[11 / 1 / ?]
Good day VP I had to go on a mad ditto hunt, got shot-tons left over. If you need one with specific IV's, leave you FC and what you need, I'll do my best to keep up with requests. I reformatted my dad to get a ditto garden, tear it up. I've got a few four iv's, some 3's and tons of twos. All Canadian.
Jefree 1950 9042 5012 Normal (shit, shit, and ditto)
Jefree 1950 9042 5012 Normal (shit, shit, and ditto) Wed 15 Jan 2014 22:13:26 No. 17392397 Report Quoted By:
>>17392356 LOL.reformatted my 3ds. Ducking spell correct
> I reformatted my dad I think I know where he works.
Cjl 1203-9652-7633 (Machoke, Throh, Breloom)
Cjl 1203-9652-7633 (Machoke, Throh, Breloom) Wed 15 Jan 2014 22:15:57 No. 17392451 Report Can I add?
Jefree 1950 9042 5012 Normal (shit, shit, and ditto)
Jefree 1950 9042 5012 Normal (shit, shit, and ditto) Wed 15 Jan 2014 22:16:01 No. 17392455 Report Quoted By:
>>17392434 Your gonna love my nuts
Jefree 1950 9042 5012 Normal (shit, shit, and ditto)
Jefree 1950 9042 5012 Normal (shit, shit, and ditto) Wed 15 Jan 2014 22:17:16 No. 17392487 Report >>17392451 Add away. I'll try to add anyone who leaves their code. I'll be on ds in a few minutes for trades
Oko-Cinco 0404-7080-2227
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>>17392356 Still around? I added you.
Dero 2707-1783-4778
fish 0318 7873 0066
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>>17392356 long shot, but if you still here and have a bold ditto i'm lookin for one
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I need a ditto with iv's in attack defense and special defense