Seb 1762-2656-8949
Quoted By:
>>17468667 Group 9, checking in, as stated in the previous thread.
Also incredibly grateful and willing to help out in any way possible.
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sat 18 Jan 2014 23:54:36 No. 17468790 Report Im currently at 3/4 dittos for the next group! Which will be group 6 I think?
Please be patient with the cloners guys, they're doing a lot of work for little to no thanks. Try not to stir up trouble, and ignore anyone that tries to. Thanks to all of you that have managed to be just as understanding, as well as the people doing all of this work.
>>17468667 i can not see the doc of the lists. we arent allowed to see it?
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Quoted By:
Group XX Reporting in. Waitin' for sum of dat shiny goodness when the doc opens up. I've got two 3DSs and can help with cloning if need be.
Seb 1762-2656-8949
Quoted By:
>>17468790 Yes, group 6 is when the decision was made to stop the giveaway.
Quoted By:
>>17468797 i dont remember if im in 7 or 8 is all.
SlaK FC:375 7913 5790 IGN: Le-a
I have 2 3ds's but don't know how to clone id be glad to help out for the day
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha)
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha) Sat 18 Jan 2014 23:56:46 No. 17468837 Report Quoted By:
>>17468667 think doc is still locked (atleast on my end).
also really appreciate the time and efford you guys put into this
Group 21 here btw , guess itll be a long night
Daisuke (Pancham, Machoke, Hariyama) 3883 5478 3603
Daisuke (Pancham, Machoke, Hariyama) 3883 5478 3603 Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:00:19 No. 17468909 Report Im in the group 13. Whatever, I will asking some friend that I think he can clone to help you
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:01:37 No. 17468934 Report Quoted By:
Group 6 you're up! Please respond to me here so I know to add you 2492-4502-0093 Mike 0473-8081-9528 Spelunky 4141-1725-5319 Anderson
D REX 0490-5810-4072
>>17468793 Official Group 13 representative here, just want to show my thanks to all the serene skitty posts. Cloners, thank you for all your energy and effort in aid of the Pokémon Community at large — exercises like cloning can be so so damn tedious and yes, not everyone is able to do it. You are saints among the massive fandom.
>>17468909 Sup groupie
Quoted By:
I really appreciate your effort in this, man. Group 20 here, looks like I have some time to kill.
Seb 1762-2656-8949
Quoted By:
Podcasting here to kill the time.
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
>>17468826 I'm in the same boat, actually. Ready to clone if/when I can.
Daisuke (Pancham, Machoke, Hariyama) 3883 5478 3603
Daisuke (Pancham, Machoke, Hariyama) 3883 5478 3603 Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:03:28 No. 17468969 Report Quoted By:
>>17468936 I remember you, there is another one with a letter D in the nick name
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Hey guys. Anyone asking to be cloners, we will have to politely decline sorry. We would like to get through all the groups waiting first. At the end we will see about adding more cloners. Thank you for understanding.
dave 4527-7795-0040
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Quoted By:
>>17468990 No prob, Blair. Just excited to help.
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:06:31 No. 17469029 Report + Ferroflux- 5429-7894-3116
0103 9460 0412
>>17469009 Because I fucked everything up
Quoted By:
>>17469009 its private so Stan and Ben cant get to it.
>>17468936 Glad to be a bit of a help. And really I just enjoy dumping pictures, and my cute folder is huge. If I wouldn't be clogging up the thread, I'd be dumping more. Anyway, maybe we can do something about the people willing to clone here? It'd certainly help things move faster.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17468990 If you could clone a pokemon in the mean time and show us that would be even better too.
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:07:33 No. 17469059 Report Quoted By:
>>17469029 I forgot to say I'm calling group 7 since no one in group 6 bothered to turn up. Sorry
Quoted By:
>>17469036 Oh, my bad.
>>17468990 Understood. Good luck.
>>17469029 howd you mess everything up Ahri??????????
Seb 1762-2656-8949
Quoted By:
>>17469041 Alright, good to see you here too, Blair! Really appreciate the work you guys are doing!
Webster: (3797 7378 7845)
Quoted By:
group 14. You came back! I had faith.
Quoted By:
>>17469083 i dont think you did.
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:10:08 No. 17469116 Report >>17469083 I've been asleep and didn't know it was private and ;_;
Group 6 or 7 pls respond otherwise I'm moving on in 5 minutes
Alvi 0018-1570-7697
Quoted By:
This will be quick, doesn't seeem that there is many people waiting.
SlaK FC:375 7913 5790 IGN: Le-a
Quoted By:
>>17468990 Allright well good luck and arceus speed
Quoted By:
>>17469116 ah ok. lol. i got scared you were Stan X_x
Rex 2766-9747-3936
>>17469116 Yay thanks for coming back Ahri! Group 8 here hehehehs so close. :D
Anything you want in particular btw?
Trask [Normal - Eevee / Aipom / Loudred] 1461 - 7444 - 0109
Trask [Normal - Eevee / Aipom / Loudred] 1461 - 7444 - 0109 Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:12:14 No. 17469180 Report Is this one actually real?
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Seb 1762-2656-8949
>>17469180 yes. please dont spam. sign ups are closed and Ahri is being the coolest guy ever lets let him do his thing.
Quoted By:
>>17469180 Yes it is, though there are only a few cloners working this time.
>tfw out of skitties Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:14:17 No. 17469247 Report >>17469177 Something not shit is nice haha but anything is okay. Okay fuck groups 6 and 7 because they aren't here. Group 8 yay!
Quoted By:
group 26 here i think, whatever the second to last one was, thanks for coming back guys
Quoted By:
>>17469247 David here, I'll add you. 5iv adamant marvel scale dratini on its way
Trask [Normal - Eevee / Aipom / Loudred] 1461 - 7444 - 0109
Trask [Normal - Eevee / Aipom / Loudred] 1461 - 7444 - 0109 Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:15:31 No. 17469271 Report Quoted By:
>>17469226 Just making sure, because that Stan guy is annoying everybody. I'm in Group 9 so thank you cloners so much for taking the time go give away these awesome Dittos!
Seb 1762-2656-8949
>>17469247 I'll be giving you a 5IV Scyther with a Dubious Disc. It's not going to be a Technician, but it's the best I can offer, and it should be fairly easy to breed a decent one with that and Ditto. :)
skylit [2938-6423-4429] Fairy
Quoted By:
>>17468667 I believe i was in group 18. thanks for doing this <3
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:16:19 No. 17469292 Report Quoted By:
That's the consequence of cloning such things; they expect you to give them to EVERYONE!!! I'm sad that I missed this opportunity, I was doing errands at the time.
apxn 4742-5976-8550
Quoted By:
>>17469247 Oh shit, it's time! Adding you.
Rex 2766-9747-3936
Quoted By:
>>17469247 Added, awaiting you. :)
Webster: (3797 7378 7845)
>>17469283 darn i was gonna give out my extra disc. thinkin of something else now.
