4141-3073-4528 IGN: Dougie
Quoted By:
ToTT:Shiny Luvdisc off gts for a gardevoir
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
ToTT: Spinda from ethan Also thanks jnt! I'm breeding it with my 6 iv mawile so it shouldn't take long
Quoted By:
>>17393941 ToTT:
an octillery from wondertrade jnt 4484-8952-8809
Quoted By:
>>17393941 Breeded a shiny cottone. After breeding a shiny chansey. Wasn't even MM.
Mr. Pokemon !D0842i3RdA
Quoted By:
Does nobody have a Togepi? (Modest preferred, don't give a shit about the ball, nor do I care about IV's)
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom)
NM2 4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, Breloom) Wed 15 Jan 2014 23:37:14 No. 17394040 Report Quoted By:
ToTT: Scraggy caught a few hours ago.
Kyle |1048 - 9233 - 2741|
Still waiting for Rosa so I can have my beautiful babby deer twins. Also, Mr. Pokemon, if you're there, do you still want a Vullaby?ToTT: Rash Breloom w/ 31IVs in Sp. Atk. it's up for trade
jnt 4484-8952-8809
>>17393987 Do you want the zorua?
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360
Does anyone have a Tympole with like, 2 perfect IVs or anything?
Kyle |1048 - 9233 - 2741|
Quoted By:
>>17394075 >Breloom shit, I meant Bellsprout
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips Wed 15 Jan 2014 23:40:47 No. 17394115 Report Thanks for the burn Allen :^)
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Wed 15 Jan 2014 23:41:12 No. 17394119 Report Quoted By:
>Linking the gen 6 models >Not the beginners guide which has that link in it Terrible/10
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
>>17394095 up to you itll more than likely rot in my box if you'd rather keep it send me a derp
Quoted By:
>>17393941 Safari oddish. M lurking?
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Wed 15 Jan 2014 23:45:14 No. 17394219 Report Looking for a Shiny stone atm
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Wed 15 Jan 2014 23:46:16 No. 17394243 Report Anonymous
Tott: shiny latios & terrakion Thanks James
Looking for Adamant Pinsir, and Adamant Heracross
>>17394254 >Implying they aren't hacked Which make the both of you faggots Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
>>17394243 Dude you gave me a 5V Gligar missing speed. Could I get a 5V missing Sp Attack?
Kyle |1048 - 9233 - 2741|
>>17394264 I have an Adamant Pinsir. Could I have a penta Bulbasaur nicknamed Tank?
ryk: 0533 5347 8144
looking for 5 iv mons with decent egg moves/abilities/natures
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17394243 would you do a 5 IV modest torrent squirtle with aura sphere and dragon pulse and a 5 IV pineco or crustle with 5 IVs for an eevee and a vullaby (both female preferrably?)
>>17394283 Ooops. You mad ?
Rating battle can't tell the difference.
Please be mad
>>17394312 Sure I only have the 6IV in stock, so give me some time to breed it. Does your Pinsir have Quick Attack and Close Combat?
Quoted By:
>>17394243 good trades where?
Kyle |1048 - 9233 - 2741|
Quoted By:
>>17394342 It has Quick Attack, but no CC. Still want it?
jnt 4484-8952-8809
Quoted By:
>>17394120 Thanks bro. I love Jigglypuff
I have never liked Zoroark anyway :^) Anonymous
>>17394335 Just shows how bad you actually are Anonymous
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17394386 >implying you wouldn't take hacked shiny legendaries if somebody offered you them 1547 6339 4135
>>17394075 are any of those in matching balls?
Also, looking for Friend Ball Larvitar.
The dream continues.
Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
>>17394405 >That end game Gliscor stall I thought you had it when your Moltic used Ice beam.
Great game.
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
Quoted By:
>>17394420 I was hoping I would have a sliver for a final Scald but oh well. That was fun.
I'm somewhat new to breeding this gen and I was wondering how I go about breeding an Azurill? I looked up online and it says that I need Sea Incense but isn't that only possible in Gen 3?
>>17394115 ;_;
I should of knew it had guts when you switched into my torkoal in the first place.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:02:37 No. 17394535 Report >>17394493 You can get Sea Incense in Coumarine City at one of the vendor's tables.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:03:52 No. 17394561 Report >>17394326 I'd do the Crustle
No chance you're getting a 5IV Female Eevee >>17394301 k
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:04:25 No. 17394569 Report Quoted By:
>>17394506 >>17394506 Name plz dun hide again.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17394561 woops, sorry never checked the gender ratio. What if the squirtle I gave you was female? I also have a male german 5 IV nidoran or you could just give me a 4 IV. Whatever floats your boat
Trizotto / 3754-8077-9780 / (Pidgey, Woobat , Fletchinder)
Trizotto / 3754-8077-9780 / (Pidgey, Woobat , Fletchinder) Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:08:21 No. 17394645 Report Quoted By:
>>17394243 I have one, wanna trade for one of these heracrosses?
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:09:28 No. 17394670 Report >>17394635 Don't really want the Squirtle, I will take he Nidoran though.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17394670 gotcha. So nidoran and crustle for vullaby and eevee?
ryk: 0533 5347 8144
Quoted By:
>>17394314 self bump cuz i'm still here
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:14:48 No. 17394773 Report >>17394314 will give you some shroomish
Kyle |1048 - 9233 - 2741|
>>17394409 Any of what in matching balls?
