anyone capable of cloning me a 6iv, non American ditto? I don't have much to offer, but if you'd like to help me out, my FC is 4785-5594-5997. IGN is Nai. thanks!
Quoted By:
sent? what's your fc?
4811 7465 4169
First response to this post with a friend code and a cute picture of Whimsicott who isn't OP gets a 6iv non-shiny japanese ditto
Steve 3110-5737-0992
Quoted By:
eh worth posting in encase some anon is feeling generous got a luvdisc up if so. vp
Lux !AqqUFiGzUs
FzPn 0516 - 8081 - 8712 [Beartic Dewgong Spheal]
FzPn 0516 - 8081 - 8712 [Beartic Dewgong Spheal] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:14:14 No. 17507135 Report i would like a non-american 6iv ditto
4811 7465 4169
>>17507128 Alright, adding you
Steve 3110-5737-0992
sent to everyone in this thread. :^)
Steve 3110-5737-0992
Quoted By:
>>17507160 pretty sure i got it from you thanks a lot.
Lux !AqqUFiGzUs
4811 7465 4169
>>17507223 No problem!
>>17507149 I guess you were technically the first reply to my post, so I aughta give you one too, if you dont mind waiting a couple minutes for me to clone more?
>>17507135 And if I give one to him I CAN'T skip you I guess, so if you don't mind waiting I'll hook you up.
They were all just such cute pictures
Steve 3110-5737-0992
>>17507266 I can wait putting luvdisc up. vp in msg.
Quoted By:
>>17506840 oxi nai, sorry.
wildo 1504-6573-3023
Quoted By:
>>17507266 p-please tell me you have a spare one for me
4811 7465 4169
>>17507286 write Whimsicott in the description please
Steve 3110-5737-0992
Quoted By:
>>17507266 luvdisc is up thanks again
Quoted By:
I don't understand what's going on, but if someone wants to trade me a marvelous ditto for a cottonee (whimsicot gets sniped) on the GTS I wouldn't complain. :3
MILK 4356-0590-9303 [Snorunt Beartic Cloyster]
MILK 4356-0590-9303 [Snorunt Beartic Cloyster] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:28:04 No. 17507368 Report Quoted By:
I want a 6 Iv ditto :)
Steve 3110-5737-0992
4811 7465 4169
Quoted By:
Guys I only meant to give away one I don't really have time to be cloning all night sorry?
4811 7465 4169
>>17507381 Did you trade by the way
>>17507135 If you're still here respond to me and I'll clone you one
FzPn 0516 - 8081 - 8712 [Beartic Dewgong Spheal]
FzPn 0516 - 8081 - 8712 [Beartic Dewgong Spheal] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:33:50 No. 17507460 Report >>17507266 Already added you.. but I dont mind waiting for a foreign 6iv ditto it would help me a lot! Thanks!
If I cant get one though.. damn I was too slow!!
4811 7465 4169
Quoted By:
>>17507460 Alright just hang on might take me a few tries I'm sorta bad at cloning haha
FzPn 0516 - 8081 - 8712 [Beartic Dewgong Spheal]
FzPn 0516 - 8081 - 8712 [Beartic Dewgong Spheal] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:34:57 No. 17507483 Report 4811 7465 4169
>>17507483 Holy shit I just realized that I left my copy of X at a friends house when I was there yesterday, and I don't have another one to trade you, I feel shitty jesus sorry
Next time I see you online and I have more I'll trade you one though, sorry??
Steve 3110-5737-0992
>>17507437 yeah i traded was it not you
4811 7465 4169
Quoted By:
>>17507553 That post was a typo, was supposed to say did YOUR trade
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
Quoted By:
>>17507266 I-I would like one if it's not too late
FzPn 0516 - 8081 - 8712 [Beartic Dewgong Spheal]
FzPn 0516 - 8081 - 8712 [Beartic Dewgong Spheal] Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:39:43 No. 17507571 Report Quoted By:
>>17507534 no problems no problems. lookin forward to it!
>>17507266 Fuck, i know all i can do is beg but i would honestly love you so much if you could give me one as well, i have many cute 5 IV pokemone i'd be willing to give you for you kindness :D
Quoted By:
>>17507737 and i keep forgetting to put my FC in ;_;
Vincent 2079-7510-5594 (something, something, quilladin)
Vincent 2079-7510-5594 (something, something, quilladin) Mon 20 Jan 2014 08:58:27 No. 17507816 Report Quoted By:
I know I'm really late to the party here, but if there's an anon willing to clone another I can give you a Zygarde for it (or just any other trash if you're not fussed). I have a spare because someone was trading their Zygarde for a Snivy on GTS. Thanks!
Rex 2766-9747-3936
Quoted By:
Welp i'm fashionably late to this party. Anyone willing to clone me a 6IV ditto? I have plenty of 5IVs for trade for it!
Ash 0173-1440-5573
>>17506840 Cloner here, ready to clone a few for everyone if someone would kindly lend me one to clone
>>17510611 Someone give this man a 6IV ditto
4184 2119 5825
>>17510623 >>17510611 I've got a 6IV Ditto
Seis 4527 - 8335 - 3085 (Ice: Beartic, Snorunt)
Seis 4527 - 8335 - 3085 (Ice: Beartic, Snorunt) Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:05:22 No. 17510646 Report >>17510611 Can I get one when you've cloned them? I'll wait in the queue lol
Ian 379773295972 !hEpdoZ.tHU
Quoted By:
>>17510640 Give it to him man
>>17510611 If you give me a cloned ditto I swear I will do a bunch of giveaways
Ash 0173-1440-5573
>>17510640 Added
>>17510646 Sure just let me got one first lol
>>17510611 >named ash Never trust anybody named ash.