Quoted By:
>>17469247 i added you Ahri. i am Arro
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17469330 Pretty sure anyone could use an extra disc lol
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
So just to make sure I got this right, those of us willing to clone there will be a thread later for us to post to?
Quoted By:
>>17469247 Am I adding you, or somebody else
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17469357 After these waiting groups have been taken care of yes
Rex 2766-9747-3936
>>17469247 Says you're online on my 3DS but cant see u on my pokemon friend list.
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:19:27 No. 17469412 Report Yay for group 8 all turning up and being lovely people with lovely pokemon. Going to trade you all now!
Quoted By:
>>17469391 will be first in passerbys list.
why don't you people create a shitty free forum for the next giveaways (if you plan to do more) at least you'll have control over shitposting
Ajural 4399-0206-9607
Quoted By:
Group 25 or so here, waiting patiently.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Quoted By:
>>17469459 Didn't think someone would have a vendetta against us for some unknown reason
Quoted By:
>>17469412 glad to be here! :)
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
Quoted By:
>>17469388 Wonderful! I shall look forward to that. Thank you.
Quoted By:
Waiting for group 15
Quoted By:
I'm from group 23. Good to hear you guys are back. Still got that Articuno ready. Take your time and thanks again for all you do. :)
Quoted By:
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:29:54 No. 17469729 Report Group 8 is done and dusted! Thank you all for your pokemon, it's nice not to get shitmons! Time to clone some more for the next group!
Thanks to everyone for being so understanding and patient, this is going a heck of a lot better than last time.
Seb 1762-2656-8949
Quoted By:
>>17469729 It bears repeating how much we are appreciating this.
Quoted By:
>>17469729 take good care of that feebas! I bred her today specifically for my cloner:)))
Seb 1762-2656-8949
Webster: (3797 7378 7845)
Quoted By:
>>17469350 Fair enough, If you can think of somethin, i might be able to breed it. i have all starters. sadly without the ditto i don't have perfect ivs...
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Quoted By:
>>17469777 Too late.
>>17469817 beat Me to it.
Muuma 4012-4480-1610 (Water) Krabby - Floatzel - Azumarill
Muuma 4012-4480-1610 (Water) Krabby - Floatzel - Azumarill Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:36:10 No. 17469893 Report Just to know, how many groups were made before the list was closed? Ahri is doing group 9 recently and I see people saying they are in group 23... I ask so I'll know when to come back approximatively for registering on the list.
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17469730 I 'm with you. I don't quite know what happened last time but from the sounds of it, it sounds pretty horrible.
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Quoted By:
>>17469893 I think there are something like 28 groups. Someone said they were in 27 and they were second to last or some such.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Seb 1762-2656-8949
Webster: (3797 7378 7845)
>>17469949 It was about as horrifying as this...
>>17469949 So was I, it was ridiculous to say the least. If you're that curious, check the archive, I'd rather not bring all of it up and stir things up again.
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Chowder FC: 2277-7611-3353
Quoted By:
I believe that I'm in group 19. Thank you for continuing this despite all of the shitposting everywhere.
Quoted By:
I was in group 19 at the time, but I cannot see the document to make sure.
Quoted By:
Hey I'm in group 27, my name is teddy. Was just saying I'm on my phone and don't have WiFi where I'm at but I should be good in about 2 hours. Thanks for what you guys are doing
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17469949 Sounds ghastly!
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
Quoted By:
>>17469991 No need to check I'm good.
>>17470055 but that's a gengar Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Quoted By:
>>17470055 So ghastly he evolved twice?
Seb 1762-2656-8949
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:45:00 No. 17470119 Report I'm having really good luck with my clones! I'm not sure if anyone else is helping but I'm moving along at an okay pace! Group 9 it's your turn to shine! 3711 8024 9484 Freddy 1461 - 7444 - 0109 Trask 176226568949 Seb 3497-0527-5007 Scott
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17470080 yeah i failed because the pic was too cute
but that one is adorkable!
Seb 1762-2656-8949
Scott 3497-0527-5007
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17470119 I'm having a bit of bad luck atm
>>17470137 Gengar always gets a lot of really cute art, I'll give you that one though since art of Gastly is no where near as easy to find.
Trask [Normal - Eevee / Aipom / Loudred] 1461 - 7444 - 0109
Trask [Normal - Eevee / Aipom / Loudred] 1461 - 7444 - 0109 Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:47:55 No. 17470200 Report Quoted By:
>>17470119 I'm here! Adding you now!
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:48:16 No. 17470209 Report Quoted By:
>>17470179 I know how that shit is ;_;
hopefully it turns up
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
>>17470198 Haunter had always been My favorite pokaymanz; but Gengar's stats are better...
>>17470224 I never play competitively myself, so I never really have that problem
CLONER Phi {IGN: Kari} [1478-3907-7997]
>>17470119 I'm here Ahri but having aweful luck on my forth.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Quoted By:
>>17470274 3rd one after about 10 tries, sadface
Seb 1762-2656-8949
Quoted By:
This was so worth the six hour wait. :) You are a gentleman and a scholar! Hope you enjoy the Scyther!
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17470198 And even more difficult to find with Pikachu! Guess I have a new piece to work on for deviant art now.
Webster: (3797 7378 7845)
>>17470271 I use a Haunter every time I go to Johto. Screw evolving it. Hypnosis Dream eater curse and nightmare .
Trask [Normal - Eevee / Aipom / Loudred] 1461 - 7444 - 0109
Trask [Normal - Eevee / Aipom / Loudred] 1461 - 7444 - 0109 Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:54:59 No. 17470410 Report Quoted By:
Enjoy the Phione, Ahri! Thanks again! I am SOOO happy! I've had such terrible luck with breeding, lately.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Group 10 I am ready. Reply and add me thanks. 5429-6864-7803 Harmony 1246-9170-5252 Booman 1633-4427-2186 Derek 4210-4509-1787 Kevzor
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
Quoted By:
>>17470224 I am all for simply enjoying your favorite pokemon.
>>17470349 When you lurk enough, you find some of every pokemon
>>17470352 Don't blame you, I'm much too attached to evolve my shiny Noibat myself, I just can't bring myself to do it
Scott 3497-0527-5007
Quoted By:
Thanks so much, this should make my shitty breeding luck much better!
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
Quoted By:
>>17470420 sounds like i should start lurking more!
((PS Nexus and I are sharing posting times so forgive if slow in responding))
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 00:57:20 No. 17470477 Report Quoted By:
Group 9 you've been lovely! Thank you for all your pokemon! Only two more clones and then I am ready for my next group!
Booman (1246-9170-5252)
>>17470411 Talk about amazing timing, i just got back on /vp/.
Added you. Getting on now.
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
>>17470420 Shiny Mega Gengar. My life will be complete.
Webster: (3797 7378 7845)
Quoted By:
>>17470420 love these old sugimori arts. I honestly have too many favorites. I wish I could use Ariados... Bug Type rocks though
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
Quoted By:
>>17470494 You know me, i am simple.. gimmie a shiny pikachu and just SQUEE!
