IGN: Parham
Quoted By:
>>17404405 >why weedle Everyone uses luvdisc meaning I've got to scroll through luvdisc intended for other giveaways which
is a pain in the ass both for me, and for other people giving shit away. Also, luvdisc is now being
used by smogon and redditfags and this is important because some people have had their luvdisc
Also, Weedle are available at the start of the game meaning new players can join in too.
Anyway. I'm going to be tied up for the next hour or so, but put all your weedle out there and I'll fill your requests as soon as I get back
IGN: Parham
Back C'mon playas, come get your honedge. Free and garaunteed to be 5IV. Luxury ball for maximum comfort and swag. Come take one, come take two, come take five (but give some away later jew) I don't care, just come and take them!
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Venomoth) Thu 16 Jan 2014 09:08:03 No. 17405530 Report >>17404405 Is Ledyba cool?
IGN: Parham
>>17405530 No, just go and catch a weedle. They're in santalune.
>>17405521 Aight I'm getting to you.
I-Is it possible to put up a caterpie, since I'm a fag and I have Y instead of X. ;_;
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Venomoth) Thu 16 Jan 2014 09:11:56 No. 17405579 Report >>17405552 I'm in the same boat as
>>17405565 in that I have Y. Will Caterpie suffice?
Quoted By:
>>17405565 You can still get weedle in Y, they're just a bit rarer
Uploading mine now Op
Quoted By:
Weedle is not that uncommon in Y.
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Thu 16 Jan 2014 09:13:06 No. 17405594 Report Quoted By:
I'll put one up, thanks OP! i actually love smogon swords.
IGN: Parham
Quoted By:
>>17405565 >>17405579 nigguh what
I have x and i got both.
The reason I'm doing just weedle is so that I have everyone on one pokemon so I can serve people waiting the longest first. Just grind it out and find a weedle, you're getting a free 5IV so it's not like it's not worth your effort.
IGN: Nick
Quoted By:
I put mine up. Thanks a ton OP!
>Max speed beats min speed Ha! You are funny goy.
IGN: Parham
>>17405626 When in min speed is in sword forme, it's instantly threatened and MUST shield or switch, since max speed will outspeed and KO it, otherwise the best they can do is sneak before they die. And since these are mixed they have no risk of an attack drop with shadow ball.
Forgot to mention these honedge are quiet nature everyone, they're supposed to be mixed.
Phillip 0447-6304-7363 (Kecleon, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Phillip 0447-6304-7363 (Kecleon, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Thu 16 Jan 2014 09:19:03 No. 17405669 Report Quoted By:
Uploaded mine. Thanks OP!
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Thu 16 Jan 2014 09:19:42 No. 17405675 Report Quoted By:
Okay took me longer than expected, but i got the weedle, its up now. Thanks
yiou: 4270-1120-6355
Quoted By:
>>17405429 put mine up, thanks!
>>17405653 >Faster Honedge Shadow Sneak/Claw/Ball >Switches to attack form >Slower Honedge Shadow Sneak/Claw >Switches to attack form and anally rapes faster Honedge IGN: Parham
>>17405702 >faster one just has to not attack to win this match up Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Thu 16 Jan 2014 09:23:32 No. 17405719 Report Quoted By:
>>17404405 Just posted mine with a nick name request.
Thanks OP!
>>17405715 >Slower one just has to PP stall the faster one's non-attacking moves to win this one IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Venomoth) Thu 16 Jan 2014 09:25:03 No. 17405731 Report Quoted By:
Weedle is up, yo.
IGN: Parham
>>17405722 >faster one predicts this and attacks :^)
these what-ifs aren't going anywhere. if you dont want max speed, put up a honedge and breed yourself a 0 speed one IGN: Parham
Uuuh, someone's weedle got sniped. I think they named their weedle funny may may or something. Someone got to it before me for whatever reason, so put your weedle up again
>>17405736 >Put up a Honedge What good is a 0 speed Beedrill going to do me?
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Thu 16 Jan 2014 09:27:21 No. 17405750 Report shit.
IGN: Parham
Quoted By:
>>17405747 epik trik room ssweeper :)
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Thu 16 Jan 2014 09:28:48 No. 17405768 Report >>17405745 >>17405750 that was my weedle, gotta go catch another one.
yiou: 4270-1120-6355
Quoted By:
Just deposited mine, thanks
IGN: Parham
>>17405768 would you mind checking the OT of the weedle you got and telling me what it is?
