Hello everyone, team SHINY here. Am giving away 6IV, shiny, japanese dittos, event mons and shinies for the following>Shiny Pokemon- Must not be a chain fishing poke, these are easy to get and fucking retarded. >6 IV Pokemon- If you are too weak to give a shiny, we MAY consider 6IV pokemon if you are worth our time. Please note that this is the best giveaway on vp, other giveaways make you wait for 4 hours straight on a list, miss it and then it is gtfo. OR they flat out refuse to give you a shiny ditto, instead opting for a non shiny shit ditto. Other giveaways are Jews, we are not. This thread is the prep thread, you have two options;>1.) If you are a cloner, you can sign up in the thread and get ready for this weekends giveaway >2.) If you want to be added to our trading list, comment below with your FC, picture of your shinies, and we will get back to you to tell you if you have been accepted by us. We must add at least 400 people to the trade list for this to go ahead, so SPREAD this thread around in order to make this possible
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
Quoted By:
>>17406628 Says giveaway
Just wants stuff for his clones
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Thu 16 Jan 2014 10:51:26 No. 17406652 Report >>17406636 We are giving away dittos to those who deserve them, please explain what is wrong with that?
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Thu 16 Jan 2014 10:52:03 No. 17406664 Report >requiring something in exchange. You know, the guy who started all of this didn't want anything in return... Juss sayin
Quoted By:
>>17406628 >giveaway >want 6IV shinies for clones Gee, good luck with that.
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Thu 16 Jan 2014 10:54:03 No. 17406686 Report >>17406664 So you expect 6IV dittos to be given out for free?
You are what is wrong with the world, you are probably on handouts and expect fucking welfare.
Honestly, you have to PAY FOR SHIT in life, for fucks sake
Quoted By:
>giveaway lol u twat
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
Quoted By:
>>17406686 Fuck off mate, we gave away over 1000 dittos last weekend, and we gave them away for free.
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Thu 16 Jan 2014 10:56:55 No. 17406716 Report >>17406686 I already have this ditto, probably this EXACT ditto. I gave my cloner an event only legtimate bankmon for it too, the problem is that you EXPECT things. These should be GIVEN out as a form of goodwill. nothing more, seeing as you probably werent expected to give anything for yours.
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Juns : FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Thu 16 Jan 2014 10:58:11 No. 17406724 Report Quoted By:
>giveaway hahahaha, it's like one of those bad fake advertising
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Thu 16 Jan 2014 10:58:43 No. 17406729 Report >>17406716 Lol you are so full of SHIT
Quoted By:
Go and fuck yourself OP
Quoted By:
>Giveaway >plz give us shinies for clones we're not jews
Quoted By:
>Stan 3866-9158-3413 Banned for creating a giveaway scam and insulting everyone.
wade wilson 2809-8883-9704 LF: HA Sturdy Carbink
wade wilson 2809-8883-9704 LF: HA Sturdy Carbink Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:00:33 No. 17406744 Report >>17406652 It is called trading then...
that is kinda the defenition giving something and wanting/getting something back
while giving away is giving something and don't want to get anything back
Quoted By:
it's not a giveaway if you are expecting something of value in return Someone point this to the clone thread so they can white knight it or something
Quoted By:
>>17406628 >giveaway >must give shiny/6IV mons pls go
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:01:32 No. 17406749 Report >>17406744 >Is it possible to be this stupid West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:02:27 No. 17406757 Report Quoted By:
>>17406729 Right, it seems you are missing the point, regardless of how I got mine as I don't feel like arguing, you got yours for FREE. You paid nothing for your shit, and expect payment for the nothing you invested. this is what is wrong here, for the most part this community gives, not takes, and if you want to be a part of it, you should try to emulate that. Maybe you need to avoid the jewing threads for a bit.
Desu 0318-7166-6602
Quoted By:
>clones take 10-30 minutes >expecting actual shit for them Breeding leftovers is fine, but shinies and 6IV mon? Got back to fucking Reddit,
May I have your attention PLEASE!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IiV2XluaAwhUw6gaRJ1QFKZhXZHizQ_qwyNHvzD4rpk/ The above document contains all the info. you'll need to know about the actual cloning group and that this Stan is scammer scum. Official cloning will begin on the weekends when the cloners all have off from work. Thank you, and have a wonderful day.
wade wilson 2809-8883-9704 LF: HA Sturdy Carbink
wade wilson 2809-8883-9704 LF: HA Sturdy Carbink Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:03:02 No. 17406764 Report Quoted By:
>>17406749 english may not be my first language but I know the diffence between giving something and trading something
Quoted By:
Will you stop making your autism rage threads because you got blacklisted?
