Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Tue 14 Jan 2014 18:11:11 No. 17366056 Report Currently trying to start my chain again and get more legendaries
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So far only gotten a Xerneas for a Chimchar and a hacked Zapdos for a Snivy. Trying to get all the birds with the Zapdos.
so far three Xerneas for "5IV Contrary" snivy Leaving a "6IV Imposter" Ditto asking for Lugia while I go to lunch/class... let's see :P
Put up "5IV ironfist" chimchar for Xerneas. Use bathroom, come back and collect legendary.....jesus
>>17366132 I'll probably try that next, except I'm going to be legit about it. I still feel guilty about getting that Yveltal.
>>17366164 fuck off with your guilt anon, seriously, every thread.
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>>17366200 Sorry, it'll probably go away when I get some bank legendaries ;_;
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>>17366056 Welp, Zapdos just became a 100 Articuno who was cured of Pokerus.
Thank you based jewing
>tfw I don't want to chain all legendaries but get all of them >tfw Bank legendaries aren't biting as much as in the last few days >tfw haven't gotten any PokeBank today
>>17366245 same boat. give it time, they will come
>>17366261 I got 12 PokeBank, 1 Bird, 1 Xerneas and 2 Yveltas this way. Maybe the ones I'm missing aren't as much traded (need everything from Gen IV and everything except the Tao Trio from Gen V, also Regice, Registeel and Latios)
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>>17366293 This way meaning via 6IV JPN Imposter Ditto. The XY ones were egg move 6IV Dittos I posted as a joke first. Didn't expect them to actually bite.
What bank legendary should I "transform" my "5IV" Xerneas into?
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Tue 14 Jan 2014 18:28:51 No. 17366331 Report >>17366321 go for the birds
Gabriel 1435-3811-0302 swadloon/sunkern/quilladin
Gabriel 1435-3811-0302 swadloon/sunkern/quilladin Tue 14 Jan 2014 18:29:34 No. 17366342 Report Anonymous
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I've been resetting Virision for Raikou every hour for about 2 days now and still nothing, is this thing worthless?
>>17366331 >>17366342 which bird is best to go for? if any
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I've been throwing up "5IV" "Iron Fist" Chimchars into the GTS and getting great results.
Gabriel 1435-3811-0302 swadloon/sunkern/quilladin
Gabriel 1435-3811-0302 swadloon/sunkern/quilladin Tue 14 Jan 2014 18:34:07 No. 17366404 Report Quoted By:
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
fuck me started a couple hours ago, made dinner>"the pokemon you deposited was traded!" now have 2 xerneas, 2 yveltal, 1 zygarde gonn check IVs then move to nxt legendary tier
>>17366454 You did check his IVs right? Japs have also released 0IV ones into the game. I think many anons got Pokemon like 0/0/0/31/0/0
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
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>>17366454 i pray to arceus that the dude cloned that first
>>17366486 H-how do I check IVs a-anon?
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Tue 14 Jan 2014 18:41:22 No. 17366510 Report >>17366481 dont go for zygarde, most people dont want them. keep trying for xerneas.
>>17366502 IV judge in the Pokecenter in Kiloude City
Iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat)
Iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat) Tue 14 Jan 2014 18:42:02 No. 17366520 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have an adamant starly/staravia/staraptor with reckless they are willing to trade ?
>>17366502 >>17366510 I just checked. The IVs are all perfect. Assuming "stats like that simply cannot be beat" means perfect
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Tue 14 Jan 2014 18:44:28 No. 17366539 Report Anonymous
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
>>17366531 yes
if it's 6 perfect IVs it must be hacked
>>17366539 >>17366541 Guess it's time to clone this bitch.
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Tue 14 Jan 2014 18:47:10 No. 17366568 Report >>17366556 clone it and share?
>>17366568 You are in jew general, don't expect people to be nice.
>>17366568 >Jew thread >share pick one
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
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>>17366554 fine, it's 80% likely to have been genned, 20% likely to have been RNG'd
>>17366556 clone it, share it, we all Jew now
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Protip: If you're trying to chain Bank Legends and find yourself stuck with one of the Regi/Lake Spirit/Beast Trios, ask for a Suicune and you can put that up for a higher tier legend such as Dialga.
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Tue 14 Jan 2014 18:50:38 No. 17366608 Report >>17366580 >>17366587 >>17366595 >not helping your fellow jews out plus, we can all jew better that way
>trying to chain event ledgendaries Tru hell
>>17366608 >we can all jew better >willingly devaluing his own pokemon to help /vp/ Anonymous
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Ditto > level 5 Lugia > lvl 100 Regice > lvl 70 Lugia with 6 IV Lugias don't trade for anything good though.
