Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>or you live with Lima
Carlos FC: 1821-9430-9321 (Psychic: Munna, Espurr, and Duosion)
Carlos FC: 1821-9430-9321 (Psychic: Munna, Espurr, and Duosion) Wed 22 Jan 2014 04:48:04 No. 17550998 Report Quoted By:
Looking for an Analytic Porygon (IV's don't matter) All I've got are 5IV Thunder/Fire Punch Chimchars
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 22 Jan 2014 04:49:14 No. 17551019 Report Balltism list, ahoy. I have lots of egg moves, so ask about them.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
Quoted By:
My favorite hat is the fedora :^)
Ryan [0834 - 2182 - 1247] !k9kelBVe9g
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
Quoted By:
>>17551022 Hey, you ready to trade that rat?
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>17551022 Wow what a great hat.
>>17550745 I have a battle video against you.
i lose though DK8W-WWWW-WWW4-QEPC
>>17551070 Want one of my Miltank for free?
Ellis !!oHUrkWKMNHn
Quoted By:
>>17551078 >tfw forgot my name Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>17551104 I already have a Miltank in Gen 5 waiting for me. Thanks~
still need HA Shuckle and to get rid of these mons. things is free.
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga)
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga) Wed 22 Jan 2014 04:54:58 No. 17551140 Report Deino guy, if you could make it modest that would help. Pay no mind to ivs though. I'll see what I have in other balls and post in a minute. Do you have elekid in stock?
>>17551120 You just turned down a penta with 4 egg moves.
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
Quoted By:
>>17551078 Oh wow, that was when I was still using my MM'ed Greninja.
Brittany 5456-0806-3610 !!tZZtrZpUdyX
It seems bank still can't tell illegitimate balls on pokemon.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
>>17550724 Will do~
>>17550694 Slakoth, Heavy Ball Larvitar, Misdreavous, Ratatta.
>>17551147 chill out, not everyone wants your fucking cows
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Spare Shit:
(All are pent-perfect and have relevant egg moves)
-Adamant Dusk Ball Larvitar
-Impish Skarmory
-Timid Moon Ball Misdreavus
-Bold Nest Ball Cottonee
Derps or things.
>>17551160 [balltism intensifies]
>>17551175 I'm not having a cow.
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17551161 Alright, just trade me whatever for the second mon. I'm ready to trade whenever
Just please make sure that the Rattata is named Buck Anonymous
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
>>17551206 I'll take a larvitar.
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
Quoted By:
>>17551207 I'll t-take one... Anonymous
>>17551206 Can I get a Midreavus, and can you name it Lydia?
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17551235 What's your IGN now, dear?
Luis (2793-0578-9180)
Can someone please help me get Unown on the Dex? Just need a tradeback, and then I'm all done with non-Legendaries on my National Dex.
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17550460 my list>>17550676 Got your download porygon ready for you.
>>17551140 Ok just let me finish breeding love ball mawile and I'll breed the deino afterwards. Yes actually I have a few, and just for the fun of it I'll gift you a female elekid with the punches.
>>17551161 Almost have your love ball mawile.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
>>17551272 J-Jasper...
>>17551277 What did you want fo' it?
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
3DS: 5112 - 3421 - 3481
>>17551243 Get online faget. :^)
>>17551264 Yes I can. Also, all the Misdreavus are
male. Did you want the same nickname?
Jon 1220 6756 5632
Chip (4613 - 7971 - 0478)
Quoted By:
>>17550529 Repost from last thread
>>17550875 You still around?
Anyone else finding that they can't highlight text on 4chan anymore? Jon 1220 6756 5632
>>17551305 Amend the nickname to...Mr. Magius?
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>17551327 Sounds good. :^)
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga)
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:03:34 No. 17551343 Report >>17551277 The best gift you can give me is a chance to offer a fair deal.
love ball mawile
moon ball misdreavus
heavy ball skarmory
sport ball scyther
love ball ralts
moon ball gastly
Pick whichever you like
Jon 1220 6756 5632
>>17551339 Awesome, added you!
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
Quoted By:
>>17551302 Oh, hehe, s-sorry
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17551302 Friend Ball female larvitar please.
>>17551343 I won't deny that then. I'll choose love ball ralts since I'm missing that one and heavy ball skarmory from your list.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
Quoted By:
>>17551402 Awesome, just started breeding them.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>17551358 Check the IVs on it, you can now breed for whichever Amorphous Pokémon you want if you didn't already have a hex-flawless male in that group. :^) Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
Jon 1220 6756 5632
Quoted By:
>>17551339 Thanks again! I'll train this little guy tomorrow!
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
>>17551434 I HAVE NO MALES
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga)
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:10:30 No. 17551483 Report >>17551402 Mind reposting the list here? I think you have more than two things I could make use of anyway. Wanna pick something else while at it? Im free for the night to breed away.