Quoted By:
>Stan 3866-9158-3413 Banned for creating a giveaway scam and insulting everyone. Just go away, faggot
Quoted By:
At least the ones with lists are ACTUALLY give aways, I had to stay up all night but it was worth it.
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:03:57 No. 17406773 Report >>17406760 So those faggots control ALL the giveaway threads? They cannot handle someone better than them
Quoted By:
I can give you a shiny bannette
Quoted By:
never come back op
Quoted By:
wade wilson 2809-8883-9704 LF: HA Sturdy Carbink
wade wilson 2809-8883-9704 LF: HA Sturdy Carbink Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:06:00 No. 17406789 Report Quoted By:
>>17406773 see:
>>17406760 >Stan 3866-9158-3413 Banned for creating a giveaway scam and insulting everyone. no but they control the best giveaway thread
and yours isn't a giveaway its a trade thread and an unfair trade
Quoted By:
>>17406773 Are you an autist? Do you know what a giveaway is? Did your mother shake you too hard as a child? And above all, how fucking large of a faggot are you?
>>17406773 You are not better than them. They are better than you. Accept that into your life and maybe you can stop being such a faggot.
Quoted By:
>>17406773 ladies and gentleman...the most butthurt man alive.
>>17406773 What a miserable person. I got my Ditto from a different source, but they've helped lord knows how many people and are still cloning as we speak.
It's not like you're going to have any impact on them, at this point people know who you aren't going to bother with you. What's the point, other than to mire in your own shit?
Have fun dude, you're already beyond my understanding.
wade wilson 2809-8883-9704 FS(aipom , audino , smeargle)
wade wilson 2809-8883-9704 FS(aipom , audino , smeargle) Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:09:18 No. 17406806 Report >>17406795 It is like he is trying to sell lemonade for 5bucks a glass
while others are giving it free
and he is now getting mad nobody wants his 5bucks lemonade
to bad everyone likes his lemonade free stanfaggot
Quoted By:
Can literally clone a pokemon as much as he wants Says giveaway Asking for good stuff Idiot.. Leave it to the others op
Quoted By:
>>17406806 looks like he finally left. Maybe he'll kill himself because he realised what a pathetic faggot he is.
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:11:44 No. 17406822 Report >>17406806 >>17406799 All you niggers want shit for free
While you have all been buthurt, I have cloned another 30 dittos in 5 minutes
I am the BEST cloner in the world. I can do it with ONE 2DS
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !UYB5.Sv396
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !UYB5.Sv396 Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:13:06 No. 17406831 Report Quoted By:
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
>>17406822 10/10
I love but hate you Stan
You try oh so very hard
wade wilson 2809-8883-9704 FS(aipom , audino , smeargle)
wade wilson 2809-8883-9704 FS(aipom , audino , smeargle) Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:13:34 No. 17406835 Report Quoted By:
>>17406822 ye enjoy your 5boxes full of dittos nobody wants
Quoted By:
>>17406822 Didn't you get your original ditto for free? Or are you butthurt because you got scammed?
>>17406833 Hey ahri, do you guys still use the secret skype thingy? I can help again next weekend
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
Quoted By:
>>17406841 Yeah we're still in here! Any help is more than welcome! Thank you kind anon
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:15:46 No. 17406860 Report >>17406833 Can you go fuck yourself??
Stephen 4785-4935-3668 !!UBd0R7oH+0S
Nobody Stephen 4785-4935-3668 !!UBd0R7oH+0S Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:16:28 No. 17406870 Report Quoted By:
>>17406841 Yeah We're looking for more cloners to help smooth things this time. We're also looking for someone to help admin a website we're trying to set up.
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, ????)
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, ????) Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:17:11 No. 17406876 Report Shiny loudred with 31IV in attack and spa with a lax nature for Shaymin or Mew Also have 6IV teddiursa with adamant nature and pickup
Quoted By:
>>17406822 >I am the BEST cloner in the world. I can do it with ONE 2DS I've got to admit, that's awfully impressive.
At least you aren't taking yourself seriously, I suppose. Still not sure why you'd intentionally try to ruin a good thing.