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17470480 Sending you trade request in game. Make sure I am registered as a friend please thank you
Booman (1246-9170-5252)
Quoted By:
>>17470562 Sorry, had to restart the net there. Thank you so much!
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:11:38 No. 17470778 Report Do you love me group 11? 1306-6595-2450 Loki 0018-1570-7697 Alvi 3540-0119-5580 Calem 1633-4700-2137 PGM
Alvi 0018-1570-7697
dave 4527-7795-0040
I think im in group 18 can anyone confirm?
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Group 12 I am ready. Reply and add me thanks. 5300-8305-5953 Bren 0920-0969-0108 Neko 4828 4367 1846 Red 1993-8482-5777 Nue
skylit [2938-6423-4429] Fairy
>>17470831 can you check my group as well? thank you
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:16:26 No. 17470885 Report Quoted By:
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Who is this Stan and why has he made it so I can't sign up?
Alvi 0018-1570-7697
Quoted By:
>>17470778 I love you Ahri, you are nice.
Alex (2895-8029-3210)
Quoted By:
If it isn't too much to ask can someone see which group I'm in? I want to see how long I'll have to wait.
Quoted By:
>>17470902 A real dedicated troll. He isn't the reason you can't sign up though, just too many people.
Connor - 0576-4836-7032 (Kecleon, Eevee,Dunsparce))
Connor - 0576-4836-7032 (Kecleon, Eevee,Dunsparce)) Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:19:04 No. 17470935 Report Looking to get a 6IV Ditto...what do I do to get into a group?
Quoted By:
>>17470902 Stan is one letter from Satan. He and his ilk are fun-sucking shitbags.
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17470902 don't worry about it, just be patient.. there may come a point where you can. i do know that hopefully soon my Hubby and i will be cloning as well.
Webster: (3797 7378 7845)
Quoted By:
>>17470902 A massive faggot, even by 4 chan standards. there are details in the archive. Let us not speak of it.
Quoted By:
>>17470935 Reading the OP would have been a good idea. Sign-ups are closed.
Quoted By:
I had a ditto last night, but lost it because i turned off the wrong 3ds! If someone would be willing to give me one, I can clone them. If someone feels nice enough I suppose. I can also return the favor. Money, Steam games etc.
Quoted By:
>>17470952 Well props to the contributors for doing something nice. Hopefully I can sign up at some point.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Hey guys, here is the groups we are working on at the moment. Anonymous
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:24:43 No. 17471074 Report Quoted By:
>>17470894 Thank you for the Ditto
That Scizor was the only good thing I had, I also EV trained him but only on Attack
Zangetsu91 1075-0729-8528
Can't access the docs. I think I was in group 16.
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:25:33 No. 17471093 Report Welp only one person turned up from group 11, thank you for hanging around Alvi! Now it's group 13's time! 388354783603 Daisuke 4527 - 8335 - 3085 Seis 0490-5810-4072 D REX 302461556334 Dei
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha)
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha) Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:26:20 No. 17471106 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>17471093 Dei here. Adding you now!
Zangetsu91 1075-0729-8528
Quoted By:
>>17471100 How did that pass me by? XD
Daisuke (Pancham, Machoke, Hariyama) 3883 5478 3603
Daisuke (Pancham, Machoke, Hariyama) 3883 5478 3603 Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:27:03 No. 17471121 Report Quoted By:
D REX 0490-5810-4072
>>17471093 here! adding U now
200 episodes of twilight zone later–
Webster: (3797 7378 7845)
D REX 0490-5810-4072
Quoted By:
>>17471134 fuck my battery is about 2 die and i dont have my charger
>>17471049 i would be worrying about being in 26 but at the rate you guys are going i'm not to scared
D REX 0490-5810-4072
Quoted By:
>>17471093 sorry i didnt have anything better than that kadabra, at least now it will finally become an alakazam, also, it is a total bro :=) so long kadabrazam
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17471240 Yeah, don't worry, shouldn't be too long now
Daisuke (Pancham, Machoke, Hariyama) 3883 5478 3603
Daisuke (Pancham, Machoke, Hariyama) 3883 5478 3603 Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:38:22 No. 17471342 Report >>17471093 Thanks Ahri!!! my Hoppip has pokerus, I dont know if now the pokerus is usefull but I dont any thing else to give you
I can offer money, steam games, something! I just need a ditto! I will go first! 0705-3947-0960 Risa
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:39:51 No. 17471368 Report Dei please respond, I know you've added me but I need to give you your ditto.
Quoted By:
>>17471265 Do you have a favorite starter? I don't really have anything, so all i can really do is give you a Pokemon you like.
>>17471368 I'm here, haven't had a trade request yet I don't think
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Quoted By:
>>17471356 Oh, you will will you? Seems like the rest of the 27 groups will go first, then you can go first if you're the first into the doc.
2DefeatYou 0662 3634 1339
>waiting for sign ups to open since last night I should have gone to sleep. I feel terribad.
Pokey 2036-7485-9582 (sandshrew nincada diggersby) !!tiKJXvwkYQV
Pokey 2036-7485-9582 (sandshrew nincada diggersby) !!tiKJXvwkYQV Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:43:31 No. 17471434 Report 0533-5140-9691 Doug 379773787845 Webster 212268771753 Miguel 086034346887 Laharl Reply here, add me, get ditto.
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:43:36 No. 17471435 Report >>17471395 I've been spamming you with trade requests, if you could send me one back if you're not receiving mine.
>>17471342 Also for future trades, Pokerus is something Usefull?
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
>>17471426 I done went to bed already. Been up for a few hours waiting on this. SO stoked.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Group 15 I am ready.
Reply and add me thanks.
2122 6049 7431 Michael
3695-0579-1062 Topple
0404-7192-9458 Andrew
>>17471395 Make sure Ahri is confirmed friend.
>>17471434 This is for group 14. You can trust pokey
Webster: (3797 7378 7845)
Quoted By:
>>17471434 ok you're legit. Adding now!!!!
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:45:47 No. 17471471 Report Quoted By:
>>17471437 Most of us already have pokerus but I didn't actually have it on this game yet so it saves me some time!
>>17471435 Not sure what was causing issues there, sorry for holding you up. Thanks a ton for your hard work, hopefully shiny Swanna is to your liking :)
2DefeatYou 0662 3634 1339
>>17471438 Dreamt of 6iv jap dittos and everything?
Quoted By:
>>17471450 Andrew here, I'm about to add you
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:48:30 No. 17471522 Report >>17471483 Swanna is one of my favourites so thank you! Enjoy your ditto!
I'll try get enough for one more group and then I'm going to have to take a nap
Miguel [2122-6877-1753] (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth]
Miguel [2122-6877-1753] (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth] Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:49:25 No. 17471539 Report Quoted By:
Webster: (3797 7378 7845)
>>17471522 >>17471450 >>17471434 Thank you all for sticking with it! Much appreciated!
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
>>17471502 I don't have fun dreams anymore. They're all boring stuff like walking to the fridge or eating or something. Though I did used to have this recurring dream where I was required to save the world of pokemon (original gen) from the apocalypse. End of the dream was Me and about 30 other pokemon in a brick bunker, staring out of the viewhole and seeing a classic nuke mushroom cloud. I woke up crying every time.