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:16:22 No. 17394815 Report Jesus take the wheel, I finally got a 5IV female Skarmory. Soon I'll be done with these shits.
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:16:46 No. 17394825 Report >>17394773 all with technician and adamant natures.
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:18:23 No. 17394857 Report Quoted By:
>>17394815 >Calls for Jesus >Actually calls RNGesus You ride is now no where near over
Thomas 3480-3058-1732 [Venomoth, Toxicroak, Gloom]
Thomas 3480-3058-1732 [Venomoth, Toxicroak, Gloom] Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:21:10 No. 17394902 Report Which nature would be better for Cobalion? Rash (+S.Atk, -S.Def) or Serious (N/A)? Getting kinda tired of putting these on GTS and hoping for something decent. If I keep either of these, I'll probably run mixed... Also, anyone interested in a shiny Dragonite without Multiscale ? It has (x/x/31/31/31/x)
4227-1355-2060+Fairy+(Jigglypuff,+Kirlia,+Floette) Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:22:04 No. 17394923 Report Want to offload Frillish.
>>17394923 I have 5 IV Jolly Gible with Outrage.
A 3-5 IV Charmander with Dragon Dance, Outrage, and Flare Blitz.
3-5 IV Protean Froakie (No Egg Moves)
1 48 BP Item (Your choice)
Anything for that Togepi.
4227-1355-2060+Fairy+(Jigglypuff,+Kirlia,+Floette) Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:23:44 No. 17394963 Report >>17394243 Can I get a Dusclops? You want a 5IV Frillish?
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:24:37 No. 17394987 Report Does anyone have a HA Sigilyph with egg moves?
Kyle |1048 - 9233 - 2741|
>>17394923 Could I have a male penta Frillish nicknamed Chaplin for a 4IV E-Speed Dratini holding a Lansat or Starf berry?
Thomas 3480-3058-1732 [Venomoth, Toxicroak, Gloom]
Thomas 3480-3058-1732 [Venomoth, Toxicroak, Gloom] Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:25:09 No. 17394995 Report Quoted By:
>>17394946 Not really interested in Munna.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:25:50 No. 17395008 Report Quoted By:
>>17394711 yea soon as im done
barrett 2809-8899-5654
>>17394902 What are you interested in for the Dragonite?
4227-1355-2060+Fairy+(Jigglypuff,+Kirlia,+Floette) Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:26:16 No. 17395020 Report >>17394960 Froakie it is. I want at least 4 IV.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:26:52 No. 17395035 Report >>17394963 I have a Frillish already
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:27:16 No. 17395044 Report Quoted By:
>>17394987 Oh my god holy shit, why have I been writing HA all this time?
I mean Magic Guard Sigilyph. I need to pay attention to what I write.
4227-1355-2060+Fairy+(Jigglypuff,+Kirlia,+Floette) Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:27:41 No. 17395052 Report >>17394990 Sure. Sounds good to me.
>mfw some faggot actually had a HP Ice Manectric S-Sorry Gliscor...
Is it bad that I often masturbate to the thought of waifu Kate sucking my dick ?
JTG 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
JTG 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:29:07 No. 17395078 Report Quoted By:
>>17395020 Deal. Just add me, then we can trade.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17395063 oh shit. I would definitely lose my gliscor in that situation as well
>>17395076 Go to sleep, Kate.
Thomas 3480-3058-1732 [Venomoth, Toxicroak, Gloom]
Thomas 3480-3058-1732 [Venomoth, Toxicroak, Gloom] Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:30:09 No. 17395099 Report >>17395016 Mostly other shiny offers with okay IVs that I could make work in battle.
But I did forget the mention that the Dragonite is Careful. Not terrible, but no hope of a special set. Kyle |1048 - 9233 - 2741|
Quoted By:
>>17395052 Alright, will do. Adding you now
1547 6339 4135
Quoted By:
>>17395076 She probably cringed hard at that
>>17395093 things like this make me regret staying anonymous.
>>17395137 I also regret trying to spoiler anything. Kyle |1048 - 9233 - 2741|
>>17395105 I don't have any Deerlings, I'm waiting for Rosa to wake up and trade me the ones she bred for me
>>17395137 Then don't, everybody misses you anyway
4227-1355-2060+Fairy+(Jigglypuff,+Kirlia,+Floette) Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:34:29 No. 17395195 Report >>17395035 What you want for one?
>>17394923 Here's my list.
Brian 4425-1711-7710 Swanna Spearow Rufflet
Brian 4425-1711-7710 Swanna Spearow Rufflet Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:34:36 No. 17395197 Report Quoted By:
Looking for Tepig, doesn't matter the stats. I have some Totodile and some other random 4/5IV Pokes, (Klefki/Growlithe/Kangaskhan/Hawlucha)
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:34:53 No. 17395203 Report >>17395163 Maybe stay off 4chan for a while since your being anon anyway Maybe go under a different name? 1547 6339 4135
>>17395183 sorry for the mix up then
man, now I really want a deerling...
Kyle |1048 - 9233 - 2741|
Quoted By:
>>17395195 What's your IGN?
