It's Wednesday and you know what that means, we're less than 24 hours away until it's time for your weekly Thursday dose of nippon Ash! Until then discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc etc.
NOT-SHIT SUBS: This week's episode:
>Sylveon VS Froakie! Commotion in Kindergarten!! Ash and co run into Premier, a student teacher who works at a kindergarten and she challenges our hero to a battle, and if she wins he has to go out with her. While all of this is happening Serena is freaking out. Ash ends up losing and has to go out with Premier, but not in the way you might expect. What exactly will happen?
Next episodes:
>Spooky Shelter! Espurr Watches You!! [1/30] >Chespin VS Delphox! A Diet Battle!? [2/6] >Dedenne is Pichu and Pichu is Dedenne...!?[2/13] Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and- It's better than Unova. Will it peak soon? Most likely, but just enjoy the ride as it is now. Right now we're in a character development arc for each character, with the two newly announced episodes dealing with Clemont and Bonnie respectively.
>When's the next break? Next week.
>Will Serena win da Ash? The long answer: No.|The short answer: Maybe.
>Muh subs when? [PM] is subbing X/Y, their release schedule has been getting better, they have the best subs available, work with them.
>BUT I SAW THESE OTHER LUCARIOPK SUBS ON THE INTERNET AND- No. LucarioPK is google translate/guesswork shit that completely misinterprets scene after scene, don't do it. Seriously, DON'T.
>Why aren't the first two episodes subbed by [PM]? The dub beat them to the punch so they skipped to episode 3. They'll sub episode 1&2 after finishing the rest of the BW subs. Until then, handle the dub or raw for the first two episodes.
>Muh dubs when? This Saturday.
First with summary:>The beautiful Trainer Première, who has the Fairy Type Pokémon Nymphia, challenges Satoshi to a battle. But if he loses, he has to date her...!? What will you do, Serena? >Summary: >As he continues his journey, Satoshi has a Pokémon battle with the Pokémon Trainer Première. Première uses a Nymphia, while Satoshi uses Keromatsu. "If I win, you'll be with me for a bit", Première says, knowingly. And indeed, Nymphia takes advantage of Attract, and defeats Keromatsu. As promised, Satoshi goes with Première. >Première takes him to the kindergarten where she works. She brings a lot of Pokémon there this way, in order to let the kindergarteners interact with them. The children are overjoyed at meeting Pikachu and the other Pokémon, except for one boy, Lundi, who doesn't want to go near them. Why is he afraid of the Pokémon...? >Voice Cast: >Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi >Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu >Mayuki Makiguchi: Serena >Yuki Kaji: Citron >Mariya Ise: Eureka >Megumi Sato: Dedenne >Megumi Hayashibara: Musashi >Shinichiro Miki: Kojiro >Inuko Inuyama: Nyarth >Yuji Ueda: Sonansu >Yuka Terasaki: Yayakoma >Hitomi Nabatame: Harimaron >Chinatsu Akasaki: Horubee >Kenta Miyake: Maaiika >Chinami Nishimura: Nymphia >Miyuki Kobori: Lundi >Chika Anzai >Unsho Ishizuka: Narration
>>17384893 Anonymous
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>>17385069 >irrelevant bullshit about some crappy dub No thank you.
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>>17385069 >dub pffffhahahahha
>>17385069 Since when Pokemon get so lewd?
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>>17385069 >naughty school teacher cosplayer Viola Anonymous
>>17385239 >tumblrgif Fuck off
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>there are people who like the dub
>>17384968 Video of Viola in the dub where?
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>>17385725 Nowhere. Fuck off, dubfag.
Why is the dub so bad? What would you do to make it not-bad?
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>>17386030 I love how shitty the dub is, it adds to the aesthetic.
>mfw the eventual goodra episode
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>Spooky Shelter! Espurr Watches You!! [1/30] >[1/30]
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>>17386403 >Implying Ash doesn't want to fuck pikachu Anonymous
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>>17385069 I need to see it
>>17386030 >better writers >better actors >fire the music guys and use the original music Not hard.
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>>17386419 >Mfw we see mega gardevior Anonymous
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>>17386564 Really all they need to do is show Volt and I'll be okay with that alone.
