GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc named VP up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, whatever.
We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins.
DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS/SHINIES/6 IV DITTOS. That is not the purpose of this thread. If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know. Do not pester them.
We may need more people scouting other sites. Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IGN. It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
List of unique Pokemon + Apricorn Ball combos: This list will be updated as we find more. Everyone, please keep a lookout for new ones!
IGN: Max
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LF: pentaperfect froakie put up a disc
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I could use a Hyper Voice Ralts for MMing purposes.
Alright, I believe Nelo left but who else is still here that wants one of those 0 Speed Munnas? I have three at this point. List: -Nelo: 0774-4272-8190 -(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898 -Ignis [5429-7721-6329] -Alex (3394-3575-3522)
Spiral 5386-8903-8474
>>17441438 I'd like a totodile please. Putting the disc up.
By the way, if anyone wants a mold breaker drilbur, I got a bunch. Breeding dive ball totodiles, but I can switch out if you've got any requests from that list.
Really should put that in image form so people don't have to leave the page to see it...
Looking for:
Love Ball Chansey
Moon Ball Riolu, Meowth
Dream Ball Glameow, Elgyem, Carvahana
Luxury Yamask
Obviously not expecting the ones marked as in process of breeding, but I can help redistribute of course if I get one
Adam: 0216-1851-5361
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>>17441520 Sure thing
Sporty iv no female
Hatches for 3 hours +
And only got 4 females
Luesol IGN: Carlos 5429-7967-6888
Good afternoon, I will be lurking for requests and try to help out today. Also, I'm looking for a Sudowoodo today.
Flash 3480-3985-9494
>>17441562 With HA?
pls say yes Der Kriegz 4828 5416 2838
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Rhyperior for dex? Will trade back
Luesol IGN: Carlos 5429-7967-6888
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>>17441573 Any sudowoodo would be appreciated.
Richard 1091-8282-5543
Is anyone looking for a glameow? I have 13 in my possession currently. Nothing special about them, random ivs, random natures. I also have 3 marvel scale dratinis with extreme speed, iron tail, and dragon dance and 3 shed skin with the same moveset. Idk what the ivs are but they are between 3-5, all adamant.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
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>>17441501 As I said in the previous thread, I'm still here
Morgan 3754-7610-6964
Postan again cause I missed the last thread. Got 4-5IV Luxury Adamant Moxie Scraggies w/ DD / Drain / Fire / Ice if anyone's interested. Working on getting a stock of better IV'd ones right now.
Adam: 0216-1851-5361
Shura 2750-1424-2684
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>>17441543 If you toss me a male Gastly, I can breed egg moves onto mine.
IGN Ramon
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Am looking for a HA Darumaka (prefer Male, don't care about IVs and nature). Would be greatly appreciated.
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Got: Squirtle Froakie (HA) Kangaskhan Scatterbug (garden pattern)
>>17441541 Moon Ball Riolu is illegal since Riolu only appears in the Johto Safari Zone.
I'll breed you a 5 IV Love Ball Chansey for any IVed Female Totodile?
>>17441541 am i getting next female?
LF: Mega Charizard Y Stone, please. Description: MegaZard Y pls
>>17441682 Sure, but
>>17441683 gets the next one since I promised last thread. Friend list is full so I'm just running through GTS though
I'm just going off whatever the spreadsheet in the OP says
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>>17441687 I asked for a charmander
Flash 3480-3985-9494
GameFAQs girl PM'ed me. Will keep you all updated.
anybody want a moonball murkrow?
Also, I have a 31/0/31/31/31/31 Bold Porygon, if anyone wants it for a luvdisc.
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>>17441737 I'd love a female. Tossing up a disc
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17441737 I'll take a female, if that's alright.
Is that on the list?
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>>17441703 Okay
I can also contribute Dive Ball Frillish if anyone needs them
>>17441746 sure il take it :)
Anyone have a multiscale Dratini?
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311 Fri 17 Jan 2014 22:41:50 No. 17441786 Report >>17441709 Tell her we have a hexa perfect HA female elygem in dream with the egg moves nasty plot/cosmic power/disable/ally switch.
let me breed the murkrows first. unless someone else wants to
>>17441746 Looks like I lost it, never mind. :(
Luesol IGN: Carlos 5429-7967-6888
>>17441783 I got a few. Put a luvdisc up for it. What's your ign?
Leo 4871-4442-7047 (Kakuna,Garbodor,Whirlipede)
Leo 4871-4442-7047 (Kakuna,Garbodor,Whirlipede) Fri 17 Jan 2014 22:43:05 No. 17441810 Report >>17441599 could i get a marvel scale one? i'll put up a
lampent Flash 3480-3985-9494
THINGS I NEED: fast ball Pichu fast ball Growlithe sport ball Scyther Dive ball Totodile heavy ball Machop level ball Slakoth Moon ball Riolu Love ball Mareep heavy ball Koffing Females for all, of course. Let me know who can get these to me.
>>17441790 Ok, I found it. It was in the daycare, it is level 26, with no EVs. So,
>>17441776 You still want it?
>>17441788 Ah, no rush then. Let us know when you have a few to spare.