Quoted By:
Max Attack and Hp for mega heracross for Bulk up shenanigans? Or is there a more optimal spread? It's kind of slow for speed investment unless sticky web support
>>17395203 Neither of those would help against creeps like him giving me a bad name. Besides, a different name would last barely any time at all. It's not very difficult to figure out who I am. Kyle |1048 - 9233 - 2741|
Quoted By:
>>17395240 I'm sure that Rosa has leftovers or can breed one for you when she gets here
^.^ Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:38:11 No. 17395278 Report >>17395265 Well maybe if you stop replying And implying jnt 4484-8952-8809
Quoted By:
>>17395265 Or just return? Consider all creeps shitposters, ignore them and you will be happy.
Hell I consider most trips and name fags shitposters anyway :^)
>>17395278 I've already posted, no point in stopping now. Didn't take you long to find me last thread, and that was under anon. If I post my FC it'll take no time at all. Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:40:23 No. 17395324 Report Quoted By:
>>17395137 Why are you anonymous anyway?
Quoted By:
>>17395099 I can't waste a competitive shiny on that.
You can fish those mofos up.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:41:26 No. 17395347 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17395063 That's what Protect is for.
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
Quoted By:
>>17395347 You're still breeding Gligars right?
TO 2466-2684-7428 (Poison - Kakuna, Venomoth, Whilipede) Anonymous Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:47:03 No. 17395455 Report >>17394105 I have Sassy 4 IV Tympoles with Water Absorb
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:48:01 No. 17395474 Report >>17395318 Just use your name again. Also, I have your Tyranitar & Tyranitarite if you ever want it back. Most of the WFG regulars who took mons from you took them for safekeeping and are eager to give them back.
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
ryk: 0533 5347 8144
Quoted By:
>>17394825 i like it, but got anything else to add?
>>17395474 did i miss a shitstorm or something? ryk: 0533 5347 8144
>>17394314 another self bump i guess
>>17395541 I will, if it's 3v3.
4227-1355-2060+Fairy+(Jigglypuff,+Kirlia,+Floette) Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:54:56 No. 17395623 Report Quoted By:
>>17394243 You still haven't told me what you want for a Duskull.
timmy [X: 3995 6636 9553] !GTSHonch.6
Quoted By:
>>17395612 pelipper is shit.
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
Quoted By:
>>17395621 yea i'm game i guess
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:57:08 No. 17395685 Report >>17395607 Everyday is a shitstorm on /wfg/ Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
>>17395685 dude why are you dodging so many of my posts
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:58:38 No. 17395722 Report >>17395701 Because your fucking begging, I said im doing it and you keep asking
Keep asking me and you wont get it Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>opponent uses shiny latios, confusion ray/thunder wave magnezone, and mega mawhile mfw I stall her to death. Eat shit Alexis XFWW-WWWW-WWW4-KJMK
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
>>17395722 I'm not begging, I just need a confirmation--that's all--since you seem to be doing trades with other people first.
I thought it was obvious that I wanted a pentaperfect Gligar rather than an imperfect 5V Gligar. Otherwise, why would I give a pentaperfect Petilil?
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:01:55 No. 17395800 Report Should I buy Y or something since bank still isn't out? I have 31 free spaces in my boxes
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak)
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak) Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:03:34 No. 17395828 Report Quoted By:
>>17395800 release the usless mon, give out the 4iv mon
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
Exabytez|4441-9487-1231 !EXABytzGzI
Quoted By:
Kate check your Emails
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
Quoted By:
>>17395829 Well, I hope not.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:05:17 No. 17395866 Report >>17395829 I'm not trying to fight with this guy
People need to learn patience Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>17395829 Well, I hope so.
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
Quoted By:
>>17395866 Wait hold on, I'm not demanding you hurry up. I just wanted another confirmation. A simple "yes" would have sufficed.
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Quoted By:
>>17395829 There's always a shitstorm brewing.
timmy [X: 3995 6636 9553] !GTSHonch.6
>>17395829 get the fuck out of here, mikeh
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17395829 please no. Not until I'm done trading with Dan anyway
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
Quoted By:
>>17395621 will you really
>>17395866 I'm pretty sure that Zahlzeit is in the right here and that you're being an asshole...
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>>17395829 I heard shitstorm?
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>17395866 I know how you feel.
>is it ready? >no, i'll let you know when it's ready >pls respond >pls respond >pls respond >i said i'd let you know when it's ready >12.5% ratio >>17395870 B^)
>>17395899 Timmy for president.
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
>>17395929 Sorry man but he just gave a "k" and then started doing trades with other people so I didn't know what to expect.
For the record that's fine to get some other trades squared away and stuff but I just wanted to make sure everything was alright.
>>17395910 It's fine.
Quoted By:
Someone with a female Eevee with HA? And if have IV´s better I have Penta Abra Timid with HA for trade, pls, I'm getting tired of all my Eevees with HA being males
jnt 4484-8952-8809
Quoted By:
>>17395929 Miki a shit :^) Captcha: bred norusi
>>17395866 So you just traded him a 5IV imperfect even though you agreed on 5IV perfect and then are ignoring him?
Dan confirmed for scammer?
>>17395919 /wfg/ come for the autism, stay for the shitstorms Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17395999 trips confirmed
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
Quoted By:
>>17395990 He's been here for awhile I think so he isn't really a scammer per se, or at least not regularly one.
