Jewing | Trading | Raging | Autism | Scamming | Raging | Jewing | Autism
You know the drill: Upload normal regular ditto Claim it's 5-6 IV, ask for a Legendary and wait for some Schmuck to bite.
Also works with Bank starters if you don't have ditto, or if you want to be more honest for you that are more faint of heart.
Be sure to read the FAQ!
>How do I do this? You can start by dropping off a Safari Ditto for a Xerneas/Yveltal and chain up from there. If you’re ballsy enough, you can try your luck with something higher. Also, Bank starters seem to work greatly as well. Some examples of this
Egg Move Shitto>XY*>Birds>Beasts
Do some research and see what works best for you!
Also, take a look at this!: >After 50 years, no one bit on my Ditto. Why is this not working for me While you’re up, make sure you check on the GTS every half hour, and take off the pokemon and put it back after every hour if the fish aren’t biting.
>But I don’t have a Ditto Safari Jewanon ;-; You can try your luck in the millions of friend safaris. Alternatively, you should ask your fellow brothers in these threads, since there are a few heroes here that have them that are willing to help… Alternatively, you can try your hand with Bank starters. Some popular ones are Chimchar, Piplup, and “Contrary” Snivy.
Also, you can use the Pokeradar to chain some ditto as well since around a chain of 60, 3 of the IVs are Guaranteed to be perfect.
>But I feel bad. Will this Scammer’s Remorse go away? Maybe. But seriously, like everything, it’s always the hardest the first time. If you still feel guilty, try using bank starter leftovers.
*XY is Xerneas/Yveltal
(threadmakers update these as time goes on)
rainer 4828-5264-5538
tfw almost 1 day and no one bite lvl 67 no nickname english yvetal
I'm up to Registeel and have no clue how to proceed, so I'm going to try asking for Groudon and see what happens.
>>17384736 man in the last hour, i went Chimchar>X>Y>Tres>dos
>>17384747 Put a "calm 5IV" Registeel.
What happened to the "suspended" accounts from the last night?
rainer 4828-5264-5538
>>17384751 what is tres and dos?
>>17384773 Moltres and Zapdos
>>17384764 That was probably just a "scare" tactic
tonight I might be collecting and sharing some dittos for you guys to use if anyone needs them.
>>17384793 >That was probably just a "scare" tactic A pretty lame one, at that.
Why would anyone be deterred by a mandatory 2-day vacation from jewing?
Gotta Jew Them all. Right guys?
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>>17384747 ) here, got Groudon in record time and I didn't even have to jew it out.
Did I get lucky or is Registeel really that hard to come by?
>>17385032 >Flabebe for Suicune What kind of Israeli witchcraft is this?
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>>17385032 >Flabebe for Suicune. > Anonymous
>>17385046 Chill, she was shiny.
About an hour of pokeradaring
Gabriel 1435-3811-0302 swadloon/sunkern/quilladin
Gabriel 1435-3811-0302 swadloon/sunkern/quilladin Wed 15 Jan 2014 14:04:49 No. 17385065 Report Quoted By:
>>17385032 the best i got was ditto for palkia, was it shiny or something?
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>>17385060 Shiny for Legend isn't that much of a stretch; they got something legit.
Unless you claimed it was 6IV, then this isn't that spectacular.
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>>17385060 Well, that makes sense.
I can never a chain higher than 5 going. I've got this useless shiny Trevenant from a random encounter. Still debating if I can/should pawn it off for a high-tier legend or not.
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>>17385060 Then that is not really jewing, it sounded like a pretty fair trade then.
>>17385032 Well, you traded less common legendaries for more common legendaries. I'd say you fucked up.
nice win with the flabebe, though
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>>17385098 Oh, just read that it was shiny flabebe. Nevermind, not a win
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Beginner jew here, I've only gotten pic related. I skipped the easy ones like X/Y and immediately decided to aim high.
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>>17384914 Let me know, anon. I want those legendaries.
It pains me to do this but I want to complete the national dex.
>>17385126 Don't feel bad, most of the kids you're jewing would wonder trade you a Magikarp without hesitation.
So you guys are saying that legands on shiny is legit deal? Why to even jew at all then?
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>>17385160 because even when I offered my legit shiny claifairy, no one wanted it for days, while a fucking "6 IV" ditto got me a Entei in a matter of hours
>>17385133 Little bastards put up worthless garbage and say "PLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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I feel like trash but I can't stop, I already have 6 X and 3 Y
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Will Cyndaquil net me an X/Y or should I stop bothering being nice and jew some shittos?
Would a shiny Bidoof get me anything? Or a shiny gardevoir? Bad IV spread on gardevoir.
