Josh. pls gib me shiny squid
>>17509203 gib me all ur shones
Capcha : Ntantli james
>>17509211 dubs confirms gib me. loll its on the laptop :/ I never saved it while logged in so im hoping its still on history
Quoted By:
>>17509214 nuu. i really want shiny squidy pls gib
So i have a 5V shiny extreme speed / Dragon dance / Dragon rush / Dragon pulse dratini that's female and in a healball..
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17509224 lel. Learn to save that shit, man.
>>17509203 Currently lurking. Charging DS's. muh nigga. I'll be here all day, though, because I'm pushing to the final day of my break. Gotta stay awake. Hence "terrible fate" edition.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Finally done with me lists:
Shiny pastebin:
http://pastebin.com/P5q3vRqs Non-shiny legendaries:
http://pastebin.com/aXVfAxNv Shiny Legendaries:
http://pastebin.com/z0D9Q0Cx Also, people who don't know an iv stat is only maxed when the guy says it can't be beat are annoying. So many of my legendaries are marked with max iv's that don't have them.
J-Doodoo 1633-5082-1391
Yusuf you have gamestop 2013 shiny Dialga and Palkia?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17509235 ...I need it.
>>17509246 I'm dreading updating mine. It's been a couple of days.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17509255 Dubs confirms my mighty need, Yusuf.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17509255 I just left out my nft ones to avoid problems.
Quoted By:
>>17509224 5 IV Shiny Eeevee - Female - Modest With Anticipation - Hypervoice /wish./healbell *
This ok for the stunfisk + something slse maybe?
>>17509252 gamesstop ? the smr2013 ones ^^? yup
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17509284 I'm after these too D: and that Ho-Oh you mentioned before. Any chance you can let me clone these later on?
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
Here is my shinies list to lend (Return with original and one copy) - 5 iv Careful Harvest Trevenent - 5 iv Naughty Unburden Slurpuff - 6 iv Bold Prankster Clefki - 5 iv Adamant Huge Power Diggersby (Nick. Diggersbytho) - 6 iv calm Hydration Goomy - 5 iv Modest Gooey Goodra - 5 iv Timid Solar Power Charizard - 5 iv Timid Protean Greninja - 5 iv Bold Regenerator Slowking - 4 iv timid anticipation Eevee Shiny Legendary: - 5 iv Adamant Drought Groudon (In a green ball? English named) NOT Shinies - 5 iv Iron Fists Conkeldurr w. Ice Punch Mach Punch Drain punch Knock off (will lend to clone for a shiny + Original back) - Assorted 5 iv Phanpys w. Play rough Ice shard ( Breedable) LOOKING FOR: Im after Bold Prankster Shiny 5iv Espurr/Meowstic + Shiny Crobat Infiltrator 5iv + Hyper Voice Eevee (Also taking offers)
J-Doodoo 1633-5082-1391
>>17509284 Yeah...I needs them to go with my Giratina.
Off to find shitty shinies to tempt you!
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17509300 By any chance, were you trading on Showdown in the last 24 hours?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17509246 >>17509303 Pick something from these pastebins and I'll get it cloned for you.
>>17509294 yeah sure ^^ im just busy trading with andy atm . and trying to figure whats up with the internet :S
>>17509303 sounds....tempting lol
>>17509300 i got a 5IV fem meowsic. 31/1/31/31/31/31
interested in klefki if it has spikes and foul play
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17509319 I'm working for a few more hours so we can trade this later. I have spare shiny 5Iv spiritom for you... >.> it's so pretty.
>>17509336 LOL yeah thats one i want ^^. sure thing whenever your done! my internet wont stop being weird
J-Doodoo 1633-5082-1391
>>17509317 Oooooooo I like the shiny Regigigas
>>17509319 Haha right now I have crap shiny Heatran, hoppip, metagross, relicanth, gyarados.
I have a 6iv shiny haxorus non kalos and a shiny articuno calm 5iv no ATK
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
Quoted By:
>>17509323 It has both actually :) spikes foul play toxic and reflect on- Klefki for meowstic and trade back original klefki? :D
>>17509350 oh wait damn. didnt see the thing about eevee not being for trade.
5 IV Shiny Zubat - Male - Perfect Jolly WIth Infiltrator - hypnosis / nasty Plot / Brave Bird
unless I can get that eevee for the roselia i plan to get? the eevee and azelf for roselia + stunfisk?
>>17509354 articuno and the hopip and the crap heatran sound cool
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17509354 I'll get that cloned ASAP, Feel free to pick something else too if you see something that strikes your fancy.
Aviel 1478-4298-7398
Quoted By:
Anyone interested in a 241 trade? Both 6IV naive Meloetta and non shiny 6IV lugia for another event legendary. Looking for victini if possible.
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
Quoted By:
who has a hyper voice eevee? :O
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17509364 ...You know how rare those Eevee are, right?
>>17509364 erm i dont think id trade either for the stunfisk but the roselia if its flawless with hidden power ice? I cant find one anywhere at all. i have the fire one though.
J-Doodoo 1633-5082-1391
>>17509368 Haha I knew I could tempt you with Heatrans lil pretty pink eyes!
>>17509369 Thanks scarlet. I think I might go for lil pink Kyogre then haha
Quoted By:
>>17509389 yeah im willing to offer as much as i possibly can. i'd MM something good for some shit like that
>>17509392 hidden power ice? ok i'll see what I can do about that.
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
have we got a deal rosa? Is anyone able to clone my conkelldur? i just want the original and a clone back :)
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17509406 Oh, I have a spare of that already. Add me and You can get kyogre right away and regi whenenverI can get him cloned.
Quoted By:
>>17509412 We have a deal only problem is I can't clone.
>>17509406 i want every legendary there is as a shit shiny lol
J-Doodoo 1633-5082-1391
>>17509413 Sweet! Adding you now.
>>17509438 Haha! I can help you with that!
>>17509454 lmao are you gtsing them ?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17509438 You want shitty legendaries?
Well can I interest you in Entei with bad IVs? Or a Mew with no IVs? Or maybe even a Deoxys with shitty stats?.. lol
J-Doodoo 1633-5082-1391
Quoted By:
>>17509458 Some, Heatran was a passerby, that Moltres was GTS
Hoppip was passerby too haha.
>>17509464 lmao yeah shit shinys if its something i don't have already ><.
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
>>17509480 Yusuf is there anything on your coveted list I could get for my shiny groudon 5iv adamant I hate Legendaries- its in a green ball too not sure which
Quoted By:
>>17509493 i have one sorry >< if it was jolly or some other nature then sure
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17509480 I'll have a look. I have a few shitty shinies you can just keep, I don't even wanna clone them haha.
>>17509484 Are you able to clone?
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
Would anyone be a huuuuge favour and clone my Conkelldurr? Its a bank pokie w. knock off and Ice punch just want the original and a copy back :)
>>17509508 nop
also nevermind about the eevee yusef. i have one on my w2 i can pokebank tomorrow. still interested in azelf tho
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17509523 Wait, has there been news on pokebank?
Quoted By:
>>17509506 pls gib ur shit shones
>>17509533 no i just have it
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17509523 If you have pokebank access, I may have some stuff that you'd like to have brought to X/Y. Also; How'd you get it?
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
Quoted By:
>>17509522 nope non shiny.