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Tue 14 Jan 2014 18:53:11 No. 17366637 Report Quoted By:
>>17366621 >gts jew general >teaching people how to jew >not already devaluing all other jew mons Anonymous
>>17366621 like a Jewish Jesus if you will
>>17366614 You can't trade event legendaries.
Don't waste your time.
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What are perfect shiny Suicunes worth?
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>>17366454 Perfect Shiny Rayquaza. I think it's Adamant too. Too bad it's not a V Create one. Obviously hacked, but I can get whatever I want for its clones.
so i fucked up my chain last night and ended up with a fucking Virizion, anyone sill looking for this fucker?
>>17366667 You can't? Why not?
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>>17366684 Deposit it for an Entei, then Entei for suicune. Suicune goes into higher tiers easily.
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>>17366454 6iv lv 100 shiny giratina
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>messed up with my chain >down to Azelf Fuck. I only needed the Beasts and the Regis to complete the Dex (event legends excluded)
If someone shows me the easiest way to clone, I may find it in my cold black jewish heart to toss you some offspring.
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>>17366684 I will be, but the best I can offer is a Xerneas, and I won't be available for another two hours or so.
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Tue 14 Jan 2014 18:58:00 No. 17366722 Report Iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat)
Iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat) Tue 14 Jan 2014 18:58:14 No. 17366726 Report Quoted By:
I recently acquired a 6iv timid shiny darkrai
>>17366715 go to YouTube. search clone pokemon x y
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Tue 14 Jan 2014 18:59:09 No. 17366741 Report >>17366715 (forgot message)
Best way is described in a video somewhere on youtube. It involves disconnecting one of the systems (the one SENDING the mon you want to clone)
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>>17366722 Event ledgendaries don't work, that's dumb
>>17366732 >>17366741 some videos say to turn off after 3 seconds and some say 4. it takes me a lot of tries to actually clone, what is the perfect timing?
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>>17366722 what about wonder trade? I would wt my legends if I could clone them to the person.
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Tue 14 Jan 2014 19:01:19 No. 17366774 Report Quoted By:
>>17366758 the generally accepted method is 4.5 seconds on a stop watch.
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>>17366758 ive had it work twice by cutting the sending ds at 4.5 seconds
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>>17366758 I think 4. the one I watched was a black kid. it worked first time in the recording but he had tried before & couldn't get it to work.
Just nabbed a 6IV Modest Reshiram. Keeping this one as a testament to my jewing prowess.
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>>17366803 Dude, I got the same thing yesterday
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Tue 14 Jan 2014 19:04:38 No. 17366837 Report "5IV Iron Fist" Chimchar not grabbing any bites...
I'm having trouble getting anything, even the dogs, for a Terrakion. I even said it had "5IVs". Do nicknamed 'mons not get bites as easily? I know this faggot has a nickname, but it's in moon so I can't read it.
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>>17366837 same. taking mine down to try snivy
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>>17366454 >tfw only got 3 perfect ones out of 15 >tfw 12 out of 15 are garbage Careful Reshiram, Adamant Lugia and Gentle Entei.
>>17366874 Terrakion is the least sought after Muskateer. Trade for Virizion or Cobalion then for an Entei.
You guys having any luck with Dittos? It used to work like a charm last three days. Now I'm only snatching XY.
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>>17366929 Got Lugia off it through the night.
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>>17366929 I couldn't even get xy yesterday
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>>17366910 FUCK. I figured I might have to do that anyway, but thanks for letting me know.
Any other not-as-valuable trio members I should know about? I know Suicune is a gateway to the higher tiers.
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
>>17366929 im doing it for XY but its coming along nicely
>>17366987 what level ditto are you using? my lvl30 shittos all fetched xyz's like a charm but my last one is lv48 and they wont fall for this one it seems
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
>>17367096 I had gone nuts and gotten a box of 30s for Natures
I got a Jap 6IV from the vp giveaway, so theyre no longer needed
These ones at lv30 are going like a dream, I struggled with lv 31-50 Shittos
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>>17367096 I only use Level 30 Dittos or Japanese Level 100 Dittos (to trick people into thinking they actually are the cloned ones). I'm also attaching rare candies to make the offer more delicious.
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>>17367123 Tried with a level 60 JP Ditto, didn't move at all. 30 is the only answer
Alec 0232-8335-7303
anyone got a 5iv timid shaymin thats not shiny? preferably movie11 OT but any will work as long as its i1338 i dont care if its a clone or not..