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:17:50 No. 17406885 Report >>17406876 Lol fuck off
I said a good shiny
wade wilson 2809-8883-9704 FS(aipom , audino , smeargle)
wade wilson 2809-8883-9704 FS(aipom , audino , smeargle) Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:18:00 No. 17406886 Report Quoted By:
>>17406860 >Stan 3866-9158-3413 Banned for creating a giveaway scam and insulting everyone. >Stan 3866-9158-3413 Banned for creating a giveaway scam and insulting everyone. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17406860 you're fucking hilarious, bro. keep it up.
>>17406860 What kinda friend safari have you got? Could give you some shinies I have depending on your answer thanks.
Quoted By:
>>17406885 I'm dying. This thread is way too fucking hilarious
10/10 faggot. Keep entertaining me.
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:19:11 No. 17406898 Report >>17406892 I ask the questions not you?
Quoted By:
>>17406898 Are you asking me or what?
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, ????)
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, ????) Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:19:53 No. 17406908 Report Quoted By:
>>17406885 Hahaha eat a dick, you also said a giveaway and that this was the best. You also said your name wasn't faggot when it clearly is. Get out of here bum
>>17406898 What nature is your "6V" ditto?
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:21:06 No. 17406918 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17406885 >clones "5" boxes of dittos >nobody wants them >rejects shiny gr8 b8 m8
>>17406898 How many dicks can you fit in your mouth?
When did you first realise your parents never loved you?
Quoted By:
>>17406898 Oh, and most importantly - Do you really think that anybody is retarded enough to fall for this?
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:22:30 No. 17406933 Report >>17406920 after i banged your mom
>>17406918 So you actually got your ditto from the give away thread...and then you went out of your way to spit in their faces.
And now you're here calling other people ungrateful and shit?
Are you autistic? Serious question. I really want to know.
Quoted By:
>>17406909 I suppose there's some humor to him desperately dancing all on his own.
Enjoy your thread OP, you and I are likely the only ones still in it and I'm laying down now. Goodnight.
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, ????)
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, ????) Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:23:37 No. 17406946 Report >>17406933 >>17406933 Dude, your mum cops it every night from a shiny exploud
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:23:45 No. 17406947 Report >>17406935 I dont know ur mum said u were autistic wen I fucked her LOL :P
Quoted By:
>>17406933 Oh snap. Gonna need some burn heal for that. Dishing out real zingers here.
Quoted By:
>>17406947 I'll take that as a yes...
>>17406946 100/10
Do you want a HA Charmander for that?
Quoted By:
>>17406918 Not interested, come back when you have something good to trade and not something that has been cloned 4000 timrs on /vp/ alone
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, ????)
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, ????) Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:27:15 No. 17406986 Report >>17406959 Yeah okay man, cheers
Quoted By:
>>17406986 5000-3008-6320
I have a quadrillion after breeding. Might as well give one to to a dude who make me laugh
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
guys can you please leave team shiny alone?
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
Quoted By:
>>17406628 >>17406729 >>17406749 >>17406773 >>17406822 >>17406860 >>17406898 FUCK OFF YOU JEWING CUNT
Stop trying to scam by shitting all over a legit good giveaway
I bet you got your ditto from them in the first place and then went 'HUH I GOT CHARITY AND GENEROSITY FROM VP, TIME TO JEW FOR SHINIEZZ"
fuck off nobody wants your shit
Anyone ITT who wants a 6iv ditto for actual giveaway, wait for Ahri's on the weekend
Quoted By:
>>17407009 LEAVE SHINY ALONE >:'(
Ahri 3110-4777-5340 !fZFF1GjUgc
>>17407009 Suck a dick stan and stop impersonating me pls
Ahri 3110-4777-5340 fZFF1GjUgc
Shawn 1547-6637-6377
Quoted By:
>>17407036 The autism is strong in this one
Quoted By:
>>17407036 0/10
commit sudoku
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 !ArTDeux9q2
I think this is more relevant the longer these threads keep appearing.
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, ????)
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, ????) Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:34:29 No. 17407060 Report >>17407032 Much love to Ahri! I got mine off you in group 19 and bred 5 perfect mons so far, I'm trying to pay it forward by stepping up the quality of the wonder trade leftovers
>>17407032 >>17407060 Totally forgot about wonder trade. Thanks Also Ahri, I've almost done breeding my 3 perfect all starter teams. <3
Shawn 1547-6637-6377
Quoted By:
>>17407060 No perfect mons yet, but I got mine in group 85. Made some good 5-iv pokemon with it, paying it forward to good friends of mine.
