pokemon need to be capable killers too.....that said you have a metric shitload of Amaura eggs....
Amaura (M) - Modest, Refrigerate, 31\1\31\31\31\31 [3420]
Would you be willing to part with this one? I think I can get it hatched....(or at least it looks more hopeful than the one I have)
>>17367091 I did....all of them, multiple times (I made an account on twitch). Did you not see the last line where it said ">No responses..." It's even more frustrating since some of those communication mediums give me no indication of whether or not the person is still active.
>>17367169 Shiny values. I need to find a person with one of those numbers as their value and trade them an egg with the same value so they can hatch it shiny for me.
>>17367392 How do you find out your value
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Tue 14 Jan 2014 19:44:31 No. 17367426 Report >>17367366 >>17367323 >>17367392 You can have it. I'll add you in a minute.
To Danny; I will give you the #54 one.
To Matt; I will give you the #3420 one.
Quoted By:
>Instacheck is dead Everytime I read this I get a smile
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Tue 14 Jan 2014 19:45:39 No. 17367443 Report >>17367409 You had to have gotten a pokemon you caught/bred on your game scanned with instacheck before it went down.
Some guys on smogon are working on an alternative method but it involves hatching a shiny spinda on your game....which most people wont be able to do.
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784]
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784] Tue 14 Jan 2014 19:51:12 No. 17367531 Report You match, you keep. I just want a nice 5IV mon in return. All of them have Phantom Force, Disable, Destiny Bond and Confuse Ray) Shuppet (F) - Adamant, Insomnia, 31\31\31\26\31\21 [3880] Shuppet (F) - Adamant, Frisk, 31\31\31\30\31\29 [942] Shuppet (M) - Adamant, Frisk, 31\31\21\30\31\31 [841] Shuppet (M) - Adamant, Frisk, 9\31\31\30\31\31 [3456]
Tim 1478-4207-2056 (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Xatu) Anonymous Tue 14 Jan 2014 19:52:37 No. 17367554 Report Quoted By:
If anyone needs SV of 1788, I'll be waiting....waiting.....
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Tue 14 Jan 2014 19:56:42 No. 17367628 Report Quoted By:
>>>17367426 Thanks bro. I love you. Added.
>>17367531 > Shuppet (F) - Adamant, Frisk, 31\31\31\30\31\29 [942] Dratini Adamant Marvel Scale flawless 5IVs with ExtremeSpeed and Dragon Dance for it?
Ez 5257 9189 8705
>>17367426 Awesome, added you. Thanks so much. IGN is Erik.
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Tue 14 Jan 2014 20:04:24 No. 17367778 Report >>17367652 Are you global trading at the moment?
>>17367443 Looks like I still have you in my friend list. I'm waiting for you now.
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Tue 14 Jan 2014 20:07:29 No. 17367821 Report >>17367426 >>17367778 You're a saint, added....and I'm sorry for the hold up...I was looking through your scraggy list too (I've given up on getting my scrafty back through bank at this point....) and found these...
Scraggy (F) - Jolly, Moxie, 31\31\31\26\31\31 [123]
Scraggy (M) - Jolly, Moxie, 31\31\31\5\18\31 [163]
Let me know if you'd be willing to part with either, adding you now.
Ez 5257 9189 8705
Quoted By:
>>17367778 Yeah I was, sorry about that. Anyway thanks again for Scraggy!
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Tue 14 Jan 2014 20:12:20 No. 17367909 Report >>17367821 I could give you the #123 one. Though the abilities can be changed through the Capsule anyway.
I need to transfer it from my X version.
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Tue 14 Jan 2014 20:12:27 No. 17367912 Report >>17367778 >That code has already been registered.... Aww damnit, derwin right? We had a battle the other day (I remember it because I facepalmed when I tried to kill your assault vest goodra with dazzling gleam instead of psyshock).
Here's hoping you come back, my bad for forgetting there.
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Tue 14 Jan 2014 20:14:35 No. 17367942 Report >>17367912 >Dat battle YJXG-WWWW-WWW4-BTAS
Yep...there at the soon as I hit dazzling gleam I felt stupid....barely killed that fucker with leech seed afterwards.
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Tue 14 Jan 2014 20:22:40 No. 17368077 Report Quoted By:
>>17367942 That's correct anyway. I got the egg ready for you. I am giving you the Scraggy egg first.
I need to see that battle if I remember winning or losing. Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Matt 3153 4292 4401 SV:383 (Grumpig, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Tue 14 Jan 2014 20:26:42 No. 17368153 Report >>17367909 >Capsules I forgot about those since most of the things I've been trying to hatch have been with their HA....bleh, no biggie.
Thank you again....hopefully I have some luck with these (I want that white amaura so bad...)
You lost was one of the more close games I've had though, I'll be challenging you again soon Actias 5300 9493 0648
Quoted By:
I would recommend everyone take their instachecked pentaperfects over to the cloning thread that at least we can have them of immortality.
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Tue 14 Jan 2014 20:35:38 No. 17368326 Report Quoted By:
>>17368153 I remember now. I was using the Mawile in the Battle Maison but forgot to take it out of the Battle Box. If we ever get the chance to battle again I will be sure to win. Actias 5300 9493 0648
Quoted By:
If you match one, you get to hatch the lot of them. You will get to keep the shiny, but only after I have to cloned in the cloning thread. Scatterbug (F) - Timid, Shield Dust, 31\19\31\31\31\31 [2362] - - Scatterbug (M) - Timid, Shield Dust, 31\24\31\31\31\31 [663] Scatterbug (F) - Timid, Shield Dust, 31\22\31\31\31\31 [2447] - Scatterbug (M) - Timid, Shield Dust, 31\25\31\31\31\31 [3811] Scatterbug (M) - Timid, Shield Dust, 31\21\31\31\31\31 [3983] - Scatterbug (F) - Timid, Shield Dust, 31\3\31\31\31\31 [2637] Scatterbug (F) - Timid, Shield Dust, 31\5\31\31\31\31 [1622] -
>>17355909 > Nigga, you should've used an Everstone.
>>17355812 >/vp/: >empty list Why the fuck would someone do that?
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 (Onix, Boldore, Rhydon) [949]
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 (Onix, Boldore, Rhydon) [949] Tue 14 Jan 2014 22:52:29 No. 17370678 Report >>17356983 Were you the one with the box of Hawlucha? Because I matched your number, I dunno your name just sounds really familiar. I probably got the wrong person.
CUBONE JEFF, PLEASE POST AGAIN ;_; and if davos is not hawlucha guy, HAWLUCHA GUY GET BACK HERE. Otherwise I think this is my latest pastebin of mawiles?
Quoted By:
>>17369088 thought i had it on
>i didn't thats what happened
>>17369130 whoever was managing it just goofed i guess
Macklin 3909-7958-6776
>>17370678 i had a box of hawlucha, but there not all there anymore Yukari 1478-4240-5850 (Onix, Boldore, Rhydon) [949]
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 (Onix, Boldore, Rhydon) [949] Wed 15 Jan 2014 00:15:33 No. 17372499 Report Quoted By:
>>17371559 Just checked the friend codes on my DS, the guy was named Dix apparently? So not the same.
>matching two different people and they never come back