As long as I get the pentaperfect, it's whatever. I don't care about all this weirdness going on right now
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
anyways who wants to battle?
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:11:41 No. 17396032 Report Quoted By:
>>17395990 That honestly is what the situation looks like at the moment, yeah.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:11:40 No. 17396033 Report >>17395990 He didn't specify any IVs. Just said 5.
Felix 5370-0402-3972
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Quoted By:
>>17395999 >trips it begins
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:12:37 No. 17396049 Report >>17396031 I'll fite u m8
And lose in the process Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:12:46 No. 17396054 Report people should really start specifying whether it's 5iv perfect or 5iv imperfect.
Mikeh (Hack) 2337-4392-0530
Quoted By:
>>17395899 that shoe hurts timmy
>>17395972 You're in the right, dude. It's been almost an hour and a half since you asked for a retrade. This shouldn't be taking that long.
>>17396033 HERE WE GO.
ryk: 0533 5347 8144
jnt 4484-8952-8809
>>17396054 I think is a common agreement that 5iv means the 5 the mon wil use. Probably had to go in the sticky, I always specify it in my own sheet though
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
>>17396049 everyone has a fighting chance
Seed Flare !sShaymin0c
Quoted By:
So who wants a 5 IV Aggron It's 31/x/31/31/31/31 What do you mean that isn't 5 IVs? Don't you want to use Fire Blast with that absolutely stellar base 60 Special Attack?please kill yourself
Quoted By:
I guess its nearly impossible to get a Gravity Sableye.
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:15:39 No. 17396127 Report Quoted By:
>>17396097 No, I agree completely. People bitched at me when I made a complaint because I assumed (naturally, I feel) that 5IV mean perfect. WFG is full of jews these days, though, and I don't mean Gustav.
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
Quoted By:
>>17396033 I thought it was implied, otherwise why would I be asking for a Gligar?
>>17396054 I guess I'll that from now on
>>17396063 You may be right but honestly I'm in favor of just forgiving and forgetting
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:16:01 No. 17396138 Report Still looking for that MAGIC GUARD Sigilyph w/ Egg moves.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:16:07 No. 17396140 Report >>17396052 >>17396063 >I can give you a HA Gligar for that Tyrouge >Is there anything else you might want? I want the Gligar for something soonish and it'd take some time to actually breed more Tyrogues. Otherwise then give me some time >How about a Petilil >Okay, give me a few minutes to breed it. No IVs specified.
>>17396097 I had always assumed that 5iv was any 5 and penta meant the proper 5
jnt 4484-8952-8809
Quoted By:
>>17394243 What ball are you bunery in?
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere {an unlikeable cunt} !HScrubDAYw
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere {an unlikeable cunt} !HScrubDAYw Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:17:54 No. 17396190 Report >>17396054 Last time I pointed out how this leads to misunderstandings I was told to stfu and there's only one commonly accepted definition for it.
The obvious solution are trading blacklists and name calling.
Or people going the extra mile and writing the damn spread out. Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:18:18 No. 17396200 Report Quoted By:
Felix 5370-0402-3972
Quoted By:
>>17396072 Not really, I've mostly got all that already, sorry
Quoted By:
>>17396140 Stop defending yourself. You're wrong and everyone knows it. Just because it was said doesn't mean it wasn't implied. That's like paying someone for a service in Pakistani Rupees when you live in America because "you didn't explicitly SAY that you wanted to be paid in US Dollars!" It's cheap and wrong and you know it.
Exabytez|4441-9487-1231 !EXABytzGzI
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:19:17 No. 17396221 Report Quoted By:
>>17396190 ~
I was told to gtfo for getting mad that the "5IV" cyndaquil and elektrike I got had both atk and spatk, so I know how you feel.
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Shit guys, calling imperfect pokes "5iv" pokemon is a bit like stealing from walmart.
>>17396034 I can give you a Charmander with DD/Flare Blitz/Outrage for the Shinx.
Quoted By:
>>17396033 WOW.
Dan onto the do-not-trade list.
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:19:41 No. 17396236 Report >>17396138 No I wanted to breed them, but then I got my ass completely handed to me by one
It got to +6 using cosmic power and you know what happened next , which killed my motivation to breed them
>>17396102 >Challanging your friend Mayberi to a battle >Doesn't accept it ;_; Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
>>17396140 Dude, you gave me a 5V Gligar that was male. I can't even rebreed it without getting a female of my own--why would I want a male imperfect? You breed with other stuff? But I specified HA so that makes no sense. HA for an imperfect Male? For what reason?
Quoted By:
>>17396184 Wrong pic.
Was it going to give you a shuppet for one?
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
Quoted By:
>>17396236 its not showing up one sec
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
Quoted By:
>>17396241 To breed with other stuff*
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:21:14 No. 17396269 Report Quoted By:
>>17396236 Breed it you fugger.
I need it
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:21:23 No. 17396276 Report >>17396228 >Going to Walmart, picking up items you don't want, and bringing them to the register just to say you don't want them Duckie 2013
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
>>17396276 >primeape My Nigga
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:22:51 No. 17396310 Report >>17396241 How about you go outside take some fresh air and wait. Ive been trying for the past 30 minutes to give you the pokemon you want and now a shitstorm commenced and now a bunch of people hate me. Ill trade you when I have it. The past batches ive gotten them missing attack so Im gonna have to keep going
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
>>17396140 Not to mention I made the post linked below to another person, to which you replied to
>>17392143 >Is there anything I can offer for that pentaperfect Gligar? Anonymous
Quoted By:
No one with HA female eevee?