Mike 4957-4007-2003
I'd like to jump on the cloning bandwagon if there's a chance of dittos. Have some 5iv stuff I could trade if need be.
4184 2119 5825
>>17510676 Added. I need at least 2 duplicated. I'll make it hold a leftovers because I need those to be cloned as well.
Ash 0173-1440-5573
>>17510677 Well it's just my name shortened lol
>>17510717 coll, ok
Ian 379773295972 !hEpdoZ.tHU
>>17510734 What's your full name? Ashley?
Nym 0946-2446-8808 (Fletchinder, Slugma, Ponyta)
Nym 0946-2446-8808 (Fletchinder, Slugma, Ponyta) Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:18:08 No. 17510763 Report >>17510611 Is it beggining time? I want a Ditto too. I have 5IV Gible/Pawniard/Ralts to offer.
Ash 0173-1440-5573
Quoted By:
>>17510717 Ok give me 10 mins to clone a batch
Seis 4527 - 8335 - 3085 (Ice: Beartic, Snorunt)
Seis 4527 - 8335 - 3085 (Ice: Beartic, Snorunt) Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:18:50 No. 17510771 Report Quoted By:
>>17510734 I added you too
4184 2119 5825
Quoted By:
>>17510681 I have another 6IV Ditto, but I'm currently using it to MM a larvesta.. 2 days and nothing D:
Ash 0173-1440-5573
Quoted By:
While we're on the subject, does anyone have a Bold, non-American Ditto? Doesn't need the 6IVs, I already got that part covered with the other parent.
Naki 0602-626501388
Quoted By:
I could really use a ditto too if you happen to have any extras. Don't really have anything good to give in return though, I only got X a few days ago and haven't been able to start breeding anything fancy yet.
Quoted By:
>>17510905 Also adding all. Please add back. :D
Naki 0602-6265-1388
Quoted By:
I could really use a ditto too if you happen to have any extras. Don't really have anything good to give in return though, I only got X a few days ago and haven't been able to start breeding anything fancy yet.
Ash 0173-1440-5573
>>17510717 Sorry it took longer than expected.
Ian 379773295972 !hEpdoZ.tHU
Quoted By:
>>17511005 Let the begging commence
pls 4184 2119 5825
>>17511005 Haha, it's all right. Thanks. Happy breeding! Oh and /vp/ you're welcome :p
Ian 379773295972 !hEpdoZ.tHU
Seis 4527 - 8335 - 3085 (Ice: Beartic, Snorunt)
Seis 4527 - 8335 - 3085 (Ice: Beartic, Snorunt) Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:46:31 No. 17511031 Report Quoted By:
>>17511005 Begging too lol I have some 5IV's mons in return
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus]
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus] Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:47:07 No. 17511035 Report Quoted By:
can I get in on this? I beg for a ditto
Nym 0946-2446-8808 (Fletchinder, Slugma, Ponyta)
Nym 0946-2446-8808 (Fletchinder, Slugma, Ponyta) Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:47:33 No. 17511039 Report Quoted By:
>>17511005 >>17510763 I am not late for begging, right?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
I'm looking for one of those shiny 6iv dittos. I can clone and I have a bunch of legends.
Quoted By:
Also interested in a 6IV non UK ditto, can't say I have a whole lot to offer though as I'm new to all this =(
Mike 4957-4007-2003
>>17511024 Thanks for letting your ditto be cloned. Hopefully it'll benefit plenty of vp'ers.
Ian 379773295972 !hEpdoZ.tHU
Quoted By:
>>17511005 If you want I've got pinsirs with quick attack and feint
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
Quoted By:
I-I'd like a 6iv ditto if it's not too much trouble?
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus]
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus] Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:54:46 No. 17511155 Report Quoted By:
>>17511005 the best thing I have are some 5IV ralts with trace and modest nature
4184 2119 5825
>>17511067 >>17511091 You're welcome buddy. If only I had a second 3DS I wouldn't mind cloning shiny 6IV Ditto for everyone. But all I can do is offer some to be cloned.
If anyone still needs to borrow a 6IV Ditto to clone for others, let me know :)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey) Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:57:39 No. 17511178 Report Quoted By:
Ditto please? Will offer 5IV whimsicott
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Marcelo 0318 7795 6001 (fraxure noibat druddigon)
Marcelo 0318 7795 6001 (fraxure noibat druddigon) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:01:39 No. 17511209 Report Can someone hook me up with one? I had one, but I gave it to my little cousin as a gift (he has a hard life). I would greatly appreciate it, and I promise to share the love with great pokemon, whenever I can. (if not, that's cool too, I wish you all the best)
Quoted By:
Would like a Ditto, have 5IV Cottonees, HA Teeeckos, 6IV Noibat, and 4IV Togepi and Breloom.
Am I too late? Please tell me you have a spare ;_;
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:03:07 No. 17511217 Report >>17511209 Well I don't have a ditto for ya, but can I add you for that safari?
4184 2119 5825
>>17511180 Added you. I'm only going to ask for 2 duplicates because I need to clone more leftovers, doesn't even have to be a duplicate of the Ditto as long as I get 2 leftovers, haha.
Marcelo 0318 7795 6001 (fraxure noibat druddigon)
Marcelo 0318 7795 6001 (fraxure noibat druddigon) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:04:06 No. 17511228 Report Quoted By:
>>17511217 go ahead bro, I'll add you as soon as I turn on my system
Ash 0173-1440-5573
>>17511214 I will start cloning again soon just need to take care of some stuff.