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>>17367173 What are you offering? An egg move Ditto?
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best pokes to jew with? chimchars?
Alec 0232-8335-7303
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>>17367173 i can over a 4iv (2:30) keldeo with HP ghost (thats what the two non perfect ivs are for. Ev trained.
6iv timid english mew raised from level 10 by yours truly.
6iv shiny genesect
6iv timid shiny japanese ditto.
bunch of 5iv comeptitive pokes
Just got a spanish "5IV" zapdos with pokerus. Whats the best thing you guys think I'm able to get with it?
I tried jewing for the first time today with a "Imposter 4IV" Ditto and got a Terrakion, thank /vp/
Anyone got a Landorus and/or Tornadus there you're willing to do a quick trade-back? I don't actually want it, just want to count on the Dex, I'll give it right back to you. Thanks anyway
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>>17367465 Go to Articuno and then to bank legends
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
>>17367510 many shekels will be earned if you can clone those kind of legendaries to jew out
J-Doodoo 1633-5082-1391
>>17367510 Sign me up for one!
Alec 0232-8335-7303
>>17367545 do you think 4 will work better than 6? because 6 people might just instantly think its fake
>>17367595 >asking jews for handouts >thinking that you're not just trying to jew the jews Anonymous
>>17367602 I can. I'm up to 4 now.
>>17367626 That will be 300 american dollars.
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>>17367644 Do you take dogecoin
J-Doodoo 1633-5082-1391
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>>17367644 All I got are these American doll hairs....
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>Get a Xerneas from some kid for an Iron Fist Chimchar >Gets traded instantly for an Articuno Thanks /vp/!
>look through Regice offers >all offers are looking for event Pokemon God dammit.
Alec 0232-8335-7303
>>17367687 does anyone have a real 5iv iron fist chimchar i could have? have some good shit for trade
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> Catching a worthless Ditto from the Friend Safari > Keeping it at level 30 > Mentioning that it only has 2IV > Got this
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>>17367633 Yeah, that's what I thought. I figured it would be more believable if it was 3/4 IV's because those are actually (relatively) easy to find
4055-4529-5824 | Robert
Here you go Jews. A "bible" of sorts, if you will.
If any of Team Rocket members was up late enough last night, I posted a version of this, based on initial ladder discussions of the chain of the legendaries (and how much they are worth). There were a few corrections. so I made them today, since I have time waiting for more Terrakion.
Use it if you like. Disclaimer: I'm no graphic desginer, I don't claim to be. I just wanted something visual I could reference easily.
Permalink: Feel free to include it in the FAQ if you want, seems like newbies are always asking what to trade for next.
>>17367642 I just want to complete my dex tbh
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>>17367687 Don't bother looking through offers. All the good shit gets nabbed up within minutes and only the shitty/impossible offers remain.
Too many clueless children don't understand that event legendaries can't be traded through the GTS.
>>17367723 I honestly find the Kamis the hardest to get, I've gotten Golems and Lugia/Ho-Oh, still no Kamis
If I have a X, is it worth trading it for an Y and continue from there to the birds?
Alec 0232-8335-7303
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>>17366024 just traded a random ditto for a xerneas, thanks /VP/ can't believe it worked
4055-4529-5824 | Robert
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>>17367747 That was up for debate last night as well. Somehow I was told to keep it as this.
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>>17367700 I might have one. Ill check
>>17367723 Too bad you cant trade events on the gts
>>17367723 You should probably omit the event legendaries entirely, or at least put something in saying that you can't get them on the GTS.
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
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After trading derp Shittos for 8 total XYZs, just got a Moltres for a Xerneas (lied an said 5IV Timid). Now gonna complete my 3 birds and go from there I just cant believe ppl are falling for that shit
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>>17367758 I did the opposite just to have both dex entries and it worked out in the end with me going higher in the legend chain so I'd say it can't hurt if you are doing it for that. Seems like people are biting on both XY's so you should be fine.
>>17367723 You forgot Lugia and Ho-Oh
4055-4529-5824 | Robert
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>>17367789 I think I'll keep them. This could just be a general reference for trading legendaries and what ring of the ladder they're on. The events would be at that position.
While this can be used to help use chain as you jew up the ladder, it can be used as a general trading reference as well for legends, so I will keep it.
4055-4529-5824 | Robert
>>17367820 Fuck. I knew I forgot something.
Thanks for pointing it out.
J-Doodoo 1633-5082-1391
>>17367856 Also no Heatran.
what are the bank starters? just gen 2, 3 and 4 starters?
>>17367723 For what tier I should trade simple gen6 shinies?
