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X/Y Anime Episode 13 Hype Thread #2

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It's Wednesday and you know what that means, we're less than 24 hours away until it's time for your weekly Thursday dose of nippon Ash! Until then discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc etc.


This week's episode:
>Sylveon VS Froakie! Commotion in Kindergarten!!
Ash and co run into Premier, a student teacher who works at a kindergarten and she challenges our hero to a battle, and if she wins he has to go out with her. While all of this is happening Serena is freaking out. Ash ends up losing and has to go out with Premier, but not in the way you might expect. What exactly will happen?

Next episodes:
>Spooky Shelter! Espurr Watches You!! [1/30]
>Chespin VS Delphox! A Diet Battle!? [2/6]
>Dedenne is Pichu and Pichu is Dedenne...!?[2/13]

Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and-
It's better than Unova. Will it peak soon? Most likely, but just enjoy the ride as it is now. Right now we're in a character development arc for each character, with the two newly announced episodes dealing with Clemont and Bonnie respectively.

>When's the next break?
Next week.

>Will Serena win da Ash?
The long answer: No.|The short answer: Maybe.

>Muh subs when?
[PM] is subbing X/Y, their release schedule has been getting better, they have the best subs available, work with them.

No. LucarioPK is google translate/guesswork shit that completely misinterprets scene after scene, don't do it. Seriously, DON'T.

>Why aren't the first two episodes subbed by [PM]?
The dub beat them to the punch so they skipped to episode 3. They'll sub episode 1&2 after finishing the rest of the BW subs. Until then, handle the dub or raw for the first two episodes.

>Muh dubs when?
This Saturday.