Okay, /vp/, I have some breeding leftovers I want to get rid of. I have: - 5IV Timid Charmanders with Dragon Dance and Dragon Pulse (x18) -5IV mostly Jolly Meditites (x19) -5IV Jolly Honedges (x7) -4-5IV various natures, some with Huge Power and some with Thick Fat, Marills with Aqua Jet (x19) -5IV Adamant, mostly Sand Veil, Gibles with Iron Head, Outrage and Iron Tail (x17) Put up something in the GTS with /vp/ as the message and reply to this thread with what you've put up and I'll eventually get to you. They're free but other 5IV mons and shinies (even fishmons) are appreciated.
>>17489310 Do you have a rough skin gible?
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
Quoted By:
>>17489490 Actually, they all have Sand Veil
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>>17489310 putting up a luvdisc for charmander after I finish this elite 4 battle, IGN is Jackson
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
>>17489310 Can I pick a Huge Power Marill? I put up a Ralts
Denis 1435-4722-8439
I'll take a 5IV Gible please I'll put up a Scrafty with description "/vp/ Gible :)"
Jarret 0774-5127-8611
I'd really like a Meditite, and put up a Goomy. Goomys are cool, right?
Denis 1435-4722-8439
>>17489568 crap i meant scraggy
Jarret 0774-5127-8611
>>17489593 >server undergoing maintenance I will not understand
>>17489310 put up a luvdisc named vp for a charmander.
Rob 1864-9050-8643
Quoted By:
>>17489310 I would like a Charmander if possible
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
>>17489565 Ok I got snipped. Putting up a Ralts again.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17489635 >>17489612 I got yours.
>>17489630 Just tell me what you have up
Jarret 0774-5127-8611
Quoted By:
>>17489700 I just only put mine up because I was having trouble with the server. You got someone elses. Still Luvdisc naped VP with description TY OP
Put a drilbur up for a charmander
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
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>>17489723 What's your IGN?
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Quoted By:
>>17489686 And now the GTS doesn't work
I put up a Riolu with description as /vp/ Gible for a Gible.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
i'd like a charmander and meditite, but GTS isn't working... can I add you and do a direct trade instead?
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
Quoted By:
>>17489775 I'm sorry, I have a full friend list because of the safari and the giveaways
Rob 1864-9050-8643
Quoted By:
>>17489700 Forgot to tell that i put up a Luvdisc
Deposited Caterpie for Charmander with message /vp/ plz
Yiou: 4270-1120-6355
A charmander would be nice, I deposited my Eevee. Bonus points if you can give it a funny nickname. Thanks in advance.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17489815 >>17489764 Stating your IGN will make things easier.
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Quoted By:
>>17489310 Ok I put up a Ralts for a Huge Power Marill if possible
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17489837 >>17489815 i can't seem to find you
Also, i would like to request to not put up Luvdiscs as there are many /vp/oreons' Luvdiscs since Christmas
Yiou: 4270-1120-6355
Quoted By:
>>17489967 That's strange. It's still there under the nickname Armin.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Sun 19 Jan 2014 20:12:50 No. 17490015 Report Quoted By:
>>17489310 I put up a 4IV Beldum Adamant Clear Body for a meditite
Mike 4957-4007-2003
>>17489310 I could use a charmander, marill and gible for my own breeding. I'll put some 5iv bank starters up on the gts requesting in that order.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
putting up a snorunt for a charmander, then putting up a cottonee for a meditite!
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
The GTS is down for me now too. I'll keep trying to get your requests, but I can't promise anything. If I fail to get to you, I'll start the same thread at around this time again tomorrow.
>>17489967 >>17489884 Shinx with a crappy name, same message.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>17490026 should be back up, i just deposited a snorunt
Stever (IGN Stephanie) 1521-3043-4454 (Ground: Wooper/Nincada/Diggersby)
Stever (IGN Stephanie) 1521-3043-4454 (Ground: Wooper/Nincada/Diggersby) Sun 19 Jan 2014 20:15:13 No. 17490059 Report >>17489310 put up a 5IV Adamant Larvitar with Stealth Rocks and Pursuit, hope you like it.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17490019 please tell me what mons you have up.