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17551450 THEN NAME HER
Boppy Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:12:10 No. 17551517 Report >>17551450 Hey there, is our deal still up?
Because it still isn't working Honky
Quoted By:
There happens to be a character in the new Zelda game named Ravio. He rents you items, and when Link loses his hearts, Ravio's bird takes the items back.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
>>17551517 Yeah I have one.
What ball were you breeding?
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:14:25 No. 17551559 Report Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17551532 NO YOU CAN'T MAKE ME
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
>>17551559 If it's 5 IV I could just take 'er.
>>17551574 I WILL
>>17551532 NO
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
Quoted By:
Going to ask once again: Looking for a HA Cranidos. Offering 5V Unburden Treecko in return.
Chip (4613 - 7971 - 0478)
>tfw I need to grind BP items with my in-game team so I can EV train my actual team Do you guys think the labs where Team Flare was holed up will be explored further in XY or in Z?
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:18:14 No. 17551621 Report >>17551580 I do have an Ice Body pentaperfect one.
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga)
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:19:07 No. 17551638 Report Quoted By:
>>17551600 It can be done easily in less than 30 minutes. Put on some music and time will fly.
And I'm still mad I went there blind for hours only to find out there was nothing to do there.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
>>17551621 Uh, what was it again...?
H-heh... Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:23:53 No. 17551740 Report Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17551483 Posting list. I'll take a heavy ball skarmory for whatever you want from my list. Also your modest deino with earth power is ready. Now the question is: Male or Female?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
>>17551740 I-I knew that... Sure, just let me finish up this batch of eggsies.
The 5 IV Moon Ball Misdreavus is here for you.
Griffin (Dragon: Gabite/Noibat/Sliggoo)(3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (Dragon: Gabite/Noibat/Sliggoo)(3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:25:06 No. 17551762 Report >Encountered two FS Shinies whilst leveling up my Sableye. Well, looks like my luck's back.
>>17551756 would you depart with an Elekid?
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:27:18 No. 17551795 Report >>17551760 Please understand. Anonymous
>>17551762 Why were you leveling up in the Friend Safari?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
Quoted By:
>>17551795 Shamefur dispray.
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17551783 Yeah I have some leftovers that I can trade for. Offers?
>>17551760 Your love ball female mawile is waiting for you.
Ryan [0834 - 2182 - 1247] !k9kelBVe9g
Quoted By:
>>17551059 I-I-I-Is my list really that shit?
Brittany 5456-0806-3610 !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Quoted By:
I also have moon ball horsea. Unlike Shellos, I have hex and pent perfect of both genders. Horsea come with Signal Beam, Clear Smog, Disable, and Outrage. They are also timid. If you want either of these, just reply to this post and put up a luvdisc on the GTS with either the name or description saying "Britt". All shellos are female. Horsea come in both genders, so specify the gender you want in the GTS options. Pls take, I seriously need box space.
Griffin (Dragon: Gabite/Noibat/Sliggoo)(3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (Dragon: Gabite/Noibat/Sliggoo)(3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:32:42 No. 17551900 Report Quoted By:
>>17551829 Laziness.
Well, that and I don't have the cash to level up in restaurants.
At least I have a Shiny Dunsparce and a Shiny Chansey to make up for it. Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>17551756 I wouldn't mind a Porygon.
Brittany 5456-0806-3610 !!tZZtrZpUdyX
I also have moon ball horsea. Unlike Shellos, I have hex and pent perfect of both genders. Horsea come with Signal Beam, Clear Smog, Disable, and Outrage. They are also timid. If you want either of these, just reply to this post and put up a luvdisc on the GTS with either the name or description saying "Britt". All shellos are female. Horsea come in both genders, so specify the gender you want in the GTS options. Pls take, I seriously need box space. Oh look, I remembered the picture this time.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:36:28 No. 17551958 Report >>17551019 Bumping! Everything but Chinchou is available.
BMambo 5086-1969-1608 [Woobat, Spearrow, NECK BANANNAS]
BMambo 5086-1969-1608 [Woobat, Spearrow, NECK BANANNAS] Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:36:29 No. 17551959 Report >>17551915 I'll take one, female if possible. Adding you now
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
Quoted By:
>>17551915 One shellos please? :)
Brittany 5456-0806-3610 !!tZZtrZpUdyX
>>17551959 I don't have space on my friend list. I need to this via GTS. Just put a luvdisc up with my name in the description. Or...some derp and tell me what derp so I can look it up.
Quoted By:
>>17551829 Good chance for shiny and prism scales/rare candy/leftovers in the free slots with pick up trumps faster xp and money.