Miguel [2122-6877-1753] (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth]
Miguel [2122-6877-1753] (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth] Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:52:26 No. 17471595 Report >>17471434 > Moon Stone Many thanks!
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha)
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha) Sun 19 Jan 2014 01:52:31 No. 17471601 Report >>17471568 atleast you are not having accidental lucid dreams
they scare me ;___;
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 !!Os2HczISn+S
Glad to see this thread is going well!
Webster: (3797 7378 7845)
Quoted By:
Since i'm already in this thread. Destiny knot? Where?
skylit [2938-6423-4429] Fairy
what is the current group are you guys at?
Is 4chan acting up for anone?
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:10:11 No. 17471971 Report Group 19 you're my last group before nap time before I faint! 0619-3536-0111 Justin 1161 - 1009 - 0331 Serena 3239-3853-6392 Nathan 1075-0729-8528 Zangetsu91
Quoted By:
>>17471906 Most recent is 15 I believe
skylit [2938-6423-4429] Fairy
>>17471971 group 18 got skipped? :(
Zangetsu91 1075-0729-8528
Chowder FC: 2277-7611-3353
Quoted By:
>>17471990 Ahri meant 16, those people are listed as group 16.
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:12:06 No. 17472015 Report Quoted By:
>>17471971 I MEAN 16 FUCK
Justin (0619-3536-0111)
>>17471971 Reporting in! I'll be sending you a 5IV Eevee with a Thunder Stone. Chances are you probably have like 311841 shiny jolteons but it's the only thing I can offer. >< Sorry, and thanks so much for doing this!
Pokey 2036-7485-9582 (sandshrew nincada diggersby) !!tiKJXvwkYQV
Pokey 2036-7485-9582 (sandshrew nincada diggersby) !!tiKJXvwkYQV Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:12:23 No. 17472024 Report Quoted By:
>>17471595 >>17471561 No problem, hope you guys enjoy!
>>17471434 Last Call for 0533-5140-9691 Doug
and 086034346887 Laharl before I do the next group.
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:13:16 No. 17472041 Report >>17472020 WHO ARE YOU ANON
>>17472021 I actually don't have any and Jolteon is my favourite eeveeultion! Thanks Justin!
Quoted By:
>>17471630 Yep, it's been going pretty much perfectly.
>>17471926 I've been having issues for the past half hour, and just finally got back myself.
Quoted By:
>>17472041 Sorry I accidentlly put my name in the email field last time
Justin (0619-3536-0111)
Quoted By:
>>17472041 It comes with an ability capsule too!? You're too much! Thanks for everything! Enjoy your Jolteon!
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:20:28 No. 17472183 Report >>17471995 Yoo I added you but cant see you online, send me a trade request whenever for your ditto.
Is Zangetsu your IGN?
Serena [ 1161 - 1009 - 0331 ]
Quoted By:
>>17472041 Thank you so much!
I had no use for that masterball or extra pokerus, hope it is useful for you in some way!
Youngster Joey
Guys what exactly is the benefit of having 6 IV Dittos, does it make the whole IV stuff easier?
Zangetsu91 1075-0729-8528
Quoted By:
>>17472183 Sorry I couldn't give anything more useful. Thanks so much for this!!!
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:24:14 No. 17472270 Report Quoted By:
Time for a nap, I've set my alarm for two hours so hopefully I get up then! Enjoy your dittos everyone!
Quoted By:
Is there a window when things will open up again?
Quoted By:
>>17472229 Like your name
But yes, having a 6iv parent makes breeding a lot easier
>pic related, general breeding guide Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Quoted By:
>>17472229 Yes, seeing as one is a perfect parent
Chowder FC: 2277-7611-3353
Are other people still cloning? Just curious.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17472311 Yeah, I just got back from a small task I had to do
dave 4527-7795-0040
So close :( I really would love it though Since I am basically the guy who breeds pokes for my whole school.
Quoted By:
Hi, I was in group 47 this morning and I just wanted to say thank you. I know what I gave wasn't even close to being good, but I just wanted to say thank you for doing the giveaway.
skylit [2938-6423-4429] Fairy
Quoted By:
>>17472341 I just need it to breed my team to beat my classmates.
Pokey 2036-7485-9582 (sandshrew nincada diggersby) !!tiKJXvwkYQV
Pokey 2036-7485-9582 (sandshrew nincada diggersby) !!tiKJXvwkYQV Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:30:00 No. 17472426 Report Quoted By:
Group 17, you're up. 1848-2939-6944 Malte 3497-0824-6135 Delu 3153-4927-2281 Jules 0662 - 3977 - 7376 Victoria Reply here, add me, get ditto.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Group 18 I am ready. Reply and add me thanks. 2707-1611-4642 Brandon 2938-6423-4429 skylit 5370-0502-5397 Laury 4527-7795-0040 David
skylit [2938-6423-4429] Fairy
dave 4527-7795-0040
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross]
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross] Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:41:04 No. 17472675 Report psyched as hell. Group 23's time is near! Gonna give Articuno a good hold item. Any preference that isn't a master ball or ability capsule?
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Quoted By:
>>17472675 All these dittos have ability capsule that I know of
dave 4527-7795-0040
>>17472505 Thank you so very much you made my week :)
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17472696 they are pretty awesome huh?
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:46:35 No. 17472822 Report >>17472758 Team shiny reporting in
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross]
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross] Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:47:37 No. 17472843 Report Anonymous
>>17472843 Don't pay him any mind.
>>17472758 And yes, they're doing a wonderful job
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:50:24 No. 17472905 Report >>17472873 Lol faggots cancelling their trades
>>17472905 I'd gladly fill any reserved spots open. >>
>>17472920 Stan is a scammer. Please, don't pay him any mind.
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross]
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross] Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:53:14 No. 17472959 Report >>17472873 You're right. Man oh man, though. Ditto is so close!
Incidentally, when you guys get the chance, I'd like to offer my cloning services. I have 2 3DS' s, and both X and Y.
Quoted By:
>>17472937 Shit I'd still fill in. >>
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17472937 You have some nice pictures there
>>17472959 They said they might be taking in more cloners once they catch up on the backup, so just hang tight
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:55:28 No. 17473006 Report Quoted By:
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross]
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross] Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:55:49 No. 17473015 Report Quoted By:
>>17472991 no probs. I can wait. I can't clone until tomorrow anyhow.
>>17472979 I used to visit cute/art threads a lot, so I have a lot of cool fanart
>>17472937 You are a good man/woman (do not want to be sexist), you have been trying to keep this thread calm the entire time. Well done sir/madam well done.
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
Quoted By:
>>17472873 They really are. I look forward to when my Hubby and I can do this. I want to help spread the loooove.