Felix 5370-0402-3972
>>17396231 Details on the Charmander, what ball is it in?
4227-1355-2060+Fairy+(Jigglypuff,+Kirlia,+Floette) Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:24:23 No. 17396345 Report >>17394923 Can anyone get me a god damn Duskul. I feel ignored in this drama.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>17396310 >now a bunch of people hate me But for good reason.
>>17396315 #PROOF
Quoted By:
>>17396310 >How about you go outside take some fresh air and wait Right, because you're in a position to tell him what to do.
>Ive been trying for the past 30 minutes to give you the pokemon you want No, you've been ignoring him for 30 minutes.
>and now a bunch of people hate me GEE I WONDER WHY.
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:24:58 No. 17396362 Report >>17396303 it was the primeape I made when I was new to breeding.
It has
Anger Point >Life Orb Miltoic That's new to me.
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
>>17396310 >How about you go outside take some fresh air and wait. I am. I'm just trying to justify why I just asked for a second confirmation.
>Ive been trying for the past 30 minutes to give you the pokemon you want and now a shitstorm commenced and now a bunch of people hate me. Sorry man, I didn't mean for this shitstorm to happen. I hope things get better from here on out.
>Ill trade you when I have it. The past batches ive gotten them missing attack so Im gonna have to keep going Alright
Quoted By:
>>17396310 Do you have any female bunery?
>>17396345 I have duskull, i can breed one but they are not IV train
4227-1355-2060+Fairy+(Jigglypuff,+Kirlia,+Floette) Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:27:14 No. 17396420 Report >>17396380 Will it have pain split?
>>17396344 I'm sorry, but I don't have the ball fever that seems to infest the rest of /vp/
What's the thing with certain balls and certain Pokemon thing?
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:29:10 No. 17396457 Report Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
Quoted By:
>>17396457 You mean you have it right now? I'll get on.
Quoted By:
>>17396420 Emm... nope xP, but ican have at least 2 IVs
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:30:25 No. 17396488 Report Quoted By:
Nah man I'm just fucking with you.
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360
>>17395455 You still here? If so, what would you want for one?
>>17396457 If we are not trading, can I just get an add for the safari?
jnt 4484-8952-8809
Who wants a 5 iv perfect Machop? they are 31/x/31/31/31/31 :^) No actually doing them. Andrew do you want one with balltism on it?
>>17396500 Not a Safari Thread/10
Skyapple - 1048-8998-8507 !!IkrbNSAjFfJ
Oh boy, I missed all the action. I'm breeding punchbunnies if anyone wants any. Also have a bunch of Dream Ball Feebas leftovers for free if anyone wants those.
Felix 5370-0402-3972
>>17396438 Just for aesthetics really, still IV/nature on the Charmander? The ball isn't always a deal breaker for me
>>17396157 This would save so much anger and confusion.
5IV is any IV. Use it to breed, to pass moves, to throw it away.
Pentaperfect is a pokemon ready to be trained or MM or to collect.
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:33:44 No. 17396586 Report >>17396533 What ability do those Teddiursa have?
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:33:49 No. 17396590 Report >>17396557 That's what I'm saying. Bunch of crybaby autists in this thread.
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
>>17396457 >6V Wait dude, I just need a 5V. Save this for yourself--I'm giving this Gligar to a friend who just needs 5Vs.
Quoted By:
>>17396527 I was going to trade with him, but he is ignoring me it seems. I do want something out of the time I'm wasting here.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:35:01 No. 17396623 Report >>17396593 No no, you take it, dont want it.
>>17396549 If you give me a few minutes, I'll have an Adamant one with 4-5 IV's ready for you.
TO 2466-2684-7428 (Poison - Kakuna, Venomoth, Whilipede) Anonymous Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:35:43 No. 17396636 Report >>17396496 Make an offer. It's a leftover so as long as I don't already have a perfect of a pokemon, I'm game. My perfects are: Kangaskhan, Gengar, Noivern, Luxray, Ninetales, Durant, Charizard, Volcarona, Talonflame, Metagross, Hydreigon, and Haxorus
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>17396500 >can I just get an add for the safari >>>/safarigeneral/ :^)
>>17396512 >balltism >Machamp >Blue and Black I can't think of what matches with it other than Heavy(?) b-but sure.
Can you help me trade evolve two things as well? I have about two boxes of Adamant pent-perfect Larvitar because the Masuda Method ride is never ogre if you want some of those to keep but you probably already have that. ;_; Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
>>17396623 Yeah but I don't need it and I'm sure it would be better with you as trade bait unless you just got it now. I'm cool with waiting, like I said I just wanted another confirmation.
It's for a trade for a trade, etc.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:36:41 No. 17396655 Report >>17396590 Aw how cute someone copied my name. Guess I should make a tripcode now
Quoted By:
>>17396557 indeed. I usually only breed till I get what I need for myself. I'm fine with penta perfect so usually my leftovers are imperfect 5iv pokes that I am trading for getting a head start on new projects.