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>>17367896 Anything up to Birds/Beasts/Musketeers will probably bite fairly quickly.
>>17367910 >>17367921 ahh, thanks. are they sought after by alot of people?
I traded my X for a Y and the guy caught his Y in a Master Ball :/
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>>17367896 Ask for a Suicune and then go higher. Don't waste time with birds or Muskateers. Trade Shittos for Xerneas for those.
>>17367946 Contrary Snivy is popular.
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>>17367968 sweet. just got the game and cot treeko, cyndaquil, and snivy in that random trade.
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>>17367959 Don't worry. The guilt will disappear soon enough. When I started I thought I might be feeling some remorse in case something like that happened. To be honest, I've encountered it numerous times to the point where I honestly don't care because these people were stupid enough to trade away their masterball'd legendaries, so the guilt is on them, not me/us. In order to get ahead in this game, you need to forget about your morals. Remember, they're just pixels. Nothing to get upset over.
4055-4529-5824 | Robert
>>17367968 I have so many Shitto. But where do I get some Snivy to start lying about them?
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>trade offer completes >Non-level 50 X/Y's with retarded nickanmes
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
>Shitto for Zygarde >Nicknamed YOLOswagYOLO suddenly all my guilt is gone
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>>17367946 Iron Fist Chimchar and Contrary Snivy mostly.
>>17368046 Shitto>Xerneas/Yveltal>Snivy
Alec 0232-8335-7303
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>>17368073 just traded SHITTO for 4iv 2:30 hp ice timid zapdos.. i feel horrible
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Just did my first Pokemon thief. I feel no remorse. I will try to chain it into something more. Ditto for Xerneas in a Master Ball.
nemtr 1607 2043 1899 (Lampert,Phantump,Golurk)
nemtr 1607 2043 1899 (Lampert,Phantump,Golurk) Tue 14 Jan 2014 20:29:31 No. 17368199 Report I jewed 2 shiny level 100 Latios. Anyone wanna trade me another shiny legend for one of them??
>>17368046 Go to the Luvdisc handout threads, many kind anons there can breed you a Snivy.
>>17368200 >tfw lurking both threads at the same time Anonymous
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>>17368235 I actually have a Snivy I can breed for you Jews. Just really need a Regigigas though.
Gabriel 1435-3811-0302 swadloon/sunkern/quilladin
Gabriel 1435-3811-0302 swadloon/sunkern/quilladin Tue 14 Jan 2014 20:37:12 No. 17368353 Report Quoted By:
i have snivys, but i want some gold
Funny how Snivy has a big nose
"5 IV" Xerneas for Articuno. Doable right?
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>>17368410 It worked ffor me in 2 mins
k, so I got 4 shiny perfect Lugias. What should I target first on my shopping spree?
>>17368460 Anything you want anon. Anything you want.
>>17368360 what have they done to cosmo?
>>17368484 Well, what's the rarest pokemon in X/Y?
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>>17368460 Go for a Latios
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What is good to offer for Lugia? Also, I'm trying to keep the ones I get--any suggestions on how to do this? Basically just keep starting over after you get a new thing?
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>>17368510 That's his brother.
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>>17368516 My eternal love. I will give it to you for one of those beautiful Lugias you have.
What kinda stats does your love have?
>>17368516 I'd probably go for Dialga, Palkia, Latios, or Latias.
Or all four.
J-Doodoo 1633-5082-1391
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>>17368460 Wanna clone my 6iv shiny Latios? Gimme one of them Lugias
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>>17368591 4 perfect IVs, shiny, has masterball attached to it. Only one per life. Pretty valuable in my opinion.
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>>17368360 I literally just watched that episode.
>>17368602 >>17368516 Or event legendaries, if you're after those.
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Can we change the title to Rocket HQ or something in future threads? We sound like 10 year olds with the current topic.
nemtr 1607 2043 1899 (Lampert,Phantump,Golurk)
nemtr 1607 2043 1899 (Lampert,Phantump,Golurk) Tue 14 Jan 2014 20:51:23 No. 17368652 Report Quoted By:
>>17368460 I'll give you a jewed 3IV Shiny Latios for one of yours shiny Lugias.
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>>17366089 Failure... got nothing. Oh well, back to jewing for Xerneas
If my ultimate goal is the three dogs (and Lugia), would swapping "5IV Timid" Xerneas for Articuno, then Articuno to dog be a pretty safe bet?
Thread theme Also managed to get the 3 golems for X's straght off the bat
>>17367723 I want to take this and make it prettier.
>>17367820 >>17367873 What tiers are these guys in?