>>17551756 offering
5IV penta Bold Rotom
5IV penta Modest Gooey Goomy
5IV penta Modest Torrent Piplup
can offer BP stuff too
trying to get a Defog Scyther, Pickpocket Sneasel and a Earth Power Deino
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:39:40 No. 17552024 Report >>17551920 Thank you so much. I'll keep trying for another 20 minutes before I give up.
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17551895 4IV swift swim horsea please.
>>17551913 I'll gift you a leftover.
>>17551997 I'll take all 3 but it'll take a bit to breed the sneasel if you're ok with that.
>>17551274 Bumping. Anyone? Just need a tradeback for it.
>>17551915 putting up for a horsea in a min
Luis (2793-0578-9180)
Quoted By:
>>17552029 Oops, forgot name.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
Quoted By:
>>17552024 No sweat, I don't mind too much.
BMambo 5086-1969-1608 [Woobat, Spearrow, NECK BANANNAS]
BMambo 5086-1969-1608 [Woobat, Spearrow, NECK BANANNAS] Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:41:41 No. 17552081 Report >>17551986 Done look for the ferroseed.
>>17552027 awesome i'll a bit then
also i want the deino to be timid
respond when you ready and i'll add you
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga)
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:41:55 No. 17552086 Report >>17551756 Skarmory and ralts are female, feebas is male if thats ok.
I'll have deino, any eevee and elekid if thats ok. Everything is ready and I'm adding you
Nike 0602-6314-3432 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle)
Nike 0602-6314-3432 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:42:01 No. 17552087 Report >>17551915 Put one up right now, requesting female Shellos if you have it.
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric)
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:42:25 No. 17552099 Report >>17551958 Would love a Feebas, what're you looking for?
>>17551019 Got any slakoth? preferably male.
Ellis !!oHUrkWKMNHn
I'm going to start breeding axew, and i need a nature for these niggas. adamant or jolly? and which ball?
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga)
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:45:25 No. 17552154 Report Quoted By:
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric)
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:45:41 No. 17552162 Report >>17551756 hnnnnnng I need an earth power Deino. Interested in penta-perfect Larvesta?
BMambo 5086-1969-1608 [Woobat, Spearrow, NECK BANANNAS]
BMambo 5086-1969-1608 [Woobat, Spearrow, NECK BANANNAS] Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:46:08 No. 17552171 Report >>17552144 Adamant and Duskball. Luxury Ball if Shiny
Ellis !!oHUrkWKMNHn
>>17552171 but normal haxorus is yellow and black
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>17552144 Adamant and nothing really matches with it well. :c
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:47:29 No. 17552198 Report >>17552099 Other female Ballmons, 5 IV Mons, etc. Do you have a list?
Brittany 5456-0806-3610 !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Quoted By:
>>17552087 Yeah, I have like 60 of them clogging up my box right now.
>>17552081 I got it.
>>17552031 I haven't seen it yet. If somoene else grabbed it, put up a different derp and tell me what it is so I can look it up.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>17552027 Alright then. Adding you.
BMambo 5086-1969-1608 [Woobat, Spearrow, NECK BANANNAS]
BMambo 5086-1969-1608 [Woobat, Spearrow, NECK BANANNAS] Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:49:29 No. 17552240 Report >>17552192 >Yellow >not colourblind Quit getting mad at videogames.
Quoted By:
>>17552027 ready when you are
>>17551161 You still got slakoth? I dont got much to trade but I'll show you what i got.
Ryan [0834 - 2182 - 1247] !k9kelBVe9g
I can't make it past three on PokeRadar Chaining, help me /wfg/, how do I git gud?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
>>17552269 I do, what do you have?
>>17551853 Are you still here?
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric)
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:53:07 No. 17552317 Report >>17552198 Not a lot as far as ballmons go. I can make some moon ball Misdreavus?
Also have quint Larvesta, Heraross, Tynamo, Ghastly, Teddiursa, and Totodile
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:54:34 No. 17552345 Report >>17552317 I actually have Moon Ball Misdreavus and I'm breeding them right now. Quint Larvesta? Is it a male or a female?
Miles 3995 7355 8866
Quoted By:
Have: 4-5IV Moxie Pinsirs with Quick attack, superpower, and Close combat Want: other breed leftovers
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric)
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:57:38 No. 17552397 Report >>17552345 I've got males and females, all timid with 31/x/31/31/31/31 IVs
>mfw enemy team using Genesect, Rotom wash, Garchomp, Darmanitan, Blaziken etc. >mfw my joke team was Metagross, Swampert, Zweilous, Jolteon, Infernape, and Scisor with absolutely no status move at all >mfw I won
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 22 Jan 2014 05:58:44 No. 17552420 Report >>17552397 Awesome. Then I'd like a male. I'll add you now!