Stever (IGN Stephanie) 1521-3043-4454 (Ground: Wooper/Nincada/Diggersby)
Stever (IGN Stephanie) 1521-3043-4454 (Ground: Wooper/Nincada/Diggersby) Sun 19 Jan 2014 20:18:58 No. 17490126 Report >>17490059 damnit someone snatched it up, I'll put up another but I don't have many more
Mike 4957-4007-2003
>>17490069 Currently a Snivel. Have basically all the 1st generation, 4th generation, 5th generation and 6th with 5iv. Also have a 5iv feebas with bold nature and oblivious if you'd want that.
>>17490038 I keep getting sniped =/
I've put up a gastly this time, IGN Destructiox
Dollottie [ 3153-4607-4211 ]
Quoted By:
-5IV Jolly Meditite please? Putting up a 5iv dratini for it.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17490159 Do you mean Snivy?
Mike 4957-4007-2003
>>17490159 Aaand someone sniped the snivel
Drew: 1650-2481-2567 (Psychic: Abra Espurr Xatu)
Drew: 1650-2481-2567 (Psychic: Abra Espurr Xatu) Sun 19 Jan 2014 20:22:55 No. 17490215 Report Have any Honedge left?
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
I got snipped (again) so I'm putting up a shitty Charmeleon this time hoping I can get a Huge Power Marill
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
Quoted By:
>>17490200 WTF is a Snivel?
Mike 4957-4007-2003
>>17490194 Yeah I do. My bad. Let me know when's good and I'll chuck another up. Or we can trade. Whatever works for you.
Stever (IGN Stephanie) 1521-3043-4454 (Ground: Wooper/Nincada/Diggersby)
Stever (IGN Stephanie) 1521-3043-4454 (Ground: Wooper/Nincada/Diggersby) Sun 19 Jan 2014 20:24:46 No. 17490274 Report Quoted By:
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
Quoted By:
>>17490216 I though I got you
Also, I'm having troubles with the GTS, I'm asking you to be patient
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
putting up a cottonee for meditite!
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17490228 get the snivy up
Chaos 5412-9976-5324
Quoted By:
Put up a Phantump for a Meditite.
Quoted By:
Just put a houndour on the gts with the message "/vp/ meditite", thanks OP
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17490172 I'm amazed that so any people want my shitty pokes.
Pansage this time.
Mike 4957-4007-2003
やれやれだぜ 2406 6542 6648
Quoted By:
Threw up a Dratini. Charmander or Marill would be preferred but I'm not picky.
Mike 4957-4007-2003
Quoted By:
>>17490394 Scratch that. Gts is dicking me about now. I'll leave it for a bit and check the thread later when the gts is a bit more stable.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
going to put up a darumaka for a charmander because the snorunt i put up was sniped.
Quoted By:
>>17490459 I've put up an Abra.
>>17489310 IGN: Aaron
Put up two eevees on GTS, if I could get a gible and a marill for them it would be appreciated!
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17490468 i guess you got sniped again
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
Quoted By:
I've put up a Wooper for a Gible.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>17490544 yes i did, i still have you as an acquaintance so i'll trade you directly.
>>17490391 Still got my pansage up.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17490603 Yeah, sorry for being slow everyone is my first giveaway.
Quoted By:
>>17490655 I'm more surprised it hadn't been sniped tbh
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Quoted By:
Ok fucking japs, let's hope noone takes the Fletching named DIARRHEA I’m putting up this time. Still wanting a Huge Power Marill.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17490541 maybe you got sniped
Quoted By:
>>17490682 Tried it with an espurr this time!
Marcelo 0318 7795 6001 (fraxure noibat druddigon)
Marcelo 0318 7795 6001 (fraxure noibat druddigon) Sun 19 Jan 2014 20:52:06 No. 17490854 Report can I get a 5iv meditite? I'll give you a 5 iv timid noibat
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
Quoted By:
>>17490854 put it up in the GTS
Marcelo 0318 7795 6001 (fraxure noibat druddigon)
Marcelo 0318 7795 6001 (fraxure noibat druddigon) Sun 19 Jan 2014 20:56:51 No. 17490964 Report Quoted By:
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Could I please please get a gible? Ill give you a Perfect Rotom for it. please
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17491241 Just put it up in the GTS
>>17491259 yo can you reserve one for me while i quick go get an extra egg for myself? Itl take 5 minutes.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17491330 Yeah, just tell me when you put it up.