Serena's gonna have to cut a bitch
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>>17386618 dem ships are sailing
>>17384968 I want Sylveon to Draining Kiss my
cheek. Anonymous
>>17386774 >Draining Kiss deals damage and the user will recover 75% of the HP drained. Fucking OP as shit
>>17385426 >being this petty Anonymous
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>>17386795 >That and Oblivion Wing can restore 100% of health drained with a Big Root thank fuck they both are pretty limited
>>17386803 Back to Hades, tumblr
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>>17386840 >ou can keep him, Anon. Anonymous
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>>17386901 There was another one I saw earler that had Ash talking to Oak with Froakie on his shoulder, Ash racing on Rhyhorn, and Viola telling Surskit to use Signal Beam
Top tits
Finally. More pandering for m-muh OTP!
>>17387069 b-but's AmourShipping is canon ;_;
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>>17386901 2/10, would not watch
>>17387133 Fucking autistic faggot shit. AshxMisty is both canon AND OTP, and whoever disagrees needs to leave /vp/ for fucking ever.
>>17386901 You are a fucking fag shit autist for liking the dub. And I know EVERYONE IN THE WORLD agrees with me on this. We need to fucking ban people defending the dub because they are so autistically fucking gay
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>>17386901 Still waiting for Viola's and to determine if what anon said was true.
>>17387163 >hello I am stuck in the 90s and I don't know that Tracey is currently giving Misty the dick Anonymous
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>>17387163 >AshxMisty superior autism detected, pls leave
>4 weeks until muh naughty teacher Viola
>>17387264 That's because they think us TRUE shippers are fucking stupid and they try to retcon Pokeshipping in our faces. The people who still believe in TraceyxMisty are fucking faggots who hate fun
>>17387323 holy shit is this downwithnintendo?
>>17387290 Of COURSE both of those were me, you fucking autist.
>>17387318 Stop fucking defending the dub you shitty fucking gay autist
>>17387370 These threads are always better with you calling everyone and their grandma a fucking autist shit buzzword fuck
>>17387357 No, you fucking autistic fagshitdick.
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>>17387407 Keepu talking, it amuses me
>>17385022 >Chinami Nishimura: Nymphia >Not Shokotan BLASPHEMY!
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>>17387401 Yeah, when I ACTUALLY FUCKING SUCEED in getting people to fucking agree with me. Fucking gay autistic faggots like you who claim that fucking anything is a fucking shitty gay buzzword need to fucking learn that these shitty fucking hype threads need to be fucking 404'd and anyone who attends them needs to be fucking banned.
>>17387323 How many times are we gonna have to bring the last episode of BW?
Ash don't even bother to visit Misty, and don't give a fuck when Oak tell him that she invited Tracy to the gym.
>>17387370 >not wanting to hear Serena spill spaghetti in English Anonymous
>>17387625 Enjoy being a fucking autistic faggot for liking the dub, negro. Nobody but you likes it, and that's a fact.
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>>17387506 It's a different Nymphia, you moron
>>17387732 Stop liking shit. It's been established that fucking nobody likes the dub besided autistic faggot cock shit fucking faggots like you
>>17387790 >fucking >autistic >faggot >cock >shit >fucking >faggots you need to be 18 to post on 4chan
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>>17387854 nice way to put it bro haha.
So, do you think Nintendo will project Ash/Serena's relationship in these two? I mean, something like: The more Fennekin/Froakie like each other the more it means Ash and Serena's relationship is growing but in a platonic way?
>>17387907 many people would like that to happen but its like pikachu and buneary. many people thought it could mean the same for ash and dawn, but nothing happened.
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>>17387951 Ahh whatever, you know what I meant. The studio/GF/whatever that is producing this shit.
>>17387569 >and don't give a fuck when Oak tell him that she invited Tracy to the gym. Wow, did I miss that? Nice
>>17387625 >actually believing that dub>sub your taste is bad, and you should feel bad
>>17387934 Isn't that because Pikachu didn't share the same emotion as Buneary did?
>>17387972 He was a bit bummed about it.
Not because Misty was getting Tracy dick, however, but because he didn't get to say hi to Tracey.
>>17388042 well possibly but it was a hint for pearlshippers that they wanted ash to hook up with serena. im sure many pokemon fans around my age who watched the show when it first started want something like that to happen but they obviously dont want to turn it into a romance drama like that since this is a kids show.
>>17387907 I think Froakie just like girls in general, not Fennekin specifically. He wanted to avenge Bonnie for fletchling's dickishness and now here's the sylveon thing.