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>17552402 Replay?
I could use a laugh.
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 IGN: Sophia
>>17552402 >Metagross >Zweilous >Scizor >Joke THIS AINT NO GAME SON
maybe it is.
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17552086 Just need to hatch your eevee and I'll trade with you.
>>17552083 Alright let me breed one for you first then we'll trade.
>>17552162 Actually I forgot to put that I have larvesta already. I'll take any other offer though.
>>17552310 Please accept TR.
>>17552436 Metagross is shit tier.
Cory - 4399-0463-6141
>>17552310 Lemme finish this trainer and then I'll list the trades.
>guy asking for Slakoth I'd prefer if its male, without nickname but If anything I'll just breed it.
I got...
Lv. 23 Tyrunt
Lv. 1 Rotom
annnd Lv. 20 Aerodactyl
I just noticed I traded off some better pokemon earlier and this is all thats worth anything in my pc... If i insult you with this offer, I'm sorry.
Feyris 0834-1847-7674
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
>>17552439 I'm not getting a TR
Quoted By:
>>17552285 follow the 4 step rule and don't be afraid to reset on shitty shakes
Quoted By:
>>17552421 Fuck didn't even realize I should have recorded that.
I was too busy laughing my ass off.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>17552027 Awesome, thanks. Enjoy that spare Feebas.
Chip (4613 - 7971 - 0478)
>Grinding in Battle Maison >Round 16 or whatever >Round start, no weather whatsoever >My Gogoat VS Magcargo >Decide to go for Earthquake over Surf because in-game Attack EVs >It misses >Magcargo Shell Smashes and then Stone Edges with a critical hit How the fuck did EQ miss?
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 IGN: Sophia
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17552467 Thank you kindly.
>>17552486 No problem, just really want my porygon to go to someone that'll use them.
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
Ellis !!oHUrkWKMNHn
>>17552240 but im not mad?
>>17552521 brightpowder man!
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
>>17552547 Thank you as well~
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 IGN: Sophia
>>17552521 Try using Garchomp
>Icebeam evertiem Pico-chan
>>17552457 What are you looking for? You got some nice babes there.
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric)
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric) Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:07:19 No. 17552577 Report >>17552420 Thanks for the trade!
>>17552439 Just checked my boxes, I've got Marvel Scale adamant Dratinis as well as the stuff listed here
>>17552317 Anonymous
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:09:41 No. 17552619 Report Hey guys, just reposting my list, if you're interested in anything please post your offer.
>>17552521 >not using Whimsicott/Durant/Scrafty teams It's like you don't even want to break 200 wins.
Daniel 4356-0037-9639
Quoted By:
Anyone around here got a Heavy Ball Snorlax?
Chip (4613 - 7971 - 0478)
Quoted By:
>>17552552 >>17552555 >>17552564 >>17552585 Thanks guys. I ran into another one again right after. Fuck those things.
>>17552621 I'm just using my in-game team to grind to make an actual team. I'm just interested in items, not streaks. Not at the moment, anyway.
Cory - 4399-0463-6141
>>17552454 I'll take that as a no...?
>>17552562 Jarrod 2277-8012-0007 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {3147}
Jarrod 2277-8012-0007 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {3147} Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:14:05 No. 17552689 Report List is here + more (just ask): Looking for Gunk Shot + Destiny Bond Shuppet / HA Recover Sableye.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
>>17552685 Shit, sorry!
Are there any IVs/Natures? I don't have any shit leftovers.
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17552577 Give me some time and I'll breed you a deino for a tynamo. Nature?
>>17552086 If you're still here please accept the TR.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:16:25 No. 17552739 Report >>17552106 I do have Slakoth, but only females. I could breed some males, depending on what you can offer.
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga)
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga) Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:16:36 No. 17552745 Report Quoted By:
>>17552689 got you covered on sableye let me check your list
Feyris 0834-1847-7674
Quoted By:
>>17552569 Just offers in general
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga)
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga) Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:18:29 No. 17552793 Report Quoted By:
>>17552717 sorry man wasant paying attention to my 3ds, i'll send you arequest right way
Cory - 4399-0463-6141
Quoted By:
>>17552698 Fuck, If you ran out of the trade fodder then It wouldn't matter.
Level. 23 Tyrunt, Lax nature
Level. 1 Rotom, Modest nature
Level. 20 Aerodactyl Mild nature
like I said I don't got anything good right now, If you're willing to trade anyways then you're a saint but if you dont want to, I'd understand why
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric)
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric) Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:19:35 No. 17552814 Report >>17552717 Yeah no worries I'll add you now. My Tymanos are Adamant, would prefer a Modest Deino. Thanks!
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga)
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga) Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:20:19 No. 17552826 Report >>17552717 dont see you online, is dijasu your ign?
