>>17479932On this one it should actually be treecko, swampert and combusken. treecko line doesn't change much in what they look like they do and their fighting style so no need to evolve it much, combusken changes quite a bit from torchic to combusken, but to blaziken there's not much change.
Swampert gets like, hands and shit when he evolves and a fully evolved water starter for the trainer would be cooler than fully evolved fire starter again, although realistically they'd pick blaziken over swampert since blaze is far more popular.
Now for realism sake if they did add another pokemon trainer fighter (or if they even keep Red), they'd probably to do Gen 6 to hype it up.
The starter choices seem fairly obvious.
Grenenja, braixen and chespin.
If we get fucking lucario next game and not pokemon trainer, i'm gonna be pissed.