>>17509552 Jap friend has it. Thats how I have all these sorta things. Never really considered using it for anything besides pokemon in rare balls. Sure I'll have to find my w2 and I'll ask himif he can transfer. Not too much, though.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17509573 Definitely. That being said, I'd more than be willing to give up the HV Gard to bring one or two pokemon over, along with a copy of the pokemon for yourself as long as you keep them as NFT.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17509545 Could I make use of that in the future? People keep offering me gen 5 shinies.
Also unrelated, lookit this pretty drawing I requested of my lovely shiny raticate girl.
>>17509590 Trust me. If I got the Garde I would not give that shit to dying grandma.
I'll let you know later when I find my game, though.
>>17509590 can i have one??? i wont trade it!
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17509606 Alright. The other pokemon would be well worth it, also.
>>17509607 Stop.
>>17509590 Oh one more thing. If they're like obvious hacks or something I'm not sure how he'd feel about that.
>>17509604 Well it's not *mine* I just have access to it mostly because I've been catching stuff in balls that he's interested in and unable to get himself.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17509617 lel at hacks. Not worth bringing any of those over. I used them once for a God-tier Draco Meteor/Blast Burn/Hydro Pump/Roar of Time Bidoof.
>shit was cash scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17509622 Still, if it would be possible just let me know. I'll always offer something in return/
>>17509624 Holy shit. I actually have a few things like IV spefific dittos that I RNGd. I should ask him if he's okay with letting me pass that up..
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish)
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish) Mon 20 Jan 2014 12:13:01 No. 17509741 Report Looking for a Meloetta for a 1:1 trade for a Cresselia
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
So what's this about there being two steam groups? Is there one I can actually join without being a cloner or having a huge cloneable shiny list?
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
Looking for a shiny meowstic >< <3
>>17509741 i have a spare meloetta
I got a Shiny Lopunny with Cute charm ability is that good?
>>17509772 Any cloners available to clone my meowstic and his klefki?
>>17509780 whoops forgot FC
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish)
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish) Mon 20 Jan 2014 12:18:20 No. 17509790 Report Quoted By:
>>17509784 Cool, I'll add you now
>>17509783 if no one else can i'll do it
Quoted By:
>>17509789 31/31/31/31/0/31
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17509643 Lel. Just let me know.
need my shiny Wailbro.
>>17509801 I would appreciate that
Original + copy back for both of us?
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish)
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish) Mon 20 Jan 2014 12:24:27 No. 17509829 Report Quoted By:
>>17509784 Thanks a lot, very much appreciated
decio 0473 7894 9386
Quoted By:
Does someone have a Deoxys and would like to trade it for A 6 IV shiny Darkrai? I can also clone!
Quoted By:
>>17509816 give me like 15 minutes and i'll do it
Anyone of you cloners got a spare ditto you'd be willing to trade to a mewtwo or the Z legendary :<
Looking for a non shiny EV trained 6IV Eelektross.
I have this:
http://pastebin.com/YKAU8qXM neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
Quoted By:
>>17509885 what else do you have?
Gally - 1392 4435 7772
Quoted By:
>>17509914 I can offer a level 1 Giga Reggie for your Entei.
http://pastebin.com/yRMkTFnv LF channel jirachi
LF 6V Shiny scizor with superpower NOT nicknamed ( mine is )
list + 5V shiny female dratin i- adamant with marvel scale - Dragon Pulse/ Extreme Speed / Dragon Rush / Dragon Dance ( just recently hatched)
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17509952 I just checked, my Jirachi has CHANNEL as ot!
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
Quoted By:
morning evreryone!
http://pastebin.com/Nx2HmpzB NTS: have Ty's shinies ready
>>17509964 huh?! where did you get it from ??
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17509970 Someone here called Wade, I believe.
>>17509979 wut. damn that means its cloned right ;_;
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17509982 yup, I have one too
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17509987 >>17509979 mann i was looking to 1:1 an original with somebody >< erm whats the i'vs and all that stuff like? moveset?
>>17509952 Can get you that scizor most likely.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17509952 Ok so I have the following shitty shines
Mew - cherish ball - No IVs
Genesect - cherish ball - 3 full IVs
Deoxys - all forms - ultra ball -No IVs
Rayquaza - masterball - 1 full IV
All shiny, all Japanese, all shit. Lol
And I have an English shiny Entei.... I'm not even going any further with its stats
Quoted By:
Hi guys, are there anybody here that have Stealth Rock Chimchar or Pawniard? I have 5IV Makuhita and Gastly, and also can breed skrelp, scatterbug, tyrogue, absol, and squirtle. I also have some clone spare if you want, just mention. Thanks, really appreciated.
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17509997 mines 1IV in Def ;_;
Doom Desire/Thunderbolt/Protect/Psychic
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17509999 >>17510000 OH FUCK WHAT'S HAPPENING.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17509997 No Iv's, bold serene grace, doom desire, thunderbolt, protect, psychic.
Quoted By:
>>17509999 >>17510000 what the fuck? your numbers
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
Quoted By:
>>17510012 mine has D marked, but I thikn theyre the same, so
>>17509999 >>17510000 DUB QUADS
>>17510012 >>17510009 :( wouldent have minded if the ivs were shit like this tbh. just that its been cloned already. Alot of my really good stuff are still not cloned that's why their never for trade lol ;-;
>>17510011 >>17510000 >>17509999 ITS HABBENING!!
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17510009 Doesn't actually even have 1 iv, markings lie!
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
Quoted By:
>>17510050 ;_; my life... is a lie
Quoted By:
>>17510021 won't be able to clone until this evening, you'll have to find someone else my brother is picking up his ds
Quoted By:
>>17509999 oh really? chances are it'd be genned though right? and not somebody's actual one? ILL be right back see if somebody i know has this jirachi :)
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17510037 Oh I completely get it, just thought I'd mention I had one.
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17510050 I jost checked, mioe DOES have Def, but only that
Updated list Have: 6iv JAP Shiny Ditto 4iv ENG Keldeo 6iv ENG Shiny Shaymin (premiere ball) 6iv JAP Shiny Genesect (eng name) 6iv ENG Shiny Darkrai (premiere ball) 6iv ENG Victini (v-create) 6iv ENG Shiny Manaphy 6iv JAP Shiny Deoxys (all forms) 1iv JAP Deoxys-D 6iv ENG Shiny Rayquaza 6iv JAP Terrakion Can't clone, looking to lend or 1:1 trade Open to offers
who said they had a level 1 regi? the hell is that from :S?
so here's my list. If you want to clone something im looking for a shiny tyrunt, cyndaquil and im taking offers. Just want my original back too :) (all shiny) Clawitzer luvdisc nosepass Scrafty M espurr spinda amoongus minccino whismur geodude malamar delibird gigalith druddigon charizard greninja aegislash tyranitar weavile haxorus feraligator talonflame venasaur lickylicky hydreigon skorupi If you want deets on any let me know and ill post em
Gally - 1392 4435 7772
>>17510081 A level 1 Regigigigigigigas for Keldeo?
decio 0473 7894 9386
>>17510000 can i grab your deoxys? gonna make a clone for me and a copy for you. If you want i can give you a darkrai shiny full IV
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17510109 I has darkrai 6IV shiny and non shiny D:
If you happen to have one with an English name that has no foreign country tag- then yes.