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>>17387907 >Fennekin and Froakie evolving representing Serena and Ash's evolving relationship Anonymous
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>>17388078 >Pokémon turning into a romance/drama Fuck, I'd watch the shit out of it
>>17388078 I wonder if Serena is partly to make up for Pearlshipping sinking since it was so popular in Japan.
>>17388120 hopefully it does, cause fuck iris. she really annoyed the shit out of me throughout unova. im just glad were in a new region, ash has a childhood friend in serena who at this point at least, might have the hots for him, because i may be wrong, but ive heard and seen rumors that apparantly ash and serena made a promise to eachother. but i also assume that their promise was just to travel together.
>we can hear serena spaghetti in our native tongue And this is a bad thing?
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>>17388011 I dont think dub is better, I just want to see both you sperg
>>17388158 It'll be badly dubbed and people will think of that version instead of the actual one.
>>17388157 There's been no mention of any promise.
>The dub is re-airing episode 1 and 2 separately now which means we have to wait four weeks for spaghetti-spilling Serena
>>17388157 >>17388198 It's probably just the same "Promise we'll meet again someday!" thing that Ash says to literally every other character of the day
>>17388158 You are a fucking autistic faggot for thinking it's not a bad thing. STOP FUCKING DEFENDING THIS FUCKING GAY AUTISTIC AS FUCK DUB
>>17388221 It's more like 2 and a half weeks now. The Dub starts on the 18th, episode 3 is Feb 1.
>>17388228 >getting this rectally ragnarok'd please take your medication and stop throwing poo around your room
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>>17388228 >>17388195 gives a more convincing reason to not watch the dub, and seems capable of forming a reasonable argument without descending into name-calling.Plus he's willing to work with fewer characters.
I'm afraid your services are no longer required. You are dismissed.
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>>17388198 I know that but I can't really see why the writers would fuck their fanbase over by throw shitload of hints between 05-07 just for shit and giggles
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>>17388226 maybe but ive seen images of theirs. it could be ideas that theyre still thinking, or if was now just thrown out. for now, im just enjoying the ride on how serena at least respects and admires ash, and hopefully, we can be enjoying their moments. as every region girl goes to travel with ash, he has had fights with them all, misty the most but in a friendly way, while the worst with iris. so i assume theyll have a fighting episode, but hopefully itll be a good one.
>>17388235 Serena doesn't start spilling spaghetti till episode 5 which is on Feb. 22nd
That's four weeks
>>17388290 when you mean spilling spaghetti, are you just talking about the episode where it starts with them eating and thats it or is there something extra about her with the spaghetti?
>>17387854 >pot calling the motherfucking autistic shit kettle black Fans of the shitty fucking new anime and dub are fucking gay as shit and are probably 4-10 years old and aren't TRUE fans.
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>>17388301 >not knowing about spaghetti spilling Anonymous
>>17388301 Embarrassing herself aka spilling spaghetti
>>17388301 When someone says you're spilling spaghetti they mean you're embarrassing yourself
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>>17388248 >Rectally Ragnarok'd Anonymous
>>17388333 she embarrassed herself? i dont remember something like that happening in that episode. all i remember is them at the end forgetting about their lunch and are all hungry
>>17388379 ahhh i see, lol, erase my last statement haha
>>17388301 >when you mean spilling spaghetti, are you just talking about the episode where it starts with them eating Anonymous
>>17388391 You got the episodes all messed up anon, that was episode 11
Serena embarrasses herself around Ash numerous times in episode 5, 6, and 7
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>>17388480 oh that haha. well i wouldnt say over the top embarrassing but sure. id say in a cute way since she acts so innocent while trying to impress ash haha
Greninja fucking when?I just wanna see Ash pet him in his tongue and Greninja having some sort of cutegasm about it or something.
Did we get a new wave of trolls? I know it's early in the day but I don't remember it being this bad.