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha)
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha) Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:57:36 No. 17473058 Report >>17473021 got any furret ? :3
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ
(Organiser) Stan 3866-9158-3413 !/UYB5.knKQ Sun 19 Jan 2014 02:58:22 No. 17473073 Report Quoted By:
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17473021 i love cute art fanart. *cheers*
Quoted By:
>>17473058 I certainly have a bit I can dig up
>>17473023 And thank you, there's no point in letting everyone get all wound up.
>>17473105 So do I, though I'm not really sure why I save so much
Quoted By:
>>17473189 We still cloning, or has everyone cleared out?
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Still here guys. In a bit of a ditto slump though
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17473189 im not sure why i do either, i just kinda do... but hey it serves its purpose here!
and yes there is really no reason for any of us to really freak out. be like pikachu be happy with some ketchup
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
Quoted By:
>>17473270 Be nice ditto! Be nice! Please?
>>17473270 All good, just making sure I wasn't bumping a dead thread
>>17473295 And that's true
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
Quoted By:
Oops this should have posted with >shakes fist at quick fingers
Quoted By:
>>17473295 >rubber boot tier condiment >not wanting God tier Dijon mustard wow are you even trying Pikachu?
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/ Sun 19 Jan 2014 03:12:55 No. 17473410 Report Are people still here? Other than our two picture people?
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Group 19 I am ready. Reply and add me thanks. 2277-7611-3353 Chowder 1736-1237-7690 wjerel 2637-9916-7643 Desirey 0404-6958-9856 Michael
Fred 1650-2872-6632
Ajural 4399-0206-9607
Quoted By:
>>17473410 >>17473270 Is, just having trouble cloning, otherwise I'm not sure
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha)
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha) Sun 19 Jan 2014 03:14:06 No. 17473439 Report >>17473395 these furret pics made me catch one, thanks anon
Desirey - 2637 9916 7643
I'm lurking. Waiting for announcement of when sign up will reopen.
Quoted By:
>>17473410 Yup, just waiting for my group to come up.
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Quoted By:
>>17473410 I think that means yes. lol
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Quoted By:
>>17473446 Same. Also playing Hearthstone Beta in waiting.
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross]
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross] Sun 19 Jan 2014 03:16:25 No. 17473503 Report Cloning is tough business. Well worth the wait, though. Also, keep the art coming! <3
>>17473439 No problem! For that, here's my personal favorite Furret picture
Chowder FC: 2277-7611-3353
Quoted By:
>>17473420 Just added you and thanks.
Desirey - 2637 9916 7643
Quoted By:
>>17473420 Thank you so much!
>>17473420 wjerel (1736-1237-7690)
Keeps saying it is spam when I put my name in the name part.
Added you, sorry do not really have much to offer in return though.
Ozymandias [1435-4704-2087] (Heracross-Paras-Beautifly)
Ozymandias [1435-4704-2087] (Heracross-Paras-Beautifly) Sun 19 Jan 2014 03:18:36 No. 17473555 Report Quoted By:
Thank you very much, guys. Today, we try to clone with a friend... in two hours, we got just three clones. Seriously, you're the best.
Quoted By:
>>17473503 That's the plan, I have plenty of art for the next while
>>17473506 That donut's no donut! IT'S A POKEMON!!!
>>17473574 I see no pokemon sir
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Quoted By:
>>17473551 It's all good. We're just spreading the love
Chowder FC: 2277-7611-3353
Quoted By:
>>17473420 Thanks so much for the Ditto!
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17473551 Can't see you in pss. Send me a trade invite when you are ready.
>>17473605 Any requests for what's next? I don't have a lot of some pokemon, but I don't mind digging up more to keep me busy and you all entertained.
Brandon 2707-1611-4642
>>17472505 Fuck I missed it. I was out buying food for my friends. So when's the sign up back?
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
>>17473698 Ghastly line would be superb.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17473715 Add me, i'll get you
Ben 4570-7999-1434
>>17473715 Something 2chuu4u
Kichuwa - [3566-1665-1965]
Quoted By:
hopefully I'll get one in the future.
Quoted By:
>>17473718 Sure thing, warning though, I have a lot of Gengar, I'll post some of that and dig up Gastly and Haunter in the meantime
Brandon 2707-1611-4642
Quoted By:
>>17473737 Added! Thank you again!
Boon (1719-3321-5753)[Chansey, Aipom, Kecleon safari]
Boon (1719-3321-5753)[Chansey, Aipom, Kecleon safari] Sun 19 Jan 2014 03:28:00 No. 17473782 Report >>17473410 you ever clone and hand out that poke I gave ya? Just curious. Also, thanks for being awesome~
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/ Sun 19 Jan 2014 03:28:45 No. 17473796 Report >>17473782 Sure did Boon!
We all have one now, much appreciated!
>>17473750 Gengar is always 2cute
Ben 4570-7999-1434
Quoted By:
>>17473796 HI BILL
Boon (1719-3321-5753)[Chansey, Aipom, Kecleon safari]
Boon (1719-3321-5753)[Chansey, Aipom, Kecleon safari] Sun 19 Jan 2014 03:30:33 No. 17473833 Report >>17473796 Awesome, like I said, keep up the great work, Ill see ya on pokes <3
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
Quoted By:
I'm still here. Just idling doing other stuff watching anime and such. Looking forward to see if there will be the ability for Nexus and I to learn and start cloning as well.
>>17468667 I just send my request for the group.
Another thing?
>>17473815 Can you imagine just living with this big ass ghost like this?
>>17473666 Thank you so much! However I messed up the Absol I gave you was suppose to be holding a item, but I guess I turned off my DS without saving. If we could please trade again so I can give it to you. It is a PP Max, it may not be much but it is the best I can offer.
Ben 4570-7999-1434
>>17473854 The accepts are dead bro.
Don't you dare ask for a Ditto or Billy will TROLE u
That's why it takes so fucking long; him being autistic.
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/ Sun 19 Jan 2014 03:32:44 No. 17473900 Report Quoted By:
>>17473833 Sure will mate!
>>17473868 Yes, and it's amazing.
Chandeleure is sorta nice too but has less arms so I can't humanize him in my head as much.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17473880 It's fine, I don't mind it. Thanks anyway
>>17473901 I love Chandelure too, miss my shiny one, but it's in a better 3ds now
>>17473901 You don't need arms....for making love.
>>17473906 Okay, thank you very much for all your hard work. We all appreciate it very much!
Ben 4570-7999-1434
>>17473951 >>17473901 >>17473971 >>17473973 You may try to slide the thread, Billy, but this isn't Le Reddit.
The pictures are mine forever.
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Quoted By:
>>17473971 This needs to be on a picture.
Captcha Received Cilimix
>>17474008 Alright. I give. What's up with this billy guy and you? Story time?
>>17473951 >>17474119 Check the archive, let's not start things up again.
Quoted By:
>>17473893 Ehm... well i guess its ok.
I can wait.
After all this guys are helping for free.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018
>>17474119 Ben confessed his love to me but I rejected him. Although he was very sweet, I just can't see him being more than just a friend. I'm sorry Ben but I can only love you like a brother.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/ Sun 19 Jan 2014 03:48:06 No. 17474289 Report >>17474228 >17474228 I was going for 12 but I might just give away the 8 I have now.