>>17441786 Any way I can snag a female?
Who's the chucklefuck asking for a Totodile in a dive ball?
Alex (3394-3575-3522)
>>17441819 that growlithe is going to be super hard: its a 12.5% female ratio IIRC
Kommie 3754 - 8166 - 3159
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Looking for a female Goomy with the Gooey ability, don’t mind about quality or anything like that. Luvdisc is up on GTS labelled /vp/ Thanks a lot!
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
>>17441541 I'd love a heavy ball larvitar or skarmory, been looking for those!
I have luxury ball yamask, I'll see if I can breed a few.
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311 Fri 17 Jan 2014 22:44:54 No. 17441850 Report >>17441819 I got your growlithe. Penta perftect, too.
>>17441819 Moon Ball Riolu is illegal, if I understand correctly.
I still haven't given you a Sport Ball Scyther?
>>17441826 sure, thanks mate disc up now.
Flash 3480-3985-9494
>>17441836 I asked for some hard ratio Pokemon too (according to her, I don't know these things off the top of my head), so let's see what we can do.
>>17441852 But we have it on our list, don't we? Do we not have that going around?
I have one, I just haven't bred an extra. Trying to speed up the process by seeing what people can give right now.
Alex (3394-3575-3522)
>>17441850 Holy crap wow that was fast. Ofc i just posted how hard it would be XD
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>>17441834 We have them, and yes they probably aren't legal.
>>17441830 sure thing. what nature for murkrow?
Richard 1091-8282-5543
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>>17441810 You sure you wouldn;t rather put up a heart fish?
I mean, I'll go find the spooky lamp but whatever is easier for you.
>>17441848 Sure, there's a bit of a backlog before I can start though, and larvitars take forever to hatch
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>>17441883 Oh man, I don't into competitive at all. Someone else can definitely help you with what a Murkrow should look like.
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311 Fri 17 Jan 2014 22:47:36 No. 17441905 Report >>17441880 I was the one who started distributing it here. >>17441877 What pokemon is she agreeing to give us?
Also, put a disc up for that growlithe.
>>17441830 I'll give you one with 0 Spe IVs.
>>17441905 Neat, putting up a disc.
Morgan 3754-7610-6964
>>17441602 is anyone interested yet ;_;
tfw no bankball Alex (3394-3575-3522)
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>>17441905 Oh, i thought he was talking about stuff we didnt have on the list
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>>17441803 Serena
Putting it up right now.
message "Luesol <3"
Richard 1091-8282-5543
>>17441919 I'll take one, just let me go fishing.
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311 Fri 17 Jan 2014 22:50:03 No. 17441965 Report >>17441919 I'll take one.
>>17441917 I still haven't managed to land a good female. Maybe you'll have better luck than me.
Flash 3480-3985-9494
>>17441905 Disc up for Growlithe
We're getting:
Dream Ball Qwilfish (Intimidate)
Moon Ball Shinx
Frisk Sentret
Dive Ball Tentacool (Rain Dish)
Dream Ball Stantler (Sap Sipper)
Dream Ball Skitty
Dream Ball Shuppet
And would have been Dream Ball Murkrow but I see that going around now?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17441819 So whose breeding what?
I can do the Mareep and Gastly if no one else is.
>>17441968 Not bad. Let me know if you need help distributing
Flash 3480-3985-9494
>>17441973 I'll start breeding Koffing and Scyther then, unless Gray has extras of the bug?
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
>>17441893 Yeah, no worries. I'll wait. I'll let you know when I have a female Luxury ball Yamask for you.
>>17441919 just put a luvdisc up for one
>>17441871 Done, man.
Also, really? Who traded me just a random charmander? I asked for the mega y stone, but whatevs. Asking again.
>>17441687 Dero 2707-1783-4778
Good afternoon everyone, So I have 3 leftover adament timburr with Iron Fist that know mach punch and drain punch, their Ivs are either 3-4 I also have other leftover timburr with same moves and nature, but are guts and sheer force anyone interested?
>>17441919 id like one if you dont mind.
>>17441968 >Moon Ball Shinx Gimme, I'll do that one.
Flash 3480-3985-9494
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>>17441984 Oh, I will need help. I'll be sure to let everyone know.
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311 Fri 17 Jan 2014 22:52:12 No. 17442010 Report Quoted By:
>>17441968 I call dibs on breeding that tentacool.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17441973 >Gastly >>17441987 I meant Koffing, so I can handle that.
Richard 1091-8282-5543
>>17442003 I am interested in a timburr
Alex (3394-3575-3522)
>>17441965 >>17441973 I forget, what were your favorite legends?
Luesol IGN: Carlos 5429-7967-6888
>>17442003 May I take a Guts one?
Flash 3480-3985-9494
Dero 2707-1783-4778
>>17442020 >>17442027 disc up and put in description what ability you want
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17441968 >Dream Ball Qwilfish (Intimidate) >Dream Ball Stantler (Sap Sipper) You got them or you're still in the phrase of getting them? Would love to have either of them and willing to help breed more for people
Spiral 5386-8903-8474
>>17442003 I'd like an iron fist one please
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Fri 17 Jan 2014 22:53:52 No. 17442043 Report >>17442003 I would like a Male Timburr, please, if you have one.
