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[37 / 7 / ?]

No.17395253 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quick, /vp/ i need help. I can't find shiny hunting thread and im a bit in a hurry.
I was doing Masuda Method and finally, after 5 days i got a shiny! has a...kinda...gender that don't fits this particular pokemon quite well.
Can i just reset my 3DS and continue Mming in hopes of getting needed gender?
I remember entering GTS before this ride so the save file is not that far from my current "Hatched Eggs Number".
What will happen when i will reset my 3DS? I will get a shiny on the same number of eggs or it will be random and MAY BE i will need to hatch 40-50-300 or even 1000 more eggs?
/vp/ is only hope now!