ALRIGHT NERDS. LARVESTA DISTRIBUTION. 2 boxes of timid, 4 IVs (or 5 but with 1 in attack), in luxury balls. I also have 9 penta-perfects all but one of which are male. I also have a few adamant Drillburs with 3-4 IVs, some with mold breaker others with sand rush Nearly a box of 3-4 IV, adamant, marvel scale dratinis in luxury balls And some gale wings fletchlings, very few of which are adamant How do you get one of these? Well, I tried GTS before and that shit sucked so: 1. Post in the thread with your Friendcode and in game name (not friend code name, I need to know who to look for in the PSS) 2. Tell me what specific mon you want, which ability, which gender, and if you have any preference on specific IV distro 3. You may want to tell me what you're giving I'll accept anything but I'd appreciate it if you steered clear of starters as I already have a full collection (unless you have ones other than kanto, kalos, or chimchar with their hidden ability). I just want to give back to /vp/ for the mons I've gotten from giveaways including the 6 IV ditto I used to make these.
Nathan Gabite-Dragonair-Goodra 3239-3853-6392
Nathan Gabite-Dragonair-Goodra 3239-3853-6392 Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:11:03 No. 17433412 Report Ill trade you a 5 iv adamant torchic with speed boost and counter/reversal egg moves for one of the perfect ones op.
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
Quoted By:
>>17433412 Sorry, for the penta perfects I will be a tad discerning, I'm afraid I'm not interested in a torchic.
I'll gladly give you a 4 IV for anything you're willing to toss my way though.
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:17:37 No. 17433458 Report >>17433356 Do you have any bold larvestas with good IVs?
I can give you a 4-5(depending) IV Joltik for it.
Do you have any Larvesta with HP Rock or Ice?
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17433458 no bolds unfortunately
>>17433467 I'd have to check each individual one and I'm highly doubtful any of them have it
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937 Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:28:34 No. 17433550 Report Any chance at one of those penta perfects?
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:30:04 No. 17433576 Report >>17433502 Ok, so how about a pentaperfect pinsir with quick attack and lose combat for a pentaperfect Volcarona? And a 5 IV Joltik or a 4 IV kangaskhan for the Dratini too.
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17433550 sure, if you have another pentaperfect or something very rare
>>17433576 that sound rad, sure. Does the pinir have moxie by the way?
I'll do the joltik
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:33:07 No. 17433606 Report Quoted By:
>>17433594 He doesn't, unfurtunately. I have no acess to a ditto or a pinsir safari. Adding.
Samuel 3179-6255-2690
>>17433356 I would like a Larvesta! Would an Adamant HA Grimer be an ok trade for it?
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937 Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:38:38 No. 17433654 Report >>17433594 Hm... well looking through my stuff so far I could offer you a 4iv timid Noibat with Tailwind, a 4 IV adamant Scyther with Technician, a 4 IV adamant Phantump with Harvest, 4 IV larvitar with Dragon dance, Iron Head, and Stealth Rock, a 3iv prankster Sableye, or a 4/5 imperfect Bullet Punch Riolu. Any of those suit your fancy?
Milky 0619-4057-5350 (Electric)
>>17433576 Hey man. Can't help but notice you have an Excadrill safari, would you mind adding me?
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937 Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:41:59 No. 17433678 Report >>17433654 Prankster Sableyes have Trick and Recover by the way.
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17433654 I'd do a 4 iv for any of those.
>>17433678 I'd take one of those sabeleye just to save myself the trouble of breeding recovery onto it.
Samuel 3179-6255-2690
Quoted By:
>>17433633 Thank you! I'd wanted one for a while
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:43:48 No. 17433692 Report >>17433659 No problem. Added.
Samuel 3179-6255-2690
>>17433692 Same for me? Also, I don't actually know what's in my safari so if you or someone else could tell me, that would be neat.
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937 Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:45:16 No. 17433704 Report >>17433686 So wait I'm a little confused.
You'll take the Sableye for the penta?
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17433704 sorry for the confusion
No, I don't think I would, I'm not trying to be an ass but the penta larvestas can get me some pretty decent stuff. I'm all too happy to toss a 4IV your way for even just a luvdisk but the 5IVs aren't going so easily.
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:47:39 No. 17433734 Report >>17433702 Dedenne - Stunfisk - ???(defeat league and go online to unlock).
Cactus 0602-6373-2823 [Poison: Venomoth, Gloom, Whirlipede]
Cactus 0602-6373-2823 [Poison: Venomoth, Gloom, Whirlipede] Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:49:52 No. 17433757 Report >>17433356 I can give you a pentaperfect sap sipper goomy for an adamant fletchling. If not a non adamant fletchling is fine. I also have 4iv frillish if you want that instead
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937 Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:51:13 No. 17433772 Report >>17433730 I understand. So I did find one more thing to offer if you're interested, otherwise I'll take the 4iv.