>>17406686 >Why doesn't Eminem respond to my letters? Ahri 3110-4777-5340 !fZFF1GjUgc
>>17407060 Group 19 was so long ago, like a time where I didn't released how big this'd get haha
Glad you've been making good use of the ditto!
>>17407079 It's really not all me, we have a fantastic team of cloners!
Also my computer is forcing me to restart so I'm going to head to sleep! Hope to see everyone on saturday!
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:39:03 No. 17407117 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17407117 We got a badass here. Watch out
Got a 5 IV Female Shiny Jolly Larvitar with egg moves (SR, DD, Pursuit). IV distribution goes HP: 0 Attk: 31 Def: 31 Sp. Atk: 31 Sp. Def: 31 and Spe: 31. I also got 6 IV Larvitar, same as above except with 6 31 IVs. Any takers?
>>17407810 Forgot to mention that 6 IV Larvitar is NOT shiny.
Crest: 4699 – 6678 – 5823
Quoted By:
>>17407810 >>17407833 I really should have read the requirements, sorry about this.
Quoted By:
ITT: op is a mentally retarded scamming jew who doesn't know the definition of giveaway
Quoted By:
>>17406686 If something in real life was produced for almost zero effort with endless supply, it would be worthless.
>>17406686 Tons of people have given cloned dittos out for free, nearly everyone on /vp/ has gotten one already so it's not rare shit. Don't think you're special.
You're just a jew who wants good things in returned for hacked cloned trash that everyone has.
If you didn't want us to call you out for this, you shouldn't have called it a giveaway, faggot
Good thing almost everyone on /vp/ got a 6 IV Ditto. Too bad this faggot is cloning cloned Ditto's, and giving them off for shinies.
Quoted By:
>giveaway >give away >give >give we want something in return though
Crest: 4699 – 6678 – 5823
>>17408144 >>17408115 >Good thing almost everyone on /vp/ got a 6 IV Ditto. >nearly everyone on /vp/ has gotten one already Guys, you're making me feel terrible. I already missed out twice on the Ditto calling list, and I don't want to wait any longer than I have to and probably waste someone's time by missing it.
Quoted By:
>>17406822 So it's not even an effort for you?
You continue to devalue your dittos. They're not even worth a shiny fish now.
Quoted By:
>>17408199 I'd give you one for free but I'd need my friends 3DS to clone. Sorry
Quoted By:
"Other giveaways are Jews, we are not." I think this is the best part of OP's post Had a good laugh there
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 !ArTDeux9q2
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 !ArTDeux9q2
>>17408199 Give me a few, going to see if I can clone this Larvitar to get back to you. Might take a while.
Crest: 4699 – 6678 – 5823
>>17408561 No, anon. Keep it. I think it's a fair trade for not having to wait again for the next Ditto giveaway.
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 !ArTDeux9q2
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 !ArTDeux9q2
Quoted By:
>>17408588 Success. Waiting for you to come back online.
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 !ArTDeux9q2
Quoted By:
>>17408588 Don't leave me hanging!
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Thu 16 Jan 2014 14:53:46 No. 17408958 Report >>17407056 Allen wrenches, gerbil feeders, toilet seats, electric heaters
Trash compactors, juice extractors, shower rods and water heaters
Walkie-talkies, copper wires, safety goggles, radial tires
BB pellets, rubber mallets, fans and dehumidifiers
Picture hangers, paper cutters, waffle irons, window shutters
Paint removers, window louvers, masking tape and plastic gutters
Kitchen faucets, folding tables, weather stripping, jumper cables
Hooks and tackle, grout and spackle, power foggers, spoons and ladles
Pesticides for fumigation, high-performance lubrication
Metal roofing, water proofing, multi-purpose insulation
Air compressors, brass connectors, wrecking chisels, smoke detectors
Tire gauges, hamster cages, thermostats and bug deflectors
Trailer hitch demagnetizers, automatic circumcisers
Tennis rackets, angle brackets, Duracells and Energizers
Soffit panels, circuit brakers, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers
Calculators, generators, matching salt and pepper shakers
Quoted By:
>>17408958 hardware store!
Quoted By:
Jesus this thread
>>17406686 If you have to pay for something then IS NOT A FUCKING GIVEWAY AND SHOULD BE CALLED SIMPLY AS "TRADE" YOU DUMBFUCK. Go learn what giveway means before use that word. And fuck off you big jew, no one going to give our legit stuff for your cloned trash.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17406628 Hope I'm not too late. I don't have shinies but I have several 6iv pokemon for event/bank legends I don't already have or shinies.
