>>17531525 Can i have a lengend,shiny, or a 6 iv ditto Mattie?
Quoted By:
>>17531525 bumbping for no dead thread
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Why do you guys keep making threads instantly? Its dead hours on here especially, no need for it.
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 07:57:37 No. 17531587 Report >>17531547 Sure. Put your disc up and request a shiny 6iv Pikablu, anon. ^_^
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 07:58:30 No. 17531602 Report I'm going to take a break from Rattata for now. What do you guys want me to start on? I've got: Dream Ball HA Buneary (Got this one from Rocket) Fast Ball Growlithe Dream Ball Eevee Dream Ball Shuppet Great Ball Totodile Have mercy Moon Ball Horsea I also have about six Level Ball Rattata if anyone wants em.
Quoted By:
>>17531580 Sorry Anon, we just get excited sometimes.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17531580 We're still kickin'. Though I will not be in a couple minutes.
Please Anon make me go to sleep. I'm begging you. Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 07:58:39 No. 17531606 Report Quoted By:
>>17531580 Will hold off longer next time.
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
Quoted By:
Once again requesting that Heavy Ball Larvitar that's on that Google Doc. Anyone have it?
Alice !!fkC8QMyFglZ
Anyone online to help me evolve my Lvl1 Karrablast? It just needs an evo since its movelist is set.
IGN:Stray 1977 0735 4116
Quoted By:
>>17531587 c-can i have one too?
IGN: Xavier [Fire safari]Growlithe, Larvesta, Braixen 1005-9749-3270
IGN: Xavier [Fire safari]Growlithe, Larvesta, Braixen 1005-9749-3270 Tue 21 Jan 2014 07:59:39 No. 17531620 Report Quoted By:
okay currently need a -Stantler -Porygon 2 -Unown to complete the hoen pokedex (excluding legenderies) anyone have any of these?
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Quoted By:
>>17531602 I vote Growlithe and Buneary!
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:00:12 No. 17531630 Report Quoted By:
>>17531602 Forgot to mention that the Dream Ball Shuppet is HA.
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
Quoted By:
>>1753160 I'll take one, Disc up in a sec, thanks
Quoted By:
>>17531608 Halp, guise? Any spare Shelmet to help evolve my Karrablast?
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
Quoted By:
>>17531602 I'll put up a disc for rattata. Thanks.
IGN:Stray 1977 0735 4116
>>17531605 Lime what timezone do you even live in?
it's 12 am here
Rudy, disc up for that roselia Cheslock, if you're alive disc up too.
1375 7513 9879 (Espurr, Drowzee, Girafarig)
1375 7513 9879 (Espurr, Drowzee, Girafarig) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:01:24 No. 17531654 Report >>17531602 If you wouldn't mind, I would love one.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
I have 5 blue crocks in great balls, females, send your love.....discs and let me know
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17531646 Central. I live near Chicago. So it's 2 AM.
>>17531658 >blue crocks What?
Alice !!fkC8QMyFglZ
Quoted By:
>>17531648 Regalia, help me with evolving my Karrablast please?
Benson 1247-0122-1521
Just hatched five 4 IV timid female deinos with Earth power, head smash and dark pulse. Anyone want one? I'm just going to put them down so it's no skin off my penis.
IGN:Stray 1977 0735 4116
Quoted By:
>>17531658 S-sending mine now...
1375 7513 9879 (Espurr, Drowzee, Girafarig)
1375 7513 9879 (Espurr, Drowzee, Girafarig) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:02:29 No. 17531673 Report Quoted By:
>>17531654 I would love a rattata. Sorry..
>>17531661 My sister was in Chicago this weekend. Do you think you saw her?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17531668 >Hmmm, I wonder what those can be Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>17531608 I've got one, can help you evolve the karrablast
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby)
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:03:07 No. 17531685 Report Quoted By:
>>17531648 Already did. Thanks again.
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
Quoted By:
>>17531658 I'lll put up a disc once I get a Rattata from Nyanlothep.
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>17531670 Forgot to mention they're in Luxury Balls too.
Quoted By:
>>17531679 You too. >>17531683 Oh right, I feel silly.
Quoted By:
>>17531670 i'll take one! putting a disc up
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17531676 I live near it, not in it. I'm roughly 40 minutes away. My dad might have, though. He works on the Metra trains.
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
>>17531670 Would love one, but I don't have Deino registered on my dex...mind doing a manual trade?