>>17442001 Mega stones can't be traded over the GTS, unfortunately. I only have a copy of X, so no Y stones to give out from me.
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Fri 17 Jan 2014 22:54:54 No. 17442060 Report >>17442003 >>17442043 Oops, I meant a Iron Fist Timburr.
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>>17442032 i don't understand how this list works. Do you have a source who is in japan and getting these to you? Is that why you have to request them?
If so, here are my suggestions:
>Dream Ball HA Eevee (Espeon) >Level Ball Kangaskhan, Growlithe >Friend Ball Yanma
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>>17442032 Premier castform
Dream kricketot
Dream finneon (I'd want this)
Luxury tynamo
There's others, but those are the most fitting
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>17442005 The Horsea I put up got sniped. I'll wait 'till the Munnais ready for now.
Morgan 3754-7610-6964
>>17442057 Oh. I feel like an idiot.
Well, anyone feeling generous? I can give a shiny for one. Have:
Quoted By:
>>17442032 Safari Ball Larvitar/Hippopotas, Fast Ball Shuckle/Magby/Ponyta
>>17442032 Wait, that totodile's in a lure ball. Do want
Alex (3394-3575-3522)
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>>17442078 I can spot you the ferroseed I think. Just lemme check.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
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>>17442025 Giratina >>17442032 The HA Kricketot
and Overcoat Shelmet? Unobtainable HAs are sexy.
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311 Fri 17 Jan 2014 22:57:04 No. 17442099 Report >>17442025 Diancie
Latias >>17442032 We are also missing dream ball anorith and lileep.
That totodile is illegal, isn't it?
>>17442068 Thanks!
>>17442067 Munnas are ready, you can up another Horsea if you want to risk it, or a Luvdisc is fine.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
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>>17442005 The Horsea I put up got sniped. I'll wait 'till the Munna is ready for now.
Dero 2707-1783-4778
Mike 4957-4007-2003
Any chance someone could send me across the 5th generation starters? Was gonna trade for them on the gts but the offerings are dreadful. I'll put up a luvdisc looking for snivy first and if that's successful put another 2 up for the remaining 2. Not fussed about IVs and such as they're gonna be bred heavily.
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Serena~ 2251-4839-1377 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Fri 17 Jan 2014 22:58:41 No. 17442143 Report >>17441602 I'll take one. Let me just get a disc.
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
>>17442039 I'd like an Iron Fist Timburr as well if you have any left.
Richard 1091-8282-5543
Quoted By:
>>17442136 Thank you!
>>17441919 Sorry for making you wait, disc is now up.
Alex (3394-3575-3522)
>>17442078 Good news is i found one, but its not perfect by any stretch. If you still want it, reply and put up a disc
Adam: 0216-1851-5361
>>17442142 I think I have spare snivys and tepig
Put the discs up
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17442032 The guy has Poke-Transfer? If so then ask him for Friend Ball Larvitar or Ralts
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:01:16 No. 17442194 Report Quoted By:
>>17442032 Any HA Bankmon would be nice.
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>>17442143 and me please, already gota disc up.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>17442104 Put another Horsea up because I need to give you something decent. TY!
>>17442186 I'm looking for a mega charizard y stone. I was offering the shinies. You can't trade mega stones on GTS
Morgan 3754-7610-6964
>>17441964 >>17442004 Sent
>>17442003 Heyo, I'm interested, is it frowned upon to retrade Luvdisc or should I catch some?
Dero 2707-1783-4778
>>17442177 If you wait a few minutes I can breed some more
>>17441602 I'm interested in one
Quoted By:
>>17442099 A few people on
reddit have both of those, you can try your luck there. I also saw a dream ball drifloom, but I can't seem to find that now.
Morgan 3754-7610-6964
>>17442143 Sent as well
>>17442235 Give me a few minutes to breed and check some more, I have a few Shed Skins too if nobody minds.
>>17442218 Sent, thank you for the Horsea.
-Nelo: 0774-4272-8190
-Alex (3394-3575-3522)
If either of you are here, let me know.
Spiral 5386-8903-8474
>>17441602 I'd love one
>>17442136 thanks man
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311 Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:06:03 No. 17442288 Report Quoted By:
Is anyone versed in moonrunes? We could always try and find a pokebank bro.
Flash 3480-3985-9494
>>17442013 Disc up for Koffing.
Adam: 0216-1851-5361
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I have a male and female Adamant 5iv marill Huge power In regular pokeballs With belly drum/super power/aqua jet/body slam
Richard 1091-8282-5543
>>17442227 Thank you!
>>17442266 I sent you a dratini last night right?
Just want to make sure it wasn't someone else named spiral on the gts.
Alex (3394-3575-3522)
>>17442222 oh wow im an idiot XD
My bad for misreading your message. Have a little faith in me and put up a disc for a charmander again.
>>17442264 Here, just let me help out this guy first
>>17442039 hey, you got any more guts timburs?
