Hey /vp/. OP from yesterday, i still have 5 Happy Hour Smearlges and 9 Lansat Berries. Just leave your FC and your IGN. Remember, you can only ask for one thing.
MrJimbo (IGN:Jim): 4055-3658-2363
I'll take a Smeargle if they're going
Chaz 0018-0538-4993
I'll grab a Smeargle please
Rogelio [3153-4036-8194]
Rogelio [3153-4036-8194]
Nickolas 3153-5042-7399 [Slugma, Growlithe, Braixen]
Nickolas 3153-5042-7399 [Slugma, Growlithe, Braixen] Sun 19 Jan 2014 16:10:30 No. 17485165 Report Smeargle please
Tim (0232-8636-0095)
I might as we'll take a smeargle
Chaz 0018-0538-4993
Trask [Normal - Eevee / Aipom / Loudred] 1461 - 7444 - 0109
Trask [Normal - Eevee / Aipom / Loudred] 1461 - 7444 - 0109 Sun 19 Jan 2014 16:13:45 No. 17485209 Report I would like a berry, please?
Rogelio [3153-4036-8194]
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>>17485165 >>17485181 Adding. Also after you 2, there's only one smearlge left
Walter - 4914-3582-7331 Water (gyarados/krabby/frogadier)
Walter - 4914-3582-7331 Water (gyarados/krabby/frogadier) Sun 19 Jan 2014 16:16:58 No. 17485273 Report I'll take a Lansat Berry, if you still have one, please.
Rogelio [3153-4036-8194]
ING proto 2079-7258-2131
Quoted By:
>>17485073 got any smeargles left?
Al 3239 - 3072 - 0962 [Pyroar, Growlithe, Braixen] !!IW15mmbGwt4
Al 3239 - 3072 - 0962 [Pyroar, Growlithe, Braixen] !!IW15mmbGwt4 Sun 19 Jan 2014 17:57:12 No. 17487042 Report Quoted By:
I'd like a H.H. Smeargle if you still have one.
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops)
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops) Sun 19 Jan 2014 19:59:40 No. 17489749 Report Quoted By:
I'll take one of them Smeargle if you got one.
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Holy shit do you have any berries left?
Lelouch 3711-8132-1485 (flabebe, togepi, swirlix)
Lelouch 3711-8132-1485 (flabebe, togepi, swirlix) Sun 19 Jan 2014 20:08:04 No. 17489928 Report Quoted By:
I'll take a berry
Azury21 FC: 4398 9805 0107
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Im down for a berry
Mikael 1246-8727-1441 (Farfetch'd, Fletchinder, Hoothoot)
Mikael 1246-8727-1441 (Farfetch'd, Fletchinder, Hoothoot) Sun 19 Jan 2014 23:28:27 No. 17494482 Report Quoted By:
>>17485073 berry please thanks
Chaos 5412-9976-5324
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>>17485073 May I have a Berry?
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
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Any Smeargles left, OP?