>>17531700 North? I used to live about an hour north, no one's ever heard of the town but it's about 25 minutes from Great America
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17531692 putting a disc in a sec, just finish hatching those extreme speed dratini for ppl
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:05:52 No. 17531718 Report Okay, so I have these guys, but I just don't have enough Luvdiscs.>Shiny Ursaring >Shiny Quagsire >Shiny Dugtrio >Shiny Clauncher >Shiny Klefki None of them are competitively viable at all. Who wants them?
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>17531701 i do mind since my friend list is full, just scroll to the bottom and select "What Pokemon?"
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby)
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:06:34 No. 17531723 Report >>17531718 Can I have klefki?
Alice !!fkC8QMyFglZ
Help me evolve my Karrablast, please, guys?
>>17531718 >not enough luvdiscs Heh
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17531710 I live in northwest Indiana so basically right next to the border of Illinois. But I do know exactly where that Great America is.
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
>>17531718 Can i have klefki?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17531725 give me a minute alice, ill help you once i done putting this luvdisc up
Alice !!fkC8QMyFglZ
>>17531725 Your help is greatly appreciated here, people.
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
Quoted By:
>>17531719 Okay, uploaded. Thanks!
>>17531718 Can I have shiny Clauncher?
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17531725 Oh, it's you alice alice. Yeah, send me a trade request
>>17531729 Ah, I gotcha.
Didn't live in Gurnee of course, most people have heard of that town what with the park and the mall. Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby)
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:08:14 No. 17531751 Report >>17531726 I never got the roselia.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17531740 Gimme a sec, maybe I can help.
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
>>17531723 Damn, Dugtrio then
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
Quoted By:
>>17531658 Discs up for Totodile. Thanks!
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>17531718 Dugtrio and Quagsire and Klefki are totally viable m8
Alice !!fkC8QMyFglZ
>>17531736 THANK YOU.
Does GTS style works? I'll tag Archimand then.
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:09:03 No. 17531768 Report >>17531723 Sure, just chuck up a disc.
>>17531735 Sorry, slightly too late.
>>17531756 Done.
>>17531747 Sure.
>>17531760 Not with these IVs they aren't.
Chaos 5412-9976-5324
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
Quoted By:
>>17531658 Uploading a disc as soon as I'm done with this other trade, thanks!
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17531750 I love the Gurnee mall.
Quoted By:
>>17531751 There wasn't a disc up before. Sent.
Alice !!fkC8QMyFglZ
Quoted By:
>>17531754 >>17531750 Yeah, it's me, I was like halp, halp haha. Thanks guys but Archimand got it.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17531761 should do but you might get sniped,trade is safer imo. lots of ppl wanna evolved karrablast
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
>>17531718 woah I'll take a quagsire then please.
Quoted By:
>>17531718 Can i get the dugtrio?
IGN: Xavier [Fire safari]Growlithe, Larvesta, Braixen 1005-9749-3270
IGN: Xavier [Fire safari]Growlithe, Larvesta, Braixen 1005-9749-3270 Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:10:58 No. 17531793 Report Quoted By:
disc is up for any of these c'mon guys -Stantler -Porygon 2 -Unown -Kindra
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby)
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:10:59 No. 17531794 Report Quoted By:
>>17531768 Putting disc up
Quoted By:
>>17531773 I hate that mall, Hawthorne is way better. Granted I worked in the Gurnee mall when I was in highschool, so that's probably a part of it. Anonymous
>>17531768 Disc up for Shiny Clauncher. IGN - Gizelle
Alice !!fkC8QMyFglZ
>>17531788 Then I'll trade with Regalia. I already added him in my Friend List. Will do business with you next time, Arch
;) Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Quoted By:
totodiles sent, If you guys need more, I'll breed 5 more..... (before i kill myself in the process), there is still 3 more available
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:12:39 No. 17531810 Report >>17531747 What's your IGN?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
Oh my jigglies this Thundurus DOES have HP Ice. Nelo will be pleased.
>>17531805 Crap, I'm sorry. Forgot it was one that needed another poke. I don't have a shelmet
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:13:39 No. 17531824 Report >>17531797 >>17531810 Whoops, I feel silly.
Alice !!fkC8QMyFglZ
Karrablast is one ugly motherfucker. Thank God its evo is better looking.
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Anyone want any starters at all?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17531670 >deino sorry for taking so long disc is up
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby)
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:14:33 No. 17531833 Report Quoted By:
>>17531810 Good king thanks man.
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:14:47 No. 17531836 Report Quoted By:
>>17531789 >>17531769 You guys will get the last two. Already sent the others. Going to delete this post so that people stop responding to it.
Alice !!fkC8QMyFglZ
>>17531823 Lol, oh Reg. It's fine.
>>17531788 Adding you Arch. Add me back please
understand .