Also, don't name your weedle's 6IV PROTEAN, it's funny but some kid actually sniped that one before.
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Venomoth) Thu 16 Jan 2014 09:30:55 No. 17405787 Report Quoted By:
Just in case there is any confusion, I named the weedle /vp/, to make it easier to find.
I just put up my Weedle with a name request. Thanks in advance OP.
Quoted By:
Put one up, thanks much!
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Thu 16 Jan 2014 09:35:35 No. 17405832 Report Quoted By:
>>17405785 OT of honedge i got: L
OT of the weedle i put up: My in-game name, Azure
Okay I put another one up, this time it's named /vp/, hope it doesn't get sniped.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Thu 16 Jan 2014 09:35:45 No. 17405834 Report >>17405785 I put up a Japanese weedle with a name request.
thnx op!
IGN: Parham
>>17405788 >>17405834 I don't really do name requests, and if you make one, I'll leave you 'til last, until I've filled all the other requests before getting out of GTS and naming your swords. I'll get'em to you though, just be patient. You can also take this time to specify a gender if you'd like.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Thu 16 Jan 2014 09:38:17 No. 17405857 Report Quoted By:
>>17405843 Oh sorry, I misread the post but ya I dont mind waiting. Thnx again man!
Ed 109181764317
Quoted By:
Just put one too... Thanks OP!
Doug 0533-5140-9691 Electabuzz, Emolga, Manectric
Doug 0533-5140-9691 Electabuzz, Emolga, Manectric Thu 16 Jan 2014 09:39:11 No. 17405870 Report Quoted By:
weedle deposited, thank you OP
Quoted By:
>>17405843 got a weedle up there now, thanks.
IGN: Parham
Well, this giveaway is finally getting some momentumI'm going to start distributing the ruse-name'd swords now :^) If you get one, tell us about it
Freddy 4227 1861 3128
Puttin up disc OP! Will place "Vp/femaleNo nick" My IGN is Freddy
Quoted By:
>>17405881 Just got mine, thanks.
I like how you named it Morté.
Freddy 4227 1861 3128
Quoted By:
>>17405908 Sorry I meant Weeedle!!!
Saying Disc is a force of habit now lol
Mike 4957-4007-2003
Quoted By:
Put up a Weedle as you said. Thanks in advance for one of your Honedge brood.
put one up, ign is Alfonso, thanks
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>put up a weedle and ask for one, female with nickname >get a 6IV named "Einjagend" Fuck yeah, thanks!
Quoted By:
weedle deposited, awaiting its fate
IGN: Parham
>>17406053 you're welcome bruv
on the subject of nicknames, i've given out a few with ruse names but no one seems to be complaining.... well that's that.
Also to those guys who wanted custom nicks, i've done and i'm gonna fill your requests now. lemme know if they're incorrect.
Quoted By:
Put mine up OP. Thanks again!
Desu 0318-7166-6602
>>17406269 You are the best!
IGN: Parham
>I've served every single request c'mon guys
that was only one box of honedge
I still have like three more. Just take them ;_;
I'm going to clean the house for a bit before coming back to check requests. Keep them coming, people.
>>17406353 np man. Are you the desu who bred starly and has a shiny staraptor named after some roman army jargon or is that another desu i'm thinking of?
IGN: Parham
>>17406362 also while i'm off, i'd like you people to suggest me some nicknames i could give to future honedge. I've been giving german/italian/cool english names for a while but after three giveaways worth i'm running out of ideas. help me think of some good names for the next giveaway
If this is still going, I'll put a luvdisc up in about 10 mins once I get to my DS and catch one I think I want a female one (swords have genders now?) but I'll put that in GTS description
Desu 0318-7166-6602
Quoted By:
>>17406362 That's a different one, I have lots of Shines with silly names, but no Staraptor yet. I'd only be known in
Cloning and Instacheck generals.
Quoted By:
>>17406387 I can only think of weeabo final fantasy sword names
Actually a honedge named Buster might be the best of that sort
Quoted By:
>>17406408 Shit I meant weedle, spent too long on giveaway general
Quoted By:
If you still have some swords, I left a Weedle asking for a female one Thanks, OP
IGN: Parham
OP here, just confirming i have plenty of spookysords ready to go, i'm just tidying up the house. put up your weedle and i'll get to you in an hour's time also suggest good nicknames
Quoted By:
>>17406676 Gonna catch one now OP
Quoted By:
>>17404405 I've also deposited Weedle. Thanks in advance~
>>17406676 Deposited a Weedle, I request a female Honedge named after a girl you dislike.