These threads have been good to me. I have a bunch of breeding leftovers if people are interested: Adamant Charmanders with DDance, Outrage and Flare Blitz 3-5 IVS (I should mention that I pretty much have no females) Adamant Poison Heal Shroomish with Focus Punch 3-5IVS Timid Hustle Nidorans (Both genders) If anyone wants any of these just tell me and put up a disc. I'm just gonna WT them later.
>>17442309 I don't think you understand.. Mega Stones aren't able to be traded on the GTS xD
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17442290 Hatching them now. I'll do the Mareep next.
Dero 2707-1783-4778
>>17442328 hatching some more atm yes.
Just put a disc up in GTS with what ablility you want it to have
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
>>17442235 I'll wait, let me know when you have one ready.
>>17442092 If you're still looking for a luxury ball Yamask I have a female ready.
>>17442347 ok thanks mate, il put guts in description
Alex (3394-3575-3522)
>>17442338 Ill say it once more, have some faith and put one up or ill go back to doing my own thing. Trust me and ye shall receive. put it up and in a minute, check back, then exit out. Ill take care of it from there
Looking for Sport Ball Scyther (F) and SR Skarmory (M) if anyone can spare them.
IGN - Tatu
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Looking for a technician breloom or shroomish with decent IV's Will put up a disc, but if someone wants something else I've got a bunch of 5IV gastlys
Flash 3480-3985-9494
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>>17442345 Thank you. So, do we, or do we not have that Moon Ball Riolu?
Spiral 5386-8903-8474
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>>17442301 yes you did, sorry I fell asleep soon after posting.
Thanks so much for that, man
>>17442364 Ok, dude. Put up now.
Dero 2707-1783-4778
Quoted By:
>>17442360 >>17442362 >>17442258 alright sending your timburrs now
Morgan 3754-7610-6964
>>17442235 Sent
>>17442347 Gonna put one up for IF timburr, thanks
>>17442369 Still have a few Scythers, give me your IGN and put up a disc.
Mike 4957-4007-2003
Quoted By:
>>17442189 Luvdisc for Snivy is up, I'll follow it with one for Tepig. Thank you.
Quoted By:
>>17442459 It's up, my IGN is Benson.
Working on love ball chanseys
Dero 2707-1783-4778
>>17442435 ugh someone snipped yours
Flash 3480-3985-9494
Update: She's going to bed soon, just doing a partial trade tonight. Can anyone trade me a female Dive Ball Totodile and a female Fast Ball Pichu?
Luesol IGN: Carlos 5429-7967-6888
>>17442492 I have a Fast ball pichu. I'll start breeding it.
Morgan 3754-7610-6964
>>17442491 might have been me, i took it down to include HA in the description
Alex (3394-3575-3522)
Quoted By:
>>17442410 You didnt really need to send the shiny, but thank you anyway! good things come to those who wait
Flash 3480-3985-9494
Quoted By:
>>17442509 Thank you very much.
>>17442333 Would like a DD Charmander. Put one up with IGN Gamblor. Thanks!
Dero 2707-1783-4778
IGN:Stray 1977 0735 4116
5 defiant piplups! reply if you're gonna put up a disc, all male sorry, i think 1 of them might have egg moves so first to claim get's it.
IGN: Dougie
Putting a disc up., looking for a heavy ball koffing
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:16:09 No. 17442545 Report >>17442509 Don't forget to evolve it in a Pikachu first ;).
But someone who has a HA Bankmon that's not the starters, Elgyem and Glameow? Thanks in advance.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17442492 Do you need Mareep tonight?
>>17442509 Hope you evolved it already.
Alright, RNG was not nice to me there. For the two who asked for female dive totodiles, I've got them bred. Toss up a disc and I'll send em your way.
>>17442333 could i get a shroomish+ nidoran female? if possible thanks.
Morgan 3754-7610-6964
Flash 3480-3985-9494
>>17442557 I'm sending her the one that I have, so I'll need one for own collection if you don't mind, but not rush.
Anyone with Female Dive Ball Totodile?
Luesol IGN: Carlos 5429-7967-6888
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>>17442545 >>17442557 I evolved it yesterday. Put a soothe bell on it, go around the Prism Tower, give it a rare candy and you get a Fast ball Pikachu
IGN: Dougie
>>17442542 Can also give out moon ball misdrevus if anyone wants
Please someone I need PokeRus.
>>17442560 I was one of them but I don't have your Chansey yet.
IGN:Stray 1977 0735 4116
>>17442575 kinda just missed reading this i guess XD'
>>17442560 Anonymous
>>17442333 I'll take a Focus Punch Shroomish off your hands.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17442560 Flash needs one for the trade ASAP
>>17442575 Anonymous
>>17442532 I'm looking for you but I can't find you? Did you get sniped?
Luesol IGN: Carlos 5429-7967-6888
>>17442587 Got your back. Get a Luvdisc named /vp/ asking for a Pikachu. And tell me your ign
Quoted By:
>>17442601 putting disc up now thanks
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311 Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:19:23 No. 17442627 Report >>17442539 Putting a disc up.
>>17442560 I'll get in line for one.