4828-5264-5538 Rainer
Quoted By:
>>17510093 yusuf can you clone my magnemite and you kyurem
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17510080 Did he say the stat was good, or can't be beaten? Because only can't be beaten means it's maxed.
Quoted By:
>>17510109 Sure ok, let me add you
>>17510105 also have a bunch of other fishing shinies and my only legendary shinies are virizon and giritina
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17510126 i didnt check, i never thought it mattered... slowly finding out my life lies to meee ;_;
>>17510146 where did you get yours from lol ?
decio 0473 7894 9386
>>17510116 awww It's japanese unfortunately! Can i still grab your deoxys? Gonna make one clone for me and a clone for you!
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
>>17510142 is your lickylicky, amoongus and espurr, what are the ivs and stats?
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
Quoted By:
>>17510158 i got it a long time ago, before I began logging my trades, so i actually am not aware of who traded it to me, sorry
>>17510126 >>17510146 still a really old and rare mon, Should list the OT and event next to it on your pastebin if you have not
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17510165 Sure thing, any preferred forme you'd like?
I'll be home in a few hours from work if you'll still be around for that
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17510189 does anyone have a shiny gardevoir? good iv's would be a very big plus
Quoted By:
>>17510093 regi is lv 1 in snowpoint city
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17510196 I have a 3iv one if you're interested
decio 0473 7894 9386
Quoted By:
>>17510189 D Form thanks :D yeah it's perfect, just add me so when you are online we can trade!
Quoted By:
>>17510168 will check iv's in a sec.
lickylicky (mild) with oblivious
amoongus (bold) with effect spore
espurr (careful) with keen eye
I didnt raise those so they ivs might not be great
Gally - 1392 4435 7772
Quoted By:
>>17510201 It's a normal one, but I can offer a shiny Mew instead.
Snkrkng 1091 8947 2153 (Poison Cascoon Garbodor Whirlipede)
Snkrkng 1091 8947 2153 (Poison Cascoon Garbodor Whirlipede) Mon 20 Jan 2014 13:08:21 No. 17510239 Report Quoted By:
Looking for a charizardite Y
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17510212 wanna 1:1 trade for a 6iv shiny genesect, or just let me clone and return it +1?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17510196 I have a few shiny Gardevoir.
Modest Trace 31/30/31/30/31/30
Non kalos native though...
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
I seriously want to get rid of my groudon Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe Mon 20 Jan 2014 13:09:40 No. 17510253 Report Here is my shinies list to lend (Return with original and one copy) - 5 iv Careful Harvest Trevenent - 5 iv Naughty Unburden Slurpuff - 6 iv Bold Prankster Clefki - 5 iv Adamant Huge Power Diggersby (Nick. Diggersbytho) - 6 iv calm Hydration Goomy - 5 iv Modest Gooey Goodra - 5 iv Timid Solar Power Charizard - 5 iv Timid Protean Greninja - 5 iv Bold Regenerator Slowking - 4 iv timid anticipation Eevee Shiny Legendary: - 5 iv Adamant Drought Groudon (In a green ball? English named) NOT Shinies - 5 iv Iron Fists Conkeldurr w. Ice Punch Mach Punch Drain punch Knock off (will lend to clone for a shiny + Original back) - Assorted 5 iv Phanpys w. Play rough Ice shard ( Breedable) LOOKING FOR: Im after Bold Prankster Shiny 5iv Espurr/Meowstic + Shiny Crobat Infiltrator 5iv (Also taking offers)
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17510248 wow that would be awesome if i could borrow it, anyway does it being non kalos have any drawbacks?
Looking for Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Genesect, Keldeo. I can let you clone for them: 6 IVs timid shiny Jap Latias 6 IVs modest Eng Latios Shiny Mew 6 Ivs ditto Victini Meloetta Perfect Male Shiny Nicknamable Lapras with Freeze Dry and Sleep Talk. Perfect female shiny Honedge. And a bunch of shinies I have (ask for the list if you're intersted.
>>17510247 cloning is preferable lol (also it is kalos born btw)
>>17510263 Likely hacked/rngd, although most if not all of our legends are
>>17510265 I have an extra 6iv shiny manaphy and 6iv shiny shaymin, what other shinies do you have?
>>17510271 >>17510263 This
>>17510276 does manaphy have a ribbon ?
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
>>17510265 what other non legend shinies do you have? :D
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
Quoted By:
>>17510266 ok ill add you and pop online in 2 minutes, also can you attach the mega stone to it? ill give you an extra copy of that too
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot)
Naomi 2122 6688 8323 Poison (Seviper, toxicroak, swalot) Mon 20 Jan 2014 13:15:14 No. 17510289 Report Quoted By:
Can i clone in gen5 and can someone clone me power items? i suck at mansion and i only have Macho brace. i have nothing much to offer except some protean kecleons with different IVs
>>17510280 yea the "premier ribbon"
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17510253 Diggersbytho, Charchar, need a few?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17510303 are all mons holding that ribbon g& then?
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
>>17510300 did you want to clone and give me original + a clone? or did you have some shinies to offer :)
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17510309 No. I got my hands on a level 1 shiny Manaphy, 6IV. With a ribbon. No level 1 Manaphy has a ribbon.
Quoted By:
>>17510309 nope its just not supposed to have one
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17510319 if you want to trade, my list v
http://pastebin.com/Xwg3Pgwn >>17510292 id still take it, if you want to trade for one, pastebin ^
>>17510334 is shiny dialga the summer 2013 one?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17510263 Not really. I just have a personal rule that I don't use non-pentagon mons in battles. And no legendaries. They're just there for breeding/petting/miring
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
Quoted By:
>>17510353 ill check in a minute, restarting game
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17510361 I feel this exact aame way except everything has to be in a matching ball.
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
Quoted By:
>>17510384 I jus dont battle -_- lol
>>17510380 Trade for Jirachi then?
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17510395 sure, ill need to clone it first though
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
>>17510281 >>17510276 Jap Chimecho with weird name
2 IVs Golurk named Golgantes
2 IVs Ditto nicknamable
Shiny Zard called Zippo
Shiny Escavalier
Shiny Jap Pelipper
Shiny 2IVs Teddiursa
3Ivs Shiny Squirtle
4Ivs shiny Swinub Nicknamable
3Ivs Shiny torchic Nicknamable
4 Ivs Shiny Dratini Nicknamable
Shiny Nicknamable Greninja
Nicknamable 4Ivs shiny Adamant FEMALE Ralts
Nicknamable 4Ivs shiny Gaslty
Nicknamable 4/5 IVs shint Eevee
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17510384 I used to care about balls but in XY you barely see the ball in battle
4828-5264-5538 Rainer
Looking for kyurem with good IV nature and earth power offering shinny 6iv modest mewtwo 6iv timid latios 6iv hasty genesect 6iv calm tornadus 5iv hp fire magnemite regular 6iv adamant landorus 6iv adamant terakion with stealth rock 6iv jolly terakion 4iv modest heatran HP ICE 6iv modest thundurus 6iv timid meoletta 6iv timid cresselia hp ghost keldeo
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17510410 hey man what would you like in return for me borrowing (one of) your Gardevoir?
X 0963-0276-2416
http://pastebin.com/FF4dA5Fe Currently working on:
Getting shiny Rotom back from friend to clone for...someone who's name is escaping me atm, so yell at me, whoever you are.
