Would anyone like to give these little guys a new home? They are 4-5IV Timid Helioptile with Glare. Most have Dry Skin but some have Sand Veil. Put up a FLETCHLING for one of these and have a message like "/vp/ lizard". No guarantees on what you get but if you want something specific I'll try to get it to you. If you want to make some offers do a TR instead. Some things I am looking for would be pokebank mons, starf berry, HA spritzee. If you have something to offer just ask and I'll consider it.
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>>17411655 No love for these little guys?
dont you have some solar power ones
>>17411655 Can I have one please?
>>17412380 Did you put up a Fletchling?
>>17412413 Not yet, I'm looking for one i the friend safari, but they are a bitch to find
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Thu 16 Jan 2014 18:50:42 No. 17412454 Report http://pastebin.com/KN6LBC9c I'd like a 5IV timid dry skin one, is there anything in here that interests you?
>>17412444 Just one in th front of that forest is fine.
>>17412454 Hows about a 5IV larvitar penta perfect with wrong nature? I can just everstone a ditto to change it.
>>17412455 Thanks men, I thought you were asking for the evolution. Anyway, the bird is ready to be traded, thanks a lot OP
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Thu 16 Jan 2014 18:59:27 No. 17412568 Report >>17412535 is the helioptile pentaperfect too?
Haruka 2251-4892-1647 (FS: lampent, pumpkaboo, spiritomb)
Haruka 2251-4892-1647 (FS: lampent, pumpkaboo, spiritomb) Thu 16 Jan 2014 19:01:25 No. 17412602 Report Are there any more left?
>>17412545 Nah the first evo. Makes it easier for people to get and want a helio. I saw your fletchling and now it disappeared did you get one?
>>17412568 I have one I can offer.
>>17412602 Yes.
Some people deposited one and didn't say anything here.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Thu 16 Jan 2014 19:05:19 No. 17412666 Report >>17412641 pentaperfect larvitar for pentaperfect helioptile? I'll add you
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>>17412666 Let me finish with these GTS requests. I'll trade with you when I am ready. IGN is Stefani.
>>17412641 yeah wtf, someone did, I'll put another one in a sec
Haruka 2251-4892-1647 (FS: lampent, pumpkaboo, spiritomb)
Haruka 2251-4892-1647 (FS: lampent, pumpkaboo, spiritomb) Thu 16 Jan 2014 19:12:10 No. 17412760 Report Putting a Fletchling up now. Mine says /VP/sweg and is Japanese.
I think I got everyone on GTS. If not redeposit it again so I can see it on the top of the list.
Thanks guy with the starf berry.
>>17412666 Added you.
>>17412748 Put another one up.
Haruka 2251-4892-1647 (FS: lampent, pumpkaboo, spiritomb)
Haruka 2251-4892-1647 (FS: lampent, pumpkaboo, spiritomb) Thu 16 Jan 2014 19:13:25 No. 17412775 Report Quoted By:
>>17412760 Requesting female, if possible.
Haruka 2251-4892-1647 (FS: lampent, pumpkaboo, spiritomb)
Haruka 2251-4892-1647 (FS: lampent, pumpkaboo, spiritomb) Thu 16 Jan 2014 19:16:55 No. 17412815 Report Quoted By:
You got mine right? Too busy to check the IVs of the one I got.
>>17412771 Oh never mind, you did trade me the helio hahaha, its just that I thought it wasn't you because you said smeone else got ahead of you, but then I saw glare and the id, so thank you very much OP.
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>>17412819 Ok. Yeah if it is from Stefani that is me. I recall I was trading someone before you and when I came back it was gone.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Thu 16 Jan 2014 19:19:43 No. 17412862 Report >>17412771 Thanks!
I think it might know stealth rock but I know at one point I fucked up my breeding and bred some without it
>>17412862 Iron head and SR with the right IVs. Check that I marked my IVs properly too.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Thu 16 Jan 2014 19:22:45 No. 17412934 Report Quoted By:
>>17412904 You did, they're pentaperfect
Shay 0361 6293 5925
Hey op, just in class, breaks in half hour, still gonna be around? I'd LOVE a dry skin for my ingame rain team
>>17412989 Perhaps. I'll check back most likely.
Shay 0361 6293 5925
>>17413005 Kk I'll post here when I'm done, might be sooner. Hopefully your still around. Would you be down to trade? Could offer egg move pichu, charmander, or tyrunt
>>17413130 Tyrunt would be nice. Haven't gone around rock smashing for fossils.
Shay 0361 6293 5925
>>17413520 Do your Tyrunts have any IVs on them?
Shay 0361 6293 5925
>>17413685 Dunno, probably, was bred with 3iv dittos. They have the elemental fangs and dd. I can just put up a bird if you want. Thought I'd offer something better
>>17413770 I'll accept egg move ones too. I'll give you a 5IV mix one for it.
Shay 0361 6293 5925
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>>17413797 Awesome, thanks man, dry skin please