Chaos 5412-9976-5324
>>17531828 Do you have a female Karrablast in a nice looking Ball by any chance?
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
3 female Love Ball Mareeps ready. I'll breed another batch now just in case.
Quoted By:
>>17531824 Haha, don't worry man. Thank you very much!
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
>>17531829 You still have that Treecko? I'll put up a disc on GTS.
Alice !!fkC8QMyFglZ
>>17531844 Lots of 5IV Female Karrablast but I'm not that into Balltism so no, normal Balls only. Sorry ;_;
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17531843 i understand
whats your fc ?
i dont see it in the name field
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
Quoted By:
>>17531846 I'll Disc up, thanks
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
>>17531855 Yup
It's a shit nature but has dragon breath
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:17:03 No. 17531872 Report Alright, they're all sent now. Enjoy.
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
Quoted By:
>>17531846 I'll take one, please! Disc uploaded.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Two Storm Drain Shellos for Axel and Mattie.
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
>>17531864 Whoops, there it is. Don't be disappointed cause...
Not a grill .
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
Quoted By:
>>17531846 >>17531438 I gonna leave a disc up for Moon Ball Houndour
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
>>17531871 Any other starters? If not I'll take Treecko.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17531889 arent we all g.i.r.l
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Quoted By:
>>17531846 i'll take one of those mareeps, =D
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17531889 >Tfw everyone thinks this guy is a girl but everyone sees me as a guy Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:20:04 No. 17531917 Report >>17531888 Will disc up. Thanks.
Chaos 5412-9976-5324
>>17531862 Oh ok.. ;_;
>>17531872 Thank you, I love you.
>>17531907 >avatar is female >rl pic was female >mentions boyfriend Really?
IGN: Xavier [Fire safari]Growlithe, Larvesta, Braixen 1005-9749-3270
IGN: Xavier [Fire safari]Growlithe, Larvesta, Braixen 1005-9749-3270 Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:21:03 No. 17531929 Report disc is up for any of these c'mon guys -Stantler -Porygon 2 -Unown -Kindra
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:21:19 No. 17531934 Report >>17531907 Look, just because you've posted pictures of yourself, it doesn't mean you can't be a convincing guy in drag.
>>17531926 You too. Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
>>17531888 Disc is up, thanks!
Duxen, you around? Got your hound
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
>>17531901 What do you want?
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Quoted By:
>>17531938 weeeee, sending disc
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17531928 Yep, people still call me a guy. I guess I do talk like one and I've heard that gays aren't that hard to come by on /vp/. Or 4chan for that matter.
>>17531934 B-But I'd look much prettier than most guys, right?
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>17531872 Got it. Thanks a lot man :)
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
>>17531942 Any Squirtles or Mudkips at all?
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Quoted By:
>>17531938 yeiii, that works too, thanks!
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby)
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:23:34 No. 17531966 Report >>17531929 Can I get unkown?
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
>>17531963 I got squirtes for dayz haven't bred mudkip yet. Been trying to get a modest eevee
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:24:20 No. 17531978 Report >>17531952 >B-But I'd look much prettier than most guys, right? Most, sure. But there's some damn pretty guys out there.
>>17531942 Not him, but do you have a bulba?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
if someone can give me igglypugg when they arent busy i will appreciate it.
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby)
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:24:38 No. 17531987 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>17531936 I've got a roselia for you, let me wait for my befriending power run out and I'll send you a trade
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
>>17531980 Chlorophyll or overgrow? And ivysaur btw
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17531978 I know, what the hell.
Okay, I really gotta go to bed. Lime out.
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby)
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:26:14 No. 17532011 Report Can anyone give me a moon ball houndour?
>>17531999 >Chlorophyll or overgrow? Doesn't matter. Can I have one?
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
>>17532011 I'm going to breed them in a bit, unless someone already has one for you.
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17532010 Oh, are we on Igglypugg now? Can I disc up too?
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby)
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:28:16 No. 17532030 Report Quoted By:
>>17532016 I haven't got one yet.
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
>>17531977 I'll take you up on your Squirtles. If you can find one with 3-4 IVs, that'd be perfect. If not don't worry, I'll still take it.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17532016 Axel save one for me, please and thank you. See you all tomorrow.
>>17532029 I'll just straight trade you, but I'm not breeding them. Just some leftovers
>>17532016 You'll have to disc up too I guess, can't find you on my acquaintances
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby)
Rudy 5370-0733-7139 (sandshrew,nincada, diggersby) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:30:07 No. 17532049 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>17532022 Disc up. Thanks.
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
>>17532032 I hope you like this
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
Quoted By:
>>17532044 Will do, bye.