..because I don't like Aegislash but I'm willing to help a bro out.
IGN is Ross.
Quoted By:
>>17405961 here, thanks for "Sir Pointy"! IGN: Parham
Back. Time to fill requests.
>>17406863 I'm not an edgy faggot who can't let things go, so there are no women that fit that description. I'll give you a fem honedge though.
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
>>17407301 cool, i put a weedle in like 30 mins ago so idk if its been buried. it has VP in the description though
IGN: Parham
Quoted By:
>>17407327 Right, right. I'm going through them now. You'll be surprised at the shit people want for a wild weedle. Though one guy put up a shiny for a mudkip which i nabbed, so at least i got some kind of shiny in the process of this MM'ing, har har.
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 16 Jan 2014 12:09:43 No. 17407358 Report >>17404405 A 6 IV, if you will, OP. I-Im sure you'll find your peace. You just gotta make a like a Honedge and stay
SHARP my message is "th-thanks /vp/"
Also if you have, Quiet nature would be gr8.
IGN: Parham
>>17407358 Yeah they're all quiet nature because mix sord is best sord.
On another note, there was a guy who requested a sword be named SOULEDGE or something gay like that, so I gave him one called BIG DlLDO instead. I wonder what that guy thought of it.
IGN: Parham
>>17407371 >someone wants a sword called excalibur I think JustinBieber is a better name for a honedge for a queer like him
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 16 Jan 2014 12:12:56 No. 17407380 Report Quoted By:
>>17407371 name it somethin nifty, if you want
>>17407379 >was going to ask for a female named Excalibra N-No thanks...
Still up for grabs? Just finding a weedle now. Don't care about gender/nickname. PS thank you
IGN: Parham
>>17407388 But Excalibra is actually a funny and original name, so I'd fill that request.
And I'd use it for future honedge >>17407398 Yep, just came back from cleaning up the house. Going through old requests before moving onto new ones. Throw up a weedle and I'll get to eventually
IGN: Parham
Holy shit, I've only managed to give away one measly box. C'mon vp save me here, I've literally got another three boxes to go which I'm probably just going to release if I can't get rid of them
Quoted By:
>>17407403 You actually already gave me one, I just wanted to give you the name
without putting myself out there to be judged. I was going to MM with the one you gave me and name any shinies that until I got a female. Males would be renamed "Floppy D!x" and tossed into the trade box.
>>17407435 If you want to give me two, I could do with one for battling and one as a breeding slave. I'll have to get another weedle though, I'll put up one right now and then get another.
IGN: Parham
Quoted By:
>>17407464 sure, i'm down for that. just throw up the weedle. guess i might have to make another giveaway thread or something if i cant get rid of these sords
>>17407403 Ah dude I can't request honedge on GTS because I've never seen it! What do I do?
IGN: Parham
>>17407497 >what do i do? git gud
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
>>17407497 you can type it under 'what pokemon' at the bottom...?
who hasnt seen honedge tho
>>17407509 curently giting gud
see you in ten minutes
Quoted By:
>>17404405 I'll put a Weedle up. /vp/ in message
IGN: Parham
>>17407533 lol
>>17407531 all you had to do was scroll down
Quoted By:
>>17407553 Thanks once more.
Quoted By:
>>17407553 found one anyways. Putting weedle up now. And thanks
>>17404405 lel, awww yeeah. Great nickname now gonna whore this thing out after I get my shiny
Ralts ;_;
IGN: Parham
Quoted By:
Bumping, I still have three boxes to go through
>>17407596 glad you like it, that was actually one of my wildcard names. give it autotomize and watch it outsanic everything while you cry out "aaaaaawww yeeeah!"
>>17404405 Oh shit OP, I'm the guy from yesterday's honedge givaway and i'm in the same situation as you. MM for honedge and no boxes left. I guess im going to WT all of them.
>>17407553 Weedle is up with /vp/ as the message
IGN: Parham
>>17407644 yesterdays? do you mean from the first one? I remember some other guy who said he was breeding (shudder) adamant sords and wanted to give them out.