Quoted By:
>all this begging /vp/ is dying and it's all France's fault.
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:05:49 No. 17511249 Report Quoted By:
>>17511180 >>17511226 May I please have ditto and leftovers?
I know I'm asking too much ;-;
But this time I'll offer up my shiny gabite
Ian 379773295972 !hEpdoZ.tHU
Quoted By:
>>17511231 Maybe this catches your interest
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus]
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus] Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:07:20 No. 17511266 Report Quoted By:
>>17511231 please save me one, I'm desperate, if I had shinies I'd offer them. in exchange
Marlon 4270-1226-6456
Quoted By:
>>17511231 Thanks so much, I added you and I have a few 5 IV adamant elekid woth ice punch if you want
Quoted By:
6IV Shiny Rayquaza. Make me an offer.
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:09:25 No. 17511292 Report Quoted By:
>>17511231 Shiny Gabite for Ditto e/ Leftovers
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17511226 Thanks! let me add you.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
4184 2119 5825
>>17511331 Yeah, I'm online. Will appreciate as many duplicates of the leftovers as you can get me. But 2-3 is fine.
I would love one of those 6IV Dittos, but im afraid the most I can offer is something with Pokerus. An French Eevee, maybe?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Jeff 0920-0809-0241 (Electric: ??? / ??? / Zebstrika)
Jeff 0920-0809-0241 (Electric: ??? / ??? / Zebstrika) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:18:07 No. 17511384 Report Quoted By:
>>17511367 Whoops, forgot my trip.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17511341 I'll clone it once. give it back. then use my clone to make more. okay?
Ian 379773295972 !hEpdoZ.tHU
>>17511411 Might I have a cloned one if its alright?
4184 2119 5825
>>17511411 Sure, no problem. That's the plan, to give /vp/ 6IV Ditto clones. :)
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17511418 tell you what. check the gts giveaway thread regularly. I'll try to do a giveaway tonight
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17511431 whatever happened to the ditto giveaway threads?
4184 2119 5825
>>17511464 No idea, haven;t been spotting them lately.
>mfw all these people that still dont have a 6IVshinyjapditto >mfw I have both the Timid and the Jolly one
Ian 379773295972 !hEpdoZ.tHU
>>17511549 I just got into competitive man
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:35:01 No. 17511567 Report >>17511549 Willing to trade for a shony gabite?
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:36:03 No. 17511588 Report >>17511567 God damn touch screen bull
Quoted By:
>>17511550 I dont even into competitive, I just like to min max my mons for PVE and make PVE builds.
But this is the first gen where I actually decided to learn about IVs and EVs, since this is also the first gen for me that had online capabilities.
Quoted By:
I'll try and keep an eye out for it! would love one =D
Willing to trade a Dialga for a 6 IV shiny Jap Ditto.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17511567 >>17511588 well I gotta get going soon, but I lurk the cloning threads usually, and heres the shinies I already have
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17511643 any of those 5 or 6 ivs?
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:42:18 No. 17511673 Report >>17511643 Shiny EV trained gyarados that sweeps as mega for 6IV ditto
4184 2119 5825
>>17511617 Sweet! Keep cloning those Ditto!
If anyone else needs to borrow a 6IV Ditto to clone for the rest of us let me know.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17511637 Like 2 or 3 IVs.
Ian 379773295972 !hEpdoZ.tHU
Quoted By:
>>17511758 Aww man. Look at those breeding slaves.
Farrier (IGN: Andrew) 5386-8418-0655
Am I late for a Ditto? I have some good Shinies to give away for one
4184 2119 5825
>>17511758 Thanks so much! Hope you don't mind all the Larvesta. I've been trying to Masuda Method for 2 days now. Thanks again. All the leftovers will come in handy! :D
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:55:11 No. 17511812 Report >>17511799 I've got a jirachi
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17511795 Don't mind at all!
Nym 0946-2446-8808 (Fletchinder, Slugma, Ponyta)
Nym 0946-2446-8808 (Fletchinder, Slugma, Ponyta) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:56:13 No. 17511820 Report Quoted By:
>>17511758 >mfw cloning intensifies Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17511812 Ivs? nature? level?
I have one. bur if yours is better im interested.
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:58:29 No. 17511848 Report >>17511826 Special Attack
Zero EVs atm
Farrier (IGN: Andrew) 5386-8418-0655
>>17511799 Well I have a Mew I don't want
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:59:31 No. 17511858 Report Quoted By:
Ian 379773295972 !hEpdoZ.tHU
>>17511460 What time do you thing you're gonna do it?
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Mienfoo, Sawk, Breloom) !2UIfNiggag
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Mienfoo, Sawk, Breloom) !2UIfNiggag Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:00:24 No. 17511865 Report Quoted By:
Any cloners still in here? In need of a Ditto.
Would any cloners want a shiny relicanth for a ditto? Sorry I don't have much else to offer.
Mr. White (3780-9705-2199) [Rock: Pupitar, Boldore, Rhydon]
Mr. White (3780-9705-2199) [Rock: Pupitar, Boldore, Rhydon] Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:03:23 No. 17511894 Report Quoted By:
Anyone willing to help with a 6IV ditto? All I have at the moment are 5IV Timid Protean Froakies and 5IV Adament Technician Scythers to offer.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17511863 after 10pm central time.
>>17511852 stats on mew?