>>17532045 Disc is up, thank you.
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
Quoted By:
>>17532059 Let's find out!
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
>>17532014 I told you ivysaur right?
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Quoted By:
>>17532045 do you have another spare by any chance? :3
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a modest eevee?
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17531917 >>17531936 Done and now I'm off to get some rest. Tomorrow I may breed some more if people need them.
>>17532073 Ops. Yes. Sorry.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17532044 Byes limelime!
>>17532045 Thanks :3
Anyone need a Dream Ball HA Shuppet? I got a spare.
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
Quoted By:
>>17532016 Gonna leave a disc up for Houndour. Good night everybody
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17532118 I'll take one, you never know :P
Cheslock 0232 - 8448 - 3711 - Pinsir, Paras, Masquerain -
Cheslock 0232 - 8448 - 3711 - Pinsir, Paras, Masquerain - Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:36:19 No. 17532141 Report Sorry to whomever I asked to breed a roselia, I fell asleep
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
>>17532116 And it's HA enjoy
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
IGN:Stray 1977 0735 4116
Quoted By:
anyone have any special ball fem sniper horseas?
>>17532141 Neat, you're up. Disc up
>>17532146 Thank you. I have a modest eevee. Do you want it?
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
I hate losing to babies. Especially babies using caught Legendaries. Gosh, that Korean kid. So wasn't prepared for that lolLvl100 Sylveon.
He's good, he's good.
>>17531926 Don't want one? Aww.
>>17531907 Oh, oh! Pretty boy, is it?
>>17531903 Yes we are :3 Ilu Arch.
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
>>17532185 Yes please. Trade?
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
Quoted By:
>>17532199 I sound like a sore loser, sorry. I just can't take it when I lose to non-constructed teams. That's something, coming from a Karenfag like me.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Quoted By:
>>17532138 Oop I got you and Demetree confused, cause you know, both got the D.
I'll breed you another one in a sec.
>>17532207 Put a disc up. It's yours.
Cheslock 0232 - 8448 - 3711 - Pinsir, Paras, Masquerain -
Cheslock 0232 - 8448 - 3711 - Pinsir, Paras, Masquerain - Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:43:21 No. 17532239 Report Quoted By:
>>17532174 It's up, you meant me right?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
i have 3 Female Jolly Marvel scale dratini with extreme speed put luvdisc up if you intrested
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
Huh, my Giveaway thread is way behind the catalog. Guess it's dead hour time? It's evening over here, and Australia, I guess.
Cheslock 0232 - 8448 - 3711 - Pinsir, Paras, Masquerain -
Cheslock 0232 - 8448 - 3711 - Pinsir, Paras, Masquerain - Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:46:48 No. 17532290 Report Quoted By:
>>17532277 Complete dead hour. Ranging from 4am east coast to 1am west coast for the states
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
Quoted By:
>>17532312 D-Damn, I have to stay up for you guys next time.
Cheslock 0232 - 8448 - 3711 - Pinsir, Paras, Masquerain -
Cheslock 0232 - 8448 - 3711 - Pinsir, Paras, Masquerain - Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:50:18 No. 17532334 Report I have a couple Jolly Tyrouges if anyone wants them
Quoted By:
>>17532317 You are welcome! Haha.
Freddy, I've got your cleffa if you're there. Didn't see you signed online though. On that note I'm turning in, I'll keep going tomorrow with those shinx and frillish for the people I said I would.
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
>>17532334 5IV'd one, perhaps? I don't have the time to breed for a 5IV Pokemon because time constraint. The next semester will start soon :(
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:53:21 No. 17532363 Report First batch of Dream Ball HA Buneary is in the process of being hatched. Wish me luck.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Quoted By:
>>17532351 I'll leave a disc up for the shinx, thanks Regalia and have a good one
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
Quoted By:
>>17532363 Well good luck, Nyan!
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17532312 Must ... stay ... awake ... for Regeliashinx+frillish ... (▰˘o˘▰)ƶƵ
Cheslock 0232 - 8448 - 3711 - Pinsir, Paras, Masquerain -
Cheslock 0232 - 8448 - 3711 - Pinsir, Paras, Masquerain - Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:55:04 No. 17532380 Report >>17532359 I dont remember what IV's they are but I dont think five unfortunately
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Quoted By:
>>17532363 sending carrots to those crazy bunnies!
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
>>17532377 I asked you for a trade, hun ;_;
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Quoted By:
>>17532351 Oh, my fingers are too slow and sleepy. Yay, time to conkeldurr.
>>17532363 I want dem Buneary but ... eyelids ...