>>17407658 alright getting on it
Quoted By:
>>17407644 >not releasing your superpowered 'mons to wreak havoc on the shitty 'mon world Anonymous
>>17407663 Yes. Adamant in Luxury Balls. Some with random natures. I'd like to thank you because i could only start breeding them with the honedge you gave me in your first givaway.
>the meta is about building pokes that have 100% ot kill everything in one or 2 turns if they have sturdy shit >somehow having a move that does 100% damage only once in a blue moon is banned smogon logic.
IGN: Parham
>>17407688 >dice rolls are competitive >>17407681 np, but why adamant, it's a bad nature for sords
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>>17407688 Then put the muvu fuckin DS down and roll some dice
Quoted By:
>>17407698 -Sp. Atk which i don't need and +Attack because of priority Shadow Sneak physical move.
I feel you guys. Currently MM'ing for a shiny Ralts and have now just completed box 16. I usually keep the 6iv's I find though.
IGN: Parham
>>17407716 I checked IVs until I had my hex fem, a hex male and a hex with 0 in speed and stopped checking them afterward. I'm using the fem to breed these and I will probably trade off the male
or use it if i give up Anonymous
>>17407733 Why do you need one with 0 in speed though?
IGN: Parham
>>17407754 For completion. I was checking for 6IVs and I had one with 0 speed, so now I have to option to breed 0 speed honedge in the future.
>>17407733 Thank you for Valida Spada! I will crash train him today by doing Elite 4 runs and super training.
IGN: Parham
>>17407883 make sure you EV train it first. hordes are faster to EV train, and le wow is faster to exp train.
IGN: Parham
Quoted By:
OK Everyone I'm going back to grind out some eggs. If you want a honedge, post in this thread and let me know that you put your weedle up, since I'm not checking GTS anymore. Hatch powers would be appreciated (since I should be in your aquaintances now). See you in giveaway 4!
Just put one up, thanks OP!
Put up a weedle in exchange for a honedge with the message "/vp/ pls..."
IGN: Parham
>>17407986 >>17408203 Jumping on the GTS for a bit to get your requests.
if anyone else wants honedge, please come and get them because I have too many and may have to release them.
IGN: Parham
>>17408265 Whoever TSloth is- I filled your request. As for the other guy, your weedle wasn't there.
Quoted By:
>>17408286 wow someone beat you to the trade
ill go put up another one
Quoted By:
>>17408286 thank you my good man
alright i put up a golem with the message "/vp/ pls..." hopefully some jap doesnt beat you again
Quoted By:
>>17408333 yeah that happened to me earlier
IGN: Parham
>>17408333 >golem no nugga
get a weedle
you're getting a 5iv for free so put in the effort and get a friggin weedle.
Quoted By:
Putting one up soon, this is great
>>17408354 alright i put up a weedle
same message
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops)
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops) Thu 16 Jan 2014 14:13:48 No. 17408545 Report put up a weedle, thanks op
JB 4484-8614-7916 (shuppet, phantump, golurk)
JB 4484-8614-7916 (shuppet, phantump, golurk) Thu 16 Jan 2014 14:28:31 No. 17408706 Report Quoted By:
Just uploaded mine, many thanks if I get it OP.
JB 4484-8614-7916 (shuppet, phantump, golurk)
JB 4484-8614-7916 (shuppet, phantump, golurk) Thu 16 Jan 2014 14:30:52 No. 17408725 Report >>17408545 Hey can I add you for that dusclops please.
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops)
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops) Thu 16 Jan 2014 14:32:55 No. 17408749 Report JB 4484-8614-7916 (shuppet, phantump, golurk)
JB 4484-8614-7916 (shuppet, phantump, golurk) Thu 16 Jan 2014 14:36:52 No. 17408799 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Parham
That's it everyone, that's the end of gibaway 3. If you have any weedle, throw them up in the next 10 mintues because i'll check GTS once before I go to sleep. Incidentally, my giveaways have been growing less and less succesful. Is it because I've been giving everyone their honedge? have i really satisfied everyone on the board? whatever.
Quoted By:
>>17409217 I never got a honedge, guess my weedle got buried
Denmaru (0061-0162-4279)
Quoted By:
>>17409217 I also uploaded a Weedle. : /
Quoted By:
I put a weedle. my message is "/vp/"