Hello /vp/ today I have several boxes of Pokemon that I will be giving away they include Mirror Coat Feebas in Dream Ball, Dragon Dance Aqua Jet Corphish in Net Ball, Switcheroo Buneary in Love Ball(no Klutz), and Heat Wave Litwick in Luxury Balls all are male and female except Buneary which is all female if you want one just put up a Luvdisk in GTS and tell me which one you want.
Skylar [5214 - 9790 - 1868] Poison
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>>17459114 Putting up a Luvdisk for one of the Corphish. Name is LoveOP.
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Sat 18 Jan 2014 16:28:47 No. 17459233 Report putting one up for a buneary, message will be based tundra
Skylar [5214 - 9790 - 1868] Poison
Also curious about getting a Feebas. I only want it for the Dream Ball, so I'd like a female one please. I can give you a 5IV Jolly Iron Fist Egg moves Chimchar for it in the GTS because I can't be bothered to go catch another Luvdisk.
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Sat 18 Jan 2014 16:32:38 No. 17459304 Report Quoted By:
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>>17459265 sure just trade me on the pss my FC list is full
MARCO 4983-5126-3707
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Put up one for Feebas, OP.
Do you have pokebank, OP? or did you just get those in a trade at some point?I really want a Petilil/Lilligant in a love ball.
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>>17459405 I got them from trades and decided to breed them off
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Putting up a luvdisc. Could I get a female feebas OP? Please and thank you.
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb)
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb) Sat 18 Jan 2014 16:41:55 No. 17459456 Report can i have a corphish OP? throwed a luvdisk
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb)
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb) Sat 18 Jan 2014 16:45:35 No. 17459524 Report >>17459456 its a jap one and message is thank lord based tundra
Benson 1435 4770 3654
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Gonna put up a disk for a corphish. Thank you, OP!
>>17459524 I think it got sniped cause I don't see it
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb)
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb) Sat 18 Jan 2014 16:49:42 No. 17459598 Report Quoted By:
>>17459572 sorry i forgot to press ok so it wasnt up, now it should be, yeah just woke up im stupid
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb)
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb) Sat 18 Jan 2014 16:51:42 No. 17459627 Report Quoted By:
>>17459572 Thanks based tundra!
Austin - 2492-4116-8296 (IGN: Reed)
could I get a Female litwick? throwing a omanyte up for ya, 4IVs
Angelo 4038-6797-4873 (Doduo, Tranquil and Tropius)
Angelo 4038-6797-4873 (Doduo, Tranquil and Tropius) Sat 18 Jan 2014 16:56:45 No. 17459725 Report >>17459114 Dragon Dance Aqua Jet Corphish, OP?
Put one up already.
If it's possible, can I get a Feebas as well? Tundra
Austin - 2492-4116-8296 (IGN: Reed)
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>>17459637 Thanks, OP. could I also get a Corphish? throwing a dusk ball 3IV drought vulpix up for you
Angelo 4038-6797-4873 (Doduo, Tranquil and Tropius)
Angelo 4038-6797-4873 (Doduo, Tranquil and Tropius) Sat 18 Jan 2014 17:03:13 No. 17459839 Report Quoted By:
>>17459763 Thank you!
I've put up a Luvdisc for a Feebas. The only bankmon I have that I've bred is a Misdreavus.
If you'd like a Misdreavus, I can take down that Luvdisc. Thanks again OP
IGN Zarro 0275-8442-8586
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>>17459114 Can I get a buneary please OP? I put up a luvdisc
Would you like a 4IV Helioptile for a Corphish?
Forrest 1822-0293-3089 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Forrest 1822-0293-3089 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo) Sat 18 Jan 2014 17:05:51 No. 17459887 Report Quoted By:
Deposited a disk named Based OP for a Feebas.
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
>>17459114 Hey OP could I get a female feebas? Put up a 4IV absol with the message "thanks tundra"
Reven- 0559-8187-1891 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, and Spiritomb)
Reven- 0559-8187-1891 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, and Spiritomb) Sat 18 Jan 2014 17:10:00 No. 17459956 Report >>17459114 Can I get a Mirror coat Feebas OP?
I'm putting up a luvdisc now
Love you forever
Angelo 4038-6797-4873 (Doduo, Tranquil and Tropius)
Angelo 4038-6797-4873 (Doduo, Tranquil and Tropius) Sat 18 Jan 2014 17:11:37 No. 17459983 Report Quoted By:
Thank you OP. You have my deepest gratitude. Have a Serena as my token of thanks.
>>17459949 let me hatch some more egg cause I only have male at the moment
>>17459921 Put up a Helioptile with /vp/ tundra as the message.
Wynnona - 0946-3169-1890
>>17459114 hey OP do you have the source of the pic?
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>>17460018 sorry I don't I found it in a random thread
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
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>>17459997 Sure, no problem OP.