1375 - 8428 - 5729
Group 20 it is your turn, add me, reply, I add you back, then you get ditto.
>>17474254 dramatic. It all makes sense now.
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
Fred 1650-2872-6632
Quoted By:
>>17474289 adding, you guys really are awesome
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Quoted By:
>>17474254 Nice tripcode there buddy.
>>17474289 Rodd (1375-8428-5729)
Quoted By:
Addin', thanks again.
issam 4012-4758-8868
Jack 1435-3831-4839
I'm so tired. Really glad I'm in the next group
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Group 21 I am ready. Reply and add me thanks. 2320-6180-4775 Dormira 0259 1514 8862 Laine 2079-7329-5469 Dyshana 1435-3831-4830 Jack
Quoted By:
>>17474378 Nice timing then
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha)
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha) Sun 19 Jan 2014 03:53:18 No. 17474408 Report Quoted By:
When the cloning happens do I have to do anything special on my end? Not that my group will be anytime soon, but you guys are awesome and I don't want to screw it up
>>17474412 Only whatever you wish to thank them with, they understand if you don't have much, but something neat like a shiny you don't want or a good iv mon is appreciated
>>17474438 Read that wrong, nope, just accept the trade.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17474378 Why you not adding me then Jack lol.
>>17474412 Just reply to and add the person when they say your group is up. Then go onto internet in pss and what for a trade request from the person.
Jack 1435-3831-4830
Fred 1650-2872-6632
Quoted By:
>>17474289 thank you sir sorry for that sucky charmander :( I
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha)
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha) Sun 19 Jan 2014 03:58:57 No. 17474529 Report >>17474473 is it ok if I give you a shiny tentacruel (shit IVs tho) ?
Jack 1435-3831-4830
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17474529 Whatever is fine by me thanks =)
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/ Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:02:50 No. 17474626 Report >>17474529 JACE YOU WONDERFUL WONDERFUL MAN
Can you send me a trade request Rodd
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha)
Dyshana 2079-7329-5469 (Pidgey / Tranquill / Hawlucha) Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:03:10 No. 17474635 Report >>17474562 thank you guys so much ! glad i can finally go to bed :D (5:02 AM here) really appreciate it !
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17474635 I like your dedication, now get some sleep
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/ Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:06:14 No. 17474696 Report >>17474626 GROUP 22
wade wilson
You guys know the drill by now, add me, reply, i add you, you get slime
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Quoted By:
Not long to go now guys
Reven- 0559-8187-1891 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, and Spiritomb)
Reven- 0559-8187-1891 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, and Spiritomb) Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:07:08 No. 17474718 Report (Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/ Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:07:52 No. 17474758 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>17474656 You think that's dedication? I once lost a bet where I had to suck off 10 dudes till orgasm. Did I ever want to quit? Of course I did, i'm not gay, but I was dedicated to finishing the job and standing up to my word. I made sure every one of those guys was properly satisfied because im dedicated to my ethics.
Rodd (1375-8428-5729)
Quoted By:
>>17474626 Thanks again, man! You guys are amazing, I can't express how much I appreciate this.
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross]
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross] Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:11:50 No. 17474874 Report Quoted By:
So close! Next group! XD
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
Quoted By:
>>17474635 i am probably slow but goodnight!
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/ Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:13:04 No. 17474908 Report >>17474718 THANKS FOR THE RUFFLET REALLY NEEDED IT
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Group 23 I am ready. Reply and add me thanks. 3222-5634-0907 Jon 1821-9081-5460 Louis 0748-2106-1446 Steven 4184 - 2620 - 3618 TI
Quoted By:
>>17474626 hey, you're putting a lot of effort into doing this for other people, you deserve it! sorry it doesn't have an ideal nature!
>>17474799 Out of Gengar so now Shinx
not sure how much longer I'll stick around, it's getting late here
Reven- 0559-8187-1891 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, and Spiritomb)
Reven- 0559-8187-1891 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, and Spiritomb) Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:14:36 No. 17474956 Report Quoted By:
>>17474908 No problem!
Thank you so so much
Added, this is Louis. Thanks alot!
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross]
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross] Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:16:31 No. 17475009 Report Chanul 0576-5014-2307
What i can do to get a group?
ArturPlus 0748-2106-1446 IGN:Steven
>>17475017 Wait it out.
Think there's roughly 20 or so.
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/ Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:19:36 No. 17475088 Report Quoted By:
>>17475009 >>17474962 Friends list full, have to delete some people
>>17475019 And with this, Skittyfag is out
hope the thread keeps going the way it's going, and one more thanks to everyone not being dicks and all those working hard
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17475092 Thank you for being a cool human being. Goodnight
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross]
Jon 3222-5634-0907 Bug [Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross] Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:22:06 No. 17475153 Report Quoted By:
>>17475118 Thank you x 1,000,000!!!
ArturPlus 0748-2106-1446 IGN:Steven
Quoted By:
>>17475118 you are the man bro,
Chanul 0576-5014-2307
Mike 1779-9534-2145
Quoted By:
>>17475092 Thanks for posting in the thread. I feel like it really got back on track and the pictures helped a lot.
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Quoted By:
>>17475017 We're on 23/27 groups. It'll be open soon. :D
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/ Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:27:34 No. 17475265 Report >>17474910 Last call for group 23
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/ Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:30:38 No. 17475371 Report Quoted By:
>>17475265 22 I should say
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Group 24 I am ready. Reply and add me thanks. 4742-6571-4252 Beard 3239-3853-6392 Nathan 1435-4704-2087 Ozymandias 2380-3345-3270 Sam
Ozymandias [1435-4704-2087] (Heracross-Paras-Beautifly)
Ozymandias [1435-4704-2087] (Heracross-Paras-Beautifly) Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:37:17 No. 17475538 Report Quoted By:
>>17475517 Added you! thanks!
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/ Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:42:11 No. 17475656 Report GROUP 25 160727335436 ReWraith 2895-8029-3210 Alex 3823-8609-6601 Ian 4399-0206-9607 Ajural GO GO GO
Ajural 4399-0206-9607
ReWraith 1607-2733-5436 [Fire: Ponyta/Slugma/Fletchinder]
ReWraith 1607-2733-5436 [Fire: Ponyta/Slugma/Fletchinder] Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:44:02 No. 17475699 Report >>17475656 would you prefer a pentaperfect shuppet or larvitar? both have multiple egg moves on the,
Alex (2895-8029-3210)
Ozymandias [1435-4704-2087] (Heracross-Paras-Beautifly)
Ozymandias [1435-4704-2087] (Heracross-Paras-Beautifly) Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:44:10 No. 17475714 Report Quoted By:
>>17475517 Thank you, and more thank you. You guys are some true Philantropes.
Good night.
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/ Sun 19 Jan 2014 04:45:31 No. 17475754 Report Quoted By:
2DefeatYou 0662 3634 1339
Quoted By:
Yes all this lurking is finally gonna pay off!
I have literally nothing good, would a french mr mime be good, i just think it's funny
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Ajural 4399-0206-9607
Alex (2895-8029-3210)
Quoted By:
>>17475517 Thank you!
