[8 / 1 / ?]
Hey /vp/, I have a 6IV Ditto I got from a giveaway here and a 5IV Gible as parents on the Day Care, but I keep getting 4IV Gible from the eggs. So, I have a question: is it possible that pokemon have two genes for each IV and Mendel's laws apply when IV breeding?
Kip FC: 4554-0563-3771 ( Pidgey, Tranquil, Fletching)
Kip FC: 4554-0563-3771 ( Pidgey, Tranquil, Fletching) Fri 17 Jan 2014 22:55:55 No. 17442080 Report Quoted By:
Is the ditto holding a destiny knot?
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022 !36CwiJv9aQ
The Destiny Knot will only take 5 IVs from both parents. If you're not breeding with sextaperfect parents, you will also get 4IV eggs.
calvin 5215-0673-7644 (Abra,Espurr,Xatu)
>>17441960 Idk but you should clone a ditto for me.
Or trade me one of those 4IV Gible for a 4IV Skarmory/Cottonee
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>>17442100 somebody doesn't know Biology
>>17442100 This.
It it takes the imperfect IV from the 5IV gible and randomizes another IV. you are only guaranteed 5 IVs if both parents have 6
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>>17442252 so, Mendel's laws do not apply. I am disappointed.
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>>17442102 I don't have 2 3DS's so, I can't clone it for you, I'm sorry. You can beg for it in a cloning thread