Cloning Kyurem for...someone else who's name is escaping me.
I'm awesome with names.
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17510401 does the swinub have egg m oves?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17510425 Have you got a list or something?
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
4828-5264-5538 Rainer
>>17510429 hi iirc you want my mewtwo for kyurem?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
Finally done with me lists:
Shiny pastebin:
http://pastebin.com/P5q3vRqs Non-shiny legendaries:
http://pastebin.com/aXVfAxNv Shiny Legendaries:
http://pastebin.com/z0D9Q0Cx Slight update to jirachi, otherwise all still up for cloning.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17510447 6iv mons are:
Lati@'s latias is shiny
Ho-oh shiny
darkrai shiny
genesect shiny
shiny plebs
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
Quoted By:
>>17510470 damn, well its fine, ill find it some day
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17510461 >>17510472 Well damn, both of you found me pretty damn fast. Pretty sure that was the trade, Rainer. Was there anything else you wanted?
Ing, as soon as my friend replies to me I'll get the Rotom from him.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17510479 Any of them English named?
Syngeon (4167-4506-2910) Dwebble/Onix/Shuckle
Syngeon (4167-4506-2910) Dwebble/Onix/Shuckle Mon 20 Jan 2014 13:44:31 No. 17510504 Report Good day to you all!
>>17510401 Hey, Spark.
Could I clone your shiny Eevee for an Arceus?
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17510499 most of the bankmons are jap, want me to check some for english names?
4828-5264-5538 Rainer
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17510479 Does the Ho-Oh have Regenerator?
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
>>17510504 Kay, want a specific nickname?
Or tell me if you need to evolve it and want the standard name since I nicknamed it
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17510526 nah, it has pressure
>dat rockbait
One of my friends has a shiny 6IV scizor on his w2 @ Yusuf
>>17510553 I have a shiny perfect dex on my b2
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17510507 Oh man, I should totally start posting my list in the first post I make in each thread from now on. That would help loads I'm sure.
>>17510545 Oh well. Still would like it. Anything you want or can I borrow to clone?
Syngeon (4167-4506-2910) Dwebble/Onix/Shuckle
Syngeon (4167-4506-2910) Dwebble/Onix/Shuckle Mon 20 Jan 2014 13:51:55 No. 17510568 Report >>17510528 >want a specific nickname I will have "Evulite" please. :)
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17510505 Ah don't worry about it. You can clone right?
4828-5264-5538 Rainer
>>17510566 sorry im drunk lol just found your list
http://pastebin.com/FF4dA5Fe does kyurem has earth power?
Quoted By:
>>17510564 I was letting him know so I could pokebank it up later if he wanted it
X 0963-0276-2416
Quoted By:
>>17510578 Unfortunately not.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17510572 yeah i can clone it np, which one do you want?
>>17510566 >6IV Adamant Azelf JPN pls man, that mon's muh bro, but im cloning and trading Halrey first tho
>>17510568 Done, ask me for a trade when you want
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17510585 My connection is crappy at work so luvdisc-GTS-myName and I'll send you gardevoir that way. Just let me know what your IGN is and then trade me back whenever- or not. Haha
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17510598 cool ill put up de disc named "Halrey" in 2 minutes, whats the level on your gardevoir? might slim down chancec of my luvdisc getting nicked
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17510585 Sure. I gotta clone it, anyway.
Syngeon (4167-4506-2910) Dwebble/Onix/Shuckle
Syngeon (4167-4506-2910) Dwebble/Onix/Shuckle Mon 20 Jan 2014 13:59:49 No. 17510614 Report >>17510587 Cheers. Cloning now, back in a bit.
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
Quoted By:
>>17510081 sir, your jirachi is ready
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17510613 cool, it's already named btw "VP" so should be easy to find, ill put your name in the description. would you like an Y bird in return for it? my timing is total shit atm so i would really appreciate not having to clone it twice
I saw the video, tried it out with my 2 3ds and I just cloned my shiny jap 6 IV ditto. I have a Shiny Dragonite, Adamant, EV Trained with 5 IVs. Shiny Starmie with 5 IVs, Naive and also a Shiny Accelgor. Can I get anything in the gts for those? Im trying to complete the dex and only need the fucking legendaries.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17510642 That's a Y bird haha. You don't have to return me anything- I cloned a bunch of gardevoirs and no one wants non kalos mon... So- just keep it :)
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17510663 kek'd, im dutch and our "y" is pronounced like an english "i" so i fucked up haha
anyway, your awesome brah, many thanks
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17510699 Ok I think it sent.
>>17510429 Are you looking for more competitive mons? Because you already have all the legends I have.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
Quoted By:
>>17510645 I can give you some legends if you want.
Do you want to just dex them or want a physical copy?
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17510749 What you got competitive-wise?
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17510613 k i just received Halrey's gardevoir so i can clone you anything you want now
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
Quoted By:
>>17510081 I have your Jirachi
someone pls gib me shiny inkay
>>17510788 >pls gib >no >pls understand X 0963-0276-2416
>>17510769 Mostly just want dat shiny Ho-Oh. Got Azelf cloned, so I can trade you whenever.
>>17510804 epic
simply epic
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
Quoted By:
>>17510816 cool, im cloning ho-oh now. might take a bit tho, my timing's been shit all day
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17510824 I'll be home soon; I have shiny inkay. What have you got?
>>17510768 5IV Adamant Scizor
5IV Timid/Protean Frogadier
5IV Timid/Solar Power Charmander
5IV Adamant Beldum
Near 5IV Adamant female Mawile
4IV Adamant/HP Marill (Aqua jet/Belly drum)
4IV Adamant Tyrunt (3 Fangs, DD)
I think that's all. All are shiny of course.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17510833 Coming from anon.
>>17510824 I have it, but I'm busy at the moment.
>>17510840 6IV Jirachi, 6IV Shiny Entei, 6IV Shiny Shaymin only.
>>17510833 no fahk u anon
Quoted By:
>>17510854 yess. will be here 2 hours more.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17510862 >6IV shiny entei Um, yes.i hope you can clone/have a spare so we can 1:1
Mana - 5086-1944-4689
Quoted By:
Shamefully asking if anyone is kind enough to clone of of their (good? If possible) Steel breeding leftovers for me. Any Steel Pokemon besides those in the Beldum, Magnemite, (Steelix), Ferroseed, Aron or Honedge line would do, and I'd appreciate it greatly
Syngeon (4167-4506-2910) Dwebble/Onix/Shuckle
Syngeon (4167-4506-2910) Dwebble/Onix/Shuckle Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:30:13 No. 17510886 Report >>17510618 And I'm back.
Some 'mon just take AGES to clone. Oh well, can't complain. Logging in now
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
Apellito (Pugazo) - 5043-2512-1732
Hi, i can't clone atm but here's my list to lend Legendaries: Shiny 6iv HA Lugia Shiny 6iv Rayquaza Shiny 6iv Shaymin Shiny 6iv Genesect JAP Shiny 6iv Landorus JAP Shiny 6iv Thundurus JAP Shiny 6iv Latias JAP 6iv Victini 6iv Darkrai 6iv Meloetta 4iv HP Ghost Keldeo 1iv Latios (Sp. Atk.) Shiny non-legendaries: 5iv Talonflame 5iv Haxorus 5iv Aegislash 5iv Scolipede 5iv Metagross 5iv Greninja 5iv Florges (named Lilith) all i want is the original +1 clone
Syngeon (4167-4506-2910) Dwebble/Onix/Shuckle
Syngeon (4167-4506-2910) Dwebble/Onix/Shuckle Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:31:52 No. 17510902 Report Quoted By:
>>17510896 Thank YOU, Spark.