Cory - 4399-0463-6141
>>17552739 Level. 23 Tyrunt, Lax nature
Level. 1 Rotom, Modest nature
Level. 20 Aerodactyl Mild nature
shit offers right now.
2105-8651-8161 MANE (ign lina)
can someone help me evolve my feebas? i got another of my 5iv feebas for your troubles. i could give you could a HA chimchar with agg moves and 5 ivs.
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17552826 Sorry it took so long but breeding deino and especially eevee were time consuming.
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:25:01 No. 17552903 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have a staraptor with brave bird i could borrow for about 20 mins?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:25:27 No. 17552911 Report >>17552855 Sorry, I'm going to have to decline.
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga)
Leo 4484-9223-9840 (Helioptile, Dedenne, Emolga) Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:26:14 No. 17552923 Report Quoted By:
>>17552877 dont sweat it man, sorry i made you breed those this late, hopefully the stuff i traded you will make up for it
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric)
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric) Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:26:43 No. 17552932 Report >>17552875 Can do for the chimchar, I'll add ya now
Cory - 4399-0463-6141
>>17552877 did the sneasel not take nearly as long?
2105-8651-8161 MANE (ign lina)
>>17552932 thanks bro, im ready when you are
Chip (4613 - 7971 - 0478)
>Inverse Battles are only a thing in-game Why Is there a certain timer for how long Pokerus lasts or is it just random? I want to make the most of it, but it runs out before I can max a stat.
Ryan [0834 - 2182 - 1247] !k9kelBVe9g
Quoted By:
I'm so fucking retarded, I saw the Shiny sparkle, got excited, ran over to it. And thus the chain was over.
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:31:13 No. 17553006 Report >>17552994 The effect of pokerus stays even after the pokemon is cured, so don't worry about time.
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Gastly they want to trade? I really don't have any good Pokemon.
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17552962 Sneasel was fast it's deino that takes a while since it's a pseudo but I just hatched one for you so I'm ready for the trade.
>>17552814 I have your modest deino with earth power ready for you.
Jimmy 0104-0611-4599 [Poison: Kakuna, Swalot, Whirlipede]
Jimmy 0104-0611-4599 [Poison: Kakuna, Swalot, Whirlipede] Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:33:30 No. 17553035 Report Anyone have what I'm looking for? Also have some Phiones if that interests you.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>all these Nest Ball Bold Cottonee This is nice. I might give these away. :^)
>>17552994 Pokérus cures at 11:59/12:00 AM on your DS clock if the infected Pokémon is in your party. It's always good to have a few derps infected just in case you mess up or something.
Chip (4613 - 7971 - 0478)
Quoted By:
>>17553006 Oh shit really? Thanks for the tip.
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>17552619 I actually need a dwebble with rock blast, what do you want for it?
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric)
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric) Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:34:49 No. 17553057 Report Quoted By:
>>17552986 No worries, thanks for the Chimchar! I think that Larvesta should be half decent too/
2105-8651-8161 MANE (ign lina)
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !d738zVuL2s
Quoted By:
>>17553011 add me then i already did you
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:37:06 No. 17553083 Report >>17553035 Are you taking offers? I'm interested in Kang.
If you are, then this is my stuff
>>17552619 >>17553054 They don't have rock blast, but I think they learn it at level 5 or something. I'm looking for pentaperfect pokemon offers. I'll most likely take anything that I dont have.
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>17553083 i'll give you a 5 iv bold rotom for one
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:41:48 No. 17553141 Report >>17553097 Sounds nice, is the IV spread good?
>>17553011 offer a penta scyther for my penta
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17553167 the level 19 scyther is 5IV -HP with defog like you wanted
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>17553141 obviously
i'm adding you now
Benson 1247-0122-1521
Quoted By:
>>17553141 I need a male btw
Quoted By:
>>17553167 dude penta for penta only
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:48:01 No. 17553256 Report Quoted By:
>>17553220 I know, nowadays I need to make sure. Someone gave me a 5 IV Bold Cottonee missing the defense stat. Anyway, i'm adding you now!
>>17553200 minus HP = 4 IV not perfect i just gave you perfect shit either label your stuff or don't lie about your trades
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17553263 I never claimed my pokemon were perfect. I wrote down 4/5IV because that's just how many they'll end up with but if you want I can breed battle ready penta perfect pokemon for you. I already have a penta male scyther if you want that one.