>>17385208 A shiny Gardevoir can gets you a tier 6 or 7 llegendary
>>17385222 Serious question, why don't hackers just use pokegen to make these and flood GTS?
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
while waiting for the fish to bite on my GTS I've been getting the event legendaries on my Black using the old distro site once pokebank opens (lel) I can have a living dex of legends, til then I'm jewing for the entries
Pokebank will let through these genned legends as long as they are identical to the 'legit' event ones right? I'm just using the default IVs OT etc when I gen them
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>>17385233 Because, if you can hack it, why not just hack what you want?
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>>17385176 Oh god, this gets me the most.
More than half of them are begging for event legends too, so their shitty beg attempts stay on the GTS forever.
>>17385233 If I could use the pokegen with XY I wouldn't be jewing and giving people legendaries for Luvdiscs.
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
>>17385233 cant pokegen Gen6
no pokebank open yet to transfer genned from B/w
>>17385257 Why not just downloading legendaries from Pokécheck or something? What's the difference?
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>>17384504 Usually went with Ditto for the legends and collected 15. But shiiiit, Articuno > Terrakion works like charm.
>>17385222 Does anyone have a tier list?
>>17385391 It's in the OP.
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>>17385270 yes there is
for japs
think that's what he's referring to
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>>17385401 >>17385399 >>17385395 Thanks for not eating me alive.
>>17385391 Check the link in the first post
>>17385379 Did you put anything special in the message for Ho-Oh?
So shiny Gardevoir will get me almost any legendary? Sweet, time to clone.
>>17385379 how did you get a Ho-ho for Xerneas?
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>>17385430 People love their blue waifu.
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Lake trio should be tier 3, it was easy as hell to get those and I couldn't get rid of them. Also latios and latias seemed easy as hell to get, maybe it was just me. I got a latios for a tympole (someone was requesting) and another for a different shitmon, and also a free shiny one
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>>17385431 lying that it had 6 IVs and shit like that, how else
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
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>>17385331 as far as i know there's no difference, I just prefer to do it via the GTS site than run pokecheck
Also the site has all the Events already listed with the correct OT etc, there's no big list like in pokecheck
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>>17385430 People go gaga for shinies. Back in gen 4, I got whatever I wanted with my shiny Poochyena and Sentret clones on the GTS. If I didn't get a Shiny Rayquaza to clone, I would've done the same with my Braxien or Fletchling. Hell, I kinda want to do it to fletchling eventually to save a funny picture.
I managed to jew a Terrakion for Articuno overnight, but I'm still having struggles getting from Xerneas to Articuno for my other Xerneas (I'm jewing to collect, not just for 'Dex purposes) how do I jew better? I'm claiming "5IV Timid no att" on my Xerneas
>>17385484 you wait
pic related
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>>17385508 The Jew is strong with this one.
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>>17385518 trade shit for event legends
pic related again
here is my opinion: the only legendaries that are whort fo now are surplysingly the ones that are the easy obtainable : Yveltal and Xerneas (and even Zygarde) After pokebank comes out you can get all the past legendaries you want in every shape and color (im talking about stats and shinyess) really, if im gonna pokegen EVERYTHING in the legal way, the only things that have value are 6 gen Mons This reasoning is valid even for shiny mons Everithing except 6 gen is bullshit
>>17385656 >After pokebank comes out >pokebank comes out Anonymous
>>17385656 This is why I treasure my gen 6 shinies
>>17385656 If the bank comes I'm going to bank all my jew treasure and restart this shit again.
>>17385711 It's a shame bank doesn't admit items.
>>17385671 >implyng Pokebank will never be available wow man you are so clever!
>>17385677 and you are doing the right choiche,
sadly, a shiny shitty dedenne is more valuable than 10 shiny legendaries with 6IV
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>>17385754 Yeah I know, I can store my megastones and good items with my brother.
>>17385767 Until I see the bank on the e-shop, it doesn't exist for all I care
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>>17385754 im planning to buy the other game (X) only because of this )
even if i do not have a second 3ds i can exange items by the gts
>>17385677 me too
I don't think I'll ever trade my shiny chesnaught, though
>>17385795 it's like sayng that polar bears doesent exist because you never seen one whit your eyes
Ba dum tss!
>>17385820 What is a Zoo?
pls go with the fucktarded analogies
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I've must taken half of the world's supplies of Xerneas by now. This is seriously making me feel guilty.
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>>17385809 there is no danger
You put a shittyMon of the other game on gts
and you ask a Chesnaught
Problem solved
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>>17385836 >Don't understanding basical analogies and irony I feel very sorry for you
I also feel very sorry for your parents though
>>17385836 What is Pokebank being released in japan?
pls go with the fucktarded reasoning
>>17385871 Sure, because we all know everything thats released in Japan always arrives in the US
>>17385884 Back peddling much?