This is very helpful with the living Pokedex I'm trying to assemble. I just got Articuno for Xerneas, now to restart and getting another boid. Does anyone have exp with shittos for legendary birds?
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>>17367737 thats what a jew would say before jewing a fellow jew.
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>>17368769 My first jew offer ever was for Articuno few days ago. And it worked. So I pretty much got 12 PokeBank mons with the help of it.
>>17368769 What's a living pokedex?
I see that said a lot.
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>>17368757 Lugia and Ho-oh go with Weather Trio and Eon Duo.
Heatran goes next to Creation Trio and Tao Trio.
>>17368836 Having one of every Pokemon.
>>17368836 Have all Pokemon in your boxes instead of just a Pokedex check.
>>17368836 >Gotta have 'em all in the PC Anonymous
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Just got a giratina for a cobalion
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>>17368881 >>17368886 >>17368895 I understand now.
Thank you all
Gabriel 1435-3811-0302 swadloon/sunkern/quilladin
Gabriel 1435-3811-0302 swadloon/sunkern/quilladin Tue 14 Jan 2014 21:05:58 No. 17368937 Report Quoted By:
i got the creation trio with dittos
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>Watching pokemon >Watching the episode with the translator scam lel
>>17368725 All those people represent everyone here
Do any of you have an extra bank starter that you could give to a fellow jew?
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>>17369172 I have a spare legit 5IV Snivy. I'll give it to you for a PokeBank legendary :D
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Just traded Raikou for Lugia and Entei for Ho-Oh. It's my lucky day :D
>Receive a Yveltal for a Shitto >Is named Harbinger >No one wants it because of its shit name
>>17369566 I know that feel bro, I've had a Xerneas named Bambi Jesus and a Moltres named Ketchup.
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>>17369566 I traded a Yveltal nicknamed so it's not all lost
Anyone got the list of shit unavailable in GTS yet?
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
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whatll you give me for my dialga?
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So how well does Contrary Snivy work for Bank legends? I just set a Contrary Snivy for the Regitrio. Unlike Chimchar that has hundreds of XY offers, Snivy seems to be low on them.
>Shiny suicune up for giratina >Eh, they might be getting a better deal than me >Go for it anyway >Timid, 5IV, in a moonball Most definitely hacked but shit, it was worth it
what do I want to list on an Articuno if I want to jew Entei/Raikou/Suicune with one?
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>>17369826 "5IV timid" or maybe modest
>>17369826 Also is there any downside to the fact that my Articuno is Banked?
4055-4529-5824 | Robert
>>17368757 Please! Take it and make it prettier, be my guest. I'd love it if you did!
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>>17369675 Refer to all pokemon in the event legends category here.
>>17367723 Anonymous
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Shit, I haven't gotten any PokeBank mon at all today. I still need get 18 of them. Damn, did people get smarter or what.
Got Reshiram and Zekrom for "6IV imposter" Dittos today. What did you get?
so how often do you guys get legends that are perfect IV? I've been doing this for a while (25 or so legends) and the only good one I've gotten was a perfect HP fire latios, everything else has been meh, or, in the case of what appeared to be a crown beast suicune, hacked to be fucking godawful. Do I just need to get lucky or is there some secret to snagging good shit?
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>>17370072 a cresselia, a heatran, and I'm collecting griseous orbs for some reason
i have 7 of them and i dont even know why i want them, I guess I could attach them to a mon to get easier bites? Anonymous
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>>17370081 Very rarely. Only the suicune I just got
>>17369709 is penta, and that wasn't technically from scamming.
>been using Dittos I caught at Pokemon Village on GTS today >not one nibble Fuck me, am I doing it wrong?
>>17370081 I honestly admire people who hack legendaries to be godawful. The concept of it is just fucking hilarious.
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>>17370180 You are. Offer level 30 Ditto.
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>>17369852 can't tell on gts so no.
>>17370180 Also Dittos in general seem to be less successful today for me.
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Im trying to get a zapdos for my ditto? Am I starting to high?
>>17370224 Uh oh goys, they're onto us.
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>>17370188 >Its best potential is in its HP >Its Atk, Def, Spa, Sdef, Speed are also good >But how will you take hits with this sort of HP? >These other stats aren't too good either... even if its godawful for competitive I always get a laugh out of this, I can just dump it back on the gts again anyway
>>17370249 ditto market is flooded. use bank starters instead
>>17370180 >>17370249 Go look up ditto on the gts and you will see why. Everyone has jumped on the "6 IV" train
What's worth more: shinies or non-event bank legends?