Quoted By:
>>17510881 yes i hav a spare
Cerv - 1306-6306-3013
Quoted By:
Anyone have a non shiny EV trained 6IV Eelektross?
http://pastebin.com/YKAU8qXM Anonymous
Morning, people!
Here is the list that I need to update
http://pastebin.com/ZjRjPVbe neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17510844 Do the Scizor and Beldum have any egg moves/move tutored moves?
>>17510422 Hey Rainer could I borrow that 6iv timid Latios? I can clone you an extra and give you my shiny Genesect as collatteral, or I could trade you a 6iv shiny timid protean greninja for the Latios
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17510917 Damn, that's even older here is the newest outdated list. I'll be off for some time, but feel free quote
http://pastebin.com/FBL5KPGx Anonymous
>>17510929 I don't think so..
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:38:07 No. 17510969 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Contrary shiny inkay pls
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17510917 Daaaamn ENG cresselia?
Anything you lookin for in particular?
Stacey 3738-0974-3273
Anybody happen to have a Shiny Pinsir that they'd be willing to trade or clone? I don't have a shiny woobat to offer, Mewtwo holding mewtwonite, porygon, tynamo, or any of my megastones i don't plan on using like abomasite absolite gengarite
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:42:48 No. 17511008 Report >>17510985 Different version of my legends and (competitive) shiny pokemons. Or a orginal and copy when the person can't provide one of those two.
I'll be right back
Stacey 3738-0974-3273
Quoted By:
>>17511002 DO have. Not don't. lol.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17511002 Wait. Is dynamo shiny? and IV's? I have shiny pinsir. Not level one, though.
4828-5264-5538 Rainer
>>17510954 already got genesect and greninja, got another mon? i prefer clone trade and looking for earth power kyurem
Stacey 3738-0974-3273
>>17510917 >http://pastebin.com/ZjRjPVbe That shiny pinsir. Would you be interested in trading for something I have?
I admittedly don't have much. Probably the best is this shiny Rash Woobat. I would also give my Mewtwo for it, holding the Mewtonite
>>17510901 Could I borrow the aegislash :) plz I'll lend my shiny Genesect as collateral and plus one you back
>>17510892 Are you a redditor?
epic simply epic is an insult here
Apellito (Pugazo) - 5043-2512-1732
Stacey 3738-0974-3273
>>17511014 Tynamo is not shiny, unfortunately, but they are all adamant
The only shiny I have is Woobat. What's the nature on Pinsir?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17511008 Do you clone? Any 1:1 trades?
I have Celebi from Japanese poke transfer event.
And the following shinys
4IV feebas
4IV charmander
5iv chandelure
5IV larvitar
>>17511020 I got a 6IV Shiny Rayquaza, what'll that get me?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17511064 Damn. Let me look.
>>17511056 take it easy brah, this isnt /b/
>inb4 im from /s4s/ >shiggy diggy Apellito (Pugazo) - 5043-2512-1732
Quoted By:
>>17511049 sure, adding you now
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:50:41 No. 17511095 Report >>17511037 >>17511066 I can't clone, so I only do 1:1 trades when I have one extra.
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17510958 What were you interested in?
>>17511081 show us sum trips
Ty 0404-6826-0574
http://pastebin.com/FnJ0RgAU Also have a
Shiny 4IV adamant Fletchling
Shiny 5IV jolly Electivire
Shiny 6IV modest Fennekin
I can't clone
"Meh shinies" can be 1:1 if you want those....
Everything else is for cloning only.
Quoted By:
Where did Joe go?
Quoted By:
>>17511116 >please understand >i don't Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17511095 Do you have a spare English cresselia? If not I could clone it and give you a spare?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
4828-5264-5538 Rainer
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:57:30 No. 17511177 Report >>17511119 >Shiny 4IV quiet Cofagrigus >Shiny 5IV jolly Electivire >Shiny 6IV modest Fennekin >Shiny 4IV jolly Darumaka >I can't clone This always happens...
I really need an extra 3DS and game
>>17511149 Ok, are we acquaintances? If not I'll need to put a disc for disc on the GTS first because my friend list is full. That way we will be albe to trade normally
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17511177 Oh wow I typed Darumaka, I meant to type Darmanitan. And I know how it feels, some of the people who can't clone have some badass shit. I also need those 2 things, time to go rob some banks.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17511177 >11177 Sure I'll get one on there now, and I'll put your name on it
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
since many people are waking up, BIN
http://pastebin.com/Xwg3Pgwn Apellito (Pugazo) - 5043-2512-1732
>>17511049 i have to go now maybe i'll be on another thread
>>17511097 ive got your Ho-oh anon, wanna add me and trade?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
I'm going to the store. If anyone needs to borrow anything from my pastebins, let me know withith 5 minutes or I'm gone.
Who had that lv 1 regigigigas?
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
Gally - 1392 4435 7772
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17511097 6IV Shiny Jolly Terakion JPN
6IV Modest Celebi w/Leaf Storm/Recover/Nasty Plot/Healing Wish (GAMESTP)
Mainly those two.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17511218 I want chocolate milk. And a shiny raticate.
>>17511233 I have one.
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17511218 are you looking for +1s, because I really want a copy of Swadloon for a friend
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
>>17510401 >>17510265 The list is still up but for Arceus.
Also I have a 0 Ivs Cresselia for shits and giggles if anyone cares
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17511246 Somehow I don't think they sell pokemon at a supermarkter, sorry.
X 0963-0276-2416
Quoted By:
>>17511216 >>17511237 Yup. Adding you now.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17511273 You don't know that at all.
That also wasn't a no for the chocolate milk.
>>17511239 http://pastebin.com/a8dw5vfx anything here interest you?
honestly i'm really trying to give it to the guy in anistar
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17511254 I can lend you swadloon for that if you get online really quickly.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:09:26 No. 17511293 Report >>17511211 Need anything from here?
>>17510957 I still have some other stuff to update like shiny feebas, pawniard,suicune
>>17511198 Let's trade
5V Channel Jirachi W Stealth rocks Iron Head Fire Punch Body Slam
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17511294 Are you looking for it or wanting to trade it? I'm interested.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17511285 Dude, I always stock up on chocolate milk. Chocolate is my only addiction
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17511288 , and were already added
Gally - 1392 4435 7772
Quoted By:
>>17511286 That Manaphy would be cool.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17511305 Yep, just give it back later. I'll be back in half an hour anyway
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:12:48 No. 17511333 Report >>17511198 And you have a shiny Spiritomb or you need one?
I would love a clone of that so we could do original cresselia back + tomb
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17511304 I feel you.
>Drowning in chocolate milk currently. >>17511320 http://pastebin.com/HnA6zayf I've got this list, plus 30+ pokemon I haven't (or won't, in some cases) put on the list.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:14:07 No. 17511339 Report Quoted By:
>>17511294 Where did you get this??????? and what are you after?
