Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[40 / 1 / ?]

MIXED Giveaway Time

No.17545020 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
PP Ups/Heartscales/Evo stones appreciated but not needed.

All these are 4-5 IVs. Some 3 I think.

70 Torchic with HA and BatonPass
40 Misdreavus NastyPlot/SkillSwap/WonderRoom/Spite
20 Bulbasaur with HA and Giga Drain/Ingrain (some have Amnesia and Curse too)
15 Totodile DDance/IcePunch/Crunch/AquaJet
15 Buneary Switcheroo/Ice/FirePunch/Encore
10 Audino Yawn/Encore/Wish/HealBell
A few other things like Gastly, Feebas, Meowth, Yamask, Goomy all w/ Egg moves.

Just put a Luvdisc w/ the message /vp/
If anyone has a perfect 5IV or 6IV female Torchic w/ Speed Boost, I'd love one and can offer 5-6 IV perfects.