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>>17370353 Idk probably your mother
toplel 0903 3045 6143
Protip: People do take a Chimchar. Put: 5IV HA Eggmoves Within a minute, I got an X.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Tue 14 Jan 2014 22:42:39 No. 17370479 Report >looking through obviously fake dittos >someone claims a ditto has 8ivs and 3 egg moves >asking for a Deoxys wat
toplel 0903 3045 6143
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>>17366024 Also, OP, include the Jewchart.
Ditto/whatever -> X -> Jewuno -> Lati@s -> Any
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>>17370479 People were seriously falling for things like that.
>>17370479 they're gonna get it too. just a matter of time.
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Will a level 38 japanese ditto be more likely to get a legendary?
>>17370515 Deoxys can't be put on GTS
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>>17370594 doesn't matter. none of this matters.
where there is Jew there is way.
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>>17370072 I got a 6IV calm Registeel and a
Shaymin for a HA Turtwig from another thread. Anonymous
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>>17370292 It was like that when I started doing it. And I still got 12 Bank legendaries out of the,.
>>17370275 But can you get PokeBank legendaries with the starters, or do you have to chain?
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I think I got every legendary from the bank except the events. Now I have to figure how to get them.
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>>17371049 Honestly, you don't have to chain at all. People have been getting bank legendaries for shittos. It all depends on luck.
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>>17371049 chain unfortunatley. I gave up on even getting Xy for ditto after only getting 1 all day yesterday. there are just too many jewttos.
Ryan 0791-1105-9640
>>17369610 ...I offloaded a Bambi Jesus...
>>17370443 I've done that literally all day. I switch from x to y every half hour for max coverage and I got NOTHING. I was putting out at least 1 bank starter a day until today. Fucking NOTHING.
I think I'm on some kind of blacklist or something
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>>17371438 I usually put "5iv HA Pokerus" in the description, works 9 out of 10 times within the hour
Actias 5300 9493 0648
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>>17370479 Heh, that was me. No one took it. It was also lvl 30
>>17369858 I'm glad to have gotten your blessing on this, because I literally just took the info on your guide + some FAQs and tried to make it as pretty as my design autism
and energy would allow.
Of course, something like this is going to look like a clusterfuck no matter what, especially since I ended up making it more of a general jewing guide than an actual legendary value chart.
Feel free to give me critiques and point out anything wrong.
>>17371771 Add Celibi and Arceus to tier N
>>17371771 Therian formes are not that rare, you can change formes with the mirror.
>>17371771 That's really super helpful! So I should be able to get the Dogs with X/Ys?
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Why do people give the XYs retarded nicknames? I'm thinking about stealing a japanese shitto just to get rid of it.
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What if we already hogged all available legendaries, so that's why the trades are getting likes this. There are no other people left to trade them to us.
>>17371771 This looks great.
I kinda feel like birds should be a tier in the own below the dogs and the deer, but that's just from my experience.
What would everyone say is the single most valuable legendary tradable on the GTS?
>>17371842 Try to get an Entei with a Jewuno, in the description put "adamant sac fire" and you can get anything else.
>>17371879 What should I put on the Jewuno?
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>>17371771 Yay me for getting the whole tier 6 and Tao trio then!
>>17371842 You can try - it worked for me once, but it's much easier to go XY>Articuno>deer/dog.
>>17371771 Also we might consider clumping moltres with XY, or even lower than that. Do people ever get anything for moltres?
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>>17371897 5IV timid no atk
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>>17371913 never tried. time is money.
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>>17371913 >Do people ever get anything for moltres? Zapdos.
>>17371913 >tfw your Articuno is named EIS-trio Will someone even trade me an Entei with this name?
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>>17371969 try it, if not looke for a uno>uno
Javier [2423 3503 0322] sunkern, sawsbuck and maractus.
Javier [2423 3503 0322] sunkern, sawsbuck and maractus. Tue 14 Jan 2014 23:51:36 No. 17371997 Report Quoted By:
>>17371875 >>17371913 Good point. The birds should probably be in their own tier, since they're the logical next step.
I went from Moltres to Zapdos to Articuno, but everyone's case is different. I originally had slapped a "worthless" label on Moltres as well but took it off because it looked retarded.
>>17371826 I mostly gleaned that info off what I've heard in these threads so I guess your mileage may vary on just about all of it.
Still, you are right. I'll probably just shove the kamis back into Tier 3 and let them stay there. No extra lazy tier for them.
>>17371818 I always seem to forget something.
Originally I forgot to put the regis and the lake trio in too. I almost uploaded that shit. Thank goodness for upload errors.