Be more specific in future faggot, especially if you're gonna attempt to call out an obvious joke
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I had a cobalion up for a dog all night while I slept and no one took it. Even if mine just got pushed back in the line, seems like it's getting harder to trade the deer...
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>>17385902 It was a pretty shit joke
Articuno for Raikou...does it work?
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric)
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric) Wed 15 Jan 2014 15:43:00 No. 17385971 Report Quoted By:
>>17385926 Most likely bird>beast trade that'll work, Articuno is the rarest bird atm
>>17385656 Lets say hypothetically that the PokeBank DOES get released some day. Could I mass clone legends and add the to my XY that way? It won't be suspicious or something to Nintendo if I suddenly add 30 of each legendary?
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>>17385986 They don't care. 95% of legends being jewed here is hacked.
Does anyone have the tierlist handy? Gone from a Ditto to Reshiram by now, not sure where to go from there.
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NotJew here, I just got a Kyogre for a level 91 Chespin
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>>17386058 >>17386063 Shit. I thought it was supposed to be there, but missed it.
What the fuck should I do? Nobody wants my moltres. Been trying for a day redepositing him every 30mins. Any tips?
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>>17386133 >moltres nobody wants moltres
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>>17386133 Yea, try to trade down and then back up or something
What should I trade my shiny Entei for? I need the other dogs but since he's shiny I wonder if I can't jump higher on the tier list and go to Thundurus or something.
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>>17386247 You might be able to. Then again, the Shiny Beast event might have decreased its value slightly, kinda like the Red Gyarados. Try it and see. People still go gaga for shinies, events and legends, so try it man!
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>Got a level 40 Latios from Hoenn >0IVs in Defense, Sp.A, Sp.D and Speed Fucking Gen 3.
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>Put up shitty Chimchar >Say he's 6IV >Re-enter GTS >Immediately traded >Exit GTS >[Japanese Name] wants to trade! *tips menorah*
Is there some sort of 3DS notification that would tell you that you traded? Like a blinking green/blue/orange light?
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>>17386635 Nope, just keep Momentarily checking GTS.
How do you people jew so hard? "Oh I put up a Xerneas and got a trade in 5 minutes" "Yeah put up a shitto asking for rayquaza and got a shiny" I get... maybe two trades a day, and one of those is overnight while I'm sleeping how the fuck, guys
>>17386658 Add "5IV" or "Pokerus" and things like that. I just have a heart and my trades go smooth so I don't know if it that would help.
>>17386658 You need to take off the pokemon and put it back on constantly because everyone's jewing. Also timing is most of it.
>"Yeah put up a shitto asking for rayquaza and got a shiny" I think the Japanese shitto helped me with that. I usually use those for bigger fish.
>>17386668 >>17386677 I do that. Most of the time it's "5IV Contrary" on Snivys (that's the most success I've had, got two Xerneas in one day with that, as compared to weeks of nothing with Dittos), and the Xerneas I put up are listed at "5IV Timid no att" asking for Articuno.
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>>17386700 X for Articuno might be hard since he's the most rare bird.
>>17385208 I could give you a shiny palkia for that waifuvoir
>>17386747 Let me clone her and get back to you.
Rene 2337-3915-3083 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Rene 2337-3915-3083 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Piloswine) Wed 15 Jan 2014 16:57:33 No. 17386779 Report Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17386779 It might take a few days because I dont have access to another 3DS at the moment, but I will clone her using my friends 3DS.
Rene 2337-3915-3083 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Rene 2337-3915-3083 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Piloswine) Wed 15 Jan 2014 17:05:07 No. 17386856 Report Quoted By:
>>17386814 Do n't worry I frequent these threads, when you are done just post about it in a jewing general
>Xerneas > Articuno > Raikou >Chimchar > Xerneas > Articuno > Suicune My problem is that I want to keep them all!
>>17386857 breed the chimchar
thats what im doing now
>>17386862 yeah that's what I'm doing, my point is that I don't like to chaining if I only have one of a kind
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>>17386914 but thats why u breed
just get what you want and start the chain over
So I'v jewed the following Pokemon away from folks with only Dittos...>2x Xerneas (One Jolly with perfect HP Defense, Sp. Defense, and Speed. One Timid with perfect Defense, Sp. Defense, and Speed. Timid Xerneas also has a 0 Attack IV.). >1x Yveltal (Adamant, with perfect Attack, Defense, and Sp. Defense). >1x Zygarde (Lonely with perfect Defense, Sp. Attack, and Sp. Defense). >1x Terrakion (Shiny and Jolly, all IVs are 31 with the exception of Sp. Attack). How am I doing? Should I put more "6IV Imposter" Dittos onto the GTS or should I switch to Bank Starters?