Becca 2079 7638 0367
Quoted By:
>>17511872 A ditto or a 6iv ditto? Ill trade you
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey) Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:05:48 No. 17511922 Report Quoted By:
>>17511826 Closest approximation of it's stats using the pokedit app
Looks like I won't get a ditto
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17511848 I'll clone you one. Give me a sec
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey) Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:07:29 No. 17511941 Report >>17511923 Oh my god thank you ;-;
Farrier (IGN: Andrew) 5386-8418-0655
>>17511902 Docile
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17511941 don't Thank me yet.
If I leave look for me on the gts giveaway thread
Quoted By:
A 6iv one if you have it! Thanks Becca 2208-4862-0748 ign: Red
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey) Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:09:05 No. 17511958 Report >>17511948 Gahh
Link pls?
Still new to /vp/
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Farrier (IGN: Andrew) 5386-8418-0655
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey)
Amadeus 1977-0200-1498 (Normal: Aipom Audino Chansey) Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:11:13 No. 17511996 Report Quoted By:
>>17511972 I'm just down to a shiny gabite
I don't have mich else to offer
Quoted By:
Are there any 6 IVs Ditto left?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17511993 let me clone one for you
Brulka 4382 2054 8358 Poison Gloom, Swalot, Whirlipede
Brulka 4382 2054 8358 Poison Gloom, Swalot, Whirlipede Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:12:21 No. 17512014 Report Quoted By:
i can has a ditto? :)
Farrier (IGN: Andrew) 5386-8418-0655
Quoted By:
>>17512009 Sweet, lemme know when you're done and I'll add you when you're ready.
>>17511662 The greninja and honedge are 5iv, the ditto, suicune, and genesect are 6iv
>>17511673 That'd be cool.. I could clone you one if you don't mind waiting an hour or so till get back
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17512159 I thought you wanted a 6iv ditto
How could you possibly get a 6 IV ditto?
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus]
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus] Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:26:34 No. 17512226 Report Quoted By:
>>17512192 I'll take it if he doesn't want it
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17512222 being extremely lucky. or having good mons
Quoted By:
>>17512192 I want one if he doesn't.
>>17512192 Eh? No, I have 2 kinds of dittoi, one of whichisin the pic up a few posts.. just can't clone at the moment.. also forgot my trip in that post because sending this from my phone
Quoted By:
Dialga for a 6 IV shiny Jap ditto. Anyone?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17512244 But you can't breed two ditto together, can you? So there's only luck.
And even considering the fact that you get 2 perfect IVs from friend safari pokemon, aren't the odds of getting 4 other perfect IVs like....staggering?
Like close to 1/100,000 staggering?
Could someone lend me one of those 6IV foreign dittos to clone? I don't have a lot in terms of collateral, but I have a few 5IV shinies.
WesleyJames - FC: 0189-9605-5577 (Lampent Phantump Duskclops)
WesleyJames - FC: 0189-9605-5577 (Lampent Phantump Duskclops) Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:43:30 No. 17512488 Report Quoted By:
All I have to offer is a 5IV Goomy, if anyone is still handing out 6iv dittos :]
Quoted By:
I have some very pretty luvdisks if anyone fancies giving me a 6 IV ditto :)
Manda (2509-1744-0111)
Quoted By:
I don't have much to offer, but I'd really appreciate it if someone could clone me a non-American ditto. I'm not picky about IVs or nature.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17512476 what do you have?
dittos ready for mew and jirachi
>>17512607 No bank legends, unfortunately. 5Iv Timid Larvesta, missing attack, a 5IV Adamant sneasel missing Sp.Atk are the only two worth mentioning. I have a handful of other assorted shinies too, but I wouldn't imagine they're worth much.
>>17512607 I have a 5IV shiny modest trace gardevoir which I will trade for your ditto
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Farrier and Amadeus still here?
Al 3239 - 3072 - 0962 [Pyroar, Growlithe, Braixen] !!IW15mmbGwt4
Al 3239 - 3072 - 0962 [Pyroar, Growlithe, Braixen] !!IW15mmbGwt4 Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:53:13 No. 17512669 Report >>17512476 I have a few 6 IV Dittoes too, so I'm also interested in what 5 IV shinies you have.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17512655 level? iv placement?
>>17512651 list them please
>>17512693 level 100
att, def, sp.a, sp.d, speed, it's not ideal but still usable
Quoted By:
is anyone else finding cloning really hard today or is it just me? i cant clone anything. I owe an anon on here a deoxys and he left before I could give it to him, I still have it and I don't want him to think I scammed him ;_;
David 5112-3417-3483
Quoted By:
Any spare dittos? I know I'm late, but I'd appreciate one...
ryu 5472 6998 8599
>>17512669 >>17512693 5IV
careful espeon, missing attack
adamant female ralts, missing hp
jolly riolu missing sp.def
timid larvesta, missing atk
adamant sneasel, missing sp.atk
modest riolu, jolly murkrow, jolly pinsir, timid joltik, calm eevee, bold chansey, modest togetic
3 or less IV
Dragalge, Lillipup, Braixen, Delibird, Beautifly, Honedge, Klefki, Swalot, Zorua, Druddigon
fc is in the name field if you're interested
4184 2119 5825
Quoted By:
Argh! Masuda Method is driving me crazy! Does anyone have a shiny 5-6IV Modest, Timid Larvesta/Volcarona? I'll trade an event (non shiny) Genesect for it.
Farrier (IGN: Andrew) 5386-8418-0655
Quoted By:
>>17512607 adding away now
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17512736 I'll get you one.
Farrier (IGN: Andrew) 5386-8418-0655
Quoted By:
>>17512656 added and waiting for you bro
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17512779 I'll take the Ralts.