>>17491259 >I put up a snorunt with the message thanks /vp/ could I get a gible? Brandon
Quoted By:
>>17491368 accidental greentext sorry
>>17489310 Are there any Meditite's left? If so I'll put up a Chimchar with Focus Punch/Thunder Punch/Fire Punch
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17491391 Yep, there are. Just tell me when you get it up.
Quoted By:
Put up Vullaby for one of the breeding leftover Gibles IGN: Aaron
>>17491259 >>17491355 >>17491420 Ok its up, it grew a few levels in the daycare though.
Mike 4957-4007-2003
>>17491420 Hey OP, if you've still got the charmander I'll take another shot at putting Shivy up. Let me know when you've got a gap in trading.
Quoted By:
>>17491649 oops forgot name
Quoted By:
any charmanders left? Pawniad up in GTS
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17491675 Get that snivy up, and good luck
Mike 4957-4007-2003
Quoted By:
>>17491726 Snivy is up. Even got his name right that time.
>>17491565 Forgot to say my IGN is Chris
Quoted By:
If there are any more aqua jet marills, I'd appreciate one. Goomy in in GTS.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17491817 maybe you got sniped
>>17491887 Just checked, it's still up.
Vorgeas 4871-4738-7854 (Spearow-Hoothoot-Hawlucha)
Vorgeas 4871-4738-7854 (Spearow-Hoothoot-Hawlucha) Sun 19 Jan 2014 21:39:25 No. 17491931 Report Quoted By:
>>17489310 I want a Gible, I put a imperfect 5IVs Mawile with sucker punch, ice & fire fang. IGN Vorgeas
Mike 4957-4007-2003
>>17491726 Got it. Thanks for the trade. Would still like a Marill and a Gible if you've got them to spare. Can put up either a 5iv feebas or a 5iv Tepig, Oshawott or Chimchar. Let me know what you'd like and when for the Marill to begin.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17491918 take it down and put it up again
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17491937 I would like that Feebas and the Tepig, just tell me when they're up.
Mike 4957-4007-2003
>>17492005 Just put Feebas up looking for Marill.
Harvey 3582 9154 1860 [FLYING] (Tranquill, Spearow, Hawlucha)
Harvey 3582 9154 1860 [FLYING] (Tranquill, Spearow, Hawlucha) Sun 19 Jan 2014 21:47:01 No. 17492120 Report putting up a corphish w/ DD knock off and aqua jet (adamant and adaptability too ofc). If it's alright with you could i get a charmander? cheers in advance!
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17492098 there is a pretty high chance you got sniped again.
Mike 4957-4007-2003
Quoted By:
>>17492178 Feebas is still up. I'll take it down and relist.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17492120 is it up? can't find it
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17492222 Holy shit, I got quads
Harvey 3582 9154 1860 [FLYING] (Tranquill, Spearow, Hawlucha)
Harvey 3582 9154 1860 [FLYING] (Tranquill, Spearow, Hawlucha) Sun 19 Jan 2014 21:52:55 No. 17492257 Report Quoted By:
>>17492222 it is now, gts doesnt seem to like me much
>>17492249 lol grats :P
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth) Sun 19 Jan 2014 21:55:11 No. 17492317 Report Any 5IV Honedges still around? If so can I get one named Excalesper?
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17492317 I got your Honedge, just put something up in the GTS.
Mike 4957-4007-2003
>>17492249 I've got you on acquaintance if you'd prefer to do it that way. Marill and Gible for Feebas and Tepig.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
Quoted By:
>>17492440 Okay, send me a trade request
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth) Sun 19 Jan 2014 22:03:05 No. 17492473 Report >>17492403 Aww yiss. I'm upping a German Dratini with the message saying "/vp/ Klaus".
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17492473 getting to you
>>17492440 fucking maintenance
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth) Sun 19 Jan 2014 22:05:10 No. 17492519 Report Quoted By:
>>17492403 And it is upped now.
Mike 4957-4007-2003
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth) Sun 19 Jan 2014 22:07:12 No. 17492561 Report Quoted By:
>>17492514 Got it. Thanks a bunch, man.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
>>17492530 send me a trade request in around ten minutes.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
Mike 4957-4007-2003
Quoted By:
>>17492569 Job done. Cheers for that mate. Enjoy the 3 I sent.
Klaus FC: 1822 0323 7800
Quoted By:
Okay lads, I declare this thread dead. Depending to what I breed next and the leftovers I still have, this thread will continue tomorrow at the same time this thread started. Have a nice day/night (depending on your location)