Are people jewing for dex or just to get the pokemon?
>>17386996 I think most people are just jewing for 'dex entries. It's actually a lot harder if you're jewing to collect because you need to keep re-starting the chain. If you're just going for the 'dex entries though, you only need to chain once or twice so long as between them you hit everything.
>>17387016 Is there a list or something of which legendary you can get over the GTS? Because Heatran and some others aren't included in the OP.
>>17387046 Heatran and some other's aren't included in the OP specifically because they can't be acquired through GTS.
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>>17387062 you can get Heatran through GTS, only event pokemons can't
>>17386936 You got a perfect shiny terrakion. Not bad
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>>17386996 I did it for the dex.
>>17387062 You can get Heatrans from the GTS.
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>>17387062 Oh, so the OP list is every legendary outside of Kalos that you can get at this time? But how are some people completing their pokedex then?
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>>17387062 >heatran can't be acquired through GTS hahahahah
Snivy-Xerneas-Articuno-Latios-Dialga-Shiny Giratina At this point I declared it a succesful jewing>Passerby wants to trade Shiny Giratina for shiny 6iv Mew Did I do good Jew?
Richard 1091-8282-5543
>>17387046 I'm seeing heatran in tier 7 in the OP.
You sure you looked at this right? Tier N is all the stuff you can't get.
If the goyim that trade shittos for their legendary shiny mons, why don't they create 6iv dittos in first place?
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>>17387125 OH damn. I have a list from like yesterday I think. Incredibly outdated. Thanks, I just assumed the OP one was the same as mine.
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>>17387128 not all the people are japanese
most are recycled pokebank legends
sometimes I imagine japs give us free stuff to be nice, however
>>17387121 Articuno for Latios? but I can't get Suicune for Articuno? damn :(
Oh man, I just got a shiny 6 IV Adamant Terrakion for "5 IV Modest" Xerneas. First 2+ tier I've managed to get. I actually feel bad about this.
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>>17387195 Don't. It's genned.
Doubt they care much about losing it, but congratz on that trade
>>17387188 Just gotta get lucky. It sat in there for an entire day. Finally I just decided that goal was too high so I went to take it out.
>pokemon you deposited was traded! Anonymous
>>17387081 >You got a perfect shiny terrakion. Not bad. That honestly surprised me, the trainer was a genuine Japanese player to boot.
Now the only question is if it RNG'd or Pokegenned...
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>>17387237 >all those comments in Arabic I'm sure they have nothing but praise for that fine performance.
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>>17387266 The chances of it being legit range higher than 1 in 100,000 I'm sure
It's gen'd, but doesn't mean you can't use it
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>>17387237 Ah background music to keep me jewing
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>>17387257 something like that happened to me (xerneas for latios) but it was traded like in 3 min! felt so good
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>>17387266 Its an obvious gen. Not that it matters though
>>17387237 This should be this thread's theme music
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Yesterday, I started with a Ditto for a Xerneas and went all the way up to Latios. Random passerby offers me to trade and gives me a level 100 Darkrai fot that shit nature Latios. No wonder jews exists in this world. I dont want to be a goyim anymore ;_;
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Stuck at Zapdos trying for a Articuno. Maybe starting up another chain might get rid of this bad luck.
what message do i leave with xerneas
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>>17387441 I did 5IV TIMID
Got a Zapdos with that
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>>17387441 "5IV Timid no att"
but I've also heard "5IV Modest" works
I have a question: what are Ability Capsules worth? Would adding them to a Xerneas or a 5IV starter make it worth more as far as Bank legends are concerned?
>>17387510 >Adding actual worth. Do you even Jew.
>Deposit a Ditto for a Xerneas shortly after posting >>17387266 . >Get a Xerneas 10-15 minutes after putting it up. >Now I' placing up a Ditto fo a Yveltal. Damn, that was quick!
Let's hope I have similar results with this Ditto!
>>17387510 I've seen it work on Luvdiscs (when said Luvdisc goes for a Bankmon, of course), it might work for Dittos as well.
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i wish there was a notification in game that the gts trade went through
>>17387557 More like to jump it to a higher rank, like getting one of the event Legends right away.
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>>17387609 >gts >event pick 1
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>>17387609 For 200 Battle Shekels?
