Alright, /vp/. I have about 10 boxes of super sized, adamant Pumpkaboos. If anyone wants some, just comment here. I don't care what you give me in return.
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt)
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt) Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:43:31 No. 17477045 Report Quoted By:
Oh, I would also like to add that I'm looking for a Mankey that knows seismic toss, so if anyone has one of those that would be great.
>>17477000 >trips I would like a super sized female Pump~
Putting up a goomy on the gts with the message
IGN: Serena
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt)
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt) Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:47:48 No. 17477155 Report Anonymous
Nickolas 3153-5042-7399 [Growlithe, Slugma, Braixen]
Nickolas 3153-5042-7399 [Growlithe, Slugma, Braixen] Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:49:49 No. 17477203 Report I'll give you a treecko egg for 1 of each
I don't have much, so I put up a HA ditto with /vp/ as the message My in game name's Gossamer
Nickolas 3153-5042-7399 [Growlithe, Slugma, Braixen]
Nickolas 3153-5042-7399 [Growlithe, Slugma, Braixen] Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:51:23 No. 17477237 Report >>17477203 Dear Jesus why did I say each?
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt)
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt) Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:54:00 No. 17477297 Report >>17477237 I was gonna say...
w/e dude, gimme a sec and i'll add ya.
>>17477213 Did you just put it up? I don't see it.
>>17477000 Would love a female, putting up a Mankey with /vp/ as the message
Nick (Rin) 3239-3651-2537 [Octillery Gyarados Frogadier]
Nick (Rin) 3239-3651-2537 [Octillery Gyarados Frogadier] Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:55:59 No. 17477338 Report May I get one?
Nickolas 3153-5042-7399 [Growlithe, Slugma, Braixen]
Nickolas 3153-5042-7399 [Growlithe, Slugma, Braixen] Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:57:21 No. 17477371 Report >>17477297 We'll I hatched it. I can give you something else if you want
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt)
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt) Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:57:25 No. 17477374 Report >>17477333 It won't let me search for Mankey for some reason, I guess because it's not registered in my dex. Can you just add me directly?
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt)
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt) Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:58:33 No. 17477394 Report Quoted By:
>>17477371 Anything you want. I seriously don't care.
Traffic Cone - 4098-3137-6271
I have some Scythers if thats cool.
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt)
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt) Sun 19 Jan 2014 05:59:39 No. 17477423 Report >>17477402 That's fine. Put one onto GTS.
Blayne 0146-92172549
any perfect 5IVs? If so, I'll take one
Alexis 4484-9555-0106 (dugtrio, niggersby, trapinch)
Alexis 4484-9555-0106 (dugtrio, niggersby, trapinch) Sun 19 Jan 2014 06:00:21 No. 17477436 Report Quoted By:
>>17477000 Can I have one OP? I put a squirtle with some egg moves with the message "/vp" IGN: Rew
Nauxi 1762-2760-8732 (Ice: Cloyster and two others)
Nauxi 1762-2760-8732 (Ice: Cloyster and two others) Sun 19 Jan 2014 06:00:28 No. 17477441 Report Quoted By:
May I have one?
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt)
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt) Sun 19 Jan 2014 06:00:42 No. 17477447 Report Quoted By:
>>17477424 No, no perfect ones. I should add that these are leftovers from when I was MMing for my shiny.
Nick (Rin) 3239-3651-2537 [Octillery Gyarados Frogadier]
Nick (Rin) 3239-3651-2537 [Octillery Gyarados Frogadier] Sun 19 Jan 2014 06:00:43 No. 17477449 Report Quoted By:
>>17477338 And I put up a Misdreavus on the GTS saying Thanks Grace.
Jun 4742-6008-6590
Quoted By:
>>17477374 Alright, adding you now
Gabe 4313-0220-6472
Quoted By:
>>17477000 I'd like one, I have sucker punch/super power tepigs if thats alright.
Traffic Cone - 4098-3137-6271
Quoted By:
>>17477423 Ok I put one. Can you make it 3-4IV if possible? Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>17477297 Drat. Someone else got to it.
Oh well.
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt)
Grace 4768-8293-5472 (wooper, diggersby, camerupt) Sun 19 Jan 2014 06:13:01 No. 17477669 Report >>17477333 Hey, just remembered you wanted a female. Sorry about that. Gimme a sec.
Quoted By:
>>17477000 Hey friend, I'm putting up a Toxic Spikes Koffing for ya, if you could hit me up that'd be great. "VP" is the message
IGN Slothrop
Jun 4742-6008-6590
Quoted By:
>>17477669 No problem. Thanks!
Slothrop [Snubbull, Spritzee, Clefairy] 2380-3739-4309
Slothrop [Snubbull, Spritzee, Clefairy] 2380-3739-4309 Sun 19 Jan 2014 06:21:38 No. 17477833 Report Quoted By:
>>17477669 Nevermind, can I just friend you?
Nauxi 1762-2760-8732 (Ice: Cloyster and two others)
Nauxi 1762-2760-8732 (Ice: Cloyster and two others) Sun 19 Jan 2014 06:21:58 No. 17477839 Report Quoted By:
Alright threw up a Zorua with "/VP?" as the message.
Andy 1564-3205-8069 [ICE: Bergmite, Snorunt, Cloyster]
Andy 1564-3205-8069 [ICE: Bergmite, Snorunt, Cloyster] Sun 19 Jan 2014 06:45:35 No. 17478260 Report Quoted By:
>>17477000 pentaperfect timid compound-eyes joltik for a female?
fucking captchas are unreadable
James 1332-7792-9877
Kira (3754-6891-4702)
Quoted By:
>>17477000 Hey op you still looking for Mankey with ST I'm sure I can breed u one really quick, also my i have one
>>17477000 would a HA karrablast with drill run warrant a pumpkaboo?
Samuel? 3995-6648-2511
Quoted By:
>>17477000 I'm late? Can I get one?
Quoted By:
>>17477000 i'm gonna put up a luvdisc named /vp/ with the comment grace
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Quoted By:
>>17477000 I put up a Honedge with the message VP if that's ok
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha] Sun 19 Jan 2014 09:35:03 No. 17480675 Report Quoted By:
>>17477000 if you still got one i would like one please Grace.
Ryan 0791-1105-9640
Quoted By:
I'll put up a disc with the comment "/vp/ pump"
Paul [4828-4597-7970] (Poison: Gloom, Garbodor, Muk)
Paul [4828-4597-7970] (Poison: Gloom, Garbodor, Muk) Sun 19 Jan 2014 15:36:20 No. 17484683 Report Quoted By:
Enjoy your 4IV Jolly Pidove with Hypnosis/Super Luck/Premier Ball! (it says poorly bred to avoid sniping}
Dollottie [ 3153-4607-4211 ]
Quoted By:
>>17477000 I put up a white flabebe with 5ivs, I hope it doesn't get snagged!
Hex Mania(0018-1650-1804)
>>17477000 I'll take a female one! If that's okay, I'll put a 5iv Vullaby up for it. Comment is Thanks Grace!
IGN is Kelley
Hex Mania(0018-1650-1804)
Quoted By:
>>17477000 >>17487002 Yeah it got snatched instantly, mind doing a regular trade? I have some more 5IV Vullaby