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360
>>17396636 I have some 4/5 iv Feebas, Aron, and Teddiursa
Felix 5370-0402-3972
>>17396633 Alright cool, I'll start breeding one for you
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
Quoted By:
>>17396362 Yea I'm not a big fan on the item choice right now.
I like that Xatu tho.
Quoted By:
>>17396638 I'm avoiding those.
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
>>17396655 I'm sorry that people are treating you like this, I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding.
TO 2466-2684-7428 (Poison - Kakuna, Venomoth, Whilipede) Anonymous Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:37:38 No. 17396682 Report Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:37:46 No. 17396685 Report >>17396643 Just. Take it. Its 6IV. Im not gonna get one missing Sp.A. Just take it, its for causing this shit
Quoted By:
Annyone have a female gligar wiith immunity caught in an ultra or dusk ball?
timmy [X: 3995 6636 9553] !GTSHonch.6
>>17396638 don't be a bitch, andrew, I've added a ton of people in this thread for their safari
I'm implying they're fat 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:38:35 No. 17396705 Report >>17396660 When you're ready, just add.
jnt 4484-8952-8809
>>17396638 It's heavy and male. Nickname it of you want.
>breeding for females Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
>>17396685 Like I said it's wasted on me because it's just going to go to a friend then an unaffliated party. If you're truly alright with this then okay. Thanks for following up with the retrade.
Quoted By:
>>17396676 >you mean I'm sorry that odds are Ravi is treating you like this Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17396590 nah, just b8rs you fell for it too! :^D Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:39:52 No. 17396733 Report >>17396719 Yes, Im 100% ok with this. Take it Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:40:44 No. 17396755 Report >>17396719 Actually can I get it back? I have a 5IV gligar to trade you.
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
would anyone like to battle?
Dan 1547 6339 4135
Quoted By:
Friend ball Larvitar? Anyone?
Quoted By:
>>17396702 It is quite annoying.
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:41:37 No. 17396777 Report Quoted By:
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
>>17396755 LOL
>>17396733 Okay, thanks again.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>17396715 Macho Man .
I'll make these trades worth your while. :^)
barrett 2809-8899-5654 Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius
barrett 2809-8899-5654 Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:42:05 No. 17396790 Report Have: All bank legendaries 5IV: Tyrunt Gible Dratini(HA/ES) Growlithe Deino Porygon(trace/timid/modest) Fennekin(magician) Fletchling (adamant/Gale Wings) Feebas (Dive ball, I believe) Looking for: BP Items (Choice Specs) 5IV Blissey evo line Thundurus Offers
Quoted By:
>>17393941 Does any one have a mankey to trade or a mankey safari?
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360
>>17396682 I have a 31/31/31/x/31/31 female Aron, but it's lvl 36, because i used it as a parent. Do you want that one, or one with unnecessary iv's?
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:42:21 No. 17396798 Report >>17396780 Yea see what I have to deal with now. Guess no more trading for me anymore.
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:42:58 No. 17396815 Report Does anyone have HA female Squirtle? Preferably in Dive Balls.
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:43:50 No. 17396834 Report Quoted By:
Any up for Doubles/Triples/Rotation?
jnt 4484-8952-8809
>>17396638 And yes I help you trade evolve. I have a haunter that needs to evolve too.
I need a choice band tyranitar in my life so why not. Only have dragon dancer shit heads and assault vest sissies
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
Quoted By:
>>17396798 Hopefully people will forget about it in time as long as you keep a trip on
TO 2466-2684-7428 (Poison - Kakuna, Venomoth, Whilipede) Anonymous Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:44:01 No. 17396840 Report >>17396795 That one is cool. Either or.
Nate !AfagtF18t2
>Exabytes gets 2 threads in a row >shittiest and least informative OP Info >not even posting as Ravi as a scapegoat Literally the worst ever.
timmy [X: 3995 6636 9553] !GTSHonch.6
Quoted By:
>>17396761 I can either 3v3, 4v4 or use two pokemon that aren't for this team to 6v6.
I currently only have 4/6 done for my new team
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>17396837 Want one of them nicknamed? :^)
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>17396815 Could I get a friend ball roselia for one?
It's a wartotle tho
Felix 5370-0402-3972
>>17396705 Adding now. Want a nickname on it? It's a female
Skyapple - 1048-8998-8507 !!IkrbNSAjFfJ
>>17396586 Pickup and Quick Feet.
>>17396790 Dive Ball Feebas? Is there anything I could give you for one of those?
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360
jnt 4484-8952-8809
>>17396850 Fug missed it. Yes name him Rocktaro
JTG 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
JTG 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:48:35 No. 17396930 Report >>17396887 Looks like we've already made a prior transaction.
As for the nickname, It doesn't really matter.
Do you want a nickname on the Charmander?
It's a male.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
barrett 2809-8899-5654 Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius
barrett 2809-8899-5654 Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:49:31 No. 17396948 Report >>17396890 Have nothing in my wants? :(
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Quoted By:
>>17396844 he spends too much time worshiping the ground kate walks on, and not enough time shitposting
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>17396926 I'll go do that now. S-Sorry for being 2slo. ;_;
Felix 5370-0402-3972
Quoted By:
>>17396930 Hah, yeah I noticed
Nah, I'm fine as well, send a TR whenever man
>Battle Spot >Faggot sends out Gliscor >I send out Gengar >He switches out into Mewtwo >eats the Shadow Ball and gets OHKO'd >Connection has been lost Fuck Battlespot.