Rene 2337-3915-3083 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Rene 2337-3915-3083 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Piloswine) Wed 15 Jan 2014 17:51:59 No. 17387654 Report >>17387016 I do it for (mew and meloetta were traded for ho oh clones outside the gts)
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
>>17387654 if that box is gonna act as a living dex please tell me you will sort by gen eventually
autism hurts at that arrangement
also Xerneas has turned from being excellent Jewbait to shit for me... It has a Jap name, is that fucking me over? I got a lv50 US one traded for Moltres np yesterday
>>17387706 Your Xerneas was named Lies in japanese.
Rene 2337-3915-3083 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Rene 2337-3915-3083 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Piloswine) Wed 15 Jan 2014 17:58:57 No. 17387762 Report >>17387706 I sort pokemon by national dex number from bulbasaur to zygarde (in this case) but I can't do it while I don't have every pokemon or at least the last one of the evolutionary line because I don't like free spaces in boxes
Woke up to my 6IV HA EGG MOVE Chimchar not being moved so I put up a Ditto. That turned to a Xerneas in 15 minutes and that turned into an Articuno in 10. Now we wait for the green muskateer doge
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
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>>17387751 I could believe that tbh
thought some dumb kid might fall for that bait though
>>17387762 ok fair enough, your OCD is higher than mine
My copy of Black has 2 boxes of genned legends by dex number ready for when/if pokebank opens
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>>17387773 I should stop putting up Chimchars then. But I don't have a Ditto Safari
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17384918 >>17384764 what happened last night?
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>>17387788 A few of us got bans for doing this.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
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>>17387773 ended up with a virizion, whatll you give me for it?
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>>17387788 Some people (probably a samefag) was reporting they counts were suspended from PGL, but there was no screencap, no proof, no nothing.
Ok I have an articuno with a description claiming it has 6IVs and pokerus. Even holding a Master ball and can't seem to get any bites. Tips?
>>17388048 you are going way to hard
pretty sure they cant see the masterball anyway
>>17388116 You can actually see held items on the GTS.
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>>17388048 Change it to 5IVs, add nature.
>>17388116 >pretty sure they cant see the masterball anyway You can.
>>17388129 >>17388143 still trying way to hard
>>17388161 Don't know what you mean by that, but ok.
>>17388211 you are presenting yourself as an overbearing car salesmen.
just really in your face
modesty is key
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>>17388250 Agreed. Strangely enough my "5IV" dittos get traded faster than my 6IV ones.
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Wed 15 Jan 2014 18:37:32 No. 17388350 Report >MFW I got a Snivy for a Scatterbug
>>17388350 desperate vivillion collectors
>>17388250 You know multiple people can respond to a chain of posts right? So the person you think I was, I'm actually not. I was just pointing out that you can see held items on the GTS, contrary to what the person I responded to says, so you can calm the fuck down dude. Correcting someone over a small feature on the GTS does not make me an overbearing car salesman. Maybe that person you originally responded to was trying to hard with the Articuno in your opinion, but correcting you is not. Get your facts straight or shut the fuck up next time, ok?
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Not working for me anymore
>>17388423 >getting mad because I cant tell whos who on an anonymous image board Anonymous
>>17388452 Seems like you're upset that someone called you out on your mistake. It's ok, we can't all be grown ups here.
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Wed 15 Jan 2014 18:45:49 No. 17388508 Report >>17388385 Gonna try and get to a legendary dog with that shitty scatter bug. GTS... Jesus, what a goldmine.
>>17388490 Not really. Ive been wrong before and Ill be wrong again.
>>17388423 >so the person you think I was, I'm actually not Me too, I was just correcting the guy. I stopped jewing 3 days ago when I finished my dex, now I just help jews trying to fill their dex.
>>17388508 Maybe you can say it's a monsoon Scatterbug or a sandstorm.
>>17388520 Yeah, we know. Retards tend to be wrong most of the time.
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>>17388550 >wrong once >must be a retard Anonymous
Let us stop the infighting and post our latest hauls. Just got my virizion. Gonna start a new chain to get Coballion deer muskateer
>>17388508 They're less popular, most people have already collected.
>>17388536 >tfw sandstorm native So jewing general,
I think you're all scum but respect your decision to do it What's the best legitimate I can aim for to get going? I figure I'd start popping out 5IV HA chimchars with the egg moves and see how that bites
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>>17388590 just got a zapdos
restarting the chain for articuno
>>17388593 >I figure I'd start popping out 5IV HA chimchars with the egg moves and see how that bites Nothing above tier 4, there's a lot of Chimchars in the GTS.
>>17388625 Tier 4 isn't bad, I traded all the way around the chain for dex completion starting with whatever that legend you can breed is called. Is there something better I should shoot for?
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>>17388593 I put a Chimchar overnight and didn't get any bites and I was just trying to get X/Y. report back if it's successful. I made 10 of them to trade away but hte Dittos seem to be working quicker today.