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>>17388480 enlighten me, please
>>17387323 >retcon Pokeshipping But there never was anything to retcon. >Kasumi doesn’t feel love for Satoshi. If her love for him became one of Pokemon’s plots, it would break all the Pokemon series’ structure. Pokemon’s theme is relation between fictionals creatures and people and also growth through think and thin of the young boy (this means an age period for both boys and girls), Satoshi. >In Pokemon however, the most important theme is relation with fictional creatures, which was added to that theme. For Satoshi, who’s a child, Pikachu is th partne he can count on. For example, even if Kasumi fell in love with Satoshi, it wouldn’t be able to interrupt relation between Satoshi and Pikachu. >If Kasumi’s love towards Satoshi happened in Pokemon, it would be nothing more than seasoning added to cooking - and, to be honest, for Pokemon’s theme, seasoning that makes taste complicated would be only a disturbance. >So from the start, there’s no such factor in Kasumi’s character as love towards Satoshi. Surely, it may be that Kasumi was in the ager when girls fall in love, but “Pokemon” isn’t either a shoujo manga nor a cellphone novel. >That’s why, out of all the characters appearing in the Pokemon anime series, the one with the weakest existence is Kasumi. It was decided from the start, when Pokemon anime was during planning, that Satoshi will be character travelling with friends, because if it was only the boy and Pokemon it would become tasteless and it would be hard to introduce to the girls’ audience. This existence could be compared to a parsley in a dish. It doesn’t need to be there, but the dish looks better if you add it. Occassionally, there are people who like parsley in their dish, but it’s a minority. Anonymous
>>17388043 >Ash being that bro and doesn't even care anymore about worst girl now he's just need to get the best girl which is pic related
>>17388523 This dude who types in caps, says fuck and shit a lot, and hates the anime has been trolling these threads for the last few weeks.
Just ignore and report.
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>>17388514 >yfw Greninja is Ash most powerful and unbeatable pokemon except for one weakness, grabbing or tickle his tongue Anonymous
>>17388523 The only fucking trolls here are the fucking gay autists fucking defending this shitty new anime and ESPECIALLY the gay shit fucking dub
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>>17388578 lol, i like how you waste your time on us when none of us care about your statements since im sure youre butthurt that your dad didnt fuck you last night haha. go be butthurt somewhere else
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>>17388514 >that feel when its Infernape 2.0 Anonymous
>>17388541 I'm not even a Pokeshipper but Shudo was a hack
>>17388344 Are you fucking mad that I have more fucking intelligence than your fucking autistic jew shill ass?
>>17388702 >Shill I've seen that word used a lot in here recently.
>>17388541 Shitdo is an autistic fucking faggot who is just mad that the fucking shitty pokegirls Dawn or Iris didn't win da Ash.
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>>17388743 lol and neither will you with your dad haha. we know youre mad about that so we'll let you keep raging about random shit that no one cares about when you speak haha
>>17388702 Seeing as you keep repeating the same few words your limited vocabulary suggests a rather low intelligence
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>>17388742 Because it perfectly describes you autistic shitty fucking hacks who like to eat shit from the gay shit fucking ass cock creators of this shitty anime. Stop fucking sucking corporate shitdick, faggot autists.
>>17388673 And yet he was the head writer for the period where Misty was relevant in any way whatsoever. It was never canon, deal with it.
>>17388743 >implying he hadn't left before May even appeared He simply knew Misty was shit.
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>>17388086 i find it interesting though, that that scene was even there in the first place (it could've just been much briefer than that)
i just wonder if there would be more scenes with them
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>>17388797 Go back to fucking fapping to autistic fucking diaper fetish scat porn like all your fucking autistic shill asses do
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>>17388571 It's some shitty-ass trolling if it's serious, anon. I think they're just posts for everyone's amusement.
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>>17388830 >Serena sending videos of her and Ash fucking to Misty Anonymous
I don't want romance to happen in XY, simply because experience shows that Japan just can't write love and romane for shit. They have a really "kiss = game over" vision of the thing that means eternal cockblock for seasons and seasons because once love is declared, it's absolute, and will lead to marriage forever because it's the end of youth, and youth is the only time off your life that allows freedom and self centered behavior. It's bland and sad at the same time.
>>17388814 This is just wishful thinking, especially since the movies usually have no part in the main series, but it would be cool if Latias just swooped in to fight for Ash in a league match. She 6-0s the other team and then proceeds to get cozy with Ash
which will make Serena jealous. Anonymous
>>17388945 that fucking old man
>>17388967 Creepy eyes aside, he was a pretty cool dude.
>>17388945 >mfw we will never see her again Anonymous
>>17388945 >Latias vs Latios in Sinnoh A man can dream.
>>17389057 I never understood why they couldn't tie the movies and main series together more often. I can understand not wanting Ash to use a bunch of legendaries but seeing as how Latios has already been used in a league match, I don't see why that Latias couldn't show up for a big match.
