New trade thread. Pic related. >All 4IV perfect except Vullaby. All pokemon were bred without any shortcuts or 6IV Dittos. Cage free, organic, etc. >How do I get in on this? Same deal, Luvdisc on GTS with Heart Scales. Specify if you need male or female (don't take females if you really don't need!). Will not give out unless you post. Please be aware of limited quantities. I realize this will be hectic, so bare with me. Looking for these, too (4IV+): Harvest Phantump Static Elekid w/ punches Thick Fat Swinub w/ rocks Huge Power Azurill Ditto Also would be grateful for a 6IV Ditto, legendaries, or cloned cool stuff or items like Leftovers. If you have something for me, great! If not enjoy the pokemon!>Note: I'll try to update as I go along. If you see a picture of a Pokemon posted by me, that means its gone as of that posting.
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 06:34:51 No. 17505166 Report whoa. Guess I'm going to bed early. Will try again another time.
Quoted By:
>>17505166 B-but muh Shellos
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
>>17505166 still there?
I got a 5 iv harvest trevenant for a female shellos
I have these? Would you like to trade for a dratini, cleffa, charmander y, and riolu? I also have porygons
>>17505519 Forgot pic, can post it so
>>17505189 Anonymous
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:03:38 No. 17505776 Report >>17505283 popped back on. You. Adding
>>17505776 Hey man any of these
>>17505562 For these
>>17505519 Please
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:06:42 No. 17505863 Report >>17505808 I'll take Buneary and a Meowth. Preference?
Quoted By:
>>17505863 Charmander Y solar power, and a shellos please, added
>>17504937 Did you use shellos to breed bold onto koffing? Thats what I did, well actually I went Politoed-Shellos- Yanmask- Koffing
but on the other side it went Avalugg-torterra-ferrothorn-trubbish-yanmask
It was an extensive conquest
We have a lot of bred pokemon in common OP
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Jason 0490-5580-1597 [Panpour, Floatzel, Frogadier]
Jason 0490-5580-1597 [Panpour, Floatzel, Frogadier] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:11:47 No. 17505977 Report >>17504937 can i offer a 4iv cyndaquil for an extremespeed male dratini?
Amrou 4484 8824 2089 Togepi Floatt
>>17504937 I would like to trade you that Cleffa 4IV for my Huge Power Azumarill 4IV with Aquajet
>>17505863 Thanks I also have yanmask, porygon and regenerator slowpoke if your intrested
Simon G (IGN Alex): 0774-4768-3085
>>17504937 Hey OP, willing to part with a Cleffa for a 4IV Sneaky Pebbles Thick Fat Swinub?
Prefer female for continued breeding.
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:16:03 No. 17506065 Report >>17505905 nah, I got traded a 4IV Shellos right after I got scammed out of one.
>>17505971 Adding now, sorry for the delay.
>>17505977 Sure, sec.
>>17506008 only if female
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:18:41 No. 17506118 Report >>17506028 that's alright. thanks and enjoy!
>>17506060 Sure. Female on your part too?
Amrou 4484 8824 2089 Togepi Floatt
Quoted By:
>>17506065 The only female I have is missing atk. I could try to breed one for you. Dunno how long it would take
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Simon G (IGN Alex): 0774-4768-3085
Quoted By:
>>17506118 Sure thing. Has Icicle Crash too fyi. Level 21 because it was my final breeding whore. Adding now.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Got any more female East Sea Shellos? Would place a Luvdisc up if they're more?
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:25:00 No. 17506262 Report >>17506218 there are
and sorry for the delay. had to clear codes
Evan 0018-1279-2784 Pansear, Ninetales, Charmeleon
Evan 0018-1279-2784 Pansear, Ninetales, Charmeleon Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:25:11 No. 17506268 Report >>17504937 I'd love a Koffing. I have a fun one right now, but I think Bold might be the way to go, and I don't feel like re-breeding. Luvdisc going up now
Jason 0490-5580-1597 [Panpour, Floatzel, Frogadier]
Jason 0490-5580-1597 [Panpour, Floatzel, Frogadier] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:26:40 No. 17506303 Report Quoted By:
Benson 1435 4770 3654
If possible I would love that gible, but seeing as I don't really have anything you want and would put up a disc, I understand if you're hesitant to give it up. Bulbasaur would be great too.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17506262 Great, placing a disc up for one.
Jesse 3652-1667-4020
>>17504937 Give me 5 minutes to hatch you a HA Phantump for a Cleffa?
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat)
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat) Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:30:50 No. 17506398 Report >>17504937 Can I get a female Shellos and a male Koffing? Putting up discs with scales.
big rick ign drogo 5300-8812-6754 Anonymous Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:31:46 No. 17506415 Report >>17504937 Would like f skormory
Kate (2750-1662-7982)
I could really use a Shellos, female would be really cool but if you can't part with one, male's fine. Just put up a Luvdisc. I have some 4 IV Huge Power female Marill if you haven't gotten one yet.