Back to cloning I guess
ryu 5472 6998 8599
>>17512834 okay, give me a minute to clone it
also, it has a nickname that i can change but i can name it just gardevoir if you want
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17512860 Mai Waifu if you don't mind
ryu 5472 6998 8599
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus]
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus] Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:05:32 No. 17512919 Report >>17512807 Yay, just realised my name wasn't showing up for some reason, here's a photo so you know I'm not bullshitting
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
4184 2119 5825
>>17512919 Is that Gardevoire nicknameable? I could you trade you an event Genesect (not shiny) for it.
ryu 5472 6998 8599
>>17512894 your new physical attacker waifu is ready when you are
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus]
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus] Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:23:03 No. 17513153 Report >>17513111 no thanks, I'm only really willing to trade it for a 6IV ditto
3368 1885 2709 (Camerupt, Sandshrew, Diggersby)
3368 1885 2709 (Camerupt, Sandshrew, Diggersby) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:23:32 No. 17513159 Report Quoted By:
Wouldn't mind one of those myself.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17513127 give me a sec.
Sometimes ditto acts like a bitch
Al 3239 - 3072 - 0962 [Pyroar, Growlithe, Braixen] !!IW15mmbGwt4
Al 3239 - 3072 - 0962 [Pyroar, Growlithe, Braixen] !!IW15mmbGwt4 Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:25:38 No. 17513179 Report >>17513153 If you still need a ditto, I got one.
[Blooz] 2723-8423-8780
I'm looking for a shiny 6IV non-US ditto, just like everyone else, could someone help me out? I don't have much I guess Shiny: Rotom G Audino Gulpin 5IV: Croagunk Scraggy Gligar Sableye
4184 2119 5825
>>17513153 I've got a 6IV Ditto.I just didn't want to offer it because I thought that it would be redundant since Neeka is already cloning them and giving them away. Which IVs are perfect on that Gardevoir?
ryu 5472 6998 8599
Quoted By:
>>17513165 no problem, i know the feeling
3368 1885 2709 (Camerupt, Sandshrew, Diggersby)
3368 1885 2709 (Camerupt, Sandshrew, Diggersby) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:29:40 No. 17513259 Report >>17513179 Add for friend safari?
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus]
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus] Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:30:11 No. 17513267 Report >>17513194 >>17513179 Well Neeka said that he/she'd get me one, and I don't want to just trade with someone else when we've already agreed on it. If Neeka says he/she doesn't want it I'll trade it to one of you
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17513267 you only got one?
Al 3239 - 3072 - 0962 [Pyroar, Growlithe, Braixen] !!IW15mmbGwt4
Al 3239 - 3072 - 0962 [Pyroar, Growlithe, Braixen] !!IW15mmbGwt4 Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:31:29 No. 17513286 Report >>17513267 Ah. Misunderstood what's been going on in this thread. Understood.
>>17513259 K.
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus]
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus] Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:32:25 No. 17513305 Report >>17513281 yeah, only one, that's why I was reluctant to trade it in the first place
Al 3239 - 3072 - 0962 [Pyroar, Growlithe, Braixen] !!IW15mmbGwt4
Al 3239 - 3072 - 0962 [Pyroar, Growlithe, Braixen] !!IW15mmbGwt4 Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:32:32 No. 17513307 Report Quoted By:
4184 2119 5825
>>17513267 Okay, no problem! :)
By the way which IVs are perfect on the Gardevoir? Just curious. And is it nicknameable?
3368 1885 2709 (Camerupt, Sandshrew, Diggersby)
3368 1885 2709 (Camerupt, Sandshrew, Diggersby) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:33:43 No. 17513334 Report Quoted By:
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus]
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus] Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:33:52 No. 17513341 Report Quoted By:
>>17513309 it's just missing HP and yes it is nicknamable, I was the one who bred it
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17513305 Tell you what. I'll clone her for you if you wait for me
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus]
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus] Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:35:48 No. 17513380 Report >>17513348 really? sure I'll wait, if I'm getting to keep one of each pokemon then it's worth waiting for. Do you want me to change the nickname for you?
Balis 1521-3111-5751
Does anyone have an extra 6iv ditto? I don't really care if non-american, or shiny... I'd trade a shiny lapras for it. (although the lapras is bad)
[Blooz] 2723-8423-8780
>>17513348 I know you seem busy,
I have these available if you're interested, thanks either way.
>>17513186 Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17513380 Yes please, Mjr.QT if you don't mind.
I would hate to take someone's waifu away. Should have told me!
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17513395 I'll take it.
>>17513396 and your rotom
dittos for mjr qt and mai waifu are ready
ryu 5472 6998 8599
>>17513446 awesome already added you so shoot me a trade request whenever
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus]
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus] Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:41:53 No. 17513478 Report Quoted By:
>>17513446 You my friend are a very considerate person.
I've already added you to my friends list, so add me and send me a trade request
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Balis 1521-3111-5751
>>17513446 just added you for shiny lapras trade, when you're finished with the other two gentlemen, i'll be here :3
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17513503 I need to clone first. so give me a couple of minutes
WesleyJames - FC: 0189-9605-5577 (Lampent Phantump Duskclops)
WesleyJames - FC: 0189-9605-5577 (Lampent Phantump Duskclops) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:45:06 No. 17513542 Report Quoted By:
Any Ditto's left? I havent been breeding long (4 days) so I only can offer 5iv goomy and my legendary I've caught. Mercy on the inexperienced.