Clinton: 4468-1422-4591
Quoted By:
>>17553263 I think he means it's missing HP but has max IVs in everything else
>>17553285 also the deino has 3 IVs i'll keep the sneasel since i have a parent but the other seriously need a upgrade i'll you them back for the new ones
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Wed 22 Jan 2014 06:57:39 No. 17553386 Report >trying to ev train >it's raining >use sweet scent to trigger horde encounter >"The sweet scent faded for some reason" fuck, when i was trying to evolve sliggoo i couldn't find rain anywhere, and now that i don't need it, it's everywhere
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17553348 And the sneasel? What IV's did it get? I didn't have time to check since I was breeding them all without stopping to check.
Quoted By:
>>17553386 >raining all the damn time >suddenly need to evolve a sliggo >nowhere to be found Anonymous
>>17553404 4 missing special att and def actually that the same as my pickpocket male parent even i need one with special def anyway
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17553444 Alright I'll breed you a penta perfect sneasel and I'll attach a razor claw to the deino.
Coby 2938-7118-0113
Hopefully will trade something this time. Gotta clear out my boxes
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
knock off mandibuzz x and y how do i get it. is it forced breeding if it is im gonna be pissed
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
Still have a lot of pent-perfect Larvitar (both genders) and pent-perfect Misdreavus (all male). Both have egg moves and good natures. I want derps. :^)
Lunar IGN: Stefan 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar IGN: Stefan 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:13:38 No. 17553574 Report Quoted By:
>accidently send picture of self to /vp/ goer >they won't put it on here thank you based Aki
Chip (4613 - 7971 - 0478)
>>17553444 Nice trips.
Which would be better on Froslass: Frost Breath or Ice Beam?
Jarrod 2277-8012-0007 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {3147}
Jarrod 2277-8012-0007 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {3147} Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:14:20 No. 17553582 Report >>17553520 Where does it say on that list what the Pokemon actually are?
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>17553535 breed with farfetch'd'
Coby 2938-7118-0113
>>17553582 Ah shit. Fixing it now. Thanks
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
Quoted By:
>>17553609 fuck... im assuming only in BW
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:18:32 No. 17553637 Report >>17553612 would you take anything from
>>17552619 for the cacnea?
>>17553577 frost breath
>>17553469 fair enough then i'll wait around
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
>>17553612 Would you like a Leftovers item for that Fennekin? I could also give you whatever you'd like, but that would probably be best.
Very interested in the Ralts as well, if you'd see anything you like.
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>17553654 How many leftovers do you have? I can breed you a heal ball feebas for one.
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
>>17553674 Would you have the egg move Haze? If so, for sure.
Coby 2938-7118-0113
>>17553637 I'd love a Tangela. Adding you now
>>17553654 Leftovers would be great, and I'll trade a Ralts for a Togepi or Clefairy
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
anyone have a mandibuzz with knock-off... for some reason i thought it learned it through leveling up... when i was actually looking at defog. I'm willing to trade for it
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>17553680 I unfortunately don't. i've got Dragon Pulse, Mirror Coat, Confuse Ray and Hypnosis.
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
>>17553654 plinkett i have feebass mind if i trade you for that jellicent
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:24:28 No. 17553716 Report >>17553700 i've got some with knock off and foul play
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
Quoted By:
>>17553701 Argh, sorry to be a jerk. I actually have those, I need to update the list.
>>17553692 Great, my ingame name is Nymeria. I'll be on whenever you'd like to trade.
>>17553654 Yo, I've got 5IV vullaby. Preferably, I would like leftovers, but if not available, is the garchomp Rough Skin? If so, I'd like one. Otherwise, togepi is cool.
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
>>17553716 what can i offer you ;-; i have a bunch of 5IV's that i would be willing to trade or said feebas im just so pissed cause i just finished ev training mine. also plink it's fine.
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
Quoted By:
>>17553714 Does it have Haze? If so, for sure.
3711 - 7231 - 8368 IGN: Paulo
Quoted By:
>>17553725 Putting on the name.
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
>>17553725 Oh man, I'm sorry. I already have Vullaby; that list is really outdated, my apologies, and as of now I'm out of Leftovers I believ. And yes, the gabites have Rough Skin.
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:28:34 No. 17553758 Report >>17553728 do you have a list? i'm not looking for much
Coby 2938-7118-0113
3711 - 7231 - 8368 IGN: Paulo
Quoted By:
>>17553756 Nah, it's alright. Thanks anyway, bro.
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
>>17553758 i don't have a list still in the process of breeding most of my stuff. I can give you a superpower belly drum aqua jet huge power merill 5iv adamant nature.
3711 - 7231 - 8368 IGN: Paulo
>>17553728 I have vullaby with knock off, if you would like. make me an offer. If you want, I'll even train it for you, so long it is not a difficult spread.
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
>>17553765 Thank you, I hope the Bulbasaur was acceptable.
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17553650 Are you ok with having a regular pokeball for the sneasel?
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
>>17553779 and 6iv gastly and vacuum wave scyther with technician
>>17553787 offers go to you too and you don't need to train it. i'd rather do that than make someone else do it.