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>>17388651 Oh, I've also got a non-eng cart, would that increase marketability?
I'm gonna start cloning rayquaza again to try to get some events with passerbys or friends. or aquantances in my main game
>>17388593 I tried for the first time to jew a Xerneas with a safari Ditto 10 minutes ago.
I just put "Legit hack, HA6IV" in the description and let it go.
5mins later Ditto was gone, and I received the Xerneas.
> mfw I think I just had luck, or "being honest" and tell that a 6IV 'mon is hacked works effectively.
>>17388766 Yeah, I don't doubt that it works. I don't really care to lie about it when I can breed pretty much anything right in a matter of minutes anyway though
Yeah, yeah, moralfag, whatever Just curious if anyone's had luck with middle ground of actually offering legitimate things
>>17388812 Some guy was offering legit 5IV Chimchars in a past thread and said no one bit so he had to lie about them being 6IV.
>>17388812 considering there is no way to verify
there is no reason not to lie
>>17388827 Damn, that's killer. Guess I'll just shoot out some trial and error. What about that tier 1 breedable legend?
>>17388835 I don't wanna lie anon-sama~
I'm aware that it works, and I'm not discounting it. I'd just rather not given the option.
>>17388812 I have 2 3dses and both games, so I do legitimate trades with decent success in the main game(I'm the guy that posts that piplup pic once in a while), while I lie in the side game. Lying is easier
>>17388845 Phione? Nobody wants that shit.
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>>17388858 save your good ones for when they fix the GTS
if they ever do till then get rid of the trash
>>17388862 I know lying is easier,
>>17388858 What's your piplup setup?
>>17388863 Ha, figured. Was more wondering why that shit was even in a tier
>jew someone out of their zapdos >its hold amulet coin is this a sign?
>>17388862 >2 ds' >not cloning wot?
>>17388878 If I were trading a Piplup with 5 ivs, but one of them wasn't hp, I'd be like "5IvModEgg NoHp". Egg is for egg moves and Mod is supposed to mean modest.
>>17388889 I jewed a Xerneas with an amulet coin 2 days ago too.
>>17388896 >implying I don't clone I do clone, I cloned a shiny rayquaza I have, but I'm still shit at it, so I don't do it often.
>see bank articuno for any articuno >have a kalos one with shitty name >trade it >level 50 6IV Timid Nature shiiiit, what do I do with it
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>>17389086 Keep it as a trophy.
Alec 0232-8335-7303
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>>17384504 i get trades much faster if i say in the description
"event moves"
just a tip guys
>>17389054 wja to there to be good at? you turn your ds off then on again. not rocket science anon. you're wasting potential.
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>>17389232 what is there*
I fucking hate touchscreens
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>>17389232 You need to learn the correct timing.
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>>17389232 There's timing. That's the one thing I have trouble with with with the 4.5 guideline
i just cloned muh shiny mew, anyone wanna make me an offer for it?
>>17389307 I can give you 2 tazos.
>>17389307 Shiny Raiquaza??
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>>17389307 >Jew Thread. >Best place for offers Anonymous
>>17389330 nice, i was looking for one
>>17389317 sorry anon
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
nemtr 1607 2043 1899 (Lampert,Phantump,Golurk)
nemtr 1607 2043 1899 (Lampert,Phantump,Golurk) Wed 15 Jan 2014 19:38:13 No. 17389365 Report Quoted By:
>>17389345 I can give you a 6 IV Modest Ditto with egg moves.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
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>>17389375 ill give you a 6iv/ha/chimchar/pnches chimchar for that one
chimcar isnt biting any more any suggestions?
>Mfw Dialga for shitto It had a shit nature and IV spread though so I dumped it off for Groudon (my second favourite 3D legend after Dialga) without knowing groudon was of lesser value
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
Just somehow broke my shitty no luck streak with a Yveltal -> Articuno d-did i do good jews
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>>17389561 Kinda, now aim for the top.
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>>17388593 >>17388625 im trying now with a 6iv-HA-eggmove chimchar its..not working then again i just posted it like 10mins ago...
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>Get the Yveltal I mentioned in >>17389447 after 15 minutes. >Place a Ditto for a Mewtwo. >Same results. >Put up another ditto for a another. >Nothing after half an hour. Looks like my luck's run out...
Maybe I should try going up the chain rather than trying to boost my XYs and Mewtwos.
>>17387583 The value's going to drop when
and if Pokemon Bank is launched internationally thanks to the Shiny Creation Trio giveaway that happened before XY's release.
>>17389440 Just scored a Yveltal for a Cyndaquil.
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>>17389860 i dont have 1 of those
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>Get the Yveltal I mentioned in >>17387583 after 15 minutes. >Place a Ditto for a Mewtwo. >Same results. >Put up another ditto for a another. >Nothing after half an hour. Looks like my luck's run out...