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
Quoted By:
>>17532380 Ahh, maybe next time then. I would love to have a Tyrogue but going somewhere atm.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17532392 Oh hi. What? am obviously not awake, as you can see. I don't see you on though :c
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
1 female Moon Ball Houndour left, GTS request have been sent. 1 female Love Ball Mareep 1 non-HA female Dive Ball Kabuto 1 female Premier Ball Slakoth I'm turning in soon, anything you guys want for tomorrow?
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17532555 I would be interested in a safari larvitar and a moon ball horsea if you can breed them
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Quoted By:
>>17532555 or a ha female kabuto, that too =D
Quoted By:
Looking for a Max Def and specials Ditto if anyone has a spare. Would be a blessing if it has Adamant nature too.
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
>>17532570 I'll try and have 5 of each ready. HA female Kabuto is probably not going to happen, but we'll see.
Goodbye everybody, if anyone wants any of this
>>17532555 just leave a disc with /vp/Axel and I'll try to send them later.
Cheslock 0232 - 8448 - 3711 - Pinsir, Paras, Masquerain -
Cheslock 0232 - 8448 - 3711 - Pinsir, Paras, Masquerain - Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:16:35 No. 17532610 Report >>17532555 HA Kabuto maybe? I think I asked for one before from someone but it didint have he HA I dont remember I probably didint specify, chalk me up for one though?
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Cheslock 0232 - 8448 - 3711 - Pinsir, Paras, Masquerain -
Cheslock 0232 - 8448 - 3711 - Pinsir, Paras, Masquerain - Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:17:46 No. 17532621 Report Quoted By:
>>17532610 (Gender doesnt matter)
ChibiMcD 0533 5695 7958 (gastrodon, camperupt, sandshrew)
ChibiMcD 0533 5695 7958 (gastrodon, camperupt, sandshrew) Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:57:45 No. 17533017 Report dont know if this thread is dead, but pls guys i need a totodile, preferably with HA
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:59:32 No. 17533027 Report >>17533017 I don't think HA Totodile has been released.
ChibiMcD 0533 5695 7958 (gastrodon, camperupt, sandshrew)
ChibiMcD 0533 5695 7958 (gastrodon, camperupt, sandshrew) Tue 21 Jan 2014 10:00:15 No. 17533032 Report Anonymous
ChibiMcD 0533 5695 7958 (gastrodon, camperupt, sandshrew)
ChibiMcD 0533 5695 7958 (gastrodon, camperupt, sandshrew) Tue 21 Jan 2014 10:03:04 No. 17533052 Report Quoted By:
>>17533027 It was never released but the bank fails to block it from being transfered. Pic related: Thick fat tepig(also never released)
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
Quoted By:
>>17532427 Oh, that was a few moments ago but no worries, there is always next time :3
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17533017 i have a female in great ball, torrent though, disc up if interested
ChibiMcD 0533 5695 7958 (gastrodon, camperupt, sandshrew)
ChibiMcD 0533 5695 7958 (gastrodon, camperupt, sandshrew) Tue 21 Jan 2014 10:09:58 No. 17533103 Report >>17533101 yes pls. luvdisc is already up
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
ChibiMcD 0533 5695 7958 (gastrodon, camperupt, sandshrew)
ChibiMcD 0533 5695 7958 (gastrodon, camperupt, sandshrew) Tue 21 Jan 2014 10:12:45 No. 17533119 Report Quoted By:
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
>>17533101 Can I get a Female for a Karrablast? Putting up online with Duxen in the description.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17532363 I was wondering if you are still doing the ha bunearies or would they be done for "tomorrow"
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17533155 I don's see your karrablast in the gts,
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 10:26:09 No. 17533204 Report >>17533157 Funny story, I just got some fruition out of these damn rabbits after 6 batches of pure trash.
This run produced two 4IV females and a 5IV female with Klutz, If you want to chip in, you may scoop one of the 4IVs.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17533204 does the 4ivs have ha?, if so, I would like one, I already have klutz buneary in love ball but would like a ha if possible
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 10:32:04 No. 17533245 Report >>17533232 Provided you intend to distribute the HA Bunearies, yeah, you can have one of the 4IVs.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17533245 yup, I'll start with them tomorrow, just finished my run with the blue crocks, 7 females of many.... many to count, poor males...., the horror....
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 10:36:03 No. 17533284 Report >>17533259 Well, hopefully the 50-50 ratio will be kinder to you. Toss up a 'Disc.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Quoted By:
>>17533284 hope so, disc up
Dan 1547 6339 4135
Quoted By:
>>17533059 where could I get a piece of that
dirty action ?