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:33:08 No. 17506444 Report >>17506218 done
>>17506268 done
>>17506324 don't sweat it, upload the Luvdisc
trying to keep up. pardon delays.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17506444 Awesome, now I can breed some Shellos. Thank a lot Mstr
Ripper Roo 2380-4126-8950 [Steel: Magneton, Metang, Bronzong]
Ripper Roo 2380-4126-8950 [Steel: Magneton, Metang, Bronzong] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:35:24 No. 17506483 Report >>17506262 Could I get a Riolu, please?
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:36:48 No. 17506513 Report Gible = done
>>17506360 Just got one traded to me. Upload a Luvdisc! Adding FC is getting tedious.
>>17506398 Sure.
>>17506415 Luvdisc it up.
>>17506429 Upload the Marrill for a Shellos! I have some females left. Thanks so much!
Ripper Roo 2380-4126-8950 [Steel: Magneton, Metang, Bronzong]
Ripper Roo 2380-4126-8950 [Steel: Magneton, Metang, Bronzong] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:38:35 No. 17506545 Report >>17506483 >>17506513 I could give you a Ditto. I have plenty. Give me the green light when you're ready and I'll put one on GTS. Don't want anyone else taking it.
[IGN Daniel] 2723-9660-7347 chansey, minchino, aipom
[IGN Daniel] 2723-9660-7347 chansey, minchino, aipom Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:38:59 No. 17506552 Report can i have a charmander x? does that mean it has charizardite x?
Kate (2750-1662-7982)
>>17506513 Just did, hopefully it's not sniped! But I have a ton of leftovers so it's fine if it is, let me know and I'll put up another.
Ripper Roo 2380-4126-8950 [Steel: Magneton, Metang, Bronzong]
Ripper Roo 2380-4126-8950 [Steel: Magneton, Metang, Bronzong] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:40:37 No. 17506570 Report >>17506552 He means it has stats bred for Charizardite X, you
dummy .
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:41:25 No. 17506586 Report >>17506545 I'll add for safety. Thanks!
>>17506552 Nah, means it's suitable for Charizard X. Sorry!
Quoted By:
I want a green gastrodon.
Quoted By:
>>17506513 Some one just jewed me on gts
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat)
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat) Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:42:30 No. 17506610 Report Quoted By:
>>17506513 Just put up the Disc for the Shellos. Do you mind If I can change that Koffing request to one of your 4IV Bulbasaur?
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:42:30 No. 17506611 Report >>17506557 gotcha.
>>17506570 lol
>>17506552 Hey Daniel, upload a luvdisc and I have you covered.
Evan 0018-1279-2784 Pansear, Ninetales, Charmeleon
Evan 0018-1279-2784 Pansear, Ninetales, Charmeleon Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:42:50 No. 17506616 Report Quoted By:
>>17506444 Thank you! Now, back to hebrewing up some legendaries. Can't wait to use this in place of that weird SpA Weezing I was trying...
[IGN Daniel] 2723-9660-7347 chansey, minchino, aipom
[IGN Daniel] 2723-9660-7347 chansey, minchino, aipom Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:42:50 No. 17506618 Report Quoted By:
>>17506586 in that case ill take a Y :)
how do I go about setting up a trade to evolve my Haunter?
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat)
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat) Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:44:08 No. 17506647 Report >>17506621 Try the Wi-Fi General thread.
[IGN Daniel] 2723-9660-7347 chansey, minchino, aipom
[IGN Daniel] 2723-9660-7347 chansey, minchino, aipom Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:44:39 No. 17506662 Report >>17506611 alright, but i dont have charizardite x so ill have to go with a charmander y, putting that luvdisc up soon
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
1F Skarmory for a Luvdisc, please?
Benson 1435 4770 3654
Quoted By:
>>17506444 Awesome, thank you!
Can I get a Shellos bro? Thanks in advance!
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:50:04 No. 17506762 Report >>17506662 sorry, only had females left for X. Enjoy!
[IGN Daniel] 2723-9660-7347 chansey, minchino, aipom
[IGN Daniel] 2723-9660-7347 chansey, minchino, aipom Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:51:08 No. 17506778 Report Quoted By:
>>17506762 alright, thanks anyhow :)
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:51:17 No. 17506780 Report >>17506685 done
>>17506733 saw your name, gimme a sec
West, you're done too. Can request the Bulba now
Quoted By:
>>17506733 *Already put the luvdisc up
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 07:54:54 No. 17506835 Report Quoted By:
Ripper Roo 2380-4126-8950 [Steel: Magneton, Metang, Bronzong] = Scammer. Always count on someone gaying up the place.