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:33:35 No. 17553811 Report Anyone up for a battle?
Dark_Booty !Bootym0QC6
Evening wifigen. Your friendly neighborhood booty here. Anyone as excited for the return of Pokebank as I am? In the meantime, consider the following; Defensive Hitmontop for double battles; -Quick Guard -Magic Guard, both now have NO miss rate unlike protect, ect. -Bullet Punch/ Fake Out -either run Intimidate with CC or Technician with Mach Punch. -def of 95 and SpD of 110, only hurdle is base 50hp. thoughts?
Coby 2938-7118-0113
Quoted By:
>>17553654 >>17553794 Thanks! Bulbasaur is fine
3711 - 7231 - 8368 IGN: Paulo
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:34:37 No. 17553826 Report >>17553808 i'll trade you for scyther, if that's cool
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
>>17553811 If you'd be up for another one afterward , I'd be game one too.
3711 - 7231 - 8368 IGN: Paulo
>>17553824 >>17553811 Actually, sorry dude, something has literally just come up, I have to go.
Coby 2938-7118-0113
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:36:17 No. 17553847 Report Quoted By:
>>17553812 If it's defensive Technician Mach Punch is the superior option.
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:36:45 No. 17553858 Report Quoted By:
>>17553824 Alright, adding
>>17553828 With a nickname like that, of course
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
>>17553807 yeah yeah i don't have balltism
Dark_Booty !Bootym0QC6
Quoted By:
>>17553812 shoot, I meant to say quick guard/WIDE guard
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
>>17553841 I'd be up for playing something after this battle.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
3DS: 5112 - 3421 - 3481
>>17553841 I'd be up for a multi, if it happens. :^)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:38:51 No. 17553882 Report >>17553834 No worries. Maybe some other time.
>>17553828 Wanna battle now?
Ellis !!oHUrkWKMNHn
>>17553841 I'd be up for one after I hatch and check this batch of axew
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
>>17553826 i'll give you more for it as well
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:40:13 No. 17553901 Report >>17553841 After I battle Plinkett, sure.
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
>>17553882 Yes, I'll be good to go whenever you are. My ingame name is Nymeria.
Jarrod 2277-8012-0007 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {3147}
Jarrod 2277-8012-0007 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {3147} Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:41:14 No. 17553921 Report Quoted By:
>>17553654 I have Pawniard and Vullaby, if you're still interested.
Would trade for a Leftovers / Shuppet.
Coby 2938-7118-0113
>>17553876 >>17553882 >>17553890 Adding you three. I have to go get my washing, wont be too long
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:42:11 No. 17553936 Report Quoted By:
>>17553900 nah it's cool dog, scyther is plenty
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>17553923 For sure bruv, just send the multi-battle request whenever~
Coby 2938-7118-0113
>>17553890 >>17553882 >>17553906 Well, I'm ready when you all are.
Ellis !!oHUrkWKMNHn
Dark_Booty !Bootym0QC6
what changed in quagsire smogon now seems to deem him worthy all a sudden? when did he get recover?
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
Quoted By:
god damnit i love the kind side of 4chan
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>17554049 Not enough people knew it checked the fuck out of boosting Sand sweepers like Landorus, Garchomp, Terrakion, or Excadrill. It has always been good and always had access to Recover.
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17553860 Done getting on now.
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>17554049 Quagsire has been good for a while now.
Unaware doesn't give a fuck.
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
Quoted By:
>>17553901 >forfeit Aw
Well, good game anyways. I liked that we both sent out shinies at the same time.
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:55:51 No. 17554110 Report >>17553866 That was torture. Good game.
>Boourns my sides
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
>>17554110 Thanks, I really dug your name and team as well. Please don't feel bad, your sword frightened me.
But I need to tell you, I'm really sorry, but Clefable has Unaware. Coby 2938-7118-0113
>>17554081 I'm sorry you got stuck with me on your team
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 07:59:14 No. 17554150 Report Quoted By:
>>17554123 I didn't even know that was a thing ;_; Anonymous
>>17554103 thank you kindly sorry for the extra biking you had to do
thank for doing business
Dark_Booty !Bootym0QC6
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Wed 22 Jan 2014 08:00:52 No. 17554172 Report >breeding tangelas >suddenly shiny >leaf guard not again
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 08:01:10 No. 17554175 Report Quoted By:
>>17554147 Wait, I was left out?
BOOOOOURNS Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
Quoted By:
>>17554157 That sneasel thankfully ended my breeding and I don't mind giving you a 6IV mon since I have my own already, also gave you a metal coat for making you wait more.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>17554147 It's cool brah, we'll make it work.
>>17554162 It also makes a decent core with Tangrowth.
