So i've got nearly a box full of Iron Fist Chimchars with thunder punch and fire punch. All are outstanding to superior with 2-4 ivs. I'll take most anything (please, no weedles or pidgeys) if you guys don't want em, i'll just throw them into the wondertrade
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
Quoted By:
oh, and HA eevee would be greatly appreciated. don't care what nature or ivs
4871-4983-2666 add me I'll be on in a sec I have a HA Eevee ign:henry
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
Quoted By:
>>17390558 awesome! i'll add you right now
Shan 4527 - 8716 - 3227 [ Keckleon - Aipom - Chansey ]
Shan 4527 - 8716 - 3227 [ Keckleon - Aipom - Chansey ] Wed 15 Jan 2014 20:49:30 No. 17390668 Report >>17390500 I could offer you a Totodile Adamant 5IVs with SwordDance, Ice Punch and Acqua Jet.
Yiou: 4270-1120-6355
>>17390500 Add me, please.
Skyvory (4699-5604-5753) Braxien, Ponyta, Pyroar
Skyvory (4699-5604-5753) Braxien, Ponyta, Pyroar Wed 15 Jan 2014 20:50:07 No. 17390680 Report I'll take one. Want a 4 IV Vulpix or Espurr in return?
Hey op! I can offer you 4ivs adamant Mudkip and Darumaka and 4ivs jolly Aerodacty :D
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17390668 i've got 2 of those but hey, why not, sounds good.
>>17390674 on it man
>>17390680 hmm well i have a 5iv drought ninetails so i guess i'll go for the espurr
>>17390666 no prob dude, thank you for the eevee, i needed it for a friend
Shan 4527 - 8716 - 3227 [ Keckleon - Aipom - Chansey ]
Shan 4527 - 8716 - 3227 [ Keckleon - Aipom - Chansey ] Wed 15 Jan 2014 20:52:55 No. 17390738 Report Quoted By:
>>17390711 I'll add you then thanks ^^
Skyvory (4699-5604-5753) Braxien, Ponyta, Pyroar
Skyvory (4699-5604-5753) Braxien, Ponyta, Pyroar Wed 15 Jan 2014 20:53:19 No. 17390746 Report >>17390711 Right on. Just let me know male or female for the Espurr. Added your FC.
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17390684 i'll go for that darumaka if you don't mind
>>17390746 i guess i'll go for a male if you have it~
>>17390777 Added, trade me when you can :D
Skyvory (4699-5604-5753) Braixen, Ponyta, Pyroar
Skyvory (4699-5604-5753) Braixen, Ponyta, Pyroar Wed 15 Jan 2014 20:57:36 No. 17390819 Report >>17390777 Thanks very much! I appreciate the trade!
Topaz 1177-8029-2039 (Dark: Nuzleaf, Sandile, Liepard)
Topaz 1177-8029-2039 (Dark: Nuzleaf, Sandile, Liepard) Wed 15 Jan 2014 20:57:54 No. 17390828 Report >>17390500 I'd also like one. Could provide an Jolly 4 IV Extremespeed Dratini with Jolly Nature
Byron 3625-8503-8583 (Dark: Mightyena, Sneasel, Inkay)
Byron 3625-8503-8583 (Dark: Mightyena, Sneasel, Inkay) Wed 15 Jan 2014 20:59:43 No. 17390864 Report >>17390828 Oh, my name is wrong there. This would be the correct FC and IGN
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
Quoted By:
>>17390819 likewise, thanks.
>>17390828 sure man, i'll take that if you don't mind
>>17390811 just invite me to trade when you get the chance!
Thanks Op! Have a nice day :3
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17390928 same to you, good sir 8====D~~
>>17390864 i'll add you right now, dude.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
Quoted By:
>>17390960 on it dude, just give me a sec
Val 4398-9739-3567
>>17390500 Could I have one? I don't have much to offer though since I just started my game
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17390992 its all good dude, i'm just trying to get rid of them so anything will do
Byron 3625-8503-8583 (Dark: Mightyena, Sneasel, Inkay)
Byron 3625-8503-8583 (Dark: Mightyena, Sneasel, Inkay) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:07:59 No. 17391021 Report >>17390948 Thank you very much
Val 4398-9739-3567
>>17391006 Added you and I see you online should I trade you or wait for you to shoot me a trade?
Kenneth | 4081 6633 9975 | Wartortle Azumarill Panpour
Kenneth | 4081 6633 9975 | Wartortle Azumarill Panpour Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:10:14 No. 17391057 Report >>17390500 Do you still have any? I can offer a bold 4 IV Feebas with Haze and Hypnosis.
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
As a side note, i'll be back later tonight around 10:30 Pacific Standard time? (whatever the time thing is in Los Angeles) to get rid of the rest and probably drop off adamant Totodiles with crunch, dragon dance, ice punch, and aqua jet.
>>17391021 And thank you~
>>17390992 >>17390960 Whenever you guys get around to adding me back, just invite me to the trade and i'll get them out to you.