6iv (all male unless stated)
> goomy with iron tail, poison tail, acid armor, curse (wrong nature and levelled from breeding) > bold gooey goomy with same moves as above > impish sturdy bergmite with mirror coat > adamant static elekid with cross chop and elemental punches > jolly dry skin croagunk with acupressure, feint, bullet/drain punch (female) > bold and modest rotom Let me know if any of these interest you guys.
>>17406628 I got a 6IV's dratini. willing to give me some event mon?
the doctor (3566-1536-9518)
Quoted By:
>>17406773 >Is it possible to be this stupid? Yes of course, because if they do an actual giveaway, they have to be worse then you who are asking for shinies you can't chain or for 6iv pokemon. Why don't you just come out and say you are a lazy freak who doesn't want to do the work! And the funniest thing about all of this, with all your topics and statements of how you are better, I haven't seen one trade be done! Yep you are so superior. I understand you are a troll, but I didn't know you are bizzaro too!
>>17406628 I have shiny hulksaring to trade. That's basically all I have, unfortunately. That okay?
Friend Code: 5284 1466 3121
Quoted By:
>>17409160 >>17409532 Enjoy getting scammed by OP.
Quoted By:
I don't know who is more retarded, OP or who is trying to offer legit stuff to him.
HARDBASS 5343-9545-4742
I have a 6iv squirtle with egg moves from my last breed, add me if interested
>>17409967 >>17410436 Just wait until the weekend for a free one-why is that so hard??
HARDBASS 5343-9545-4742
>>17410453 i dont want to spend the whole day of a weenkend in front of one console waiting for nothing.
If you have one trade!
Quoted By:
Sorry, but aren't giveaways, you know, giveaways? you're asking for something in return here, it's a trade. Either way, you're a known scammer.
Quoted By:
>>17406628 oh hey you're that guy who kept annoying Billy during the second to last giveaway and got what you deserved. lol gtfo you shit
>>17410453 I got banned from that thread b/c someone posed as me. ;_;
>>17410503 You know they do roll call and all you have to do is check every hour or so, if you're not winning to do that for something free, I don't know what else to tell you.
>>17410661 It sucks when people do that. Did they include your fc? If not, you can just use a different IGN
>>17410708 *willing.
And If I could clone, I would, but seeing as I have one and only one, afraid I can't.
>>17410708 Yes, they did. And they found out after that I didn't do it but were basically too lazy to do any shit about it. Sat there for 18 hours for no reason.
>>17410737 Damn man, I'm sorry. I know they have a skype or something, maybe they'll let you plead your case? They were getting exhausted and from what I hear annoyed, so checking in the next giveaway thread might be a good idea anyway.
Quoted By:
>>17410762 Too much effort, if pokebank comes out within 3000 years I'll just hack one and pretend I got it from the thread.
>>17410731 Also, I can clone, if you'd let me ;-;
>>17410849 If you have something nice that I can hold in return to guarantee I'll be getting the ditto back, sure.
>>17410862 The most I have is a shiny ursaring or shiny 2iv jap ditto. I have people who can vouch for me, I think? They're from Facebook groups rather than 4chan though.
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Thu 16 Jan 2014 17:13:19 No. 17410931 Report >>17410881 Let me get it out of the daycare, I'll hold on to the ditto in return.
Quoted By:
>>17406628 >Other giveaways are Jews, we are not. This made me laugh. Good one op. Ops a faggot. If you are stupid enough to trade with him, you're a dipshit.
>>17410931 Thanks a whole bunch. FC is 5284 1466 3121
Lemme go get my ditto, also.
anyone interested in my shiny barboach for a 6iv ditto?
>>17410982 Fishing shinys are not good enough for Op. Did you read the part about him being a greedy jew?
Quoted By:
>>17411018 no but I'm special and better than those rules remember
the doctor (3566-1536-9518)
Quoted By:
>>17410107 All you need to know about the true ditto giveaway!
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Thu 16 Jan 2014 17:27:45 No. 17411119 Report Quoted By:
>>17410976 Going to be doing a bit of running around, so just let me know when you've gotten your clone. Feel free to make a few, I don't mind.
Quoted By:
>>17406628 Shiny Spinarak sound good?