Maybe I should try going up the chain rather than trying to boost my XYs and Mewtwos.
>>17389447 The value's going to drop when and if Pokemon Bank is launched internationally thanks to the Shiny Creation Trio giveaway that happened before XY's release.
I saw a Shiny Virizion for any cobalion and snagged it. What could I score with this? Or should I keep it as part of a collection, it even has 3IVs in spatk/spdef/speed
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I seemed to have used all my luck in the morning. No one is biting on my Articuno for Muskateer trio trade. ;_;
i thought u couldnt get event legendaries on the gts but you can request them?
>>17388756 Wait, is passerby/friend/acquaintance trading really the only way to get event legends?
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Alright, so I've traded up from a regular Chimchar to an Entei (got Xerneas, all three deer, and Raikou along the way), and I've heard that an Entei with Sacred Fire can fetch a ton. So do you guys think I should trade for a Suicine and then go up a tier? Or should I go up a tier with the Entei?
fellow jews lead me your jewcraft powers and grant me a jewing of a Chimchar for a Ho-Oh.
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>>17390261 if u do it i wouldnt even be mad
id be impressed
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>>17390261 PFFFFFFFFFT!!!
That shit is not gonna work.
What is the easiest legendary dog to get?
>>17390301 Probably Raikou
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>>17390318 Raikou was the hardest for me, at least I managed to get the 3 shiny beasts.
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
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>tfw got a Zapdos for a level 30 safari Ditto.
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>Shitty Yveltal goes for an Articuno in 20 minutes. The curse is hopefully lifted!
>Brave nature. And back into the GTS it goes!
>>17390176 >>17390160 >but you can request them? You can, but the game prevents you from trading 'em.
>Wait, is passerby/friend/acquaintance trading really the only way to get event legends? Yep. The GTS blocks event Legendaries, even those obtained from in-game events.
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>leave a shitto for X as always >10 mins later, get a random lv 86 one >holding amulet coin I think I may have conned a genuine bandwagoning child for muh IV's
what should i do to pass the time?
>>17390389 have sex with your significant other
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>trade shit chimchar for X >its from germany remember the 6 trillion goyim
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Wed 15 Jan 2014 20:40:50 No. 17390491 Report Quoted By:
The 'hacked' thing worked for me. Was reposting my jewtto for a few hours, but after putting it up as hacked it was traded for an X in less than 20 minutes.
Do you guys think this will stop working someday?
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I've noticed that any X/Y above lv 50 just can't be traded properly, been scanning the GTS and offloading tainted X/Y's to people offering lv 50's for any level of the same tier. ?
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>>17390618 yeah once you can start seeing pokemons stats
great day for me got a Y and the 3 kanto birds gonna chain for tier 3 now
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>>17390618 It'll be pointless once Bank comes out
lel Anonymous
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>>17390712 Same for me, it seems to be the Jew Day.
Got 2 X and 1 Bird in less than 10mins. Fishes are hungry today.
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:01:12 No. 17390897 Report >>17385268 I never got the Luvdisc thing. Nothing special about luvdisc itself, so is it a symbolic thing?
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>>17390897 Because they're easy to catch.
think i can pull off Xerneas for Ho-Oh? i put pokerus in the message...when the poke doesnt have it
toplel 0903 3045 6143
So I'm gonna throw up an Articuno with a Life Orb. What should I ask for? I'm really contemplating either Kyogre, Dialga, or Giratina. I say Kyogre first because he's my fucking favorite legend, and I love using RD teams. Halp?
>>17390997 Pokerus is easy as shit to get. Try something else.
>>17391020 Keep your life orb and don't be a tryhard.
toplel 0903 3045 6143
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>>17391041 D:
B-but I want a Kyogre...
Besides, I only need one. And I scammed this Articuno for a Ditto. No use for it.
>>17391028 I see, what should i put on it then? Xerneas and mewtwo X is the only ones i have..
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>>17391090 just trade up the teirs
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just got my first bite. I still can't believe ppl fall for that. Just got a Y for a ditto.
I don't like to lie but nobody is biting my Chimchars anymore. Is "Contrary" Snivy still in high demand?
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>>17391257 Why you don't try with Sheer Force Totodiles?
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>>17391257 Call me shitty, but I wasn't able to get bites from Snivy nor Chimchar at all. Ditto always works.
>>17385656 >Everithing except 6 gen is bullshit No.
everything except PENTAGON is bullshit. everything that has pentagon mark - no matter who its cooler than non pentagon.