Balis 1521-3111-5751
Quoted By:
>>17513538 Alrighty, will do.
ryu 5472 6998 8599
>>17513538 thanks a ton man
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig]
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig] Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:48:19 No. 17513614 Report If anyone with a 6iv ditto is still here I've got a shiny charmander, a 5 iv beldum, a 5iv swarm scyther,and various other 4iv mons
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
I'll right I'll clone waifuvoir brb
[Blooz] 2723-8423-8780
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus]
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus] Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:50:10 No. 17513649 Report >>17513633 thank you very much. do you mind what I give you when we trade back?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17513614 ivs on charmander?
4184 2119 5825
>>17513614 What's the Nature and IVs of the shiny Charmander?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17513649 yes. You have to give me a six iv shiny ho oh level 1 or you will never see her again.
or a bidoof
whichever is easier
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig]
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig] Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:52:38 No. 17513710 Report >>17513665 31 in attack, others probably aren't great. Unfortunately masuda blessed me early in the breeding process while making charmanders for mega X
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig]
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig] Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:53:59 No. 17513735 Report Quoted By:
>>17513708 >>17513665 nature is jolly, it also knows belly drum but no other egg moves
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus]
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus] Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:54:44 No. 17513748 Report Quoted By:
>>17513708 luckily I received a bidoof through wonder trade just a couple of hours ago
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17513710 I'm a boot swamped at the moment.
>>17513681 doesn't want it, I'll try to help you.
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
Quoted By:
>>17511958 If you're still here, I'd like to make a copy of that gyrados. If you dont already have a ditto by now, I can get you one of those, other wise I have all other legends.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Gardevoirs always play nice. cloned in the first try. And you get the original back!
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:59:49 No. 17513871 Report Looking for someone to clone this baby.
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig]
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig] Mon 20 Jan 2014 18:00:22 No. 17513884 Report >>17513754 it's cool, i'll be around.
>>17513681 let me know if you want this thing dude
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus]
Anil 0473-7760-9345 [sunkern, sawsbuck, maractus] Mon 20 Jan 2014 18:00:45 No. 17513895 Report Quoted By:
>>17513846 I will always remember you as the nicest person on the internet, I am eternally grateful.
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17513871 I could do that for ya
4184 2119 5825
Quoted By:
>>17513884 Thanks but I was actually looking for either a modest or timid one. I only have Charizardite Y. So I'll pass for now.
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 18:04:48 No. 17513969 Report >>17513896 I added you a yesterday, but I haven't seen your IGN at all.
I'd like a clone of my own and a shinyditto/any GTS legend
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17513884 I guess that means I need 3 clones
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
Quoted By:
>>17513969 yea, you didnt have your FC posted, and the thread got deleted before I could ask.. ill add you in a min
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17513969 also I have a shiny suicune 6IV, if you want that.. so you want that and 2 birds?
I dont understand what's happening in this thread. When you say cloned do you mean pokegen? How do you clone mons.
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 18:13:55 No. 17514175 Report >>17514100 The highest tier legend you can spare. Like, Rayquaza, Giratina, Regigas or something. Just filling up the dex, so I care little for IVs or shiny. And two clones of my own to keep around & trade would be sweet!
[Blooz] 2723-8423-8780
Quoted By:
>>17514170 you need two 3ds consoles and two copies of pokemon
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17514175 umm.. the suicune is the only thing i have on this game right now.. I could get a spare shiny rayquaza from another, or if you really want, just name your legend and ill clone one as fast as possible.. i hadnt really gotten around to making extra copies of mons since cloning can be a pain in the dick at times.
I have a shiny Pumpkaboo and a Dialga for trade. I am looking for a Jap Shiny 6iv ditto.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
I almost fucking deleted my ditto. I need to pay more attention
Azury21 FC:4398 9805 0107
Quoted By:
anyone willing to give me a 6Iv non us ditto? All I have is a 5IV Gible w/ HA and outrage
Balis 1521-3111-5751
Quoted By:
>>17514273 Netflix can be distracting...
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17514257 I admire your spirit. I'll clone you one. Give me a couple of minutes though.
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 18:19:57 No. 17514309 Report Quoted By:
>>17514227 Nah, that's alright mate. So long as I can get a copy of the articuno myself too :).
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig]
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig] Mon 20 Jan 2014 18:24:06 No. 17514410 Report >>17514306 already got you added, I'll be online in game so just hit me up when you want that charmander
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 18:24:47 No. 17514436 Report >>17514227 Also, a SAO fan, I take it?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17514410 I will.
Like I said before. If the thread dies or I leave, look for me in the gts giveaway thread
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17514436 Kinda sorta.. I didnt think the anime was that bad, but i guess it was the cool thing to hate (at least on /a/)
I read the LNs and liked them, but then book 9 and on was kinda meh.. really slowly paced.
I've also seen the name in other anime, and just kinda like the name.
>>17514306 Thanks man. I really appreciate it.
Azury21 FC:4398 9805 0107
Quoted By:
so do I have any takes on my 5IV gible for a ditto?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17514525 mind telling me the stats on the dialga?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Dittos for shiny lapras and rotom are ready.
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 18:31:55 No. 17514591 Report >>17514490 I am a slow as fuck reader, but I'm trying to get through the Index books. It's translated weirdly, like Hadena subs did the whole book.
The SAO anime was kina alright though. I did hate the whole Aflheim arc. Looking forward to GGO, the special was kinda good too.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Balis 1521-3111-5751
Quoted By:
>>17514585 I've already added you, just waiting c: (I'm the lapras :3)
Balis 1521-3111-5751
>>17514614 omg one sec sorry it knows an hm
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17514591 Yea, ALO sucked, but i didnt mind it since i read both books in a bout 2 or 3 day.. Also GGO was good.. Like it starts off kinda slow, and ehh, but that final boss fight was crazy.