Dark_Booty !Bootym0QC6
>>17554201 Tangrowth, huh? I have one of those... (1st pokemon I EV trained actually...)
Why not an Amoongus with Rage Powder?
Coby 2938-7118-0113
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Wed 22 Jan 2014 08:09:06 No. 17554268 Report >>17554172 Okay, so its shiny of course, and its spread is 31/31/31/31/xx/31. Never again.
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 08:09:48 No. 17554280 Report I guess I'm still free to battle, then...
Coby 2938-7118-0113
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>17554280 I'll battle you.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>17554220 Because it also learns Rage Powder while having more offensive presence than Amoonguss in doubles with stuff like Earthquake, Rock Slide, provides sleep support with Sleep Powder, and is slow enough to still be a nuisance to Trick Room teams. Not to mention it has (semi)reliable healing in Synthesis, Giga Drain, Leech Seed. That's just my opinion though. :^)
>>17554236 You don't carry Dark Pulse? You would have outsped and OHKO'd Starmie assuming you're Timid. :c
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
Quoted By:
Great game guys; I hope I wasn't being a selfish jerk with all my boosting.
Ellis !!oHUrkWKMNHn
>>17554299 >outspeeding choice scarf starmie after sticky web wat r u thinking?
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 08:11:59 No. 17554313 Report >>17554298 Alright, I'll add you now
Dark_Booty !Bootym0QC6
>>17554299 Huh! I didn't know that! I may need to breed a new one then!
>>17554268 wh... what are you going to do with it?
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
GG guys~
>>17554297 It's fine man. It's just
Pokémon. :^)
>>17554309 W-Well y-you're gay!
Ellis !!oHUrkWKMNHn
>>17554324 w-w-well y-you're
a big meanie!! and
a doo doo head! i need to run choice scarf statmie so my team doesnt get #rekt by other scarf users like gorchimp
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
>>17554351 I loved your names, by the way. Very awesome mega, too.
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Wed 22 Jan 2014 08:15:37 No. 17554362 Report >>17554318 I'll
keep it in a box forever Ellis !!oHUrkWKMNHn
>>17554357 >tfw not creative enough to think of a good name for starmie someone help.
Dark_Booty !Bootym0QC6
Quoted By:
>>17554362 Oh how dastardly! Why a nice baby like that could find a new home or something!
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
Quoted By:
>>17554377 name it "how 2 eat"
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>17554351 Wow, rude.
>>17554377 Patrick.
Dark_Booty !Bootym0QC6
Quoted By:
>>17554377 hmm, well truth be told I've always wanted to date a girl named "The Power"...
how about Holly (after
the stars n Hollywood Anonymous
Ellis !!oHUrkWKMNHn
>>17554384 >go to name rater >Hmmm. Starmie! >That is a truly impeccable nickname! >take good care of Starmie! >tfw someone traded me this starmie I guess it was time to breed a new one anyway.
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Wed 22 Jan 2014 08:23:23 No. 17554439 Report Is Chlorophyll good in tangrowth? or should I keep leaf guard? I might be willing to waste an ability capsule on that green spaghetti.
Dark_Booty !Bootym0QC6
Quoted By:
>>17554427 Aw well look on the bright side; There are plenty of fish in the sea, just as many as stars in the sky in fact
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
Quoted By:
>>17554313 >Ganon used Wild Charge! This is the 3rd time I've almost lost a match because a pokemon pulls an Electric move out of nowhere.
Clinton: 4468-1422-4591
Quoted By:
>>17554439 You could work it around a sun team
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 08:26:12 No. 17554480 Report >>17554298 >Shell Smash I could have prevented this [soiler];_;[/spoiler:lit]
Dark_Booty !Bootym0QC6
>>17554439 Personally I would run Regenerator, but if you have no other option I guess chlorophyll.
Clinton: 4468-1422-4591
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>17554439 If it's singles you're talking about, Regenerator is pretty good with an Assault Vest.
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Wed 22 Jan 2014 08:27:40 No. 17554492 Report Quoted By:
>>17554485 >>17554489 B-but I want to show other trainers my cool shiny ;_;
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 08:27:59 No. 17554495 Report >>17554488 I'll leave now...
Quoted By:
>>17554427 You should be able to nickname traded pokemon without nicknames; it makes no sense that you can't.
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
>>17554495 If you want to battle again, I'd be down for that. I can use a different team.
Clinton: 4468-1422-4591
>>17554495 You should go to
Bed__ Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 08:30:06 No. 17554509 Report Quoted By:
>>17554503 No, really, I feel like shit.
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Wed 22 Jan 2014 08:31:44 No. 17554520 Report Quoted By:
>>17554501 Sure, if you want. I've only got the one.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>17550947 >pokemon P and pokemon U >Pii U