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Anybody here want a 4-5IV imperfect moonball murkrow or loveball mareep? I have a whole bunch of them bred. Throw up a disc and let me know what gender you want
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17533358 i'll take a female murkrow, sending disc
Isaac 0533 - 4650 - 6031
>>17533358 My nigga. Disc is up! Moonball pleeeease!
The thread is probably over, but does anyone want 5IV Riolus with Vacuum Wave and a timid nature?
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 10:53:58 No. 17533421 Report >>17533412 Holy crap, yes. Can you nickname it?
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
>>17533412 Mind if I put a Luvdisc up for one?
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 10:58:20 No. 17533454 Report >>17533437 Actually, nevermind, I'll just take a male if you have one.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Also, I'm looking for a few things to breed tonight guys. If anybody could hook me up, that would be great: Dream ball Munna Nest Ball cottonee Moon ball Shinx Safari ball cacturne Friend ball roselia Seedot Females of course. And thank you. If you need anything in particular, let me know and I can try to hook you up.
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
>>17533412 I'll take one if you have any left, I'll put up a disc. thanks.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17533460 i can get you a female safari cacnea, let me put it in the oven
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
>>17533181 Oh shit, are you still here? I was EV training my Escavelier. It should be up by now.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>17533480 Thank you so much. I'd like mine medium rare pls
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:04:05 No. 17533493 Report >>17533437 >>17533454 Typed male, meant female; My bad.
Male will still work if you have no females, of course.
>>17533358 Bit late to the party, but any chance I could get in on those Murkrow? I'll disc up after the Riolu delivery.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17533488 I still don't see your karrablast or luvdisc in the gts
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
>>17533513 It's up ;_; Gosh, the internet keeps on disconnecting.
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17533511 Thank you
>>17533480 I'm going to put up my disc now, but take your time m8
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:15:38 No. 17533572 Report >>17533511 Thank you anyway, I can make do with this.
B-but if you're not opposed to swapping it for a female, I'd be appreciative... >>17533539 Also, I have a Disc up for a Murkrow, if you still have any that you're giving away.
>>17533572 I'll do it if you help me evolve my Haunter.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:20:47 No. 17533606 Report >>17533589 Done and done.
>>17533594 Thanks a thousand!
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17533539 sent, there is also an extra female cacnea in safari ball if anyone wants it
>>17533606 It has imperfect speed because it's my last one.
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:24:31 No. 17533631 Report Hokay. Females I have that I can luvdisc away: 1x Moon Ball Hoothoot 3x Moon Ball Murkrow 9x Great Ball Totodile 4x Moon Ball Horsea 1x HA Dive Ball Kabuto 1x Love Ball Mawile 24x Heavy Ball Phanpy plz take a phanpy
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17533631 is that kabuto female, if so, can i have it?
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:25:23 No. 17533640 Report >>17533630 I can make do, I have breeders for that kind of thing. Thanks again
You want a 5IV Rattata? I have a few spare males.
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
>>17533631 I'll take the Hoothoot! Putting up a disc.
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:26:26 No. 17533649 Report Genus(IGN:Luis)-2294-4151-8489
Quoted By:
>>17533640 No thanks I'm off to bed.
IGN: Nazz 3625-8273-1346 (Magmar, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
IGN: Nazz 3625-8273-1346 (Magmar, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:26:45 No. 17533655 Report Quoted By:
>>17533631 I'd love that kabuto
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961 [Phanpy - Nincada - Gastrodon]
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961 [Phanpy - Nincada - Gastrodon] Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:27:05 No. 17533656 Report Quoted By:
>>17533631 I'll take a Phanpy.
Luvdisc up.
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:27:29 No. 17533658 Report >>17533631 How many IVs are on those 'Diles?
I have a 3IV atm, but I'm looking to streamline the process as much as possible when the time comes for me to get aboard the 'Dile train.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>17533619 Thanks so much!
Alice [3840-5661-3560] !!fkC8QMyFglZ
>>17533545 5IV Fem Totes, this is awesome. Thanks, Duxen.
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:28:34 No. 17533666 Report >>17533658 I have a heap of 5iv (still haven't got a pentaperfect) so disc up and I'll drop you one missing speed or something.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17533649 disc up, I would also be interested in a phanpy and a horsea if possible,
Are you guys running out of stuff? Did the great ball totodiles get distributed? I'm almost done collecting females
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Quoted By:
Anyone have a carvanha?
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
Quoted By:
>>17533649 Disc is up, thanks!
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:30:22 No. 17533681 Report Quoted By:
>>17533666 Works for me.