>mfw "Checking the GTS's status" loads for more than 5 seconds
>>17391302 Except you can pokegen that
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I can't believe this works. Got a Y in less than 10 minutes for a shitto. I would feel bad for doing this but the japanese kids are so jew. NO REGRETS
>>17391420 Not that guy but how?
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anyone in here have a ditto safari?
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Chimchar is making me money Also just searched Cobalion and got one for a Mienshao lel
>>17391502 Hex editing. Google it.
>get an articuno >it's timid with 6IVs
some guy wants a braviary for a cobalion but it has to be 41-50 and it evolves at 54
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>>17391529 Thanks, just found about it.
>GameFreak Anonymous
Dammit, got an entire army of chimchars but nobody seems to be looking for it
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>>17391619 He wants the level 30 Braviary from White 2.
>>17391640 Chimchar's getting old now. Try something else.
>>17391695 Sadly, yes. What should I try? Ditto is not an option
>>17391695 >>17391695 yeah no biting from chimchar.
>>17391749 I got a Xerneas for a Chimchar 1 hour ago, also which pokemon should I ask for an Articuno?
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>>17391727 I'm not sure anymore. Clefairy worked for me twice but it's been an hour and no one is biting now.
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>>17391557 I would if I could.
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I've been trying Contrary Snivy and 5IV Iron fist Chimchar all day. Nothing.
this is funny, but I think someone just traded me back the second Articuno that I got for a Xerneas
All I'm missing now are Ho-oh, Lugia, and the Latis. Which of those guys is the rarest?
>>17391875 Maybe it was mass cloned
would anyone go for a 6iv adamant sword guy
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>>17391923 well It was a shitty Articuno but maybe it was like that, or maybe just someone angry enough to look for his lost Xerneas
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>>17391917 If by sword guy you mean Honedge, I don't think so. If you mean Aegislash, maybe.
4055-4529-5824 | Robert | RobRomo
>>17384504 OP, (and all)
Here you go.
I updated the chart that was made and circulating around (was in the FAQ) and combined it with another chart someone made in an old thread about the description bait and what words to put for each one.
Hopefully it's of some use to you. You can put this in future threads if you find it helpful.
Just trying to consolidate all of the information :)
Also, permalink: Anonymous
I already got all the legends I could from GTS, also a few events from random passerby trades. Got myself stuck with Victini, Keldeo, shiny Suicune, Kyurem, Reshiram and a shiny Rayquaza I would like to keep. What should I aim for now? I mean the passerby trades or getting specific legends off GTS to ease my search for event legends amongst passerbies. I could possibly get any (I believe) GTS legend, what are the best to trade for event ones?
>>17392131 how are you getting passerby event trades for eventmons
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>>17392262 Don't know, they are just... random. I put "EventLegendTrade" in shoutout and sometimes they come and trade. And sometimes I pick the ones that have eg "need mew" or something in message/shoutout. Already got Mew, Victini, Keldeo, Celebi and few others I believe.
I even met some with Arceus, but sadly didn't have anything they would consider good to trade it.
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>tfw just got first Xerneas for a "6IV Jolly Chimchar with Egg Moves"
nemtr 1607 2043 1899 (Lampert,Phantump,Golurk)
nemtr 1607 2043 1899 (Lampert,Phantump,Golurk) Wed 15 Jan 2014 22:19:47 No. 17392543 Report Damn I actually managed to jew 4 Shiny Rayquazas. 2 of them are 5IV.
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>>17392090 I appreciate it Rob! If I end up making the next thread, I'm gonna add it to my FAQ!
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>put a Ditto for a Giratina >go to sleep >wake up >pokemon you deposited was traded 11 legends left! (and 4 I need to reacquire)
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>>17392543 Use those to get some of the events
wooo i just traded my shitto for a Phione and my most crappy mewtwo(i have 2) for Yveltal......d-did i do jew good?
>>17392856 Is getting XY certain with Phiones?
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>>17392971 im not sure, i only tried with a shttio and it was traded within gonna try with a Vivillon
How important is that the ditto be level 30?
>>17393045 Not that very, just don't have it at an odd level like 56 or something. Lvl 100 is best.
>>17393045 Level 30 Ditto has a chance of being found with 5IVs. Pokemon Village one is near impossible.
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>>17393045 >>17393087 >>17393097 ...And yet a bank one is even more likely. Most people don't know about the pentagon.
It doesn't matter anyway, you could even leave the powder on.;
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>>17392856 Actually, you don't even have to lie for Phione. I got mine for a Porygon.
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>Jew a box full of legendaries for dittos >Each one takes about 20 minutes >Put one up for an Aromatisse >Nothing I really going to have to go via a Zygarde?
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>tfw you didn't even realize it was that time again NEW THREAD