Pentaperfect trace Ralts? It's male but it's meant to be a Gardevoir. I could name it Frankenfurter for you or something.
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Quoted By:
Thanks Tyulmi Amazing giveaways
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17433757 sure, I'll take the goomy.
What ball is the frillish in?
>>17433772 I'll do a 4 IV for a sabeleye. Do you want a male or female larvesta?
Dante 3523-2191-4175 (Ponyta, Pyroar, ?Fletchinder?)
Dante 3523-2191-4175 (Ponyta, Pyroar, ?Fletchinder?) Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:54:43 No. 17433803 Report >>17433356 what about some 3 iv abras, 3 iv swinub with ancient power, both of them female for that fetchling female and a female larvesta?
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937 Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:57:27 No. 17433824 Report >>17433800 Fair enough. Female, please.
Cactus 0602-6373-2823 [Poison: Venomoth, Gloom, Whirlipede]
Cactus 0602-6373-2823 [Poison: Venomoth, Gloom, Whirlipede] Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:57:36 No. 17433826 Report >>17433800 just a pokeball. If you still wanted it ill trade you a 4iv larvesta for one. Any preferences for gender for goomy? Im ok with either gender
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
Dante 3523-2191-4175 (Ponyta, Pyroar, ?Fletchinder?)
Dante 3523-2191-4175 (Ponyta, Pyroar, ?Fletchinder?) Fri 17 Jan 2014 15:02:09 No. 17433872 Report Quoted By:
>>17433840 thanks man, that saved me some time
Samuel 3179-6255-2690
>>17433734 How weird, I have finished the game. Good to know my first two are absolute shit though.
Cactus 0602-6373-2823 [Poison: Venomoth, Gloom, Whirlipede]
Cactus 0602-6373-2823 [Poison: Venomoth, Gloom, Whirlipede] Fri 17 Jan 2014 15:05:48 No. 17433911 Report >>17433840 sorry i wanted a fletchling
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17433911 right. I'm dumb. Distracted by things.
Trade me again. I can give you a good fletchling.
Cactus 0602-6373-2823 [Poison: Venomoth, Gloom, Whirlipede]
Cactus 0602-6373-2823 [Poison: Venomoth, Gloom, Whirlipede] Fri 17 Jan 2014 15:10:23 No. 17433960 Report Quoted By:
>>17433935 Im not sure what the ivs on that frillish were but if they were terrible feel free to trade me again for a proper 4iv one
zinnerzPT 1736-1425-1072
>>17433356 I wouldn't mind a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Larvesta
If that's too much, I'd be happy with 31/x/x/31/x/31
Also added you OP
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937 Fri 17 Jan 2014 15:12:01 No. 17433977 Report Quoted By:
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill Fri 17 Jan 2014 15:12:01 No. 17433978 Report >>17433895 While trying to find your third poké I just found a Shiny Dendenne.
It's magnetric, btw.
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17433973 added. I don't have any 3 IV larvestas but I have plenty of 4 IVs that have Hp, Spc atk, speed and soemthing else
zinnerzPT 1736-1425-1072
Samuel 3179-6255-2690
Quoted By:
>>17433978 Hooray! Treasure him/her well. Thanks also, I guess it could be worse.
Giordano 4699-6756-6570(Lillipup, Audino, smeargle)
Giordano 4699-6756-6570(Lillipup, Audino, smeargle) Fri 17 Jan 2014 15:27:09 No. 17434122 Report Could I get a larvesta and an adamant flecthling for a 5iv gastly and a 5iv scyther? IGN is Giordano
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17434122 I actually already have 5 IV Gengar, is your gastly a female in a luxury ball?
If not, you could easily replace it with something else.
Giordano 4699-6756-6570(Lillipup, Audino, smeargle)
Giordano 4699-6756-6570(Lillipup, Audino, smeargle) Fri 17 Jan 2014 15:33:14 No. 17434185 Report >>17434160 Nah it's female in a moonball, sorry. How about a gligar?
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon)
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon) Fri 17 Jan 2014 15:34:29 No. 17434198 Report 4IV MB Ada Drillbur for my Bold 3iv Frillish?
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17434185 hm, moon ball could work too.
Anything else ya got? I've already got a perfect gligar as a matter of fact
>>17434198 Sorry to say, none of my mb drillburs are adamant. They do however have 4 IVs
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon)
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon) Fri 17 Jan 2014 15:37:55 No. 17434240 Report >>17434223 I'll take it nonetheless man.