>>17389081 Nigga, I will fight you.
>>17389127 > MEGA Latios vs MEGA Latias in Kalos. FC 4382-3102-9523 - Colton
>>17389175 The anime's target audience wasn't even born when the movie came out. They probably think kids will get confused if Ash suddenly has a Latias that was only seen before in that one movie.
>>17389245 >Ash gets to the finals of the Kalos league >his old nemesis, Tobias, is waiting for him with Latios >Latios mega evolves >Ash now has to go up against a Mega Latios >suddenly, a red blur swoops down from the sky >its the same Latias with a weird necklace around her neck >she wants to fight for her dear Ash >mega-evolves >Mega Latios vs Mega Latias Anonymous
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>>17389360 I'm aware of that and thats why I mentioned it was just wishful thinking. Still, they could always do some quick flashbacks to the movie to give an idea of what happened for Ash to have Latias follow him.
Ratiasu mai waifu
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>tfw no Latias gf ;_;
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>>17389374 >they both draco meteor on each other >latias survives because of multiscale Anonymous
>>17388830 Misty was shit because Shudo was a shitty writer and wrote her into a corner with Togepi always weighing her down.
And of course that Tyrannosaurus nonEnse
>>17389743 He really fucked up with Togepi's departure
>Togepi Paradise >Mirage Kingdom >Misty's Togepi is somehow a legend even though this kingdom is in Hoenn and her's is from Kanto >Portal leading to Togepi Paradise >Villain needs the hidden power of Togepi to take control of a kingdom worshiping Togepi Dumbest shit in the anime ever which took away an iconic character from the franchise
>>17389876 >Misty >Iconic pick one
>>17389916 He meant Togepi, you dumbass
>>17389916 >implying I was talking about Misty >implying my whole post wasn't about Togepi Get the hell out of here b8 master
>>17390026 >I was just pretending to be retarded Anonymous
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>>17389743 No, she was a shitty concept from the start. How the fuck do you develop a character with a dream as retarded as "I want to be the very best - with Water types!" without getting in the way of Ash?
The fact that they had to make up a tournament in the Whirl Islands that conveniently only accepted Water types in order for Misty to get a chance to shine says it all.
Her personality was pretty awful too, and she even failed at being eye candy, so all she could do was play a half-assed tsukkomi (that's straight man for you people who don't know manzai).
>>17389876 He left the show near the end of Johto, but they had already decided to write her out by then since people were getting even more tired of her than of Team Rocket. The reason she came back for that arc in the first place was because they could finally evolve Togepi once gen 2 was over and they didn't have the marketing executives forcing them to keep the gen 2 mascots unevolved anymore.
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>>17390059 >That couldn't have been bait, he was so serious Anonymous
So does Lumiose City smells like pee?
>>17390274 mom's spaghetti?
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>>17390322 there's vomit on her sweater already Anonymous
>>17390335 Since apparently everything in Paris smells like pee.
>>17390316 >>17390361 Don't worry, Serena knows how to deal with it.
>>17390566 Please don't do this
FC 4382-3102-9523 - Colton
>>17390566 m-muh waifu anon stahp
>>17390732 Please go get raped.
FC 4382-3102-9523 - Colton
>>17390732 not sure if i should be fearful or concerned
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>>17390686 That's Ash's waifu and no ones else. So back off!
So because of Shudo or w/e, is Pokeshipping debunked and (under the new director of w/e) Ash x Serena, at least partially confirmed one-sided canon? I mean I know some people will refuse to say she has a crush unless someone points it out (or she says so herself) but...
>>17390925 There's some sort of attraction, otherwise she wouldn't be blushing and shit. I doubt it'll ever go anywhere, though.
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>>17390785 >>17390839 Don't worry, I won't post any more pics, as this thread isn't really the place for it.
But you can look up this one if you're curious. Anonymous
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>>17390953 >>17390925 There been some real heavy implications in short time that points that Serena haves some sort of either REAL heavy admiration or some sort of crush.
You could say that no other ship has gotten this much attention in such short period. If you haven't seen this, then take a look
>>17390953 Couldn't it just be that she admires him?
>>17391051 The official relationship chart all but says she's in love with him.
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>>17389876 but shudo was already gone by that time
why do people talk out of their asses?