Javier [2423 3503 0322] sunkern, sawsbuck and maractus.
Javier [2423 3503 0322] sunkern, sawsbuck and maractus. Tue 14 Jan 2014 23:54:30 No. 17372064 Report rookie here, what mesage Can I use if i'm offering a piplup for a xerneas?
>>17372064 Try
>8IV + 3 egg moves or
>32IV SPA And laugh at people who fell for it
>>17372064 6iv HA egg moves on all starters
>>17372064 "5IV HA Egg Moves" You could also put the nature in there, possibly.
I was thinking of trying piplups myself. Never get anything for chimchars cause they're so flooded.
Javier [2423 3503 0322] sunkern, sawsbuck and maractus.
Javier [2423 3503 0322] sunkern, sawsbuck and maractus. Tue 14 Jan 2014 23:57:28 No. 17372126 Report Quoted By:
>>17372094 >>17372092 >>17372108 brb gonna try this, if works, will post profit
>>17372064 >>17372092 if you get away with 8iv or 31iv bullshit, they deserve to have their shit stolen
alternately, if they don't fall for it, they deserve to have their shit stolen harder with 6iv shitmon
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>>17372064 I didn't lie for Piplup, but "5ivModEgg NoHp" worked for me, so you probably want to say 5-6 IV Egg Mov HA
Trying this for the first time. Lucky to already have Ditto in one of my Safaris. Asked for a Xerneas in exchange for HP and ATK Ditto with Impostor... don't know if it'll work but hoping it does
>>17372143 Well, I got 3 XY legends with egg move Dittos, so yeah...
>>17372151 Did you say that the ditto had "6 iVs" or that it had the 2?
It might work either way Anonymous
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>>17372151 >posts with actual IVs cancer
Alec 0232-8335-7303
>>17372157 im stuck on articuno > dogs lol, any tips?
>>17372220 Try putting articuno up for a deer instead. I'd say dogs are worth more than the deer.
>>17372183 I just said "safari w goodIVs"
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>>17372262 Eh, that might work
Alec 0232-8335-7303
>>17372241 sorry, i mistyped. what i meant was im having trouble going from articuno > terrakion
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>>17372310 Ah, in that case, it might just be up to timing and luck. Make sure you put "5IV timid/modest" in the cuno's description and wait it out till someone bites. Re-deposit if necessary.
I left a cuno up for a cobalion today while I went to class, PGL says it took like 3 hours for it to trade.
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>>17372392 >seedot for yveltal Wow, good job
Wrath - 3024-6102-5563
i just GTS traded a voltorb for a Xerneas! people really do want dem bankmons :$$$
toplel 0903 3045 6143
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Should I just trade off the Calm Zapdos and Timid Articuno until I can transfer mine from B/W? I mean, that's 2 bankmons easy.
>>17372392 forgive my ignorance but how do I get these trade report things.
>>17372392 >Raikou for Bacon Bird How did you sell it?
Javier [2423 3503 0322] sunkern, sawsbuck and maractus.
Javier [2423 3503 0322] sunkern, sawsbuck and maractus. Wed 15 Jan 2014 00:18:16 No. 17372555 Report Quoted By:
>>17372476 oh boy post a picture pls
>>17372012 Most notable change here: Therians had their tier hijacked by birds.
I find the deers and dogs generally belong on the same tier, like a Tier 3 and Tier 3.5 of sorts. I see a lot of back and forth on the GTS, anyway.
Or so I say, but I can't seem to get any of the dogs for a Cobalion. There's definitely an element of luck involved in the jewing game. Anonymous
>>17372516 Not that guy, but I can easily get the Beasts for Y without any sort of description.
Wrath - 3024-6102-5563
errrr I'm gunning for another xerneas in exchange for an ekans. ill post a pic for sure this time if they take it. but seriously take my word for it these niggas thirsty for bankmons.....shit...maybe i shoulda bred more voltorbs before i sent it off to gts hell.
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>>17372547 that's what I thought. I tried to check it out lasnight but it was down for maintenance. thanks.
Alec 0232-8335-7303
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>>17372585 i had a bit of a stumble lol but im up to terrakion now (started with a shitto) terrakion is currently up for a coballion, then going for virizion!
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
I just unjewed myself for a spare Piplup for one of my 3 Yveltals lol rejewing after mass breed, not having much luck with Xs atm
>>17372593 But ekans and voltorb aren't bankmons
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>>17372589 Good to know! I can pretty much get what I want since I got some things in the highest tier under N, but I was having a bit of trouble getting things in between
Javier [2423 3503 0322] sunkern, sawsbuck and maractus.