I'm going to start breeding love ball chanseys next unless we get that dive ball tentacool first.
If anyone wants a dream ball HA elygem with 0 Spe, put a disc up.
>>17442595 That's fine, I can hold on to it. Let me know when you're good to go
>>17442601 Nah, flash wasn't one of the two. If I hatch another one in this batch it's theirs, but otherwise someone requested some other stuff first
Morgan 3754-7610-6964
Quoted By:
>>17442266 Yo, still got one for you if you have a disc up. Might be my last one for now.
Hey fellas. I have 5 boxes of 5iv tyrunts with the elemental fangs and dragon dance. Anyone interested?
Dero 2707-1783-4778
>>17442583 I'm interested, disc is up
IGN: Dougie
Quoted By:
>>17442627 Putting up a disc
Noire (Charmeleon-Magmar-Braixen)0946 3624 2667
Noire (Charmeleon-Magmar-Braixen)0946 3624 2667 Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:20:30 No. 17442653 Report Quoted By:
Looking for Porygon with the with the hidden ability please!.
>>17442614 I really don't want to keep breeding these though Alright, toss up a disc then
IGN:Stray 1977 0735 4116
>>17442632 ohh, my bad"I i missed the holding it for 2 part..also questioning dive totodile vs dive "ball" toto...i'm screwing up so badly today
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>>17442632 Okay, bear with me as my mother is 4IV and has Serene Grace, and on top of that Chasey take fucking forever to hatch
Flash 3480-3985-9494
>>17442654 Disc is up for Totodile, many thanks.
IGN - Tatu
>>17442333 Could I gra one of the male nidorans?
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
Anybody have Bullet Punch and/or Drain Punch Croagunk? I want a female, if anybody has one.
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN : Marco
Quoted By:
>>17442627 I'll take one thank you!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17442654 But it's for the new ball mons. munki (IGN Nick) 3995-7729-0901
Quoted By:
>>17442333 can i get a nidoran?
>>17442671 >>17442602 >>17442570 Yeah sure. I've already sent out 1 Shroomish. Rev up those discs
Quoted By:
>>17442620 Alright. Give me a second.
Flash 3480-3985-9494
>>17442687 Got the Koffing, thank you Shura!
Quoted By:
>>17442617 Yep I got sniped. Hold on I'll get another.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:24:01 No. 17442748 Report How did I miss a new thread?
IGN: Dougie
Quoted By:
>>17442649 Either sniped or name is wrong
>>17442655 Dive ball
>>17442666 sent
>>17442687 I know, that's why I made an exception
It's annoying that I've given out 12 at this point and I'm still the only one breeding IGN - Tatu
>>17442701 ok one sec waiting on a female toto. got 2 perf 5iv adamant HA scolipedes if anyone wants.
IGN:Stray 1977 0735 4116
>>17442760 h-how do you get a diveball totodile!? holy crap.
Quoted By:
>>17442620 Alright, my name is Cedric. It's going up.
Taking a minute to clear out box space, I still have one spare 0 Speed Dream Ball Munna that isn't reserved if someone is interested.
Flash 3480-3985-9494
Quoted By:
>>17442760 Thank you very much!
Yeah, I knew there were a bunch going around, I was surprised when no one replied saying they'd get one for me.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17442719 No problem. I'll have your Mareep soon. Let me know when you want her.
>>17442748 I was wondering where you went.
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:26:05 No. 17442792 Report Quoted By:
>>17442775 Hacked by someone. It's impossible to get a legal one.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:26:09 No. 17442794 Report I am pissed now, I almost dozed off because I thought we were dead and here's a new thread with 150+ posts already. WELL GREAT. I've got some female dive ball frillish FYI, who wants them? Also: Okay, I've got some stuff that's getting wondertraded/released if noone wants it in the next 15 minutes. IV's on all those are unknown, most were bred with a 6IV ditto though so should be not so bad. 2 Male Adamant Scyther w/Swarm, Night Slash, Baton Pass, Defog, in a Sports Ball 6 Male Slakoths in a Level Ball, with Hammer arm and night slash 2 Modest Male Ralts in a Love Ball with Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond, Ally Switch, Disable, 3 bunnearies, 2 male 1 female, normal pokeballs, with Foresight, Fire Punch, Switcheroo, Encore 2 Sassy Munna with Helping Hand, Healing Wish, Magic Coat, Baton Pass, in Dream Balls 7 male frillish in dive balls, with acid armor, recover, confuse ray, pain split 1 male skarmory with a shitty nature, stealth rock, brave bird, whirlwind, curse 1 male koffing in a heavy ball with pain split and stockpile 2 male Gastly in Moon balls with smog, clear smog, disable, perish song 2 male misdreavus with psywave, wonder room, nasty plot, skill swap, in a moon ball
IGN:Stray 1977 0735 4116
>>17442774 why did you reply to me? i ain't givin toto's.
Flash 3480-3985-9494
Disc is up for Pichu, whenever you're ready. Thanks again.