>>17389743 yeah, the dinosaur shit was weird. glad they didnt greenlit that
his idea of the pokemon world was weird
>>17391102 plus that the chart mentions her true intentions with Ash but the fucker who made it ended her sentence with "..." leaving us without an answer
>>17391150 "Her true intentions with Ash?"
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>all this shipping discussion are you 12, faggots? go back to tumblr or that shithole named bulbapedia
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>>17389245 >>17389374 God damn, so much potential for the Kalos series
and so little room for another Unova-tier failure Anonymous
>>17391167 The chart is here, some anon translated her box and can't remember what it said and I'm too lazy to google it at the time being. But it was something about that points towards some sort of crush
>>17391167 >>17391220 Googled it after all, quoting here:
"A girl that lives in the Kalos region. She loves Fashion! When Serena was still young she has once met Ash before , and the Serena's truth about Ash is that..."
It's really hard to translate "Jitsu wa Satoshi no koto ga..."
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>>17389374 >lets bring back some character that nobody rmember from an old movie she wont come back autistic furfag
>>17391167 >mfw Serena is in league with the evil Malamar and is leading ash into a trap Anonymous
>>17391254 Give that her arrow to him can be translated as "Is in love with..?/Loves..?"..I would assume the sentences are meant to be connected and it's saying "Serena's truth about Ash is that she's in love with him...?"
>>17391281 so she intends to mindbreak him using Malamar and lock him in her sex dungeon.
>>17391331 You could assume that like everybody else BUT since nothing is 100% official because of the "..." we can't really jump into conclusions, yet
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>mfw sceptile, infernape and greninja
>>17391355 She has the "Ash" marks under her eyes, it's the same pattern!
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i wonder if they'll give ash a vivillon that has one of those secret patterns
>>17391376 Well of course, that's not even counting the "?" after "Loves".
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>>17391426 The suspense keeps you tuning in every week...
>>17391426 >>17391376 Yeah, uh..I think you guys are looking way too much into Serena's character. Pokemon isn't a deep show and I doubt she has any hidden agenda's. It's an implied crush, nothing more. Pretty status quo for this series.
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>>17391636 The main difference is its a lot more heavily insinuated than with any other girl before. Serena set out on her adventure for the SOLE reason of finding/meeting Ash
>>17391636 We're only looking at the things the writers have shown us, and to get the amount that has been given can't be just to kick the fanbase in the nuts
>>17391944 Which goes back to the point, I doubt there's any deep meaning behind her description on the chart. She's already freaking out over Ash "going out" with another girl tomorrow...
It's just gonna be another one of those ships that will be "Well it was kinda obvious that X like Z, but we won't have them say it to the other person hurr hurr".' things Pokemon does all the time with little "romances".
Yeah, we might get a couple of more nods than the usual towards this one-sided crush during the season.
>>17392098 >little romances >implying a main girl has ever legit fell in love with Ash >implying this isn't an important part of the saga Anonymous
>>17391339 How soon until we get this?
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>>17392098 >>17392153 >one-sided >implying Ash won't end up showing feelings for her during one of the movies or a special arc or even the end of the saga Anonymous
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>>17392098 "never say never"
-Justin Beiber, 20XX
>>17392190 Don't tell me you actually expect this to end up handled that much differently then any other subplot this series...
Ash is dense, they can only do so much...and all that will be is imply every now and then, like they are doing tomorrow (i.e the whole "What will you do Serena" in the summary/her narration in the preview).
>>17392201 >she talks for hours to his blank face >feeds, washes and helps him pee >rides him three times a day while Malamar uses its tentacles on them both Anonymous
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>>17392342 >Any other subplot Nigga let me explain this as simply as I can
>Serena is a main character >Serena is the main female protagonist of the XY saga >Serena knows Ash from childhood >Serena is in love with Ash >Serena isn't some recurring character or A COTD that ends up getting feelings for Ash like numerous other girls, she's an important character in the saga This will be handled differently because she's not "any other" character, she's a fucking main and more than half of the episodes that have already aired have had hints and shots to her love for him.
You remind me of the naysayers who thought the whole romance thing was going to settled after the first few episodes before the series began, and now most of those naysayers hVe realized that's not going to happen.
Whether or not Ash shows any feelings because he is a dense motherfucker is all up in the air right now, but it's obviously an important factor to the saga, so don't go playing it off like "any other subplot" in the series.