Also just cloned 2 birds on the first 2 tries! ..Lucky as fuck.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17514735 haha. It's done
Azury21 FC:4398 9805 0107
>>17514614 can I get one I have nothing good to trade though.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Balis 1521-3111-5751
Quoted By:
>>17514759 Sorry for the little hiccup, thanks bunches <3
[Blooz] 2723-8423-8780
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17514781 of the rotom guy doesn't show. Sure
Azury21 FC:4398 9805 0107
Quoted By:
>>17514881 i have a rotom just havent checked stats or nothing special about it.
[Blooz] 2723-8423-8780
>>17514881 rotom guy right here, already added you
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17514905 yeah. Sorry about that
Azury21 FC:4398 9805 0107
>>17514881 I have a female moody snorunt
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17514974 you'll be in the next batch.
add me ever
Azury21 FC:4398 9805 0107
Quoted By:
>>17514947 or a shiny fishmon Poliwhirl
Azury21 FC:4398 9805 0107
>>17515071 already did just tell me what you want
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17515102 i meant ever. The guy with palkia
the snorunt is fine. Female?
Azury21 FC:4398 9805 0107
Quoted By:
>>17515161 yep in a luxury ball
Con 0576-3600-9080
Can I get a 6 iv foreign ditto? I don't have anything special to trade except for a few 5 and 6 iv spares I bred, most have several egg moves. 5 IV scatterbug (modern pattern) 6 IV Minccino 5 IV absol 5 IV larvitars- sassy and adamant with dragon dance, outrage stealth rock and pursuit 5 IV Inkay 5 IV Shuppet and some regular old chimchars with iron fist, one female. i have a 5 IV bulletproof chespin with spikes, synthesis, belly drum and rollout but I'm saving that for breeding.
>>17515161 Added you my Hispanic brother. :P
Azury21 FC:4398 9805 0107
Quoted By:
>>17515161 oh snap and its shiny thanks a lot man!
Quoted By:
will trade a pokemon with pkrs for a 5 or 6 IV ditto !
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
ever. I'll be back with yours
Quoted By:
>>17515071 >>17515296 Thanks. If you want to clone and give one back that would be great. If not I don't mind. Just want bank to be out.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17515256 sorry mang. you weren't answering. I'll take the pumkabloo. Give me a sec
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig]
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig] Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:04:13 No. 17515350 Report >>17515296 still want that shiny charmander? just wondering where i am in line
Drew: 1650-2481-2567 (Psychic: Abra Espurr Xatu)
Drew: 1650-2481-2567 (Psychic: Abra Espurr Xatu) Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:05:33 No. 17515372 Report I'm also in need of a Japanese 6IV sexyditto. I don't have anything too great to offer, just 5IV Mawiles and some random 4IVs.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17515350 this final batch.
Sorry about that
Drew: 1650-2481-2567 (Psychic: Abra Espurr Xatu)
Drew: 1650-2481-2567 (Psychic: Abra Espurr Xatu) Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:06:40 No. 17515394 Report Quoted By:
>>17515372 forgot to mention that I also have a shiny Alomomola
4184 2119 5825
>>17515380 Neeka, thanks so much for cloning 6IV Ditto for everyone. Your hard work is highly appreciated!
Quoted By:
If only I had another copy of the game
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17515468 Just giving back.
People helped me a lot too. Time to give back.
IGN: Lumi "The Original JewBird" (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi "The Original JewBird" (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:17:14 No. 17515573 Report >>17514740 How's it coming along? Did your luck pull through?
Thiago 0490 6303 0472 (Mienfoo, Throh, Breloom)
Thiago 0490 6303 0472 (Mienfoo, Throh, Breloom) Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:18:25 No. 17515596 Report Quoted By:
>>17506840 hey guys, one 6IV ditto would make my life sooo much easier! is anyone there willing to help me? i can share the results of my breeding afterwards!
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17515573 yup.. been waiting to give you these 2 birds, heh. That was all, right?
IGN: Lumi "The Original JewBird" (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi "The Original JewBird" (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:20:47 No. 17515644 Report >>17515613 I was waiting on you! Derp.
Unrelated note: you seem to have good taste, what anime should I pick up? (inb4 recommendation thread)
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
dittos for charmander and pumkabloo ready
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17515644 well I have my anime list right here on my site
since muh autism cant handle MALs formatting Just give me a genre or description of what you like, and i could suggest off that list
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig]
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig] Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:25:42 No. 17515750 Report >>17515724 already added you, ready when you are
Drew: 1650-2481-2567 (Psychic: Abra Espurr Xatu)
Drew: 1650-2481-2567 (Psychic: Abra Espurr Xatu) Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:28:57 No. 17515819 Report >>17515724 Could I please get one? Or am I too late to the thread
Quoted By:
>>17515724 Dialga or Pumpkaboo?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
IGN: Lumi "The Original JewBird" (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi "The Original JewBird" (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:32:28 No. 17515879 Report >>17515735 Not too edgy, but no 'moeblog' stuff either, unless it has some good redeeming quality (I found Chuu2 to be decent for example).
Not sure what I'd say genre wise; I like stuff with a plot that grips me (Steins;Gate does this for me) and some things that are just fun to watch — I find JoJo and Guilty Crown brilliant, so long as there are threads about it on /a/.
Also, thanks so much for the Suicune and the clone! You are a gentleman and a scholar!
Thiago 0490 6303 0472 (Mienfoo, Throh, Breloom)
Thiago 0490 6303 0472 (Mienfoo, Throh, Breloom) Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:33:07 No. 17515895 Report Quoted By:
>>17515724 can you help me too ? I can share the results of my breeding with you (:
>>17515876 Will evolve please trade back for my dex?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17515819 you got anything interesting?