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17511293 what is the Tyrogue missing?
Quoted By:
>>17511213 just add me and when i see you online ill trade you my IGN is Dj
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:17:34 No. 17511378 Report >>17511350 No, I have him here. Isn't he listed? I'm really fucking up those lists
>>17511346 Hi, Yus. I wasn't here yesterday, have you cloned the stubborn flychu?
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17511378 lol i meant what IV
4828-5264-5538 Rainer
Quoted By:
>>17511346 >>17511346 hi yusuf are you are you still intrested with hp fire magnemite for EP kyurem clone trade?
Gally - 1392 4435 7772
I have: 5IV shiny Ralts 3IV shiny Larvitar 3IV shiny Venipede 4IV shiny Mienfoo 3IV shiny Solosis + 0IV in speed 3IV shiny Cottonee Level 1 Regigigas I need: Keldeo Celebi Manaphy I don't care about the IVs or natures, just need them for my dex.
This is actually stupidly hard. I've been at this for hours and have maybe 5 clones. Is there an easier way or timing or am I just really bad?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17511333 ahh, please keep that spiritomb to yourself though, its pretty freakin rare. especially one that good. :)
whats with all these dubdubs?!??
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17511294 Definitely interested in that. My list:
http://pastebin.com/FF4dA5Fe IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:20:51 No. 17511410 Report >>17511386 Special attack
>>17511400 Ok, bro let's trade. Since you are asking I won't list it
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17511400 ...those are trips.
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
>>17511397 At least you can clone by yourself and don't have to rely on friends everytime ;_;
Quoted By:
>>17511414 I'm borrowing a friends 3ds though, so I want to get a bunch done before I give it back. At least I have enough clones to give him copies of everything I'm trying.
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17511410 k, i want that thing, what did you want
>>17511402 Sorry, Only cloned it once. Nothing there comes anywhere close i'm afraid ):
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17511242 Hi Scarlet, I got the rat. He's a Raticate now. When you get back I'll give you the ghost.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:27:07 No. 17511476 Report >>17511434 That Snivy looks really good, we are acquaintances so just hit me with a trade when you are ready and with another one when you can return Tyrogue
>>17511393 I can't clone. Can you?
Gally - 1392 4435 7772
Quoted By:
>>17511479 Nope, neither of my friends have a 3DS and my brother is in another country.
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17511461 Any way I can borrow it to clone it myself?
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17511476 ill clone it right now
Anybody who wanted something off me, please reply to this. I've forgotten most of what I've agreed to and only just got home now. hah... :)
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17511461 I'm assuming that's a no to me then, as well?
>>17511508 No chance of that happening sorry. Not a Gem like this. It would be unfair to the person i just traded one with plus i only trust him to clone something if we trade ): .
>>17511476 Ace, my man, Cresselia is ready to go home.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17511434 And I'm back. Coming online as soon as my fingers defrost/
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:34:34 No. 17511558 Report Quoted By:
>>17511520 Ok
>>17511546 That was fast, thanks bro
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Quoted By:
>>17511522 >>17511546 Oops....forgot to say who i was. doh x.x
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
Quoted By:
>>17511556 ill get on in a moment then
>>17511543 What are you even looking for now lol ?
Quoted By:
Bold cressekia anyone? I can't clone
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Quoted By:
>>17511577 yuuus. Any chance i could get Hooh, dialga, palkia? I'll send you spiritomb and some shitty event legends... lol
LF Shiny 6IV Ditto that everyone and their Grandma has. LF Calm 5IV-6IV Deoxys LF Shiny 6IV Latias. I don't have much to offer because I'm sure you all have all the event legends. So I can clone and get +1 back.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17511462 Thanks for the ghost! Glad you're happy with raticate. I got mine drawn yesterday, I was a bit overexcited.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:38:26 No. 17511628 Report >>17511543 The guys that quoted won't scam you. They've been trading and cloning here for a long time.
And if you don't want it getting all over the place you can just ask them to not put it in their list
Ty 0404-6826-0574
someone pls gib me shiny contrary squid ;-;
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17511618 You got a list? If not, I can lend you a shiny 6IV Latias.
Quoted By:
>>17511577 Oh hello Yusuf (: . Well i'm just seeing if anybody can top what you gave me. Don't worry i most likely wont trade this again and will keep your offer as a trophy (:. Please don't clone it again.
>>17511539 Yepo sorry ):
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17511659 are you bothered about IV/Nature?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17511647 Yeah, I love pokemon drawing so I like getting my shinies drawn. J-doodoo is doing a drawing for me too. When I first came here I usually lurked the drawthread but they get a little too into the lewd stuff for me.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17511671 not bothered in IV. but i hope it's a good nature..
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17511696 Hey Josh, did you also want to clone a copy of that 6iv shiny beldum or do you have one?
Jaye 2852-7817-6109
>>17511666 Well Satan, umm I don't really have much since most of what I cloned was from you. Could I just borrow the 6IV Latias? D:
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17511717 Nahh. I've got a 5IV.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17511697 i have a shiny Malammar Contrary, its Docile- so nothing buffed/nerfed. Thing is, its been nicknamed Kalamari ;/
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
>>17511731 Ok, just thought I'd check.
>>17511731 josh u still busy?
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17511720 Yeah, give me a minute to get online.
Jaye 2852-7817-6109
Quoted By:
>>17511741 Alright, thanks!
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17511739 Not particularly, but I'll be ready to clone in about 10 minutes. I've got some business to deal with real quick, and breakfast. I'll be good to clone it then.
>>17511776 okay. i will wait.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:54:30 No. 17511803 Report IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17511797 Don't worry, my nigga.
I. Got. You. Yusuf
>>17511766 dubz confirms
>>17511734 Yepo you can borrow the junk :). sorry busy talking on steam and i forgot i've not replied to anything here. i really want that spiritomb LOL. Youl have to clone the ho-oh for yourself though im kinda busy if thats cool ?
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17511803 were acquaintences right?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:57:15 No. 17511833 Report Quoted By:
>>17511811 dubz confirms he gotchu
4828-5264-5538 Rainer
>>17511823 yusuf you've been ignoring me lol are you still up for our clone trade?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17511823 Awesome. Do you have a Matching Giratina from the 2013 event? Mine is.... OT Ash 01337.... *cough* pokedit *cough*. :( so depressing lol.
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17511837 goog, cause' I dont have to switch DS'
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
Quoted By:
>>17511265 Bampu, I know I don't have much to offer, but I specially need a 6IVs Manaphy and a random Darkrai to sketch its Dark Void.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:00:39 No. 17511868 Report Quoted By:
>>17511828 Thanks, Ing. Let me know when it's ready to return
>>17511841 LOL i have not im just absent minded >< what are we doing again?
>>17511842 wut the fuck is that LOL yeah i have all three :L. I might need to head out soon so il just send them 2 at a time ? do you have any other good shinnies hal?
>>17511849 goog?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Jaye 2852-7817-6109
Quoted By:
>>17511741 Alright X, I'm ready.
>>17511896 TY do you still have that oshawott?
4828-5264-5538 Rainer
>>17511881 5iv shinny magnemite with hp fire for kyurem with earth power
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17511881 my good shines, I've shown you before and you said you had them all. ALL! fuuuuu..