>>17442777 I'll take that, didn't know munna was on the table. Thanks! Disc going up
Quoted By:
>>17442802 Sure, put up a disc,
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:27:09 No. 17442814 Report >>17442789 I feel like a kid left at a supermarket because parents forgot it.
>>17442794 Can I have your koffing please?
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17442760 Are these things IV bred? I'd love one!
>>17442798 i know lol, regalia is im just waiting atm. il tell you when im ready to put discs up, sorry and thanks.
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311 Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:27:32 No. 17442825 Report >>17442775 The johto starters can be caught in pokemon colosseum. Balls can be traded from any gen 3 game, inlcuding dive balls.
Adam: 0216-1851-5361
>>17442760 Sorry regalia
I'm out of energy from breeding all those totodiles
But ill get back to to tomorrow/later :)
Alex (3394-3575-3522)
Quoted By:
>>17442794 Thats literally hilarious, sorry to hear it XD
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:28:10 No. 17442844 Report >>17442815 Sure, throw up a disc with Rynn vp in the description.
Quoted By:
>>17442620 Thanks a lot, man!
munki (IGN Nick) 3995-7729-0901
>>17442819 Haven't been checking their IVs, but the parent was 5IV and they're going around with a 6IV ditto, so...
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:28:33 No. 17442858 Report >>17442825 Wait, there were Dive Balls in Colosseum too?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17442794 >>17442814 Are the Munna female? And get me a Male Gastly if no one wants them. I can breed egg moves onto my female. It's not our fault you missed the post <3
>>17442834 Dont be, you're the one who got me mine in the first place. I was more irritated that people I gave mine to saying they'd breed them have been silent
>>17442820 Sent. Kept looking for "Nath", took me too long to figure out it was just shorthand for your OT
Quoted By:
>>17442852 if i get the next female i can help you breed for an hour or two :).
Spiral 5386-8903-8474
>>17442794 Would really appreciate a frillish, gonna go catch and put up a disc in a few minutes or so.
Dero 2707-1783-4778
>>17442794 I'm interested in a slakoth and bunneary
disc for slakoth is up
>>17442617 Ok put another one up. Hopefully won't get sniped this time. IGN is Gamblor.
Luesol IGN: Carlos 5429-7967-6888
>>17442794 Don't want to be greedy here, but may I have one of those Scythers, slakoths, ralts, munna, Frillish, Gastly and misdreavus?
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311 Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:30:39 No. 17442903 Report >>17442858 No, but you can get them from RSE through trading.
IGN: Dougie
Put a disc up for heavy ball koffing, can give moon ball misdrevus
>>17442883 ohh lol sorry about that. thanks alot, il try and help you breed for an hour or two.
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN : Marco
>>17442794 I'd love a Scyther! disc up
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:31:36 No. 17442931 Report >>17442903 Ah yes, of course. Forgot for a moment Dive Ball aren't Apricot Balls.
But anyway, I have:
2x Damp Mudkip (1x female), 2x with Avalanche
15x Tepig
captcha nowstay natu
Alex (3394-3575-3522)
Throwing up the disc for a munna, gray
>>17442914 No sweat, I'm taking a break from them to get
>>17441988 request
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17442852 I will throw a Luvdisc on the GTS, with the description /vp/ Brotodile.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17442904 I have a spare HB Koffing for you.
Flash 3480-3985-9494
>>17442801 >>17442900 Meant to make this as a reply earlier.
>>17442798 ok putting disc up for shroomish then il put one up for nidoran female thanks.
Quoted By:
>>17442943 >>17442775 It'll be a while. I'm burnt out on that 12.5% gender ratio and I've got another request
Adam: 0216-1851-5361
Quoted By:
>>17442883 I know what you mean
I've given 5 and your the only one handing others out from the looks of things, Rosa also was earlier
Richard 1091-8282-5543
Quoted By:
>>17442794 Would it be possible to get a gastly?
Quoted By:
>>17442935 Sent.
Other than the Munnas going to Nelo and Regalia, have I promised anything to anyone else? I swear I'm forgetting something here.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:34:44 No. 17443002 Report >>17442878 Munnas are male, sorry. Send a trade with Gastly after that opower, don't want to disturb you now.
>>17442889 Okay
>>17442890 Cool
>>17442900 You can have them all, man. Put up a disc for a Scyther then after I send you one send me a trade from acquaintances.
>>17442920 ok
IGN:Stray 1977 0735 4116
>>17442970 b-but..i'm not giving shroomish either..pretty sure i said defiant piplups..
>>17442937 i dont mind if anyone wants one. anyone want a perfect iv adamant HA scolipede?, got 2 spare.
munki (IGN Nick) 3995-7729-0901
>>17442931 can i get a mudkip?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17443002 You sent a trade request? Sorry, I must have canceled it while I wasn't looking. Send me another when you get the chance.
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311 Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:36:15 No. 17443037 Report >>17442931 I'll take a mudkip.
>>17442965 Let me know when we get that tentacool. I got a parent with egg moves waiting.
Also, I still have several munnas with 0 spe IVs for those that want one.
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:36:25 No. 17443044 Report >>17443026 Male or female? Warning you, terrible IVs.
