>>17497847this guy is sadly just nothing but a disappointment. Hopefully if there's move tutors in the Z or X2/Y2, he'll get some decent moves.
His typing really is subpar in this gen, since flying moves are incredibly popular thanks to talonflame and pinsir along with others, his stats are subpar except for attack and HP. His defenses are not good enough to absorb any hits he doesn't resist, he's got nothing to do if he gets burned, toxic also destroys him but much less severely than a burn, and other fighting types can do whatever he can but better.
Bulky fighting type?
Pick Conkeldurr.
Bulky dark type?
Pick Mandibuzz
B-bulky fighting/dark type?
Pick Scrafty
he really has nothing to his name, and Scrafty does everything he can do but better and with better abilities and even better moves. Scrafty doesn't get iron fist yet has access to all of the punches. He also has a great ability in shed skin, or even moxie. Pangoro also suffers from the fact that he's got no staying power.
He can have recovery with leftovers or rest, and that's pretty much it. Scrafty can use a SS + rest combo to good use, especially with moves like bulk up or whatever.
I'm really sad that he sucks, believe me I am, but if you REALLY want to use Pangoro and really as more of a gimmicky niche that only Pangoro can do, run a set with Parting Shot. Here's the best thing I can come up with.
Pangoro @ Choice Band
Ability: Mold Breaker (to avoid getting magic bounce, and to OHKO sturdy mons)
Stats: 252+ Attack, 252 HP, 4 Def
-Parting Shot
-Poison Jab
-Hammer Arm
This is really the best I can do, investing in his abysmal speed and tacking a scarf on him is a possibility, but it's not really worth it in the long run since even with max speed and a scarf, he won't outspeed much of importance.
Parting Shot is best used when Pangoro is almost down and out and you want to both save him as a death fodder and weaken your opponent while you set up your own pokemon.