The only notable ones are,
6IV Manectric/ Gengar/ Salamence/ Hydreigon/ Banette/ Absol/ Pinsir/ Delphox...
5 IV Cyndaquil, Azumarill....
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
Quoted By:
>>17511803 first try... i win, im getting on
>>17511930 ohhh well its just i like only level one shinnies! i dont have the banette/manectric/spiritbomb/azumarill?
>>17511920 oh yeah okay sure but do you have any other shinnies lol >< did i agree to this? i must have been tired oO
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17511918 It's Dewott now
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17511966 the only lv1 there is spiritomb. You want me to clone them for you for the legends I asked for?
4828-5264-5538 Rainer
Quoted By:
>>17511966 just some shiny pokebank legend looking from your list you already have them
>>17511995 yes please if its not too much trouble ><. sweet! spiritbomb is level one
>>17511970 why ;-;
ho-oh / Dialga/palkia/giratina all english ^^?
Pao X
>>17511803 can i borrow ur 6iv mew and jirachi to clone
Quoted By:
>>17512022 dubz confirm this post was messed up!.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:16:06 No. 17512066 Report >>17511803 Small update: Adding Snivy to the list now. Thanks again, Ing
>>17512040 Yes, we are already acquaintances. Something I don't have + original back or original + copies?
Let me just get the better Mew
Pao X
>>17512066 orginal +1 sounds good or did u need some items
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17512022 yeh all english please, all good IVs too I'm hoping!! Do you have steam? Would be a lot easier to talk through that-
http://steamcommunity.com/id/halreyr Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
anyone want to 1:1 a Jirachi or 5IV Gliscor? I cloned them bot earlier, and the guywho wanted the Jirachi left (I think)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:19:35 No. 17512109 Report Quoted By:
>>17512078 Ok, extras it is. I have the right Mew on my party now. I could do with some rare items on them if you have some to clone
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17512095 What are you looking for?
>>17512091 yep dont worry the trio are the SMR2013 ones :) yeah ive got steam! ill add you on it now lol
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:23:57 No. 17512181 Report Quoted By:
>>17512078 Hit me with trade when you get on
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17512095 I'll take the Jirachi. Can offer you a Latias.
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
>>17512095 I'd like one, what do you want?
>>17512179 >http://steamcommunity.com/id/halreyr and i dont know how to add u lol. cant see the add as a friend button oO
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
Quoted By:
Who else has a happy hour inkay ^^/? i Can inkay for Inkay swap you if yours is still level 10 and is not adamant :)
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
Good morning My List for lending Naive Meloetta Timid Keldeo (Ghost HP) Timid Deoxys Timid Arceus Careful Celebi (Pokebank event) Timid Meloetta(Japanese on a Pokeball) Hasty Shiny Genesect Bold Manaphy Shiny Hardy Mew (Master Ball) Looking for events Shinies I have 5IV Ponyta I can't clone so I want it back +1 or back+something else I accept donations
>>17512270 i can trade you manaphy for celebi >?
>>17512310 sorry im being blind...you have it...what event pokes are you missing? because you have most oO. darkrai?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17512206 lol i don't know... D:
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
James, this Inkay is being a shit.
>>17512332 lul i cant see the add friend button :S? is your profile private or something lol im not an avid user of steam, i just use it for the group ><
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
Stupid steam won't let me sign up. The tab keeps closing after I fill everything in and press the registration buttom
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:35:13 No. 17512366 Report >>17512270 You have any extra with you, Ed?
That ponyta would look great on my box. I have one extra Virizion (only 1 IV) for 1:1.
But we can do it for 6IV Mew or Jirachi once Pao X fishiness with them. Just let me know when you get a copy of that
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
>>17512323 I could use a good natured Celebi if you have a Timid/Bold one
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17512364 whats your id page? ill try to find you lol
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
So, I have a spare 2iv shiny swadloon now.
>>17512369 mine one is relaxed lmao. I'm just collecting those lvl 10 celebis in different natures because....yeah lol just like the inkays
>>17512382 my....waht? lol
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:40:08 No. 17512441 Report >>17512422 aaah those scatterbugs/vivillons..would you be interested in other shiny patterns as well? I'm making a pastebin up right now
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17512412 like how i sent you
http://steamcommunity.com/id/halreyr i think on Steam, you just type that into the Add friend bit.
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17512176 >>17512196 sorry, I stepped out, I'm just looking for good shinies really, somes I don't have, which did you want?
Quoted By:
>>17512454 ohhhh lol i sent you an invite!
>>17512337 Oh noo. I can wait!!
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17512463 Hmm, I have a 6iv beldum or 5iv greninja I wouldn't mind letting you clone for a gliscor if it's shiny.
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
>>17512366 I don't have a spare at the moment, this guy been sitting here ever since instacheck, since I need an ability capsule first and fuck the Battle Maison hax
>>17512412 Ah I see, What's the nature on that Darkrai?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17512441 I actually have more patterns but they have shit stats compared to those I listed.
I'm missing Continental, Ocean, Sun, Savanna, Sandstorm, Meadow, and Tundra (though one of my friends are trying to breed a shiny sandstorm)
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17512183 have Lati@s, 6IV Timid, sorry
>>17512503 the Gliscor is perfect, but I wanted a 1:1, really not in the mood to clone, especially as I only wanted the Beldum as an upgrade to the one I bred.
>>17512505 timid nature. btw is the celebi any good oO? and is it still level 10?
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:46:56 No. 17512537 Report >>17512512 I have Shiny polar, ocean, icy snow and modern. How many shiny patterns do you have? I should be done the pastebin in a minute. Hopefully something in there interests you
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17512537 dat ocean...
I have 11 patterns.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
>>17512463 Jirachi.
But whatever is fine if you can clone them back.
Pick from the list and tell me the nickname you want if you want one from the nicknamables.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Ihave 6iv> timid arceus > jolly eng victini with fusion bolt > naive meloetta > hasty shiny jap genesect with english name > timid shiny eng multiscale lugia > modest shiny thundurus-t (hp ice) > jirachi (gentle ;_;) I have 5IV:> jolly shiny landorus-t > timid eng keldeo (hp ghost) I can lend these out for the original + 1 back. looking for timid/modest deoxys and lati@s
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807
Well well, I just traded for a heat wave zapdos with hp flying, spread seems to be 31/0/31/30/30/30. This worth anything?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:51:36 No. 17512630 Report Reposting my semi updated list
http://pastebin.com/0uGa1xG6 Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
>>17512535 It's level 62 :/
As for IVS, it seems to have Attack/sp. attack and Sp. Defense guessing by the marks
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17512570 >>17512095 i'm sorry, but I wanted to 1:1, the only way I'll make this a cloning thing is if the Swinub has Ancientpower, Icicle Crash, and Srock, and the missing IVs are SpA and Speed
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17512499 Waiting for you.
>>17512642 ohh mann ;-;!!! who would ruin this celebi
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
I finally got steam working so if anyone desperately feels they need to talk to me on steam about stuff that is now a possibility.
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17512528 The Latias I got is Naughty, not Timid.
Quoted By:
>>17512676 It's done?? Yay. Getting online.
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
Quoted By:
>>17512660 Sorry then :x
Since I can't clone my shinies are moslty random stuff found when I breed, and with my luck they have the worst combiations from the parents.