I hope you enjoy the Feebas.
2DefeatYou 0662 3634 1339
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 !!Os2HczISn+S
Group 26 I will be your attendant today! 0318 7795 6001 Marcelo 5171-9614-4147 Illia 3926-5971-7644 Kevin 0361-6898-0278 Richard
Quoted By:
>>17476153 we hit bump limit awhile ago
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Group 27 I am ready. Reply and add me thanks. 2320-6540-1912 RED 2638-1271-5882 teddy 4811-7295-1973 Schonberg 2578-3914-9211 Andrew
>>17476199 It's opening soon!
Mike 1779-9534-2145
Quoted By:
Keep up the good work!
Kevin (3926-5971-7644) Fire: Growlithe/Charmelon/Braixen
Kevin (3926-5971-7644) Fire: Growlithe/Charmelon/Braixen Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:08:37 No. 17476243 Report Quoted By:
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:09:20 No. 17476265 Report I am awake and looking for people who said they'd help clone! I have dittos for you! All I need is a picture with both your pokemon games running with a timestamp!
>>17476192 Added back, Thank you
Quoted By:
>>17476192 yo marcelo is here adding
Andrew 2578-3914-9211
2DefeatYou 0662 3634 1339
Quoted By:
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 !!Os2HczISn+S
>>17476277 your fcs dont match?
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:14:57 No. 17476406 Report Alright since people don't want to help, the next four people who haven't already gotten there dittos to reply to this post will get some ditto love, remember to add me so I can trade you!
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/
(Cloner) Billy 5155-4215-7018 !!fnZesYyTUy/ Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:15:47 No. 17476432 Report Quoted By:
Muuma 4012-4480-1610 (Water) Krabby - Floatzel - Azumarill
Muuma 4012-4480-1610 (Water) Krabby - Floatzel - Azumarill Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:16:15 No. 17476443 Report Mike 1779-9534-2145
>>17476404 oh god hold on sorry
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17476265 Nexus should be posting ours soon!
2DefeatYou 0662 3634 1339
>>17476404 >>17476447 oh no the one you posted was right
Belk 4742 6386 9772
>>17476458 I-Ive been waiting all day
>>17476406 Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17476453 Posting what may I ask?
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
>>17476406 Geekachu and I are willing to help cloning. Pic is a bit old as I made it for the fake thread here
>>17468965 Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17476334 Sending you trade requests. What's up?
>>17476453 >>17476494 I can get you dittos if you need them.
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 !!Os2HczISn+S
Quoted By:
>>17476475 Alright, will add in a sec!
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
Quoted By:
>>17476492 picture that we took earlier when we offered we can take another if you like we just wanted to get it posted as quickly as possible.
Yes we do. We are adding now.
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:21:13 No. 17476559 Report >>17476443 >>17476444 >>17476457 >>17476488 The four of you will get your dittos from me! Adding all now
Quoted By:
>>17476192 Thanks a lot, that timid noibat has perfect ivs except attack, i hope you can use it well :D
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
>>17476528 I've got you added. Geekachu is adding as we speak.
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:22:58 No. 17476599 Report >>17476444 Yooo mike your friendcode is wrong
Mike 1778-9534-2145
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Quoted By:
>>17476582 Don't have you full fc in your name though =S
Andrew 2578-3914-9211
Quoted By:
>>17476528 Thanks a bunch! All I really have are 4 iv Deinos, sorry.
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
960. lol. Completely forgot about that... Making sure Stan didn't get it
Thanks Jessie, sorry i couldn't give anything better
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 !!Os2HczISn+S
Quoted By:
>>17476656 no problem, enjoy!
SlaK FC:375 7913 5790 IGN: Le-a
Yo I said I could help clone but I had to go to the store with my gf and won't be home for 45 mins or so I'm still willing to help then or if the vip list is opening id like to get on it
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17476698 I can probably get one to you depending on the time.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Quoted By:
>>17476738 Yep! :D My pokebody is ready.
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg
Ahri (Organiser)0104-0357-7211 !!VZnlr04VzYg Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:30:42 No. 17476753 Report Quoted By:
>>17476457 Whats your IGN? I can't see you online, send me a trade request if you can please!
Mike 1778-9534-2145
Quoted By:
>>17476559 Thanks a ton! Really glad you guys kept going!
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17476528 Thank you so much. so now we just gotta learn how to clone so that we can start helping too!
Muuma 4012-4480-1610 (Water) Krabby - Floatzel - Azumarill
Muuma 4012-4480-1610 (Water) Krabby - Floatzel - Azumarill Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:31:54 No. 17476783 Report Quoted By:
>>17476559 Many thanks to Ahri! Enjoy the nasty plot witch.
Belk 4742 6386 9772
Quoted By:
>>17476559 You rock Ahri! that should be a pentaperfect larvesta. Keep up the hard work everyone.
SlaK FC:375 7913 5790 IGN: Le-a
Quoted By:
>>17476715 Alright ill look for this thread or if another one will be made when I get back to my place it shouldn't be that late
Jack (Organiser) !!druRNQgR/WO
>>17476779 Cloning Info: Tips from Ahri:
1. 4.5 is pretty much the maximum of the cloning window. Personally I've had successful clones as low as 3.5 try to aim for around 4 seconds and it should give more successful clones.
2. Error screens. White error screen = too late, straight to black = too early, communicating then into black screen = perfect timing! Don't get disheartened if you get the right timing and it doesn't clone, cloning doesn't work 100% of the time!
3. Once you get used to the timing and no longer need the error screens to help out with it, turn off the second DS 3 seconds after you have turned off the first one. It'll allow you to clone without the error messages and is a little bit faster (Plus I've been told it has a higher success rate)
4. If you're getting stressed out about too many fails in a row just take a break! People will be happy to wait for you and you don't need to push yourself hard, plus the more you stress the harder it is to get the timing right.
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Oh, man... All of the excitement! Thanks so much! Gonna look up a cloning tutorial and get started. :D Captcha not sreals
2DefeatYou 0662 3634 1339
Quoted By:
Thank you ahri thank you so much. I love you!
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 !ArTDeux9q2
Quoted By:
>>17476779 >>17476847 Also, be sure to initiate the trade from the 3DS that is sending the clone-bait/receiving the Ditto, otherwise it will error out immediately almost all the time.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17476779 >>17476852 Good luck and godspeed
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17476928 Thank you. We just watched videos, and I am capturing some pokemon to be used for the cloning. We should be looking to start cloning here soon to help.
Alex 1375 7862 0864
>>17477056 Good luck anon! Can't wait to the revival of these threads to get one of those sexy Dittos. Also, it seems that today's shitstorm has faded away
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
Quoted By:
>>17477239 Thank goodness it has. Let's just be happy and move forward. We hope to have some to add here soon. Will try to keep the thread active as well.
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
How many are still interested?
Katie 3780-9170-0559
Treenis Piloswine, Beartic, Snorunt (4570-8163-0268)
Treenis Piloswine, Beartic, Snorunt (4570-8163-0268) Sun 19 Jan 2014 06:07:57 No. 17477580 Report >>17477539 Definitely interested.