Nate !AfagtF18t2
>>17396844 So he is Remi's Putin?
Quoted By:
>>17396933 It's fine.
Also, u a gay.
>>17396960 Better than when people d/c when you 1st turn Paralyze them with Klefki/Leipard
twerkmeister 3668 8836 2669
hey, does anyone here have a jirachi? ive got a kyurem, a moltres,an articuno and a shiny lugia
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>>17396986 people who use prankster klefki are literaly the worst people on the planet
Quoted By:
>>17397003 >twerkmeister >shiny Lugia I'm sorry, I just cannot take you seriously.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>17397028 People who have trouble with Prankster Klefki are literally the worst battlers on the planet.
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy)
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy) Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:54:16 No. 17397072 Report >>17397003 I've got a few. Looking to get kyurem but I don't wanna take it from you
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:54:29 No. 17397076 Report timmy [X: 3995 6636 9553] !GTSHonch.6
>>17397028 worse than you?
there is nothing to add in this spoiler. just kidding, you're alright. Alex 0705-3349-5822 (Galvantula, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Alex 0705-3349-5822 (Galvantula, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:54:42 No. 17397085 Report >>17396882 Dan how would you feel about a 4 IV Timid Rotom for a Barboach?
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:55:39 No. 17397107 Report >>17397028 >Leading with Electric or ground Pokemon :^)
Quoted By:
>>17396978 Care to join a Skype chat? Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>>17397058 B^^^^^^^^^^^
( they're not troublesome, it's just "ohh look let's see if they get their 8 turns of confusing and lel foul play"
people who use them rely on the luck of para or confusion
double screens klefki is okay
>>17397076 people who use pokemon with magic bounce are literally the second worse set of people on the planet
>>17397080 you are literally the 3rd worst
B^)__________________________________________________ Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:56:07 No. 17397113 Report >>17397085 I have alot of Rotoms, all 4IV. Myabe something else
I took Rotom off my list after failing to get 5IV multiple times Fuck genderless breeding Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Thank you JNT~
>>17397080 >Moobs >alright :^)
Skyapple - 1048-8998-8507 !!IkrbNSAjFfJ
Quoted By:
>>17396948 None of those specified ones, no. I have Moon Ball Gastly and Love Ball Buneary if you'd like one/both of those, and Cyndaquil and Piplup if you're interested in Bank pokemon, but aside from what's on my list I don't have much.
Quoted By:
Search Lopunny on google for Serebii stats>lopunny fanfiction
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>17397111 But Espeon is so much fun.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:57:09 No. 17397142 Report >>17397111 Whats the first? Jonathon 1392-5204-6440
I have been blessed enough to recieve a 6IV Jap ditto so I will be more than willing to breed any egg moved mons/ good natured mons with good IVs to anyone who can give me a magic guard abra. Also any suggestions on what I should breed would be much appreciated.
jnt 4484-8952-8809
>Actually has his own choice band Thanks Andrew!
timmy [X: 3995 6636 9553] !GTSHonch.6
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>>17397142 see
>>17397028 and stop jewing any time kay~
>>17397140 espeon sucks. glaceon best eeveelution
>>17397155 deal with it nurd.
Alex 0705-3349-5822 (Galvantula, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Alex 0705-3349-5822 (Galvantula, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:58:55 No. 17397180 Report >>17397113 Would a Timid Infiltrator Noibat work? You'll have to give me a minute, I'll have to breed a 4 IV one.
Jonathon 1392-5204-6440
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:58:59 No. 17397182 Report Anonymous
Looking for an Eevee with it's hidden ability. I don't give a shit about IVs. I don't have much in terms of interesting pokemon but am willing to give you a handshake and maybe something you don't have, but I doubt it.
twerkmeister 3668 8836 2669
Quoted By:
if it has stats then its all i need
JTG 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
JTG 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:59:56 No. 17397196 Report >>17397187 What's it HA again?
I probably have one I can give.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:00:10 No. 17397197 Report >>17397170 I didnt jew anyone, i just gave him a 6IV for the trouble I caused.
Prankster players are the first and second worst battlers? I guess so Felix 5370-0402-3972
>>17396930 The Charmander you sent has 2IV's
timmy [X: 3995 6636 9553] !GTSHonch.6
>>17397196 Hiddan Ability. Adaptability in Eevee's case.
twerkmeister 3668 8836 2669
Quoted By:
>>17397187 how about a handjob Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>17397144 Breed genderless stuff ya dingus. Anyone and their mother can breed for normal things.
>>17397146 You too~
I'd post "I shit BP.jpg" but I don't want to get banned again.
JTG 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
JTG 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:00:57 No. 17397217 Report >>17397198 The heck? Hold on, I'll get you another real fast.
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>>17397197 ur a jew.
but it's fine, we're all jews~ >>17397182 fitekish pls~
Quoted By:
>>17397187 You get the plane tickets and the handshake, I get your Eevee
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:01:36 No. 17397226 Report >>17397180 If you can give me a female one that would be nice.
I'm at LeWow right now so I would have to check if I already have them. Otherwise ill breed them quick.