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17512629 Heatwave GREAT! hidden power flying lol. But heatwave is great and its worth enough with that spread and HW
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 16:58:49 No. 17512781 Report Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807
>>17512717 >http://pastebin.com/FF4dA5Fe Would like a clone of that eevee. Are you able to clone?
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
Quoted By:
>>17512699 the Venipede interests me though, if you're willing to trade for that
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:00:24 No. 17512819 Report Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
>>17512677 Whoever it was, wnet through E4 with it since it has the medal
Anyway, want to clone that Manaphy?
>>17512619 Can you clone? I have a Timid Deoxys
Quoted By:
Thanks josh. Now i can sleep in peace.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17512819 What's the nickname of your ocean vivillon?
My vivillon pattern list
Monsoon (NFT)
Icy Snow
High Plains
Archipelago (nicknamed "Butter")
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17512791 I can. Give me a bit to clone it.
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:04:12 No. 17512890 Report IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:05:06 No. 17512909 Report >>17512776 Sorry to bother with this, Yus. But were you able to clone that chu? If not, no problem. You said it's a pain in the ass do so I'll wait for it
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17512890 Eh... I guess I can live with that.
So what pattern do you want to swap for?
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:06:15 No. 17512930 Report >>17512917 Is that the only thing you're interested in on my list? if so then I guess monsoon
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17512833 Naw I can't. If i did i would be all over that deoxys. Looking for someone to clone as well
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:06:57 No. 17512943 Report Quoted By:
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Quoted By:
So I'll ask once again. I was told there are two steam groups, anyone want to update me on that?
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17512930 It's NFT, sorry... (unless you can find a savanna pattern or something)
I'm sure other patterns interest you, though.
>>17512909 sorry not yet. i cloned one for scar yesterday but the second one was keelan me. so il probably try again sometime later!
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:09:03 No. 17512985 Report >>17512966 Oh, whoops, I didn't realize that's what that meant. you don't clone?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17512975 Hey Yus, mind if I add you on steam?
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17512985 I can clone, but I don't know why I don't want to clone it. Probably because it's my favorite pattern, but still it doesn't seem all that good of a reason.
I mean if you really, really want it, I guess I can clone it and trade you for ocean.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
anbody have an English named Mew?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
I remember seeing a shiny Bouffalant up in this bitch a couple days ago, any of you have it?
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
>>17513101 A shiny one, but not a non shiny.
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:21:31 No. 17513133 Report >>17513096 the only reason why I'm interested in it in particular is because it'd be the easiest to use to get all of the other ones. I'd be willing to trade you an eevee or something on my 6-5IV list as well for your troubles if you do?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:23:06 No. 17513155 Report Quoted By:
>>17513101 All my 3 are Asians with their moonrune name
>>17513078 nope no problem at all! whats your thingy?
LF: Non shiny EV trained 6IV Eelektross.
scarlet 0087-3713-0545
Kiara 1607-2421-8016
Quoted By:
Pokemon for lending: 6iv Victini 6iv Meloetta 5iv Keldeo 6iv Shiny Suicune 6iv Shiny Ninetails 6iv Shiny Latias 6iv Shiny Latios 6iv Shiny Lugia 6iv Shiny Rayquaza 6iv Shiny Genesect 6iv Shiny Palkia 6iv Shiny Shaymin 5iv Shiny Kyreum 5iv Shiny Landrous 5iv Shiny Umbreon with wish & yawn Shiny Mew Shiny Deoxys LF other legendaries i don't have or 5/6iv shinies
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807
Quoted By:
>>17512879 Sure thing, I'm taking off soon so just trade me a copy back tonight, or whenever you can
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:26:04 No. 17513188 Report Good morning! Wow, this shit sure got into autosage. Is anyone making a new one, or should I?
Quoted By:
>>17513177 y u do dis 2 me
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
>>17513188 go ahead, we're on page 15
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17513188 dubs confirm you are so go right ahaid
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17513133 Sure, eevee with ocean vivillon is fine.
Ing 3067-5215-7474 !!+9ASluE+dgk
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:27:38 No. 17513220 Report >>17513200 Alright, thank you and sorry for the trouble again. Eevee and the ocean vivillon are already pre-cloned and ready. Let me know in the new thread when you're ready!
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17513220 Do you mind if it's a scatterbug?
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion)
Jessie 0018-0495-5739 (Poison - Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:29:47 No. 17513260 Report Quoted By:
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard)
Soltari 4785-5938-9152 (Dark: Sneasel, Vullably, Liepard) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:29:53 No. 17513261 Report >>17513233 Morning, RP! How ya been?
>>17513196 Fuck you, Yusuf. huehuehuehue
>>17513195 Thanks, Josh. We were quite a few pages back.
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807
Quoted By:
>>17513261 Good! I had a great sleep, and I cloned your magnezone back to back in 4 minutes this morning!
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:33:28 No. 17513328 Report Quoted By:
>>17512040 I'll be waiting on the new thread, you can trade when you have them ready.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Quoted By:
>>17513132 what are the IV's like on it
>>17513123 >.> m-maybe... Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Mon 20 Jan 2014 19:36:07 No. 17515947 Report Quoted By:
my list: All shiny Noivern /timid/infiltrator/ 31,xx,31,31,31,31 Aegislash /brave/ 31,31,31,xx,31,0 Trevenant* /careful/harvest/ 31,31,31,xx,31,31 Venasaur /modest/chlorophyll/ 31,xx,31,31,31,31 Alakazam /timid/magic guard/ 31,xx,31,31,31,31 Greninja /timid/protean/ 31,31,31,31,xx,31 Talonflame* /adamant/GW/ 31,31,31,xx,31,31 Gengar* /timid/ 31,31,31,31,31,31 Goodra /modest/gooey/ 31,31,31,31,31,31 Tyrantrum /adamant/strong jaw/ 31,31,31,xx,31,31 (fire,thunder,ice fang) Klefki /impish/prankster/ 31,31,31,31,31,31 Volcanora /modest/flame body/ 31,xx,31,31,31,31 Medicham /jolly/pure power/ 31,31,31,xx,31,31 Hydreigon /modest/hustle/ 31,31,31,31,31,31 Chandelure /timid/infiltrator/ 31,xx,31,31,31,31 Beldum /adamant/clear body/ 31,31,31,xx,31,31 Ninetails /modest/drought/ 31,31,31,31,31,31 Skarmory /impish/sturdy/ 31,31,31,xx,31,31 Charmander /timid/solar power/ 31,xx,31,31,31,31 Gliscor /impish/poison heal/ 31,31,31,xx,31,31 Sableye /careful/prankster/ 31,31,31,xx,31,31 Larvitar /adamant/guts/ 31,31,31,31,31,31 Flabébé (red) /calm/flower veil/ 31,xx,31,31,31,31 Trapinch /jolly/arena trap/ 31,31,31,31,31,31 Umbreon /calm/Synchronize/ 31,xx,31,31,31,31 Elekid /adamant/static/ 31,31,31,31,31,31 Chesnaught /impish/bulletproof/ 31,31,31,31,31,31 Ditto /jolly/limber/ 31,31,31,31,31,31 Legendary Genesect /hasty/download/ 31,31,31,31,31,31 Landorus /jolly/intimidate/ 31,31,31,xx,31,31 Jirachi /timid/serene grace/ 31,31,31,31,31,31 (non shiny) *already cloned and ready for trade