Luesol IGN: Carlos 5429-7967-6888
>>17442965 I've been getting males. Doing a new batch. Once a female comes out, I'll throw it your way.
>>17443002 Putting it in a bit
>>17443020 I'll take one. IGN Colm, Disc going up.
>>17443014 whoops sorry lol wrong person then, i should of paid more attention.
LF: Slowpoke/bro/king with regenerator put up a disc named VP thanks!
IGN:Stray 1977 0735 4116
Quoted By:
>>17443055 mp bro, lol sorry i wasn't the person you wanted ;c.
Flash 3480-3985-9494
>>17443049 Okay, thank you.
Is there anyone else with a Pikachu in a Fast Ball that can help speed this process along? Trying to not to delay this trade any longer.
Rynn, can you find my disc? I'm the koffing guy.
>>17442794 Requesting Female Buneary
Description is VP Buns
Thank you!
Quoted By:
Anyone have any male SR Skarmories? Don't stress over the IVs, any are fine. Putting in a shit disc now. Thanks in advance.
Quoted By:
Just put up a Luvdisc for a Koffing. IGN: Adam
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:38:08 No. 17443103 Report Quoted By:
Traffic Cone - 4098-3137-6271
>>17442794 Can I have a frillish? I have a larvesta, scyther, or shellder for trade.
munki (IGN Nick) 3995-7729-0901
>>17443044 gender doesn't matter. going for living dex
>>17443052 err venipede* sorry, its level 1 though.
Luesol IGN: Carlos 5429-7967-6888
>>17443077 Got the pichu. Sending now.
Quoted By:
>>17443079 Ah there we go. Thanks, man.
Flash 3480-3985-9494
>>17443135 Ah right, makes sense. Re depositing
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:40:21 No. 17443160 Report Quoted By:
>>17443154 yeah sorry bout that lol.
Alex (3394-3575-3522)
>>17443149 Yo flash, do you think its a good time to party?
Junito 2879 - 0732 - 0305 (Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb)
Junito 2879 - 0732 - 0305 (Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb) Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:41:12 No. 17443179 Report Looking for Togepi, Female if possible Smoochum Elgyem, female if possible Scyther, female if possible
Quoted By:
>>17443169 Don't mention it. Thanks a lot, it's back up now.
Flash 3480-3985-9494
>>17443173 It's about to be. Hold your breath, everyone!
>>17443179 Put up a disc for Smoochum. I've got some HA ones in Premier Balls.
Spiral 5386-8903-8474
>>17443060 I'm breeding some now, gimme like 10 minutes bro.
>>17443002 thanks!
>>17442931 Disc is up if I could get one of those tepigs
takin a break from these totodile. if you want a mareep that looks like pic related then tell me and put a disc in the gts and ill give it to you. they range from like 4-5-6IVs but none are marked. if you have a preference of gender mark it and enjoy your sheep!
Alex (3394-3575-3522)
Alright, Big Giveaway Time! First Rule of Giveaway Club: Dont Beg for Legends Second Rule of Giveaway Club: Dont Break Rule 1 Alright, first one to respond to this with the correct answer gets a brand new Suicune free of charge Call and response! Answer back the next line of lyrics and you win! The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!
munki (IGN Nick) 3995-7729-0901
Quoted By:
>>17443211 so... it's shiny?
Traffic Cone - 4098-3137-6271
Quoted By:
>>17443211 Is it cool if I put a larvesta up instead?
Brad 3926-6172-7906 (Noibat, Fraxure, Sligoo)
Brad 3926-6172-7906 (Noibat, Fraxure, Sligoo) Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:43:51 No. 17443247 Report Quoted By:
>>17442648 Could I get one? Putting up disc.
Quoted By:
>>17443211 could i get a female one please? :)
Spiral 5386-8903-8474
>>17443226 >wer back the next line of lyrics and you win! we don't need no water let the mother fucker burn?
Colm 3823 8505 4413 (Dewgong Bergmite Snorunt)
Colm 3823 8505 4413 (Dewgong Bergmite Snorunt) Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:44:10 No. 17443257 Report Quoted By:
>>17443226 We don't need no water—Let the motherfucker burn!
Burn, motherfucker, burn!
Quoted By:
Should I start breeding something else, or wait for those Moon Ball Shinx? Also sent an Unburden Treecko to someone, I still have two of them.
>>17443188 oh hey i can prob get my hands on smoochum in love balls
Dero 2707-1783-4778
Quoted By:
>>17443226 We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17443226 We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn. Luesol IGN: Carlos 5429-7967-6888
Quoted By:
>>17443211 I'll take one. Would like it if it's male.
munki (IGN Nick) 3995-7729-0901
Quoted By:
>>17443226 The roof the roof the roof is on fire
IGN: teddy FC2638-1271-5882
Quoted By:
LF: slowpoke/bro/king with regenerator ability put a vp disc :)
Adam: 0216-1851-5361
Quoted By:
>>17443211 Oh my favorite shiny
I'll try some luck
Disc going up
Quoted By:
>>17443251 Crap, wrong post, meant
>>17443211 Those in love balls?
Alex (3394-3575-3522)
>>17443255 Well this motherfucker wont be burning anytime soon, cause you just got a water type?