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17391056 sorry, i was checking some stuff out but i'll invite you to the trade right now
>>17391057 whatever is fine dude, i'm just happy to help :P
Anthony 0576-4256-1215 Poison: (Garbodor, Kakuna and Muk)
Anthony 0576-4256-1215 Poison: (Garbodor, Kakuna and Muk) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:12:42 No. 17391103 Report >>17390500 Still giving some, OP?
Kenneth | 4081 6633 9975 | Wartortle Azumarill Panpour
Kenneth | 4081 6633 9975 | Wartortle Azumarill Panpour Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:14:21 No. 17391135 Report Quoted By:
>>17391099 Great! I added your code, and I am online right now if now is convenient for you.
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17391103 yup, i've got plenty. i added you so just add me back and invite me whenever you see me not busy with another trade~
Nico: 3282 - 2702 - 6952 [Aipom, Minccino, Smeargle]
Nico: 3282 - 2702 - 6952 [Aipom, Minccino, Smeargle] Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:16:45 No. 17391182 Report >>17390500 I can give you a 3IV gligar with any of its abilities, 4IV abra or a 3IV cyndiquil
with neutral nature for one. I also have a few loveball ralts some have 5IVs but not in spatk.
Anthony 0576-4256-1215 Poison: (Garbodor, Kakuna and Muk)
Anthony 0576-4256-1215 Poison: (Garbodor, Kakuna and Muk) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:17:27 No. 17391193 Report >>17391148 Added. I'll take a 4IV if you want a 4-5IV Beldum.
4656-6807-2425 (Phantome, Lampert, Spiritome)
4656-6807-2425 (Phantome, Lampert, Spiritome) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:19:52 No. 17391239 Report >>17390500 I would like one please if any are left. I don't care what it is or what it has just want the mon itself.
I can give a 3 iv map psyduck
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17391182 i guess i'll go for a gligar, thanks dude.
>>17391193 i've got my 5iv metagross going on so you should save that beldum for another worthwhile trade with someone else :P I'll take anything else that you've got
Nico: 3282 - 2702 - 6952 [Aipom, Minccino, Smeargle]
Nico: 3282 - 2702 - 6952 [Aipom, Minccino, Smeargle] Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:21:43 No. 17391264 Report Quoted By:
>>17391245 alright, I'll add you in a bit and get online
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:22:06 No. 17391271 Report I have some Shuckles, they all have shit IVs, b-but it's okay, right? It isn't okay.
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
Quoted By:
>>17391239 sounds good to me, i'll add you right now
Anthony 0576-4256-1215 Poison: (Garbodor, Kakuna and Muk)
Anthony 0576-4256-1215 Poison: (Garbodor, Kakuna and Muk) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:22:35 No. 17391280 Report Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17391271 shit or not, thats fine, i'll take a shuckle :P I feel bad taking 4 and 5iv pokes from you guys because mine are 3 at best and i really wasn't expecting great things, i just thought i might help some people out by giving them away
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:25:11 No. 17391322 Report Quoted By:
>>17391309 sweet, i'll add you in a sec
Val 4398-9739-3567
>>17391077 Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17391280 >>17391387 No problem :P Glad I could help out
Hi my ign is Marcelo would you trade an iron fist male for a 5iv timid noibat? FC is 0318 7795 6001
>>17390500 YO RUDY.
Add me please
B rad 1478-3064-8962(boldore,onix,Rhydon)
B rad 1478-3064-8962(boldore,onix,Rhydon) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:34:43 No. 17391512 Report Quoted By:
>>17391492 forgot my number
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17391239 need you IGN dude.
>>17391447 i'll get to you right now
>>17391492 put up your friend code and its yours man
Autismo 0404-6984-2307 (dwebble/rhydon/onix)
Autismo 0404-6984-2307 (dwebble/rhydon/onix) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:36:42 No. 17391542 Report >>17391309 I have 5iv froakie HA, 5iv ralts and 4 iv misdreavus
Skyvory (4699-5604-5753) Braixen, Ponyta, Pyroar
Skyvory (4699-5604-5753) Braixen, Ponyta, Pyroar Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:38:25 No. 17391578 Report >>17391077 Would you be willing to save one of those Totodiles for me in exchange for a 4IV Adamant Tyrunt with 4 egg moves? I work nights so it's impossible for me to get in on night giveaways...