Javier [2423 3503 0322] sunkern, sawsbuck and maractus. Wed 15 Jan 2014 00:24:20 No. 17372686 Report >>17372092 OMG OMG IT'S WORKING! i used that
>8IV + 3 egg moves and I got a xerneas
>>17372648 had to do this with turtwig earlier
oy vey
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I have had a 100% success rate when it comes to offering Suicune for Dialga. Takes about 2 minutes on average.
Wrath - 3024-6102-5563
>>17372650 oh didn't know that. do you have any idea what the most uncommon Bankmons are by any chance?
>>17372686 Really? Man people dumb
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>>17372710 I don't think any level of stupidity will ever surprise me again. I have been desensitized.
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>>17372701 I mean, hey, if voltorb and ekans are working for you, don't let me stop you. I'm just surprised they're successful.
Not sure about THE most uncommon, but you could try anything that isn't a starter.
Alec 0232-8335-7303
>>17372585 what order should i try for the deer in?
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>>17372686 Proof positive that people on the GTS have no clue that IVs really are.
inb4 24IV + 4 egg move Ditto
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
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>>17372690 oy vey what a holocaust indeed
>>17372585 >Or so I say, but I can't seem to get any of the dogs for a Cobalion. Try to trade that Cobalion for a Terrakion and put it in the gts with "5IV jolly no spa" always worked for me.
>>17372733 >>17372769 My chain was
Xerneas > Cobalion > Virizion > Terrakion
and then nobody wanted Terrakion even after half a day of GTS fuckery. Went back for Cobalion, traded almost instantly, and now I'm trying for Entei.
So based solely on that, I recommend going for Terrakion first. But you'll probably get a bite regardless of order.
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>>17372798 Welp nevermind, just checked the GTS and I finally got my Entei.
The great jewing continues.
I caught Moltres in my actual game, and have gotten XY and the other two birds. Currently trying to trade Articuno for Terrakion. What should I put as the listing?
>>17372837 5 if timid.
should basic guide for descriptions be added to faq or infograph? I don't have enough knowledge to do something myself.
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>>17372881 Just check what's the hottest thing on Smogon and kids will bite the bait.
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I just got a shiny Articuno for a Kyurem, it's from Johto so it can be legal.
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>>17366454 >6IV Rayquaza for a chimchar Feels good.
4055-4529-5824 | Robert
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>>17372585 >>17371771 Wow, I love it! That's how I pictured mine to be, but my lack of graphic design skills prevented mine from being as aesthetically pleasing/pretty!!
It looks perfect! Hate to be that guy, just one small request - can you just thrown in my name somewhere, tiny (like see how small it is on mine) Just a quick message like thanks for some ideas or inspiration or whatever by robromo!
if not that's cool, but it would make me feel badass for making the original inspiration/design idea.
>>17373060 New thread got deleted?
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>>17373744 I think so. I don't know why
Ripper Roo 2380-4126-8950 [Steel: Magneton, Metang, Bronzong]
Ripper Roo 2380-4126-8950 [Steel: Magneton, Metang, Bronzong] Wed 15 Jan 2014 01:42:07 No. 17374260 Report I've done 2chainz for far. Chimchar > Xerneas > Articuno > Virizion > Cobalion > Raikou > Shiny Suicune (stopped there cause I wanted to keep it. It's obviously from the event, but still) Chimchar > Xerneas > Atricuno > Terrakion > Entei > Therian Thundurus Second one is still going, but I JUST got the Thundurus. Should I trade it for a different Kami or make my way to the Golems?
What should I trade my xy legends for? It seems like anyone with the bank legends are to smart to trade for them.
4055-4529-5824 | Robert
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Alright guys, I did it. I got a Rayquaza for a chimchar. It only took 30 minutes. Can I be part of your secret club now?
I can't get a Raikou for a Xerneas, damn it!!
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Wed 15 Jan 2014 02:52:56 No. 17375750 Report Quoted By:
>>17375514 Go for Articuno first
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I've been at this for a few days, been successful. Heres a couple of chains I've done. (just now) Ditto > XY > Articuno > Suicune Ditto > XY > Articuno > Virizion > Latias
Ripper Roo 2380-4126-8950 [Steel: Magneton, Metang, Bronzong]
Ripper Roo 2380-4126-8950 [Steel: Magneton, Metang, Bronzong] Wed 15 Jan 2014 03:42:02 No. 17376946 Report Quoted By:
>>17374260 Traded Thundurus for a Regice, trades Regice for a Rayquaza that I'm gonna keep.
Time for a third chain.