Put up a disc and ill drop it to you
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:45:24 No. 17443291 Report >>17443109 This is a giveaway, no need to trade,put up a luvdisc with "rynn" in the description and please pick if you want male or female
>>17443079 Sent
>>17443080 Sent
>>17443036 Nah, I didn't cause you were using o power, haha. Let me deal with that GTS stuff now, okay?
>>17442900 Couldn't find the disc for scyther
>>17442890 Put one up for bunneary, only males one left though
If I forgot anyone please reply to this post and tell me again what you want, also place a disc even before you do it.
Flash 3480-3985-9494
Quoted By:
>all this swearing guys pls:(
Mike 4957-4007-2003
Got a disc up and looking for a Tepig if anyone is willing. Would like an Oshawott too when the Tepig is done if possible. Cheers.
>>17443226 You don't tell me what to do, loser.
I'll need six of those Suicunes asap, or things are going to get ugly.
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
Quoted By:
LF a Corpfish with HA
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17443264 I didn't want the legend just wanted to sing along.
no you guys you gotta mark the gender you want in the gts options :( i wont remember unless you do that. also please reply directly to that post if you want one.
Luesol IGN: Carlos 5429-7967-6888
Quoted By:
>>17443291 Check again. Probably checked before I deposited it.
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311 Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:46:25 No. 17443310 Report >>17443211 I'll take a female.
Disc is up.
Also, for the egg moves for chansey:
-Helping Hand
-Seismic Toss
munki (IGN Nick) 3995-7729-0901
>>17443179 i can give you a 4iv togetic
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17443179 Put up a disc for Togepi, I should have a female lying around.
Alex (3394-3575-3522)
Quoted By:
i realize ur kidding :P >>17443304 ikr
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:47:15 No. 17443328 Report Quoted By:
>>17443297 I've got a spare of both, put up a disc for one and the other when you get the first
>>17443305 What are you giving away, if you don't mind me asking?
Spiral 5386-8903-8474
Quoted By:
>>17443288 holy shit man, I love you. Thanks so much.
Disc is up
Dero 2707-1783-4778
Quoted By:
>>17443291 disc should be up, time to get me a trap-eary
>>17443310 perfect
i'm telling you guys if you dont mark what gender you want im gonna give you whatever....
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
IGN Ramon 3926-5004-2681 Drowzee, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:48:20 No. 17443353 Report Quoted By:
>>17443199 Sorry, was gone for a few minutes. Will give you a Tepig now.
IGN: Dougie
Anyone got fast ball pichu or growlith? Still giving moon ball misdrevus, even if no one wants Also have some east shore shellos
Quoted By:
>>17443330 Oh right, the Mareeps. Ignore me, I already have one.
Brad 3926-6172-7906 (Noibat, Fraxure, Sligoo)
Brad 3926-6172-7906 (Noibat, Fraxure, Sligoo) Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:48:52 No. 17443363 Report Anybody have any modest Clauncher? I have Y so I don't have access to them. IVs don't matter.
munki (IGN Nick) 3995-7729-0901
Quoted By:
>>17443014 can i get a piplup from you?
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Freddy (the one with balltism) 3840 - 5343 - 8311 Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:49:22 No. 17443372 Report >>17443355 Put a disc up for a growlithe. I still have a few.
Flash 3480-3985-9494
Quoted By:
>>17443342 got a disc up, thank you.
Quoted By:
>>17443363 put a luvdisc. i'll send you one
Ryan [0834 - 2182 - 1247] !FLV.VnLsyk
Quoted By:
Does anyone here have a Female Speed Boost Carvanha they'd be willing to part with? Nature / IVs irrelevant, any ball is fine as well but Luxury/Moon/Dive/Dive would be a nice bonus.
Quoted By:
>>17443211 I'm actually more interested in the Leftovers. Did you clone those too?
Traffic Cone - 4098-3137-6271
Quoted By:
>>17443291 Ok I put one up. Female if possible, thanks!
Lime 3883-5402-8331
My boyfriend is offering to help me clone so if someone posts here by the name of Lemon that's him.
Luesol IGN: Carlos 5429-7967-6888
Quoted By:
>>17443410 Lime, did you get to me in the list? I fell asleep yesterday (today?)
IGN: Dougie
Quoted By:
>>17443372 It's up, thanks alot
Junito 2879 - 0732 - 0305 (Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb)
Junito 2879 - 0732 - 0305 (Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb) Fri 17 Jan 2014 23:55:21 No. 17443520 Report Quoted By:
>>17443188 Alright, the disc is up.
>>17443314 >>17443318 I'll put another up for Togepi next.
Thanks in advance you guys.
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
Quoted By:
So I got that pentaperfect Anorith I was going for and have 6 HA males in plain pokeballs with 3-4 IVs each. Anybody want one?
anymore diveball totodiles? or did i miss them all?
Quoted By:
>>17443848 new thread buddy but 12.5% is a horrible gender trato. give us time pls
Quoted By:
>>17443291 got it Many thanks!
Quoted By: You guys get anything new? I'll alphabetize it shortly .