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17391542 you should save those for better trades dude, i'll take anything, really. i'll add you right now though
4656-6807-2425 (Phantome, Lampert, Spiritome)
4656-6807-2425 (Phantome, Lampert, Spiritome) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:38:55 No. 17391588 Report Quoted By:
>>17391516 it should be gurt or Garrett
B rad 1478-3064-8962(boldore,onix,Rhydon)
B rad 1478-3064-8962(boldore,onix,Rhydon) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:39:32 No. 17391603 Report >>17391580 Yo im ready to trade when you are
Nico: 3282 - 2702 - 6952 [Aipom, Minccino, Smeargle]
Nico: 3282 - 2702 - 6952 [Aipom, Minccino, Smeargle] Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:39:56 No. 17391616 Report >>17391403 Thanks for the yamask, treecko, and feebas
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17391578 I have two right now and was going to breed them out. lucky you for me having two! i can trade him to you right now
Quoted By:
>>17391516 Cool I added you
Autismo 0404-6984-2307 (dwebble/rhydon/onix)
Autismo 0404-6984-2307 (dwebble/rhydon/onix) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:41:34 No. 17391656 Report Quoted By:
>>17391580 no problem, i have a box full of those and i need to start breeding moonball misdreavus
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
Quoted By:
>>17391616 no problem man. wish i had more to throw up but i honestly went through some box cleaning and got rid of all pokemon i'd been breeding and through them into the wonder trade last night
>>17391603 i'm on it man, sorry for the wait
4656-6807-2425 (Phantome, Lampert, Spiritome)
4656-6807-2425 (Phantome, Lampert, Spiritome) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:43:09 No. 17391679 Report Quoted By:
>>17390500 thank you op I appreciate it.
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
to anyone still waiting on one, i've honestly lost track of names so just invite me to the trade when you see me not already in one if you want to get yours
B rad 1478-3064-8962(boldore,onix,Rhydon)
B rad 1478-3064-8962(boldore,onix,Rhydon) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:44:55 No. 17391726 Report >>17391694 i need you to add me i think
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
Quoted By:
>>17391726 hmm could have sworn i did but i'll check again right now, sorry~
Kenny - 2122 6966 8769
>>17390500 I can trade you a charmander with dragon pulse and flare blitz bred onto it. Do you still have one left?
Autismo 0404-6984-2307 (dwebble/rhydon/onix)
Autismo 0404-6984-2307 (dwebble/rhydon/onix) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:47:29 No. 17391773 Report B rad 1478-3064-8962(boldore,onix,Rhydon)
B rad 1478-3064-8962(boldore,onix,Rhydon) Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:48:25 No. 17391797 Report >>17391694 Thanks rudy i gave u a starter
Skyvory (4699-5604-5753) Braixen, Ponyta, Pyroar
Skyvory (4699-5604-5753) Braixen, Ponyta, Pyroar Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:48:26 No. 17391798 Report >>17391629 Nice! One sec, my game battery died. Let me plug in and get back online. In the meantime, do you want him nicknamed?
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
Quoted By:
>>17391763 I have 12 left and sure, i'll take whatever you have/ i'll add you right now
Kenny - 2122 6966 8769
Quoted By:
>>17391694 I>>17391694 think you still have to add me
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
Quoted By:
>>17391773 my bad dude, i'll get to it right now
>>17391797 you're welcome!
>>17391798 mehh i'm fine with its original name but thanks for the consideration!
Tasmin 2638-1076-0215
Ooh could I get one please? Would a 3-5IV Munna be any good to you? Or a Timid egg move Cyndaquil?
Kenny - 2122 6966 8769
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
Quoted By:
>>17391967 guess i'll go for the munna seeing as how i've got a buttfuck amount of eggmove cyndaquils that I made the other day so yeah, i added you
>>17391968 de nada amigo
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17391798 there was an error? if you still want it, i'm still on
Margaery 0318-8083-7444
May I have one? I can give you: 3IV Adamant bravest bird w/ HA 2IV F Snubbull w/ Pokerus 3IV Jolly Hoppip 3IV HA Bronzong or i guess something random out of my 4IV box or this 4-5IV mawile egg w/ moves i don't want to hatch.
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
Quoted By:
Well, i'm off after this last trade but to anyone who sees this thread late, i have like 10 left and will also be giving away some dragon dance, crunch, ice punch, aqua jet totodiles later tonight around 10:30 pm pacific time~
>>17391967 I'm getting off in like 5 minutes so if you want yours, you gotta get on man.
Skyvory (4699-5604-5753) Braixen, Ponyta, Pyroar
Skyvory (4699-5604-5753) Braixen, Ponyta, Pyroar Wed 15 Jan 2014 22:05:33 No. 17392209 Report >>17392110 internet keeps cutting in and out. Thank you for bearing with me. I really appreciate it. I'll think of you when I drive to to LA county for school.
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17392185 whelp, guess you're the last one. ill take a bronzong if thats cool with you
Margaery 0318-8083-7444
>>17392224 awesome :)
i've added you already, i'm awaiting your trade request.
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
>>17392209 no worries man, the same thing happens with the connection back in my dorms :P
Tasmin 2638-1076-0215
Sorry, connection was playing up. Thank you a lot!Can we be blackbuds 4eva?
Margaery 0318-8083-7444
Rudy - 3926 4773 0291
Quoted By:
>>17392300 It happens :P sorry to rush but I have to get the fuck out of bed and into a shower. Also, We are the night..(even though i'm not really black, its fun to pretend)
>>17392250 muchas gracias amigo - i'm out!