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat)
West 4897-6458-6718 (Dragon; Fraxure and Noibat) Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:01:31 No. 17506935 Report >>17506780 Awesome! Thank you so much.
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
Quoted By:
>>17506780 Got it! This is awesome, thanks a bunch!
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:05:45 No. 17507003 Report >>17506935 sure thing!
Looks like the rush died down.
anyone else?
Buffel Saft 2766-8387-1030
>>17507003 Do you have any female shellos left?
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:17:00 No. 17507176 Report >>17507101 Yep! You know the drill: upload a luvdisc
Jay 1564-2785-2104 Ground (Sandshrew Marowak Palpitoad)
Jay 1564-2785-2104 Ground (Sandshrew Marowak Palpitoad) Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:19:42 No. 17507215 Report Looking to move two penta perfect HA Jolly Sneasels with the egg moves pursuit and icicle crash. Not looking for anything in paticular.
Buffel Saft 2766-8387-1030
Quoted By:
>>17507176 Thanks man, putting one up in a minute
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
>>17507003 Thanks again, Master!
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:21:26 No. 17507249 Report >>17507215 ok. Have a Shellos! Adding.
>>17504937 Hey, OP
How did you make this sheet?
I have a ton of breeding leftovers and i want to create a list of those like in your attached picture.
What's an easy way to do that?
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:22:40 No. 17507269 Report Quoted By:
>>17507243 No problem Alice!
Jay 1564-2785-2104 Ground (Sandshrew Marowak Palpitoad)
Jay 1564-2785-2104 Ground (Sandshrew Marowak Palpitoad) Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:23:16 No. 17507279 Report >>17507249 okay adding you back
Buffel Saft 2766-8387-1030
>>17507176 Disc is up. Thanks again!
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, Nosepass)
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, Nosepass) Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:24:12 No. 17507300 Report Step it up op and release everything with 4IV or less. None of this rubbish! Anyway I have a few 5IV elekid with icepunch, fire punch AND cross chop. It will learn thunder punch at lvl 29. add me and open a trade
Jay 1564-2785-2104 Ground (Sandshrew Marowak Palpitoad)
Jay 1564-2785-2104 Ground (Sandshrew Marowak Palpitoad) Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:27:07 No. 17507344 Report Quoted By:
>>17507249 pleasure doing business with you.
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
If you have anymore female shellos up, I'll throw a 'disc up right now for one
Sentrin 4854 - 7064 - 2968
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Bisharp or Pawniard with the Pokebank move "Knock Off"? I'm really trying to hunt one down. I can offer different 4 or 5 IV pokemon if you'd be interested.
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:30:01 No. 17507397 Report Quoted By:
>>17507260 I just looked up all the images of the pokes and saved them (3 minutes)
Then made a list in a word doc while referencing my game file (7 mins)
Then did a file-> place in Photoshop for each image and spaced them out (3 mins)
Then I made text boxes and copy->pasted the word doc sections into them. (3 mins)
Then I spaced everything by merging all images into one and slicing stuff. (3 mins)
Either way, you're looking at 20 mins of work for one of these.
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:32:16 No. 17507428 Report >>17507279 thanks! awesome.
>>17507295 done
>>17507300 I always stop when I hit 5IV perfect. No 6IV Dittos used for these breedings sir! Good old fashioned....adding you now. Thanks!
>>17507367 You're getting the last one.
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>17507428 awesome, it's up now, thanks!
>>17507428 I'm putting up a luvdisc with a heart scale for the shellos
IGN: Apri
thank yooouuuu
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:40:21 No. 17507580 Report Anonymous
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:43:22 No. 17507634 Report >>17507604 were you the random gts? I threw you the male.
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784]
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:52:40 No. 17507761 Report >>17504937 Any Shellder or Drillbur left? I would like a female please.
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:56:32 No. 17507797 Report >>17507761 Luvdisc away, I have Shellders
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784]
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:59:20 No. 17507824 Report >>17507797 Shellder please.
IGN is Lucia, thanks in advance!
I have a 6 IV ditto for trade!
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 09:11:05 No. 17507937 Report >>17507824 Done, enjoy!
>>17507891 eh
Goodnight everyone. Shellos wins for most popular. I managed to get every pokemon I requested, which rocks.
Thanks /vp/. I'll continue this some other time.
Quoted By:
ARE there any cleffa's left? I would love one. reply if still available. thanks in advance
Anon: 1332-7928-9858
Quoted By:
>>17507891 His name is Omar, don't believe him
Traffic Cone 4098-3137-6271
Quoted By:
Can I get a Koffing? I have (4IV) Larvesta, Scyther, Gliscor, and male Misdreavus's.