Also, is anyone interested in a 5IV
Male Rattata? I have four that I can nickname and distribute.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Quoted By:
>>17533663 =O, sweet Alice!,
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:31:08 No. 17533687 Report Quoted By:
>>17533674 Yeah, sort of low on new things, just catching stragglers for the most part.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Quoted By:
>>17533674 I still have some females, was giving them for whoever asked them =D
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:32:16 No. 17533703 Report >>17533668 Done. Disc up for the next two and I'll get them as well.
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:33:00 No. 17533713 Report >>17533674 I'm working on HA Buneary in Dream Balls atm. Just waiting on some decent females for distribution.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Quoted By:
>>17533703 wooooo, disc up for horsea, after that, the phanpy
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:34:46 No. 17533728 Report Quoted By:
Mornin' guys. What'd I miss?
>>17533713 hm dont havee that yet. not sure if want. anyway im gonna go breed and be a weeaboo
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961 [Phanpy - Nincada - Gastrodon]
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961 [Phanpy - Nincada - Gastrodon] Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:36:47 No. 17533748 Report Quoted By:
>>17533703 Just received it. Thank you!
>>17533631 I'd love a female phanpy & Murkrow
Luvdisc going up for phanpy now
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Quoted By:
>>17533703 disc for phanpy is up, thanks a lot Mattie
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:40:08 No. 17533772 Report >>17533743 They're Jolly with Switcheroo and Punches. You know you want one
if any of the four females that just hatched are something resembling useful Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:41:32 No. 17533789 Report >>17533768 Done and done. I'll go get you those.
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:42:37 No. 17533802 Report >>17533772 I'll grab one. Do you have reject girls with Klutz? I'm really intensely not interested in Limber.
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:44:57 No. 17533821 Report >>17533772 Funny I should say that, because I just hatched three 4IV females, one 4IV male and a 5IV female, all with the HA. What a fantastic batch.
>>17533802 I have a 5IV with Klutz, but I'll be breeding her as a separate project.
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:45:35 No. 17533828 Report Quoted By:
>>17533821 I'll take a Limber for now then. :) Disc up, thanks.
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Any anticipation eevees????? That's all I want since i cants bring mine from Black 2
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:48:04 No. 17533843 Report >>17533835 I probably have one lying around somewhere. Let me check.
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Quoted By:
>>17533789 Ty, disc is up for murkrow now
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 11:52:18 No. 17533881 Report >>17533854 I have a Modest Male in a Luxury Ball with xx/31/31/31/31/31 that I got from some Japanese dude in Wonder Trade, does that work for you?
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>17533631 I'll gladly take a phanpy. disc is going up in a sec. thanks!
Mark 0301-9904-9670 (pika,electrode, galvantula)
Mark 0301-9904-9670 (pika,electrode, galvantula) Tue 21 Jan 2014 12:01:12 No. 17533935 Report Quoted By:
are there any analytic porygon's floating around? I don't need a particular nature or IVs. just any extra one anyone has is cool
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6
Nyanlathotep | FC: 3711-7708-4264 | IGN: Lucrezia !1XLgRjPkF6 Tue 21 Jan 2014 12:08:51 No. 17533983 Report >>17533966 Well, throw up a disc and I'll trade it to you.
I'm going to take a break from breeding and train some mons that are in my backlog before bed. See you all tomorrow.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Make a new thread already, jesus.
Quoted By:
Would anyone be willing to trade my Shiny Ditto (2IV, low speed sadly) for a 5IV Ditto? Just wondering if that's a fair trade.
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 12:44:59 No. 17534222 Report Quoted By:
>>17534207 We're still on the front page, let alone the catalog.
Alright, let's get on the Great Ball Croc Dick Ride. Which nature do you guys prefer, Adamant or Jolly? These little qts will have the same egg moves, so I'm torn between which nature to breed for.Pls don't tell me I have to ride this twice
Mark 0301-9904-9670 (pika,electrode, galvantula)
Mark 0301-9904-9670 (pika,electrode, galvantula) Tue 21 Jan 2014 12:49:46 No. 17534253 Report Quoted By:
Niall 3351-4039-3051
Quoted By:
Anybody have any 0 Speed dittos? Been struggling to get one from Safaris, and Pokémon Village ones are a pain to catch.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Tue 21 Jan 2014 12:57:13 No. 17534303 Report HERRO GIB 8IV DITTO PLS No but seriously. What's new?
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>Wondertrading leftovers >Get a fletchling from a Japanese player >Nicknamed 'Dratini' Why?