>>17391339 >Ash mindbreak rape doujin >Serena whips out her dick and fucks him senseless for 6 hours a day and makes him crave cock >By Fatalpulse Anonymous
>actually believing ash will ever reciprocate serena's feelings i love amourshipping as much as the next faget but please don't tell me you people are actually this delusional
>>17392728 Ash's one true love is Brock, I'm pretty sure that we all know this deep down in our hearts.
>>17391355 >yfw the actual Japanese line was "Serena-tachi" and Ash has always addressed his traveling companions as a group as "(main girl's name)-tachi" He did it with "Iris-tachi" and "Haruka-tachi" too.
>>17392749 Well, given that Serena thus far has been the Brock of this season, that comes off as a plausible conclusion.
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>>17392817 Really? I didn't notice, I thought he just called them by their first name.
>>17392571 Who is Fatalpulse?
That scenario sounds really fucking hot though. Anonymous
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>>17392881 Google my friend.
I remember their Gurren Lagann one Anonymous
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>>17386901 this is so fucking bad
thanks cartoon network
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>>17388404 >that whole comment I want reddit to leave
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>>17388702 epin
simply epin
Does someone know in how many hours the episode is gonna air?
So /vp/ Who was the best League Rival All of Ash's "rivals" included
>>17393419 No fucking contest it was Kenyan. Dude's a 10/10 bro.
>>17393419 rival within pic
That Bell chick
>Retarded, ADHD with some fairly strong pokémons Ginger
>Best rival imo, nice guy, good sports Trip(pin')
>One of the worst rivals, boring, predictable fugly Lucario boy
>annoying, bipolar, and won against Ash by pure luck Team Eevee
>edges beyond, boring as fuck, hate rangers in general Anonymous
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>>17393419 Remember when Ash and Pikachu one-shotted Cynthia and Rayquaza?
Best League Rival
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>>17393419 Tobias.
I'd do anything for a season, even just an OVA, of Tobias's capture of legendaries and conquest of pokemon leagues.
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>>17393419 that team pokephile guy was a rival?
>>17393461 >>17393559 >Steven >best League Rival >implying it isn't Brandon Anonymous
>>17393620 I thought he was talking about Best Wishes.
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>>17393419 Gary "Motherfucking" Oak, then Paul's the next of kin, after that I rank Morrison as third best.
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>>17393629 He said all of Ash's rivals included numbnuts
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>>17393419 The answer is always Paul.
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>>17393419 paul>garry>everyone else
didn't see none of the episodes yet but how is team rocket in x and y are they serious like they were in best wishes?
>>17394407 Not serious at all, but fairly competent thanks to their magic cubes
Wobbuffet has been kicking ass
>>17394407 They are goofy competent now.
>>17394407 they're more of both competent and comedic in a nice balanced way, they're moving up to be top favorite characters now
>>17394407 Their humor is back and are quite funny in some aspects, goofy but as this anon says
>>17394425 their gadgets are quite cooler and useful
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>>17394446 Christ the animators for that episode should all be fired and sent to jail
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>>17394425 Surprised they haven't been using Wobbuffet much before, seeing that it's the most UBER pokemon in the game.
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>>17394425 >>17394446 >>17394547 >>17394603 thank you maybe it start watching it sooner now.
>>17394816 too late,
ash will Anonymous
They're really going all out with these CotDs. First Jessica and now this piece of excellent color palette .
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>>17394959 I want to fuck Jessica.
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>>17385022 >why is he afraid of pokemon? Aren't some of them like total death machines
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>>17395002 I love how they take the word of a ten year old as god
>>17394959 I know she's just a CotD, but I wouldn't mind her coming back. If Serena decides to get a fashion-related goal, she could be a mentor of some sorts.
Also, she's voiced by my seiyuu waifu Tomato. >>17394381 Also, why is Premiere so hot? Kalos CotDs are the best looking ones yet. Some of the Unova ones looked more like PreCure characters, such as the one from the Ampharos episode in Episode N.
HanaKana in muh Pokemon when? She's in everything now, so Pokemon shouldn't be too far off. Anonymous
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>>17394827 If Ash doesn't stick his dick into that, I don't know how many will perish in the flames of my purely autistic rage
>>17395257 >Ash gets to date her >You will never date her >yfw Serena isnt having any of this shit Anonymous
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>>17389374 >Tobias comes back >Leads again with fucking Darkrai >Ash sends out Snorlax >Snorlax gets mad as hell when Darkrai eats his sweet dreams. >Snorlax sweeps half of the Uber Team of Tobias. Anonymous
>>17395340 Saga is still young though. Anything can still happen. Too bad Serena will end up leaving at the end anyway, just like all who came before her. The question: can she win the Ash in time?