>>17460001 looks like someone beat me to it
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>>17459114 Going to request a buneary. Thanks a lot!
Reven- 0559-8187-1891 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, and Spiritomb)
Reven- 0559-8187-1891 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, and Spiritomb) Sat 18 Jan 2014 17:17:56 No. 17460091 Report Quoted By:
>>17459956 It's on the GTS now with the message /vp/
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>>17460081 I took it back so I can request for a female if possible. Would like to keep the ball.
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Hey op can I have a fee bas please? I'll put a disc named /vp/ and my ign is Victor. Many thanks
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Putting up a request for feebas. From one give-away-er to another, i wanna say thanks and keep it up!
Forrest 1822-0293-3089 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Forrest 1822-0293-3089 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo) Sat 18 Jan 2014 17:20:24 No. 17460128 Report Quoted By:
Dang Tundra I've seen you on my PSS a few times. Thanks for the glorious Feebas brah
CJ 1392-5275-6302
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>>17459114 Buneary please
IGN Zephyr
Alright at the moment I only have Male Corphish and Feebas left if you want to wait I can breed more to get some females
>>17460161 Can I get both a female Feebas and male Corphish?
Putting up a couple discs named /vp/1 and /vp/2
IGN is Aisumura
>>17459114 do you have a spare prism scale?
if i post a luvdisc holding a replacement prism scale for you can you trade me a feebas with one that can evolve?
i really want that dex entry.
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>>17460179 sorry to do this but I'm gonna take a break so I can breed more females of Feebas I'll try to be back ASAP if not I'll make another thread
>>17460196 yea I have a spare scale but I only have male feebas left
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>>17460161 I put up a Cleffa, couldn't find a Luvdisc.
Buneary would be very nice, I love item shenanigans.
>>17459114 explain yourself, OP
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>>17460291 found it in a random thread no idea of the source
Loki 1306-6595-2450( ?????, ?????, ?????)
Loki 1306-6595-2450( ?????, ?????, ?????) Sat 18 Jan 2014 17:32:27 No. 17460353 Report Quoted By:
>>17459114 Put one up for a Feebas, female if at all possible
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I really have to go now be back later with more female pokes maybe even a new ball one so I'll make a new thread once I have an adequate amount to give out
barry 3926-5518-3270
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gonna toss up a Luvdisc for a Feebas. Thanks in advance OP
> mfw no one has scanned this doujin yet
Loki 1306-6595-2450( ?????, ?????, ?????)
Loki 1306-6595-2450( ?????, ?????, ?????) Sat 18 Jan 2014 17:46:54 No. 17460653 Report >>17460517 How long has it been out?
>>17460517 Fuck this gay earth
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>>17459114 IGN is Miguel. Putting up a luvdisc hoping to get a litwick.
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>tfw no qt fiery gf
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>>17460653 Like since decemberish.
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I put up a Luvdisc named /vp/ is love for a Corphish OP. Patiently waiting.
>>17460517 >>17460655 Everyone's too busy scanning and translating anything that has to do with Shauna and Serena being sluts with old men.
There's a fucking Drasna doujin and no one has even scanned it yet.
>>17461925 >Drasna doujin I'd give my left nut to the first person that scans it
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>>17462035 >large breasts >armpits >sweat I like where this is going
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>>17462035 "Oh anon, this is embarassing! Are you sure you want an old lady like me? Anonymous
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>>17462035 Anyone got an account somewhere that they can use to order this
>>17460517 >mfw I found 4 of the pages scanned It's a huge cocktease.
>>17462371 Don't say it, post it.
Digo72_br - 5112-3455-3108 (flying)
is there any corphish left?
Phillip 4914-3984-5786
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Can I get a litwick? Male if you have it
Digo72_br - 5112-3455-3108 (flying)
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>>17462425 deposited a luv for a corphish if there is any one left, tks
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>>17462442 >sabrinas lewd face My fucking dick right now
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>>17462442 >Tierno and Trevor >fucking anyone but eachother This is a funny joke.
>>17462442 >It's got Trevor and Tierno taking up space And that's probably why it hasn't been scanned yet.
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>>17459114 I've just deposited mine. Can I get a Feebas please?
>>17462851 Well who else would take the space?
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>>17462851 There's already a translated one of them fucking Serena and Shauna.
Richard 1091-8282-5543
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If this is still going on, I'm putting up a disc for a litwick.
Andy 1564-3205-8069 [ICE: Bergmite, Snorunt, Cloyster]
Andy 1564-3205-8069 [ICE: Bergmite, Snorunt, Cloyster] Sat 18 Jan 2014 21:05:37 No. 17465122 Report Quoted By:
>>17459114 I can offer you a pentaperfect Adamant Galewings fletchling in the gender of your choice, or a pentaperfect timid compound eyes joltik for a female feebas and/or a female corphish