I should have some though timmy [X: 3995 6636 9553] !GTSHonch.6
Quoted By:
>>17397203 or anticipation, rather. shit I just released all my HA eevees by accident.
Quoted By:
>>17397144 breed nothing with that genetically altered abomination except release it
twerkmeister 3668 8836 2669
>>17397072 >>17397204 damn, forgot the link
JTG 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
JTG 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:01:58 No. 17397234 Report >>17397217 Also, If you want, I can send you the Shinx back, till I figure out what went wrong.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17397107 >Klefki used swagger! > (your pokemon) Hurt itself in it's confusion! inb4 lum berry
Nikki - 2981 6163 5188
>>17397203 It's anticipation actually.
I can give you one if that other guy doesn't have it.
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy)
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy) Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:02:23 No. 17397247 Report Quoted By:
>>17397196 Adapting to your environment
JTG 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
JTG 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:02:58 No. 17397258 Report Quoted By:
If it's an anticipation Eevee you need, I got 4 of those, Let me just get Felix his Charmander.
Alex 0705-3349-5822 (Galvantula, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Alex 0705-3349-5822 (Galvantula, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:03:04 No. 17397260 Report Quoted By:
>>17397226 Allright, thanks! I can wait if I have to though. I'll make sure to get a female
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:03:06 No. 17397261 Report Quoted By:
Felix 5370-0402-3972
Quoted By:
>>17397234 Nah, take your time with it, don't worry
I've got no rush
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy)
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy) Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:03:26 No. 17397266 Report >>17397233 Well I mean if you're alright with trading the kyurem that's cool I just didn't know if you'd want it or not. If you want I could
clone it and trade you one back Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:03:28 No. 17397267 Report Quoted By:
>>17397236 >Persim berry Wut a pleb
:^) Anonymous
>>17397237 That would be fucking delightful!
My friend code is 1289-9522-3091
Zahlzeit 1091-8295-6377
>>17397197 You really should have given me a 5IV, that 6IV will go to waste I'm sure
>>17397266 thats not what we do here
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Quoted By:
>>17397028 >mfw people ragequit on my prankster Liepard Anonymous
>>17397196 Anticipation
put a
pidgey up on GTS for one. Got a million of 'em
Zowayix 3797-7105-9486
Quoted By:
sup veepee!
>>17397144 I can give you a Timid pentaperfect Magic Guard Abra for free.
The catch:
you'll have to suck my nah, jk, the problem is that it's a female, and I my autism cannot accept that. Please understand. kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy)
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy) Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:05:14 No. 17397309 Report >>17397291 Stay out of this, anonymous I know what I'm doing. Also that's why I spoiled the text.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:05:34 No. 17397321 Report Quoted By:
>>17397274 It's the least I can do for causing a shitstorm and potentially causing me to get
blacklisted Its a shame if it gets wasted but please don't give me it back
twerkmeister 3668 8836 2669
Quoted By:
that would be fine, but im at starbucks and have to leave soon. my home internet is down. you could clone and give it to me tomorrow, but the jirachi is all i really need
Nikki - 2981 6163 5188
>>17397272 Alright, adding you.
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:08:12 No. 17397380 Report >Put shiny Drilbur up for a Kyogre because I really wanted a Kyogre >Check back a few minutes later >Your pokemon has been traded! >Shiny Kyogre >Modest T-thank you japan-san
JTG 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
JTG 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:10:05 No. 17397416 Report Felix, I got a 4 IV one, you want it? Or do you want to wait for a 5 IV?
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey; Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:10:46 No. 17397429 Report Quoted By:
>>17397380 >Put op Koffing for Regirock >2 days later >still no Regirock ;_;
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>>17397380 Probably cloned
Congrats anyway Anonymous
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>>17397342 Thanks a bunch! I still owe you a handshake, I'll write out the rain check and send it to you.
Felix 5370-0402-3972
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>>17397416 4 is alright, TR whenever
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anyone willing to trade me a calm HA eevee? (it would be nice if it was in a heal ball or something, and had some egg moves (like wish))
twerkmeister 3668 8836 2669
Quoted By:
>>17397309 is this happening or what, my ds is about to die
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:16:24 No. 17397582 Report Is anyone trading event legendaries? I have some shinies I'd be down to trade for them. Or are they worth more?
Lumin 1091-9173-7926 (Nincada,Wooper,Gastrodon)
Lumin 1091-9173-7926 (Nincada,Wooper,Gastrodon) Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:17:01 No. 17397592 Report Quoted By:
C-can we post pastebins?
>>17397582 Depends on the shiny, the IVs, ect.
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300-9124-4681 !Pjsx43Nips Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:21:51 No. 17397711 Report Quoted By:
Miguel, 4081-6554-0595, (Eevee, Teddiursa and Audino.)
Miguel, 4081-6554-0595, (Eevee, Teddiursa and Audino.) Thu 16 Jan 2014 02:22:09 No. 17397726 Report Anyone have a Female Calm HA Eevee with Wish? (and caught in something besides a pokeball)
Matt 4313-0271-9426 (Pancham, Mienfoo, Tyrogue)
Matt 4313-0271-9426 (Pancham, Mienfoo, Tyrogue) Thu 16 Jan 2014 04:08:58 No. 17400255 Report Quoted By:
>>17397726 May I add you? Dat Eevee safari doe