Giordano 4699-6756-6570(Lillipup, Audino, smeargle)
Giordano 4699-6756-6570(Lillipup, Audino, smeargle) Fri 17 Jan 2014 15:38:33 No. 17434250 Report >>17434223 Adamant Mawile with sucker punce ice, fire and thunder fang
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17434250 sure that'll work
>>17434240 aight
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon)
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon) Fri 17 Jan 2014 15:40:31 No. 17434272 Report Quoted By:
>>17434261 Added and waiting.
Giordano 4699-6756-6570(Lillipup, Audino, smeargle)
Giordano 4699-6756-6570(Lillipup, Audino, smeargle) Fri 17 Jan 2014 15:44:07 No. 17434313 Report Quoted By:
>>17434223 Thanks, mate. Sorry about that. Thought you wanted a gastly
Nue (1993-8482-5777)
I'll give you a 4IV Litwick/Gastly or for either the Larvesta or Dratini. Or both?
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17434314 thanks man, I love hippopotas.and if you want a lavesta for something else I'll trade you again in a moment
>>17434314 sure, I'll take a litwick
However, is that gastly a female in a cherish ball?
If it's not then you can give me pretty much anything in its stead, like a luvdisk (preferably with a heart scale) or just whatever you have
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937 Fri 17 Jan 2014 15:52:29 No. 17434397 Report >>17433978 If you're up for it, would you mind finding my crew as well?
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
Quoted By:
>>17434382 I meant luxury ball.
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill Fri 17 Jan 2014 15:54:54 No. 17434421 Report >>17434397 How do you know your type but not your pokés?
Anyway, add me.
Nue (1993-8482-5777)
Quoted By:
>>17434382 Seems like I spoke too soon, I need to breed a few of them first. I'll be in this thread and add you when they're ready.
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
So, thanks to some of the nerds around here, I'll be making good mawiles and pinsirs soon-ish. Next time I make a giveaway thread expect to see jolly quick attacking pinsirs. Also, bump because mother fuckers need to get free fire bugs
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon)
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon) Fri 17 Jan 2014 16:06:57 No. 17434553 Report Quoted By:
>>17434515 Bump for a gentleman.
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Fri 17 Jan 2014 16:07:44 No. 17434565 Report can I have one adamant fletching pls? I can give you some 4iv riolus, espurr or fungus
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937
Elias (Poison) ???-???-??? 1736-1512-4937 Fri 17 Jan 2014 16:08:54 No. 17434581 Report >>17434421 Someone told me the type in passing but neglected to give names.
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17434565 sure. ability on foongus or espurr?
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Fri 17 Jan 2014 16:11:58 No. 17434624 Report >>17434587 own tempo in espurr (dw) and effect spore in foongus
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill
Raviollius[IGN: Robert] (0576-4918-7821) Ferroseed - Skarmory - Excadrill Fri 17 Jan 2014 16:13:58 No. 17434649 Report >>17434581 Muk - Seviper - Venomoth
Elias (Poison) Muk-Seviper-Venomoth 1736-1512-4937
Elias (Poison) Muk-Seviper-Venomoth 1736-1512-4937 Fri 17 Jan 2014 16:14:51 No. 17434659 Report Quoted By:
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17434624 I'll take the espurr,
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Fri 17 Jan 2014 16:16:43 No. 17434686 Report Quoted By:
>>17434668 I'll add you now :)
Nue (1993-8482-5777)
>>17434382 Ok the Litwick is ready, I'd like to trade for the Larvesta por favor. What do you want for the Dratini?
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17434689 pretty much anything really
Nue (1993-8482-5777)
Quoted By:
>>17434704 will give HA treecko for the dratini.
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Quoted By:
Could I get a 2-3 ivs Fletching or Dratini? I think I can't offer anything that you don't have lel
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon)
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon) Fri 17 Jan 2014 16:44:27 No. 17435158 Report Is OP here? I need that Drillbur.
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
>>17435158 well you're not on my firnedlist for some reason
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon)
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon) Fri 17 Jan 2014 16:46:34 No. 17435203 Report >>17435192 I just saw you online.
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon)
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon) Fri 17 Jan 2014 16:47:45 No. 17435229 Report >>17435192 Fuck forgot to add my IGN is Ryuko.
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon)
Ignissis 5386-8342-1096 (Paras, Masquerain, Vivillon) Fri 17 Jan 2014 16:49:46 No. 17435270 Report Quoted By:
Katie 3754 7940 6439 [BUG]
I'd appreciate anything with +4ivs. I can give you a bashful horsea with sniper
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
Tyulmi 3840-6840-0292
Quoted By:
>>17435508 send me a request because I'm not seeing you