Chanul 0576-5014-2307
>>17477539 im still interesed
Potes 3050-8036-5498
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17477539 I can get you added to the skype group if you want to be up to date with when we are doing giveaways and such. Or you can do your own little give aways. Up to you =)
Are there any openings now?
Alex 1375 7862 0864
Quoted By:
Blair if you're still here, I'm on my phone and I added you. This is teddy fc: 2638 1271 5882
Meki 4527-8697-4138
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17477652 Sure uhm whats yours? I am not sure I want to put my Skype out there on 4chan. Hehe.
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17478134 >>17477882 >>17477819 >>17477651 >>17477643 >>17477580 >>17477551 We are currently working on four at the moment. Trying to get the timing down!
Treenis Piloswine, Beartic, Snorunt (4570-8163-0268)
Treenis Piloswine, Beartic, Snorunt (4570-8163-0268) Sun 19 Jan 2014 06:45:44 No. 17478263 Report Quoted By:
>>17478241 Awesome! Hope all goes well, and thanks a bunch!
2423-3647-0688 Kyle
Quoted By:
>>17478241 Much obliged.
>>17477819 This is me. I'm Kyle, to be clear. Forgot to put that before I entered it and since.
Meki 4527-8697-4138
Quoted By:
>>17478241 Alrighty! Good luck with getting the timing down!
Alex 1375 7862 0864
>>17478241 Awesome!!! It's really awesome to hear that the project is still alive. We'll wait here and we'll keep the thread alive, thanks!!!
Chanul 0576-5014-2307
Quoted By:
>>17478241 Aaaawww yeah.
Thanks, guys.
ign: Teddy FC: 2638 1271 5882
I'm still interested in getting a ditto. I'm on my phone so its hard for me to keep up. I was in group 26. Thanks ?
Katie 3780-9170-0559
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17478322 We got our first ditto!! We have three more to work on and then we will give away the first four from the moment we call for you guys to post and let us know you are adding.
IGN: teddy FC2638-1271-5882
Quoted By:
>>17478335 i meant 27
Couldn't remember because the spreadsheet was down.
2423-3647-0688 Kyle
Quoted By:
>>17478389 Wonderful to hear progress. Looking forward to grand expediation.
Katie 3780-9170-0559
Quoted By:
>>17478389 Glad to hear it is getting really late here was about to give up.
Thanks for everyones effort.
SlaK FC:375 7913 5790 IGN: Le-a
>>17477652 >>17477652 Hey man I am back at my place ready to clone if you. Still need help with it let me know when you add me and ill add you
Alex 1375 7862 0864
Quoted By:
>>17478389 Awesome!!! I'm adding you right now. Also, congratulations for your first clone!!!
Chanul 0576-5014-2307
Quoted By:
>>17478389 So i have to add you, right?
IGN: Teddy FC: 2638-1271-5882
Quoted By:
I'm home and if their is any list i need to be on please add me to it. I'll try to help by keeping the thread going if you guys need it
Chanul 0576-5014-2307
Potes 3050-8036-5498
Quoted By:
>>17478389 Crap, I dozed off! Added.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17478481 You still here?
Meki 4527-8697-4138
2423-3647-0688 Kyle
We are supposed to add you guys right? Or is it the other way around?
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
Quoted By:
>>17478778 Were just doing the cloning right now. Dunno how Ahri or Blair are going to want to do the trading to make it fair so no signups or anything until one of the organizers work it out.
Katie 3780-9170-0559
>>17478389 Seems like others are adding you, added you too but thought we were suppose to wait.
2423-3647-0688 Kyle
Quoted By:
>>17478808 Uncertainty is looming in this thread.
IGN: Teddy FC: 2638-1271-5882
>>17478724 hey I'm not sure if you still have it or not, but you called my name for group 27. Just figured I'd ask if you still have it, if not I can wait for another.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17478199 Not quite sure how we should do this. Any ideas?
SlaK FC:375 7913 5790 IGN: Le-a
>>17478724 >>17478724 I am here man and my 3ds's
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17478827 Might be able to. Give me a little bit. If I can clone one quick I'll get you one. Not doing a lot of them atm
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17478849 Ok, add me. I'll get you your ditto soon as I can.
IGN: Teddy FC: 2638-1271-5882
>>17478856 I appreciate what you guys are doing, thanks a lot. :) Just let me know I'll be around
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17478828 let me register a false email and then you can email me.
to those who have been adding me, not yet.. because it may be my Hubby trading with you who knows. We will ask and then the first four who are active and reply get them.
SlaK FC:375 7913 5790 IGN: Le-a
Quoted By:
>>17478895 Done and take your time
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17478849 Also, your fc is incomplete
2423-3647-0688 Kyle
Alex 1375 7862 0864
Quoted By:
>>17478928 sure, we'll wait, take your time
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17478945 yay for ten minute email... send me the skype there and ill add!
[email protected] Potes 3050-8036-5498
Quoted By:
>>17478928 Cool! And thanks in advance.
SlaK 3754 7913 5790 ING Le-a
>>17478945 Sorry it's 3754 7913 5790
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17479036 Just sent email.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17479095 Send me trade request when ready
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17479109 [email protected] New one sorry timed out -grumbles- I apologize for that lost track of time while trying to clone.
SlaK 3754 7913 5790 ING Le-a
>>17479156 Sweet man thanks I'll get right to cloning hope the relauncher is ok
Alex 1375 7862 0864
bump. also, someone should start a new thread (I could do that, but it'd be better if a organiser starts it) because this is now almost at the bottom
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
>>17478899 In case this thread goes dead, just add me. When I go online send me a trade request.
IGN: Teddy FC: 2638-1271-5882
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
Quoted By:
>>17479235 Good luck! We still have one success the timing can be kinda tough.
>>17479306 Sent!
geekachu 3668-8369-1323
>>17479262 Once we have the ones to trade we will start a thread. If this one is done.
2423-3647-0688 Kyle
Quoted By:
>>17479364 That's uplifting to hear.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Quoted By:
>>17479364 Do I add .com to the end of it and is before the colon part of it?
Alex 1375 7862 0864
Nexus 0104-0140-4***
We're going to need to work on cloning later. We got one through, but haven't been able to get a second just yet. My 3DS is about to die so I'm going to let it charge and grab some dinner.
Blair | 3540-0575-6357 !!EDJ6+/tIprQ
Quoted By:
>>17479568 As long as you're trying that's great in my opinion
Chanul 0576-5014-2307
2423-3647-0688 Kyle
>>17480839 Is anyone with insomnia on the handout crew?
Jack (Organiser) !!druRNQgR/WO
>>17480850 No cloners here atm as far as I know
2423-3647-0688 Kyle
>>17480871 Well this night just got hilariously longer.
Chanul 0576-5014-2307
Quoted By:
>>17480934 Yeah, this is my first time in one of this threads but i feel that if i go to sleep ill have to wait weeks lol