Hello again /vp/! I have another request and some more stuff to give away if people are interested! I have: 3x 6IV Shiny Ditto 3x 5IV shiny timid Zorua 3x 5IV shiny timid protean Froakie 3x 5IV with 0 Atk modest shiny Mareep I'm in need of one of each of the EV reducing berries, if you have one of them I'll happily trade something off the above list for them! (First in first served sorry) For everyone else, the remaining 6 pokemon will be raffled away in this thread! Just post with your friendcode/IGN and once I find my 6 berries I'll put everything in a random number generator and announce the winners! Goodluck to those interested!Please don't enter more than once to make it fair on everyone
Rayziken 4725-8017-5311 (Boldore, Magcargo, Barbaracle)
Rayziken 4725-8017-5311 (Boldore, Magcargo, Barbaracle) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:55:43 No. 17532387 Report >>17532361 I have a qualot berry. I'll give it to you for a shiny ditto
I have tamato, can i get zorua?
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617
I can hook you up with whatever berry I just need to know the name
Eddard 0791-2928-4309 (Beautifly, Butterfree, Vivillon)
Eddard 0791-2928-4309 (Beautifly, Butterfree, Vivillon) Tue 21 Jan 2014 08:58:31 No. 17532433 Report I got berries up the wazoo. I'll trade for any of your listed
IGN-Bianca 0619-4324-4988
>>17532361 I have Grepa, Hondew and Pomeg. Could I get a Ditto for any of those?
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
>>17532406 Sure! let me add you now
>>17532422 >>17532433 The remaining berries I'm looking for are Grepa
Take your pick and then a pick of your pokemon
Eddard 0791-2928-4309 (Beautifly, Butterfree, Vivillon)
Eddard 0791-2928-4309 (Beautifly, Butterfree, Vivillon) Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:00:08 No. 17532450 Report >>17532440 Hondew for Ditto please :D
and added
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
>>17532439 Yup! I'll put you down for Grepa!
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617
>>17532440 I'll give you a Kelpsy, The froakie would be cool in return but really I'll give it to you anyways
>>17532440 Added let me get a froakie instead if not im fine with zorua
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
>>17532450 >>17532465 With the two of you added all I'm looking forward to is Pomeg but I'm out of dittos ;_;
Eddard 0791-2928-4309 (Beautifly, Butterfree, Vivillon)
Eddard 0791-2928-4309 (Beautifly, Butterfree, Vivillon) Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:03:48 No. 17532498 Report >>17532491 I'll also give you a pomeg for a Zorua
IGN-Bianca 0619-4324-4988
Quoted By:
>>17532453 Added, and ready to trade whenever you are.
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
>>17532498 Yay! Thank you!
Zish 0533-5945-7756 [Gothorita, Abra, Espurr]
Zish 0533-5945-7756 [Gothorita, Abra, Espurr] Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:06:34 No. 17532529 Report Raffling for a Froakie if you still have one.
Rayziken 4725-8017-5311 (Boldore, Magcargo, Barbaracle)
Rayziken 4725-8017-5311 (Boldore, Magcargo, Barbaracle) Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:07:44 No. 17532535 Report Quoted By:
>>17532510 Sorry I didn't answer your trade!
Eddard 0791-2928-4309 (Beautifly, Butterfree, Vivillon)
Eddard 0791-2928-4309 (Beautifly, Butterfree, Vivillon) Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:08:32 No. 17532543 Report Quoted By:
>>17532510 ready and waiting :)
Rex 2766-9747-3936
>>17532361 Raffling for Froakie!
Quoted By:
putting my name in the hat for the raffle i do have a Starf Berry though for reaching a 200 streak.
Callum 1504 - 5739 - 3547 [Haxorus, Noibat, Sligoo]
Callum 1504 - 5739 - 3547 [Haxorus, Noibat, Sligoo] Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:09:06 No. 17532551 Report I think i have a Pomeg berry, I'll have a look. Don't you trust me?
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617
Quoted By:
Sweet dude thanks, I got hecka of every berry (other then starf what is in the ground) incase you want more to grow more then one plant at a time. You don't have to give anything in return, so unless you just like starting with 1 and growing from there feel free to ask for extra.
Callum 1504 - 5739 - 3547 [Haxorus, Noibat, Sligoo]
Callum 1504 - 5739 - 3547 [Haxorus, Noibat, Sligoo] Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:13:41 No. 17532586 Report >>17532551 Do not have :( i shall enter the raffle though!
IGN-Bianca 0619-4324-4988
Quoted By:
>>17532510 Thanks a bunch OP
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:14:43 No. 17532599 Report I do love raffles, even though I arrived too late to throw berries at you, OP
Eddard 0791-2928-4309 (Beautifly, Butterfree, Vivillon)
Eddard 0791-2928-4309 (Beautifly, Butterfree, Vivillon) Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:17:52 No. 17532622 Report Quoted By:
Excellent :D Tanks a lot OP!
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
Alright since I got all my berries thanks to these lovely folks it's raffle time! I have 1 Froakie, 2 Zouras and 3 Pink sheep looking for new homes! I'm going to wait a little bit and hopefully more people turn up or are interested, I'll be cloning dittos while waiting so if I get lucky then we can have more winners!
>>17532545 >>17532586 >>17532599 You three are entered! If I missed anyone tell me and I'll enter you as well!