Con 0576-3600-9080
Quoted By:
>>17515254 bumping my thing. I just want to know if I can get one before I go to work and the thread 404s.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17515750 send a trade request please.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17515902 site. Sorry didn't see your post before
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig]
Quips 5300-8402-8458 [munna/sigilyph/girafarig] Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:37:38 No. 17515975 Report >>17515943 Thanks! I'll have to start my own thread once i get a few of these cloned.
Anybody have any of the dittos left. I can offer a Keldeo in return
>>17515943 Want to keep the Dialga or the Gourgeist?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Quoted By:
>>17515975 I wish you have better luck than me.
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:41:18 No. 17516028 Report Quoted By:
All I want is a Modest Ditto, I don't care about the IVs.
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17515879 I like your taste, hah.. Steins;Gate was one of my favs. Well if you're watching ongoings, i'd recommend trying Noragami.. seems promising, even though its only about 2 eps in so far.. If you like basic as far as things i've watched, I'd definitely recommend Psycho Pass. Or maybe even robotics;notes/ chaos;head which is by the same people that did S;G.. idk though..
Also tfw IP changed and had to update domain DNS.. well its up now if you care Also no prob for the legend and clones, haha
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17516003 I need him. Let me get you one
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17516012 gougergist if that's okay with you
Quoted By:
>>17516042 Fore warning, it's adorable as hell in Amie.
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
Quoted By:
>>17516033 oops, forgot to finish one sentence and ran into another.. meant to say "if you like basic shinigami vs demon type shit.. Also as far as things I've watched, [...]" etc
>>17516042 Also, here's my info
IGN: Lumi "The Original JewBird" (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby]
IGN: Lumi "The Original JewBird" (3411-1620-7416) [Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby] Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:46:21 No. 17516118 Report >>17516033 The Chaos;Head anime was below mediocre and you know it. Robotics;Notes was okay though.
dat OP Will pick up Noragami then.
So wait, Shinigami != demon? :-| And will have a look at the site, it wasn't up before, probably because of DNS like you said.
To stay even remotely on topic: what first things should I be doing if I want a 100% dex?
Zish 0533-5945-7756
Quoted By:
Would it be at all possible to get one? I have nothing good to offer, I just started a week ago and I'm trying to make my team.
>>17516064 Sure just do me a favor and clone it when you have time. It is my favorite Gen 6 Pok?mon. I don't need it right away though.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17516101 any chance you got the other swords?
Nova 4296-3711-0698
Quoted By:
>>17516160 I just checked, apparently I traded the Keldeo off to my friend. I have a Meloetta, but that's about it.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17516147 ah. keep it. im just too tired to keep cloning
Is there any risk in cloning? Can your Pokemon get deleted?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17516186 only if you turn off the wrong 3ds
>>17516182 It doesn't have to be today. Just whenever you feel like it.
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
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>>17516118 Heh, its been so long since I've seen C;H so i barely remember it, but i dont remember being too disapointed, only because I will watch just about anything. Also shinigami = death god in nippon. I just find the show pretty humorus. idk, im bad at recommending things. Only other things im watching atm are Kill la Kill and Mahou Sensou. both are pretty good too..
As far as dex completion, what I did is basically what you just did but in the cloning general.. and then i finally got my friend to loan me his DS + PKMN Y and I started cloning. but even then, you dont need to be able to clone if you have things to offer the cloners and just lend them legends and gain a legend. after that, I just started making a list of mons i needed and either tried lurking GTS or spent time leveling things, and all the mons that needed happiness to level, I'd save them for the night time and to the coin trick with them in the inventory over night. Right now I'm just doing a living dex to occupy time till Pokebank, so I might start making a list of that soon.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17516229 nah. its okay. let me return your dialga
Thiago 0490 6303 0472 (Mienfoo, Throh, Breloom)
Thiago 0490 6303 0472 (Mienfoo, Throh, Breloom) Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:55:39 No. 17516287 Report >>17516207 ive got an azumarill 5IVs, i can trade it with you
Con 0576-3600-9080
I didnt mention it before but I also have a japanese 5 IV heatran. I'm afraid of losing it though. If I offer it can you clone it and give it back? I use that thing on my team.
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17516287 sorry man.
I'm kinda tired of cloning. im just cloning one lady one for that keldeo
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
>>17516303 you talking to me?
Con 0576-3600-9080
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
Thiago 0490 6303 0472 (Mienfoo, Throh, Breloom)
Thiago 0490 6303 0472 (Mienfoo, Throh, Breloom) Mon 20 Jan 2014 20:00:58 No. 17516375 Report Quoted By:
>>17516318 ah its ok, i guess uve been cloning for a while already lol
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
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ditto for keldeo ready
>>17516267 I'm heading out right now. Hold on to it for me?
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
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>>17516485 sure. thats fune. show me gougergeist when you wanted back
and check the gts thread
[Blooz] 2723-8423-8780
made this with some free time, thanks thread + neeka
[Blooz] 2723-8423-8780
Neeka 0602 6296 2257
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>>17516513 dawww
you should draw shiny gardevoir mega
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Can anyone clone me a 6iv ditto for a shiny relicanth?
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Is there anyone still around cloning the perfect IV dittos that are floating around? I don't have anything good to offer, but i will be giving a lot of the resulting pokebabies to the world and less fortunate.
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Anyone willing to trade a 5 or 6 iv ditto lmk. Don't have anything good to trade but I do have pkrs.
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