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 12:59:35 No. 17534330 Report >>17534303 >>17534317 *gasp!* People still live! Want Great Ball Totodiles?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Tue 21 Jan 2014 12:59:43 No. 17534333 Report Quoted By:
>>17534317 Well seeing how Dragonair evolves into a huge orange blob that looks like a hippo with wings it's perfectly reasonable, that it's pre-evo is an orange, smaller blob with wings.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:00:44 No. 17534346 Report >>17534330 I just got an hour ago, 2pm in Poland!
Yes please. I'll put a disc for it. Females? Do they need breeding?
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>17534330 Maaayyybe... let me clear up some box space first so I can join the great crocodick ride of '14
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:05:30 No. 17534396 Report >>17534346 I'm up to 5iv imperfect females, a heap of them, but still missing an pentaperfects. Will hit your discs now.
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth) Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:06:52 No. 17534409 Report >>17534238 Which egg moves?
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth) Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:08:59 No. 17534425 Report I'm desperate for a Chespin for my dex. I'd like a decent one, but I'll settle for the one from Shauna or even just a complete breeding reject
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:09:18 No. 17534428 Report >>17534396 Allrighty, just uploaded it, sorry for the wait.
What;s the perfect spread for Toto?
Also, if you get a pentaperfect is there something you can do to make more pentaperfects?
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17534425 I should have a few WT ones lying around. Toss up a disc and I'll get you
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:11:48 No. 17534445 Report >>17534428 31/31/31/x/31/31 physical sweeper.
Getting more pentaperfects = Good parents + Destiny Knot + Prayer. Once the parents are good, you can usually churn out a lot, but sometimes the RNG will hate on you.
>>17534409 DD
Aqua Jet
Ice Punch
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth) Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:13:07 No. 17534456 Report Quoted By:
>>17534431 Aww yiss. I'll have the disc up in just a bit. Thanks a bunch!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:13:18 No. 17534457 Report Quoted By:
>>17534445 Yeah, that's what I thought, allrighty then.
Quoted By:
>>17534452 Dragon Dance seems to be more popular, but I've always found Swords Dance far better if you're going with Aqua Jet, especially if it's your only STAB move.
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth) Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:15:23 No. 17534474 Report Quoted By:
>>17534452 It sounds like he could go either/or. I guess I'd vote for Jolly.
Quoted By:
>>17534452 got any female one of those?
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth) Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:17:56 No. 17534501 Report >>17534431 Disc is up! Thanks again!
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth) Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:21:25 No. 17534530 Report Quoted By:
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:22:50 No. 17534542 Report Quoted By:
Hey, do any of you have a spare Lure Ball Taillow, by any chance? Missed those earlier.
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth) Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:23:59 No. 17534551 Report >>17534452 Actually, how long until you give these out? I desperately need to start getting ready to head to classes.
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:24:54 No. 17534558 Report >>17534551 I have some 5iv ones if you'd like to luvdisc one of those quickly now. Not pentaperfect, though.
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth) Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:32:21 No. 17534618 Report >>17534558 That would be fantastic. I'm upping the disc right now. Thanks a lot!
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:35:14 No. 17534632 Report >>17534618 Done have a great class.
Trying to get some sleep now. Night all.
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth)
IGN Lia Bug 3840-6229-7794 (Volbeat, Ledyba, Venomoth) Tue 21 Jan 2014 13:35:48 No. 17534639 Report Quoted By:
>>17534632 Thanks! Have a good rest!
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Still breeding dem 'diles. 1fem, 9males. all have 4-5 IVs.>dat gender ratio Sorry if this is taking too long.
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anyone here have a HA darumaka?
>>17533059 Have you breeded that yet if it can transfer the ability if so then you can make it release
anybody wanna swap 31/31/31/xx/31/31 fairy males? starting these
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>>17535093 you cant use it online iirc so whats the point?
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Tue 21 Jan 2014 14:33:23 No. 17535161 Report Quoted By:
>>17535120 i'd love to, if my 3ds wifi would connect
I keep getting Error Code 003-1101 and I don't know what do, I've tried everything
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17535120 I should have a male mawile with that spread somewhere. Let me check
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>>17535165 a mawile would be perfect i'll give you a mawile with that spread in return?
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17535120 Yup, I have one I can send if you throw up a disc. And you don't need to give me anything unless you have another one of those safari ball females
>>17535189 first egg hatched, actually. only one right now but i'll have more soon!
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>17535219 Alrighty, let me know when you do and I can help you breed more. Looking out for your disc now. The one I'm sending you is adamant and has all of the elemental fangs.
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>>17535230 ah its cool i didn't need that. i just need a different OT for the egg rate. thanks a bunch! disc is up now
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
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>>17535219 Sent. If there are any issues with that spread/if I mislabled them, just lemme know and I can send you another.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
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Making a new thread now :O
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355