Zish 0533-5945-7756 [Gothorita, Abra, Espurr]
Zish 0533-5945-7756 [Gothorita, Abra, Espurr] Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:20:22 No. 17532647 Report Ahri 3110-4777-5340
Quoted By:
>>17532647 Sorry about that, entered now!
>>17532638 missed me in the shuffle
Ed 1091-8176-4317
Hey Based Ahri, mind if you enter me?:)
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
Quoted By:
>>17532655 >>17532666 Both are you entered!
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
>>17532687 added!
I'll give 10 more minutes for anyone else who wants to sign up!
Dang why you gotta do this raffle when I gotta go to work? Ohhh well
>>17532483 Also, it boils my blood that someone like you ahri did business with someone like javier. He steals peoples Pokemon claiming he's gonna clone them. then he starts threads trying to black list his victims. Ah well, time to head to work
Meki 4527-8697-4138
>>17532714 Can I sign up as well?
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
>>17532735 I'm sorry! I didn't know that, I guess I should get around more... I'm an idiot sometimes
>>17532748 In the list!
mylon 2466 2890 9260
Dont have berries but raffle sounds fun.
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
Quoted By:
>>17532772 You're the last of the list! Stay tuned to see if you won anything (Also I just had a ditto clone so that's in the raffle too now!)
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:37:45 No. 17532804 Report Quoted By:
Can I join raffle?
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
And here are our winners! Rex 2766-9747-3936 - Froakie Callum 1504 - 5739 – 3547 - Ditto Zish 0533-5945-7756 - Zorua L (Vangulus) 3695-0736-0417 - Mareep Ed 1091-8176-4317 - Mareep Meki 4527-8697-4138 - Mareep mylon 2466 2890 9260 – Zorua Add me and I'll get you your prize! To everyone else better luck next time!
Rex 2766-9747-3936
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:42:20 No. 17532855 Report Quoted By:
>>17532827 Guess it was not to be.
Thanks anyway for being so generous OP
Zish 0533-5945-7756 [Gothorita, Abra, Espurr]
Zish 0533-5945-7756 [Gothorita, Abra, Espurr] Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:42:30 No. 17532856 Report Quoted By:
>>17532827 Awesome, thank you.
And congrats to Rex on that Froakie.
Ed 1091-8176-4317
Quoted By:
>>17532827 Thanks Ahri!:D adding you asap
Calem 3711-8693-5960
Quoted By:
Hondew for a Froakie?
mylon 2466 2890 9260
Quoted By:
>>17532827 Yayayayayaya on
Meki 4527-8697-4138
Quoted By:
>>17532827 Adding now, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>17532753 You're not an idiot, you just didn't know. I like you, this board needs more nice people like you, and less people like him
Callum 1504 - 5739 - 3547 [Haxorus, Noibat, Sligoo]
Callum 1504 - 5739 - 3547 [Haxorus, Noibat, Sligoo] Tue 21 Jan 2014 09:55:56 No. 17533004 Report Quoted By:
>>17532827 Added and thank you <3
Ed 1091-8176-4317
Quoted By:
Thank you very much Ahri for that beatiful pink sheep!:D
Callum 1504 - 5739 - 3547 [Haxorus, Noibat, Sligoo]
Callum 1504 - 5739 - 3547 [Haxorus, Noibat, Sligoo] Tue 21 Jan 2014 10:01:27 No. 17533040 Report Quoted By:
3668-8703-2650 Gustavo
>>17532361 I saw you on yesterday's giveaway thread, I couldn't be funny, or cute, or knowledgeable enough but I hope I can be included in tonights raffle for a shiny froakie
Ed 1091-8176-4317
Quoted By:
I agree through, I doubt you would encourage such scamming.. You are not in the least bit a detriment to the board, you are respected here!
3668-8703-2650 Gustavo
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
>>17533045 Let me clone you one now if you're still around!
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
>>17533058 Gustavo are you here? ;_;
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449
Quoted By:
>>17533176 I'm still around ;_; 3668-8703-2650 Gustavo
3668-8703-2650 Gustavo
>>17533125 Well..If you are here I'd be forever thankful if you could clone me one. If not it's ok, I'll see you around some time, Hopefully.
Also....If it's not too much asking, is the Froakie nicknameable? I'd like to name him... HelloMyHoney Ahri 3110-4777-5340
>>17533375 >>17533398 Sadly I can't it was given to me as a gift so I can't rename him ;_;
3668-8703-2650 Gustavo
>>17533430 It's ok. ...Could you still clone me one..?
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
>>17533440 Yeah just give me a moment I'm in a restaurant battle since I was bored
3668-8703-2650 Gustavo
>>17533457 Wow thanks. Is there any pokemon you need?
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
Quoted By:
>>17533496 Umm not really, any egg move pokemon would be nice other than that I don't mind if you give me a shitmon, I don't do these giveaways so I can get stuff back, I just like making people happy
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
>>17533496 I'm done! Add me and I can trade you your froakie
FC 0705-3313-0355
>>17533532 am i too late for the raffle?
Quoted By:
what do you have left and what berries are you looking for now?
3668-8703-2650 Gustavo
Quoted By:
>>17533532 Gotcha! what's your IGN?
Ahri 3110-4777-5340
>>17533544 Yes sorry, I'll try and clone some more tomorrow so I can do another one then!
FC 0705-3313-0355
Quoted By:
>>17533553 why do i have to work night shifts and miss out on all the fun stuff </3 hopefully i can see you on tonight then!
3668-8703-2650 Gustavo
Quoted By:
>>17533553 Thanks a million!