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>>17395457 >Too bad Serena will end up leaving at the end anyway We don't know that actually, to be honest
>>17391415 thats a blush,dumbass
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>>17388541 You're probably not on either side, but doesn't this reasoning mean no ship with Ash can ever win out?
>>17392849 inb4 Serena travels with Ash to the next region
or joins TR to learn how to properly Stalk him for the rest of his sorry existence.
>>17395529 So does that mean Ash has been blushing this entire time we didn't even know it?
>>17395457 What if she stays like Brock?
>>17395579 >joins TR for some reason, I'm actually ok with this
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>>17387163 >>17387323 >Ash x Misty >2011 + 3 Not to mention, before XY fags came along, said pairing was regarded as cancer on here.
>>17387907 Something similar went down with Ash's Bulbasaur and May's Bulbasaur, and due to two particular scenes, she actually isn't out of the running for Ash's D. just yet.
>>17388830 Ironically, Shudo was the one who got Misty out for May of all people.
>>17395595 >>17395579 >Serena stays for Gen VII region >they still pick up Gen VII grill MC >two grills >forever jelly Serena the whole region Anonymous
>>17385022 Oh boy! It's another one of the "CotD is afraid to go near Pokemon!" Let's see if I can predict what will happen:
>Boy is afraid of Pokemon >Ash and friends try to convince him that there is nothing to be afraid of >Pikachu (or some other Pokemon) is friendly to him and says "hi" >he gets scared and runs away, having everyone go out and find him >TR acts autistic and steals Pokemon >TR AND ASH BATTLE XDDDD >Boy suddenly gets courage and fights TR with some Pokemon >hye guys I'm not afraid anymore! Anonymous
>>17395587 >a black colored blush Anonymous
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>>17395679 are you being racist?
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>>17395679 >black shaming Geez the anime sure is picking up a lot of new shitty agendas lately
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>>17395595 >she changes her outfit to resemble the female MC in the new Pokemon generation, like Ash does Anonymous
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>>17395077 >That last part with Serena's keykaku Anonymous
How mad would you be if Shauna ends up never appearing?
>>17395744 who is she anyway?
>haven't played X&Y Anonymous
>>17395744 the last time a brown loli appeared, everything went to shit.
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>>17395803 A friend of the MC.
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>>17395809 they say that brown sugar is healthier that white
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>>17387163 I think you'll find /vp/ has better shipping taste than that. Maybe you should be the one to leave /vp/, rid up of another nostalgia blind Pokeshipper.
Oh and if Pokeshipping was canon we'd see Misty more, like every time Ash went back to Kanto. But we don't, the sooner you accept that the more you can enjoy your choice of OTP.
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>>17395616 inb4 Giovanni is revealed as the former world champion of Rhyhorn racing.
>>17395649 No one cares about the second act, we're here for jelly Serena
>>17396405 should be in around 8-9 hours
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>>17396454 this nigga gets it
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>>17396467 That's too long away, I'll probably die before then, fuck.
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Why does X/Y have a bondage fetish?
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>>17395077 ...
h-hoenn confirmed? Anonymous
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>>17396652 >touching balls l-lewd
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>>17396652 Its nice we get to see Grant earlier on, hope it will happen for the others (Ramos at Gogoat fam, Korinna/Wulfric obviously will)
>>17395595 >>17395631 >implying that there's going to be a new MC for Gen VII >implying that it won't be Calem and Serena again in the games Daily reminder that the Strange Souvenir guy is talking about the next generation region... and is addressing the player CHARACTER when he says that "YOU will see it soon enough". Anonymous
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>>17396831 Southern France? Anonymous
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>>17396652 I will cut and burn you alive you little bitch I swear on me mum
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>>17396652 >dat hairstyle HNNNGGH
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>>17396652 I want my cock on her hair swirls
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>>17395 But May Bulbasaur is a Venasaur now, Ash Bulbasaur is still a loser. Her Squirtle evolve too.630
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>>17396652 Fun Fact: Viola's hairclip was made by Valerie